Philip Seymour Hoffman
Heroin Overdose Death 2/2/2014






My First name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, “SANDY” has “OO” made with letter “S” of my name signed Sideways, and an Asterisk Key * on the letter “Y”. “OO” and * makes it an ASS HOLE shape. In this drawing, Robert Guilaume who was BENson DUBOIS the BUTLER to the Governor on tv show, is HOLDing a magnifying GLASS with an “E”ye inside a “O”. He has Big Black Lips and Nappy Hair.

Name SIGNature is also known as “JOHN HANCOCK”, like an AUTOGRAPH.

MAN”OS” in Spanish means HAND, and this word has been used to create meaning as if Sandra Oh is My John “HAN”cock, as in my name SIGNature. Sandra Oh, “SO” thinks she is My name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my Art, the way how it TURNS Around, Going BACKwards, through this Spanish word MAN”OS”, connected to Korean word CO or KO means NOS”E”, for “E”yes of Jesus CH “RIS” T the SON Going BACKwards, Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme oil art and Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.

Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”rlie, with big horizontal rings around his Eyes, “OO”, to Rob the meaning of my Name SIGNature, except what they built, is about PUSSY instead of an ASSHOLE, because everything about the robbing of My Identity and meaning of My Art to have been done by Sandra OH has been built through THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES gay male dentist who has the same LEO birthday as me but different year. OO has been built to be about ASS and PUSSY, when OO overLAPS and it’s BENding OVER it creates () FISH shape is Pussy, and CHO”CHA” in Spanish is Pussy, for “PY”ous Je”SUS” “CHA”rlie, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. Reason why SANDRA OH is in her PEPSI PUSSY Pictures in 1999.

PHILIP, FILL the LIPS. OO when this over LAPs, it creates () FISH is PUSSY Form.

Constance Pecoraro’s sketch titled “FINISH LINE”, in robbing my Name SIGnature of “SANDY” with “OO” an incomplete S Sideways, so take the circle “O” of my registered trademark in HALF and when you have two ( parent the sis ) shape, use it to “FINISH” the LINE to complete “OO”, through JESUS CHRIST EYES “OO”. JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, “PY”our Je”SUS” horny for Cho”CHA” is Pussy in Spanish, connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CHICA “GIRL” sketches.


SEA is the Ocean and Ocean in Persian is “DARYA”, DARI in Korean means LEG, connected to creating meaning Going BACKwards in LOS AN”GEL”ES, LEG is BE”LOW” the ASS, Eyes is Ass “OO”, and Eyes are Window to the SOL, Going BACKwards for SANDRA OH and JOSH WOLF. All connected to meaning of My John Hancock Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO, on my drawing from 1981 of Black male actor ROBERT “GU IL” LA U ME. GU IL, is number 9 and 1 in Korean, through “VIRGO” Birthday of 9/1 Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST “OO” Eyes, they’ve been building in “LA” Los Angeles as if Sandra OH who went to “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN is My “John Hancock” My Name SIGNature on MY ART. Los Angeles is the micro of the macro of the United States Map and “FOUR CORNERS”.

Why are PERSIAN words important? It’s connected to Daniel Ladinsky’s book published in 1999, “THE GIFT”, a collection of translated poems of Persian Poet HAFIZ. Persia is modern day Iran. There are lots of Wealthy Persians in Beverly Hills, like lots of Rich Jews, and all THEIR “BUSINESSES” are connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL ART and Jesus CHRIST, connected to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH. As if Sandra OH has “THE GIFT” and is the Artist of my Artwork.

Meaning of Persian words have been going on for decades, connected to Sandra OH high school name of SIR ROBERT “BORDEN”, BORDEN means “TO WIN”. Through this sick actress’s school name, they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if Sandra OH DREW My drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 and as if she is My Name SIGNature, connected to coded words BLACK COLOR S”KIN”, as my name SIGNature is the “NIK” of her name, Going BACKwards through “OO” CH “RIS” T Eyes is Form of Ass in a Ass Conspiracy connected to SANDRA OH on “gre YS ANATOMY”, HOS pital show, directly connected to real life Hospital SEA CE DARS SINAI HOSPital, where they’ve been building as if Sandra OH was my Korean name of “SIN WON”.

This is why Cedars Sinai Hospital has a building name WIN “NICK” building. “NIK” and any word containing these letters, like S”KIN”, or color P”INK”, like Pigs O”INK”, is about creating meaning as if SANDRA OH is My name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing of Robert Guillaume, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.

SEY MOUR, SEE, SEA, CE. Meaning of My J “OH” N “HAN”COCK, to be Sandra OH, through Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Eyes of “OO”, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, who is a regular on CHEL”SEA” “HAND”ler show on the ROUND “O” TABLE. Reason why at CSH there is a “HEL”ping “HAND” GIFT SHOP. CSH with “RAY CHARLES” cafeteria, connected to “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, on CREN”SHAW” SHOW Blvd CHARLIE Isn’t “Brown”, he’s BLAKE. Go BACK to 1999, SEE PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH and “RAY GUN” connections.

CSH with Logo of “OO”, and meaning of OO over LAP ping creates () FISH is PUSSY Shape and “OO” is form of Ass, reason why at the entrance next to Winnick building, there is a large ART SCULPTURE of Pussy Lips (l) that they removed in 2012, because it’s EVIDENCE connected to Jesus CHRIST “CHO”CHA”rlies Find “OO” Oil Art by Constance Pecoraro and SANDRA OH in 1999 “OO” PEPSI PUSSY Pictures and overLAPping area () in a “GROUP CONSPIRACY”.

REASON why “HOS”pital SHOw “GREYS Anatomy” was created, it’s about ROBBING of my Korean Name of “SIN WON”, My American Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, for SANDRA OH, connected to Korean word “FOOT” is “BAL” and SHIN BAL means “SHO”es. Football shape ()

It’s about completing meaning of MY 1979 childhood pictures in Santa Monica and the SIGNS in these pictures like PEPSI and “GRAY SON”. It’s why Sandra OH was in pictures in 1999 with PEPSI PUSSY, and reason why in 2005 “GRAY”S Anatomy was created by “SHO”nda Lynn Rhimes, connected to Jesus CHRIST the “SON”, Oil painting by Constance Pecoraro, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artist of my Pencil Drawings from 1981 and 1982.

