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Nigger Jew Team, OBAMA and WOLF, “BO SUC” in Korean is DIAMOND, Sin “CL”AIR” Fraud Birth Certificate of Obama and “AIR” Libra “SUC” Stand Up Comedian JOSH WOLF, Libra STONE of “DIAMOND” is a JEW el AIR LIBRA “Justice Scales”, MENTAL of “COPPER”
Sandy Wang’s Korean name of Wang SIN WON
connected to George WASHINGTON
“BO” BARACKET “EEERING” OBAMA Fraud Birth Certificate and Fraud SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, if it was anyone else, they’d be in PRISON
JOSH WOLF “SIN CL “AIR” and Hawaii connections
Psycho Constance Pecoraro’s PEDOPHILE Sketch of GURL, and “BIG ONE” Birthday
De LONG PRAY 1, robbing Sandy Wang’s Social Security Number, BIG MISSING “ONE”
De LONG PRAY 2 robbing Sandy Wang’s Full Birthday numbers in Businesses and BANKS
De LONG PRAY 3, while “PLANET” PREMEDITATING to HARM and RAPE MY LIFE for MATHemathics of $$$$$
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BO connections
Discovery Feb 2012. I didn’t create this, but this author who knows about what’s going on, behind closed doors of CEO and CFO offices on WALL STREET in MAThemathics of making Money. Connected to JOSH WOLF sick MOTHER FUCKING HOR DICK the REASON FOR YEARS OF RAPING OF MY LIFE for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH and for MY ARTWORK to have been DONE BY HER, in a GROUP CHAIN CONSPiRACY that’s been going on for many years. 3 FUCKING DECADES.
It isn’t random, that this person titled this book “CATching the WOLF on WALL STREET”, published in 2009. He spent 22 months in Prison and this book is based on True Real Life Events. I spent 5 Months WRONGFULLY Locked in JAIL because of SICK HOR DIK JOSH MICCHA WOLF in 2009, same reason why I was Arrested for the first time in my life at the age of 29, EXACTLY TEN YEARS Before in 1999, almost to the DATE. I was FRAMED, as in SET UP and Arrested.
The REASON why BRITISH PET ROL EUM OIL Spill occurred EXACTLY TO THE DATE, ONE YEAR AFTER my arrest date of "4/20/09" REPEATING NUMBER of "ROL" Ex Building address of "9420" Wilshire Blvd BACKWARDS. Where JOSH WOLF'S Agency PARALLEL Entertainment is.
This meaning of “BRITISH” Petroleum began with 1982 and “American Were WOLF in Lon”DON” movie, DON in Korean means MONEY. OIL PETroleum Money connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s OIL ARTWORK, OIL is L”ARD”. For San”DRA” OH is My “LEO” birthday through Tom Bridges who has the same Birthday as me. Tom Bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL”, for Jesus CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” connected to CONSTANCE PECORARO’S OIL Artwork.
TAO DAO “DOW JONES” of making MONEY, as if JOSH WOLF has meaning in MY Father’s Name, connected to P3AR B”OAT” and because the word B”OAT” has TAO in it BACKwards, like food word “OAT”meal, going BACKwards must be the “WAY”. THEIR WAY of MAKING MONEY through Pious PYous sick HOR DICK JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF licking fucking specific NAME PUSSIES for MONEY in a huge ASS CONSPIRACY. It’s why JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF does a lot of “CHA”rities, CHOCHA in Spanish means PUSSY.
This is what this means. Josh Wolf went to TRINITY UNIVERSITY in SAN ANTONIO TE”XAS”. Josh Wolf is a “AIR” Libra sign, and they’ve been building for him to have meaning in my Father’s Music Band from the 50’s “MORNING STARS” where he is B”LOW”ing “AIR” into HORN. So through these words, they’ve been creating meaning Going BACKwards, because the BACK is the ASS in a Ass Conspiracy. MORNING is “AM” + AIR Libra Josh Wolf = MARIA, and they’ve been building for 3 decades, for Josh MI”CHA” Wolf and Constance MARIA Pecoraro to have meaning in MY PARENTS NAMES, their IDENTITIES and FOR MY IDENTITY and NAME to BE SANDRA OH.
My Catholic School classmate name CHRISTINA BERN ARDO, married a guy name ANTONIO the REASON why JOSH WOLF went to college in “SAN” Antonio, connected to meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY Pencil Drawing of Robert Guillaume from1981. Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork is connected to her Identity and her name, and her BIRTHDAY Numbers, very important Repeating Numbers of “5/4” MAY FOURth EARTH Sign of TAU “RUS”. The ENTIRE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT and POLITICIANS NAMES, is BUILT on HER “ASSSSS” FORM, CHRISTINA BERN “ARD” O P3AR Shaped ASSSS. For through her NAME Bern ARD O, and Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST Eyes of “OO” to be FORM of ASS BACKwards, for SAN “DRA O” to have meaning in MY Name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on My Drawing of Robert Guillaume from1981.
Tom BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, Bridges My Identity with SANDRA OH, through sick raping Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, LEO 3AR for P3AR B”OAT” Ass, sound of “OIL” BACKwards. Except SANDRA OH’s Ass isn’t OIL or Human Tissue, it’s made of PLASTIC IMPLANT BAGS, which she got BECAUSE of the meaning of My First Name SIGNature of “SANDY*” with an EAR sound of “ASSS”TERISK Key *. Sandra OH needs TOM BRIDGES because LEO Sign rules the Heart and the BACK, SANDRA OH is a CANCER born in EAR sound of JU LIE, which rules the TITS, the front of the body. Therefore, Tom BRIDGES who is a GAY MALE, Bridges RECTUM ASS “HO”le fucking BACKwards.
This is DIRECTLY connected to EM”SER” TILES “ET” on Olive Street “OS”, for meaning of TAO “TE” Ching BACKwards and “SO” SANDRA OH, is Showing the “WAY” BACKwards, through her Plastic Implants, through LIES and FRAUD, and through RAPING OF MY LIFE. EIGHT ET OO. AR “RES” T, Form of HAND CUFFS that go on CH “RISTS”.
AR “RES” T. Sandra OH who went to “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN High School in Canada, has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1981, when it’s the REASON why this sick bitch went to this school, AFTER I drew my drawing in 1981. Going BACKwards for meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of SANDY with “OO” to be about Form of her ASS Backwards, the reason why I’ve been SET UP, FRAMED, ARRESTED and HANDCUFFED, to CREATE SICK RECORDS in MY NAME, full of Fraud WHITE COLLAR CRIMES, so that SANDRA OH, sick delusional psychobitch actress can pretend she is MY IDENTITY, AS IF SHE IS THE ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK, done by MY “HANDS”, for meaning of My John HANCOCK to BE HERS. AS IF she is EVERYTHING about ME, from BIRTH, to Childhood pictures, to all MY BOYFRIENDS, to MY X Rated Video Recording, the REASON for 2 DECADES of HARDSHIP in My life and the REASON for HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE since 2006.
EVERYTHING about JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF has been BUILT going BACKwards, connected to CORN on the COB Is YEL”LOW”. Yel”LOW” is a CO”LOR”, for ROLex Building and CO is “NOS”E, WOLF, Eyes of SON “OO” going BACKwards of HOR DICK SICK WOLF fucking OIL BLUBBER ASSES for meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES and Meaning of MY Name SIGNature of “SAND Y”, the REASON why this sick mother fucking SOCIOPATH went to College in “SAN” Antonio TE “XAS”. SAX SEX, ET Eight “OO” DIRECTLY connected to extremely important word and meaning of “AE SCUL PI US” on the EN “DOW” ed CH”AIR” at PL Plaza Lobby of Cedars SINai Hospital.
Why is it titled CAT CHING WOLF of WS? WS for meaning of MY Name initials going BACKwards, to be about SHOW, for Sandra "OH". EVERYTHING about JOSH WOLF'S LIFE is built on supporting SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY AS IF she DREW all my drawings, connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro.
CAT CHING, for EAR sound of TAO, DA "O" DOW JONES of MAThemathics of making MONEY, THROUGH THE RAPING OF MY LIFE. It has to be DONE THROUGH the RAPING OF MY LIFE, because it's about MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, in their "CAT" HOLIC Theme in MAThemathics of making MONEY through Pious PYous JeSUS, Josh Mi"KA" WOLF horny for PUSSY.
KA CHING, sound of COIN SLITS and SLOTS, JOSH WOLF is a DISTURBED LYING SOCIOPATH HOR DICK who's been licking fucking SPECIFIC NAME PUSSIES, so that the meaning of MY IDENTITY, MY SIGN of LEO, MY ARTWORK, MY Parents Names can have meaning for him, ALL IN SUPPORTING SANDRA OH is MY BABY, Childhood Pictures and DREW all my ARTWORK.
The meaning of COIN SLITS and SLOTS that go KA CHING, is about the meaning of CARL JUNG, who "COINED" the term Synchronicity. Copper Penny is a COIN, for CP, Constance Pecoraro who wants Korean Word of JUNG DUNG which means ASS to have meaning for her, connected to MY MOTHER'S Name of JUNG JA Min and MY First Name SIGNature of "SANDY" on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1982.
JOSH WOLF who "PERFORMS" regularly in LAS VEGAS with lots of COIN SLOT Machines, REGULARLY FUCKS WHORES with SPECIFIC NAMES for MAThemathics of making MONEY. He also REGULARLY has THREE SOMES in HER SHE Two Pussies LICKING. He lives in SAN PORNANDO VALLEY, Porn Capital of the world.
