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Watch Face is usually in shape of circle of "O".
Like G "ROUND" COF.fee and G "ROUND" Beef in HAM.burgers.
The face of the O of a WATCH and the NUMBERS, including MILITARY NUMBERS, is connected to what they built, as in it RHIMES with "MATCH" and "MAT" in Korean means LICK or Taste connected to Catho"LICK" theme Oil Art of Mother Mary and Jesus CH "RIS" T the SON by Constance Maria Pecoraro.
12 is at TOP and MilitARY Time is 24. 4 who? 4 what? 4 "212" VIBE of Rolex WATCH and ROLex Building of Josh MIC"CHA" WOLF AIR LIBRA sign connected to "CHA"rlies Find Jesus CH"RIST" oil art by Constance MARIA Pecoraro EARTH VIRGO Sign Astrology "MORNING STAR" VIBE Numbers.
6 is at the BOTTOM and Military Time is "18". 1600 PA Pennsylvania Ave is the WHITE HOUSE Address.
600 number can also be "68", just the difference of Vertical or Horizontal number EIGHT.
SIN "WON" is my Korean Name, sound of SHIN WON in the word and name of George WA"SHIN"Gt"ON" the First President of United States. My Social Security Number middle digits is "68".
"O"IL is a CODE. O is EAR sound of SANDRA "OH" Name. IL in Korean is number "ONE", EAR sound of "WON" of my middle name.
THIS CODE of "O"IL is directly connected to BARACK OBAMA and his FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate from HAWAII with Delivery Doctor name of David "SIN CL AIR" in Robbing MY KOREAN name of "SIN WON" for SANDRA OH.
Sandy Wang's Korean Name of "SIN WON"
sound of SHIN WON in name of George WA"SHIN"gtON
Sandy Wang's IDENTITY and ART, SSN, being Robbed in MATHemathics of making Money in REAL Estate connections
FRAUD Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA "SIN CL AIR" handpicked name on Fraud Document to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA "O"
NUMBERS Don't and Can't LIE like People SIN "CL AIR" shoe shaw SHONDA """RHIMES"""" with WELL F"AIR"
NUMBERS Don't and Can't LIE like People Hope x Bunker HILL = Capitol Hill of WASHINGTON CD, Black Niggers in WHITE House makes GRAYS Anatomy
1 and 26 is AZ of alphabet, the Beginning and the End.
This is something they've been building for decades. They want to OWN ALL WORDS from A to Z. It's why MY ARTWORK and MY TRADEMARK that has No Words, is POWERFUL. An Image can be WORTH a BILLION WORDS and WORTH "O.H" One Hudred BILLION DOLLARS.
These letters of "AZ" has been linked to the word "ZA" PAT "O" which means SHO es in Spanish, with Sandra "O" Name, what is her middle name? PATRICIA? SPO? G "SPO" T of the CLITO"RIS" is ROUND like circle of "O", EAR sound of Sandra OH NAME, built connected to Jesus CH "RIS" T art of CHA Rlies Find, which is about the word C"HO"CHA is PUSSY in Spanish with Sandra "OH" name in it backwards. This is why Sandra OH was C "RIS" Tina YANG on GREYS ANATOMY, created in 2005 by SHO..nda LYNN RHIMES.
R.h.I.m.e.S = "SIR" in the word Clito"RIS", what's left? HEM, HAM is PIG as in "FAT", in AE.SCUL.APIUS of MATHemathics of making Money through SCH"OO"L NAMES, as if Sandra OH is the Artist of my Pencil Drawing from 1981 of Nigger ROBERT GUILLAUME, as if she is the artist of my drawing through her SCHOOL name of "SIR" ROB....ert BOR..den in CAN"ADA". This is connected to SHO nda LYNN RHIMES SCHOOL of D "ART MOUTH" College, in robbing meaning of MY "ART" and My Profession of "DEN"tal Hygiene, through her SCHOOL Name, connected to SIR Robert BOR "DEN" of Sandra OH.
Jesus CH "RIS" T was born in DE CE mber, on CHRIST MAS, in the COL...d in a MAN.ger, in BETH LE "HEM". Form of HANDCUFFS go on W "RIS" T and RHIMES with CH "RIS"T like a N"ICE" ROL...ex WATCH, then you get ta"KEN" into "CUS"...TO..DY.
AR "RES" T. SER SIR ROBert BORDEN School name of SANDRA OH, it's about "ART". This Pat"HO"Logical LI"AR" BORDer.Line psyc"HO"tic actress Sandra "OH" better know how to DRAW and PAINT, she's going to PRISON FOR LIFE.
CHA rlies Find, Oil Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro in a Group Conspiracy with PEARL JAM EDDIE VEDDER born in DE "CE"mber who's first marriage was to "BETH" LIEBLING, connected to "SUC" Stand Up Comedian Josh MIC"CHA" WOLF married to "BETH"eny ASHTON isn't random.
Everything they built, was built to RAPE MY LIFE and ROB MY ART and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH THROUGH these CODES above connected to REAL PEOPLE'S IDENTITIES and NAMES. Everything they built, has turned out to be "113 72" ZIP CODE Raping Robbing of my Identity in 1980's, built to be SANDRA OH through birthday numbers of "1/13" Shonda Rhimes and "7/20" Sandra OH = TWO Deranged Sick Pussies CAT"HO"LICKING connected to countless BUSINESS NAMES.
JESUS CHRIST CATHOLIC THEME OIL ARTWORK isn't My Art, it's Constance Pecoraro's Art, the VEHICLE to linked to EVERYTHING and People's NAMES in MATHemathics of makin gMoney through RAPING MY LIFE. Everything they BUILT has turned out to FIT THEM PERFECTLY became it all came from them.
All of the above, was created and built through Jesus CHRIST OIL ART by Constance Pecoraro in "OIL BURNS" with FIRE, for TOM C"HAND"LER BIRDGES Leo who has the same birthday as me, in ROBBING of MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY JOHN "HANCOCK" as in my Name SIGNature on my Art from 1981, for SANDRA OH, built through HAN"COCK" RHIMES with GOLD C"LOCK", with BIRD in F"LOCK" and the Pea"COCK". Feather, Father, AFT and STERN PEAR BOAT OIL ASS Conspiracy.
6/02 is My Mother "AIR" Gemini birthday, that they built it as if Constance "MA RIA" Pecoraro is my mother, connected to AREA CODE of SEATTLE WASHINGTON "206", CAPital CITY where "Grey'e Anatomy' HOSPITAL SHOW is set. This means going BACKwards, everything they built, has turned out to be SANDRA OH ASS OverLAPping "OO" PU"CE" Licking her Mother "MA RIA" MOM = "ANATOMY". Upper Left state of Seattle WASHINGTON is where this "GROUP CONSPIRACY" all come together, in robbing my Korean Name of SIN WON, EAR sound of SHIN WON, in the word WA"SHIN"gt"ON", as if it's SANDRA OH. "O"IL Is the CODE, connected to P"EAR"L JAM Raping SInger EDDIE VEDDER who lives in Seattle WASHINGTON, same city where JOSH MIC"CHA" WOLF SON JACOB WOLF was born"ed".
Greys Anatomy tv show, is about Robbing My PARENTS NAMES for WOLF and PECORARO, and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if this deranged actress is my Identity from "BIRTH to PRESENT" and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. SHONDA LYNN RHIMES is going to PRISON for a LONG TIME.
Everything they built is built based on meaning of LOCK, connected to MY Writings of "KEY TO MY SOUL" I wrote in 1981. This is why they want my Second Artwork Collection from 2003-2007 of my WATERCOLOR ART and My PORTRAIT Drawing I drew in "2/06", to be Sandra OH as if she is the ARTIST of MY WATERCOLOR ART, when everything about this Deranged Psychotic ACTRESS SANDRA OH has already been built through L"ARD" is O"IL" and both are CODES created to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY Name SIGNature on my art from 1981.
For my Trade"MARQ" in Circle of "O" in 2007, MY 1 LINE DRAWING ART INSIDE CIRCLE of "O", registered at USP"TO" to have been done by and to have meaning for SANDRA "OH" because Circle of "O" EAR SOUNDS like her NAME of "O.H". All EAR sound connections, many of the borderline psychotic connections, was built through P"EAR"L JAM Singer EDWARD LOUIS SEVERSON, born in "EC" Evanston CHICAGO ILLI"NOIS", built in by default for CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO's JESUS CHRIST the "SON".
Sandy Wang in 1980's growing up in JH NY 113 72
Sandy Wang's WATCH picture in 1984 and Letter "C" HAIR, and same Letter C Hair in 2006
Sandy Wang' Portrait Drawing in "2/06"
O Sandy Wang's TRADEMARK 1 Line Drawing inside "O" in 2007
AZ Sandy Wang's Intellectual Property of ALPHA and OMEGA, Beginning and End "AZ" of TAO
EAR sound is how they RAPE and ROB for SANDRA "OH"
EAR sound of how they've RAPED MY PARENTS NAMES and My John HANCOCK on my ART for "CJ" "JC" Jesus CHRIST
it's a Group Conspiracy built connected to OIL GL"ASS" ARTIST Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro "CONNIE and T"EDS" O.H = LIFE IN PRISON
"O" ALL NUMBERS meet at this SPOT, Licking SANDRA OH C LI TO "RIS"
PIC "O" ALL NUMBERS meet at this SPOT, Licking SANDRA """"OH""""" C LI TO "RIS" 11 "O" 45 Monster connections on "PIC O" Blvd
CHA Rlies FInd, CH"RIS"T, "SIR" ROB...ert BOR...den school of Sandra OH in Can'ADA'
BO "G" is Pussy for Korean Actress SANDRA OH, CliTO "RIS" RHIMES with PA "RIS"
PA, what is Sandra OH's middle name PA "TREEEE" SHA? or MIJU?
ROLEX Building address of 9420 Wilshire Blvd, with CROWN logo, a building built in 19 “45”, and renovated to ROB My Father's Identity and his Occupation as a Musician, through the word “TEA”CHER, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and CHRISTINA BERN”ARD O”, who are both connected to “CHA”rlies Find, Jesus CH”RIS”T Oil Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”Ina Yang on “Grey's Anatomy”.
