Vine and Banner is about "VIBE" Numbers of Astrology signs. BANNER as in SIGNS are about my Name SIGNatures. As in “John Hancock”, connected to Business names on HANCOCK Street in West Hollywood and MY SSN and name SIGNature.
Banner, BONNER, a street name next to Cedars SINai Hospital, Sandra Oh is my Korean Name of “SIN WON” and is my Social Security Number. She is my Birthday Numbers of “8/13” LEO, through Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me but different year. Tom Bridges through EVERY SIGN and BANNER BUSINESS with Specific business names and address numbers.
BANNER, is about the Korean word “BUTTERFLY” which is NABi. They’ve been building for 3 decades for My childhood picture of me standing on Mountain in Korea wearing Butterfly HALTER TOP Shirt and Red SHOes to BE SANDRA OH for 3 decades, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY that go In BAN ks, as if Sandra Oh was My identity and all my baby and childhood pictures and ARTIST of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK.
This BANNER Street intersects with VINE Street. VINE turns into ROSSMORE and CRENSHAW Blvd. “SHAW” is the connecting Link WORD with SANDRA OH, SHOW SHOE SHAW, connection to SANTA MONICA LINCOLN Blvd and BANNER “CAR PETS” that carry “SHAW” products for MATHemathics of making MONEY. The REASON why MY “CAR” and MY “PET” DOG JACK with My Priceless ARTWORK were all STOLEN through ORGANIZED CRIMES in 2009, ALL PREMEDITATED and PLANNED to HARM and RAPE MY LIFE for making MONEY, all connected to PSYCHOBITCH ACTRESS SANDRA OH and her Co conspirators TOM BRIDGES JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO.
Thomas Christopher Bridges My Mother with Constance Pecoraro, My Father with Josh Wolf, and My Identity with Sandra Oh, through Dissecting NAMES, and then rearranging it to “FIT” them as Body Parts and Sex Organs. For Catholic MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money, through JeSUS CHRIST and Mother MARY, in their OEDIPUS COMPLEX Sex Gayme. Connected to meaning of my Parents Names, My ARTWORK FAC from 1982, connected to Lee Harcourt Montgomery and his childhood movie “SAVAGE IS LOOSE”, set on the Ocean, the “SEA”. Everything is about the “MOTHER” because Mother is MOM and Mom in Korean means BODY. Tom Cruise MAPOTHER FOURth.
They’ve been BUILDING for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH in Los Angeles for 3 decades, this INCLUDES EVERYTHING about ME, everything SEXUAL about me, MY ARTWORK, MY Birthday Numbers, MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS, even MY FUCKING “DMV” Drivers License pictures, and meaning of My Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK to BE SANDRA OH. This is why they BUILT this BRAND NEW Social Security office Building with Specific NUMBER Address of 1122. It’s about meaning of MY Korean Name of WANG written in Korean Characters that look like “TO TO” to have meaning for SANDRA OH, and MY Artwork of “Shadows in NOVember” month of “11” to have meaning for this sick Delusional Actress.
It’s connected to JOSH WOLF who had a son name JA COB with a THAI Female from BANGKOK “BANK”. JA cob was “borned” on 3/17 St. PATRICKS Day, the numbers of my Leadership Training LP 173 in 1997, the same year Jacob was born. The reason why I met Connie Pecoraro at her Dentist office in 2005, at PATRICK LEE on CaleDONia street in Sausalito. There were lots of people name TOMS at this Training.
Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro who went to SAN Jose State University, through the word D “AIR” Y, wants my first name SIGNature of “SANDY*” to have meaning for her, AS IF she drew my drawings and signed my name, through the VEHICLE of her Catholic Theme of Mother MARY MARIA. Josh Wolf who went to Trinity University in SAN Antonio Texas and has “Wifey” a title of a book by JU “DY” BLUME, also wants my name SIGNature to have meaning for him. He studied Com “MUN” Ications. MUN or MOON in Korean means DOOR, connected to Writings I wrote on the Architectural drawing I did of my Parents Garage and backyard and I wrote something for Lee Montgomery on the GARAGE DOOR. The reason why Connie Pecoraro has OIL paintings titled “Front and Back DOOR” in GOLD Frames. JIM Morrison of the “DOORS” connected to 3AR sound of GYM Businesses, in CathoLICK MAThemathics of making Money.
The WORD BANNER is about the Korean Word “NABi” which means BUTTERFLY. This is about the childhood picture of me wearing a Butterfly Halter Top Shirt with Red Shorts and Red MARY JANE SHOES. For All MY Childhood pictures to BE SANDRA OH, through words or items and objects in pictures of me, through COLORS of items and objects. BANk is where MONEY goes and it’s about CathoLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make MONEY. “Color of MONEY” is Green, the title of one of Tom Cruise Mapother’s movies.
