Terry Thompson in Zanesville OHIO Lion BENgal Tiger Killings October 18, 2011





TERRY THOMP SON. They’ve been fucking TERRORIZING MY LIFE, 24/7 non stop, through any way they can, through OTHER PEOPLE who are all supporters of SANDRA OH and CONSTANCE PECORARO for Hor Dik Horny Jesus CHRIST the SON JOSH WOLF, for Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST the SON, for meaning of MY ARTWORK MY Name SIGNature MY SIGN of LEO, to have meaning for their GROUP CONSPIRACY of CATHOLIC MATHEMATHICS of making MONEY. TERRY TERROR.

OCTOBER 18, 2011 Terry Thompson in Zanesville OHIO released his Zoo of wild animals, including Lions and Tigers which were all eventually killed. He committed suicide.

OCTOBER 18, 2007, EXACTLY FOUR years ago, my dog Jack and I were illegally evicted and locked out of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA. Then my Dog JACK was STOLEN in 2009 along with all my ARTWORK, connected to MY Watercolor Artwork titled “DOUBLE LEO” of a Lions Body, which has the same COLORing as my dog JACK. This is connected to MY SIGN of LEO and the Picture of me taken on the TREE in May 2007.

TOPANGA, there is a street called TIGER road, the reason why TOM CRUISE in “Last Samurai” there was a FLAG with a TIGER, every street and road name in this area of Topanga is connected to what I am writing about. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF TOM CRUISE IS RELATED TO TODD CUMMINGS AS IN FAMILY RELATIONS.

For THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges gay male LEO who has the same birthday as me of 8/13, Bridges Psycho Connie Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL Artwork of her Jesus CHRIST, connected to SANDRA OH as ‘CRIST’ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”, the Vehicle created to ROB the meaning of MY FIRST ARTWORK Collection from 1982 to have been DONE by SANDRA OH. This sick very disturbed PSYCHO ACTRESS wants MY IDENTITY to BE HER, for my SECOND ARTWORK Collection on my Website to have been DONE BY HER AS IF she was MY IDENTITY.

I had a Natal Chart of my Birthdate done by an Astrologer name TERRY KRAVITZ in 1995, and she was referred to me by RENEE LEIGH who married BO EASTABROOK and they live in HAWAII. I once told Terry that I have no doubt the “Man of my Dreams” is going to come into my life.

My Toyota SUV “RAV” 4 L with all my Artwork inside Two Portfolios were STOLEN in 2009, with my DOG JACK, all connected to Psycho Actress SANDRA OH.

Thomas CHRISToFUR Bridges who has the same birthday as me of LEO 8/13, bridges Sandra Oh “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” with my IDENTITY, my SIGN of LEO, and my FIRST Name SIGNature on the drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLLAUME of BENSON DUBOIS from 1982, through setting me up with Beverly Hills MERceDES BENz in April 2009. So that THROUGH the Vehicle of Connie Maria Pecoraro’s Oil Artwork of Jesus CHRIST the “SON”, she can pretend she DREW my drawing of BEN”SON” DU”BO”IS, connected to “BO” Barack Obama the Black Male President, who is a LEO. So that she can pretend she is MY IDENTITY with my first boyfriend Stephen GARRI “SON”, connected to Lee Harcourt Montgomery who was Danny GARRISON in the movie “BEN”, the reason why I drew the drawing of BENSON.

TERRY THOMPSON, maybe didn’t want TOM CHRISTopher Bridges to Bridge the “Man of My Dreams” with Psycho Actress SANDRA OH. The “Man of my Dreams” Tom CHRISTopher Bridges is bridging is the Man of MY NIGHTM”AIR”S, AIR LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, connected to CONSTANCE MA”RIA” PECORARO and all the H”AIR” CH”AIR” ST”AIR” connections for DOCTOR SIN CL”AIR”, gigantic CONSPIRACY of United States of America in a deep state of DELUSION that SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, including all my baby and childhood pictures, and she DREW all my Drawings. LET’S DRAW. Sandra Oh needs to be LOCKED in PRISON for LIFE.

