meaning of Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme Oil Paintings “Either Way”
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST thie SON, “OO” CHArlies Find
meaning of COPPER PENNY and “CARL JUNG” CJ for “JC” Jesus CHRIST “BACK”wards in a disturbing sick ASS Conspiracy to RAPE MY LIFE
My First name SIGNature on the pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1982 of “SANDY*” with an Asterisk symbol and the letter S signed “SIDEWAYS” making a Horizontal Eight of “OO”. The reason why Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHArlies’ Find” has “OO” Eyes.
Titled CHArlies Find, connected to MY CHArlie Brown SNOOPY DOG BANk. So that it can have meaning for Josh Mic’CHA’ Wolf, who had a son name JACob with a BANg KOK Thai Female. They’ve been building on the theme of DOGS for many years, connected to MY Childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me and my Mother and my DOG FRENCHY. The reason why MY DOG JACK was STOLEN in 2009 with my SUV and Two Portfolios with over 250 pieces of my Artwork.
Josh MIC”CHA” Wolf. 3AR sound of MI”KA”, in Going BACKwards, connected to My Name SIGNature of “SANDY*” with an ASSTERISK, to have meaning for Josh MI”KA” WOLF, through EARTH Virgo Maiden Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Painting of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile. “AK”. MICCHA, MI”CHO”CHA. MICCHA, what’s missing” “HO”, SANDRA “OH”, Charlies Find , See SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY PICTURES IN 1999 “OO”. MI CHO CHA, yes, Sandra OH, it’s your Chocha PUSSY, BOGE for Anatomy of “KID” KNEEYS of AIR LIBRA JOSH MICCHA WOLF. It’s MY ART of LOCK and MY KEY, It’s MY VAGINA for a PENIS.
The words BLACK COLOR S”KIN” has specific meaning, and NEGROS WORLDWIDE are both connected to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH in a BLACK and “YEL LOW” COLOR S”KIN” Conspiracy, connected to Josh Wolf’s son’s THAI “Yellow” MOTHER in SEAttle WASHINGTON.
Its been BUILT through JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF’s NAME. MICHA sounds like “MIKA”. The way how my name “TURNS” Around, to be about “KAM” DUNG YEE, what’s left? I sounds like EYE, “OO” Rings around Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”rlie, Oil Art by CONSTANCE MA”RIA” PECORARO, for “AIR” Libra JOSH MI”KA” WOLF is horny for FORM OF MA”RIA” ASS, connected to meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES, as if they “WERE” MY PARENTS Names, and they had a CHILD name SANDRA “OH”, as if this delusional actress is ALL MY BABY and CHILDHOOD Pictures. But it’s CHRISTINA YANG, SANDRA OH on “Grey’s ANATOMY”, who wants her ASS to be LICKED and FUCKED by “WOLF”ramite JOSH WOLF, in Mother Father Child, OEDIPUS COMPLEX SEX GAME. This is why JOSH WOLF says on BOB RIVERS Radio Show in 2008, that MATHemathics of making MONEY, makes him HORNY for “CALF and COW”, = Mother Daughter.
It’s a B”L”ACK is for going BACK, C “L”, BLACK and YEL”LOW” CO”LOR” S”KIN” CONSPIRACY connected to JOSH WOLF and his talent agency in the “ROL”ex Building. “CO” in Korean means NOS”E”, for “E”yes of the “SON” Going BACKwards. “CO” in the name of CO nstance PeCO raro, Psy”KO”. And reason why KOREAN words are important, is all connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY and MY ART for KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH in a monster GROUP CONSPIRACY with SICK DELUSIONAL NIGGERS, who all think and have built their lives, as if SANDRA OH is MY Name SIGNaure on MY ART, through S”KIN”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name. NIK isn’t my name, “SY” or “YS” isn’t my name, it isn’t what it says on my PENSYL Drawing from 1981, it says “SANDY”.
DOCTOR HANNI”BAL” LECTER in “SILENCE of the LAMb”, RUB that S”KIN” LOTION in the STONE of “O”, it’ll be used for PATTERNS of “SO”ING S”KIN”. “SH” SH in HER SHEEEP NIGHT “MAIR”.
“C”, sound of “SEE”, sound of “CE” DAR SINai HOSpital, where they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if My Korean name of “SIN WON” was Sandra OH, as if My American Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, is SANDRA OH, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name GOING BACKWARDS in a P3AR B”OAT” ASS Conspiracy, in robbing of MY John HANcock, through Spanish word MAN”OS”, in GOING BACKwards.