This picture is BACKwards, because it's about THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges "CHA"rlies Find Jesus CHRIST Josh MIC"CHA" Wolf, Licking Fucking ASSS BACKWARDS through Tom Bridges Gay LEO and 3AR sound of "OIL" BACKWARDS. It's the reason why JOSH WOLF wrote about Willie JU "LIO" in his Facebook page in May 2010 which is connected to meaning of MY FATHER'S Middle name of BAE, which means PEAR and BOAT, to be about him FUC "KIN" G P3AR Shaped LOW OIL Blubber Asses, shaped like SANDRA OH'S ASS, for "TAO" is the WAY BACKwards becaue B"OAT" has TAO in it. BOAT, like CRUISE and SHIP. The REASON why SANDRA OH is "CRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy", DIRECTLY connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro's OIL ARTWORK on BRIDGEWAY SAUSALITO.
TAO is the WAY, through lying fag dentist THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same BIRTHDAY AS ME of LEO, for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPiRACY that's been going on for decades, the REASON why MY LIFE has been SABOTAGED.
TAO is the WAY through a FAG that FUCKS RECTUM ASSS HOLES.
TAO Is the WAY through HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE, so that SANDRA OH can pretend she is MY IDENTITY AS IF she is the ARTIST of all my PRICELESS ARTWORK that is being INFRINGED WORLDWIDE.
22. “TO TO”, meaning of MY Korean Name WANG in Korean Characters, to BE Sandra Oh, who says she is from “OT TO” WA Canada. DIRECTLY connected to Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the SAME Bithday as me, bridges My Mother with Constance MARIA Pecoraro, and MY FATHER with JOSH MICCHA WOLF, while the REPEATEDLY RAPE MY LIFE.
CHA rlies Find. CH “RIS”T. CF. FuCk backwards for Thomas CHRISTopher BRIDGES who has the SAME Birthday as me of 8/13, LEO, Bridges with 3AR sound of “OIL” BACKWARDS, the meaning of MY JOHN HANCOCK, through Jesus “FUC” King “OO” is Form of ASS. SANDRA OH’s ASS on “SHOW” SHOE, of “GRE “Y’S anatomy”, for meaning of MY First Name SIGNature on the Drawing of Robert Guillaume of “SANDY”.
Form of HAND CUFfs go on “RIS”ts for SICK MOTHER FUCKING RAPING Jesus CH "RIS" T. FORM of "OO". Connected to SANDRA OH who went to "SIR" ROBERT BORDEN High School and has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW MY Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1982. Constance Pecoraro Jesus CH "RIS" T is the VEHICLE created to ROB the meaning of MY FAC from 1982 and Meaning of MY NAME SIGNature on the drawing of Robert Guillaume of "SANDY" to BE SANDRA OH, the reason why there are so many "NICK" or "NIK" connections, AS IF MY Name SIGNature is the "NICK" name of SANDRA OH.
Fast Forward May 2013, Discovery of LEONARDO DICAPRIO filming a movie based on this book. It’s why My copyright page says 100 BILLION. See his page link at bottom of this page.
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Jonah HILL,
I met Jew Josh Wolf in 2008 at LAUREL “HILL” Canyon Dog Park
WOLF connections and 1982 “American were WOLF in LonDON”
DON connections
“CAP” and “PAC” hyderm is thick S”KIN” meaning
across the street from “PAC” cific De”SIGN” Center
“HILL” Rhymes with CAP I “TAL” GRILLE next to MAC “YS” meaning
BA “PAK” in Russian is BARACK Obama “BO” in CAPI”TOL” HILL
AIR LIBRA Josh Wolf and “HAWAII” and SIN CL “AIR” connections
it’s ALLLLLLLLL about ROBBING of MY IDENTITY MY ART for this sick delusional actress SANDRA OH
100 BILLION as per Sandy Wang’s Website Copyright page is REAL and CRIMINAL RAMIFICATIONS is REAL
The movie “WOLF of WALL STREET” directed by Martin Scorses, starring Leonardo Dicaprio was made into a MOVIE based on this “BOOK”, BECAUSE it’s BEEN ON MY WEBSITE since FEB 2012. They began filming it in early in 2013 and it’s being released Dec 2013.
If I hadn’t found this book, and linked it to all the other “WOLF” connections, beginning with “DON” in Korean means MONEY, and 1982 movie of “American Were WOLF in LON “DON”, no one would’ve known about this book. WALL STREET is about MONEY, and “DON”ald TRUMP will tell you his Name means “MONEY” like MY “CHA” el “DOG” Las of “WALL STREET”. The files in my folders have the original DATE of when I added them to my “Whats the Connection” Website pages of Feb 2012.
This has been going on since 1982 movie “American Were WOLF in LONDON” connections, DON in Korean means MONEY, and JOSH WOLF has been secretly connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH3 decades for , all connected to “MATH” MATHEmathics of making MONEY on “WALL STREET”. This is why almost everything JOSH WOLF does, or says, it’s connected to specific BUSINESSES and Business Names.
Below are links to a few examples, out of hundreds and thousands of them. This is the “micro” of the “macro”, as in City of Los Angeles and EVERYTHING they BUILT HERE, is the micro of the macro of the UNITED STATES MAP. So if I write something about the number “68”, the specific “MEANING” will be the SAME anywhere else where this number is present.
“WILLEY” Street next to new Pavi”LIO”ns market
JOSH WOLF “WE WILL ROCK YOU” in 2010 and then scroll down to DORIA’S BATHTIME in 2012
“ROCK and ROLL” next to SA”RA” MARCOS on Robertson Alden
Juliens ROCK n ROLL “GUITAR” on “BED”FORD Drive
“DOR” RING TON x Robertson “DJ” DAVID JONES building
“DOR” = “DRO” DRA WOLF Steak Dik in Leggia DRO FISH is Pussy sanDRA OH on Canon
JOSH WOLF and Drin”KIN” “SHO”es on Twitter
meaning of SHOES
for SANDRA OH Ass Form and her Yel”LOW” “SHO”es
Smo”KIN” and Drin”KIN” SHAck next to “PARA”Gon, and Payless “SHO”es on Vine x “BAN”NER
THE “CORN”ER and ALL BUSINESSES on “CORN”ers of Streets
entire SQUARE MAP of United States with “FOUR CORNERS”
“CF” Charlies Find “OO”, FOUR CORNERS
Constance Pecoraro’s SUNNY and “ONE PIECE SUIT” and “FISH POLE” and “FINISH LINE” connections, too many to list
FINISH “MAP” LINE, Constance Pecoraro needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE
Constance Pecoraro on BOAT in the “SEA” on Facebook
CONNIE and TEDS “SEA FOOD” new in 2013
Sept 2012 SANDRA OH on “GT” George Tonight in “WG” WHITE and GREEN
Sept 2012 LORI HUBBLE Dental Mental Petition, filed from EVER “GREEEN” Street in Sacramento
“WG” WATER GRILL new SEA FOOD in 2013,
EAR TH at was SOLD to a FISH. = TWO SICK PsychoCUNTS Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro and Sandra PATREEECIA? OH, Ass Pussy is “OO” over LAP ping () is FISH CathoLICKING in MAT MAThemathics of making MONEY as if Sandra Oh was My Identity and Artist of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK, through new Business Names connected to PSYCHO “SUNNY” sketches with FISH POLE by Constance Pecoraro Psycho. “SUN”ny, Jesus CHRIST the SON, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, OU SANDRA OH, Wolframte Scheelite T”U”ngsten, T”O”ngue.
FINISH LINE “OO” FORM of HANDCUFFS goes on W “RIS” T and Rhymes with CH “RIS” T.
JOSH WOLF is a REAL LIFE, WHORE DICK, IS GOING TO PRISON with PECORARO and SANDRA OH. Reason for 2 DECADES of Hardship in my life, Years of HOUSING TERROR, and reason for HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE in APRIL 2009.
WOLF ganga Z “WEINER” is Hot DOG DIK Steak Meat is FUCKING “DRO” DRA, SANDRA “OH” Sell FISH YOSHI Ass Pussy on Canon Drive
WOLF bithday of “10/19” on HoL”LOW” ay, is FUCKING PC PUSSEA, Pussy, of Constance Pecoraro “PC”, scroll down to bottom new pictures in Dec 2013
JOSH WOLF on “BOB” Rivers RADIO Show in M “ARC” H 2008, Josh gets very Horny and Loves “MATH” for his “CALF and COW”
All this “NE”w “GRO”wth of “SEA FOOD” as in FISH and Shell FISH restaurants, is connected to pediophile rapist name DANIEL LADINSKY, and his book “THE GIFT”, which was published in 1999. It’s about the title of the poem, “The EAR THat was SOLD to a FISH” and he writes “ART is a Conversation between Lovers”. ART. ART. This book is why SANDRA OH is in her PEPSI PUSSY Pictures in 1999, same time this book was published, and the same reason why I was Arrested for the first time in my life in April 1999 at the age of 29, through FRAUD and LIES. In 1999, SANDRA OH was claiming she was the ARTIST of MY First Artwork Collection from 1981 and 1982.
Then in APRIL 2009, in Beverly Hills CA, I was FRAMED and Arrested and WRONGFULLY LOCKED IN JAIL in LA County Jail for 5 months with a BAIL of $3,430,000. During this time, they ROBBED and STOLE over 250 pieces of MY PRICELESS WATERCOLOR ARTWORK, MY DOG JACK and my Suv RAV4L.
All this new FISH SEA FOOD restaurant businesses, is DIRECTLY connected to creating meaning as if SANDRA OH has “THE GIFT” of being the ARTIST of MY STOLEN “SECOND” COLLECTION of ARTWORK, as if the “FISH” painting and my “KOREAN FLAG” painting in circle of “O” with FISH, is SANDRA OH, connected to this book “THE GIFT” as if SANDRA OH has the “GIFT” of being the ARTIST of MY STOLEN ART.
