Santa Monica 7 and 8th Streets between Santa Monica Blvd and Arizona Ave

Arizona and 15th Street in Santa Monica
HOS “PI” TAL connections


Toyota Car Dealership in Santa MONEY KA
Toyota Car Dealership in Hollywood next to GOWER
Car Dealerships

ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges “8/13”
“8/13” Sandy Wang's Birthday number
“11/3” Lee Montgomery's Birthday number


Carl JUNG Coined the Term
“SYN”chronicity at JEWish “SYN”agogue on RexFORD Drive
For CATHOLIC church theme of MATheMAThics
OIL paintings by Connie Maria Pecoraro
for O”SH”ion is the Chel SEA of Mother Mary



“Y’S” connections
NICK connections


TAP is “PAT” backwards and this is about 3AR sound of Sandra PATRee SHa? “O” who wants the first 3 numbers of my So”SH”ial Security Number to have meaning for her, this is in the “MIDDLE”, “in Between” 7-8th Streets = “O78”
Santa Monica LIBRAry is on 6-7th St, this is CONNECTED to Bev”3AR”ly Hills LIBRA ry and my SoSHial Security numbers through the meaning of Korean Words and the BH COURT

Connie MARIA Pecoraro FORD Mustang “CAR” Madel
Sandra “PAT”ricia Oh
SHHH 3AR sound of PATreee “SH”a at Beverly Hills LIBRA ry
Air LIBRA JOSH WOLF and “jb_2087” connection

THREE of everything, IT’S “THE CODE”
Sandy Wang’s Childhood CHRISTMAS picture with my Mother and my dog Frenchy

Jesus Christ on page “3”
Tom CHRIST opher Bridges Pea”COCK” and “THREE” of everything on “TH”Robert”SON” blvd
TH”robbing” for THR33 at “331” FOOThill Road
Red BLOOD filled Dick Throbbing for Mother MAR ia


1331 next to 1333

Sandra OH “SO” wants my Korean name sound of “SHIN” WON to be her, SHIN is about Korean word “SHIN BAL” which means SHOes, IT’S ABOUT MY SO”SH”IAL SECURITY NUMBERS, IT’S WHY ITS BETWEEN 7-8 th St.
It’s why just down this same street is a restaurant called LA BOTTE
Sandra Oh wants MY CHILDHOOD Pictures of me wearing RED MARY Jane “SHO”es and RED “SHO”rts to BE HER
my childhood pictures in SANTA MONICA in 1979 to BE HER, through Mother MARY Connie MARIA Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme

SO SHIN is a H”AIR” SALON. MURHI in Korean means HAIR, sounds like the name MARIA = Sandra OH licking MA”RIA” Boge TAL Pubic H”AIR” BACKwards

Sandy Wang’s Childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979

LA B otte Restaurant down the Street across from Santa Monica LIBRA ry
SHONDA Rimes created “Gre Y’S anatomy” as the VEHICLE to rob my Identity, set in Seattle WASHINGTON
through Businesses like SHIN on Wil “COX”
S “HONDA” Santa Monica Blvd and Wil”COX”
HOS “PI” TAL connections
STUDi STUDy “O” Sandra OH PEPSI PUSSY in 1999


Santa Monica Library

Sandra PATreee sha OH, SO cio PATH isn’t in my name, like HOmelesS isn’t in my name, it’s in Sandra Oh’s NAME.

“O” 78 is the first three numbers of my So”SH”ial Security Numbers and this is a Repeating Number, very IMPORTANT repeating number.

This is 7th and 8th streets in Santa Monica between Arizona Ave and Santa Monica Blvd. 8th street is aka Lincoln Blvd. This is ONE of the many Dots in Connecting the Dots of RAPING MY LIFE and MY IDENTITY for a Disturbed Sick Actress name SANDRA PATRICIA OH.

There is a Pattern of MY Birthday number of “813” and the numbers “078” appearing TOGETHER at this location and at GOWER and PARAMount Studios on Gower Street in “HO”llywood. My birthday numbers of “8/13” is also usually combined or next to the numbers “11/3” because this is LEE MONTGOMERY’S Birthday. 813113.

“O 78” are the first Three Digits of my Social Security Numbers. O sounds like “OH”.

It’s both Gov’t Agencies and Hollywood, who have been building for and supporting ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges EVERYTHING about me with SANDRA PATRICIA OH, through Mother Mary Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Church Theme, on Bridgeway Sausalito.