“HO” FF “MAN”. MAN”OS” means HAND in Spanish, “SO” is a NAM e, connected to Robbing of My JOHN “HAN”COCK name SIGNature for Sandra “OH”, through Horizontal Rings around Oil Art of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlie, is FORM OF ASS Going BACKwards, connected to EAR sound of JOSH WOLF’s middle name of MIC”CHA” sound of MI”KA”, ASSTERISK “AK” Going BACKwards. FORM “OO”, CHAR rles “MAN” SON.

ChoCHA in Spanish is PUSSY, “BO” GE in Korean is PUSSY, P “USS” Y meaning was built connected to “PY”ous Je”SUS” in MATHemathics of making MONEY through vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST oil art titled “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, connected to “PI” symbol in MATH which looks like “TT”. A PIECE of MY PIE of “O”, for all CIRCLES of “O” in MY ART, to have been done by SANDRA “OH” because it sounds like her name.

Like FISH is PUSSY and BLUESUSHI connectlions at the ARCLIGHT in January 2014.

This is all connected to OCEAN Avenue and MARY Statue in SANTA MONICA with a Heart Foundation, connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme Oil Art. Ocean Avenue, next to the “SEA”, where there is “5” MilitARY P “OS”TS, for TOM BRIDGES at “360” POST Street, Bridges and ROBS MY “TAO”, as if everything about My Identity and MY ART, is and was done by SANDRA OH.


SEY “MOUR” “HO” ffman.

Edward “MOR”eton is the name of a Judge “HO”nor at LA AIRPORT COURT. Why was I at this airport court? Cvs Pharmacy Arrest on “7/26” 2013, CARL JUNGS Birthday. CP, Constance MARIA Pecoraro, psychobitch on BRIDGEWAY Sausalito, the reason for YEARS of HORROR and TERROR in MY LIFE.

Constance Maria Pecoraro and her “ISN’t that LIFE?” mark for her “No Name Girl”, created to ROB My Identity and My Korean name of “SIN” WON, through the word “ISN” t, for SANDRA OH in a Group Conspiracy. LIFE, the word LIF”E” has been built, to be about “E”yes of Jesus CHRIST “OO” FILL”MORE” over “LAP”ping ASS PUSSY OO (), going BACKwards, reason why in 2005 when I met Constance Pecoraro, she invited me to go to a BAR on “FILLMORE” Street called COMET CLUB in San Francisco. Robbing of my John HANCOCK, “OO”, reason why Constance Pecoraro’s jesus CHRIST CHArlie has “OO” Rings around his Eyes. Reason why this psycho created her SUNNY sketches with title of “FINISH LINE”. “OO” FINISH LINE, Boston MARA thon MAP Finish Line BOMBING, FORM of HANDCUFFS on Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, in a “JC” Jail Cell.

PHILIP PECORARO name was on Constance Pecoraro’s Website. The name PHILIP is ALL connected to Constance Pecoraro’s Oil Paintings and her pedophilish sketches of “No Name Girl” who keeps getting a new name, to “Escape”. PHILIP CONOCO “GAS” Company.

PS HO ffman. Conspiracy of Two, through this “AIR”PORT Court, through GLO”RIA” LEE my catholic high school classmate from 1980’s Birthday of “5/29” AIR GEMINI “AG”, so SANDRA OH can be MY identity in my pictures of me and Gloria Lee from 1980’s, connected to her show “GA” Going BACKwards, “Grey’s Anatomy”. AIRPORT Court, so that MY Self “PORTRAI t” drawing can be Sandra OH. “HO” SP, what is Sandra Oh’s middle name? PA TREEE SHA? SPO? = LIFE IN PRISON where she can CatHOLICK GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” Ass Pussy for the rest of her life.

Conspiracy of Two was suppose to happen through this judge’s name, at the “AIR PORT” COURT, so that MY “PORTRAI t” Drawing can BE SANDRA OH as if she is the ARTIST of MY Watercolor Artwork that was all STOLEN in 2009, while they premeditate to RAPE MY LIFE, claiming I have “MH” Mental Problems.

Have you seen my Self Portrait Drawing? Going BACKwards, “C” H “AIR”, and numbers of “O8” in MY Eyes, that Sandra “OH” = 08 thinks is her, SEE “C” SANDRA OH “CHOCHA” Ass Pussy Licking with GLO”RIA” and MA”RIA”, for MATHemathics of making MONEY through Raping and Robbing MY IDENTITY and MY ART. And everything they’ve built already in the past 3 decades, connected to “C” of MY H”AIR” from 1985 High School picture, that they’ve built as if it’s Sandra Oh, and all CH”AiR” AIR STAIR HAIR connections.

Study and understand the DENTAL HYGIENE PETITION Hearing on ‘6/4’ 2013, and meaning of Judge Name STU “Art” H. Waxman, SHW, what’s missing? “O” as if Sandra “OH” is the Artist of MY “ART” through this Judge name STU”ART” connected to her tv “SHOW” Greys Anatomy. For “HO”Nor Judges names to have meaning for Sandra “OH”, is PSYC “HO” TIC and Dangerous.

HER “O” IN. In “HER SHE YS” ChoCHAcolate Ass Pussy licking game.

50 bags. The number 5 in Korean is “O”, the sound of Sandra “OH”, who thinks she is the Owner and Artist of MY Federally Registered Trademark in circle of “O”.

He knew he was going to be on a HEROIN BINGE. He was found dead with a “SY RING E” NEEDLE still stuck in his ARM. ARM is PAL in Korean, same word for number “8”, or “OO”. It’s about my name SIGNature of “Sand Y” and “OO”, ASSK with RINGS for Hand in Marriage, that has been twisted to be “OO” ASSS terisK form of ASS for SANDRA OH, reason why My Life has been raped and sabotaged through PREMEDITATED WHITE COLLAR CRIMES. So why isn’t JOSH WOLF ASSSSKING Sandra OH to marry him with “OO” RINGS, why isn’t LEE MONTGOMERY? Because Sandra OH wants to be the Artist of my Artwork and My name SIGNature, and MY PORTRAIT Drawing. 5 is “O”, just 1 circle for Sandra Oh, because it just isn’t going to be happening and her Ass is made of Plastic Implant Bags. 5 is “O”, just 1 circle, as if she is the Artist and owner of my Federally Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, because it sounds like her name “OH”. When this sick delusional psychobitch actress doesn’t have any meaning in any number of circles from MY LIFE or MY ART, the only Circle “OO” meaning this sick bitch has at this point, is FORM of HANDCUFFS that go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T.