It's a Connecting "LINK WORD" connected to all "BANNER" CARPET company locations, that sell "SHAW" Products, connected to SANDRA OH and her Website Registration info of "SHAW.CA" email address, SHAW, SHOW, AO, TAO DAO, DOW Jones of making MONEY, through RAPING OF MY LIFE, MY SACRED ARTWORK, My DOG JACK in 2009, as if SANDRA OH was My identity and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. BANNER "RIMES" with DINNER, and what's for Dinner at Renee's COURTYard in Santa Monica in MATHemathics of making MONEY through "FOOD" for SANDRA OH is My Identity.
It’s all about having SANDRA OH AS MY IDENTITY, from my Baby Pictures, Childhood pictures, ETC, for MY ARTWORK to have been DONE by her, and this is what they’ve been building in Los Angeles for 3 decades. The reason why since I moved to Los Angeles in October 2006, MY LIFE HAS BEEN SABOTAGED and RUINED, all connected to LIES and FRAUD as in “white collar crimes” through people who have been supporting SANDRA OH, AS MY IDENTITY.
The word BANNER is connected to a street called BONNER which intersects with SHERBOURNE Street in West Hollywood across the street from Cedars SINai Hospital, where they've been building for 3 decades for My "BOURNE IDENTITY" My Korean name of "SIN WON" to BE SANDRA OH, through "HOS"PI TAL connections.
B "A" nner, B "O" nner, A, O, the TAO DAO "DOW JONES" of MATHemathics of making MONEY, AS iF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY. They have BUILT for MY IDENTITY, MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS, MY BIRTHDATE, to BE SANDRA OH, through specific Business Names, on specific Street Names, with specific ADDRESS "NUMBERS".
Tom BRIDGES GAY male dentist who has the same LEO Birthday as me, Bridges the "TAO is the WAY" with SANDRA OH, through the Vehicle of Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork on BRIDGE"WAY" SAUSALITO CA 94965, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY First Artwork Collection from 1981 and 1982, to have been DONE by SANDRA OH.
Tom Bridges "BRIDGE in FOG". FAG in FOG. A, O TAO.
Tom Bridges SANDRA OH's "SHAW" for "SHOW" connections on her Website Registration. A, O TAO.
Tom Bridges Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie's Find "OO", Josh MIC"CHA" WOLF, fucking CH"O" CH"A", which means PUSSY in Spanish. T, AO, D AO, "DOW" JONES" of MATHemathics of making MONEY through SICK HOR DICK JOSH WOLF Fucking specific BODY TYPES of PEAR LOW Hanging ASSES, through meaning of MY Parents Names, and MY First Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK, to have meaning for him, TWISTED to "FIT" them, through Constance Pecoraro's jesus CHRIST "CHA"RLIE, the reason why SANDRA OH is "CHRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy". The reason why you must study and understand SANDRA OH's PEPSI PUSSY Pictures in 1999 and connections to MY childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979 with "GRAYSONS and PEPSI" Signs in the picture.
This all leads to CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, where they've been building for 3 decades for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, and for meaning of MY "JOHN HANCOCK" as in My First Name SIGNature of "SANDY" with "OO" made with the letter "S" of my name signed sideways on MY ARTWORK from1982, to have been DONE by SANDRA OH as if she was My Identity, through Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST Eyes of "OO".
HandCuff HC form go on RISTS. jesus CHRIST isn't my Artwork, Cho"CHA" is Pussy in Spanish isn't My ANATOMY TV Show. These two Psychobitch PECORARO and OH, with BRIDGES and WOLF Must be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE. It's beyond IDENTITY THEFT, it's the REASON for 2 DECADES of HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE.
Sandy Wang's birthday of "8/13/69"
Sandy Wang's SSN 078 68
Sandy Wang's birthday of "8/13/69" and FULL SSN on West "BOURNE" street in MATHemathics of making MONEY
Sandy Wang's Entire Social Security Number in the addresses of 1 block on San Vicente Blvd
Sandy Wang's SSN middle digits of “68” meaning, ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH for MATH “Numbers” MATHemathics of making MONEY
My Drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, he is HOLding a Magnifying GLASS with an "E"ye in a "O". My Name SIGNature of "SANDY" on this Pencil Drawing on the Lower Right corner has "OO" made with the letter "S" of my name Signed SIDEWAYS. If you look at my Name in Korean Characters, it has "O" and "OO". Like the GOLD CLOCK I had for many years in the shape of "OO" that folds and rolls into one "O". Like My PORTrait drawing Eyes with "O 8". So it's about the number 1 and 2, which is really about is it just 1 "O" or 2 "OO"? the eternal sick MOTHER MAPOTHER RAPING GAYM.
