ORSINI Real Estate, downtown Los Angeles








Eddie Vedder was born in "EVAN"STON CHICAGO "EC"
CE has been built to be about EAR sound of Pu"CE"

Constance MARIA Pecoraro's Jesus CH "RIS" T "CHA"rlies Find

EC = Evanston Chicago ILLI"NOIS" born EDDIE VEDDER Singer of PEARL JAM Music Band, PEDOPHILE RAPIST
ELGIN Street of Otta"WA" CIty Hall address where SANDRA OH was born

CE Dari SIGN Eye HOS pital
CE Dari SIGN Eye BE"LOI"T Sandra OH Ass Pussy Form meaning

EAR sound of Circle of "O" is Sandra "O.H"

EAR sound

EAR sound of "O" is a NAM....e, through word MAN"OS"

MAN"OS" in robbing Sandy Wang's Circle of "O" ART

AUD"RY" Rhimes with Centu"RY", Delong PRAY with a Rosa"RY" around your MOK AGE Sandra OH




maximum occupancy "64"

19 "64" is the Repeating Number of this Deranged Sick Musician's YEAR of Birth Eddie Vedder Rhimes with NIgger of P"EAR"L JAM born in "EVAN STON" CHICA go "ILLI NOIS"

77 is the Birth Year of JILL K"RIS"TEN McKORMICK, Eddie Vedder's Wife

Hope "400" and Hope "600" = "46"
64 64 Cardio Building on Sunset Blvd

Sandy Wang's Dental Hygiene H"EAR"ing Date on "6/4" in 2013

707 7 "O" 7 BRIDGEWAY Address of Constance Maria Pecoraro CUT GL"ASS" LIFE IN PRISON TIME
707 7th and FIGUEROA 7 "O" 7 shape in Architecture

I want you to DO THE MATH, and why it's a NIGGER VEDDER WOLF OH RHIMES, Group Conspiracy


this cafe "C" JA "NG" is owned by sick Koreans,
who are Robbing MY ART and MY Familiy Jewel for SANDRA OH

Changing meaning of EAR sound of PU"CE", SEE, C, to C "JA"GE, my Lion Body ART
what is Eddie Vedder's childrens DELIVERY DOCTOR name in Seattle WA? Daktor "NG"? = LIFE IN PRISON TIME

Sandy Wang's Portrait Drawing "C" HAIR
meaning of Korean WANG name
Sandy Wang's H"AIR" in 1984 and 2006 connections

HAIR sounds like HARE and HARE is a RABBIT

RA bbit HO le Sand"RA OH" in 2010

Sandra OH and NIGGER VEDDER Dicks Sandra OH receiving KEY to OTTA"WA" City in JULY 2013 "CP CP" connections

Sandra OH's father name of "JUNE" Joon Soo Oh, with a 6 inch Dick in robbing My JOHN HANCOCK on "JU NE"GRO Street
JEW "NE"GRO like NIGGER RHIMES with Eddie VEDDER who wishes his dick was "6" inches when it's "4", hard.

How and why Korean Presi "DENT" PARK GEUN HYE was elected







Why would a Student SCHOOL Loaning Corporation be located inside this building? MATHemathics of making Money, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY Name SIGNature "John Hancock" on MY ART from 1981, through "SCHOOL" Name of SANDRA OH, "SIR" R.O.B.ert B.O.R.den in Canada, connected to psychotic baby Murdering CHICA go ILLI"NOIS" Niggers, Shonda LYNN RHIMES and Baracket'EEER'ing OBAMA, in 'O.C' OEDIPUS COMPLEX Games built through CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, in a Group Conspiracy.

This is something that began 3 decades ago connected to meaning of My FIRST ARTWORK COLLECTION from 1981 and 1982, that they've been building as if Sandra OH is the artist, as if she is My Identity and my name SIGNature of "Sandy", as if it's the "NIK" of her name, through words "Color S...KIN".

ORSINI is a "G"riddles and "RHIMES" in MATHemathics of making Money through creating "CODES" in robbing MY IDENTITY, NAME, ART, as it's SANDRA OH. ORSINI, "SIR" RO bert Borden, what's left? I n O, the EYE "BALL" inside the circle of "O" of the Magnifying GLASS that Robert Guillaume is holding in my pencil drawing from 1981, that they've been building it as if Sandra OH drew this drawing, through her SCHOOL name of "SIR" ROBERT BORDEN in Canada, connected to Jesus CH"RIS"T Oil Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro.

The word CH"RIS"T, believe it or not, is about the word CLITO"RIS", CL Eye "TO" RIS. Sandra "OH", the name "OH" in Korean Characters looks like "TO", and "CL" is about Sin "CL" AIR name of Delivery Doctor on Barack Obama's FRAUD Birth Certificate. DOCTOR connections is about the word JU "RIS" DOCTOR, built connected to LOGO of Cedars SINai Hospital in Robbing MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, who plays a DOCTOR on Tv show Grey's ANATOMY. JU"RIS" DOCTOR, they've built the LAW connected to ANATOMY, specifically the NE"GRO"IN AREA of "OO" is ASS and when this over"LAP's it creates () is Pussy clito"RIS" form, they BUILT this through Jesus CH"RIS" T oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, in robbing the meaning of My Name SIGNature on my artwork from 1981. EVERYTHING they built is about the NE "GRO"IN AREA and it's deeply disturbing and psychotic.

So Sandra OH isn't an Artist, but through SOMEONE ELSE'S ART, and someone else's IDENTITY, they've been building as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTiST of MY ARTWORK, this is why TOM C"HAND"LER BRIDGES gay male DENTIst in San Francisco is very important in robbing my Identity for Sandra Oh in real life, because he has the same LEO BIRTHDAY as me of "8/13". His YEAR, "YR" of birth is very important in "G"riddles and "RHIMES" of Robbing MY IDENTITY, through "CONFUSING" theme games of, is it the "Y"EAR? or is it the "B"irthday? it's BOTH, like it's BOTH CRIMINAL RAMIFICATIONS of "RAPE" and PURSUANT to TITLE 100 BILLION.

So what they've built, has turned out to be MOTHER "MOM" and DAUGHTER, Constance "MARIA" Pecoraro and SANDRA OH, Ass Pussy Clito"RIS" Cat'HO'licking, which has CLEARLY MANIFESETED THROUGH EDDIE VEDDER and JILL "KRISTEN" MCKORMICKS Life in Pus"SEA"ttle WASHINGTON, the same city and the REASON why "Grey's Anatomy" is set in this same "SYN" KROW NI"CITY", in a CAM Dung Yee, Jung Dung Yee, Ass Pussy Conspiracy of the NE "GRO"IN AREA. PER"KINS" COL...e. H"AIR" GROing on NEGRO S"KIN" automatically built in for Pecoraro and Sandra OH Ass Pussy Licking Going Backwards.


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