I think he committed suicide, see TIMELINE of Discoveries, his Dinner at “Automatic SLIMS”, and me adding KARL SLYMS suicide information on Sandra OH’s agency “UTA” page a few days before he died. Usually I don’t pay attention to DATES on pictures I take, but this SEQUENCE as in Chronological Order is important.

HAFIZ, “HO”me “AR”tist, as if Going BACKwards, Sand”RA OH” is the Arist of my Art and owner of MY Website and upper left two links “HA”. FI “T” Z, for TAO DAO DOW JONES in making MONEY through Sandra OH CathoLICKING Glo”RIA” Ma”RIA” Ass Pussy Going BACKwards, is the only meaning this sick bitch has in my Priceless Artwork.

HAFIZ, Daniel Ladinsky’s book “THE GIFT” and meaning of “G” Eye “FT”, connected to “FOOTHILL” road, and FT lawyers at “UTA” which is SANDRA OH’s talent agency. I think it was the Video of UTA and FOOTHILL Road I taped last Sunday, 1/26, and the MONSTER CONNECTION of SANDRA D’AURIOL’S SUICIDE on CAMDEN Drive on 1/22 2014.

I added pictures of KARL SLYM who committed suicide in THAILAND

Philip Seymour Hoffman was in the movie “HUNGER GAMES”. See link below.


T “HO” MAS CH RIST OPHER “BRID” BIRD ges, meaning of my Registered Trademark in Circle of “O”, as if SANDRA “OH” is the Artist and owner of my Federally Registered Trademark at the USPTO. PUSsy “OH”.

Tom BRIDGES all CIRCLES of “O” from MY LIFE and MY ART, as if it’s Sandra “OH”, especially my Korean Flag watercolor painting with “FISH” Going BACKwards, because they’ve already been building on the word “FISH” for DECADES, connected to “FISH” is Pussy and FISH POLE sketches by Constance Pecoraro, connected to DANIEL LADINSKY’S poem “EAR That was SOLd to a FISH”, as if SANDRA OH has THE GIFT of being the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

PHIL “LIP” SEA MORE, SEA “DARI” be”LOW”it the ASSSTERISK “OO” meaning, of when OO over LAPs, it creates () and “OO” is Bending Over ASS PUSSY. Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, CHO”CHA” in Spanish Pussy. Jesus CHRIST isn’t My Painting, and PUSSY is “FISH” is CHOCHA, isn’t MY Creation, it’s Constance Pecoraro’s Oil Painting, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s anatomy”. it’s a SICK ASS PUSSY Conspiracy, created to ROB MY Name SIGNature on MY ART, connected to TWO SICK DISTURBED PSYCHOBITCHES SANDRA OH and CONSTANCE PECORARO.

A sick Ass Conspiracy that has been further created by JENNIFER LAWRENCE’S ASS in the movie “HUNGER GAMES”, which I think Philip Hoffman was STILL FILMING in part 3 “TRI logy”, when he overdosed and DIED.

TRI logy, like “TRI”angle in Geomtry, they really don’t like the fact that I’ve been questioning if SANDRA OH’s Middle Name is “PA TRI CIA”? PA “TREEEE” SHA? It doesn’t matter how many people or who doesn’t like it, it’s a FACT, if this is her middle name, SPO? SANDRA OH is going to PRISON FOR LIFE.

This meaning of “TRI” has been TWISTED to be about “TRY”, as in TRY TO “FRAME” ME AGAIN, SICK DELUSIONAL BARACKET “EEERIN”G OBAMA, connection to CONSPIRACY OF TWO.

Philip Seymour Hoffman was in many movies, he played the care taker for Tom Cruise’s Father in the movie “MAGNOLIA”. MALIA, Eye is Ass, Engrish with Accent, MARIA. I was introduced to PATRICK LEE Dental Office in 2005, by a Dental assistant who used to live in HAWAII name MALIA. It’s how I met CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO in 2005 who was a patient in his office. It’s the name of Barack Obama’s daughter MALIA, he became President “THROUGH” the SLOW RAPING OF MY LIFE.

“PAC”hyderm is a thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” connections. Silence of the LAMb”.


Phi LIPSEY mour HO ffman. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATRICIA? PA “TREEEEE” SHA? See link below and scroll down to LIPSEY Sandra OH, R.I.M.E.S with PEPSEA PUSSEE 1999.

Phi “LIP” was a “FAT” male, a DEGE, R.I.M.E.S with “BO”GE which is PUSSY in Korean, for SANDRA OH CathoLICKING FAT PUSSY and ASS for MAThemathics of making MONEY.

EVERYTHING they’ve been building on for 3 decades, for MY John HANCOCK name SIGNature to be SANDRA OH, has been built connected to word PUSSY in ALL LANGUAGES WORLDWIDE, because everything about MY Identity and ART to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH, has been built through a ASSHOLE Rectum Fucking Faggot name TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me but different year.

C”HO” CHA is Pussy in Spanish, “CHA”rlies Find “OO” Jesus CHRIST, reason why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.

Is TOM CRUISE MAPOTHER related to TODD CUMMINGS owner of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA in REAL LIFE?

Have you seen or heard of DAVID LIMBAUGH’S Book “CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY”? CAL Lon Drive TOPANGA, and street names connected to WHITE HOUSE on PENNY SYLVANIA Avenue. PEARLS are REAL if it’s G”RAINY” on TEETH.

