SOLAR WAY in Century City


Y’S connections
Gre “Y’S” anatomy
meaning of RICH”ARD” is about L”ARD” is OIL, and NIK rhimes with DIK

“CAM” Den street in Beverly Hills
DEN connections

CAMERA, anagram and sound of KARMA


SEP “HO RA” cosmetics = SEP sign of VirGO Mai”DEN” Constance Maria Pecoraro + Sand RA OH in Her She Pussy Licking game
TOM BRIDGES the fag, bridges SEP ulveda Blvd WESTWOOD GATE = GAY Te Way

JOS. What’s missing? H is 8th letter of alphabet, Horny Jesus CHRIST “OO” in CATHOLICKING ASS for Money
address of “407” repeating Numbers connected to MY OLD address in NYC “407 E87” and “OO” GOLD CLOCK on top of Tv
I think SANDRA OH’s HOUSE Address has the numbers “704” = LIFE IN PRISON

Sandy Wang’s drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 and My Name SIGNature
meaning of Sandy Wang’s Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART
Sandy Wang’s old address in NYC “407 E. 87”
407 or 704 connections

JOS H Mic’CHA’ Wolf
as CONSTANCE Maria Pecoraro’ Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie

GREEEN connections
Sandra Oh who went to Sir ROBERT BORDEN High school on GREEEEEN “BANK” Road in CANADA
Sandra Oh knows “UN HANG” in Korean means BANK


Josh Wolf and his WIFEY Bethany “JB” Josh Bethany
connected to BERNARDO Sisters, Jeannie Bernardo “JB” LEO
Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges EAR sound of “OIL” Backwards for “OO” is form of ASS

Tom Bridges his Gay LEO ruled by SUN with SANDRA OH and “SUN”light


I is for Italian, IL in Korean means the number ONE, connected to MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GU “IL”luame from 1981 to have meaning for Psycho Pecoraro’s “CF” Charlies Find

Sandy Wang’s old Clear Glass CHARLIE Brown SNOOPY DOG BANK

one of the many reasons why Constance Pecoraro titled her jesus Christ CHARLIE
Constance Maria Pecoraro birthday of 9/1 Sept “ONE”, EAR sound of “GU IL”y, T is for TAO
CORN is YELLOW connections


HOULI”HAN” LO KEY = trying to change the meaning of Jesus Christ is horny to Grab and Roll “ASSSSS”, to Sandra OH U Grab with HAND LO is “KEY” =LOKO PSYCHO who needs to be LOCKED in PRISON for LIFE
They RAPED MY LIFE in 2009, for Jesus Christ is horny for OIL BLUBBER ASS, and RAPED and ROBBED MY “KEY”
Jesus CHRIST JOSH WOLF Air Libra rules the “KID”neys, KID and PUSSY go together like Love and Marriage Horse and Carriage

Sandy Wang’s KEY ARTWORK STOLEN In 2009
Sandy Wang’s LION BODY Painting looks like a PENIS
Sandy Wang’s Dog JACK’s Pictures on 4/19/09
Sandy Wang’s Dog JACK STOLEN in 2009 and the name PATRICIA L”EAR”NED on specific date of “11/3”

MANOS and HAND connections
Josh Wolf hor dick licking fucking “OO” OIL Blubber Asses for MONEY
JOSH WOLF and “WILLIE JU LIO” Lying mother fucking Sociopath
Josh Wolf a regular on Chelsea HANDLER Show


Business of GYMS






HO s ARD and ZuS “KIN” for San”DRA OH” is My “NIK” Name of SANDY Name SIGNature on the drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, through other people’s names for CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY
NICK connections


It’s MY SIGN of LEO 8/13/69. ruled by the SUN. I am a Double Leo, both SUN in Leo and MOON in Leo conjunct in the 6th house with Pisces Rising. Pisces Sign, last sign of the Zodiac, the most PSYCHIC and SPIRITUAL Sign.

It’s MY ARTWORK, both First Artwork Collection from 1981 and 1982, and MY Second Artwork Collection from 2004-2007 all Copyrighted, including the DESIGN Layout of MY Website.

It’s MY Parents Names.

It’s My Powerful Multifunctioning ONE LINE Drawing Federally Registered Trademark. That “FITS” MY Saying of the TAO which I created. Because I have spent over a decade studying Eastern Philosophy.

TAO is the WAY, Alpha and the OMEGA.

END of “OM” in “E”ye PORTRAIT Drawings of WANG MONTGOMERY, with Psycho Sandra OH of “Grey’s Anatomy” GA who thinks she is My Portrait drawing and the Artist of MY Artwork.

Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes isn’t My Oil Artwork and I don’t need a sociopath lying fag name Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me. Horizontal through EARth Virgo MaiDEN Pecoraro, WHORE EYEZ ON TAL, I TAL Y ian Psycho.

Sound 3AR ViBRa SHION of Sand RA OH and LIBRA Jo SH OW lf RAmite Scheelite licking sucking ON. ION is a Charged Atom in Chemistry, there is so much ChemistrY through CHINK PUSSIES supporting SANDRA OH and JOSH WOLF for TAO DAO Dow Jones is the “WAY” through T “OM”ing for “Greys’ ANATOMY”.

They’ve been building for 3 decades for meaning of MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982, and MY WRITINGS, to have meaning for Constance Maria Pecoaro’s CATHOLICK THEME OIL Artwork in MAThemathics of making MONEY. Then Dan Brown wrote his LEOnardO DA Vinci Code, made into a Movie, based on the Catholicism. LEOnardO, “RHYMES” with Jeannie BernardO, Constance PecorarO in SausalitO and Sandra OH. And SAN FER nand O.

CENTURY CITY, 3AR sound of SCENT, as in AIR carries Odor, connected to MY Catholic high school St. VINCENT Ferrer in NYC to have meaning for Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic theme OIL Artwork. SCENT, as in AIR, for AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF to have meaning in MY Father’s Identity and name, and for My Mother’s Name to have meaning for CONSTANCE PECORARO.

I don’t know exactly when they named this street “SOLAR WAY” in Century City.

Everything about Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme is based on MY LIFE, pictures from MY Childhood, My Catholic High School and MY First Artwork Collection from 1981. Everything about this Delusional sick psycho is a FRAUD and she is a Con Artist.

It’s all about supporting SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, and Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same LEO birthday as me bridges this sick actress, AS IF she was My Identity and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, through the vehicle of Contance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme. He bridges the meaning of MY Parents with WOLF and PECORARO, through ASTROLOGY VIBE NUMBERS.

Their ASTROLOGY Vibe Number is connected to Meaning of MY FATHER’S Music band from the 50’s “MORNING STARS”. STARS, like “CONSTELLATIONS”. STARS like CELEBRITIES who have been “bred” for 3 decades and named specific names for a reason. WOLF “AIR” Libra and PECORARO “EARTH” Virgo Vibe number is “212” and in their Astrology description, the words “MORNING STARS” is mentioned, and so they think they have meaning in MY Father’s Identity.

My Father’s name is SUNg Bae Wang and EVERYTHING they’ve been building on SUNSET Blvd in their Catholic MAThemathics of making MONEY is about having My Father’s Identity and Name, MY PARENTS NAMES, to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO, two very disturbed sociopaths.

My Father’s Music Band “Morning Stars” is connected to meaning of MY Pencil Drawing of black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, Benson Dubois, the Butler to the Governor, and I drew him because of the movie “BEN” with RATS in Pipes, starring child actor LEE H. MONTGOMERY and Michael Jackson sang the song for this 1972 movie. I did all my Artwork for Lee Montgomery, who is also a Musician.

In order for MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to have meaning for SANDRA OH, AS IF she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, she NEEDS Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges because he has the same LEO birthday as me, and she NEEDS Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork and her disturbing sketches of “No Name Girl”. No Name Girl, as if I had no name, so that MY NAME can have meaning for a Borderline Psychotic actress, through combining words, other people’s names, street names, BUSINESS Names in their CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making Money.

CHRISTINA BERNARDO was a classmate from my Catholic schools, both Grammar and High School. She is a SIGN of TAURUS birthday of 5/4, MAY FOURTH. She has a sister name JEANNIE BERNARDO who has a NOSE like the BEAK of a BIRD. JEANNIE BERNARDO I think is a LEO. These TWO SISTERS are very closely connected to EVERYTHING they’ve been building for many years and it’s because of their BODY TYPE of having a P3AR shaped LOW HANGING ASS. LEO SIGN rules the BACK and the HEART and Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges his gay LEO, with 3AR sound of “OIL” BACKwards for horny Jesus CHRIST on page “3” with P3AR shaped OIL ASSES. This is what they’ve been building for decades. Catho LICK MAT hemathics WOLFramite Scheelite in TUNGsten sound of TONGUE Licking 3AR ASSSSSS terisK.

My Catholic High School St. VINCENT FERRER and many of my classmates are connected to this. It’s DIRECTLY connected to EVERYTHING they’ve been building on SAN VI”CENTE” Blvd and on CRE”SCENT” Heights street name in Los Angeles.