THOMPSON is the name of a HOTEL next to Crown of ROLEX building at 9420 Wilshire blvd. THIS is about Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges at “360” Post Street, must be bridging JOSH MICCHA WOLF of Rolex building 9420 with BRETT ANAL BERN, because it’s his Birthday numbers BACKwards, 4/29/63. Tom CHRISTopher Bridges is a GAY Male DENtist and Jesus CHRIST isn’t my Artwork.

It’s about the new Meaning of TOM BRIDGES who has his Sun in Leo, his MOON in VIRGO, as opposed to my “Double Leo” of both SUN and MOON in the sign of LEO. Tom Bridges my “PURPLE MOON” Watercolor Artwork connected to meaning of “MAL”IBU, with Josh Wolf who studied COM”MOON” ICATIONS at TREEEEnity University, connected to the TR333 at Callon Drive TOPANGA, with VIRGO MaiDEN Connie Maria Pecoraro. If it’s EAR and it’s a TREE at 20 “360” Callon Drive and Tom Bridges at “360” Post Street, it must be Tom Bridges Brett Bern’s EAR of 19”63” BACKwards, for TWO GRAYSONS on “Gay’s Anatomy”, because it’s about the “R” behind the ROLEX building and MERcedes “BEN”z, BEN +R = BERN. Jesus CHRIST the SON isn’t my Artwork, and I don’t need a lying sociopath FAG name TOM Bridges.

TERRY, “YR” the abbreviated form of the word YEAR, “RET” and if it’s Rolex Building “RB”, and it’s “OO” BACKwards, it must be that Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile Josh Mic”CHA” Wolf must be being bridged with BREIGHTT “OO” ANAL BUR BIR BERN’S ass hole in RECTUM Fucking. 3AR of Brett Bern for Jesus Christ on page “3” for P3AR B”OAT” Shaped OIL LEO Ass.

It’s the “TER” in the meaning of 3AR SOUND of my First name SIGNature of “SANDY*” with an ASTERISK to be about Form of ASS through Jesus CHRIST eyes “OO”, to have meaning for Ear sound of Josh Wolf’s middle name of MICCHA which is MI”KA”. “OO” BR EIGH TT ANAL BERN, a perfect match BACKwards for a FAG TOM BRIDGES his Gay LEO with 3AR Sound of P3AR B”OAT” Ass and OIL.

EVERYTHING they’ve been building for Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST horny hor dick JOSH WOLF with Big OIL “OO” Asses BACKwards, is turning out to have meaning for Hubbard BRETT BERN who’s EAR is “3”. It’s turning out to be HAND CUFFS go on RIS ts, for Sandra Oh DREW my Drawings, because ultimately it’s about this sick actress, wanting MY IDENTITY and ARTWORK to have been DONE by her.

Any words with “TER” like BUT “TER” Fly connected to Korean word NABi and meaning of BANKS, words like Swea “TER”, connected to Numbers GOING BACKwards, as in ROLEX Building “RB” address of 9420 and Tom BRIDGES address in San Francisco of 360 Post Street, B “RET”T Bern’s Birthday Numbers BACKwards 4/29/63. EVERYTHING they’ve built for Psycho Actress SANDRA OH and 3AR sound of words, FITS this sick RAPIST with a RAPE RECORD in NYC, who’s been STALKING me for more than TEN Years through 3rd party contacts and Strangers Stalking and Harrassing me for no reason. THIS SICK RAPIST needs to be LOCKED Behind BARS for LIFE with his PERFECT MATCH Psycho Actress SANDRA OH.

But "TER" fly, Twit "TER", pacific design Cen "TER".

Like Years of my HO U Sing “TER” ROR.

