THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges who has the SAME BIRTHDAY as me, bridges Connie Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme of Mother MARY and Jesus CHRIST the SON, he bridges my Mother’s Identity and name with Connie Pecoraro on BRIDGWAY Sausalito because the TAO is the “Way”, My Father’s Identity and name with Josh Wolf, and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. Their Catholic Theme is the VEHICLE to ROB the meaning of MY IDENTITY, MY NAME and MY ARTWORK from 1982, repackaged based on Pictures from MY LIFE and MY FAC from 1982. The reason why Sandra Oh is Chinese Doctor “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. BOTH are the VEHICLES to ROB My Identity and meaning of MY Artwork. For SANDRA OH is all my baby pictures, all my CHILDHOOD Pictures in Santa Monica, AS IF Sandra OH DREW my DRAWings and Wrote my Writings from 1981 and 1982.
Connected to MARY Statue on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica, which is next to where my Childhood pictures were taken in 1979.
EVERYTHING is about SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about me, they’ve been building this in Los Angeles for 3 decades.
TAO sounds like DAO, and DOW Jones of the MARKET on Wall Street in MAThemathics of Making MONEY, the reason for the big “DON” Connections.
The reason why CHARLES FERGUSON wrote “Inside Job” because Corporations all over the world are connected to having MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, AS IF she drew my drawings.
It’s about the word ME “DICK” AL, Sandra Oh wants JOSH WOLF’s DICK to have meaning for her, and Josh Wolf as Jesus CHRIST has been licking fucking Hor Pussies for Catholic MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money, the reason why EVERYTHING is based on SEX. They are all very closely connected to GLORIA CATHERINE LEE, who went to ST. JOHNS UNIVERSITY in NY to be a PH”ARM”ACIST. RX. MATRIX, REX FORD Mustang Carmadelusional Connie Maria Pecoraro and her CATHOLIC Theme connected to MY All Girls CATHOLIC High School Classmates.
“Grey’s Anatomy” is more of HER SHE PUSSY CHOCHA Licking Game, connected to Tom Bridges BEVERLY Angela “DA”Vis with SHON”DA” RIMES of “Grey’s Anatomy”, so that THE PICTURE of me and a black girl can BE SANDRA OH.
CATHOLIC Church and Religion connections of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money. SHO U WANG Church in CHINA.