They’ve been building on meaning of “OO” is FORM of ASS Going BACKwards for decades, so my “KF” Korean Flag painting in circle of “O” with “FISH” which I did in 2004, FIT into what they already built in Going BACKwards connected to BLACK CO”LOR” S”KIN”, as if SANDRA OH is My name SIGNature of “SANDY”, the “NIK” of her name Going BACKwards, in a Ass Conspiracy. This is WHY EVERYTHING they’ve been building since the RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ART in April 1999, is about “FISH is PUSSY” and OO is ASS Going BACKwards and when OO over LAPs, it creates OO (). CEDARS “SIGN EYE” Hospital Logo of over LAP LAF fing OO (), reason why Constance Pecoraro has a pedophilish sketch of her GIRL with a “FISH POLE”.
Korean Flag. “KF”, FUCK “O” EAR sound of SANDRA “OH”. FISH is PUSSY is SUSHI rhymes with JOSH. This is WHY SANDRA OH’s agency “UTA” in 2012 moved to Civic Center drive next to FOOTHILL Road, across the street from the same Mercedes BENz who SET ME UP and FRAMED ME in April 2009, next to “CHA”bad JEWISH Congregation. JOSH WOLF knows that “FOOT” in Korean means “BAL”. FOOT BALL shape of (), when OO overLAPs it creates FISH is PUSSY Shape.
Pay attention, WOLFgang Z “Weiner” is a Hot DOG, for meaning of my DOG Jack’s pictures, connected to my “KEY Painting and LION BODY painting” which looks like a PENIS, to be WOLF DICK MEAT, FUCKING SUSHI YOSHI SAN “DRA” DRO OH, ASS PUSSY Going BACKwards.
WOLF gang Zweiner KE ller Williams, FISHI YOSHI SELL “FISH” Going BACKwards DICK fucking FISH is PUSSY through FOOD
A few scenes from this movie, based on real life of JORDAN BELFORTS, who made his Money connected to real life JOSH WOLF and Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Paintings CATHOLIC MATHemathics of making MONEY.
CO or KO in Korean means “NOSE”, the word they’ve been creating meaning for my name SIGNature “SANDY” on my drawing of Black Color S”KIN” male ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, with “OO” made with letter “S” of my name, to be Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”rlies Find Eyes with Horizontal RINGS “OO”, Eyes of SON, is “NOS E” Backwards. CO nstance MA”RIA” Pe CO raro, who says she got her Art and De”SIGN” degree from “SAN” Jose State, and has a Cat name DudleY, in CATHOLIC Mathemathics of making MONEY, as if she is MY Name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on MY ART from 1981, through her “SCHOOL” name. Reason why JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF went to college in “SAN” Antonio Texas.
Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, SANDRA OH delusional actress who plays CH “RIS” Tina Yang on “gre YS Anatomy”, who’s also been claiming she DREW my drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, and is MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” through HER SCHOOL name of “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN, what does SCHOOL have anything to do with MY ART or Name SIGNature? NOTHING, they MADE IT UP, to make “FIT”, as in FRAUD, in a Group CONSPIRACY.
“OO” to be about FORM of ASS, Going BACKwards for “AIR” Libra JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF is horny for FORM of MA”RIA” MA”RIA” Ass, as if she is my First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO”, through Jesus CHRIST Eyes “OO”. This is why Constance Pecoraro has “FINISH LINE”, on her very PEDOPHILISH sketches of “SUNNY”, with FISH POLE. FISH rhymes with JOSH, and Fish is PUSSY, CHO”CHA”rlies Find “OO”, over LAP ping LAF fing “OO” creates () Fish is Pussy, GOING BACKWARDS “OO” is ASS.
CF, Charlies Find “OO”, I think BOTH WOLF and PECORARO are “COKE FIENDS”.
The meaning of “CO CAINE” is connected to Korean Word “CO” which means “NOS”E, for “E”yes SON going BACKwards is FORM of ASS, connected to robbing the meaning of My “John Hancock” name SIGNature of SANDY on my drawing from 1981 with “OO” made with letter S of my name signed Sideways, reason why CO CO COnstance PeCOraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile has Rings OO around his Eyes.
I think Pecoraro runs a Prostitution Ring at 707 Bridgeway SAUSALITO and there may be DRUGS involved also. How does she pay probably at least $3,000/month retail space rent, by selling $2 Cards and $5 Framed Art.
The Stock company Jordan Belfort starts up in the movie played by LEON”ARD O” DI”CAP”RIO, is called STRATTON and OAKMONT, “SO”, with a LION logo. This is DIRECTLY connected to “SO” Sandra OH, who thinks she is My LEO “SIGN” and My Name “SIGN”ature of SANDY WANG, through meaning of “LIO n KIN g”, and through faggot dentist name T”HO”MAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me 8/13 but different year. SANDRA OH is a CANCER born in EAR sound of month of JU LIE. This is extremely important, because EVERYTHING they’ve already built, has been built as if SANDRA OH is MY name “SIGN”ature on MY ART and MY “SIGN” of LEO, connected to and through SOUND of CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, SEA “DARI” SIGN EYE Hospital, “OO” DARI is BELOIT the Snake S”KIN” ASS FORM meaning, through Jesus CHRIST Eyes “OO”, reason why SANDRA OH is CHRISTina Yang on “Gre Y’S Anatomy”.
GOLD is the ME”TAL” of SIGN of LEO, through My Catholic School classmate name “GLO”ria Lee who is a “AIR” Gemini sign, they’ve been building as if SANDRA OH is a LEO SIGN, and as if “GOL”D METAL has meaning for her. ME “TAL”. N is for “NOR”th going BACKwards, MEN “TAL”. “Grey’s Anatomy” tv show is Set on “TAL”man Avenue in Seattle Washington. “GOLD DUST”.
STRATTON, connected to Mental Health Court Judge in LA County Jail name “MARIA STRATTON”, where I was wrongfully locked for 5 months in 2009, all connected to RAPING JEW JESUS JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and Constance MARIA Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of MARY and JESUS, and their “MAKING IT HAPPEN for CROW and WOLF” PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES”, to FRAME ME and RAPE MY LIFE, for MATHemathics of making MONEY as if MY NAME SIGNature is Constance Pecoraro or Sandra OH, through “OO” Horizontal Rings around Jesus CH “RIS” T EYES “OO”. Form of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T.
Sandy Wang wrongfully held in LA County Jail for 5 months in 2009, through sick Judge name “MARIA STRATTON”
Wrongfully locked in Jail with BAIL of over $3,430,000
OAK “MONT”, connected to MY Drawing of LEE “MONT” gomery, to be JOSH WOLF, and as if MY PORTRAIT Drawing is SANDRA OH. Both Portraits and all my Priceless WATERCOLOR ARTWORK was all STOLEN through Organized CRIMES in 2009.
OAK is a type of a “TREE”, What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TREEE” SHA? Connected to “TREEE” on the deck at very important address of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA, reason why JOSH WOLF went to School in “SAN” ANTONIO TEXAS, at “TU” Trinity University, TREEEEEE nity University and graduated sometime around 1991 or 1992. This is WHY “UTA” United Talent Agency was created, and Sandra Oh’s agent’s name is Billy Laza”RUS”. This is connected to WHY the names MARY and IRVING LAZAR is at Cedars “SIN”ai HOSPITAL, which is DIRECTLY connected to ROBBING of MY Identity for SANDRA OH on Hospital show “Greys Anatomy”.
TREE, going back 3 decades to MY childhood CHRISTMAS TREE picture in 1981 with My Mother and My Dog Frenchy, that they’ve been building as if it’s SANDRA OH, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL Art and Jesus CHRIST on PAGE “THREE”, 3 in Korean is “SAM”. Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, born on CHRISTMAS, in a MANger in “BETH”lehem. I’ve been writing that JOSH WOLF is a HOR DICK, but Josh MIC”CHA” Wolf says he’s been long time married to “BETH”any “ASH TON”, and if he doesn’t have PROOF of this, he is going to PRISON. If SANDRA OH’s Middle name if PATREEESHA, she is going to PRISON FOR LIFE.
PENNY Stocks, like JC PENNY, connected to meaning of COPPER PENNY, for “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF born in “AM” HURST MASSACHUSETTS born and destined to lick fuck his SOL MATe Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, reason for YEARS of HORRIFIC HARM caused to my life, so that these two sociopaths can pretend they are the meaning of My Parents Names, connected to meaning of My Name SIGNature, My “John Hancock” on MY ART from 1981.
Leo talks a lot on the “MIKE” in this movie, like JOSH WOLF who TALKS for a living as a Stand Up Comedian. Josh Wolf studied COM”MUN”ICATIONS in College, and everything he SAYS, everything he DOES is connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, all connected to CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO. Leo who plays Jordan Belfort in the movie, is called “WOLFIE” in the movie.
He is also good at “MIDGET THROWING” in Bull’s Eye Target of “O”, for meaning of My Federally Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, and Examining Attorney name “MIDGE BUTLER” from USPTO in 2007. This is connected to MIDGETS on Chelsea Handler show, with JOSH WOLF who is a regular on her “ROUND TABLE”. Round Table in “SIRS” and KNIGHTS in KING ART ART HURS “COURT”, connected to ROBBING of my Father’ Royal Korean name, for SANDRA OH and her SCHOOL name “SIR” Robert Borden high school.
Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark in “O”, Examining Attorney “MIDGE BUTLER” in 2007
for “DARI” is BE”LOW”IT the ASSTERISK meaning connected to “CE DAR SIGN EYE” Hospital “OO”
meaning of Sandy Wang’s John HAN Cock Name SIGNature, and MAN”OS”
Leo is wired, and he slips a note to his partner that says “Don’t Incriminate yourself, I am wired” UN DER a NAP”KIN”, as he is eating a YEL”LOW” TAIL TUNA SUSHI. This is DIRECTLY connected to meaning of “UN” in the word UNDERSCORE, and it’s about Korean words KAM D “UN” G EE, which means Negro, connected to BLACK CO”LOR” S”KIN”, in Going BACKwards, in a Ass Conspiracy connected to the Korean word “JUNG DUNG” which means ASS. It’s about “OO” in my name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, to be about FORM of ASS and TITS for Hor Dick JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, in MATHemathics of making MONEY through this very “PY”ous Je”SUS” “CHA”RLIE, horny for PUSSY, CHOCHA in Spanish means pussy.
“NIK” meaning
“UN” DER Score meaning
Yel”LOW” Tail TUNA in SU”SH”I, FI”SH” is Pussy, and rhymes with JO”SH”, All these “FISH” connections is about another repeat of Daniel Ladinsky’s “EAR That was SOLD to a FISH” poem, in his book “THE GIFT” Published in 1999. Why was this poem titled this? MY PICTURES WITH YELLOW TAIL TUNA ON BOAT IN 1998 with KRISTIAN BAKO, as if My Identity is SANDRA OH in 1998, as if she is the ARTIST OF MY WATERCOLOR PAINTING of KRISTian BAK”O” I did in 2004, Going BACKwards of SANDRA “OH” ASS FORM and FISH is PUSSY, through “SUNG”LASS and Constance Pecoraro’s sick girl sketches of “SUNNY”.
This book by Daniel Ladinsky “THE GIFT” is the REASON for YEARS of HORROR TERROR in MY LIFE, so that SANDRA OH can be My Identity as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, “THROUGH” the vehicle of Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART in a GROUP CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. It is the REASON for HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ART in APRIL 2009, which is connected to “WOLF of WALL STREET” in MATH MATH MATHemathics of making MONEY.
KRISTian BAK “O”. HOBAK in Korean means pump”KIN”, which is connected to RICH”ARD” BACH, who wrote a book titled “Jonathan LivingSTON SEA GULLL”, connected to JOSH WOLF who’s agency is in the “RB” Rolex Building, and he is a regular on CHEL “SEA” HAND ler show, for meaning of MY Name SIGNature of JOHN HANCOCK of SANDY with “OO” to be FORM of ASS or TITS, through Pyous JeSUS “CHA”Rlie, Constance Pecoraro’s OIL ART of Jesus “KRIST” CHA rlie, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF. BAK “O” Going BACKwards of SANDRA “OH”, in P3AR B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy that’s been going on for many years.
The meaning of “FISH” goes back 3 decades, and it’s about the street name “OG DEN” in Los Angeles, connected to Vir”GO” Mai”DEN” Constance Maria Pecoraro who they found, connected to MY CHILDHOOD PICTURE in 1979 with a DOG on MY LAP with a “YELLOW VIRGO” SIGN on the Wall.
OG “DEN” is about the Korean food ODENG, which is “FISH CAKE” that goes into many different dishes. This is the original meaning of “FISH” and WHY Daniel Ladinsky titled his poem “EAR TH at was sold to a FISH”, in ROBBING MY Childhood pictures for SANDRA OH, through the vehicle of Constance Psycho Pecoraro VIRGO MAIDEN and her “NO Name GIRL” Sketches.
See OGDEN Street in REAL Estate connection link below.
“Don’t Incriminate yourself”, Get your DRIN”KIN” SHOes JOSH WOLF. What is Jacob Wolf’s THAI YEL”LOW” S”KIN” Mother’s Name? Is it TARA? Is she a VIRGO like Constance Pecoraro? Is BETHANY ASHTON a VIRGO too? What is the DELIVERY DOCTORS name on Jacob Wolf’s Birth Certificate who was born”ed” in Seattle WASHINGTON, the EVER “GREEEEEN” State? Is it MARYIA? And is this Delivery DOCTOR a NIGGER PUSSY?
BUNS and ROLLS from DUN “KIN” DONUTS. KAM D”UN”G EE in Korean means Negro, Black Color S”KIN” Nigger. “C” Food, “C” Shit, CUT the “O” in HALF.
Josh Wolf and Drin”KIN” “SHO”es
connected to meaning of BAL and SANDRA OH “Yel “LOW” SHO es
monster meaning of YEL”LOW” COLOR
WOLF of “WALL” Street. As if my Writings of “I WAL Y” on MY ARCHITECTURAL Drawing from 1982 of MY Parents GARAGE DOOR, has meaning for “THEM”, JOSH WOLF, Constance Pecoraro and Sandra OH. This is WHY Josh Wolf “AIR” Libra symbol of Justice Scales, Metal of COPPER, Stone of Diamond, studied “COM MUN ICATIONS” in College. MUN or MOON in Korean means “DOOR”, and this is connected to ALL “MUN” ICIPAL COURTS in the United States Gov’t. As if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of MY ART and AS IF SHE IS MY IDENTITY GROWING UP IN MY Parents BRICK HOUSE in the 1980’s, THEY BUILT IT and I have overwheling Concrete Evidence of it. It’s the REASON why MY LIFE has been SABOTAGED through Premeditated White Collar Oganized CRIMES, connected to US Gov’t Agencies, “GA” and “GA” Greys Anatomy actress PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” SANDRA OH.
Major Corporation CE”O”s, CFO’s, Presi”DENT”s, Executives, etc, are also “government people”, they are well educated in FINANCE and they jump back and forth from being CEO’S, to participating and playing the POLITICAL Game and making LAWS that support them, when it’s convenient for them. Just in the last decade, since 2002, I can’t even begin to go into how many LAW MAKERS have been MURDERED or have Mysteriously DIED. PAT riot Act is one of these sick laws the US Gov’t created, which was to really Protect themselves, to FREELY “SPY” on people.
There is a scene in the movie where they receive SUBPOENAS, and they throw it in the garbage. This is important so pay attention. This is DIRECTLY connected to REAL LIFE, My DENTAL HYGIENE PETITION filed in Sept 2012, and the HEARING on “6/4” 2013. It’s about all the SUBPOENAS I sent out to specific people. I sent it to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH. See links below.
At the HEARING on “6/4” 2013, I brought with me 2 bags full of printed files of Documents, as in Evidence to support and prove my case. 1 of the bags was a “WALL STREET JOURNAL” BAG.
Jonah’s “ARC”. “ARC” Tic Fresh Mint flavor DENTAL mouthwash. What “FRESH LUNACY” is this? Ever’GREEEEEN’ street Sacramento Lunacy.
The FBI agent played by KYLE CHANDLER, is on the “SW” SUB WAY at the end of the movie, TAO is the Way, is “SUB” WAY of “SUB”poenas are “COURT ORDERS” and anyone who disobeys them, will be locked in Jail. Changing meaning of D “O” J, Going BACKwards is “JUNG DUNG”, because it “IS” based on meaning of CAM DUNG EE Jung Dung as in Black Color S”KIN”.
JOSH WOLF may be facing LONG TIME in PRISON, with PSYCHO PECORARO and SANDRA OH. In REAL LIFE. Like 100 “B”ILLION Pursuant to Title 17 is REAL.
WALL STREET JOURNAL is owned by RUPERT MURDOCH. His CHINESE Wife’s name is WENDY DENG and as of 2013, they have filed for a divorce. Do you think it’s random he was married to her? TAO DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY.
He has buildings all over the world, a few in WESTWOOD, next to FBI building. I think he also owns the FOX Building on MAPLE Drive in Beverly Hills. This is really important, because the FRAMING of ME in APRIL 2009, by Mercedes BENz Car Dealership, is on MAPLE DRIVE. This street and everything on this street has been built based on MY CHILDHOOD Pictures to BE SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, which they’ve been building for 3 decades. Go see it, see “CHA”BAD Jewish building, next to DIAMOND Tools Cutting company, across from brand new Mercedes BENZ “SER”VICE CENTER with address of “400” Maple Drive. AIR Libra JEWISH JOSH WOLF “STONE” of DIAMOND.
Rupert Murdoch didn’t do anything directly to me to harm my life, Mercedes BENz did, and then the Beverly Hills Police “ran” with the Ball, making a HOME RUN, through the RAPING of MY LIFE and dragging my name through the COURT and JAIL System in “LYNN” WOOD California, like JUDGES name “RICHARD STONE”, and “MARIA STRATTON”, all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, connected to JOSH WOLF, THROUGH WHITE FUCKING COLLAR C”RIMES”. JOSH WOLF who is very closely connected to SHONDA “LYNN” RHIMES sick black color skin nigger bitch, creator of “Gre YS Anatomy” connected to ROBBING MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH as if she is the ARTIST of it. There are specific Repeating NUMBERS connected to the Horrific RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ART in April 2009. Reason why the DELIVERY DOCTOR information of JACOB WOLF who was born in Seattle WASHINGTON is extremely important.
Everything about ROBBING of MY IDENTITY and meaning of My Name SIGNature on MY ART, for SANDRA OH, has been built through Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, through her CATHOLIC Theme OIL Paintings of Mary and JESUS CHRIST, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY attending all my Catholic Schools, as if Sandra OH is My Childhood pictures, through Pecoraro’s pedophilish sketches of “NO Name GIRL”, who keeps getting a new name like “SUNNY”.
