NelSON on 595 MadiSON

Murray Nelson and his daughter IVY Nelson are both Dentists in NYC. Murray and Ivy live in Massapequa Long Island. Murray’s SON lives in UTAH. Ivy looks like SARAH JESSICA PARKER, who is married to MATTHEW BRODERICK. Robert Redford was Murray Nelson’s patient. I worked at this dental office in 1995, when I was studying Chinese Acunpuncture and Medicine in NYC. One of the many reasons why Sandra Oh is playing a “DOCtor” role.

The name IVY is about Connie Pecoraro, who wants T”OM” Bridges to “bridge” her Jesus Christ the SON, in San FERnando ValleY with where ever I’ve worked as a Dental Hygienist. It’s why next to “Charlie’s Find”, it says City Blue and NY C”OM” sex Position. This has been going on for a long time and I did not discover this until 2006. Like Sandra Oh, Connie Pecoraro wants to “live” her life through my life, by “OM”ing with other people’s names.

Through IVY’s name, they want the letter “i” to be for ITALIAN Connie Pecoraro, the Letter “i” sounds like EYE and for VY to be about the word V”ALL” EY. “DA” “EY”. Shon”DA” Rimes. VallEY “WIFEY” “CAREY”. T”OM” CHRISTopher is going to “BRIDGE” Connie Pecoraro on BridGEway, with San Fernando Valley NORthridGE Hospital where “Grey’s Anatomy” is filmed with Sandra Oh as DOCtor CRISTina Yang, “CHARLIE’S FIND” Jesus CHRIST the SON’s “OO” EYes.

The Dental Hygienist who works for Murray Nelson is CARMELA SCALA who is Italian. There is a street called CARMELITA in Beverly Hills. There is a Italian restaurant on Canon Drive called SCALA. "CAR" in Korean is "CHA" and "TA" in Korean means to RIDE or to BURN as in a Forest Fire. TA is also riding a Penis. The reason why CONnie MAria Pecoraro was a Ford Mustang KAR MAdel.

This has to do with with SandRA Oh and her 5-9 Bible Vibe Number in Linda Goodman’s Astrology Book. Sandra Oh wants Lee Montgomery “Scorpio” sign to have meaning for her. It’s also the Zip Code number of Sausalito 94965 “95”. This is related to the name SARAH which sounds like SANDRA, and the name on the Tombstone in the grave in “Midnight Hour” which says SANDRA MATTHEWS. Sarah Parker is married to MATHEW Broderick. Sara Parker was in a movie called “Girls just want to have fun” with Lee Montgomery.

MURRAY CONRAD was Michael Jackson's DOCtor. Sandra Oh, Cancerous disturbed ACTRESS wants to play the "role" of a DOCtor when she's the Cancer.

Mi"CHA"el Jackson's death is related to events in my life, in April 2009 and Mercedes BENz. Mental Health Court "95".

Through Business names and other people's names, they want my Identity and my Artwork from 1982, of Robert Guillaume "BENSON", which I did while growing up in JACKSON Heights, to be this psychobitch actress SANDRA OH.


Lying Sociopath DENtist



It’s so Black it’s BLUE

Sarah Jessica Parker, a lookalike of IVY NELSON

Sandra Oh 1999 Pepsi Pussy, GRAYSONS

595 Address is about Repeating Numbers of “529” as in 25’s and a 9

Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic theme Artwork, ZIP Code of SausalitO 94965 29’s and a 5

the “IVY” restaurant on ROBERTSON Blvd

down the corner is ROBERTSON and Al “DEN” drive

Mur “RA” Y, for Sandra Oh is My Identity through Virgo MUR Mai”DEN” Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL Artwork

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