BUDGET Car Rental on Santa Monica blvd and Wilshire blvd
South Santa Monica Blvd in Beverly Hills

Sandy Wang’s Portrait drawing H”AIR” in shape of letter “C” = 3

for Tom Bridges PSYCHO Connie Ma”RIA” Pecoraro with my EYES and H AIR
“C” Charlie’s in Malibu
Psycho Pecoraro who thinks she is MY PORTRAIT Drawing SEE with your EYES in Organized Crimes of me being FRAMED for “GRAND THEFT”
for AIR Libra JOSH WOLF going BACKwards
9”83”O SONY Music PENINSULA Hotel and HILTON Hotel Feb 2012



MGM and SUN America buildings in CENTury City
























This is one of the few intersections where there are at least 7 crossing lanes in One intersection. This is the cross street of Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monical Blvd, S. Santa Monica Blvd, Lasky Drive, and Charleville Blvd in Beverly Hills, a very busy intersection.

SONY MUSIC building is on this corner of LASKY Drive, and has a “new” logo design of a BACKwards letter “C”. I don't know exactly when they built it, and when this Logo was created, but I know it's AFTER MY Portrait Drawing with the STRAND OF HAIR in shape of letter "C". They've been building meaning for meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES to have meaning for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO for decades and for MY IDENTITY to be SANDRA OH.

SONY MUSIC, "Music" is connected to MY Father's Music Band from the 50's "MORNING STARS", the reason why there is a STAR Bucks across the street from this Sony Music building. TOMMY MOTTOLA was the head of Sony Music Entertainment for many years, who was married to MARIAH CAREY. Mariah Carey is now married to NICK CANON, connected to CANON Drive a few blocks down from this intersection, connected to ROLEX Building Josh Wolf, in Catholic Theme OIL Artwork by Constance MARIA Pecoraro, in robbing the meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of "SANDY", the "NIK" of SANDRA, as in Sandra OH, AS iF she is the ARTIST of MY Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.

C is equivalent to the number 3. 3 in Korean is SAM. This is about THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges SANDRA OH as “CRIST”ina Yang on”Grey’s Anatomy” with Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST with MY Portrait Drawing and MY Watercolor ARTWORK, AS IF SANDRA OH is my Identity in my Portrait drawing through HAIR in “C”, because MURHI in Korean means H”AIR” and it sounds like MARIA. It’s a continuation of what they’ve been building in Los Angeles for many years in their CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money. ALL BASED ON MY IDENTITY and ARTWORK to BE SANDRA OH.

H"AIR" and all words with "AIR" like STAIRS CHAIRS and AIRplanes, is all about meaning of MY KOREAN NAME of "SIN WON", connected to the DOCTOR'S Name of "David SIN CL AIR" on the very controversial for a REASON Hawaiian Birth Certificate of Barack Obama. They've been creating and building for SANDRA OH to be MY Korean Name, connected to this DOCTORS name. It's why she is DOCTOR "CRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy", DIRECTLY created to ROB the meaning of MY IDENTITY, Name and ARTWORK for SANDRA OH, Borderline Psychotic Actress.

They’ve been creating NEW Meaning “GOING BACKwards” through the word NOSE. This meaning of NOSE is connected to MY JOHN HANCOCK on the drawing of Black male Actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 and my First Name SIGNature on this Pencil Drawing. HAN sound of HAND, in Spanish is MANOS connections. Eye of the SON Jesus Christ, “CUM” I Eye “S” is for SEX. MUSIC backwards, for meaning of MY Father's Name and identity to have meaning for JOSH MICCHA WOLF, through Constance Maria Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST "CHA"RLIES Find Eyes of "OO". SON y, NOS e.

This is why they've been building for MY PORTRAIT Drawing and for MY WATERColor Artwork titled “CARL JUNG” to have meaning for SANDRA OH, AS IF she is MY Identity in My Pictures and Artist of My Artwork. In my Watercolor Artwork titled "CARL JUNG", the ARM is the “NOSE” of a Profile Face and the CHIN is the shape of "C" ASS, and it has all the HAIR CHAIR "AIR" connections. They've been building on this same THEME for many years through Constance MA"RIA" Pecoraro's Catholic Theme, the REASON why they want this Powerful Painting I DID to have meaning for two mentally disturbed sick CUNTS PECORARO and OH. It's been built into the system for these Two Sick bitches in a Group Conspiracy to ROB MY IDENTITY and the meaning of MY ARTWORK through WORDS, NUMBERS, COLORS, BUSINESS Names, etc.

This is DIRECTLY connected to MY Parents Names. Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me, bridges Connie Pecoraro with MY Mother and MY Father with Josh Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. My Mother’s name is JUNG JA MIN. Jung Dung means ASS and JAgy means Penis. MIN is my Mother MAIDEN name, so Tom Bridge Virgo MAIDEN Psycho Connie Pecoraro with my Mother’s name and her OILY I TALIAN ASS. My Father’s name is SUNG BAE WANG. BAE in Korean means P3AR and B”OAT”, so Tom Bridges his gay LEO because this sign rules the HEART and the BACK, with PEAR shaped ASSes for Jesus Christ on page “3”, because TAO is the WAY. Sand YWA ng. NET, for MY Website and Name to have meaning for JOSH WOLF HOR DIK Jesus Christ Born in the month of “TEN” October. SUNG is about many things. SON sounds like SUN. LEO is ruled by the Powerful SUN.

BudgeT is about Tom Bridges name initials of “BT” going backwards, like Mercedes Benz Car “Blue Tech”, like the word BreakfasT, BasskeT, baseball BAT. Tom Bridges is a Gay Male Leo bridging the GOLDen GAYte Bridge to EARth Virgo Mai”DEN” Connie Pecoraro on Bridgeway Sausalito, built in Left to Right, but LEO sign rules the Heart and the BACK, so he bridges his LEO with 3AR sound of OIL BACKwards, with Horny Jesus CHRIST with OIL Blubber ASS. “OO”. C H=OO RIST isn’t my Artwork.

SEE and UNDERSTAND "11 58" connections. SANDRA OH isn't My Portrait Drawing, she isn't my Identity in any of My Pictures, and she most certainly definitely isn't the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. She is a Borderline Psychotic Actress who should be LOCKED IN PRISON for LIFE.

LIN connections
DEN connections


Sandy Wang’s Trip on ROYAL GORGE BRIDGE in 1998

Tom Cruise as "ROY" Miller
429 Repeating Numbers
9420 CROWN of Rolex Building goes on Head of ROYAL ty

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