It's about the circle of “O” of magnifying glass in my pencil drawing from 1981 of Robert GU IL “LA” U ME, reason why they've been building for 3 decades in “LA” LOS Angeles, as if Sandra Oh was My Identity and Artist of my Artwork. “LOS” to be about the EAR sound of “SOUL” Mates backwards. Eyes are Window to the Soul. WES “T”. “OO” CHARLIES Find Jesus CHRIST with RINGS “OO” around his Eyes, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey's Anatomy”, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF.
Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART is also about Robbing MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, who they built as if she is ME attending all my CATHOLIC SCHOOLS in 1980's. It's called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT, in a Group Conspiracy spanning 3 decades, that can ONLY BE PUNISHED BY LIFE IN PRISON.
“Left Arm O”.
LAO TSU is the Chinese Philospher who wrote the “TAO TE CHING”. They've been building on meaning of TAO the EAR sound of DAO “DOW” JONES in MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if the Circle of “O” from MY ARTWORK in 1981, was done by SANDRA “OH” because it SOUNDS like her name.
Fast Forward 3 DECADES, The TAO DOW JONES of making MONEY through RAPING and ROBBING of My IDENTITY, my Trademark in circle of “O”, My Watercolor Artwork in circles of “O”, as if Sandra “OH” is the ARTIST of My TRADEMARK and owner of my TAO Saying and INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. WHILE DELUSIONAL SICK NIGGERS IN WHITE HOUSE makes “GRAYS” ANATOMY, CHICA.GO ILLI”NOISE” NIGGERS RAPE and ROB MY LIFE and ART. CF Closet Fags, the OBAMAS from CHICA”GO”, connected to SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who created “GREYS Anatomy” who was born and raised in CHICA”GO” ILLI”NOISE”, connected to Psycho VIR”GO” Constance Maria Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find and her No Name “GIRL” = CHICA, sketches to ROB MY CP Childhood Pictures for SANDRA OH.
TA “O”, of combining and or confusing my IDENTITY and MY ART, with this Borderline Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH, it will always = T RA ge DY and SO rr OW.
Sandy Wang’s “C” HAIR in 2006 PORTrait Drawing
Sandra OH “WATCH” her “FEED”ing the METER, and see meaning of ELE ctric METER at MARIAN Building, WATCH the VIDEOS
PAT”EK” Philip Watches Ge “AR Y’S” ROLex ad behind Jerr Y’S, mac Y’S and CSH
Ge AR “Y’S” “ROL”ex ad behind Holloway and IHOP
PAT”EK” Philips Watch on KINross and GlenDON
Ge “AR YS” and “ROL”ex, for Sand”RA” OH is My Name Signature of “S and Y” and is MY IDENTITY
Constance Pecoraros' JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rliles Find “OO”
Watches go on W “RIS”T for Sandra OH who went to “SIR” Robert Borden High School in Can’ADA’
Boderline Psychotic Actress who is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “GRE YS anatomy”
“Y’S” in RAPING MY NAME, MY IDENTITYm, for MAThemathics of making MONEY through SANDRA OH
connected to “CAP”riCORN G”OAT” Black S”KIN” Negro sick bitch Shonda LYNN Rhimes
MY HANDS, ART. MY John HAN cock Name SIGNature on ART to be SANDRA OH. While the FRAME ME, and “LOC”k me in Jail in Handcuffs. EVERYTHING “They” built is deeply disturbingly TWISTED like this.
WATCH me “GROW” go on “WRIST” like “ROL”ex Watches
GREW, GRUEN “WATCHES” on Melrose Avenue
“GRU EN” Construction company and JEWISH SCHOOL
Facing “WEST” to the LEFT.
the TAO they built, is to the “LEFT” on the “WEST” Coast
meaning of “KEN Q UEST” and “WEST” connections
scroll down to Sick Raping JESUS JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and DORIA's BATH TIME
WEST Greys Anatomy, set in Seattle “MERCY” Grace “WEST” Hospital created by Deranged Nigger SHONDA RHIMES
Old "WATCH" connections, NE gro gru EN Bordan Baktan SIR ROB.....ert BOR....den Either Way PER"IL" LI = ILLI”NOIS” pedophiles
W.A.T.C.H. ME "GRO", NE gro gru EN
Shonda LYNN R.H.I.M.E.S = clito"RIS", HEM HAM
clito"RIS" in the name of HIN"DU"BOIS KAMALA HAR "RIS"
O.U. = YANG Korean Character of "YANG" TILT your Head to LEFT, and see "O.U" SOUND of SANDRA OH name
GRO, GRU, "O"U Sandra "OH" sucking fucking NEGRO DICKS through RAPING MY ART and MY LIFE
It's about CATHOLICKING NIGGER PUSSY CLI"TO.....RIS" built through Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CH "RIS" T
HEM HAM, AE Ass is Eye, SCUL. APIUS of "SIR" ROB.....ert BOR......den School of SANDRA OH
SILENCE of the LAMBS by Thomas HAR "RIS"
Sandra Oh thinks she is MY IDENTITY in all my pictures, and MY IDENTITY during HIGH SCHOOL in 1980’s
Sandy Wang’s “WATCH” in 1985, and “C” HAIR in little “Rabbit Ear” made by tied Bandana
Sandy Wang’s Portrait Drawing in 2006 “C” Letter in HAIR
Sandy Wang's WATCH and Letter "C" HAIR in 1984 and in 2006, CENT SCENT SEN"TEN"CING of LIFE IN PRISON connections
“WAT”ches that go on “WRISTS” sounds like CHRIST
SANDRA OH and "WATCH" PORTrait picture meaning
WAT ch, MAT ch, MAT in Korean means “TASTE” or LICK
connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork
Tom Cruise in “Knight and Day” which was going to be called “W ICHI TA” begins and ends with “MAT”CH
LICK with “TUNG” sound of TUNGSTEN
ROLEX is a WATCH Brand that go on “RISTS”
WRIST connections
“MAT”ch stick at SUSHI restaurant on PALM, = LICK OO over “LAP”ping “M”, creates () Pussy for cho “CHA”rlie’s Find “OO”
Watch, CLOCK tells TIME, what kind of Time? The kind that SCENT CENT “SENT” ences you to LIFE IN PRISON
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WATCH Companies and Brands
WEST TIME and meaning of CUT the “O” Finish the LINE across the street, on the “OS” Other Side of Sunset Blvd
WEST, EAR sound.
T "SO" Sandra OH.
"QUEST"ION? Upper Left computer key "Q", EAR sound of "WEST"ion.
EAR sound "ASSSSTERISK", for HAND in MARRIAGE, CUT 1 "O", 4 "OO", Wedding Rings.
Chic"KEN" is a BIRD
"NEK" Backwards
Q is the upperleft letter of Computer Key BOARD
KEN "Q" UEST Building
EAR sound
"QUEST" "Q" WEST for FIRE in "O"IL BURNS, scroll down to SANDRA OH on Q LIVE
WATCH ME GROW BE.HIND the Crown of “ROL”ex Building WATCH go on W “RIS” T and Rhimes with CH “RIS” T
"ROL"lex Watch. RW.
Using this building's name, and address to ROB MY IDENTITY and My Father's Identity, for SANDREA OH. As if she is me, Artist of my Artwork.
Sandy Wang's childhood picture in 1980 of White Red shirt with "14". Reason why across the street from ROLEX Building on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills, is building number "9014".
They've built this childhood picture of me, as if it's Sandra OH, connected to JOSH WOLF LIBRA and SANDRA OH CANCER "VIBE" 410. Cancer Libra "CL" vibe.
Sandy Wang in 1980, White Red Shirt "14"
Sandy Wang in 1984, WRIST WATCH and Letter "C" HAIR and My HAIR in 2006
Ge AR Y'S billboard at across from CS Hospital
Philip “PAT”EK Watch Ad in 2013, next to Jerr Y’S restaurant Ge “AR Y’S”, for Sand”RA” OH is My Name SIGNature of “Sand Y”, connected to “Gre Y’S Anatomy” Like YARIS CARS, GRAY and YARD, any word with “RA” and “Y” as if SANDRA OH is MY Name of “SAND Y”
Elbow Knee Sandy Wang’s picture on “TREE” in 2007, “Knee Elbow” “KE”, “PAT” EK
Cedars “SIGN” Eye Hospital real life Hospital
GO THERE across from CSH, Jerr Y’S, next to Mac Y’S
next to CAPITAL GRILLE restaurant and “OWB” BANK
JOSH WOLF and meaning of BLACK “SKIN”
DIRECTLY connected to Fake Hospital tv show “Gre Y’S anatomy
Gre Y’S is about Kid Ne “Y’S” anatomy of AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF
Y’S connecltions in making MONEY as if SANDRA OH was My Name SIGNature on MY ART
Greys Anatomy connected to
NG, Napa Grill and Philip PATek WATCH
Robin Williams as “SY” in ONE HOUR PHOTO = SANDRA OH is going to PRISON FOR LIFE
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WATCH and “C” HAIR of Sandy Wang in 1985
“C” HAIR of Sandy Wang’s Portrait Drawing in Feb 2006
Sandy Wang “C” HAIR in 1985
Sandy Wang “C” HAIR in 2006
meaning of John HANcock and “MANOS” is HAND in Spanish
word “NE GRO” connections and BLACK COLOR S”KIN”
SANDRA OH in “GW” Green and White in Sept 2012
TARGET Life In Pen”TEN”iary SANDRA OH PALM Of HAND connections in Sept 2014 and CS “VOYA” Payroll
“G” RA FF Watches GW = George Washington Gary Wright on the “OS” Other Side of “KEN” Q UEST TIME
WATCHES go on WRIST, and RHIMES with CHRIST. Like JEWelry of BRAcelet, connected to MAT MAT MAThemathics of making MONEY, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982.
It’s about MY Pictures during 1980’s in CATHOLIC High School, a picture of me with my HAIR in shape of letter “C” of me wearing a CLEAR SWATCH WATCH in 1984. They've built as if MY IDENTITY in ALL MY PICTURES, my Baby Pictures, My Childhood Pictures, my Adolescent pictures is SANDRA OH, this has been going on for 3 decades in Los Angeles and I began discovering this in 2007.