They’ve been building for more than 3 decades, the reason why I have so much MATERIAL DATA and INFO. I also don’t mean to repeat the same phrases and meanings, but some SUBJECTS FIT in other Contexts. Building for MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about ME to be Sandra Oh.

Gov’t Agencies are connected to Sandra OH and her FATHER John Oh who worked for the Federal Govt. The HARM INTENTIONALLY CAUSED to MY LIFE by specific people in Gov’t Agencies are connected to supporting Sandra Oh. There are good doctors and bad doctors, good lawyers bad lawyers, corrupt bad police officers and good police officers, etc.

My Social Security Numbers, sound of SO “SH” IAL Security Numbers is in my KOREAN NAME. My Korean name of WANG SIN WON is pronounced as Wang SHIN Won which sounds like WASHINGTON.

“O” sounds like “OH” and H = OO, and they’ve been building on this for years. They want the name initials and sound of Sandra Oh “SO” Patri”SH”A to have meaning in MY SSN and NAME.

This is why “SO SHIN” is on 7th street, next to a DENtal Office address of 1333 SEVENth Street, TISAERT. SIT Eye of Jesus Christ “OO” ART Her Miller. The numbers 137 is about my LP “173” Leadership Training, connected to Josh Wolf’s SON JACOB’S birthday of “3/17”. This is about Tom Bridges My Mother’s Identity with Mother MARY Connie Pecoraro Virgo Mai”DEN”, through DENtistry because I”ve been a DENTal Hygienist for more than 20 yrs, he bridges My Father’s Identity with Josh Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, because he has the same birthday as me. The reason why Shonda Rimes of D”ART” MOUTH College created “Grey’s Anatomy”.

It’s the REASON why I met Connie Pecoraro at her DENtist office PATRICK Lee in Sausalito, on Cale”DON”is street, because Jacobs birthday of 3/17 is St. PATRICKS Day, connected to PATRICK DEMPSEY on “Gre Y’S anatomy” set in Seattle WASHINGTON.

It’s across from the LIBRA ry, address of 601 Santa Monica Blvd, because 10 “19” th is Josh Wolf’s birthday and he is a LIBRA.

It’s why there is a AR B “Y’S” on this street. It’s about MY First name SIGNature of “SandY”, and combining it with “RA” to have meaning for LI “BRA” Going Backwards. Libra Sign rules the KID ne “Y’S” and because it’s about Astrology, they want My Name SIGNature on the Drawing of BENSON Dubois, to have meaning for them, AS IF SANDRA OH is the “NIK” name of SANDY.

Above Arby’s is a brand new building complex “Wilshire Coins”, which they opened for it to be about my “WC” Water Color paintings. COINS is about the meaning of CARL JUNG “CO”ined the Term “SYN”chronicity, like Copper Penny, “CP” Connie Pecoraro, and Copper Metal of Sign of LIBRA Josh Wolf. And because a PENNY is a COIN, and the word COIN is in the name “CON”, I sounds like Eye of Jesus Christ, “OO”, Two Nickels, Dimes and Q u “ART” ers please.

The reason why they created the LIBRA rimes with ABRAHam Lincoln of “FIVE” Dollar Bill, because in Roman Numerals, Five is “V” for “V”Irgo Mai”DEN” Connie Pecoraro.

TOM BRIDGES through the “1318” address next door, which is behind the GREEN WANGin Dental Office, AS IF Sandra Oh is MY KOREAN Name and MY IDENTITY.

It’s on LINCOLN blvd 8th street, or “OO”, must be 3AR sound of Licking “ASS”terisk SymBOWEL in SIGNature and in SIGN.

Sandra Patric “SH”A OH, not only wants my ARTWORK to have been DONE by HER, but she wants my Korean name and my Social Security Numbers and MY NAME SIGNature connected to my SSN to BE HER. They are all ONE of a KIND SIGNatures, like the one on the drawing of BENSON DUBOIS with my First name of “Sandy *”.

The picture of Sandra Oh wearing YS Yellow SHOes with the TWO GOLD BALLS by the WINDOW and the way how it’s POSITIONED is about the TWO “O”s in my name WANG written in Korean Characters, the GOLD is about my SIGN of LEO which the metal is Gold.

TWO is about the TWO “OO” in my Name SIGNature on the drawing of Benson Dubois and the Eye inside the “O” of the Magnifying Glass he is holding.

TWO is about the GOLD CLOCK I had for many years “OO” which folds in a “O”.