S UNN Y. NUN or NOON in Korean means Eyes. What’s left? SY, gre “YS” anatomy, psycho actress, as if through this new name, Sandra OH is My Portrait Drawing EYES with “8” vertical eight, and as if she is My Name SIGNature of “S and Y” on MY ART, through her role as Christina Yang on “Gre YS anatomy”. Jesus CH “RIS” Tina Yang, has already been built through OIL OIL OIL ART of Jesus “CHRIST” CHARLIES FIND and HORIZONTAL Rings around his eyes “OO”. This is about trying to confuse, or MIX, meaning of MY WATERCOLOR ART, with what they already built through Pecoraro’s OIL ART. OIL and WATER don’t mix, like Psychobitches PECORARO and OH and any and all sick pussies and cunts who support these sick bitches, and I don’t mix.
RUPERT MURDOCH’S Billion dollar Empire, SUN British newspaper and all the scandals surrounding it in 2011 into 2012, connected to “SY”, S”COT”LAND YARD Police, isn’t random. “S” is about the meaning of my First name SIGNature with “OO” made with letter “S” of my name, reason why Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST has “OO” Rings around his eyes, “COT” in Korean means “FLOW”er, connected to creating meaning GOING BACKwards “OO” is Form of ANATOMY of ASS, for Pyous Jesus “CHA”rlie, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, Hor Dick Jew, in MATHemathics of making MONEY.
“LIFE of PI”, a piece of MY PIE of “O”, in MATHemathics of making Money.
Go ask GRUMPY RUPY if this is all TRUE, and he’ll say YES. What’s left? G “U” M in Korean means GOLD, GOLD “DUST”.
Me”N” TAL of LEO Sign, that SANDRA OH thinks is HER, thorugh TOM BRIDGES Gay male DENTist who has the same Leo Birthday as me. Are you getting this? MEN “TAL”. “FUR” in Korean is “TAL” like H”AIR”, and all AIR CH”AIR” ST”AIR” H”AIR” connections, reason why “Gre YS Anatomy” Hospi”TAL” tv show, is set on “TAL”man Avenue in Seattle WASHINGTON.
GRUMPY, one of the D “WAR” fs of SNOW WHITE, connected to David “SNOW”DEN, who is Beverly Hills Police Chief, and became the chief connected to meaning of MY Powerful Korean name of Wang SIN WON, which is connected to GEORGE WASHINGTON the First Presi”DENT”. And connected to My Profession of “DENT”al Hygiene of 2 decades. Which is WHY TOM BRIDGES went to “DENT”al School and they’ve been “Bridging” and Building through FIELD Of DENTISTRY, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY connected to US PRESI “DENTS”.
They’ve been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY connected to FRAUD Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA, who became the Presi”DENT” through LIES and FRAUD. He became the First Black male President BECAUSE of the meaning of MY Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT Guillaume from1981, that SANDRA OH has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW through her SCHOOL name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN in CAN”ADA”. ADA American DENTAL ASSociation is in CHICA”GO” ILLINOISE, where Barack Obama built his Political Career. Same city where SHONDA LYNN RHIMES was born and grew up.
TAO DAO DOW of “DAVID” JONES in making money through FRAMING ME, to make me look like a Car Thief, then through WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES” Wrongfully locking me in Jail for 5 months with BAIL of $3,430,000, and then ROBBING ALL MY ARTWORK INSIDE MY RAV4L SUV, and my DOG JACK, all connected to “MATH” MATH NUMBERS MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. MY “SIGN” of LEO, My Name “SIGN”ature of Sandy on MY ART. While they PLAN, PREMEDITATE, to LOCK me in “MEN TAL” Dept of LA County Jail.
“When you’re BOILING In OIL, it doesn’t matter if it’s at 300 or 400 degrees”.
JONAH HILL born on “12/20” 1983. BORN and “NAMED”, connected to MY “JH” in “JH” Name SIGNature on MY ART of “John Hancock”, which I did in 1981 in “JH” JACKSON HEIGHTS. NAMED for TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me of “8/13”, with “212” Astrology VIBE number of WOLF Libra and PECORARO Virgo, as if they were MY Parents Names connected to Astrology and meaning of “MORNING STARS” and Venus Trines at Midnight. This is WHY this article is written as “JONAHS ARC”, connected to creating meaning through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART of Mary and Jesus, as if SANDRA OH is My Identity in 1980’s attending my grammar school ST. JOAN of “ARC”. 2012 movie, is about the Chinese who are secretly building an “ARC” to escape calamaties occuring on planet earth. 2012 came and went, and the planet is still waiting for “AIR” Libra Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF to ASSSSSK his “MARIA” Pecoraro for her HM Hand in Marriage with “OO” Rings because her OILY ASS is SO PERFECT “OO”. While it’s “Conspiracy of T “OO” for me.
“ARC”, in the word “ARC”hitecture, connected to MY ARCHITECTURAL Drawing of My Parents Brick House “GD” GARAGE DOOR, and my writings of “IWALY” on this drawing from 1982. I can’t even begin to go into how every REAL ESTATE company is INFRINGING, and “ROBBING” the meaning of MY Writings and MY Name SIGNature on MY ART, for MATHemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY, growing up in Jackson Heights NY In 1980’s, as if she is the Artist of my Drawings and MY “WRITINGS”.
I “WAL” Y, “LAW”. They’ve twisted the meaning of this, through “LIO n KIN g” and through Rich”ARD” BACH, “HO”BAK is Pump”KIN”, and pumps are SHOes, in Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges meaning of My Name SIGNature, My “JH” John HANCOCK on MY ART, through OIL Art of Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes by Constance Maria Pecoraro in a Group Conspiracy, WOLF and PECORARO are co conspirators in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. “OO” Form of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and Rhymes with CH “RIS” T, for SANDRA OH Pat”HO”logical LI”AR” Borderline Psychotic sick actress SANDRA OH who really thinks she is MY PORTRAIT Drawing and OWNER of my Federally Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, because it sounds like her name of “OH”.
They’ve been BREEDING and NAMING people since 1980, since My First Artwork collection from 1981 and 1982, for MY “ART” to “FIT” SANDRA OH connected to people’s NAMES. Almost all Stars and Celebrities who are famous currently in 2013 into 2014, were NAMED specific NAMES for a REASON. My Writings of I “WAL” Y, reason why JOEY “LAW”rence was famous in 1980’s, and reason why Jenni”FUR” “LAW”rence who was born on “8/15” 1990 LEO was named this. It’s about MY LEO “SIGN” of “8/13” and MY Writings of I”WAL” Y from 1982 on my Architectural Drawing.
3AR sound of Q K “CAR”MA isn’t in my name, especially on the “Upper Left” connections of computer Keys of 3AR sound of letter “Q”.
Look at Jonah Hills VERTICAL STRIPE Shirt wearing “SUNG”lass, who looks like a chubby Adam Sandler. JO”NAH” HILL, “JH”, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY through Businesses as if SANDRA OH is MY “JH” JOHN HANCOCK as in MY NAME SIGNAature on MY ARTWORK connected to “JO” SH Mic’CHA’ WOLF, who is Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlie, reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s anatomy”. JO “NAH”, HANcock, reason why JO sh Wolf is a regular on CHELSEA “HAN”dler show. This is connected to meaning of “DEGE” as in POLICE, and US Gov’t Agencies, FUCKING with MY LIFE, RAPING MY LIFE, through PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES”, of CREATING RECORDS in ARRESTING ME, so that EVERYTHING about ME, MY LIFE, MY ART, can be SANDRA OH, THROUGH JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF connected to sketches by Constance Pecoraro “SUNNY”.
Gov’t Agencies, “GA” directly connected to Sandra Oh on “GA” Greys’ Anatomy”, like “AG” Attorney Generals NAMES. This is WHY if SANDRA OH isn’t locked in PRISON for LIFE, if I don’t get my 100 BILLION, BARACK ET “EEERING” OBAMA MUST BE IMPEACHED. Robbing and Raping My LIFE, through PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED CRIMES, and then Premeditating to do HARM AGAIN through “CONSPIRACY of TWO”.
MATHemathics of making MONEY that goes in BANKS, through RAPING OF MY LIFE, MY ART, in a GROUP CONSPiRACY, made of SOCIOPATHS WOLF PECORARO and SANDRA OH, who are going to spend the rest of the their LIVES IN PRISON. TOM CRUISE may go to PRISON if he is related to TODD CUMMINGS of “TOP”anga.
All of this is DIRECTLY connected to EVERYTHING they’ve been building on “VINE” Street in HOLLYWOOD. “VH” for Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro who registered her website domain name “NO Name GIRL” in HERNDON VIRGINIA “HV”, created to ROB MY “GIRL” Childhood pictures, as if they are her, or they are SANDRA OH in a “Group Conspiracy”.
New “ARC” LIGHT Movie theatre and everything around this area.
Cho”CHA”rlies Find “OO”. FINISH LINE.
For all the CIRCLES of MY WATERCOLOR ART in shape of “O”, done in 2004 and 2005, and where STOLEN from me in 2009, to have meaning for “OO” Horizontal RINGS around Constance Psycho Pecoraro’s OIL Painting of JeSUS Christ “CHA”rlie. For all MY ART with letter “J” to have meaning for “J” esus CHRIST, “J” OSH MIC”CHA” WOLF connected to his Co Conspirator and Partner in Crime, PSYCHO Constance Maria Pecoraro. My CHA rcoal Drawing titled “BODHISATTVA’S EMPTY YANG”, to have meaning for PSYCHO PUSSY SANDRA OH who is “CHRIST”INA YANG on “Grey’s Anatomy” as if this delusional sick actress, REAL LIFE CRIMINAL OF IDENTITY THIEF and ART THIEF SANDRA OH is My Portrait Drawing and ARTIST of MY WATERCOLOR ART in Circles of “O”, because it SOUNDS like this sick bitch’s name.