This isn’t the reason why My Portrait Drawing in 2006 has same shape of “C” in My HAIR, I wasn’t thinking of this picture of me in High School in 1984 and I didn’t know they’ve been building on my pictures from MY “TEENS” to BE SANDRA OH in Los Angeles. This is WHY since Feb 2006, since I drew my Portrait Drawing, they’ve been building in Los Angeles AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY, ARTIST of MY ARTWORK and MY PORTRAIT DRAWING. The REASON why my Priceless Artwork was all STOLEN through ORGANIZED CRIMES in 2009, all connected to SANDRA OH, and Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Painting of Jesus “C” H RIST “CHA”rlie in a SICK RAPING GROUP CONSPIRACY of CATHOLIC THEME Oil Artwork by Pecoraro created to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
All of the above was BUILT through CATHOLIC Theme Oil Art by CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO of Mother MARY and JESUS CHRIST, in robbing of my Identity, my Name SIGNature on my ARTWORK, for SANDRA OH in a Group Conspiracy. This is why in 2005, “Greys Anatomy” was created and why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on this Hospital tv show created DIRECTLY connected to Real Life Hospital Cedars “SIN”ai Hospital, where they've been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH”.
CHArlies Find JESUS CHRIST is about JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, who's talent agency is in the ROLEX Building, and his he Constance Pecoraro's Jesus was a JEW “CHA”RLIE. ROLEX WATCH “RW” is about the colors RED and WHITE, and my Childhood picture in 1980 with a Black Girl, of ME wearing a White and Red shirt with the number “14”. This is why ROLEX BUILDING is across the street from building number 9401. 41 “O” is an Astrology VIBE Number that they built for CANCER SANDRA OH and LIBRA JOSH WOLF. What's left? Number 9 in Korean is “GU” connected to My Name SIGNature on MY Pencil Drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 of Robert “GU”ILLAUME.
CH “RIS” T RIMES with W “RIS” T Watch. Go behind ROLEX Building at REEEVES PARK. Understand the meaning of “GRU EN” WATCH “GW” company on Melrose avenue, and REEVES PARK childrens playground next to “ROL”ex Building, and the meaning of HANDS with a sign that says “WATCH” me GROW. For ALL MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES to BE SANDRA OH, which is what they’ve been building in Los Angeles for 3 decades, and then MY ADULT LIFE “ROBBED” and “RAPED”, so that EVERYTHING about ME can be this sick DELUSIONAL ACTRESS.
OO CH form of HAND CUFFS go on RISTS, “SIR” RobART Borden High School SANDRA OH who’s been claiming for 3 decades she DREW MY drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME and she is MY IDENTITY. PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” who is a BORDerline Psychotic ACTRESS. JESUS CHRIST isn’t my fucking OIL Artwork, it’s the REASON for 2 DECADES of SLOW SILENT TERROR IN MY LIFE.
What is JOSH WOLF's Son's mother's name? TARA? Is she a VIRGO? He is going to FOLLOW OH and PECORARO, his Partners in Crime, into a PENITENTIARY.
PAT “EK” Philips Watches are one of the most expensive watches, and they’ve been around for a long time. But they’ve made it “FIT” because it’s about what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? is it “PAT”RICIA? Sound of “PA TREEEEE SHA”?
It’s about MY Pictures on “TREE” in 2007 at 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA, with My “E”lbow and “K”nee is the shape of “V V” or “W upside down is M”.
The meaning of MY PICTURES on the “TREE” in 2007 in TOPANGA, is the reason why they BUILT the new WEST HOLLYWOOD LIBRARY, with “Y” and “TREE” and CEILING “LEAF” theme in 2011.
The above pictures are behind JERR “Y’S” restaurants which are all over Los Angeles, and PATEK Philip watches are also sold at different venues, but this AD is placed here for specific reasons. JERRY’S is next to DOMI”NIKS”, which is next to AL”ARD”yce Furniture business. It’s all about TOM BRIDGES MY IDENTITY, who is a gay male with the SAME LEO Birthday as me, AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, as if “SANDY” is the “NIK” of SAN”DRA” OH going BACKwards, through the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK in a GROUP CONSPIRACY, which is a VERY SERIOUS CRIME, like IDENTITY THEFT and ART THEFT.
Just a block ahead is the new “One West Bank”. EL “BOW”, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY of ME ON THE “TREE” and MY PORTRAIT DRAWING, and MY SIGN of LE”O”, connected to MY FEDERALLY REGISTERED TRADEMARK in circle of “O”, because it sounds like her name of Sandra “OH”. A sick pattern that began 3 decades ago connected to MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 HOLDing a Magnifying Glass with Eye in “O” to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, as if she is MY NAME SIGNature on this drawing, and MY SIGN of LEO, through TOM BRIDGES who has the same Birthday as me.
BOW, sound of “BO”, connected to MY Pencil drawing of ROBERT Guillaume who was “BENSON” DU”BO”IS the “BUTLER” to the GOVERNOR, the REASON why the examining attorney for my Federally Registered Trademark in 2006 was name “BUTLER”, 1 LOOOOOONG FUCKING continuation fo the raping of MY LIFE and MY ARTWORK, for SANDRA OH who’s FATHER worked for the US Federal Gov’t. SANDRA OH has been claiming she DREW this drawing for 3 decades, because she went to a school name SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. They’ve been BUILDING LIES and FRAUD for 3 decades. It’s the GOVERNMENT RAPING MY LIFE FOR THIS SICK DELUSIONAL PSYCHO ACTRESS AND THEY ARE GOING TO PAY DEEEERLY, LIKE SANDRA OH IS GOING TO BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, ESPECIALLY IF HER MIDDLE NAME IS PATRICIA, and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.
See meaning of BAN k below.
Cedars “SIN”AI Hospital is directly across the street, because EVERYTHING leads to this real life HOSPITAL where they’ve been building for 3 decades for my Korean Name of “SIN WON” to be SANDRA OH, and for MY Name “SIGN”ature of “SANDY” on MY ART, to have been done by SANDRA OH. EAR sound of “SIGN” EYE Hospital. This HOSPITAL IS DIRECTLY connected to fake HOSPITAL tv show “GREYS ANATOMY” which was created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” through TOM “BIRD”GES my “GOLD CLOCK”, and meaning of LEO Metal of GOLD, through Pea”COCK” is a BIRD.
Jerr Y’S, connected to Comedian JERRY “SEINFELD” EAR sound of “SIGN” FELD, connected to Constance Pecoraros’ JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rlie, Josh MI”CHA” WOLF, Stand UP Comedian. His LIFE is very closely connected to this real life Hospital CSH, because of the many many JEWS who donate their MONEY, to create meaning as if SANDRA OH was My Identity. They love their TORAH. ALL JEWISH Synagogues, Congregations, Schools, Churchs, etc, are all connected to creating MEANING AS IF SANDRA OH was My Identity and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. Lots of Jewish females name “RA”CHELs.
The word “WAT”CH has the letters “MAT”CH upside down. WATCH on RISTS is usually shaped in “O”, for all shapes of circles from MY LIFE, MY ART, MY PICTURES, to BE SANDRA “OH”, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK with circles of “O” in it. This PATTERN began with meaning of MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, who was BENSON DUBOIS the BUTLER to the Governor from tv show, who is HOLDing a Magnifying Glass with an Eye in a “O” in this drawing.
This Sick PATTERN has continued for 3 decades, connected to MY REGISTERED TRADEMARK in circle of “O”, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST and OWNER of MY TRADEMARK because it sounds like her name of “OH”. This was a Continuation of CREATING MEANING in MY LIFE, through Other People’s NAMES, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTiST and OWNER of MY RT, the REASON why the Examining Attorney for my RT at UPSTO was name “MIDGE BUTLER” in 2007. The “O” of the Magnifying Glass that BUTLER to the Governor “BEN”son Dubois is holding in my drawing from 1981.
This is the REASON why SANDRA OH went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School as has been claiming for 3 Decades she DREW my drawings. SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY in all MY BABY and Childhood pictures too, and this is what they’ve been building in Los Angeles for 3 decades, as if through STREET NAMES, BUSINESS Names, other people’s NAMES, through COLORS, WORDS, NUMBERS and ‘CODES’, as if she is MY IDENTITY and the ARTIST OF MY POWERFUL ARTWORK.
GU ILLAUME. GU in Korean means Number “9”, the YEAR of My Birth 8/13/196 “9”. IL in Korean is number “1”. Montgomery YR is 1. 69 is Upside Down. MAT ch, WAT ch. “MW”, meaning of WANG MONTGOMERY.
SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY, like she is MY PORTRAIT Drawing, she wants the Syllable of “GU” in the name of GU ILLAUME, to have meaning for her, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s BIRTHDAY of “9/1”, her YEAR of “69” and through her OIL Artwork of Jesus CH RIST, “WAT”CH goes on RISTS. REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang “Greys Anatomy” created in conjunction with Costance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME, to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, connected to all MY CATHOLIC School names.
SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY During MY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Years, through creating and connecting meaning with MY Classmates NAMES. This is WHY “GREYS ANATOMY” is Set in Seattle GRACE Mercy West “MW” Hospital, created by Shonda LYNN “RHIMES”, connected to OIL goes on CANVAS and RHYMES with NAVAS. SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY in ALL MY HIGH SCHOOL Pictures. The PICTURE of me with “WATCH” on MY RIST, like Jewelry and a Bandana on MY RISTS, through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, th e reason why she is “CHRIST”ina YANG on “Grey’s Anatomy”. Catho “LICK”, LICK or TASTE in Korean is “MAT”. CathoLICK “MAT”hemathics of HER SHE Y’S ChoCHAcoLATE Ass Pussy licking game.
Meaning of “BUTTERFLY” is connected to MY Childhood pictures that SANDRA OH thinks is HER. This meaning of Butterfly is very important, and it’s connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY that go on “BAN K”s. NABi in Korean means BUTTERFLY, and Sandra OH thinks the childhood pictures of me standing on the Mountains in Korea, wearing BUTTERFLY “HAL”TER TOP Shirt, in Red Shorts and Red Shoes is her. Because SAN in Korean means Mountain, and the words SHOrts and SHOes has letters of her name in it. Like all the “O” circles from MY LIFE and MY ART, to be and having meaning for SANDRA “OH”. PSY “KO”.