The Social Security Administration Adress is 1122 which is about the VIBE Number of AIR Libra JOSH MICCHA WOLF and Virgo MAIDEN CONNIE MARIA PECORARO "212" number. What's Left? 1. sound of ONE, WON. For meaning of My Korean Name of "SIN WON" to have meaning for them, connected to George WASHINGTON, on the ONE Dollar Bill. For meaning of the "O" of My Artwork
The name "LEE" in Korean characters look like the number "21", which is about Writings I wrote about "LEE" MONTGOMERY in 1982 in my Notebook. They've been creating for the name of "LEE" to be about GLORIA LEE from my Catholic Schools. This is really important. GLORIA LEE 5/29 is AIR Gemini and we went to the same CATHOLIC Grammar and HIGH School in the 1980's. Her IDentity is important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY FAC from 1981 and MY WRITINGS for LEE Montgomery, for SANDRA OH, and the reason is connected to My Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 the REASON why SANDRA OH went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School AFTER I drew this drawing. There are Witnesses who know I drew this drawing because I WON a Pin Award for it when I graduated in 1983 from St. Joan of Arc in JACKSON HEIGHTS.
JACKSON HEIGHTS NY ZIP "CODE" is 113 72 and it's about these NUMBERS. This is why MY Leadership Training in 1997, LP "173" was this specific NUMBER, connected to WHY JOSH WOLF'S SON JACOB WOLF was born'ed' on specific date of "3/17" ST. PATRICKS Day is "GREEN" the COLOR of MONEY. Sandra Oh's School SIR Robert Borden on "131 GREEN BANK Road" in Canada. What's left? 21. EVERYTHING about Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC theme OIL Artwork is built on and connected to GLORIA LEE'S IDENTITY, because like TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, they are INTEGRAL in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. JACK SON Heights. JAC ob his "SON".
During late 1990's, when Jacob Wolf was born in 1997, same year as my LP "173" TRAINing, GLORIA LEE was working as a Pharmacist at "JACOB" Medical Center in New York. Where ever she is, this sick Betraying Michinyun needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON.
This is why it is also extremely important to know what is TOM BRIDGES YEAR of Birth? is it 19"72"? connected to "131 GREEN BANK Road" address, for JACKSON Heights Zip Code of "113 72".
Why is JACKSON Heights ZIP CODE important? because ROBERT Guillaume's Birthday is 11/30/27, and I drew this drawing of "BEN"SON Dubois the Butler to the Governor connected to 19"72" Movie "BEN" with LEE MONTGOMERY who's birthday number is "11/3". I made discovery in 2009 or 2010, 3 DECADES AFTER I drew my drawing, the REASON why it is so important why they've been building on this "NUMBER" meaning for decades.
The REASON for this REPEATING NUMBER through the Horrific RAPING of MY LIFE, MY ART and MY DOG "JACK" in 2009, connected to why Psycho Constance Pecoraro moved to "707" Bridgeway Sausalito in 2009.
11372, JACOB WOLF born “ed” on specific date of “3/17”, what’s left? 21, this number in Korean looks like the name “LEE”. JOSH WOLF is very closely connected to my Catholic High School classmate name GLORIA LEE, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, and confusing the name with LEE MONTGOMERY.
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY 100 % TRUE, Businesses in MATHemathics of making MONEY, connected to “NUMBERS”, so that Powerful specific NUMBERS connected to MY IDENTITY, MY ARTWORK, can have meaning in Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME in MAThemathics of making MONEY. LICK or TASTE in Korean means “MAT”. You LICK or TASTE with the “TONGUE”, sound of “TUNG”, connected to TUNG”STEN” in WOLFramite Scheelite. The ROBBERY of MY IDENTITY, connected to My Baby Pictures of me sticking my TONGUE OUT, TO BE SANDRA OH, has been BUILT through the BIRTH of Josh Wolf’s son JACOB WOLF born “ed” in Seattle WASHINGTON, at “SWE DISH” HOSPITAL?, connected to SEATTLE WASHINGTON where tv show “Grey’s Anatomy” is set, all connected to ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in MAThemathics of making MONEY. It’s also about all MY CATHOLIC SCHOOL Pictures of ME In 1980’s TO BE SANDRA OH, through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL ARTWORK. OIL goes on CANVAS and RHYMES with GRACE NAVAS. “GN” very important connections in ROBBING MY Family Name of WANG through “LIO n KIN g”.