I graduated from SVF in 1987 and went to my 10th yr reunion in 1997. It’s weird that the SPECIFIC PUSSIES from this CathoLICK School who’ve been licking SANDRA OH’s Rotten Pussy didn’t show at the reunion. I never looked back after I graduated from High School, but they’ve built EVERYTHING based on my Catholic High School, especially for AIR LIBRA JOSH MICCHA WOLF, who lives in “SFV”, SAN FER nandO Valley. JOSH WOLF has been licking fucking BERNARDO SISTERS OIL ASS all his life, so that My Father’s Middle name of BAE, which means PEAR and B”OAT” can have meaning for him. JOSH WOLF’s entire LIFE is built based on MY ARTWORK and MY Parents Names, supporting SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY with his Co Conspirator CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO PSYCHO.

Any word persons name or street name with ‘AIR’ meaning, for CH”AIR” H”AIR” ST”AIR”, all AIR connections. This is about “LEO” BLACK Male President BARACK OBAMA and his very controversial for a reason BIRTH CERTIFICATE and the DOCTORS name who delivered him “David SIN CLAIR”. My Korean Name is “SIN WON” and they’ve been building for 3 decades for SANDRA OH to have meaning in MY Korean name and MY SIGN of LEO, through TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me but different year. And for Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same LEO birthday as me, bridges MY Parents with AIR Libra Josh Wolf and EARTh Virgo Constance Pecoraro.

The meaning of Jeannie Bernardo is why Josh Wolf has “WIFEY” on his Myspace page, with his “Wifey” BETHANY. Josh Bethany. JB. Brett Bern Taurus FUCKED Jeannie Bernardo in NYC, TOO CYK MOTHER FUCKING JEWS, the reason for years of Terror in my life, and VERY IMPORTANTA Repeating Numbers of “429”. TOO SOCIOPATHIC JOOS who love their Mother Pecoraro and Psycho SANDRA OH’s Rotten at the Core Pussy.

I drew a NOSE Drawing in my notebook in 1982, while growing up in JACK “SON” Heights NY. This is where they got the IDEA to create meaning BACKWARDS, for “E”ye of the SON “OO”, Jesus CHRIST CHArlies Find, to have meaning in MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY*”.

NOSE in Korean is CO or KO, this is why Barack Obama who was enrolled at “OCCIDENTAL College” in CA moved and transferred to “CO”lumbia University in NYC. COLUMBIA is a ‘SISTER’ SCHOOL to “BARNARD College”. BARNARD for BERNARD “O” SISTERS, through BODY TYPES of P3AR shaped asses, for SANDRA “O”.

What does SCHOOL have anything to do with MY ARTWORK meaning of MY Name SIGNature and MY Parents Names? NOTHING, they made it up, to make it ‘FIT’. AESCULPIUS, SCUL sound of SCHOOL, PI US, MAThemathical symbol of “PI”, for PYous JeSUS, in their CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY. ALL SUPPORTING SANDRA OH IS MY IDENTITY AS IF SHE WAS THE ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.


Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982 and drawing of Robert Guillaume

meaning of Sandy Wang’s FIRST Name SIGNature on Robert Guillaume

Sandy Wang’s Parents Names

Sandy Wang’s Gifted Musician FATHER and his Music Band “MORNING STARS”

Sandy Wang’s Childhood CHRISTMAS picture

Sandy Wang’s CATHOLIC High School


Sandy Wang’s Saying of TAO

MONTGOMERY WANG Portrait Drawings “8 8”

it’s the “ARTISTS EYE” in the SOLAR SYSTEM



meaning of ASTROLOGY

LINDA GOODMAN’S Astrology “VIBE” Numbers

Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges

who needs to be LOCKED IN JAIL


EAR sound of Thomas Cruise “MAY” POTHER the “FOUR”Th

EAR sound of words

Sociopath Sick JEW JOSH WOLF who thinks MY ARTWORK has meaning for him and his WIFEY

Repeating Numbers of 9420 ROLEX building address

Sandra Oh Psycho Actress

the reason why she is “CRIST”Ina Yang on “GREY’S Anatomy”

Sandra Oh who went to “SIR” Robert Bor DEN high school

Tom Bridges his Gay LEO ruled by “SUN” with Sandra Oh and SUN Light

connected to Virgo Mai’DEN” Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of OIL paintings of Jesus CHRIST the SON

SEA is the OCEAN of Mother Mary

Sandra Oh PEPSI PUSSY 1999 “GRAYSONS” connection

What is PAT”HO”logical LI”AR” SAND”RA” OH”s Middle Name? PATREEEESHA?

Fraud Documents

Barack Obama and COLUMBIA School

Copyright Trademark Laws and CRIMINAL RAMIFICATIONS

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