MUL in Korean means WATER, some people may pronounce it as MUR.
3AR sound of MIR MER MUR DOCK, for Virgo MAIDEN Connie Pecoraro who wants the MERMAID House on Callon Drive TOPANGA to have meaning for her.
MIR ROAR, JOSH WOLF, hot for his Mother Maria, Make It Happen “MH” Mermaid House Virgo MaiDEN Connie Maria Pecoraro.
MIR MER MUR, RUPERT MURDOCH who has been building his Empire connected to Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST hor dik Josh Wolf with his Mother Psycho VIRGO MAIDEN Connie Maria Pecoraro and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. His Empire is falling apart because it’s based on FRAUD.
This is a Water Fountain on Santa Monica blvd in Beverly Hills near ArDEN Drive. See the ALPINE PIPE Connections.
They’ve been building for 3 decades, in the smallest DETAILS, for SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through PSYCHO MOTHER MARIA PECORARO, AS IF she drew my drawings and she is MY IDENTITY in My Baby and Childhood Pictures, EVERYTHING about ME, including my Wet Vagina, the reason why My life has been sabotaged.
SANDRA OH is a DISTURBED sick actress who is licking MARIA GLORIA PUSSIES. Psycho Actress who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON for LIFE.