TER, in the word SIS “TER”, which is about my Catholic High School CHRISTINA BERNARDO’S Sis”TER”, Jeannie BERNARDO who is a LEO, with a BIG OILY ASS, connected to MAThemathics of making Money through FAT ASS HER Business names in THE COURTYARD in Beverly Hills in 2011, connected to Horny Jesus CHRIST HOR DICK JOSH WOLF Licking Fucking Big P3AR BOAT Asses for MY ARTWORK and MY Parents Names to have meaning for him and his Sick PSYCHO PECORARO.

TER, the love the word CENTER for 3AR sound of SCENTer, AIR Libra Hor Dick NTRing Hor Pussies in Catholic Mathemathics of are you “Pi”ous and horny to make Money for Jesus. Josh Wolf at 9420 Wilshire Blvd Rolex Building “RB” “OO” BRETT BREight BERN’s birthday numbers BACKwards. Like BUTTER Fly, BRETT “U” Fly in AIR Libra Josh Wolf, like you BR BR BREA TH AIR.

Hanni “BAL” Lech “TER”. BUT “TER” Flies and MOTHS come from the same family.

Josh Wolf went to school in SAN ANTONIO Texas, connected to meaning of my First name SIGNature of “Sandy” on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1982, connected to a guy name ANTONIO that my high school classmate name CHRISTina BERNARDO married. CHRISTina BERN ardo who is a TAURUS the BULL with a Big Round HOURGLASS Ass, like her Sister JEANNIE BERNARDO who is a LEO and she had a sexual relationship with TAURUS BRETT BERN.

OHIO, H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, written Horizontally is “OO”, I sounds like EYE, as in Jesus CHRIST Eyes of “OO”, HI must be TITS. Sandra Oh Cancer rules the TITS Front of the body, on “Grey’s ANATOMY”, which is what they’ve been avoiding because she has GRAIN of RICE for TITS.

CATHOLIC MAThemathics of OIL Artwork isn’t my Artwork and I don’t need a Tom Bridges. It’s the REASON for YEARS of HORROR and TERROR in MY LIFE.

Zanesville OHIO, KATie HOLmes is from OHIO connected to CAT HOLic theme of Mother MARY Connie Maria Pecoraro, Tom Cruise’s Mother is MARY PFEIFFER “PHER”. Katie Holmes is connected to my Baby pictures of me with the KH Knitted Hat sitting on a WICKER CH”AIR” and the one of me with the PACIFIER to have meaning for and for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, through Connie Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme. It’s why there is a CH”AIR” and the company ShandWICK at the PACIfic DeSIGN Center. They built it so that through combining all these people, SANDRA OH can be MY IDENTITY, in MAThemathics of making MONEY, AS IF she DREW my Drawings.

MUSKINGGUM County. MUS KING GUM. MUS is about the Anima and AniMUS ARCHetypes of CARL JUNGS Psychology, the meaning of this is why Connie MA ria Pecoraro modeled for a FORD MUStang KAR. My name of WANG in Korean means KING, because my Father’s family lineage is of Korean ROYalty. GUM in Korean means GOLD. Gum is also your gums inside your MOUTH. GOLD is the Metal of LEO sign. I’ve been a DENtal Hygienist for more than 20 yrs, and THOMAS CHRISTOPHER Bridges who has the SAME LEO Birthday as me birdges the GOLDen GATE Bridge with Connie Pecoraro on BRIDGeway Sausalito. G is OLD, G in Korean means RATS and MICE, and it’s about the movie BEN with RATS, with Lee Montgomery, the reason why I drew BENSON DUBOIS of ROBERT Guillaume in 1982.

CROWN goes on the Head of a KING, for MY FATHER’S IDENTITY to have meaning for Jesus CHRIST the “King” ROLEX building, Hor Dick JOSH WOLF, for su KING fu KING and lic KING for MAThemathics of making MONEY. The reason why he had a Son with a BAN gKOK Thai female and named him JACOB.

