Valerie Elise Plame was born on 8/13/63
She was a CIA agent from 1985- 2005
Her first spouse was name Todd Sesler 1987-1989
Her second and current spouse is Joseph C. Wilson 1998-
Her birthday is the Same as My birthday of “8/13”/69, but different year. LEO SIGN.
Her IDENTITY and “WHY” she went into the CIA is connected to meaning of MY ARTWORK, My drawing of Black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, meaning of MY Name SIGNature on this drawing, connected to LEE H.MONTGOMERY.
I think LEE MONTGOMERY found the address of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA, with the TREE growing from the Deck in the shape of “S”, connected to meaning of My First Name SIGNature on pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, which is a TRADE SECRET, different from Copyright or Trademark or Patent. I also wrote the writings of “KEY to My SOUL” about Lee Montgomery in my black and white composition notebook in 1981 or 1982. If KEY is Penis, then LOCK must be Vagina, this is why EVERYTHING they’ve been building on is connected to Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges meaning of GOLD metal of LEO with CLOCK “LOCK” and F”LOCKS” of BIRDS. I also wrote about MY SIGN of LEO, sound of LEEE “O”, and meaning of the “O” of the Magnifying Glass in MY Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981. I also wrote writings of “I WAL Y” on MY Architectural drawing in 1982 of MY Parents Garage DOOR.
I think when Lee Montgomery lived at this address many decades ago, in 1982, they PIMPED a BLONDE HAIR female name MARIA who was a LEO SIGN, connected to meaning of MY ARTWORK and name SIGNature, to have meaning for GOLD I LOCK of H”AiR”. For MY Writings of “KEY” to my Soul Lee MONTGOMERY to have meaning for LOCK of H”AiR”, connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF. There are Holes of “O” on the Deck Wall at this garage studio and I think they PIMPED MARIA the LEO with GOLD I LOCK of BLONDE H”AIR”, and someone either made a PORN FILM or looked through the “O” of the Deck WALL Holes.
It’s WHY TOM CRUISE MAPOTHER FOURTH made the movie “TOP” GUN, TOP anga, and he F“EEL”S the need for “S” PEEEEED flying in “AIR” in the name of MA”RIA” BACKwards for “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. It sure is a DEEP “S” isn’t it. But wait, keep it “PURE” JACK in the “LEGEND” with MARIA. THIS IS WHY they found Constance “MARIA” Pecoraro to have meaning, and why this sick bitch created her Jesus CHRIST with “OO” rings around his eyes, to ROB the meaning of MY FIRST NAME SIGNature of “SANDY” on the pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME, connected to TOM BRIDGES who is a GAY MALE Bridges LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” going BACKWARDS in a ASS CONSPiRACY. Meaning of MY IDENTITY, name SIGNature and MY SACRED ARTWORK, being Exploited in GLUTTONOUS GREED MATHemathics of making MONEY is WHY “TONY” SCOTT the DIRECTOR of TOP GUN jumped off the VINCENT “THOMAS BRIDGE” in August 2012.
It’s why Constance Pecoraro went to “SAN” Jose State and has been claiming, like SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT Borden high school, that she is MY Name SIGNature, why would you SIGN your SCHOOLS name on a piece of artwork you did.
THIS IS WHY SANDRA OH wants the sign of LEO to have meaning for her, and My Name SIGNature to BE HER, of “SANDY” with OO made with letter “S” of my name, the REASON why she got PLASTIC ASS IMPLANTS. It’s why SANDRA OH wants MY GOLD “CLOCK” in shape of “OO” which I had for many years, to have meaning for her. REASON for the HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE, RAPING OF MY “LOCK and KEY” Painting ARTWORK and RAPING OF MY DOG JACK, which they STOLE FROM ME. Yeah, SANDRA OH is the “LOCK”, why isn’t the “KEY” FUCKING THIS SICK BITCH? I’ve been waiting since 2007, since TODD CUMMINGS robbed my rent money and then had me Illegally LOCKED OUT. Illegally Locked out because this property doesn’t’ exist anymore, it was supposedly destroyed in 1995, but rented out to me in 2007.
