I’ve been writing that TOM CRUISE joined ScientologY connected to meaning of my First Name SIGNature on the drawing of Robert Guillaume Pencil Drawing from 1982. It is signed with “SANDY*” with OO made with the letter “S” of my name signed Sideways, and the letter “Y” has an Asterisk Key attached to it. EAR sound of “OO” to be Form of ASSSSSSterisK, which they’ve been building for decades Left to Right, the reason why Constance Pecoraro does OIL and GL”ASSSS” Artwork. Then they began creating meaning BACKwards, in Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same Birthday as me of LEO, he bridges his gay LEO SIGN with 3AR sound of “OIL” Backwards, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic theme with Jesus CHRIST Eyes of “OO” on BRIDGE “WAY” Sausalito, the vehicle created to ROB the meaning of MY Name SIGNature. CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY.
CHARLEVILLE Blvd. They began creating through BUSINESSES on this street 3 decades ago and it’s still going on. It’s connected to my CHARLIE BROWN SNOOPY DOG BANK with coins and bills from all over the world. It’s connected to MY childhood CHRIST MAS picture with me and my Mother and my Dog Frenchy, this picture has the Tree trimming numbers of “3 and OO”. This is why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes is on page “3”.
It’s why DAN “BROWN” created his LEOnardo DA Vinci CODE in CATHOLICK theme of MAThemathics of making MONEY, connected to my CATHOLIC High School classmates names. Specifically “CHRISTINA BERNARDO” and her Sister Jeannie BERNARDO Rhimes with LEONARDO, PECORARO and OH. Christina Bernardo is a TAURUS the BULL Sign and her sister I think is a LEO SIGN.
SIGN, for meaning of MY SIGN of LEO and My Name SIGNatures to have meaning for their Catholic CHURCH and RELIGION theme in MAThemathics of making MONEY.
CB, Charleville BULLE VARD, rhimes with LARD as in OIL. CHRISTina Bernardo is a TAURUS the BULL, birthday of MAY FOUR th. Tom CRUISE EAR sound “MAY” pother the “FOUR”th. Both of these BERNARDO Sisters have BIG WIDE HIPS and HUGE PEAR shaped ASSES. Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same Leo birthday as me, bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” Backwards, in CATHOLICK MAThemathics, it’s LICKING ASSS.
This is the reason why SANDRA OH is “CRIST”ina Yang on “Gre Y’S Anaotmy”, created by SHO “NDA” RIMES. Y’S + NDA = SANDY. DAN Brown LEOnardo “DA” Vinci Code.
OO form of HAND CUFFS that go on CH=OO “RIST”. Jesus CHRIST Isn’t my Artwork, it’s TOM CRUISE’S PUPPET Constance Pecoraro’s Artwork of CHARLIES FIND, the REASON for years of TERROR in MY LIFE and the REASON for RAPING of MY LIFE.