NABi is Butterfly in Korean. It’s in the word BANk. BANk in Korean is “UN HANG”. They’ve connected and created these words to be about HANGing OIL BLUBBER P3AR Shaped ASS, because the word BUTTERFLY has the word “BUTT” in it, like ASS. J”UN”g D”UN”g in Korean means ASS, and since BUTT begins and ends with “BT” like BASSSKET, BLANKET, BREAKFAST Foods, etc, for any words ending and beginning with BT to be TOM BRIDGES “TB” name initials BACKwards, in TOM BRIDGES who is a LEO Gay male, bridges meaning of MY Name SIGNature and MY IDENTITY going BACKwards, LEO with Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST with OO Eyes.
“SHO”es and “SHO”rts both have “OH” in it going BACKwards, and they’ve built a Monster ASS CONSPIRACY, connected to meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, which has a ASTERISK Key, AS IF it’s SANDRA OH’s Name SIGNature, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name through S”KIN” BUSINESSES. Meaning of MY Name SIGNature with OO made with letter S of my name is why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the SON has “OO” rings around his eyes, and the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on ”Greys Anatomy”. OIL goes on CANVAS and “RHIMES” with NAVAS.
This is why meaning of BANKS is closely connected to CARL “JUNG” and the word “SYN CHRO NICITY” a term he “COINED”. JUNG DUNG is a KOREAN Word, JUNG Ja is My Mother’s name, that they’ve been building through JC Jesus CHRIST, connected to “CJ” Carl JUNG going BACKwards for OO is Form of ASS BACKwards.
I bet Carl Jung is rotating and turning over in his GRAVE, how can they have created such sick meaning, through a man’s name, who’s work was a lifelong dedication to MIND HEALTH. They’ve created and BUILT his NAME, connected to the word SYN CHRO NICITY, TO RAPE MY LIFE, MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK, for SANDRA OH.
Meaning of MY childhood pictures with this BUTTERFLY “HAL”TER TOP SHIRT in 1976, connected to BANK, is WHY Constance Pecoraro has lots of imaginary new sketches of her NO Name GIRL who has a new name of SUNNY with lots of BUTTERFLIES. Constance Pecoraro’s ROLE is to create meaning through her IMAGINARY Sketches, specific WORDS used in Titles, NUMBERS on her new Website, as if REAL LIFE PICTURES OF ME and MY IDENTITY, is SANDRA OH. GROUP CONSPIRACY in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, for MAThemathics of making MONEY.
For all “OO” in MY ART, NAME SIGNature, MY LIFE, to have meaning for and BE SANDRA OH, through Constance Pecoraro Jesus CH “RIST” with eyes of “OO”, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”, while they ROB EVERYTHING from ME and Sabotage MY LIFE so SANDRA OH can BE MY IDENTITY. HC go on RISTS, and PRISON BARS are PARAllel and VERTICAL.
WATCH upside down is “MAT”CH. MAT in Korean means to Taste or Lick, the reason why they created CathoLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST and her Catholic Theme OIL Paintings. MATCH, MATH, what’s left? C=3, Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie on page “3”, THREE. THREE is a TONGue sounding word, and you LICK with TONGUE, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, and WOLFramite and Scheelite in “TUNG”Sten, the stuff Light bulbs are made of.
They’ve been building for 3 decades, “ROLE” Playing, and actually taking OVER Identities, for TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, Bridges My Parents Names with Constance Pecoraro and Josh Wolf, and MY IDENTTY with SANDRA OH. It’s the TWO childhood pictures of me, the one of me and my FATHER with Hawaiian BARrel on top of the “LIQ”UOR Cabinet and me sticking MY TONGUE out, with the childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me and my Mother with My Dog Frenchy.
They have TWISTED, DISSECTED, DISMANTLED, My IDENTITY, MY Name, My Parents Names, the POWERFUL MEANING of MY First Artwork Collection from 1981, and then REARRANGED it through Words, Numbers, Colors, Business Names, Street Names, other peoples Names, for MY Parents Names to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO and for MY IDENTITY TO BE SANDRA OH. This is the MAIN reason why MY LIFE has been RAPED and I’ve had all my Sacred Priceless Artwork STOLEN. It’s about creating MEANING, for SANDRA OH to be MY IDENTITY, AS IF she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK, AS IF I don’t exist. The reason why Psycho Constance Pecoraro created her “NO NAME GIRL”. NO NG, created to have meaning Going BACKwards through the word “NO”.
“THINK” about it, it’s the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “GREY’s Anatomy”, who thinks she is my S “WETTER” Vagina, especially in My X rated Video Recording secretly taped in 2001 in the privacy of my home. Criminal Ramifications. Study Studi “O” PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH in 1999 and “GRAYSONS” connections to my childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979, this alone should be enough to have this sick actress convicted to IDENTITY THEFT and a whole list of White Collar CRIMES that go along with it. The REASON why My Life has been sabotaged and the reason for 2 DECADES of HARDSHIP in my life.
WAT ch, MAT ch, is a “69”, for who? For what? 9420 Wilshire Blvd ROLEX Building, for 2 people born in year of “69”, same year as me, Josh Miccha Wolf and Constance Maria Pecoraro. Except that Miccha and Maria can never be in a position of “69”, by default.
Sandra OH was born in year “71”.
See Josh Wolf “WE WILL ROCK YOU” WW RY in SUNGLasses and Constance Pecoraro’s New “SUNNY” name for her No name girl in 2011. Both still about the SAME THING above more than 2 DECADES LATER, ROBBING the meaning of MY IDENTITY, Name, ARTWORK, Parents Names, etc, for MAThemathics of making MONEY through are you “PI”ous PYous for JeSUS, who is HORNY for Cho”CHA”.
W "RIS" T WATCHES go on WRISTS, for horny Jesus CH "RIS" T. For Sandra Oh who went to "SIR" Robert Borden High School has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, and she is my First name SIGNature, my "John HAN Cock". My First Name SIGNature of "Sandy *" with an ASTERISK and "OO" made by the letter "S" of my name, to be about EAR sound of ASSSSTerisK, AK, for Constance Pecoraro's OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST the SON "CHA"rlie's Find", Josh Mic'CHA' Wolf, 3AR sound of Mi "KA".
Pi ous PYous JeSUS CH “RIST” the SON, FUC king, BACKwards, for meaning of Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges his LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” BACKwards for Horny Jesus CHRIST “OO” is Form of Ass. For meaning of MY First Name SIGNature, of my “JOHN HANCOCK”. Jesus Christ the “SON” Eyes of “OO”, built in Left to Right as a TITLe must be Form of TITS, but recreated to have meaning BACKwards, through the word NOS”E”, and MA “NOS” connections.
HAND “CUF”s go on RISTS.
WATCHES go on CH = “38” RISTS. 38 is the number in the childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me and my mother and my dog Frenchy and TREE Ornaments Numbers of 3 and OO or "38". They've been building on my childhood CHRISTMAS pictures for decades, it's why Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST is on page "3" with "OO" Eyes. It’s the reason why they want ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges to “bridge” Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, with MY Portrait drawing H”AIR” numbers of “38” which I drew in 2/06, with “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf. MURHI in Korean means HAIR, sound of MARHIA. Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL paintings and her Jesus Christ based on this picture of my CHRISTMAS picture is a Gay Ass and “OO” Balls hanging below. The reason why the color “Turn Bull” color between Green and Blue, same as my mother’s shirt is EVERYWHERE, especially around where Josh Wolf’s agency is on Wilshire Blvd in the ROLEX building.
They’ve been building on the numbers of “26” for 3 decades, it’s the last letter of the alphabete “Z” and Z is for Hori”Z”ontal Eyes of Jesus CHRIST “OO”. 6/2 is MY Mother’s Birthday, “AIR” Gemini, and through my Catholic High School classmate name GLO”RIA” LEE who is a AIR Gemini, they’ve been building for many years going BACKWARDS for Virgo MAIDEN Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro to have meaning in MY Mother’s MaiDEN Name of “MIN”. And for My FATHER’S name and Identity to have meaning for JOSH WOLF “AIR” Libra Horny for his Mother MA”RIA”s ASSSSSterisK BACKWARDS.
It’s the reason why a person name TODD “CUM” MIN GS bought the property at Callon Drive TOPANGA in 2004, with the Garage Studio with TREEEEEE growing out from the Deck. WA in Korean means to COME or Arrive. Come sounds like “CUM”. It’s why TOM CRUISE made the movie “TOP GUN” A Gun shoots bullets like a dik shoots CUM. GUN shaped like “7”, for 7 inch Dik JOSH WOLF as horny Jesus CHRIST in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY, fucking P3AR shaped LOW hanging asses. 7/3 is TOM CRUISE’S Birthday. CRUISE like SHIP for meaning of P”3AR” and B”OAT”.
Thomas CH “RIST” opher BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, bridges My Mother with Pecoraro, My Father with Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, AS IF she is all my baby and childhood pictures and the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK. It’s a GROUP CHAIN CONSPIRACY that’s been going on for 3 decades.
This is why the very important question of WHAT IS SANDRA OH’S MIDDLE NAME? PATRICIA must be answered. PA “TREEE” SHA, AS IF Sandra OH is MY Pictures on TREE at 20360 Callon Drive in 2007. “PAT” EK Philips watches have been around for a long time. For my Picture on TREEEE with my “EK” Elbow and KNEE “EK” to be Sandra “PAT”ricia OH. If her middle name is PATRICIA, SANDRA OH is going to PRISON FOR LIFE.
See meaning of “PA” and “SHA” link below. See meaning of PAT ella is the KNEE bone connections below.
The meaning of "CO LOR" is huge in are you PYious and horny to make Money through PYous JeSUS horny for PUSSY, Cho "CHA" Rlie, chocha in Spanish means Pussy. See PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH and Graysons connections in 1999.
"CO or KO" in Korean is "NOS" E, LOR is about "ROL"ex Building BACKWARDS, in ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges gay male LEO who has the same LEO birthday as me, bridges 3AR sound of "OIL" BACKWARDS, for P3AR LOW Hanging Ass for Jesus CHRIST in CathoLICK MAThemathics of making Money.
ROLEX is a WATCH company, Watches go on C H RISTS. This is connected to the very big word of HAND I CAP PED connections. Everything they've been building is about HAND grabbing and rolling of "OIL ASS" for horny Jesus CHRIST, when it's MAThemathics of "Pi" symbol of "TT", I sounds like Eye, "OO" for Jesus must be TITS, "i"Talian Constance MARIA Mother MARY Pecoraro's TiTS. Like Grab with PAL "M" of your HANDS, PAL in Korean which is also the same word for the number EIGHT "8 or OO", built in Left to Right.