WATER and OIL don’t mix, like these deeply disturbed sick PSYCHOCUNTS CONSTANCE PECORARO and SANDRA OH and I don’t mix.
Conspiracy of T “OO” MENTAL HEALTH, Get your Drin”KIN” SHOes next to the Smo”KIN” SHA ck in MATHemathics of making MONEY through PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES” of creating FRAUD Records in MY NAME in US Gov’t Agencies, as if I had “MENTAL PROBLEMS”, while they ROB MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE, from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, As if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY, ARTiST of MY ARTWORK, MY JOHN HANDCOCK name SIGNature on MY ART, as if My Parents Names were Josh Wolf and Constance Pecoraro.
“ARC” Light, VINE Street to SUNSET Blvd
VINE Street x “BANNER” way down to Hello Cren “SHAW” SHOE SHOW
W W S. It’s MY NAME INITIALS, that they’ve made it to be about “White SUPremist” Going BACKwards. What makes the World in “O” Go Around? It’s about MY NAME SIGNature and MY ART. “Conspiracy of Two” in Going BACKwards as if MY IDENTITY and KOREAN Name is “SANDRA OH” in TAO DAO “DOW of DAVID” JONES in MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to JOSH WOLF’s “SON JAC”ob Wolf’s BIRTH INFO in Seattle W “ASH” ING “TON” in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
Why is it starring JONAH HILL. “JH”. It’s connected to meaning of MY “JH” John Hancock, as in my Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 which I DREW while growing up in “JH” Jackson Heights NY in 1980’s, that they’ve been building as if MY IDENTITY is SANDRA OH, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, and through the vehicle of Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of MARY and JESUS “CHRIST” “CHA”Rlie, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. This is WHY Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
SANDRA OH, who thinks she is MY name SIGNature on MY ART, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, in CATHOLIC MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to countless Businesses, creating MEANING through Words, Names, Numbers, Colors, CODES, etc, as if this DELUSIONAL SICK ACTRESS is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
“CAP” ri “CORN” Sign of the G”OAT”, SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who created “Grey’s Anatomy” tv show, to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of My Name SIGNature on MY ART for SANDRA OH. CORN is “YELLOW” meaning is WHY this MOVIE AD is all “YEL LOW”. YEL “LOW” RHYMES with SLOW, and PIL”LOW”, for name of “WOL’F going BACKwards, like MIC”CHA”, sound of MI”KA”, for meaning of MY name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO made with letter “S” of my name and an ASTERISK “AK” symbol *. If “OO” is ASS, and it has a *, what do you think it is? “ANUS” through Constance Pecoraro’s “SUNNY”, is a nicer word and name, than ASS”HO”le.
JO “NAH” HILL. HAN cock. JO “sh” WOLF who is a regular on “C” HEL “SEA” HANDler show, for meaning of My John “HANCOCK”, as in My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” to be SANDRA OH, through Black Color S”KIN” meaning Going BACKwards.
This is WHY Constance Pecoraro has sketches of her No Name “GIRL” titled “GIRL on a HILL”.
CAP I “TAL” GRILLE Restaurants throughout United States, R.I.M.E.S with CAPI “TOL” HILL, in T”AO”, D”AO” en”DOW” of DAVID JONES in MATHemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY from BIRTH to PRESENT.
This is WHY “Grey’s anatomy” is set in Seattle WASHINGTON, connected to WASHINGTON DC. What’s the connecting link of Sick Black Nigger Pussy SHONDA LYNN RHIMES and BARACKET”EERING” OBAMA in the WHITE House? “NG” NIKKI G”RIMES”, makes G”R”AYS Anatomy.
CAP ri”CORN” “PAC”hyderm, YEL”LOW” and B”L”ACK CO”LOR” S”KIN” Conspiracy. See JOSH WOLF HAWAII page.
”SH”A do WS in NOVember”.
Pepsi Pussy GaySons Sandra Oh. NO “V”agina Ember FIRE, in HER SHE Ass Pussy ChoCHAcolate Pimping Gayme.
Scor “PI” O sign LEO N “ARD O”, better be careful, “529” CANCER SANDRA OH VIBE Numbers Fits his SCORPIO Perfectly. Cancer the CRAB like SHELLFISH Family of “LOBSTER”.
This is WHY 100 BILLION as per Sandy Wang’s Website Copyright page is REAL.
What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA TREE SHA? = LIFE IN PRISON. TAYSTEE, What goes around comes around.
In the movie, like in his REAL LIFE, JORDAN BELFORT does Prison Time.
December 2013, WOLF of WALL STREET has just been released and this is an Article about JONAH HILL in “MAL IBU” magazine.
It’s titled JONAH’S ARC, as in “NOAHS ARC” Story from the Bible with 2 of every ani”MAL” on the BOAT. Why connect it to a story in the Bible? Because it’s about meaning of Constance Maria Pecoraor’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART of MARY and JESUS CHRIST titled “CHA”rlies Find, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”Ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, created to ROB the meaning of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” on My Drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981. Created to ROB MY IDENTITY as if Me attending all my CATHOLIC SCHOOLS is SANDRA OH. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. My Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 says “SANDY” and it’s known as a “Trade Secret”, meaning it’s different from a Patent, a Trademark or a Copyright, it has it’s own set of laws. It doesn’t say “NIK” and it doesn’t say “SY”, these are CODES created to ROB MY Name SIGNature for SANDRA OH.
Noahs ARC is a BOAT. See picture of LEONARDO DICAPRIO while filming this movie with “SEA FOOD of LOBSTER”. This is connected to linking and creating meaning of New SEA FOOD restaurants popping up everywhere, connected to meaning of MY KOREAN FLAG with “FISH”, as if SANDRA OH is the Artist and as if it’s about her “FISH is PUSSY” in MATHemathics of making MONEY. New SEAFOOD “WATER GRILL” on Ocean ave in SANTA MONICA, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of MY “WATER” Color Art, when everything about SANDRA OH has already been built through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST, reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on ‘Grey’s Anatomy”.
SEA, “C”, SEE, picture of Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro on “BOW” of a BOAT, C “P”, P is Blood in Korean, as if MY LION BODY Painting and My Dog JACK’S pictures has meaning for this psychobitch, and as if MY Pictures of me and My Dog JACK is SANDRA OH. ALL OF IT WAS STOLEN IN 2009 THROUGH ORGANIZED CRIMES. This is connected to new SEA FOOD restaurant “CONNIE and TEDS” in West Hollywood.
Leonardo Dicaprio with “LOBSTER” filming Wolf of Wall street
Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro on BOAT and GL”ASS”
CONNIE and TEDS new SEA FOOD restaurant in Oct 2013
Same pattern
SEPT 2012 Psycho SANDRA OH on “GEORGE Tonight” Sept 2012 in “WHITE GREEN” Dress
SEPT 2012 monster raping connections in EVER”GREEN” SacramentO “LOR”I HUBBLE Hub of the House DENTAL MENTAL PETITION Hearing Date of “6/4” 2013
“WG” WATER GRILL next to “GEORGE”ian Hotel on OCEAN Avenue in Santa Monica
Same pattern
JOSH WOLF and his Son Jacob with “CRAW FISH” is a type of S”HELL” Fish
New “HOT and JUICY” CRAW FISH restaurant in 2013 on LABREA x SMB
It’s about Sandy Wang’s Trophies from Summer Camp as the BEST in “ARC” hery, always hitting the TARGET “O”.
It’s about Sandy Wang’s Grammar School ST. JOAN of “ARC” in JACKSON HEIGHTS NY 11372.
It’s about Sandy Wang’s ARC hitectural Drawing from 1982, and Writings of “I WAL Y” on the Garage DOOR of this drawing.
ALL “TWISTED” to be about and to have meaning for “ARCHI” TYPES of “CARL JUNG” who “CO”ined the term SYNCHRONICITY in a “ASS CONSPIRACY” because the Korean word JUNG Dung means “ASS”.
JONAHS ARC rhymes with John HanCOCK. It’s about ST. JOAN of ARC grammar school where I graduated from in 1983 in JACKSON HEIGHTS Queens NY. I WON A PIN AWARD IN 1983 FOR MY DRAWING OF ROBERT GUILLAUME, AND THERE ARE WITNESSES WHO KNOW I DREW THIS DRAWING. They’ve been building for 3 decades as if SANDRA OH DREW this drawing, as if she is MY Name SIGNature on this drawing as in my “JOHN HANCOCK”, and as if she is MY IDENTITY attending all my CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, through Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART, of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, connected to Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, reason why Sandra Oh is CH “RIS” Tina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
Everything that is connected to JOSH WOLF, like SANDRA OH, will always be connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to specific BUSINESSES.
NOAHS ARC. Is a Story from the “BIBLE”.
NOAHS Bagels.
NO “R” AH JONES, and “WOLF” connections. The only reason why Norah Jones is connected is because of her uncle Quin”CY” Jones, connected to “CY” Choi Yong name in MY Father’s Music Band from 1950’s to have meaning for Sandra OH, as if MY Father is HER FATHER, through Josh WOLF.
TAO DAO EN”DOW” JONES of making MONEY connected to HOR DICK “PY”ous Je”SUS” JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, aka Wolf of Wall Street.
Pay attention.