GREEN wich Village

Sandy Wang’s childhood picture in 1980 with “GREEN” Jacket and “V”
Sandy Wang’s GREEN Dress in 1986 in High School with Gloria Lee

Sandy Wang’s pictures in 2006 personal private pictures in GREEN Shirt
Sandy Wang’s ART in “GREEN” with V”

Sandra OH who thinks all “GREEN” from MY LIFE has meaning for her, like all Circles of “O” from MY ART
connected to her SCHOOL name of “SIR ROBERT BORDEN” on GREEEEEEEENBANK Road in CanADA

“GREEN” connections

this is WHY almost every FOOD Brand has “GV” written on it, No “GLUTEN” and “VEGAN”, meaning of Fresh GREEN “NE”w “GRO”wth


302 MOTT street
For “TOM” BRIDGES meaning of My FAC from 1981, and MY Pictures on TREE at “203” 60 TOPANGA
as if My Pictures on TREE is SANDRA OH sound of “O”, SIX SEX “O” “FUCK” OH
for Sandra “OH” is the ARTIST of MY “KF” Korean Flag with “FISH” in Circle of “O”

Sandy Wang’s pictures on “TREE” in 2007 at “203”60 Callon Drive TOPANGA

Sandy Wang speaks Perfect English lying sociopath DENTIST TOM BRIDGES what is his YEAR of BIRTH? 19”72”??? he is going to PRISON

What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA”TREEE”SHA?


PICK FORD and monster connections on VINE Street


Sandra OH’s agency UTA and KARL ‘SLYM’ death 1/26 2014

Discovery, the next day in the news, 2/5/14, you can see the name of Philip Hoffman’s apt building called “PICKWICK HOUSE” in GREEN WICH Village.

GREENWICH Village. “GV”, the meaning of these letters are about My Watercolor Artwork on my Abstract page, my art titled “OLD KARMA”, this painting was previously titled “CARL JUNG”. This painting was done from private personal pictures of me in 2006, of me wearing GREEN Shirt and the form of letter “V” is on my shirt “GV”.

Both Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro and Sandra OH want this painting to have meaning for them, as if it was done by them. This painting is the REASON for MANY HORRIFIC TERRORS IN MY LIFE, connected to these sick fucking psychocunts, WHO ENVY EVERYTHING ABOUT ME, including and especially MY Ability to DO MY ARTWORK. This is the reason why I changed the title of this painting, because they’ve been building on meaning of “CARL JUNG” CJ for decades for “JC” Jesus CHRIST Going BACKwards. Had I known this, I wouldn’t have titled it this. Carl Jungs’ very important LIFE’S WORK, has been reduced deduced down to one word of “COIN”, as in COPPER PENNY connected to Carl JUNG “COINED” the term Synchronicity, connected to Psychocunt CP Constance Maria Pecoraro and AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF “Metal of COPPER”.

MY painting titled “OLD KARMA” with MY “ARM” in HAIR, and eyes C LOS ED, with Profile of a “NOS E” looking up toward upper left, “FITS” into what they’ve been building for more than 2 decades.

PAL in Korean is the word for “ARM” and also the word for number “EIGHT” 8 or horizontally “OO”. This is why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie has “OO” Horizontal RINGS around his eyes, in robbing the meaning of My First name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my pencil drawing from 1981 of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME. For “OO” to be FORM of ASS going BACKwards connected to CARL “JUNG”, because Korean word for ASS is “JUNG Dung” and it’s an Ass Conspiracy.

CO or KO in Korean means “NOS E”, and through this Korean word, they’ve been building for Jesus CH “RIS” T the ‘SON’ “E”yes OO, to be MY John HANcock, my name SIGNature on my drawing of Black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 with “OO”, to have been done by Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, “CHA”rlie’s Find “OO”, “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf is horny for “MA”RIA” Ass Form Going BACKwards.

This is extremely important because there are REAL PEOPLE who’s REAL LIFE and their JOBS and Livlihoods are BUILT on JOSH WOLF LIBRA and CONSTANCE PECORARO VIRGO “212” Astrology VIBE, in MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to MY Father’s Music band name of “MORNING STARS” from the 1950’s, as if they were MY PARENTS NAMES, and as if My Identity is SANDRA OH. Why aren’t they together? THEY BUILT IT. Why is Josh Wolf saying he is married to Bethany ASHTON?. It’s about a very PERSONAL “MEANING” of My Name SIGNature on MY ART, “ASTERISK” and “OO”, ASSSSK for Hand in Marriage with OO Wedding Rings, JOSH MIC”CHA” MI”KA” WOLF, Constance Pecoraro or SANDRA OH, for they built it, as if they are MY NAME SIGNature.

It’s called “BIRTH to PRESENT” RAPING, in a Group Conspiracy.

ARM in H”AIR” = MA“RIA”.

Because the letter H = 8, or “OO”, H”AIR” has been twisted to be about “Conspiracy of TWO” Going BACKwards, for “AIR” Libra JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF Fucking Constance MA”RIA” MA”RIA” Pecoraro’s ASS FORM, AS IF MY JOHN HANCOCK Name SIGNature on my drawing from 1981 of ROBERT GUILLAUME is this sick psychobitch. THIS PAINTING I DID IN 2006, to have meaning for as if it was done by CONSTANCE PSYCHO PECORARO, while they premeditate for “Conspiracy of TWO” for me, with a Judge name MA”RIA” Stratton in LA “CJ” County Jail. THIS DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON.

Jesus CH “RIS” T OIL Paiting is also connected to robbing of my John HANCOCK as in my Name SIGNature on MY ART of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, to have been done by SANDRA OH who went to “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN high school in Canada connected to Spanish word “MAN” OS, which means “HANd”. This is WHY JOSH WOLF is a regular on CHEL “SEA” “HAND”ler show. CHOCHA means Pussy in Spanish, connected to Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF horny for Form of TITS and ASS “OO” in Catholic MATHemathics of making MONEY.

Eyes are Window to the SOL, Eyes is ASS “OO”. Eyes are c “LOS” ed, like Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Studio on Bridgeway is c “LOS” ed on TU “ES” days, for Tom “BRID”g ES, “OO” going BACKwards on tu”ES”days because it’s in his name.


PICK “FORD” CENTER on VINE Street, Motion Picture for ARTS and SCIENCES. See Link.

PICK “FORD”, Rex”FORD” Drive is where Beverly Hills City Hall, Library and POLICE DEPT is located. I think it’s why Constance Maria Pecoraro once did modeling work for “FORD MUSTANG CAR”, KAR”MA”ria Built in.