There is something going on with WATCH companies. ROLEX Watches, OMEGA Watches, CATIER Watches, MOVADO Watches, CHANEL Watches, TAG Heuer Watches, BREITLing Watches, BULOVA Watches, HAMILTON Watches, AUDEMARS PIGUET’S “JULES AUDEMAR” Perpetual Calendar Watch, U BOAT Flight Deck Eclipse Watches, ETC.
PHILIP PATEK Watches are one of the most expensive highly valued watches. CHARLIE SHEEN has an extensive watch collection including a Philip PATEK Watch. He’s also into having sex with Porn Stars. Philips Patek is about the meaning of Jesus Christ based on My FAC from 1982 which is about Gay Male Sex to be about FILL LIPS, instead of Anal Hole. C H=OO RIST. PAT ricia is Sandra Oh’s middle name and she wants it to have meaning backwards for TA P, TA means RIDE or Burn in Korean and “P” means Blood. Ride Blood Filled Dick. “EK” I think Josh Wolf’s parents names are EDWARD and KATHRYN.
“PER PET U AL” is about the meaning of my “PET” Dog JACK, his RED EYES to have meaning for DOT as in “PER”iod RED Blood, U is the symbol of Leo, AL, for who? For what? FORM “AL”. They want my Dog Jack to have meaning in my Watercolor painting titled “DOUBLE LEO” and his pictures taken on 4/19/09, the day before my SET UP ARREST Date of “4/20/09” to have meaning for JOSH WOLF’s SICK HOR DICK fucking HOR CUNTS.
U BOAT is about the symbol of “U” of Leo, BOAT is about Tom Bridges name Backwards, he bridges A, O as in fOg fAg, shAw, shOw. They want the word BOAT to be about MY Father’s middle name of BAE which means Two things PEAR and BOAT, and they want Tom Bridges who is a FAG, to bridge P3AR Shaped Asses. The only thing he bridges are TWO Psychobitches and 9420 “360” Repeating Numbers of JOSH WOLF and BRETT BERN Bowel Fucking.
They are ALL Infringing on MY ARTWORK and MY IDENTITY to have meaning for Catholic Church Theme of Jesus CH RIST, because a WAT “CH” goes on the RISTS. WAT “CH” is about the word MAT CH Upside Down. This is connected to CATHOLIC Church Theme of MAT HE MAT Hics of are you “PI”ous and Horney to make Money. LICK in Korean means “MAT”, which is connected to WOLFramite Scheelite meaning of OU and TUNGsten which sounds like TONGUE and you CAThoLICK with Tongue.
It’s why they built their Sex Game on “What’s a 69 PATrick”. PAT rick is a repeating name, connected to PAT’S Grill in Topanga. PATrick Lee, Connie Pecoraro’s Dentist where I met her. PAT rick Dempsey as Dr. “SHE”P HER D on “Grey’s Anatomy” with Sandra Oh as Dr. CRISTina, Jesus Christ was a Sheep HERDER and a CAR PENTER.
Tom Cruise filmed “WICHITA” in 2009 which was released in 2010 as “Knight and Day”. They changed the name of the movie because of an email I sent to BERT FIELDS, Tom Cruise’s lawyer in October 2009. It’s about Wichita KanASS, Wizard of Oz and “TOTO” the Dog. For Tom Bridges the childhood CHRIST MAS picture of me and my Mother and my Dog Frenchy with Connie Pecoraro’s OIL painting Jesus Christ “OO” based on his picture and my Name SIGNature on the drawing of BENSON Dubois, so that Through her Catholic Themne, she can have meaning in my FAC from 1982.
TOTO is connected to my name WANG written in Korean Characters, and the symbol of PI in Mathemathics, “TT” with “OO” is TOTO, and it’s synonyms, antonyms, acronyms, anagrams and “G” RIDDLES and Rimes, of creating meaning through Business Names, Words Numbers and Colors, so that MY Identity and MY Artwork can have meaning for them.
CH is equivalent to the numbers “38”. 38 is about the EighT written HoriZontally “OO”, and these numbers are in the childhood CHRIST “MAS” picture of me, in the CONI”FER” TREE. It’s the School Address of My College on “300” JAY Street BROOKLYN. When I did my Portrait Drawing in 2006, which these Numbers in my H”AIR”, C= 3 and H=8, I didn’t know they’ve been building on these Numbers all these years. It’s why Beyonce Knowles who has big Hori”Z”ontally wide hips and ass is with JAY “Z”. They want these numbers in My Portrait drawing H “AIR” to have meaning for Mother MA”RIA” Connie Maria Pecorina middle name backawards with AIR Libra Josh Wolf. Sand “RA” “OH” who wants the Upper Left Two Links on my Website “HO”me and “AR”tist to have meaning for her, must be licking MA”RIA” H” AIR.
CH is about Html Codes. The parts and names of COMPUTER is all connected to this, like naming of Electronics. A Compact Disc, “CD” is name this because it’s about Callon Drive Topanga. Why does a FLOppy Drive have 3.18 mb. Tom Bridges birthday “8/13” bridges wOLF with PussY, because my FAC, the drawing of BENSON Dubois, is about Gay Male Sex.
They are ALL connected to WATCH goes on Jesus “CH” RISTS. They got his meaning from MY First Name SIGNature of "Sandy*" with "OO". Watches go on WRISTS, like MY "CO" LOR ADO childhood pictures, of MY FATHER adjusting his CUFF LINKS, for MY Father's identity to have meaning for JOSH WOLF, and for My Mother's identity to have meaning for Constance Pecoraro and MY IDENTITY to be SANDRA OH, AS IF she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. While they HAND CUFF ME, ROB MY ARTWORK, and RAPE MY LIFE through "NUMBERS".
It's connected to the GOLD CLOCK I had for many years, in the shape of "OO" and it folds into a "O", Clock tells "TIME" like watches. It's about the Writings I wrote about “KEY to my Soul”. If Key is Penis the Lock must be Vagina. Clocks and Watches tells TIME. Tom Bridges meaning of my John HAN "COCK" with CLOCK and LOCK connections. I think this is why Josh Wolf had his Son Jacob in 1997 with BANGKOK "CLOCK" THAI female name TARA who has a big ass “OO”. THAI. Me. Her IDENTITY is very closely connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro and Sandra OH, and she lives in Upper Left State of WASHINGTON, where "Grey's Anatomy" is set. TIME = TOM Bridges IE, I sounds like “EYE” and I is for ITALIAN Connie Pecoraro, in their LEOnardo “DA” Vinci Code of CATHOLIC CHURCH Theme, Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes, to have meaning for Sandra OH as CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
FORM of HAND CUFFS go on CH "RIS" TS, EITHER WAY. These are REAL LIFE Sociopaths, CRIMINALS, involved in the TERRORIZING of MY LIFE, that's been going on for more than 2 decades, who need to be HAND CUFFED ARRESTED and LOCKED IN PRISON for VERY LONG TIME.
Besides the meaning of the above, another reason why WATCHES are connected to this is because of the KABBALAH and the RED BRACELET worn on the WRISTS. Jesus was a JEW.
The Red Bracelet worn on the Left Wrist of people are of this Faith, is about the symbolism of having Protection and Blessing from RACHEL EMEINU which means “Our Mother”. It comes from the word RACHIL which means Lamb or Sheep. “CHIL” in Korean means the number “7”. SEVEN sounds like STEVEN. This is about JOSH WOLF who is JEWISH, who has a “7”inch Dick, who had a Son with TA”RA”. It’s connected to U “TA” as in Sand”RA” Oh’s agency, U TA RA. TA “O” is the Way. They are closely connected and they’ve been building on this for almost 3 decades.
The meaning of the KABBALAH and the Jewish Religion got involved because of the drawing I did of NEIL DIAMOND from the “Jazz Singer” and he is JEWISH. JEWISH Josh Wolf is Air Libra and the STONE for this sign is the DIAMOND. Diamond is a JEWEL. Li “BRA” Cel “EIGHT” “OO” is a JEWel, and they want this to have meaning for Bracel EighT goes on Jesus CH “RISTS”. Like SUC, as in Stand Up Comediane, “Blow Job” a JEW elry through NECK laces. “OO” Rings go on “FINGERS”. EARrings. Bracelet Earring Necklaces Rings, spell BERN, Jesus Christ in NYC BREighT HuBBerd Lard BERN.
This is connected to SYNAGOGUES throughout Los Angeles, SEP “HARDICK” Congregayshions and Temples. For Neil Diamond’s Song “SEP”tember MORNing” so that MY Father’s Music band of “Morning Stars” can have meaning for them, for SEPtember 1, LABOR Day born Connie MARIA Pecoraro and her SON Jesus Christ JOSH MICCHA WOLF.
And through TOM BRIDGES DA “NEIL” LadinSKY, they want my Writings “KEY to my Soul” my Artwork, My Identity to have meaning for them. THROUGH their Catholic Church Theme.
MY WRITINGS and MY FAC from 1981 and 1982 is “MONEY”, being Infringed on Worldwide. “G” EAR “Y’S” on Rodeo Drive are a special carrier of the ROLEX Watches, for EAR sound of “G” Rats and Mice, “STAR” Sandra OH, Doctor CRISTina Yang on “Gre Y’S anatomy” to have meaning with Jesus CHRIST “OO”.
Believe it or not, this is connected to PORN FILMS and Porn Internet Sites. There are several Internet Porn Sites that are INFRINGING on MY ARTWORK and PHOTOGRAPHY, they are even USING MY FATHER’s Name initials of “SBW” for their Password codes. The Porn Star Men wear WATCHES and BRACELETS on their WRISTS, it's about "SENDING A MESSAGE", and they are busy fucking lots of “OO” TITS and ASSES, because it’s about Hor Dick Jesus CHRIST JOSH WOLF, C H =OO RISTS. This is also in Gay Male Porn Films and “OO” is the Balls.
