The name SURI means “ROSE” in Persian, and her name is related to Connie Pecoraro's oil painting of "Charlie's Find" Jesus Christ, who "ROSE" on the T "HIR" D day, as in T"OM" Cruise MAYpot"HER" the “FOUR”th. This is connected to my Catholic School classmate CHRISTINA BERNARDO who’s birthday is MAY FOURth “5/4” who is a Tau“RUS”. SURi I sounds like Eye and it’s about the meaning and SOUND of TONGUE Sound words for “TH” RUSt and “TH” Rob.
It’s the reason why Tom was so happy “Jumping on the Couch” on Oprah Winfrey when Katie accepted his marriage proposal. It’s about JC Jesus CHRIST in their CAT HOL IC Church Theme, with KATie HOLmes, and MATheMATHics of are you “PI”ous and Horney to make Money, based on MY CHILDHOOD Pictures, MY FAC from 1982 and MY WRITINGS.
I think he named his daughter Suri because it's connected to Supporting SANDRA OH DREW my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1981, because she went to SCHOOL name SIR SIR SUR ROBERT BORDEN high school in Canada. Sandra Oh went to this school AFTER I Drew my drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1981 and there are WITNESSES who know I drew this drawing because I WON a PIN AWARD for it when I graduated from St. Joan of Arc Grammar School in Jackson Heights NY.
He named her SURI because it's about The Picture of me and the black girl. There is a picture of planet earth and a SUR FER on the Upper Left. Thomas CHRIST O "PHER" Bridges all the SOUNDS of "FIR FUR PHER" STS from MY LIFE. He Bridges MY FIRST Birthday baby picture, MY FIRST Boyfriend STEPHEN GARRISON, etc, with SANDRA OH, through Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me. TOM BRIDGES IDENTITY is very important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY, MY SIGN of LEO for Sandra OH, who wants to be the ARTIST who drew all my drawings.
The childhood picture of me and a BLACK Girl is very important, and I am wearing a White and Red shirt with the number “14”, the reason why Tom Cruise got FIRED by Sumner Redstone after “14” years at PARAMOUNT. PARAmount is about Josh Wolf and his agency “PARA”llel Entertainment on Wilshire Blvd. It's why BIG BLACK BITCH SHO "NDA" Rhimes created "Gre Y'S anatomy". SY, what's missing? NDA, for meaning of MY FIR FUR PHERST Name SIGNature of "S AND Y" on the Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME Holding a Magnifying Glass with an Open "E"ye in a "O", to be SANDRA OH, AS IF it's the NICK name of her name Sandra "OH". For all circles of "O" from MY LIFE to have meaning for this Delusional Actress Sandra "OH" Because it sounds like her name.
Tom Cruise loves my ALL GIRLS CATHOLIC high school classmates from St. Vincent "FER"rer . He also loves the picture of me and my first boyfriend Stephen Garrison with my mom wearing a FUR Coat. It's related to SAN "FER"nando Valley, where Josh Wolf lives. Tho MAS CHRISTo”FUR” Bridges all the sounds of words with “FIR”.
SANDRA OH "PEPSI PUSSY" pictures in 1999, for CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY, through Pious PYous JeSUS. "SU SU SU PHER".
Persia is modern day IRAN, and there is a specific reason why they gave her a Persian Name. This is related to WTC 9/11 and a Persian Mystic Poet “HAFIZ”. Daniel Ladinsky’s book “THE GIFT” are a compilation of Translations of his Poems to the English Language. PERISAN Language is read and written backwards, Right to Left, books written in Persian are read backwards.
SURI also means “Pickpocket” in JAPANESE. “LAST SAMURAI” based on MY Childhood Pictures and the name “SAN” which means Mountain in Korean, to have meaning for Connie MARia Pecoraro’s OIL Paintings. "SAN" is a very common Term in Japanese Language, I think like a sort of term of endearment. It's why a Japanese female name SARA S. LUM moved into the address of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA.
"CHA" in Korean means 2 things, it means CAR and also means TEA as in drinking Tea. Tom Cruise is adamant about Suri drinking BARLEY TEA. Barley Tea is Korean and I grew up drinking Barley Tea. BAR is about a picture of me and my father with a Hawaiian Wooden BARrel Statue. My father was a gifted MUSician and a TEA cHER, the reason why Tom Cruise had Connie Pecoraro model for a Ford MUStang “CAR” which also means TEA c as in Mapot”HER”. Mic”CHA” is Josh WOLF’s middle name.