GREEN, connected to Sandra OH school “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN on “113 GREEENBANK Road” in Canada. There is a BANK Street in “GREEN” Wich Village.

GREEN connected to the word NEEGR “O”, as if Sandra OH drew my drawing of Black male actor ROBERT BORDEN from 1981 and as if she is My Name SIGNature, My John HANCOCK on this drawing, connected to Spanish word “MAN” OS, in creating meaning Going BACKwards in a ASS CONSPiRACY connected to the words BLACK COLOR S’KIN’, as if Sandra Oh is my Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, the “NIK” of her name.

GREEN as if Sandra Oh is My Identity in my Catholic School pictures, in 1986 of me in a GREEN DRESS with GLORIA LEE. Sandra OH who wants to have meaning in my ART, connected to “LEE” Montgomery, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART connected to MY CATHOLIC High School classmates NAMES, especially G “LORI” A LEE. “GA” Greys Anatomy.

The letters “GV” is on MY GREEN JACKET picture with MY Father in 1980 at Statue of Liberty with TWIN TOWERS in the picture. It’s about meaning of MY BOTTOM ROW Watercolor Paintings with CAT and TWIN TOWERS buidling.

Constance Pecoraro’s Website Registration on “11/09” in 1998 for her “No Name Girl” website, is DIRECTLY connected to WHY “9/11” happpened on 9/11 2001. 11/09, 9/1 is Constance Pecoraro’s birthday, 10/19 is Josh Wolf’s birthday, what’s left “O” sound of SANDRA “OH”. It’s the SAME SICK PATTERNS STILL GOING ON WITH THESE SICK LYING CRIMINALS.

2/5/14 it was announced that they arrested FOUR people connected to the Drugs they found inside Philip Hoffmans’ apt. These four people were found in a raid on “MOTT” Street. “TOM” CH “RIS” TOPHER BRIDGES “OH” SANDRA “OH”, through everyone name “HO”ffman, like “HO”w”ARD”, as if this sick actress is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

The GIFT, see SANDRA OH’s agency “UTA” page, and KARL “SLYM”.

Why did he commit suicide in BANGKOK THAILAND? A few days before, I contacted Toyota about MY ILLEGALLY REPOSSESSED TOYOTA RAV4L from MAY 2009, and I spoke to a person name “KARL”. KARL died the SAME Day I video taped FOOTHILL and UTA. It’s connected to JOSH WOLF and his Son JACOB WOLF who’s mother is THAI and lives in SEA ttle WASHINGTON, connected to why they created tv show “Grey’s Anatomy” set in SEAttle Washington, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.

Sandra OH agency moved next to “FOOTHILL Road”, around the corner from the SAME MERCEDES BENZ who FRAMED and SET ME UP in APRIL 2009. If you look at the VIDEO, PUBLIC WORKS building and the new CITY Building on 331 FOOTHILL Road, they are all DOING the same thing, creating meaning and BUILDING to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

This newly built SERVICE CENTER who set me up in April 2009, address is “400”. 400 can also be “4/8”. My Toyotal RAV4L VIN Number last digits is “84”. Baracket’EEERING” Raping Nigger OBAMA has a Fraud Birth Certificate, no one knows if his birthday is 8/4, and he himself have said he was born in Country of KENYA, which means that he can’t be the President of the US. This number was handpicked, like the delivery doctors name of DAVID SINCLAIR on his FRAUD Hawaiian Birth Certificate and it’s connected to MY Birthday Numbers of LEO “8/13”, that TOM BRIDGES has the same LEO Birthday in MATHemathics of making MONEY as if through Tom Bridges, Sandra OH is MY IDENTITY, connected to MY Pencil Drawing ART of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, reason why this sick NIGGER became the PRESIDENT and reason for RAPING OF MY LIFE.

It’s like FRAMING the “GUN and SWORD” that murdered your family, and hanging it for everyone to see.

I think it’s WHY Philip “HO”ffman ate dinner at Automatic “SLIM”S the night before. CARMA is AUTOmatically built in.

Understand extremely important meaning of CARL JUNG in link below.

I’ve been writing about meaning of BARACK OBAMA’S FRAUD Birth Certificate and how the Delivery DOCTOR name “DAVID SIN CLAIR” was “HAND PICKED” to make it ‘FIT’ in ROBBING of MY Korean Name of “SIN WON” for SANDRA OH. Everything about me from “Birth to Present” and everything in between, they have BUILT IT as if MY IDENTITY IS SANDRA OH. Reason for Horrific Terrorizing of MY LIFE, and Horrific Psychological RAPING OF MY LIFE and ART. Lock and Key “RAPING GAME”.

Everything “Fits Perfectly” and it’s extremely consistent, because everything I’ve been writing about is the TRUTH, in REAL LIFE, not scripted movies or tv show to “create meaning”.

“BO” SUC in Korean means DIAMOND, connected to My Drawings from 1981 and 1982 of BLACK male actor ROBERT Guillaume and JEWISH Singer NEIL DIAMOND, for both drawings to have been done by SANDRA OH, connected to BO Baracket”EERING” OBAMA and Jewish PYous JeSUS “CHA”rile, “SUC” Stand Up Comedian JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, “AIR” LIBRA Metal of COPPER and STONE of “DIAMOND”. CHOCHA in Spanish is PUSSY, BO”G” in Korean is Pussy, CHArlies Find “OO” SANDRA OH PEPSEE PUSSEE 1999 “GRAYSONS” connections. This isn’t my creation, I am only decoding what “THEY BUILT”.

It’s all connected to Sandra OH and the book by Daniel Ladinsky “THE GiFT” published in 1999, connected to Jesus CHRIST Oil Painting by Constance Pecoraro, reason why this book begins with “Jesus Christ Blows Air into Flute Holes”. This book is connected to the SUICIDE of a British SOCIALite name SANDRA D’AURIOL in January 2014 on CAMDEN Drive in Beverly Hills, connected to SANDRA OH and meaning of her talent agency “UTA” who moved next to “FOOT HILL” road in Beverly Hills in 2012, to CELEBRATE the RAPING and ROBBERY of MY ART from 2009, which is all DIRECTLY connected to this Psychobitch Actress SANDRA OH and tv show “Greys Anatomy”.