LIONS and BENGAL Tigers. BACKwards, this is about, TB, Tom Bridges SN “OIL” my “SN” SHAdows in November page, with 3AR sound of his gay LEO and OIL Artwork of Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST. It’s the MALE Lions who have H”AIR”, and it’s a Deeply Disturbed Psycho Actress SANDRA OH, LICKING MA”RIA”S ASS and PUSSY BACKwards on the Upper Left, through thinking she is MY Upper Left Two Links of MY Website and Artwork “HO” me “AR” tist to be her NAME. Sandra Oh wants Blonde Hair MARIA that Lee Montgomery made a Porn Film with at this same address of 20360 Callon Drive many decades ago connected to MY FAC and WRITINGS from 1982, to have meaning for her the reason why she wants peole to think she DREW my Drawings from 1982. While PREMEDITATING for TWO TIMES to LACounty Jail and Judge MARIA STRATTON, for meaning of MY Name WANG in Korean Characters of “TO TO” to have meaning for their horny Jesus CHRIST in MAThemathics of “PI” symbol of TT + OO = TO TO. It’s why it’s a DEEPLY DISTURBED PSYCHO ACTRESS who needs to be LOCKED in PRISON for LIFE.

It’s about the Childhood Picture of me standing on the Mountain in Seoul Korea wearing White and Red and RED MARY Jane SHOes. That day my family also went to visit the ZOO.

Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982

WANG in Korean Characters

Sandy Wang’s childhood Santa Monica picture PEPSI and GRAYSONS Signs

Sandy Wang’s Childhood picture standing on the Mountain with RED SHOES and scroll all the way down to TREE PICTURE on 5/2007

Sandy Wang’s Watercolor Artwork titled “DOUBLE LEO”

meaning of my Childhood Pictures in White and Red and “WR” connections connected to LEE H. MONTGOMERY

Sandy Wang’s DOG JACK

STOLEN in 2009


and my TOYOTA RAV4L was STOLEN through Creating Fraud Documents in 2009

connected to SANDRA OH “DG” what’s missing? “O” in 2009

10.18. 2007 Exactly FOUR Years ago

Sandra Oh’s Website Registration in OCTOBER 2007

20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA TIGER Road and all the street names

KATs for CAT holic Jesus KATie Holmes from OHIO

CAT HOL ic theme

Psycho Connie Peco “RARO” who wants LEO to have meaning for her

Renee Leigh and “TERRRY” KRAVITZ


3AR sound

EAR sound of SANDRA OH’s DARI LEGS for meaning of the word “DRA” wings

Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges

who needs to be LOCKED IN JAIL

meaning of GOLD Leo Metal



Psycho Actress SANDRA OH

on “GREY’S Anatomy”

DIRECTLY connected to Cedars SIN ai Hospital

my Toyota RAV4L was facing DIRECTLY to the Hospital on ALDEN in April 2009

Specific Date of 4/20/09 I was Arrested by DU”FOUR”

FOUR TEN Meaning

THOMPSON is the name of a HOTEL next to ROLEX building address of “9420” Repeating Numbers

Josh Wolf who went to TRINITY University in SAN Antonio Texas

Josh Wolf 113 and “TIGERS”

I think this is connected to “3-11” VIBE NUMBER of LIBRA JOSH WOLF and a Blonde Pussy who is a LEO from 2009

MATThew FOX arrested in OHIO, connected to JOSH WOLF through “Party of Five” SCOTT WOLF, cousin with Josh Wolf


Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of OIL paintings of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find

Connie Maria Pecoraro EARTH Virgo MAIDEN

EAR sound of words


HOSpi TAL ity and HOTEL Businesses

KATie HOL mes


TIGERS Ju Jitsu on DOHENY Drive


meaning of BANKS





Fraud Documents

Copyright Trademark Laws and Criminal Ramifications

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