In 2006, after I moved into 2087 31st Ave apt in the Sunset District neighborhood of San Francisco, Birthday Numbers of THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges, I had CHINK PUSSIES following and Stalking me EVERYWHERE I WENT. This was connected to SANDRA OH, as CHINESE Doctor “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. For SANDRA OH to have meaning in MY TAO saying that I created, THROUGH the Vehicle of Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of Mother Mary and Son Jesus CHRIST.
This ENTIRE neighborhood FULL of CHINESE PEOPLE were all about Supporting SANDRA OH. There were Hundreds and THOUSANDS of FAKE BIRDS that would chirp all day and all night. IT’S WAS CREEPY AND DEEPLY DISTURBING. Tom BRIDges HUBBARD BIRDS with BIRDgeway Sausalito.
On 8/11 2006 I was walking and a Chinese female wearing HIGH HEEL SHOes walked by me. We BUMPED each other, and ended up getting into a Physical Fight. I called the Police which was on TARAVAL street and they sent an Ambulance. I said I was ok, that I don’t think I broke anything. My Right Hand was bruised from Hitting this Chinese bitch. The ambulance decided that I should be taken to the Hospital. I was taken to UCSF Hospital on PARNASSUS Street. They took X RAYS of my Right Hand, in a very WEIRD Position. I kept telling them that it was my PINKY that felt funny, and they had me position my hand in a “U” shape facing the Upper Left when taking the Xray. This wouldn’t show anything because the Bones would be overlapping on the x ray. It was about Tom Bridges the “U” Symbol of LEO, with HOSpital and SANDRA OH, Psycho.
“Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus” was Heath Andrew Ledger’s last movie.
I received a Hospital Bill from this Hospital through the San Francisco FIRE Dept. I was never told that I had to pay for this visit to the Hospital. I never called the Ambulance and I never asked the SF Police to call an Ambulance, I called to file a Report. At the Hospital, I gave them my Sunset Address of 2087 31st Ave in the Sunset where I was living at the time. I NEVER Forwarded this address when I moved to Los Angeles in October 2006. How they got my Los Angeles PO BOX address in Beverly Hills in December 2008, almost Two years later is SICKENING. It’s connected to all the MAIL FRAUD that was going on in my life ever since I moved to Los Angeles in 2006. It was about CREATING MEANING for MY Abstract page Artwork to have meaning for SANDRA OH ”Going BACKwards” through Tom Bridges the LEO who has the same birthday as me, Leo rules the Heart and the BACK/Spine, because of the painting titled “LIGHT” with the FOOT on the BOX. It’s the reason why I was given a specific PO BOX Number at Beverly Hills Post Office.