So, in this book in the poem “EAR TH at was SOLd to a FISH”, he writes “ART is a CONVERSATION between LOVERS”. SANDRA OH is My Portrait Drawing, she has “THE GIFT” as being the Artist of My ARTWORK, so why isn’t JOSH WOLF, or LEE MONTGOMERY licking fucking her PERFECT ASS IMPLANTS and ASSSSking her to marry them? It’s 2014, and everyone’s been waiting since 2007, “4C day B4”, FORM “OSA” connections. The entire Planet of EAR th “O” is waiting for Josh Mic’CHOCHA’ WOLF to FK “O”, for Korean Flag in circle “O” with FI”SH” R.I.M.E.S with JO”SH”.

Meanwhile the TERRORIZING of MY LIFE still hasn’t stopped. REAL People in REAL LIFE do their jobs and work at creating and building “MEANING” for a reason, and everything has been built, as if Sandra OH is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, My “LOCK and KEY” to have meaning for and BE SANDRA OH, built through T”HO” MAS CHRIST OPHER BRIDGES GAY Male DENTist who has the same LEO Birthday as me but different year. Reason why TOM BRIDGES TOO JOOS, BRETT BERN ( who is a lookalike of Philip Hoffman ) and JOSH WOLF, in EXACT “TEN” years of Premeditated “ARREST” of ME. PHIL MORE “FILL MORE”, LIPS, Men have LIPS too and Tom Bridges is inside it every day, it’s his “JOB”. BLOW BLOW BLOW JOBS in Dental mental raping petition connected to Psychobitch Constance Maria Pecoraro in Sausalito and “LORI HUBBLE” connected to “ROL”ex Building and the meaning behind the word “CO” LOR.

GREEN Wich Village is a “GAY” Neighborhood, more than any other neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan. Everything for my Identity and ART to have meaning for and BE Sandra OH, has been built through GAY Male DENT ist TOM CHRISTopher BRIDGES connected to Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.

“WH” WEST HOLLYWOOD is a very “GAY” neighborhood in Los Angeles, “WH” for White House. Capitol City Washington DC has the largest “GAY” Population than any other city in the United States. All BUILT through TOM BRIDGES My IDENTITY, connected to BRIDGEWAY where Constance Pecoraro lives, for SANDRA OH.

GREEN color connections, connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, connected to SANDRA OH SCHOOL SIR ROBERT BORDEN on”113 GREEEEN BANK X BANNER” street name connections to Los Angles, and “NEEGR O”, as if she drew my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from1981, through her School name.

BO “SUC” is Diamond in KOREAN, LOW LOW BLOW Flying Airplane, plan to have TOM BRIDGES, Bridging “EAR”th of “O”, 360 degrees of “O”, with YEAR of JOSH WOLF 6”9” and BRETT BERN 6”3” in “MAN”Hattan 63 in a “O”, sound of SANDRA “OH” in the name of “HO”ffMAN, because it isn’t happening for SANDRA OH, who they have “RAPED MY LIFE and MY ART FOR”. FOR. FOUR, PARA llel Entertainment.

My issues aren’t about Gay people, it’s about IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and “Birth to Present” LIFE THEFT, all connected to “US Gov’t Agencies”, and many “STARS” who are all helping to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artist of my Artwork, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY. Have you understood “REAL ESTATE connections”, in contrast to my pages of HOUSING TERROR. Whatever else is to create a DISTRACTION, underlying everything, it’s always about this, for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK connected to BARACKET “EEERING” OBAMA. R.I.M.E.S with QARMA, built in AUTOMATICALLY.

Automatic SLIMS. Winter O “LYM” PIC games in Feb 2014, in “SO CHI” RUSSIA. O “LYM” PIC, what’s left “PIC “O”, connected to PICO Blvd in Los Angeles, and city of PICO RIVERA, PICK “O” sound of SANDRA “OH”. SOCHI Olympics, “SO” SANDRA OH, “C” HI, “OO” is Form of TITS for CANCER Rules the FRONT of the Body, for HORNY JESUS CHRIST THE SON, for FORM of WEDDING RINGS “OO” that go on Ring Finger. T”OM” BRIDGES GAY Male DENTIST lying faggot who has the same LEO Birthday as me of ‘8/13’, bridges “SANDRA OH”, as if she was My IDENTITY and ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK, reason why Russian President and Mayor of SOCHI says “THERE ARE NO GAY PEOPLE IN SOCHI”.

EVERYTHING about MY IDENTITY to be Sandra OH, as if she is the Artist of my Artwork, has been built through TOM BRIDGES GAY Male DENT ist who has the same LEO Birthday as me, connected to US Presi”DENT”. This is BUILT in By DEFAULT. MY ISSUES with TOM BRIDGES and SANDRA OH aren’t “Gay” Issues, it’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT.


Scroll down to Snow”DEN” and POLITICIAN Paul Rand and meaning of Monica Lewin”SKY”
Baracket “EEERING” HUSSEIN Obama

DAVID “SIN” CL AIR meaning of his FRAUD Birth Certificate and his FRAUD SSN and “HAND PICKED” Delivery DOCTOR name David “SIN” CL AIR”

death of Sandra D”Auriol on CAM”DEN” Drive Jan 2014, and KARL SLYM in BANGKOK THAILAND in January 2014, scroll down to bottom “T.E.O”

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART Meaning

Jewish STAR of “DAVID” and (l) LIP Art by “WOOD DAVY” Cedars “SIN”ai, PHILIP “SEA MORE” OO over LAP ping creates (/) ART Sculpture at CSH by DAVEY “WOOD”

PEPSI PUSSY LIPS in between ASS Crack OO, of SANDRA OH in 1999

NA MU in Korean means WOOD

“SIN” and “DAVID” Cedars “SIN”ai HOSpital, DAVID Saperstein Building and BARACK OBAMA’S

Philip “MOR SEY” Conference Center


R”OS”e WOOD SNI security companies

SIN WON is My Korean name
meaning of “WON” sound of “ONE” and Middle Digits of MY SSN “68” connected to “ONE” 600 Pennsylvania Avenue WHITE HOUSE address R.E.A.L ESTATE Connections

SANDRA OH, when did you begin “FEARING PAPER”?