FLOWer TUCCI and REALITY KINGS are the Two Porn Sites and Everything on it, is about Infringing on My Watercolor Artwork, to have meaning for sick JESUS CHRIST “OO”. FLOWer Tucci is about Josh “WOLF” who loves fucking BIG BLUBBER OIL ASSES backwards. It’s connected to Wilshire Blvd and a business called “BARACCI”, because of the meaning of MY FATHER’S Penis size and the Hawaiian “BAR”rel meaning in my childhood picture. BAR for KEN and BARbie, BAR for Baseball Bat BAR as in representing a DICK. BARacci is across the street from 9420 Wilshire Blvd ROLEX Building where Josh Wolf’s agency Parallel Entertainment is ACCi is about the numbers “133” which is the Gap Space numbers and I is for Eye. The reason why Josh Wolf went BIG ASS Fishing in MAR ch 2010, so that MY Watercolor painting of the Korean Flag with the “FISH” can have meaning for him fucking “PUSSY” because everything they’ve built based on TOM BRIDGES is about Gay Ass Fucking.
APRIL 1999. APRIL 2009. HANDS. ARTWORK. Hand FUC. C H=”OO” goes on RISTS.
CYK DISTURBED “Jesus Christ” isn’t My Artwork, it’s the REASON for Years of RAPING of my Life. While they want my childhood pictures of MY FATHER in COLORADO fixing his CUFF LINKS. LINKS, while Two Disturbed Psychobitches Connie Pecoraro and Sandra Oh want to LINK themselves to MY Artwork through the COLOR “LAVENDER” because it’s the Color of MY LINKS on MY Website.
It's why CHARLIE SHEEN has an extensive WATCH Collection including a PHILIP PATEK Watch. Charlie Sheen has been connected to Constance Pecoraro Virgo Mai”DEN”s OIL painting of Jesus Christ “Charlie’s Find” for many years. It’s why he married “DEN”ise Richards, Ear Sound of Rich”ARD” ART. He then married BROOK MUELLER, which is about Tom Bridges BROOK “LYN” Bridge, LYNBROOK Street name in WESTWOOD with ZIP CODE of “90042” Repeating Numbers, and MILLER One Group owner of Mercedes BENz in Beverly Hills with “ROY” MILLER Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes “ART” Her MILLER’s “All My SONS”. His most recent ordeal with Porn Star CAPRI Ander”SON” is connected to Hewlett “PAC”ARD and UCLA John “ANDERSON” Business Management School. It’s about the Cigarette name brand of “CAPRI” and MY birthday numbers connected to LA SPORTS Club on Cam”DEN” Drive, Beverly Hills. Imho, he is a womanizer who has no self control. His TV Show “2 ½ men” are about the “212” VIBE Numbers of LIBRA Josh Wolf aka Jesus Christ and VIRGO Connie Pecoraro.
CHARLIE SHEEN knows about my CHARLIE BROWN SNOOPY DOG BANK I had for many years, it’s the REASON why he has a TATTOO of Snoopy. It’s the REASON why Constance Maria Pecoraro titled her Jesus CHRIST “CHA”RLIE, connected to Dan “BROWN” LEOnardo Da Vinci Code in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY. It’s why I met Her Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF at a DOG PARK in 2008. The REASON why MY DOG JACK was STOLEN in 2009.
Smoke CIG ARETTES. CIG sounds like "SIG"nature "SIG"N of Leo, ARRETTE in French means S "TOP", connected to TOPanga, and MARIA the Blonde Hair LEO who made a Porn Film many decades ago with LEE MONTGOMERY who lived at this address in TOPANGA, the reason why this address is a very important address.
CAPRI is a CIG “ARRETTE” brand name, a brand I smoked for many years. They NAMED this CIGARRETTE this because of the meaning of MY Writings from 1982 about Lee Montgomery “KEY to My SOUL”. S “MO” KE. Which has evoled into S “MOK” E, as in demean, as in degrade and “Mock”. The word CIG ARRETTE is about the SOUND of “CIG” as in my Name “SIG” nature, and it’s about the French word arrette, which means S “TOP”. Connected to meaning of MY Name SIGNature, MY FAC from 1981, connected to “TOP” ANGA. Everything always began with MY ARTWORK and LEE MONTGOMERY who lived at this address many decades ago.
It’s why Constance Pecoraro’s Dentist, Patrick LEE in Sausalito where I met her in 2005, named his SON “GARRETT”.
It’s why Josh Wolf is in a picture with his Wifey Bethany, holding a CIGARETTE HOLDER.
It’s why KATIE HOLMES made the movie “THANK YOU FOR SMOKING”.
CAPRI Cigarettes, connected to "SIGN" of CAPRI "CORN" the G"OAT" RhYmes RhImes with B"OAT", for meaning of MY Parents Names, to have meaning for JOSH MICCHA WOLF and CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO, for MY identity to be SANDRA OH, AS IF she is MY IDENTITY, EVERYTHING about ME, and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, in their CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY, through the RAPING OF MY LIFE.
EVERYTHING they've been building is "GOING BACKWARDS", like form of HANDS Grabbing and Rolling "OO" is Form of ASS for horny Jesus CHRIST in TAO DAO "DOW JONES" of making MONEY. It's FORM of HAND CUFFS that go on RISTS, CAT CHING, TAO Te CHing, WOLF of WALL STREET.
July 2012, BEN STILLER, VINCE VAUGHN and JONAH HILL, a movie called “WATCH”. This is the same thing as ADAM SANDLER’S 2012 Movie “THAT’s MY BOY”, which is about CHANGING the STORY of JOSH WOLF and his SON JACOB WOLF and everything they already built, through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME in are you “PI”ous PYous for JeSUS who is horny for PEPSI PUSSY. The REASON for the HORRIFIC YEARS of TERROR and HOUSING TERROR in my life.
JAgy is Penis in Korean, CORN on the COB is Yel”LOW”. CORN Rhymes with PORN.
See Constance Pecoraro’s Fishing Pole, Porn Film. FP FUCK PUSSY connections. This is a SICK DELUSIONAL Psychobitch who’s been FEEDING PEDOPHILES for decades.
TISSOT Watch Brand
813 is My Birthday. The Number “5” in Korean is “O”, connected to SANDRA “OH”, who thinks all circles of “O” from MY LIFE, MY ART, has meaning for her, because it sounds like her name “OH”.
TISSOT brand name WATCH. They’ve been around for more than a century, but they are making their “Comeback” again, because their brand name “FITS” into MATHemathics of making MONEY, in creating meaning as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY.
TISSOT, TIT “SS” O. This is about creating meaning as if Sandra “O” is FORM of MY “TITS” in MY X rated pictures, because SANDRA OH is accepting that she isn’t a LEO, but she is a CANCER SIGN born in EAR sound of “JU LIE”. EVERYTHING they’ve already BUILT in the last 20 years, is connected to T “HO” MAS CHRISTopher BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthdate as me of “8/13” Bridges and “ROBS” MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, through the vehicle of Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme OIL ART in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. In a ASS CONSPIRACY of EAR sound of “LEO” and “OIL” ART going BACKwards through Jesus CHRIST Eyes of “OO” is form of ass.
So by Default, CATHO”LIC” MAThemathics of LICKING ASS and with Sandra ‘OH’ name Going BACKwards, must be Licking ASS HOLES for making MONEY. This is WHY SANDRA OH is going Left to Right, and WHY they are building for MY X Rated Pictures of MY FORM of “TITS” to be SANDRA OH. Have you seen her PLASTIC ASS IMPLANTS? Have you seen her GRAIN of RICE for TITS, truly unappetizing.
This is WHY JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF who’s agency is in the “ROL”ex Building is very closely connected to ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a Group Conspiracy. ROLEX is a very expensive WATCH. The word “ROL”ex has the syllable of “LOR” in it, which is connected to meaning CO “LOR”. CO in Korean is NOS”E”, Eyes of “SON” Jesus CHRIST “OO” Is ASS FORM Going BACKwards. This is extremely important, and all the links and information you need are on the page, itself, See above Link for “LORI HUBBLE” and all “ROL”ex connections. MATHemathics of making MONEY, WORLDWIDE, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, while they try to DESTROY and SABOTAGE MY LIFE. All connected to SICK FUCKING DISTURBED PSYCHOBITCH ACTRESS SANDRA OH, WHO MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
The ‘CATS OUT OF THE BAG’, and SANDRA OH “HAS” to accept her own Identity Birthdate of CANCER SIGN born on “7/20”, rules the ANATOMY of TORSO, or TITS Front of the Body. And they are creating meaning as if MY “TITS” is SANDRA OH. Gay Psychobitch real life PARASITE who’s been leeching off my life for THREE DECADES, that has culminated in the ROBBERY OF MY PRICELESS ARTWORK in 2009 through Organized PREMEDITATED C”RIMES”.
It’s called PSYCHOLOGICAL RAPING of “MY ANATOMY” for this delusional sick actress on “Grey’s Anatomy” tv show, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY name SIGNature on MY ART, in a GROUP CONSPiRACY.
This is connected to MY PORTRAIT Drawing with “o 8” in MY Eyes, connected to “SS” new SOLAR SYSTEM and the new “8” planets. As if SANDRA OH is MY PORTRAIT next to Lee Montgomery Portrait with “8 o” in his Eyes. This is WHY these pictures I found on the internet, has specific DATE of “8” and “8” with “31”.
WATCH goes on W “RIS” T, Rhymes with CH “RIS” T, SANDRA OH who went to “SIR” Robert Borden High School, who thinks My First Name SIGNature of SANDY with ‘OO’ made with letter S of my name, is FORM of HER ASS Going BACKwards through TOM BRIDGES his LEO wth OIL ART of Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CH “RIS” T, reason why Sandra Oh is CHRISTina Yang on “Gre YS Anatomy”.
Meaning of WATCHES has been going on for 3 decades, connected to MY CATHOLIC School picture in 1985, of ME with a SWATCH WATCH and “C” shape in MY HAIR, that SANDRA OH thinks is her, and they’ve been building as if MY IDENTITY is SANDRA OH, for MAThemathics of making MONEY. WATCH goes on W “RIS” T, and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T, in GOING BACKwards for SANDRA OH who thinks she is My Name SIGNature on MY ART of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, through her SCHOOL name of “SIR” Robert Borden.
WHY? Let’s have a little review again of what this is about. 3 DECADES condensed into a few paragraphs.