JOSH WOLF used to live in SEA ttle W”ASH”ing “TON”, where his son JACOB WOLF was born. CORN on the “COB” is YEL”LOW”, and everything about Josh Wolf’s son’s birth in Seattle WASHINGTON is connected to Robbing of MY IDENTITY, My Korean name of “SIN WON”, meaning of My First Birthday Baby Picture and YELLOW Blanket in My Baby picture, to BE SANDRA OH, through the Birth of his Son. And it was all BUILT connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL ART. This is WHY Sandra OH who is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” HOSPITAL TV SHOW, is set in SEATTLE WASHINGTON, and this fake tv HOSPital Show, is DIRECTLY connected to real life Hospital “CE” SEADARS “SIN AI” Hospital, where they’ve been building for my Korean Name of “SIN WON” to be SANDRA OH for 3 decades.
See the page “ARC” Light, new movie theatre built inside a Historical “DOME” on SUNSET Blvd. A new “SUSHI” chain restaurant opened called “BLUE SUSHI”, which began in Washington state and they have opened several new locations in 2013. BLUESUSHI. What’s Missing? “J”. “O” SH, R.I.M.E.S with FI”SH” is PUSSY. See Constance Pecoraro’s sketch of “FISH POLE”.
BLUESUSHI. What’s Missing?
NORAH “J” ones.
EAR sound of QAR KAR “CAR” anagram of “ARC” MA.
Why did this SUSHI is “FISH” restaurant expand to California? It’s a recreation of “FISH is PUSSY” meaning, connected to a book published in 1999 titled “THE GIFT”.
“EAR TH at was SOLd to a FISH” is the titled of a poem by Daniel LADINSKY in his book “THE GIFT”. This book was published in 1999, and the dedication says “JESUS CHRIST BLOWS AIR INTO FLUTE HOLES”. Which is about CONSTANCE MA”RIA” PECORARO’S CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of MARY and JESUS CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find, Cho”CHA” in Spanish is Pussy, connected to “PY”ous Je”SUS” JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. This book was written to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH, through the vehicle of Pecoraro’s Oil paintings, as if Sandra Oh DREW all my drawings from 1981 and 1982 and as if she is My “JOHN HANCOCK” my Name SIGNature on my drawing from 1981 of Robert Guillaume.
I didn’t begin doing my Second Artwork collection until 2002 into 2003. I did my watercolor painting of KOREAN FLAG in Red Blue with “FISH” in 2004, and the FISH is Going BACKwards. So they decided to try to COMBINE MY WATERCOLOR ART, with what they already built through OIL ART by Constance Pecoraro of Jesus CHRIST Eyes “OO” is FORM of ASS Going BACKwards and when it over LAPs, it creates () FISH is PUSSY shape. C”HO” CHA” in Spanish is Pussy, See SANDRA OH in 1999 and her PEPSI PUSSY “Red Blue” Pictures, “OO”, is FORM of ASS going BACKwards, and when you BENdOVER it creates ().
THIS IS WHY THIS BLUESUSHI ARE OPENING THEIR “BUSINESS” IN LOS ANGELES, connected to ROBBERY of MY SECOND WATERCOLOR ARTWORK Collection that was ALL STOLEN in 2009, connected to this sick actress SANDRA OH, and as if she is the ARTIST of MY WATERCOLOR ART, when everything has already been built through JESUS CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find OIL Painting by Constance MARIA Pecoraro connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF.
All the circles of “O” on their window display, is connected to all the CIRCLE “O” ART on my Art Website, that they are creating meaning as if Sandra “OH” is the Artist.
WATER and OIL don’t mix, like these two sick psychobitches and I don’t mix. SANDRA OH CONSTANCE PECORARO and JOSH WOLF must be LOCKED IN PRISON.
There’s a lot of “ARC” popping up everywhere, and this is about creating MEANING through BUSINESS NAMES, and “BRAIN WASHING”, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY growing up in JACKSON HEIGHTS NY in 1980’s and attending St. JOAN of “ARC”. See “ARC” building contractor company link.
ARC is about the word “ARC” HER Y, it’s about me winning trophies at Summer Camp in 1980, and one of them was for BEST in ARCHERY, that they’ve dissected and dismembered this word, in HER SHE YS choCHAcolate Ass Pussy Licking Game. They’ve been building for 3 decades as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY doing anything and everything in MY LIFE. It’s FUCKING PSYCHOTIC. Anytime there is a division of “HER and SHE”, it’s about creating meaning to CONTINUE this sick CHOCHAcolate Dan BROWN HER SHE YS Ass Pussy pimping game.
It’s about the word “ARC”hetype, which is a term originally used by CARL JUNG in describing meaning of SYNCHRONICITY. “CAR” L JUNG, Jung is the sound of YOUNG, connected to SANDRA OH’s mother’s name of “YOUNG NAM” and meaning of My JOHN HANCOCK as in my Name SIGNature to be about ASS because JUNG Dung in Korean means ASS. HANCock, HANDS in Spanish is MAN”OS”, for SO, SANDRA OH is My Name SIGNature, My “JOHN” Hancock on MY ART. When did SANDRA OH’s FATHER Joon Soo Oh begin using his American Name JOHN? was it before or after 1980? SANDRA OH’s Father JOHN OH worked for the US FEDERAL GOV’T, which doesn’t exempt them from being CRIMINALLY CHARGED for FRAUD and YEARS of CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ART connected to their BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC Sick Actress Daughter SANDRA OH. EAR sound of K, C, “Q” ARMA built in.
It’s about “BOW and ARROW”, you need BOTH ARMS to AIM SHOOT and HIT THE TARGET of BULL’S EYE in “O”, reason why My Catholic School classmate Christina Bernardo TAURUS the “BULL” birthday of 5/4 is a very important Repeating Number, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and My Name SIGNature through Bern “ARD O” in name of San DRA O BACKwards in a ASS CONSPIRACY, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “gre YS ANATOMY”. TOM BRIDGES “360” BUR BER BRETT BERN YR of “63” with “O”.
BOW and ARROW, as if through raping sick Nigger “BO” Barack Obama and Psycho Constance Maria PECO”ARROW”, SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in ALL MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES, ARTIST of MY ART and EVERYTHING and ANYTHING “SEXUAL” about ME. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, LIFE THEFT, ART THEFT, in a RAPING GAME.
Did you see “2012”? it came and went. For WOLF and PECORARO Astrology VIBE Number of “212” that they BUILT, as if these two were MY Parents Names. So why is BETHANY ASHTON married to Josh Wolf? Is Bethany a VIR”GO” like TARA VIRGO, and Psycho Pecoraro is a VIR”GO”?, The “ARC” in the movie, that the “ROPE” gets caught in, connected to SANDRA OH and her “GOLD ROPE” BELT meaning.
Peco”ARROW” Hit the Target of “O”
Meaning of all of this is all here on ROBERTSON Blvd in 2013 in every detail imaginable to “BRAIN WASH” as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY
ARC is in the word M”ARC”H, what’s left? “MH”, reason why this special edition of MALIBU was bundled and set up to be delivered with HOME magazine. MH. The PICTURES in this issue of MALIBU has same connections to Window Display on corner of “MH” MELROSE x HUNTELY. “MH”, same reason why JOSH WOLF loves month of “3” THREE is “M ARC H”. See Josh Wolf Big”ASS” Fish is Pussy Fishing with GREG BATTEN in MARCH.
Like JOSH WOLF Big ASS Fishing in “MARCH” for MAR”IA” ass form, connected to IA “C” building on Sunset Blvd, made entirely of “HEAVY MENTAL”. TAO DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY through “METAL is a ELEMENT”, RETARDED CHINK PUSSY Fucking Jesus JOSH WOLF.
GO SEE “MH” MIRAMAR HOTEL on OCEAN AVENUE, which is also the FAIRMONT HOTEL, owned by Barry “SHO” LEM. Just down the street from “SHANGRI LA” HOTEL, connected to “JC” Jews and Chinks in MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to TAO of the TORAH, “TAO” of “RH” RABBIT HOLE of SANDRA OH, in Premeditated Organized C”RIMES” is their SICK FUCKING “BIBLE”.
MH. Is that as in Mermaid House in Topanga? Connected to MY TWO ARM picture in 1986 with Stephen Garrison at the beach of me in PURPLE Bathing Suit?: so that in 2013, SANDRA OH can pretend she is the ARTIST of MY WATERCOLOR ART titled “PURPLE MOON”, connected to MY WRITINGS OF “IWALY” on GD Garage “DOOR” of My Parents House in 1982, while PREMEDITATING TO LOCK ME IN JAIL??????? Is that as in Heavy Metal “HM” as in Robb Nunzio? Is that MH as in MENTAL HEALTH and “CONSPIRACY of 2”? you know, Malibu ZIP CODE of “90025”, GLO”RIA” LEE “AIR” Gemini’s birthday numbers in creating meaning of Conspiracy of Two. 529, LIOn ARD O Di”CAP”rio ScoPI”O”, is a Perfect Match with SANDRA OH CANCER SIGN in 59 2 ‘OO’ VIBE, in RichARDT HoBACKward is Pump”KIN”, pumps are “SHO”es, for SANDRA OH’s ASS FORM, to be my “John Hancock” name SIGNature on MY ART from 1981. “PAC”hyderm thick s”KIN” mam”MAL” as if my name is the “NIK” of SANDRA OH BACKwards.
MH It’s real life Midnight Hour NIGHT MARE.
MH, See JOSH WOLF on his myspace page, “Make it Happen” in 2008.
MH, See CONSTANCE PECORARO, in MAY 2009, “Making it Happen with CROW and WOLF”. Month I was taken to “MH” Mental Health dept in LA County Jail in 2009.
Where ever there is a NOAH’S “BAG”el, it’s connected to meaning of LE “SPO”rtsSAC “BAG” and GLORIA LEE from 1984, and meaning of CONSPIRACY of “TOOOO”, through her Birthday of “AIR” Gemini “5/29”. This is why when you go up further on HUNTLEY x MELROSE, you’ll see SANDRA OH and GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” Ass Pussy Licking through BUSINESS Names
“BAG” connections to JOSH WOLF is HUGE.