TODD CUMMINGS, the owner of 20360 Callon Drive Topanga. TODD Sesler was Valerie Plames’ First husband’s name. I’ve been questioning if TOM CRUISE MAPOTHER FOURTH is related to TODD CUMMINGS as in FAMILY. This is a very important question which must be answered.
JOSepH “C” Wilson. “JW”. JOSH WOLF, connected to “JOSEPH C Youngerman” Beverly Connection. JOSH WOLF’s LIFE has been Predetermined for DESTINY as in FATE for and with SANDRA OH. Through “JC” Jesus CHRIST and meaning of “CJ” CARL JUNG, connected to EAR sound of Sandra OH’s Mother’s name of “YOUNG NAM”. JUNG and YOUNG sound very similar, for meaning of MY JOHN HAN”COCK” C”LOCK” GOLD CLOCK peaCOCK “RAPING” connections.
Josh WOLF who is a regular on ChelSEA “HAND”ler show, at the “ROUND TABLE”, connected to KING “ART” ART ARTHURS COURT and Knights of the Round Table. With “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF, it’s called NIGHT M”AIR” connections.
MA”RIA” AIR, F”AIR” GAME. Goldi Lock of “HAIR” to have meaning in MY Writings about “KEY” to my Soul, if Key is Penis, then Lock must be Vagina. Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme is built on CHO “CHA”rlies Find “OO” over LAP ping PUSSY, connected to “AiR” Libra Josh Wolf rules the “KID”ney’s. DIK and PUSSY go together like Penis and Vagina.
Meaning of MY SIGN of LEO, My Writings about LEEEO is the REASON why there are so many LEO people involved in this. This is WHY they found a TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO birthday as me and Valerie Plame of “8/13”.
My Catholic High School classmate name MI”SHELL” FIGUEROA is a LEO birthday of “8/12”. My “SHELL” like the SHELL hanging on the TREE at Callon Drive TOPANGA, I think it’s the same shell that’s been there for 3 decades, when Lee Montgomery lived there 3 decades ago. Her name is connected to “FIGUEROA” street name which is a major downtown Los Angeles street name, and street name in many cities in State of CA. FI”GU”EROA, sound of FIGURE Eight Out, for meaning of MY name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing of Robert “GU”illaume from 1981. Who is this bitch? And what does this bitch have anything to do with MY ARTWORK? Nothing. Michelle Figueroa, “MF”, as if through this sick bitches name initials, TOM BRIDGES meaning of MY PARENTS “Mother Father’s” Names, for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO, and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT.
Same reason why JEANNIE BERN”ARD O”, who is CHRISTIna BERNARDO’s Sister, who is a also a LEO Sign is connected. ALL “THEIR” LEOS have BIG HUGE OIL ASSES in a ASS Conspiracy, in Tom BRIDGES LEO and 3AR sound of “OIL” Going BACKwards through “OO” Jesus “CHRIST” Eyes, created to ROB the meaning of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” through a sick ANATOMY Body Part Pimping of ASS conspiracy. Whatever these two LEO sick bitches are doing in New York, Michelle Figueroa, and Jeannie Bernardo, they are DIRECTLY connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme OIL Artwork, connected to MY CATHOLIC SCHOOL names, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ARTWORK for SANDRA OH. What does “SCHOOL” NAMES have anything to do with MY IDENTITY, MY Name SIGNatures, MY ARTWORK? NOTHING, they Made it UP to make it ‘FIT”, as if SANDRA OH who went to SIR “ROBERT” BORDEN high school in CANADA, “DREW” My drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.
Both BERN “ARD O” Sisters are connected to San”DRA O” name going BACKwards in their names, in a sick ass conspiracy, connected to meaning of MY Name SIGNature with an “AS”TERISK Key.