It’s the same thing as “TB” Tom Bridges name initials backwards, for Tom Bridges the Orange B aske T, and the Ear Sound of ASKE, ASSTERISK SIGNature of my first name on the drawing of BENSON DUBOIS from 1982. This is why I was SET UP with MILLER ONE GROUP who owns MERCEDES BENz in Beverly Hills, who “allowed” me to take a “BLUE TECH” BT SUV, with the KEYS inside the Car. ART Her MILLER “All My SONS” and Mercedes BENz = BENSON.
BARley Tea in Korean is BO ri Cha. Tom Bridges must be bridging BO KUM beause it’s about Todd CUMMINGS and Cumming 3ARLY. This word is being rampantly used on Korean Food packages, because BOKUM in Korean means STIR FRY as in “OIL”.
This is the same “PEDOPHILISH” Energy that I picked up on with DENial Ladinsky’s poem “The EAR That Was Sold to a Fish” because its based on my FAC from 1982 which is about Gay Male Sex, COMBINED with “Sexualizing” my CHILDHOOD PICTURES, to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and her Catholic Church Theme. It’s the reason why Tom Cruise’s daughter ISABELLA had a Ramones T Shirt with “BLUE HAiR”, because it’s about the Nude never published BLUE HAIR picture of me and it’s about “RIMES” with HORMONES.
The Big deal with CHA as TEA is about trying to change the meaning of Cha as “CAR”, the reason why Connie MARIA Pecoraro was a CAR MAdel for Ford Mustang, because when you add the sound of the word CAR and add it with MA ria, you get KARMA. While they have RAPED MY LIFE because of CARS and STOLE my Own SUV Toyota RAV4L, connected to SCION cars which sounds like SIGNtology, they are trying to UNDO the DEEP KARMA for themselves.
Tom is strict about Katie Holmes being on a special regimen of taking VITAMINS and Suri drinking BARLEY Water. VitaMINs is about my Mother’s MAIDEN name of “MIN” and he wants Connie Pecoraro who is a “V”irgo to have meaning in my San”TA” Monica childhood pictures. TA in Korean means to Ride or Burn. You Mount and RIDE and Hard DK like you ride a horse, the reason why Tom Cruise has a house in TELL U “RIDE” Colorado, because he wants all my pictures from Colorado and pictures of me on MOUNTAINS to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro. Tom Cruise wants MY PARENTS Identities and Names to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and Josh Wolf. The meaning behind my Parents Names and these WORDS are SEXUAL, like Everything about this is.
SURi’s name is about “i” as in sounds like Eye of Jesus Christ “OO”, “RUS” is about the word TH “RUS” Ting and Throbbing of a Penis. TH is about the nick name for the Garage Studio “Tree House”. This was the TRANSITION of when they began changing the meaning of “Charlie’s Find” going Left to Right, as in EVERYTHING about it is built Left to Right, to have meaning “going backwards” because of MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK. I think he named her this because of the “18”th Letter of the alphabet “R”, and I think she was “born”ed on the 18th for this reason, and Tom and Katie got married in “R” OM “E” Italy on the “18th”, because it’s about OM the “R” number in EYES of WANG MONTGOMERY portrait drawings. 18 is also KATIE’s Birthday.
SURI name is about CITRUS Trees and the word Synchroni"CIT"y. It’s a sarcastic way of saying SORRY, but TC and TBridges Connie Pecoraro “Going Backwards”, with the ORANGE FRUIT BASKET in the childhood picture of me and my Father. With SICK Comedian JOSH WOLF who they’ve given the role of my Father’s Identity. He bridges the HAWAIIAN BARREL Big Dick with Josh Wolf and big asses he is Fucking on BRIDGEWAY with Connie Mother MARIA Pecoraro. It's connected to CITIBANK and the Dubbed Video Recording of me. Citibank CLOSED my Bank Account after “19 YEARS” of me banking with them, because they want the word SynchroniCITy and CITibank of me SITTING on my Rubber Toy in the Video Recording to BE Connie Pecoraro.