It’s about My Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, who was BENSON DUBOIS the “BUTLER” to the Governor on 1980 tv show, also known as My “John HANCOCK”, has “OO” created by the letter “S” of my name “SANDY” signed SIDEWAYS, and the letter “Y” has an Asterisk Key *. This has been TWISTED to be SANDRA OH, as if she DREW this drawing and is MY John HANCOCK, through Jesus CH “RIS” T OIL Painting by Constance Maria Pecoraro, CHARLIES FIND “OO” with big Horizontal Rings around his eyes, reason why she is CH “RIS” Tina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” tv show. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy “GRACE NAVAS”.
Specifically for “OO” to be the FORM of her ASS Going Backwards, through the CODED WORDS of “BLACK COLOR S KIN”, as if My John HANCOCK with “OO”, is the “NIK” of her name. EAR sound ASTERISK, “ASS”, connected to EAR sound of middle name of Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, Mi”KA”, begins and ends with A steris K, “Willie JU LIO”.
OIL Art of Jesus CH “RIS” T. LIO sound of LEO. T “HO” MAS CH “RIS” T O “FUR” BRIDGES who is a LEO Gay Male who has the same birthdate as me of 8/13, is very important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANRA OH in a “GROUP CONSPIRA C”, through the vehicle of OIL Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, CATHOLIC Theme Oil Art, as if Sandra Oh was My Identity attending My Catholic High School in the 1980’s. But they also built it as if she DREW my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume in 1981, through her High School name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. How can Sandra Oh who is only 2 years younger than me, attended two different high schools in 2 different countries, around the same time.
As if SANDRA OH “DREW” this drawing because the Magnifying Glass in this drawing with an Eyeball inside the “O”, SOUNDS like her name “OH”. This is why in 2007 when I registered my TradeMARK in circle of “O” at the USPTO which is a “Gov’t Agency”, they Examing Attorney was name Midge BUTLER. Circle of “O”, the sound of “OH”, as if Sandra “OH” is the Artist and owner of my Registered Trademark by linking and connecting the name Midge “BUTLER”, to Robert Guilluame who was the “BUTLER” to the Governor, because they’ve already been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA “O” Drew my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1981, through her SCHOOL name of “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN High School on “113 GREEN BANK” Road in Canada.
CATHOLIC “MATH”emathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ART, MY Name SIGNature, for TAO DAO DOW of “DAVID” JONES, connected to FRAUD Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA in “PAC”hyderm is a thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” like the GRAY Elephant. As if through this word S”KIN”, SANDRA OH is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawings, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
“GRAY” ELEphant, because the word “G RA Y”, is about meaning of my name SIGNature of sand Y wan G and the way how the letters YG turn around on my “AR” t. ELE phant, to confuse MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, as if Sandra OH is ME in 1985 in pictures with GLORIA “LEE”. LEE Is about “LEE” Montgomery that they’ve twisted to be about Gloria “LEE”.
“G” in Korean means RATS, which is “STAR” spelled backwards. “G” is about 1972 movie “BEN” with RATS in Pipes, starring LEE MONTGOMERY, reason why in 1981 I drew the drawing of Robert Guillaume who was BENSON Dubois on tv show BENSON and he was the BUTLER to the Governor. “G” is RATS, and SANDRA OH, Psychotic sick actress who thinks she is a “STAR” thinks and has been claiming she DREW My drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, through her SCHOOL name of SIR SER SUR ROBERT BORDEN high school on “113 GREEN BANK Road” in Can”ADA”.
G “RA Y”, “G” Sand “RA is Y” as in MY Name SIGNature of “Sand Y” on my ART, through the COLOR WORD.
ROB “BOR n I DEN tity”
ROB “DEN”tal HYgiene License through DH Committee “BOARD” Petition.
EAR sound of “O”, as if MY Federally Registered Trade “MARQ” in circle of “O” was done by SANDRA “OH”, like she’s My “JOHN HANCOCK”.
“OO”, John HANCOCK, EAR sound of FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T, for Sandra “OH” who thinks she is the OWNER of MY “John HANCOCK” and MY Federally Registered TradeMARK in circle of “O”.
CUT the “O” in HALF and Fill in the Spaces of incomplete “OO” of my John Hancock, through Constance Psycho Pecoraro’s “FINISH LINE”, OO, FORM of HANDCUFF go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T.
HANDS. ARTWORK. I can draw my Portrait Drawing again anytime. Let's me and SANDRA OH sit down and DRAW, if she can't, and if she can't SIGN MY NAME SIGNature TEN Times in a ROW Continuously, she MUST BE HANDCUFFED and ARRESTED ON THE SPOT.
Here have a TISSUE,
Sandra OH is a real life Borderline Psychotic Actress, who thinks My name SIGNature on my art, is the FORM of her PLASTIC ASS IMPLANTS, meanwhile everything’s been built based on “OIL BURNS”, CH”RIS”Tina BERN”ARD O”, Ass Form. C”HO”CHA Licking Sandra OH, Pepsi Pussy STAR with FLAT as a BORDEN ASS and TITS, Cancer rules the Tits, in T”OM” BIRDGES “OO” with Jesus CHRIST who was born in “BETH”ANY’s BIG PLASTIC IMPLANT TITS.
FORM OF HANDCUFFS GO ON W “RIS” T and RHIMES with CH “RIS” T like an N”ICE” ROLEX WATCH. Watch me GRO BE.hind FORM “54” BERN”ARD O” birthday at BANK of America building, nexts to REEVES PARK.
WATCH me GRO connections of Chic”KEN” is a BIRD for “BO SUC” AIR libra SIN CL”AIR” connections
PLANE “ICE”, play nice
CORUM Watch June 2015
Hing "WA" LEE Watch Jewelry Ad in Korean Newspaper June 2015
Robbing of Sandy Wang's Father's KOREAN ROYAL Name of "WANG" through dissecting at "WA" and "NG"
Built connected to JOSHU"WA" MIC"CHA" WOLF CUMMING in C"HO"CHA" Pussy
H = 8th letter of alphabet, letter i sounds like Eye
Sandy WANG and LEE Montgomery portrait drawing eyes "8 8" Vertical Eight
Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlies Find "OO" Horizontal Rings is ASS Pussy
"BO" connections scroll down to CHARLES HEBDO
Night “WATCH”man and “CHA”mBER MAID = Tom “BER”dges ROLEX Watch Building with Josh MIC"CHA" WOLF and Constance MA"RIA" PECORARO
“the most Stable “ELE”......ments on the Periodic Table are between the IRON and SILVER …..”
FOUR “ELE” ments and meaning of Me”N” TAL
creator of HOS “pi” TAL show “Grey's Anatomy” set on “TAL”MAN Ave = MEN”TAL”
go hand in hand with
Hann”BAL” connections
Tom BRIDGES Fag Dentist in Group Conspiracy to ROB IDENTITIES = PRISON TIME
Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF who's talent agency is in the “ROLEX” Building, WATCH BRAND Name.
AIR Libra Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF talent agency in ROLEX Building
ROL..ex Building, BE.HIND is "WATCH me GRO"
Connected to Virgo “MAID”en Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro's JESUS CHRIST “CHA”RLIES FIND Art
Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find “OO”
NIGHT “M AIR”, like H.AIR NIGHT MARE. M”AR”E is a Female “HO”rse.
ROL..ex Watch goes on W “RIS” T and RHIMES with CH “RIS” T
W"RIS" T Connections
“WEST” WATCHES London BERRY BARRY, Raping Nigger Jew in “KEN”Q UE.ST connections
GO THERE Hann”BAL” LECTER and “Silence of the LAMbs” meaning
meaning of WANG is a Korean ROYAL Name
Sandy Wang’s Parents BRICK HOUSE in 1980’s
They BUILT this, I didn't, I am only Decoding what they built, to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ART
Chic”KEN” is a BIRD
Tom “BRID” ges, and ROBS My Identity
Tom “BRID” ges, is a CRIMINAL and a LIAR “CL”
KEN “Q”uest, in the GRAY MARIAN Building
KEN and “NEK” connections
Hanni”BAL”, find “BAL” an CIA “GA” and MURRAYS I”RON” WORKS, in below pictures
TARGET Melrose x Huntley x Norwich across street from PDC
TARGET AIM SHOOT ZINC is an “ELE”ment on the Periodic Table and a new Eatery on Melrose in 2014, scroll to bottom
LIFE IN PRISON, De Long PRAY Discovery of LITE “IRON” in 2014, understand “Harris makes ART of it, LAND”ER rimes with NIGG”ER” only plan death”
Rolex “WATCH” Night “MAIR” Air Libra JOSH WOLF his agency in “ROL”ex Building
Virgo “MAID”en Constance Maria Pecoraro
meaning of Psycho Constance Pecoraro’s NO NAME GIRL
and why she created “ISN” t that LIFE? “Q”UEST ion Mark
TARGET meaning of ZIP CODE of Sausalito 94965, and “OS” Other Side monster raping connections
real life Pecorina “SHEEP NIGHT MAIRS”
Sandy Wang’s Mother’s MAIDEN Name of “MIN” and “AIR Gemini” Sign
GOLD is metal of LEO, and SILVER is metal of Cancer sign
COPPER is metal of LIBRA and Copper Penny meaning
I “RON” and meaning of “HO” NOR as in Judges Names
Sandra OH “FEEDING the METER” meaning = LIFE IN PRISON
FOR titude
Extremely important meaning in “FORE Cee Day BEFORE” in Raping MY LIFE for Sandra OH
Clarice STARLING, it’s about “CS” COLOR S”KIN”
Donald “STERLING” Buildings
Donald STERLING and the “N” WORD
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C”LOCK” has “HANDS”. HAND in Korean language is “SOHN”. MAN”OS” is HAND in Spanish.
SETH THOMAS. “SE” in Korean means “BIRD”, in the name of THOMAS “BIRD”ges.
CHIC “KEN” is a BIRD, on CHIC “H..EAR..N” COURT, downtown Los Angeles.