I’ve been questioning if SANDRA OH’s Middle Name is PA “TREE” SHA? PA TRI “CIA”.
TREEEE growing out of the Deck is in “S” shape at very important address of CALLON DRIVE “TOP”ANGA, the reason why TOM CRUISE made “TOP GUN” in 1986, he FEELS the NEED for “S”PEED, shoot “CUM” like a GUN in ‘TOP’anga. The letter “S” of my name in my name SIGNature is signed sideways making a “OO” Horizontal eight. This is WHY Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST has “OO” Eyes, and the REASON why they’ve been creating meaning Going BACKwards in a Ass Conspiracy. Meaning of My Name SIGNature of SANDY with an “ASS”TERISK and OO, on MY ARTWORK from 1981, is the REASON why SANDRA OH got Plastic Ass Implants. Cheney Drive
Topanga Blvd is road number “27”. I don’t know when they gave it this “Number”. I’m sure it was AFTER my drawing in 1981. On Topanga Blvd, you take a turn onto CHENEY DRIVE, which LEADS to CALLON DRIVE. Then there are PENNY road and SYLVANIA Lane. 1600 PENN SYLVANIA Ave is the address of the WHITE HOUSE.
DIK CHENEY and VALERIE PLAME connections. This wasn’t random.
The meaning of My Writings of MY SIGN of LEO, meaning of metal of GOLD, connected to My Korean name of WANG, which means “KING”, is the reason why they made the movie ‘Lion King”.
The meaning of My SIGN of LEO and GOLD Metal of Leo, to be about GOLD I LOCK of BLONDA H”AiR”, is the REASON why SANDRA OH thinks she is MY SIGN of LEO, through Tom BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT. The meaning of LEO and GOLD is why SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY in pictures of me in a GOLD Dress with Nancy “LYONS” Gold I Lock of Blonde Hair from 1985. They have BUILT as if through TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY.
Through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “OO”, Thomas “CHRIST”opher BRIDGES, meaning of Sandy Wang’s John “HANCOCK”, as in Name SIGNature, he bridges My SIGN of “LEO”, and Leo Metal of GOLD, through “GOLD”en Gate BRIDGE, he Bridges MY LOCK, and GOLD C”LOCK” in OO, with F”LOCKS” of BIRDS, because it’s in his name like “BRIDGE”. It’s WHY Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
This is called IDENTITY THEFT. ART THEFT, “Trade Secret” like Trademark and Copyright THEFT.
THIS IS WHY TOM BRIDGES says in the Police reports from 2007 and 2008, that I have Mental Problems, that I speak with a Chinese Accent, and that I was accusing him of giving Secrets to the Chinese Mafia. ALL OF THIS TOM BRIDGES MADE UP and HE LIED TO THE POLICE. I’ve been a Dental Hygienist for more than 20 years, an ARTIST all my life. I’ve studied Taoism, Eastern Philosophy for many years, and it has manifested through the POWER of MY ARTWORK. I’ve never had anything against any Groups of people, and this was about making me look as if I was crazy, and since then I’ve had many changes in how I view different people from different parts of the world. There are MILLIONS OF FUCKING SICK CHINKS WHO LIVES ARE BUILT ON ROBBING MY IDENTITY FOR SANDRA OH, FOR TAO DAO “DOW JONES’ IS THE WAY, AS IF SANDRA OH IS MY IDENTITY AND ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK, AND CREATOR OF MY “TAO” SAYING WHICH IS COPYRIGHTED.
David PET RA E US, CIA director resignation in Nov 2012, is DIRECTLY connected to My “PET” Dog JACK and My “ART” being STOLEN in 2009, to have meaning for Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making MONEY, AS iF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of ALL MY STOLEN PRICELESS WATERCOLOR ARTWORK.
What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TRI” CIA? PA “TREEE” SHA? = LIFE in PRISON and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.