CITRUS is connected to a High School classmate from St. Vincent Ferrer name LISA CINT"RON", who went to HARVARD. Harvard like L "RON" Hubbard which rhymes with LARD. The name LISA is about I "SAL", "i" sounds like Eye, SAL in Korean means Rice, Rice is an anagram of the name ERIC, and Eric sounds like ERECTION. "OO" Eriction for ASSterisk. It's about my first name SIGNature "SANDY *" on Benson with the letter "Y" "Going Backwards".
Lisa CINTRON was best friends with GRACE NAVAS, who is connected to SANDRA OH, who wants my Last name "WANG" to have meaning for her through "OM"ing with people from my High School, who support and lick this Sick ACTRESSES Pepsi PUSSEE, like GLORIA Catherine Lee.
SUR “I” is about the EAR Sound of I sounds like EYE, for EARth Virgo the Mai”DEN” Connie Maria Pecoraro, and Josh Wolf aka Jesus Christ EYES “OO” “TH”Robbing and “TH” “RUS” ting in ASSterisk symBOWEL of my First name SIGNature on drawing of BENSON. Everything is about EAR Sound of words to them because of this, and because SCIENtology sounds like SIGNtology, which is connected to my SIGNature on Benson and my SIGN of LEO.
THROB and THRUST are “TONGUE” sounds, which sounds like TUNGSTEN. Tungsten is about WOLFramite and Scheelite. Josh WOLF has been connected to Connie Pecoraro and TOM CRUISE’S Gaym of Tom Bridges my birthday numbers, with GOLD metal of LEO, over the GOLDen GAYte BRIDGE for many years. The number FOUR is based on this t “O” ngue and t “U”ngsten, and “OO” is about Tom Bridges SOUND of LEO, with OIL painting backawards, in OIL ASS Conspiracy of Mother MARY and Jesus Christ the SON.
CAT HOLic. Sounds like KAT ie HOL mes. With MAThemathics of making Money, in EAR sound of ASSSSterisK, it MUST be Licking ASS HOLES for Money.
Everything they’ve been building on is connected to EAR SOUND of Words. SURi, is connected to SANDRA OH who went to “SIR” Robert Bor”DEN” High School, connected to VirGO Mai”DEN” CONstance Maria Pecoraro and her OIL and GLASS Artwork of Jesus CHRIST, the reason why she is “CRIST”ina Yang no “GREY’S Anatomy”. Jesus CHRIST “OO” big BL”OO” Horizontal Eight Eyes, for meaning of EAR sound of my First name SIGNature of “Sandy” with an ASTERISK to be about ASSSSterisk, the reason why Connie Pecoraro does GL”ASS” Artwork. CAT HOLIC and Jewish Synagogue THEME. KAT ie HOL mes.
SURi is connected to RUSSIAN people as in MOSCOW and St. Peters BUR BIR BERG and everything they’ve been building there, for Thomas CHRISTopher BIRD Ges all BIRDS. The RUSSIAN women in United States are big in HAIR SALON Businesses, Cosmetic S”KIN” Care businesses, and BROTHELS. The symbol of PI in MAThemathics “TT” looks like a very commonly used Russian word in their Written language.
BARACK in Russian written language is BA PAK. PAK sound of PAC, connected to PACific Design Center in West Hollywood with a very big Russian Population and everything they’ve been building for the last 3 decades for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH through Business Names, Street Names etc. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, with his ex wife NICLEO DIK MAN, all supporters of Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making Money, for SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and she DREW my drawings from 1982, of ROBERT GUILLAUME, black male actor on BENSON DU”BO”IS, THRU the vehicle of Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme, the reason why BO Barack Obama is a Black male Presiden today. The reason why SANDRA OH wants MY ARTWORK to have been DONE BY HER, for MY KOREAN Name to have meaning for her, connected to George WASHINGTON the first PRESIDENT of the US. “THIS” what I’ve been writing about, is the Biggest LIE and FRAUD ever in HISTORY, both in HOLLYWOOD and POLITICS.
This is the reason why I was being STALKED and got Hit by a Car by a RUSSIAN JEW Female with a SPECIFIC NAME and CAR LICENSE PLATES on Thanksgiving in 2009, on the corner up the street from PACIFIC DESIGN CENTER.
