PAT’S Grill on Topanga Canyon Blvd


“O” 3AR sound of Sandra OH, is WHEEL OF KARMA

Real Estate Connections for “TT” in MAThemathics of making Money PI symbol


next to 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA



HuBBARD “Rhimes” with BIRD and LARD as in OIL
EGYPTIAN BIRD Theatre in Hollywood
POLLARD LIBRA RY in Sherman Oakes near where Josh Wolf lives
AIR plane UNDER the BRIDGE connected to my Picture of BROOK”LYN” BRIDGE in 1989
with Connie MARIA Pecoraro’s OIL and GL”ASS” ARTWORK
I met JOSH WOLF at a DOG PARK, because he loves LICKING FUCKING BIG OIL ASSES for his Mother MA”RIA” through the word CH”AIR”
Tom Cruise and AIRplanes
meaning of UN”DER” Score


PAT’S Grill is a local small town restaurant on Topanga Canyon Blvd near Callon Drive. I think it’s been here for many years, and through the years, they KEPT what FIT and changed what didn’t. Connected to creating meaning for MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982, mostly PENCIL Drawings, to have been DONE by SANDRA PAT ricia? OH, THROUGH the VEHICLE of Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Mother Connie Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme OIL Paintings, to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a big Group Conspiracy, the reason why Sandra Oh is "CRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy".

WHAT IS SANDRA OH’S MIDDLE NAME? PAT RICIA? 3AR sound of PA TREEE SHA, connected to the Tree at 20360 Callon Drive. The reason why Josh Wolf studied ComMUNications at TREENity University in SAN ANTONIO TEXAS.

I met Connie Maria Pecoraro at her DENTist office in 2005, PATrick Lee in Sausalito. Sandra Oh is on TV show “Grey’s Anatomy” with PATrick Dempsey Dr. SHE p HER d in HER SHE Pussy Licking Show. If Sandra OH’s Middle name is PATRCIA, it IS a GAY PSYCHOBITCH licking GLORIA “MARIA” PUSSIES and OIL BLUBBER ASS.

ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges his LEO same birthday as me, with 3AR sound of OIL BACKwards, for POLAR d HUBBARD LARD OIL ASS, with JeSUS CHRIST "OO" horny for Form of ASS, with meaning of UN DER the BRIDGE, connected to UNDER SCORE.

CH "AIR", ST AIRS, H AIR, any word that has syllable of AIR, for MURHI in Korean sounds like MA"RIA" which means HAIR, for Tom Bridges My Mother with Connie MARIA Pecoraro, My Father with AIR Libra Josh Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. DOGGY Style FUCKING BACKwards, of Horny Jew Jesus Christ JOSH WOLF through CH"AIR".

LOW F lying AIRplane, cyk sound that's been following me for years. Connected to childrens playground at REEVES PARK, next to CROWN of Rolex building on Canon Drive and REEVES Drive, JOSH WOLF'S Agency Parallel Entertainment. C H =OO RIST isn't my fucking Artwork and NECK "SUC" Deep Throat a Stand Up Comedian isn't my fucking gaym. IT'S THE REASON FOR YEARS OF HORRIFIC TRAUMAS CAUSED TO MY LIFE.

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