SETTI “NG” up to frame me, to rob my Korean R”O”Y….A.L name of WANG for Sandra OH who was born in Otta “WA” Canada. As if through Thomas BRIDGES, who has the same LEO Birthday as me, linked to LIO, EAR, OIL art of Jesus CH”RIS”T by Constance Maria Pecoraro on “BRIDGE WAY” Sausalito CA 94965, in a D’ART.MOUTH” Dental Mental Group Conspiracy of ROBBING MY IDENTITY from Birth to Present, for Korean Actress SANDRA OH who was DAK.tor CH”RIS”Tina YANG on “Grey’s ANATOMY”. All of it connected to the SOURCE of RAPINGS OF MY LIFE, SANDRA OH high school name of “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN, which is a CF, Code and FORM.U.”L.A”, SIR ROB..”art” and BOR..”ni”…DEN..”Tity” on GREEN BANK Road in Canada, built AFTER I drew my drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1981.
There a lot of “NG” connections, as if Sandra OH is my Identity with “GN” Grace Navas in my 1987 Catholic School St. Vincent Ferrer in NYC. Reason why Constance Maria Pecoraro artist of OIL ART of JESUS CHRISt, created her “NO Name Girl”, No “NG”, to go with the Otta”WA” Canada of Sandra OH. “O…IL” word is a CODE in and of itself, connected to YR of birth of Sandra OH 197 “1”, ONE in Korean is “IL” and also means the word for WORK, that’s been linked to EAR sound fo SYN “CHRO” NICITY, KROW, WORK, in robbing of my Korean name of “SIN WON”, for this Korean Actress Sandra OH. Thus, meaning of my Name has been dissected and dismembered, and rearranged to FIT and BE SANDRA OH, connected to WORK, as in JOBS of people in “MATH”emathics of making MONEY.
NG, NANCY GAYTAN, on EVER “GREEN” STREET in SACRAMENTO, who illegally revoked my Professional Dental Hygiene License of 20 years, through WHITE COLLAR “CRIMES” in 2013, all connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY and MY TRADEMARK at the USPTO, for Korean Actress SANDRA OH who was born in Otta “WA” Can”ADA”. The ADA, American Dental Association is in CHICA..go ILLI”NOIS”, where Shonda Rhimes and Barack Obama are from, directly connected to CHICA is GIRL in Spanish, and Constance Maria Pecoraro’s NO Name GIRL, created to not only rob my Korean R”O”Y..AL name for Sandra OH, but also all of my CP Childhood Pictures from 1970’s and 1980’s, built as if my identity is SANDRA OH, because it’s all about MY PENCIL DRAWINGS I DREW IN 1981 when I was a child, that this actress is claiming she “DREW”, past tense.
SETTI “NG” up and Premeditated Planning to Frame me, to HANDCUFF MY HANDS, so that MY IDENTITY from Birth to Present can be SANDRA OH, as if she is MY PORTRAIT DRAWING FACE, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK done by MY HANDS, “be cause” they BUILT IT.
C “LOCK” tells TIME, like a N”ICE” is COL…d ROL..ex WATCH that go in W “RIS” T and C”RIMES” with Jesus CH “RIS” T.
Audi “O”, Aud “RY”, YR “O..IL” Burns, LIFE IN PENITENIA”RY” SANDRA OH in October 2017 Facebook photos and EYE “LID”
YR of Birth of Sandra “O” is “IL”, ONE in Korean
“”””” This is the FIR FUR FER st Thing I’ve UNDER STOOD. TIME is the ECHO of an AX within WOOOOOOOD”””””” THOMAS HAR”RIS” of Silence of the Lambs. FIR st BIRthday.
Have some Fava Beans with PATE, FOIS GROIS, IS IS SI lent in BENSON DU”BO”IS CHICA..go ILLI”NOIS”, “Y.D” Marqu”IS” in “SAN” Francisco BRIDGES D.ART.MOUTH of eating my SHIT out of my asshole forever GREEEN BANK “BUTTER fly”. What is Sandra Oh’s middle name? PA”TREEE”SHA? SPO? 113.72, D.O.B of Shonda LYNN Rhimes and Sandra Oh LIFE IN PRISON, BEHIND is ASS PC PRISON BARS.
IS IS SI lent, like SI lence of the Lambs of Niggers Terrorizing My Life to ROB MY IDENTITY for Sandra OH
THOMAS HAR”RIS” of Silence of the Lambs, scroll down to Part 1 and 2 of “THIS IS THE FIRST THING I”ve Understood……..”
“SIR” ROB..ert BOR..den school name of SANDRA OH
in BO…g Ass clito”RIS” Licking of David SEX”TON”
built through Jesus CH “RIS” T art by Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro
The meaning of my name signature on my pencil drawing from 1981 of ROBERT GUILLAUME was about Michael Jackson’s Asshole, A”NUS” is a Nicer Word SUNNY CONNIE. Everything they built is about robbing this meaning of my name signature on my ART from 1981, that’s been linked to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, MY BODY, through Words in the Groin Area, DIRECTLY connected to SANDRA OH and SHONDA RHIMES of “GREY”S ANATOMY”, which ushered in Barack Obama’s RAPING T “OO” Terms as President, and “THIS” is this deranged psychotic nigger’s LEGASSSSY.
It’s called SOUL RAPING, LIFE RAPING, IDENTITY RAPING, then twisting it and building it as if it’s SANDRA OH, through W “ORD” S, and tv S “HO” W, of either way, in MATHemathics of making Money as if MY IDENTITY Sandy Wang “SW” is Sandra “OH”, through S “HO” W. This is why the Judges name for my Dental Hygiene H”EAR”ing in June 2013, was name STU”Art” H WAXMAN. The SH “O” W of robbing my Federally Registered TRADEMARK at the USPTO, in circle of “O”, built as if Sandra “OH” is the owner and artist of MY TRADEMARK and my “JOHN HANCOCK” on MY ART, through nigger pussy name “Y.D” MARQ..uis in “SAN” Francisco, Black Color S”KIN” Dentist, for San “DRA” OH, is D”AR”K S”KIN” going backwards, RA is “NIK”, as if my name signature of “Sandy” is SANDRA OH and her “NIK” name. This is extremely important, because it’s connected to LAW BOOK called “WIT KIN”.
What is THOMAS C BRIDGES YEAR of BIRTH? My birthdate is 8/13/69, Tom Bridges has same leo birthday as 8/13. If his YEAR of Birth is 19 “72”, it’s about CONFUSING and COMBINING my leo birthday number of 813, with SANDRA “OH” born on “7/20”, JULY CANCER CRAB. BARC like a DOG on a BARK of a “TREEE”, PA “TREEE” SHA? SPO?
M “EYE” R. N “OO” N is Eyes in Korean, like S”NOW” is COL….d. BUILT IN for Jesus CH”RIS”T OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, born on Christmas in the COL…d, in BETHLEHEM. When it’s COL..d, Tom BRIDGES his Gay “LIO” and OIL that BURNS, that’s linked to QUEST FOR FIRE, and SANDRA OH’s YEAR of Birth of 197 “ONE” in robbing of my Korean name and identity for Sandra OH, through W “ORD” S. O..”IL” is a code to rob my identity and the FORM…U..”L.A”, in GU.IL”LA”UME, is = CUT 1 “O”…IL, 4 FORM..of “OO”.
SIN “WON”, ONE. SYN “KROW”, WORK to create meaning of SIN CL “AIR”, BOB HAIR CUT style is “NIK” of ROBERT, as if Sandra Oh is my Childhood Picture in 1980 with half black MULATTO girl, as if SANDRA OH DREW, DRO DRU SIR ROBERT BORDEN, she drew her mama MA…”RIA..H” London Derry “AIR” Ass PuCE LIP BORDEN, DAIRY SIGN EYE “BELOIT” ASS, PC, PER”KINS” COIE, and she’s LICKING it in Mathemathics of making Money connected ot SHER BOURN PSYCHOTIC Her “S”, She “R”, Her She Cho”CHA”colate Ass Pussy Licking Niggers from CHICA..go ILLI”NOIS”, the STATE of ABRAHAM “LINCOLN”, that’s been linked to EAR sound of the word “LICK”, connected to “I” of “SON” Jesus CH”RIS”T and RINGS around his eyes “OO” is FORM of ASS of “O” SANDRA OH, as CH”RIS”Tina YANG on “Grey’s ANATOMY”. And it’s about OIL ART of CAT HO “LIC”” them of Jesus CHRIST by Pecoraro, in E.A. EATING ASS Le CUNTE “ST”.
YR..”O…IL” BERN..ARD.O 4 FORM..OSA of SANDRA OH ASS in TOM BRIDGES july born cancer CRAB sandra oh, with his Gay “LIO….OIL” art of Jesus CH “RIS” T by CONNIE PECORARO on “BRIDGE Way”, with CH “RIS”Tina Yang on GRAY BAR, Grey’s ANATOMY” on ‘FOURTH’ Street BRIDGE into “RA bbit HO le” in the name of Sand “RA OH”. GU IL “LA” UME, you and whoo? GU IL “T” Psycho Actress LIFE IN PENITENIA”RY” GU.arenteed. SHO “WA” COL…d STORAGE, Shonda LYNN Rhimes, Sandra OH, You have the Right to Remain SILENT, like Silence of the Lambs, for YEARS of RAPING OF MY LIFE, to ROB MY IDENTITY for Mathemathics of making Money that go in GREEN “BANK”.
JO “SHOE” WA, MIC”CHA” rlies Find “OO” = MARIA CHI “WA WA”, is a DOG BREED and all dogs come from the “WOLF”, like Days of THUNDER MELLOW YELLOW, HELLOW “WILLOW”.
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. TOP GUN, Tom Cruise might go into the “TRU KIN..g” Business. PAT KINGSLY M.A.D.E TOM CRUISE’s career.
P.A TREEEE SHA? SPO? Sandy Wang’s address in 2007 in TOPANGA with S TREE
LOC is “O”, SANDRA “OH” name.
Jesus CH “RIS” Tina Yang on “Grey’s ANATOMY” in Hollywood licking SAND “RA O” is LOC, built in for Jesus born in “COL…d”
EVERYBODY has been waiting for YEARS, for who is SANDRA OH’s KEY? Sandra OH Drew Otta”WA” KEY to HER SOL, in LOS An”GEL”ES, built in for DERRY AIR, DARI BELOIT ASS IS SOL.mates. IN MATES IN PENITENIARY.
LOCO is CRAZY in Spanish, like C”HO”CHA is PUSSY in Spanish, like MAN”OS” is HAND in Spanish. ADI”OS” MAN”OS”, SO Sandra Oh is going to LIFE IN PRISON, GUARENTEED.
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