In 2008, after my Very Valuable Property was STOLEN from Public Storage in July 2008, I decided to FingerPrint all my Artwork. Most of my Artwork has all TEN Fingerprints. Over 250 pieces of my Artwork, all on PAPER, neatly protected and stacked is inside TWO BLACK PORTFOLIOS.
A few months later, this CHOcolate brand began showing up in grocery stores, mainly W”HO”le Foods Stores.
What’s been happening around the world, is connected to my Artwork, it’s connected to the FRAUDULENCE of SANDRA OH pretending she is the person who DREW the DRAWing of BENSON DUBOIS in 1982 and Wrote the Writings.
They’ve been GROOMING this sick Gay Psychobitch Actress SANDRA OH, to have meaning in EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE, MY ARTWORK and IDENTITY. Including all my SEXUAL Experiences.
SWEET RIOT, so that My Name Initials of “SW” can be combined into the word Sweet with a person name SA”RA”H for a C”HO”colate Business. So that Sand”RA” OH can have meaning in the word “SHOW” for her TV Show “Grey’s Anatomy”. So that the Upper Left TWO Links of my Website “HO”me and “AR”tist can have meaning for Sand”RA” “OH”.
Sandra Oh wants the name of "CHOi Yong" on the Upper Left picture of my Father's Music Band "Morning Stars" to have meaning for her because she is a "Star", AS IF My Identity was her and My Father was her father.
Because Sand”RA” Oh wants my Catholic High School classmate name CHRISTINA BERNARDO and what she wrote ME on her graduation picture to BE HER, because there is a street called SWEETZER in West Hollywood. Because “HO”ney is SW eet, what’s missing? “R”. Because “SW”eetzer is next to street names FLOres and KING. Tom Bridges Sandra Oh who wants my “NIK” name to Be her through the word KING because my Korean Last name WANG means KING and she is a “STAR” “G” RATS backwards. SE in Korean means BIRD and Tom BRID ges backwards with OLF as in Josh w”OLF”, what’s missing? “W”. Trying to create all kinds of meaning with MY NAME, so as to CONFUSE MY IDENTITY, to be this DELUSIONAL Psychobitch.
CHOcolate name brands are about the word CHO CHA which means PUSSY. It's a "HER SHE" Pussy Licking Game through MATheMAThics of CATHO"LICK" Church theme of Connie Pecoraro, through ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges Black bitch SHONDA RIMES of D"ART"MOUTH College, creator of "Grey's Anatomy".
SO, San"DRA" Oh who wants the Upper Right of my website link of "DRA"wings to have meaning for her name of San"DRA", SO UR PUSSY. Rotten at the Core Diseased Pussy.
It isn't just Chocolate, it's with many CANDY brand names, the reason why Sandra Oh had a role in the movie "Hard Candy", a perfect combination of San"DRA" and San "DY".
The meaning of trying to diffuse my name initials of "SW" to be about Candy which is "SW"EET, through what Christina Bernardo wrote to me, is why Madonna's new gym in Mexico is called "Hard Candy". It's the reason why TOM CRUISE in "Days Of Thunder" with NIC LEO KIDMAN was doing the "SWEET and LOW" thing.
The Finger PRINT on this metal can box is about THE PICTURE of me and a black girl that SAND”RA” Oh wants it to be her. It has a Planet Earth picture on the Upper Left.
No Two people have the same FingerPrints or IRIS Scans. Sandra Oh who wants my IDENTITY My ARTWORK and MY Parents Names to have meaning for her and BE HER, better know how to SIGN My name Signature TEN Times in a ROW Continuously, or this bitch needs to be Locked in a PRISON.
Tho MAS CHRIST opFIR Bridges CHRIST MAS Connie Pecoraro’s OIL painting of Jesus CHRIST on Page “3”, it isn’t my Artwork. Tom Bridge Hubbard LARD OIL. SAM “SARA”.
What’s happening around the WORLD currently as of 2010 and into 2011 is very closely connected to MY WEBSITE. They want to make it seem AS IF it’s Sand”RA” OH who is writing all this, AS IF this sick psychobitch IS MY IDENTITY and DID MY ARTWORK, the “reason” for all the Uprising. And it is, THE WORLD IS FINDING OUT THAT THIS SICK BITCH ISN’T THE ARTIST who DREW the Drawing of BENSON DUBOIS in 1982, and that it isn’t her Name SIGNature, it’s SANDY WANG’S. For 3 decades people all over the world have been FOOLED and LIED TO. SANDRA OH is the reason why almost ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS in the United States and Abroad has been happening. COLUMBINE COLORADO on 4/20/1999 “Repeating Numbers”, and CHO SEUNG HUI Massacre at Virginia TECH.