This is SWALL drive and Beverly Blvd. They named this street SWALL, so that My name initials of “SW” can have meaning for ALL. All in Korean means “DA”, and DA is equivalent to the number “41” which is about the White and Red Shirt I am wearing in a picture of me and a black girl. It’s why the number “14” Bus stops here on BEVERLY Blvd. It’s connected to Tom Bridges BLACK BEVERLY “DA”vis, who went to the same Dental Hygiene School as me in BROOK”LYN”, with Shon”DA” Rimes, Big Black Bitch writer and creator of TV Show “Grey’s Anatomy”, the VEHICLE to ROB MY IDENTITY.
They’ve been building in Los Angeles, through Street Names, Business Names, Words, Numbers, Colors ETC, for MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to have been Done by SANDRA PATricia OH for many years. Just down the street on Swall Drive is a new Condominium building called The SWALL PROMenade. This building is about the GREEN Prom dress that I designed in the picture of me and GLORIA Catherine LEE. They want my GREEN PROM dress to have meaning for “ALL”. My High School Prom was at the Pierre Hotel in NYC next to the Plaza Hotel, which I didn’t attend. I couldn’t wait to graduate from this All Girls Catholic High School.
This one block BUSINESSES is about My Artwork and My Writings. I am a Double LEO Sign. MADEO is about MA “LEO” and “DL” Denial Ladinsky. MA yf AIR is about the name MARIA who was a LEO and she made a Porn Film with Lee Harcourt Montgomery when he lived at 20360 Callon Drive TOPanga many decades ago. They want this Porn Film, with the meaning of My ARTWORK from 1982, My Parents Names, to have meaning for Connie “MARIA” Pecora”RO” and her sick Hor Dick Jesus Christ JOSH WOLF, and for TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me of “8/13” to bridge the Meaning of the LEO Sign.
I’m not sure when they opened this Furniture Business at this corner, MADEO has been at this location for about 20 yrs. It’s about my “RO” Registered Trademark in a CIRCLE of “O”. Connie Pecoraro’s trademark is a Dead and Abandoned Mark, and through the Examining Attorney at the USPTO office “Midge BUTLER”, they want Tom Bridges to bridge “MIDGE” with MY BENSON DU”BO”IS drawing and Name SIGNature of “Sandy*”, with MY Registered Trademark with Connie Pecoraro on Bridgeway. PSYCHO PECORARO, Mother in the SHOWER.
They want Tom Bridges to “bridge” Connie Pecoraro Virgo the Mai”DEN” with MY TRADEMARK, MY NAME SIGNATURE, MY ARTWORK, with the Presi”DEN”t Barack Obama, “BO” and his dog “BO”, BO BO Linking. BO the dog looks a lot like my dog FRENCHY in the childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me and my mother. While they want MY “RO” to have meaning for them, they SET ME UP with PREMEDITATED ARREST and WRONGFULY DETAINMENT in JAIL, because of a crooked Public Defender name LOUIS SHAPI “RO” and a sick doctor name JACK “RO”thberg, so that Daniel LadinSKY who is from St. LOUIS MISERY and his book “THE GIFT” can have meaning for them. The reason why over 250 pieces of MY ARTWORK and my Dog JACK was STOLEN in 2009. Daniel LadinSKY who studied in India for many years with BABA ME HER, with Roche BOBOis for the translations of Hafiz poems in his book “the GIFT”, it becomes BABO BABO, “R”etard “R”etard.
Connie Maria Pecoraro, through Tom Cruise has been secretly attached to my life for many years, through other people who were set up in my life as “SPIES”. Like Sandra Oh, Connie Pecoraro is a REAL LIFE SICK PARASITE. And ALL OF TOM CRUISE’S movies are connected to and based on MY LIFE STORY, MY ARTWORK connected to LEE HARCOURT MONTGOMERY.
Everything goes back to Callon Drive Topanga address because Lee Montgomery lived there many decades ago. The original Owner of the 20360 Callon Drive is WARREN ROCHE. “WR”. This is connected to my childhood pictures of me wearing White and Red, which in many of them I am, the reason why Sandra Oh wants MY IDENTITY to be HER, same thing for Connie Pecoraro. Warren Roche sold this property to TODD CUMMINGS in 2004. Todd Cummings name is about the “CUM” Shot in the Porn Film. He is Related to TOM CRUISE as in Family, I think through his cousin William Mapother. WA in Korean means to COME or Arrive, in this sex game, it’s about CUM, the reason why SANDRA OH is “OM” with my High School classmate GRACE NAVAS “GN” for TV Show “Grey’s Anatomy” Set in Seattle “WA”shington. “WA” + NG = WANG.
“MH”. The MAYFAIR House is connected to the MERMAID HOUSE directly across the road from 20360 Callon Drive Topanga. Tom Bridges all the Stars and Celebrities with Mother MARIA Connie Pecoraro and her CATHOLIC Church Theme of Jesus CHRIST. It’s about “MH” “Midnight Hour” with Lee Montgomery as Phil GRENville.
Josh Wolf knows about this, it’s why he has “Make it Happen” on his Myspace page.
ROCHE BOBOIS is about my drawing of BENSON DU”BO”IS, black male actor name ROBERT Guillaume. To the West of this corner is Maple Drive and Beverly Blvd where there is BH Mercedes “BEN”z Car Dealership and SHOW room, and to the East of this street two blocks is ROBERT “SON” Blvd. This drawing I did in 1982 with a One of Kind SIGNature of my first name “Sandy*” is the reason why Sandra Oh went to Sir ROBERT Borden High School.
BOBO Link is a building complex at CLUB MED in FLOrida where I worked in 1992. There is a Street just off of Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood called BOBOLINK.