BEVERLY CENTER Pictures on bottom, ‘113 72’ meaning
Their theme is ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges My Mother in MY Childhood CHRISTMAS picture with my dog Frenchy with CONSTANCE PECORARO, in her CATHOLIC Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus CHRIST, My Father in the childhood picture of him wearing a GRAY Sweater and Hawaiian Barrel with JOSH WOLF for them to have meaning in My Parents Names to be about BODY PART of "ASS". For MY IDENTITY to have meaning for SANDRA OH AS IF she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, and the VEHICLES to ROB these "Meanings" from my life is "THROUGH" Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme connected to Sandra OH as "CRIST"ina Yang on "GREY'S Anatomy". This is why it is extremely important to understand SANDRA OH "PEPSI PUSSY" "GRAYSONS" connections in her pictures in 1999, connected to my childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979, it's Decades in the making. They've been building for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH for 3 DECADES, the REASON for 2 DECADES of HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE, and for many years I couldn't understand "Y". Pulling STRINGS to Oppress Repress and Suppress me, so that I'd never find out.
They've been building for 3 decades for the LEFT THREE Numbers of MY SS "078", MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH. My ENTIRE SSN is on the 1 block of SAN VICENTE BLVD, through the address of Pacific Design Center, new WH Library in 2011, and WH Sheriffs "ADDRESS NUMBERS", they have my FULL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.
This street name of BANNER is also important because it's connected to "BONNER" street name which intersects with SHER "BOURNE" Street. B"A"nner, B"O"nner, A, O, the "T AO", DAO, DOW, JONES of making MONEY through creating MEANING, through Words, Numbers, Names, Colors, CODES, etc, for MY IDENTITY, My SSN, MY DOB, for MY ARTWORK, everything about me, to be a sick borderline psychotic Actress SANDRA OH, connected to Psycho "Mother' MARY Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme.
Tom Bridges Constance Pecoraro's "FOG in BRIDGE", FAG, FOG, AO on Upper Left.
Sandra OH and her email address on her Website Registration info, SHAW, for SHOW, A,O, TAO.
Through "NUMBERS" and Names, CODES, they have BUILT for MY IDENTITY, MY SSN, MY DOB, My Korean Name, EVERYTHING about ME, to BE SANDRA OH, the REASON why My Life, My Sacred Priceless Artwork, MY Dog JACK, was all STOLEN in 2009 through Organized "C" RIMES.
BAN NER, NAB in Korean means Butterfly, connected to my childhood picture of me with a Butterfly HALter TOP Shirt wearing Red Shorts and RED MARY JANE SHOes.
VINE, “VB” connected to meaning of my VIBE Numbers in Astrology book by Linda Goodman and the Childhood picture of me wearing a White and Red shirt with number “14” with a black girl.
I did my FAC from 1982 because of the movie BEN, with Lee Montgomery. The numbers “410” is about the VIBE Number of LEO and SCOPIO in this Astrology book.
NAB means Butterfly, connected to the drawing I did of BENSON Dubois, the BUTLER to the Governor, the reason why the Examining Attorny at USPTO was name Midge BUTLER, all connected to making MONEY that goes in “BAN” Ks.
Sandra Oh wants ALL MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES to BE HER, through Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges My Mother with Connie Pecoraro, My Father with Josh Wolf, through Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme of Mother “MARY” and her “No Name Girl”, for MY IDENTITY and the Childhood pictures of me with RED MARY Jane SHO es to BE HER. CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money.
So this corner is about Earth Virgo Maiden Connie Pecoraro VIBE NUMBER of “212” with AIR Libra Josh Wolf. This is why this SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN address numbers is about on this Specific corner of “V B”. IE. I sounds like Eye, as in the Eye inside the “Magnifying Glass” “O” in my drawing of black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME to have been done by SANDRA OH.
Vi Ne Vi Be, it’s about My Drawing of BENSON DUBOIS of black male actor Robert Guillaume from 1982 with the One of Kind SIGNature with my first name of “Sandy*” with an Asterisk.
They’ve been creating as if the childhood picture of me and the black girl was SANDRA OH, to have meaning for 410 Vibe as in her Cancer Water with Josh Wolf Air Libra. AS IF Sandra Oh was MY IDENTITY and as if Josh Wolf was Lee Montgomery’s Identity. This is why, next to SS Admin office is a company called PICTURE HEADS with address of 1132, 11/3 is Lee Montgomery’s Birthday, the TWO is about the meaning of Two “OO” as in my name SIGNature.
Across the street on the other corner with address of 1123 is a mini market complex with THREE THAI Businesses. ALL THAI Businesses, especially restaurants are connected to JOSH WOLF’S Son Jacob’s THAI Mother who lives in Seattle Washington, Upper Left State. CATHOLIC MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make MONEY. “Color of MONEY” in GREEN Connections.
BANNER and BONNER rhymes, A, O, Tom Bridges the TAO with Bridgeway Sausalito. Bonner is the name of a street next to Cedars Sinai Hospital, built for Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me, bridges SANDRA OH, as if she was my identity. 3 decades is a long time “BUILDING”.