Ed “WAR”d MORE “TON” is a MORSE “CODE” in “Communicating Secretly through Codes” for MATHemathics of making MONEY through RAPING MY LIFE. It’s all connected to the word WASHING”TON”, and meaning of My Korean name of “SIN WON” which sounds like SHIN WON, in the word Wa SHINgt ON, for My Korean name, rearranged to FIT and BE SANDRA OH, through JOSH WOLF who is marred to Bethany “ASHTON”, and his Son JACOB Wolf was born”ed” in Seattle W”ASH”ing”TON”.

It’s a GROUP CONSPIRACY of BLACK and YELLOW CO”LOR” S”KIN”, these words are fully loaded with Secret Codes, all connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY from BIRTH to PRESENT, as if it’s SANDRA OH, in MATHemathics of making MONEY as if she is the Artist of my Artwork. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT = DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON.

why the word “HOS”pital like “SHO”es are important in ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY My Korean name for SANDRA OH

CSH in OLIVE GREEN building

CSH JEWISH “STAR” of “DAVID” and meaning of CORN STAR”CH” “ARGO” rimes with VIRGO



“CO”caine “P”ills “CP” = Constance Pecoraro on Bridgeway who is a COKE FIEND “CHARLIES FIND” CF “OO”

VER GO MaiDEN Constance Psycho Pecoraro on Bridgeway “CF” COKE FIEND
Constance MARIA Pecoraro’s sick “SUNNY” with “FOOT BAL” in Water, “FINISH LINE”
Boston MARA thon MAP “FINISH LINE” connections

BAL in Korean is “FOOT”
FOOT HILL Road in Beverly Hills See PIPES

G.Eye “FOOT” T.E.O Sandra OH agency “UTA” next to FOOT HILL Road

The “G I FT” T.E.O Daniel LADINSKY “THE GIFT” and poem EAR that was Sold to a “FISH” where it says ART is a Con”VER”sation between Lovers

Sandra Oh “FOOT” and GOLD “BALLS”
Josh Wolf and “FOOT BALL” with Trophy picture



Sandy Wang’s childhood picture in 14 White Red Shirt in 1980 and “VB” Number meaning

Astrology VIBE “212” For WOLF and PECORARO or “410” for WOLF and OH

JOK “BAL” meaning of “JOK BAL” is PIG’S HOCKS connections in “SANDY HOOK SCHOOL” Shooting
It isn’t a “JOKE” to IMPEACH Raping Nigger BARACK OBAMA

Barack Obama’s FRAUD Birth Certificate and Delivery Doctor name of DAVID SIN CL “AIR”
Cedars “SIN”ai hospital building “DAVID” SAP erstein

scroll down to “LIPSEY”

PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH OO over”LAP’ping area () is PUSSY in 1999



CO caine PILLS “CP”. “RA”zor “SY” RING E.

Two Psychocunts COnstance Maria Pecoraro and Sand”RA” OH, who think My Name SIGNature of “SandY”, on my drawing from 1981 with “OO” made with letter “S” of my name, has meaning for them, IS THEM, through Horizontal “RINGS” around Jesus CHRIST “E”yes “OO” Oil painting, connected to THEIR SCHOOL Names. Reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Gre YS anatomy”, created by SHO “NDA” Rhimes.

If you look behind Philip Hoffman on the left, there is a sign with letters “VER” and “BALL”. This is the West Hollywood paper, published on 2/6/2014.

They know it’s DIRECTLY connected to MY Connections with SANDRA OH agency “UTA” next to “FOOT Hill” Road in Beverly Hills. “BAL” in Korean is “FOOT”, and the letters “VER” is about the words “ART is a CON “VER” Sation between Lovers” connected to Daniel LADINSKY’S Book “THE GiFT”, as if MY “ART” was DONE BY SANDRA OH, my Abstract page ART with “FOOT” on Box connected to her agency “UTA”. VER “GO” Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian Psycho Cunt Constance Maria Pecoraro who’s name is written all over the DEN DEN TAL Hygiene Petition in 2013, that REVOKED MY LICENSE of DENTAL Hygiene Profession of 2 decades.

VB left letters, connected to Astrology VIBE Numbers, JOSH WOLF LIBRA and SANDRA OH Vibe of “410”, as if Sandra OH is My Identity in my childhood picture from 1980 with a Black girl, of me wearing White Red shirt with “14” on it. 41 “O”, as if CIRCLE of “O” from MY ART was done by this delusional actress because it sounds like her name Sandra “OH”. As if she is the Artist and Owner of My Registered Trademark in “O”.

Same for CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO, VIR”GO” R.I.M.E.S with CHICA”GO”, connected to SHONDA “RHIMES” who is from CHICAGO, for VIRGO and LIBRA JOSH WOLF Astrology VIBE Numbers of “212” to have meaning for them. PETER HASON in NYC “212” Area Code, BUILT IT through the MUSIC BUSINESS, so why isn’t JOSH WOLF licking fucking marrying CONSTANCE PECORARO? Tv show “Grey’s Anaotmy” created by Black Color S”KIN” SHO SHO SHO nda LYNN RHIMES, is about ROBBING the meaning of My Childhood picture from 1980 with a BLACK GIRL, as if My Identity is SANDRA OH, and as if My Parents were WOLF and PECORARO.

Constance Pecoraro who moved to “7 O 7” BRIDGEWAY Address, who thinks My “O” Registered Trademark has meaning for her, CUT the “O” in HALF and FILL “MORE” gap space of incomplete “OO”, FINISH LINE. FORM OF HANDCUFFS.

Why isn’t it happening? Why isn’t JOSH WOLF licking fucking his CALF and COW, Constance Maria Pecoraro who they’ve built as if she was My Mother and SANDRA OH who they’ve built as if she was My IDENTITY.

Anyone who calls “Mother Daughter” = CALF and COW, is truly a RED NECK, JOSH WOLF, that they’ve built for MY Father’s ROYAL Korean Name to have meaning for. Like JOSH WOLF saying “STILL ON BOAT WILLIE JULIO”, comments on public forum like FACEBOOK, he is a HOR DICK, who’s been USING MY PARENTS NAMES, meaning of MY ARTWORK, for MATHemathics of making MONEY through “PY”ous Je”SUS” CHO”CHA”Rlie, JOSH MIC”CHA’ WOLF, Charlies Find, “OO”, PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH 1999 PERFECT MATCH. Like YESHUA sound of JOSHOE WA is JESUS and JOSHUA in HEBREW.

