Why did they name this new complex of UCLA school buildings, WEYBURN COMMONS? It’s connected to MASSACHUSETTS where JOSH WOLF was born, and a street name COMMON “WEALTH” street which is near downtown Boston. Connected to JOSH WOLF who studied “COM” MUN ICATIONS in College, and he TALKS for a living as a “SUC” Stand Up Comedian.
This Complex was BUILT in 2011 into 2012, and it was built with “CONSPIRACY of TWO” BUILT INTO IT, connected to My Catholic School classmates GLORIA LEE and CHRISTINA “BERN” ARDO, Wey “BURN”, TAO DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of MARY and JESUS CH “RIS” T, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. UCLA is the “Mother of all SCHOOLS” in this AE “SCUL” APIUS game of MATHemathics of making MONEY, where they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA OH was My Identity and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
OIL BURNS, like “BURNT OFFERINGS” 1976 Night M”AIR” “HO”rror movie.
There is always one pattern that is the same, where ever they’ve built for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF is attached to it, through “Words, Numbers, Colors, CODES, etc”. This is because his LIFE is BUILT to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, that is tied to the US GOVERNMENT. Sandra OH’s Father JOON SOO OH worked for the Federal Gov’t, which has me question, when exactly did he begin using the American name of “JOHN OH”?, which is about meaning of MY NAME “SIGN”ature, as in MY “JOHN HANCOCK” on my Artwork pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, that they’ve been building as if SANDRA OH “DREW” My drawings.
Clearance says “6 8”, inside the parking lot. These numbers are the Middle Digits of MY Social Security Number, and it’s connected to the “WHITE HOUSE” address on 1 “600” PENN=SYLVANIA Avenue, 68 can be 600, just like they’ve been building for years, for “400” is “4/8”, which his connected to FRAUD Birth Certificate “Birthday of 8/4” of Barack Obama and his FRAUD Social Security Number, and both are connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, including MY PORTRAIT Drawing from 2006. All connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY.
1600, “68”, what’s left? 1, one, the sound of “WON”. This is WHY Barack Obama’s FRAUD Birth Certificate from HONOLULU HAWAII has the name of Delivery DOCTOR of DAVID “SIN” CL “AIR”. SIN WON is My Korean name. “HO”nolulu Hawaii ZIP CODE Numbers = My Full Birthday numbers of 8/13/69, to be SANDRA “OH”, connected to “HO”NOR Judges Names in United States COURTS. Why Honolulu Hawaii? It’s about the Hawaiian “BAR”rel statue on top of the liquor cabinet in MY Childhood picture with MY Father in 1982, that they’ve been building as if my identity is SANDRA OH, connected to “LAW” and the “BAR” EXAM.
“LAW” is about MY Writing of “ I WAL Y “ on my ARChitectural Drawing of my parents house “GD” GARAGE DOOR from 1982, that they’ve twisted to have meaning for SANDRA OH connected to JOSH WOLF who studied Com “MUN” ications in 1990 at Trinity University, “AIR” Libra sign symbol of “JUSTICE SCALES”, connected to “MUN” I CIPAL COURTS of United States. Which originally is all connected to name of LEE HAR”COURT” MONTGOMERY, the person who My “ART” has meaning for. This is also why it’s been difficult to make SANDRA OH “FIT” with MY “WATER”COLOR ART and Lee Montgomery, because everything has already been BUILT through OIL OIL OIL ART Catholic Theme of MARY and JESUS CHRIST “CHA”Rlie, by Constance Maria Pecoraro in a Group Conspiracy. This is why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, playing the role of a “DOCTOR”. SIN CL “AIR”, as if through “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF and Constance Ma”RIA” Pecoraro, SANDRA OH is My Identity and My Korean name.
Hospital tv show “Greys Anatomy”, a made up tv show, was created to ROB MY REAL LIFE IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, connected to REAL LIFE Hospital CE DARS “SIN” AI Hospital, for my Korean name to be SANDRA OH connected to “GEORGE WASHINGTON” on the “ONE” Dollar bill, in MATHemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH was MY “BOURNE IDENTITY”. This is why “Greys Anatomy” is set in Seattle WASHINGTON, reason why Cedars “SIN”ai Hospital has a street name “GEORGE” Burns road, connected to WASHINGTON DC Capi”TOL” HILL, reason why Capi”TAL” GRILL restaurant, and MAC’ys’ is next to Cedars Sinai Hospital. Gre “YS” anatomy, through meaning of BLACK CO”LOR” S”KIN”, they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA OH is My Name SIGNature on MY ART of “SANDY”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
My pencil drawing art of Robert Guillaume from 1981, my name SIGNature says “SANDY”, it doesn’t say SY, or YS, or “NIK”, these are CODES created to ROB MY “JOHN HANCOCK” for SANDRA OH in MATHemathics of making MONEY, reason why specific Repeating Number, are repetitive and important.
EAR sound of SEA”DARI” SIGN EYE Hospital, in a Ass Conspiracy of D”ARI” BE “LOW” IT the ASSTERISK meaning. “OO” when this over “LAP”s, bending over, it creates () is FISH is PUSSY shape, all built Going BACKwards for Sandra “OH” and Jo”SHOW” LF, who are “LOS” Mates.
The word HOS pi “TAL” itself has a monster meaning attached to it. See Hospi”TAL” link.
All of this brings me to the point of WHAT IS JACOB WOLF’s DELIVERY DOCTORS Name? is it MARIA? Like Constance MARIA Pecoraro’s middle name? is this delivery doctor a NEGRO? What is the name of THAI female mother of Jacob? Is it TARA and is she a “VIRGO” Sign like Constance Maria Pecoraro? What HOSPITAL was Jacob Wolf born in, is it SWE “DISH” Hospital? Like PLAT “O” FOOD, MY PLATE “O” FOOD, new food groups introduced by Mich”ELLE” OBAMA in 2011, as if all the circles of “O” of MY ARTWORK, like MY Federally Registered Trade “MARQ” in circle of “O” was DONE by SANDRA “OH” because it sounds like her name.
Delivery DOCTOR “DAVID” SIN CL “AIR”, hand picked real delivery doctor name, to ROB My Korean Name, and meaning of MY Father’s Music Band from 1950’s “MORNING STARS”, where he is B “LOW”ing “AIR” into a CL “ARI” NET, to have meaning for “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF born in month of “TEN” OCTOBER. Morning Stars, name of my father’s music band from 1950’s, is used and is a terminology that is very important in ASTROLOGY BOOK by LINDA GOODMAN, in ROBBING MY PARENTS NAMES for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO, in a ASS CONSPIRACY of “RAPING of MY LIFE, MY IDENTITY, MY ART” GAME.
The reason why WOLF LIBRA and PECORARO VIRGO vibe number is important, is because it’s connected to the meaning of the word “MAN HAT TAN”. Their VIBE Number is “212” and this is the Area Code of New York City, as in Manhattan. When you “TAN” your S”KIN” gets D “AR” K, as if Sand”RA” OH is My “NIK” Name SIGNature Going Backwards. Remember “NIK” is the code to rob my JOHN HANCOCK as in my Name SIGNature. HANcock, HANDS in Spanish is “MAN” OS, Sandra OH name initials Going BACKwards. HAT in Korean language is “MO JA”, Mo JA rhymes with BU “JA” which means “RICH”, and this is about meaning of the name of “RICH ARD”, sound of RICH “ARDT”, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of MY “ART”, and it’s worth a lot of Money. Reason why over 250 pieces of MY PRICELESS WATERCOLOR ARTWORK was all STOLEN in 2009, through White Collar C”RIMES”.