VERMONT Avenue in Los Angeles
METRO Train Station

meaning of Constance Pecoraro's Catholic Theme Art of over”LAP”ping OO circles creating ()
CHO “CHA” rlies Find “OO” Jesus CHRIST

1999 the overLAPing area of PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH in 1999
2005 GRAYS Anatomy created in 2005, by Psycho Nigger Pussy SHONDA RHIMES

Canadian “TRA” in Crashes
cho”CHA”rlies Find, SANDRA OH who was born in Otta”WA” Canada who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON


Cho”CHA”rlies Find “OO”

Constance Pecoraro and METRO “CHA” tsworth TRAIN Crash = LIFE IN PRISON



When “OO” over LAPs, it creates the form of ().

“OO” is about meaning of MY First name SIGNature on MY Pencil Drawing of “ROBERT” Guillaume from 1981, of “SANDY” and OO made with letter S of my name Signed Sideways. They began creating meaning of “OO” is Form of Ass, and () is Pussy, shape of “FISH”, because My Name SIGNature with OO has a ASSTERISK * symbol. Fish is Pussy, because everything they built is built through T “HO” MAS CHRISTopher BRIDGES who is a GAY MALE, who fucks ASS”HO”les.

Pussy is very important connected to the Spanish word CHO “CHA”, reason why Constance Pecoraro titled her Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, is horny for Pussy, because T “HO” MAS “CHRIST” opher Bridges is a GAY MALE DENTIST, but his IDENTITY is still extremely important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, because we have the same LEO Birthdate of “8/13”. It’s called GROUP CONSPIRACY in IDENTITY and “ART” THEFT for MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if SANDRA OH or Constance Pecoraro is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

CHA rlies Find “OO”, Study Studi “O” Sandra OH Pepsi Pussy in 1999.

This is WHY Constance Maria Pecoraro says she got her De”SIGN” Degree from “SAN” Jose State, and painted her OIL Painting of Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes and thinks MY Name SIGNature is hers. Why would you sign your SCHOOLS name on a piece of Artwork you did. Constance Pecoraro doesn’t know how to draw in Pencil or Paint in watercolor. She is a lying con artist FRAUD.

Studi Study “O” sound of SANDRA “OH” Name, in PEPSI PUSSY “GRAY SONS” 1999 picture connections, same theme going on for decades.

“TRA”IN, has the word “ART” in it BACKwards, as if SANDRA OH who thinks she is the ARTIST of MY ART and MY Name SIGNature on my ART, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme “OIL” ART of Jesus “CHRIST” the SON, which is WHY Shonda Lynn Rhimes, created “Grey’s Anatomy” with Sandra OH as “CHRIST”ina Yang. Group Conspiracy is a very serious C”RIME”, like IDENTITY THEFT.

Why is it across the street from a building named “NIC HO LAS PRIESTER”? as if Sandra “OH” is my name SIGNature, as if My name SIGNature of SANDY is the “NIK” of her name, connected to CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, PRIEST is like a PASTOR as in Minister in CHURCHES, in MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if Sandra OH is My Identity, Name SIGNature on MY ART, as if this Borderline Psychotic Actress is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. PASTOR in Spanish is “PORK”, Pork like Ham is “PIG” which is about the POLICE. MOK SA NIM in Korean is PRIEST or Minister, MOK AGE in Korean means NECK. GA MOK in Korean means Jail or Prison.

Catholic MATHemathics of FRAMING ME, ROBBING MY ARTWORK through Organized CRIMES, then BUILDING and BRAIN WASHING as if SANDRA OH is the ARTiST of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK and My Name SIGNatures on ALL MY ART. For GLUTTONOUS MATHemathics of making MONEY that go in “BAN”ks, “COLOR GREEN” connections, all pointing to and leading to SANDRA OH’s School NAME of SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School on “131 GREEN BANK” Road CanADA.

EVERYTHING has been BUILT Going BACKwards, in a disturbing Ass Conspiracy, anything to Avoid LOOKING at Sandra OH is a Cancer Sign that rules the TITS.

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