I think SURI was “born”ed on this DATE as in INDUCED Birth, like JOSH WOLF’S SON JACOB’s birth was Induced to be 3/17, because it’s connected to my LP173 Leadership Training in 1997. St PATRICK’S DAY is GREEN, the reason why Connie Pecoraro drives a GREEN Station Wagon with license plate numbers 137 in it, the reason why Josh Wolf drives a GREEN MINI VAN with license plate letters “KCP”, KE for Connie Pecoraro, built in Left to Right. The reason why I met Connie Pecoraro who is a patient at PATRICK LEE’s dental office when I worked with him in 2004.
They want the word TEACHER and MUSIC to have meaning for them going backwards. They want “CHA”rlie’s Find Eyes, “OO” in the name Mic”CHA” to be looking at ET, EighT ASS and Pussy, not AssHOLE. They want to keep the meaning of Jesus Christ but change the meaning, “R” is “18”, E is EYE “CHA” EighT. TE is the middle word and the “WAY” of TAO TE CHING. The reason why Josh Wolf LICKED and FUCKED and CHINESE PUSSY from Laurel Canyon dog Park on Mul “HOL”land Drive in 2009. Ass and HOLE is ASS HOLE. They want my TAO TE CHING SAYING to have meaning for them.
The meaning of my FATHER’s Identity, TEACHER and MUSICIAN the reason why Connie Pecoraro modeled for a Ford MUSTang Car, they want to create meaning “Going backwards” for themselves, so that MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK can have meaning for them. MUSIC is about C “I” Sex CUM, and it’s about the WATER Fountain in my painting “PALACE of FINE ARTS”, the reason why Connie Pecoraro’s friend “MICHA”el LAP perts is posing with a similar Architectural building. LAP is about PAL, which in Korean is the number EIGHT and the word for ARM. He is wearing SUNGlasses in the picture of him with Pecoraro in her Facebook Page, because they want my FATHER’s First name “SUNG” to have meaning for Josh “MICHA” Wolf.
B”AR”ley Tea in Korean is BORICHA. I grew up drinking this TEA. Everything about SURI Cruise seems to be about MY childhood pictures and meaning of MY ARTWORK, like as if she had meaning My Identity. CRADLE ROBBER. The reason why Rebecca Demorney of “Risky Business” made the film “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle”. Everything I’ve been writing about isn’t anything new, it’s been going on for almost 3 decades, with “Variations on a Theme”, but it always goes back to MY ARTWORK and Name SIGNature, and Lee Harcourt MONTGOMERY Name.
PE COR “RARO”. This is about Josh Wolf who named his dog “ROC”ky, so that the name Pe “COR” aro can have meaning for him going backwards, Licking and Fucking Doggy Style, backwards, through KOREAN WORDS. Wheel of KARMA.
Tom Christopher Bridges “18” “18” TOO JOOS, Two DKS and BALLS, in a LEOnardo DA Vinci Code.
Tom Cruise has created a Her She pussy licking game because he has PENIS ENVY and he wants my father's penis to have meaning for a "HER", because my father was a TEA C"HER". The Theme of TEA Party was huge in 2009, and I think it was about trying to distract from the meaning of Connie Pecoraro's middle name of MARIA and Ford Mustang CAR Model because it sounds like KARMA. BAD Karma, as in Beverly Angela "DA"vis "BAD" Karma. The TR"OO"TH HERTZ.
This was the reason why the Commissioner Judge's name for 20 Shelley Drive, Mill Valley case was SET UP, ROY CHERNUS. My father was a MUSic TEA C"HER", his first name is "SUN"g. He wants my father's Penis size to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro, through T"OM" Cruise Mapot"HER". This is why Connie Pecoraro had oil painting titles like “SUN FLOW ers”.
"MO" in Korean means What?. BOWEL has WOLf and BErn’s NAME.
MO"CHA" is a COFfee Drink, usually served at your local STAR BUCKS by a BAR IS TA.
This is connected to Businesses in BEVERLY HILLS, especially on CAMDEN DRIVE, with MICHAEL CHOW.
LOW F Lying AIRplane, Tom Bridges HUBBARD LARD BIRD BLUBBER OIL LOW BODY with LO SE “R”. EAR sound of LO SUR, “i” of Jesus Christ EYES “OO” left to right is BALLS and TOM Bridges is a GAY MALE.