WOLF of WALL Street, have you seen it? CO in Korean is NOS”E”, for “E”yes of the “SON” Jesus CH”RIS”T Eyes “OO”, is FORM of ASS Going BACKwards. FINISH “LINE” FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS”T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T, on BRIDGEWAY for Contance Maria Pecoraro, and JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF needs to YELLOW HELLOW FOLLOW SANDRA OH into LIFE IN PRISON.

Phi”LIP” SEY “MOUR” Hoffman, HER “O” IN. SANDRA “OH”, sound of “O” is a, Pussy Hole.

MI”CHA”el MOORE, SICK”O” 2007. SANDRA OH is a Psyc”KO” that the United States GOVERNMENT is “PROTECTING”, while they fucking RAPE and ROB MY LIFE, MY IDENTITY, MY ART for this DELUSIONAL PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Actress.


CE, SEE through Eyes of Jesus CH "RIS' T oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, reason why Sandra OH was CHRISTINA yang on Greys ANATOMY, and you SEE, FORM OF ASS PU 'CE', PUS'SY', PUS 'SEA' is the O"CE'AN, ear sound of sandra, OH pepsi pu 'CE', AN..antomy, licking MA'RIA' MA'RIA' pecoraro ass pc.



Virgo Mai "DEN" i "TAL'ian cunt Constance Maria Pecoraro born on '9/1" GU IL LA UME ass pc licking d.ART MOUTH college

d.ART MOUTH college of Shonda Lynn Rhimes, CHARLIES FIND, reason why GREYS ANATOMY was created with SANDRA OH as CHRISTINA YANG











Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982

meaning of name of MI”CHA”EL and “CHA” syllable

Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark in “O” being infringed by US Gov’t and Worldwide for SANDRA “OH” is the Artist

Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark as of Feb 2014 is a “DEAD” MARK connected to this Disturbed Delusional RAPING ROBBING CRIMINAL PRESIDENT

“HER” “O” in in HER SHE choCHA collate sick game

Delivery DOCTOR name of Barack Obama’s FRAUD Birth Certificate “David SIN CL AIR”

JOSH WOLF connections to “SIN CLAIR”

HAND in Spanish Sandy Wang’s First name SIGNature, John HANcock, and meaning of HAND in Spanish MAN”OS”

SEA is the Ocean Meaning of “SEA” is the Ocean and “DARI” BELOWIT the ASS

C hel “SEA” “HAND”ler Josh Wolf who is a regular on Chel “SEA” “HAND”ler and ROUND “O” Table

all leading to CEDARI “SIGN EYE” HOS pi”TAL” OO () Jewish “STAR”, c “HEL” ce “HAND” GIFT SHOP, corn star CH “argo r.i.m.e.s virgo”

meaning of “CHA” connections and CHO”CHA” in Spanish is PUSSY

meaning of “OO” in my name SIGNature on my ART from 1981


CSH en”DOW”ed CH”AIR”, and “THYME” S”KIN” Lotion in Conspiracy of TWO


meaning of “OO” and over LAPping creates () Ass PUSSY LIPS for SANDRA OH

meaning of “OO” and Sandra OH over LAP ping DARI BE”LOW”IT the ASS snake “SKIN” connections

SANDRA OH PEPSEE PUSSEE in 1999 pictures

Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges

who needs to be LOCKED IN JAIL

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme meaning

Virgo Mai’DEN” Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of OIL paintings of Jesus CHRIST the SON

SEA is the OCEAN of Mother Mary

Constance Pecoraro’s NO NAME GURL sketch meaning

Constance Pecoraro’s NO NAME GRIL “SUNNY, and “FINISH LINE” monster connections

StudY StudI “O”, Sandra Oh PEPSI PUSSY 1999 “GRAYSONS” connection

JOSH WOLF who thinks MY ARTWORK has meaning for him and his WIFEY

Repeating Numbers of 9420 ROLEX building address

Repeating Numbers of “429”

birthday of BRETT BERN “TAU RUS”

Sandra Oh Psycho Actress

the reason why she is “CRIST”Ina Yang on “GREY’S Anatomy”

Sandra Oh who went to “SIR” Robert Bor DEN high school

why the word “BORDEN” is important, a PERSIAN WORD connected to SANDRA OH

What is PAT”HO”logical LI”AR” SAND”RA” OH”s Middle Name? PATREEEESHA?

CP CP Constance Pecoraro, why is this sick bitch Complaining to MY Professional Board ?

CP Psycho “SUNNY” SEA Constance Maria Pecoraro

CP “SEE” MORE, “HO”nor for MAN”OS”, Judge “HO”nor name Edwards “MOR”eton “7/26” 2013 Arrest

“7/26” is CARL JUNG’S Birthday

WATCH VIDEO of FOOT HILL UTA, Sandra OH agency, who moved next to “FOOT HILL” Road in 2012 and Suicide of SANDRA D”AURIOL “TEO” connections

“TEO” and “OS” Teo for MAN”OS” Daniel Ladinsky “THE GIFT”

EAR th at was SOLd to a “FISH” R.I.M.E.S with JO”SH”

Constance Pecoraro’s pedophile sketches of “FISH POLE”

FISH like all new SEA FOOD restaurants CONNIE and TEDS opening everywhere all of a sudden in 2013 into 2014

REAL Estate connections, OGDEN street, “ODENG” in Korean is “FISH Cake” dish for Vir”GO” mai”DEN” Constance Psycho Pecoraro and Sandra OH

REAL ES “TAPE” WORM pulling out of my ASS”HO” HO HO le from the LEFT side of US Map in CA

What is SANDRA OH’s Middle name? “PATREEE SHA”? scroll down to LIPSEY Sandra OH

promoting for New FASHION Line “LIPSEY”

Fraud Documents

Copyright Trademark Laws and CRIMINAL RAMIFICATIONS

HUNGER GAMES November 2013


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