NOAH’S “BAG”els on LYN”D” BROOK in Westwood Village
MARCH is number 3, connected to Jesus CHRIST OIL Painting on page “THREE”, in the word TREE. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? 33R Sound of PA “TREEE” SHA? Jon”AHS” AR “C”. As if SANDRA OH is My “PORT”rait drawing H”AiR”, in shape of “C” going BACKwards, while it’s Conspiracy of Two for me in “Mental Health” Court with “HO”Nor Judge name MA”RIA” Stratton? NOAHS ARC, “TWO” of everything. In “MATH” Two of the same thing cancels itself, and it’s about MATH, Repeating NUMBERS in Raping and Robbing MY LIFE so that EVERYTHING about ME and MY ART can have meaning for WOLF and OH, in MATHemathics of making MONEY. THIS IS WHY SANDRA OH IS GOING TO AND MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, OR IT’S “OG”.
See pictures of new since 2001 “AIR” “PORT” COURT in Los Angeles and “529” GLO”RIA” LEE “AIR” GEMINI birthday number connections. High “H EEL” “SHO”es of MA”RIA” Glo”RIA” “LEE” BogeTAL, PU bic H”AIR” Ass Pussy licking with Sand “RA OH”, connected to Zip Code of “SAUSALITO” where Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro lives, 94965 in Going BACKwards. WHY did they even BUILD an “AIR PORT” COURT?
Or is that MIDNIGHT HOUR Nightm”AIR”, of my PURPLE MOON painting, which is a NIGHT TIME Painting with a “HO”rse, which in Korean is “MAL”. A female Horse is a MARE sound of NIGHT M”AIR” of Going BACKwards of SANDRA OH Ass Pussy Licking, who thinks she is My Website Upper Left two links of “HO”me “AR”tist.
“C” “RA” SEEEE Sand “RA” OH Cat”HO”Licking ASSES and PUSSIES with my “AG” All Girls Catholic High School classmates since the 1980’s in “AE SCUL APIUS” MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to SC “HO” OL, as if this DELUSIONAL SICK ACTRESS is MY IDENTITY, ARTIST OF MY ART, EVERYTHING about ME, connected to betraying lying sick psychobitch BOGE TAL LICKING GLORIA LEE SICK “MICHINYUN”. So Sandra OH can be MY IDENTITY in MY ART titled “OLD KARMA” which was previously titled “CARL JUNG”, and the “CHIN” in this Art is the “ASS”, MI “CHIN” YUN In Korean means SICK CRAZY BITCH.
Going into 2014, “ARC” word is everywhere and a very important connecting SYLLABLE in MATHemathics of making MONEY.
JONAH HILL, “JH”, Jonahs ARC, Noahs ARC, as if through all these words containing “ARC”, and as if through T “OM”ing with My CATHOLIC School classmates names, SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY attending ST. JOAN of ARC in “JH” JACKSON HEIGHTS NY with very important ZIP CODE Numbers of “113 72”, connected to MY Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume which I drew in 1981. That Psycho Actress SANDRA OH has been claiming she DREW through her SCHOOL name of “SIR ROBERT BORDEN” on “113 GREEN BANK” Road in CANADA, connected to her birthday number of “7/20”.
Which is it? They built it as if SANDRA OH is MY SIGN of LEO, Birthday of “8/13” through T”HO” MAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES gay male dentist, for meaning of GOLD Metal of LEO, and My Name “SIGN”ature on my ART, through “OIL” ART of Jesus CHRIST by Constance Pecoraro.
Which is it? Did SANDRA OH attend SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada, or did she attend My Catholic Schools St. JOAN of ARC in Jackson Heights and ST. VINCENT FERRER in NYC? They built it as if she attended BOTH, how can that be, Sandra Oh is only two years younger than me, how can she have attended two different high schools in two different countries, during the same time in 1980’s?.
It’s about JOSH WOLF and his SON JACOB WOLF’s Birth in Seattle WASHINGTON, Josh Wolf who says he’s married to Bethany W “ASH” ing “TON”, connected to SANDRA OH on “Grey’s Anatomy” set in Seattle WASHINGTON, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for this DELUSIONAL PSYCHOTIC ACTRESS as if she is the ARTIST of ALL MY ARTWORK and MY IDENTITY in ALL MY PICTURES. THEY BUILT IT THROUGH JOSH WOLF SCHOOL “TRINITY UNIVERSITY” IN SAN ANTONIO TEXAS, it’s why Sandra OH’s talent agency “UT A” exists. U “Tits and Ass” in Mathemathics of making MONEY through “ANATOMY” Body Part pimping game.
This is extremely important, this magazine layout, bundled to be delivered with “MH” Malibu Home together in December 2013, is DIRECTLY connected to “Sending A Message” connected to “MH” Melrose x Huntley street and Businesses in MATHemathics of making MONEY through ROBBING of MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, while they PREMEDITATE and PLAN “”ET” to RAPE MY LIFE AGAIN through “Conspiracy of TWO”, which DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON. There isn’t any compromising.
I just finished writing a page about my first boyfriend from 1985, who is a Guitarist for a HM Heavy Metal music band, because like my second boyfriend Stephen Garrison, they’ve BUILT as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY with all my ex Boyfriends.
“HM” ROBB NUNZIO from 1985
“MH” Melrose x Huntley corner, scroll to bottom pictures in Dec 2013
Conspiracy of TWO Deserves LIFE IN PRISON
MARIA STRATTON Judge name at “MH” Court in LA County Jail in 2009
where they held me in 2009 with BAIL amount of over 3 million
CAP I “TAL” GRILLE R.I.M.E.S with CAP I “TOL” HILL, “AO”, TAO DAO DOW of “DAVID” JONES of making MONEY connected En “DOW”ed WHORE DICK JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, connected to “CODE WORDS” of B “LAC” K COLOR S”KIN” Raping NEGROS for “OH”.
41 “O”, going into 2014, WOLF better Lick Fuck “BO SUC” with SANDRA OH, for their Astrology VIBE Numbers, or “OO” is going to fold into a “O” FORM of HANDCUFFS.
OO or O, just 1 or 2, they’ve been going back and forth for 3 decades, is it the SOUND of “WON” as in my Korean Name of SIN WON and one circle of “O” of the magnifying glass of my pencil drawing from 1981 of Robert Guillaume, or is it “OO”, my American name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO made with letter “S” of my name signed Sideways on this drawing. Just 1 “O” for sound of SANDRA “OH” as if she is the artist of MY ART in circles of “O” because it sounds like her name, “OO” for FORM “OSA” of SANDRA OH’s ASS FORM connected to meaning of my name SIGNature of “SANDY *” with an ASTERISK to be about EAR sound of “ASS”TERISK, reason why Sandra Oh got PLASTIC ASS IMPLANTS. WHEN IN REALITY, this DELUSIONAL PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” Disturbed Borderline PSYCHOTIC Actress SANDRA “OH” doesn’t have any meaning in any CIRCLES of “O” from MY LIFE or MY ART. REASON WHY it’s the FORM of HANDCUFFS for SANDRA OH and JOSH WOLF. Just 1 “O”, “DO SOME TIME WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE”.
It’s BLACK and WHITE, it isn’t GRAY, either SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY ARTIST of MY ART or she isn’t. SANDRA OH MUST BE ARRESTED ASAP, TODAY, HOY. Everyday is Today.
KAM understand “KAM” ala HAR “RIS” name
understand meaing of “OF” in the D “O” J acronym connected to “FO UN” TAIN meaning
connected to CARL “JUNG” and “COPPER PENNY” meaning
“MAC” “YS” next to “CAP” I “TAL” GRILL, next to Cedars SINAI HOSPI “TAL”
“PAC” hyderm is thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” like “GRAY” Elephant
meaning of S “KIN” and “NIK” names
GRA “YS” anatomy set on “TAL” man avenue
created by Shonda Lynn RHIMES “CAP” ri CORN SIGN of the G”OAT”
Sandra Oh who went to “SIR” Robert Borden HIGH school
HIGH land x FO “UN” TAIN = OO Form of HANDCUFFS go on BACKwards
RAPING THE “PRESENT”, so that everything about MY PAST from BIRTH to PRESENT, can BE SANDRA OH psycho actress in MATHemathics of making MONEY through the RAPING OF MY LIFE and IDENTITY
Sandy Wang’s Catholic Schools, scroll down to ST. JOAN of ARC in 1983
REAL Estate connections
“ARC” D La
JOSH WOLF who loves MARia and month of MAR “ch” for CHO”CHA” is FISH is JO”SH” is PUSSY
FISH POLE, “FiniSH Line” connections of psycho Pecoraro
ARC light movie theatre in Hollywood
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EVER “FRESH”, “ARC”tic Mint they love the word FRESH, because it sounds like FREE “SH”, in Her ‘SHE’ JO”SH” raping game who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE
EVER “GREEN”, EVER “DEEN” connections in 2013
scroll down to “WHAT FRESH LUNACY IS THIS?” 1976 “BO” Burnt Offerings “HO”rror NIGHT M”AIR” movie
SUB POENAS EVER “GREEN” monster GREEN connections of DENTAL Raping Petition in June 2013
GREYS Anatomy with SANDRA OH, set in EVER”GREEN” State of Washington
“GREEN” connections
FRESH new SMACK for Barack Obama in Nov 2013
ALL DENTAL PRODUCTS like “Oral B”, and “BUTLER” are all connected to this in MAThemathics of making MONEY
Hunger Games in Dec 2013, and Katniss “EVER”DEEN”
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