All of this meaning of KAM DUNG YEE, NEGRO in Korean, is connected to meaning of COPPER PENNY, and CARL “JUNG”, “CJ” for “JC” Jesus CHRIST in a Ass Conspiracy of Going BACKwards to ROB MY Name SIGNature through OIL ART of Jesus CH “RIS” T, while they PREMEDITATE to HARM MY LIFE and HANDCUFF MY W “RIS” T.
COIN of Copper Penny is a “METAL”, like “MIN”erals and “ORES” you mine from the Earth, see MAP street names all around this area in NEVADA. They’ve been building through “STREET NAMES” for 3 decades, as if WOLF and PECORARO were My parents and as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY. Sandra OH Korean Actress who is only 2 years younger than Jewish Josh Wolf and Italian Constance Pecoraro, looks a lot like her parents Wolf and Pecoraro doesn’t she. WHO HAS MENTAL PROBLEMS? DELUSIONAL BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC SOCIOPATHS IN A MONSTER GROUP CONSPIRACY.
EAR sound of “OO” ASSSSSSSterisK, of a sick white pussy “TURNING AROUND”, for meaning of my First Name SIGNature. For meaning of MY WATERcolor Artwork titled “DOUBLE LEO” with the LION’S BODY, which looks like MY DOG JACK’S Pictures on 4/19/09 at Coldwater Canyon Park “CP”.
P in Korean means BLOOD, for SE KAL, RED BLOOD filled diseased HOR DICK JOSH WOLF, U “MA” RIA, TURNING AROUND, AIR Libra for his Mother Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro. CP.
TURNing Around the way how MY NAME SIGNATURE letters of “Y” and “G” turns around. For MY SIGNature and SIGN of LEO to have meaning for the SICK WHORE CUNTS this SICK DISEASED MOTHER FUCKER FUCKS and LICKS. Through a RECTUM FUCKING Lying Fag name THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same birthday of 8/13 LEO as me.
Turning Around. TA in Korean means to RIDE or BURN as in Forest Fire. For TA to be about MY AbstracT page “Going BACKwards. The reason why Josh Wolf said to me, “I HOPE things TURN AROUND for you”. PY ous JeSUS Christ ROSE and KAME through PINK WILD LILY FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOWers,is the SHAPE of P3AR B”OAT” ASS, with CUM DRIPPING Down the LEGS of “LIGHT”.
EVERYTHING this sick mother fucking SOCIOPATH JOSH WOLF has been doing in his life, is about creating meaning for MY LIFE, MY ARTWORK, MY Parents Names, to have meaning for him and his SICK CUNT PSYCHO CONSTANCE PECORARO, to have meaning for CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making Money, AS SANDRA OH DREW my Drawings CONSPIRACY.
SOCIOPATHS who want MY Artwork titled “PURPLE MOON” to have meaning for them. FUR Thomas CHRISTo PHER Bridges his GAY LEO MOON in VIRGO 3AR symBOWEL of “MRx” with VIRGO MaiDEN Connie Pecoraro, and her SON JESUS CHRIST Judy BLOOME BL”OO” eyes of JOSH MICKA WOLF. Josh Wolf who studied COM MOOOOON ICATIONS at Trinity University in SAN Antonio TEXAS. Going BACKwards with RectuM and EAR sound symBOWEL of Virgo MaiDEN.
Midge BUT LER, like BUTTER Fly, name of the Examining Attorney at USPTO, specific name attached to MY MARK, so that Tom BRIDGES can “BRIDGE MIDGE”s ASS HOLe, with the meaning of MY FIRST Name SIGNature on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME the “BUTLER to the Governor”, for VIRGO MAI”DEN” Connie Maria Pecoraro’s MARICON Jesus Christ. It’s why there is a LINK of Midge Butler and JOSH WOLF, through MIDGETS on Chelsea Handler show and through the numbers “1158”, the address attached to this Trademark in 2007.
It’s connected to why the Ex GOVERNOR Arnold SchwarzeNEGGER who was married to MARIA, had an affair with the MAID. Tom Bridges BUTLERS and MerMAIDENs.
It isn’t sick cunts like this that bother me, for a sick hor dick can go lick suck fuck anyBODY he wants, it’s what they’ve DONE to MY LIFE, while they create meaning for MY LIFE and SOUL’S WORK in MY ARTWORK to have meaning for this SOCIOPATH.
Josh Wolf loves his PUMA CAP. It’s about PAC ific De SIGN Center. What’s missing? AIR Libra Josh Wolf, for Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro, his MOTHER in SAUSALITO. U ASS OIL “T”. T is a HARD DICK NTR the BONEYARD WILLIE JU”LIO”. SICK DISEASED HOR DICK that’s been THRUSTING in HOR CUNTS, through MY ARTWORK and MY PARENTS NAMES for 3 decades. While MY LIFE gets Repeatedly RAPED.
