Northridge Hospital, 18300 Roscoe Blvd, Northridge CA, 91328.
Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the SAME birthday numbers as me of 8/13 Bridges PSYCHO DELUDED ACTRESS SANDRA OH, AS IF she was MY IDENTITY and AS IF she DREW my drawings from 1981 and 1982. They’ve been building for 3 decades in Los Angeles, through any word with “OH” like HO tels and HO spitals, for SanDRA OH, Drew my Drawings and MY Parents Names have meaning for her, through Connie MOTHER Maria Psycho Pecoraro and JOSH MICCHA WOLF, the SUC, Stand Up Comedian.
RosCOe Blvd, connected to RB Rolex Building. The reason why this Hospital is bordered by specific street names. CANTARA, TARA, Sand RA Oh from CAN ada. I think TARA is Josh Wolf’s son Jacobs THAI Mother who lives in state of WASHINGTON on the Upper Left, same as setting of “Grey’s Anatomy” in Seattle Grace MERCY WEST Hospital. CANTER is a style of RIDING a “HO”rse. D AR B Y, for meaning of sand Y, and sand RA “BD” Birth Date. Always Combining Words, Names, to CONFUSE MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, or rather, for MY Name of SANDY to have meaning for his sick deluded actress who wants MY NAME SIGNature on the drawing I did of black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1982, HOLding a Magnifying Glass.
They began building through NOR th ridge Hospital, connected to the word HO NOR as in Judges Names in COURTS and the Legal System. They’ve been building for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH THROUGH the Vehicle of PSYCHO Connie Maria PECORARO’S CATHOLIC THEME. Because Connie Pecoraro was born on September 1, 1969 on LABOR Day weekend, she is the “MOTHER” and she gave birth to SANDRA OH, through TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me.
HO NOR, like SANDRA OH has meaning in JUDGES Names, because the First Supreme Court Justice was SANDRA DAY O”CONNOR. It’s about meaning of MY KOREAN Name, which sounds like WASHINGTON, connected to MY Birthday numbers on the ONE DOLLAR BILL with George WASHINGTON the FIRST President of the United States.
These are all Repeating PATTERNS like Repeating Numbers. Through OTHER PEOPLES names, Business Names, Street Names, HOSpital names, they’ve been building for 3 decades in Los Angeles AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and AS IF she DREW my drawings. The REASON for the HORRIFIC Traumatic Incidents in my life, CAUSED by people supporting this sick actress. The reason why my life has been SABOTAGED.