This Furniture Business is about C HE TH “ROBB”ing for “O” Eye Sex, as in Sandra Oh drew the drawing.
One block over and there is another Furniture store called “POLIFORM”. It’s about the FORM of Jesus Christ EYES “OO”. The reason why there is a Ligne ROS EighT. Based on my First name SIGNature on the drawing of Benson with an Asterisk, but to them it’s “OO” 3AR sound of “ASS”terisk. Ass isn’t in the Front Left to Right.
It’s about Connie Pecora”RO” who wants the drawing I did of BENSON Du”BO”is in 1982 to have been Done by her, the reason why she says she got her Art Degree from “SAN” Jose University. I won a PIN award when I graduated from Grammar School in 1983 for this drawing and there are Witnesses who know I did this drawing. Why would you sign your School’s name on a piece of Artwork you did?. It’s the same reason why this deeply DISTURBED PSYCHOBITCH created her “No Name Girl” so that All her Sketches of her “No Name Girl” based on MY Childhood pictures, can have meaning for her, like My Name and I don’t fucking Exist.
It’s connected to DENial Ladin”SKY” which they’ve been building in Los Angeles for many years. It’s why there are many street names with “SKY” in it. His book “THE GIFT” and his translations of his poems are the VEHICLE to ROB MY IDENTITY and the meaning of MY ARTWORK as if they were DONE by Connie Pecoraro in her CATHOLIC Church Theme, it’s why the book opens with “CHRIST Breathes through Flute Holes”, connected to Street names in Laurel Hill with “SKY” next to Mul”HOL”land Drive, and also to LA”SKY” Drive in Beverly Hills. He studied with BABA ME HER in India for many years.
RO bert Guillaume who was BENSON DU “BO”IS, the BUTLER to the Governor in a TV Show.
What’s Missing? The REASON why I was Arrested by Beverly Hills Police officer “DU” FOUR, for Mercedes BENz, so that with their Jesus CHRIST the SON, the can have meaning in MY name SIGNature of “SANDY*” on the drawing of BENSON from 1982. Two blocks down is ROBERT”SON” Blvd.
It’s the reason why “PAT”ricia L”EAR”ned at the Animal Center won’t give me my Dog JACK back and why she wrote something about “SAN Jose” legal bullshit, because it’s about Connie Pecoraro who says that she went to SAN Jose University where she got her Art Degree so that she can have meaning in my NAME SIGNature. Why would you sign your School’s name on a piece of Artwork you did.
BABA MeHER + BOBO = BABO which means RETARD in Korean.
“4/20/09” WAS PREMEDITATED. I was Wrongfully Imprisoned and Detained in Jail for 5 months in 2009 in the “Mental Health” dept.
MICHAEL JACKSON Died because of this Horrific Event. Many important people died in 2009 while I was Wrongfully held Hostage in Jail.
Make it Happen. Is a Song Title by MARIAh CARey who is married to NICK Canon. CANON is about my Childhood picture of me on a CANON in Santa Monica, the reason why in the movie “Last SAMurai” there are Canons Firing. Canon is about CANON Drive and Wilshire Blvd where JOSH WOLF Agency is in the CROWN of Rolex Building.
Connie Pecoraro did a “MAS”querade and “BEN”efit “Making it Happen with the Crow and the WOLF” in May 2009. So that Tom Bridges can Bridge the meaning of my childhood CHRIST “MAS” Picture with her Jesus CHRIST on page “3”. EVIDENCE of Organized Crime connected to “MB” Mercedes BENz setting me up.
Everything is in TWO, like “BO” “BO”, because of Jesus Christ Eyes “OO” and because they want me to be arrested again and sent to Mental Health for the Second Time in 2011.
T”OO” so that Tom Bridges can Bridge meaning of GOLD CLOCK with Writings I wrote about Lee Montgomery “KEY to my Soul”.
Second PREMEDITATION of Group “Organized Crime” calls for Life in Prison or CAPital Punishment.
Connie Pecoraro needs to be able to SIGN my NAME SIGNature TEN times in a ROW CONTINUOUSLY, if she can’t do this simple task, she needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON for LIFE.
8/4 is Barack Obama’s Birthday. They KNEW he was going to be PRESIDENT BECAUSE of MY Drawing of BENSON DU”BO”IS, of ROBERT GUILLAUME BLACK MALE. And they’ve been creating meaning through the name “NICK” because they want MY name of “SANDY” to be the “NICK” name of SAND”RA” OH.
SO, Barack Obama has a Dog who looks very similar to my Dog FRENCHY and he named it BO. BO and BO. The childhood CHRISTMAS Picture of me and my dog FRENCHY and my Mother is what Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST is based on, connected to my CHARLIE Brown Clear Glass SNOOPY Dog Bank I had for many years, the reason why she titled her Christ painting “CHARLIE’S Find”. I adopted my dog Jack in 2007 and met JOSH WOLF at a Dog Park.
BOB is the NICK name of ROBERT. It’s why JOSH WOLF was on BOB Rivers Radio Show in MARch 2008. My First name SANDY is Signed with an “Asterisk” key and they want this to be about the EAR Sound of “ASS”terisk. It’s why Josh Wolf has been fucking Big “OO” Blubber ASSes all his life, because of the meaning of my Name Signature and because of the meaning of the Big Assed female MARIA that Lee Harcourt Montgomery had sex with at 20360 Callon Drive Topanga. They want MONTGOMERY’S Identity to BE Josh Wolf and My IDENTITY to be SANDRA OH, Through Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Church Theme.
Roche BO BO Is BO GE in Korean means PUSSY, Tom Bridges GOLDen GAYte Bridge with Pecoraro on Brid"GE" way with Sandra Oh in LEOnardo Da Vinci Codes in HER SHE Pussy Licking gaym and TV show "GAY'S anatomy".