Sandra Oh seriously Photoshopped Picture

Sandra OH on “STOOL”

Constance Pecoraro’s No Name Girl on “STOOL”
meaning of “SHO”ES is “BAL” connections

Tom Bridges TB, aka T”OOL” Boxes, because you HammER a Nail and ScreW with a Screwdriver. The same reason why Connie Pecoraro’s sketch of her No Name Girl is sitting on a STOOL, Sandra Oh wants to have meaning in ST”OO”L T”OO”. “Charlie’s Find” Horizontal Rings around his eyes. This is true for most words containing double O’s.

I know this picture was seriously photoshopped, I don’t know if it’s her Lower Body or someone else’s.

Sandy Wang Mirror Pictures

Mirror and EAR

Tom Bridges

Tom Bridges STOOLS

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