It’s the SAME thing in my EYES of my Portrait Drawing “8” and “o”. SanDRA Oh thinks she is MY PORTRAIT DRAWING and she DREW my DRAWings. It’s why they’ve been building through CEDARS “SIN” ai HOSpital for decades, because their Logo is a overlapping “OO” and it Sounds like See Dars SIGN EYE “HOS”pital, like SHO es which has the letters of her name.

She thinks my ARTWORK has meaning for her, and Businesses in PY RAM ID schemes of MATheMathics of making Money are all INFRINGING on MY ARTWORK, to have meaning for Sandra OH, through their Business names and logo designs.

I cannot “SUE” her because the Evidence I have is “CRIMINAL” in Nature, which will come up eventually anyway. If there is a TRIAL, the JURY will be BIASED, since they’ve built the LEGAL SYSTEM to have meaning for JOSH WOLF Air LIBRA “JUSTICE SCALES” and Sandra OH DREW the Drawing of Neil DIAMOND, she is MY IDENTITY through Tom Bridges LEO the LION, she is my Artwork titled “CARL JUNG” as in JD Jung Dung and meaning of JURIS DOCTOR, and she is my Korean name “SIN” because Carl Jung Coined the term “SYN”chronicity. Cracked and Dry Psychobitch Actress SANDRA OH is MY WET VAGINA in the Dubbed VIDEO RECORDING of me.

There are Thousands of LAWYERS who are members of Beverly Hills BAR ASSociation on Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills.

If Sandra Oh’s HOUSE ADDRESS has the numbers “407 87” numbers in it, or if she can’t SIGN my name SIGNature TEN Times in a ROW Continuously, this ACTRESS needs to be LOCKED in Prison for LIFE. SAME EXACT thing for CONNIE PECORARO.

The TOO CYK JOOS JOSH WOLF and BRETT BERN, Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus was a Jew SONS, who think they have meaning in MY FATHER’S IDENTITY, while they’ve been ABUSING and TERRORIZING my life, need to be SEVERELY PUNISHED. “429” Repeating Numbers of RAPING my LIFE. JOSH WOLF and BRETT BERN need to be SEVERELY PUNISHED accordingly, with TOM BRIDGES.

The people involved in the RAPING of MY LIFE in 2009, all need to be Punished accordingly, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THE “LAW” ONLY EXIST WHEN IT’S CONVENIENT FOR PEOPLE IN “AUTHORITY”. See HOUSING TERROR. See Police Reports and RO Fraud Documents. ABUSE and TERROR so SUBTLE it’s hardly detectable.

Why were BELL CITY OFFICIALS arrested for? CORRUPTION is Clearly Evident. LIBRA ries are a Gov’t Agency.


Sandy Wang’s Baby Pictures with “Knitted Hat” and holding a “Apple”

Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982 of BENSON DU”BO”IS, black male actor ROBERT Guillaume

Sandy Wang and meaning of “PI” connections

WANG in Korean Characters

Sandy Wang’s “OO” Gold Clock at “407 E 87”

Sandy Wang’s SSN in My KOREAN NAME Wang “SIN” Won

Sandy Wang’s SSN “O78” at Beverly Hills City Hall on BURTON Way and Santa Monica Blvd

ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges MY BIRTHDAY Numbers of “8/13”

lying sociopath fag who should be LOCKED in JAIL

FLOWer “LAB” Just down the street on 7th street


“87O” at SAN VICENTE Blvd in West Hollwood Sheriff’s Station

“87O” AND “813” on GOWER Street Gower and Paramount Studios

“078” on Bonner and Sherbourne

407 “87” connections, what’s missing? “O”

Connie Pecoraro’s new address of “707” Bridgeway

“407” MAPLE Drive “Rimes” with APPLE and STAPLE

ISN t that life? Is about “SIN” which is pronounced as “SHIN”

Gov’t Agencies and Politicians

Does SANDRA OH’s HOUSE ADDRESS have “407 87” Numbers?

Shonda “RIMES” creator of “Gre Y’S anatomy” set in Seattle Grace WASHINGTON

Sandra Oh and her father John Oh

Sandra Oh and “YS” Yellow SHO e

Sandra PATreeeesha OH and the PATH in HO llywood

“Y’S” connections

NICK Connections

Cedars “SIN” ai Hospital

SHIN on “SW” Selma and Wilcox

JOSH WOLF and his “Wifey” Picture number 2_ “078” and “BAL”

Big “WANG’S” on Selma and Cahuenga

“3OO” Beverly Hills BAR ASSociation in Beverly Hills

Santa Monica Court and JUDGES Names

Santa Monica

Beverly Hills

BELL OFFICIALS Arrested in October 2010

Fraud Documents

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