WOLF GORDON inside the Pacific Design Center

meaning of COLOR in Korean SE KAL


the COLOR of this dog logo is a Bluish Green like the SIGN “Wolf Gordon”


WOLF GORDON sign and the DOG “WOLF” is the Color of “Turn Bull”, the color between Blue and Green, the Color of My Mother’s SHIRT in my childhood CHRISTMAS Picture, which is what Connie Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic church theme is based on.

This Color is a Big Connecting LINK of ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about me with SANDRA PATRICIA OH, AS IF she drew my drawings from 1982. The reason why she is “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”

There is glare on the glass but you can still see to the Right of the female sitting at the front desk, a box with the words “CAESAR STONE”. This is about JOSH WOLF AIR LIBRA STONE of DIAMOND, who wants my Neil Diamond drawing from 1982 to have meaning for him, AS IF SANDRA OH drew this drawing. STONE is about the name of the “JU”dge in Beverly Hills court name RICHARD STONE. RichARD sounds like RichART, which is about MY ARTWORK.

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