EAR Sound of ASS terisk on Mul “HOL”land, EAR sound of TONGUE as in LICK TUNGSTEN WOLFramite Scheelite, for meaning of my First name SIGNature on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME, BENSON DUBOIS the BUTLER to the GOVERNOR, HOLding a Magnifying GLASS, with an Eye in a “O”, to have meaning through CATHOLICK MAThemathics for EARth Virgo MaiDEN Connie Pecoraro’s OIL and GLASS Artwork. LICKING ASS HOLES.
The “GUILT” part I’m writing about is about the ORGANZIZED CRIMES of WHITE COLLAR CRIMES, Fraud Documents, which is how I was WRONGFULLY DETAINED IN LA COUNTY JAIL in 2009, no Guilt is having SEX with whoever you want to. Who Josh Wolf has sex with isn’t any of my business, like who I have Sex with isn’t anyone else business, but THEY’VE MADE IT INTO THEIR FUCKING BUSINESSES in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PY”ous and Horny for JESUS CHRIST. FOR MY ARTWORK to have meaning, for MY PARENTS NAMES to have meaning in WHO JOSH WOLF LICKS and FUCKS and this isn’t acceptable to me. THESE ARE ALL VERY DISTURBED SOCIOPATHS.
FOR MY LOCK and “KEY TO MY SOUL” MY Writings from 1982 and Paintings from 2007, to have meaning for PECORAO and SANDAR OH with JOSH WOLF. Sick Socipaths who ROB other people’s LOCKS and KEYS, INTELLECTUAL and REAL PROPERTY, PRICELESS ARTWORK, don’t have Locks and Keys, they are ROTTEN AT THE CORE PUSSIES DIKS and CUNTS COCKS.
This is why LORENA BOBBITT exists. “LOR” ena “BOB” BIT. Tom Bridges I eyes of Jesus CHRIST “OO” with “ROL”ex building HOR DIK, for meaning of my First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on My Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume “OO” is FORM of ASS BACKwards. “R” behind Rolex Building, it’s the 18th letter, 1 Dik in “OO” Ass. BOB “NIK” Name of ROBERT, AS IF SANDRA OH is My “NIK” Name SIGNature. My Name isn’t “NIK”, it’s the CODE they created to ROB the meaning of my First Name SIGNature of “SANDY”. The SAME reason why JOSH WOLF was on BOB Rivers RADIO Show in March 2008 and very HORNY for MAThemathics of making MONEY for his CALF and COW, “Mother Daughter” PECORARO and OH.
BUNNY RANCH Brothel in Nevada
see STREET Names, out in the Desert of NEVEDA JOSH MI”CA” WOLF “SUC” Stand Up Comedian PER”FORMS” A LOT in NEVADA Clubs “LINE HAN” is about robbing My John “HAN”cock name SIGNature through Psycho Pecoraro’s sick sketches of Pedophilish Sunny “FINISH LINE”
CD Callon Drive TOPANGA in 2007
MH across the street from “MERMAID HOUSE”
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find “OO”
josh MICA wolf who lives in “SAN” FER nan do Valley
MECCA street name in SFV
Josh Wolf is a regular on Chel”SEA” “HAND”ler show
connected to “FINISH LINE” title of psycho Pecoraro’s pedophilish sketches
Mi”CHA” sound of “KA”, as in KA BOOM
MH Make it Happen Josh Wolf myspace
MH Making it Happen with CROW and WOLF Constance Pecoraro in “MAY” 2009
MH Mental Health Court in LA County jail, where Sandy Wang was kept Wrongfully in “APRIL” 2009
Sandy Wang FRAMED for “auto theft” in April 2009, TOM S”WIRE” R.I.M.E.S with Jerry MeGUIRE and GLASS “WIRE”
Meaning of LINE HAN street name
A “LINE” makes My NAME “SIGN”ature
John “HAN”cock is also known as one’s SIGNature
HAND in Spanish is MAN”OS”, Sandra OH, name initials going BACKwards
FORM of HAN HAN HAN cuffs, CONSTANCE PECORARO in Sausalito “Finish L.I.N.E” sketch connections = LIFE IN PRISON
MAN “OS”, SO Sandra OH PSYCHO, Identity Art Life Thief = LIFE IN PRISON
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BUNNY RANCH. “BR” on MOONLIGHT Road that turns into BunnyRanch Blvd. MOON or “MUN” in Korean means “DOOR”. M “OO” N is also the ARSE as in ASS.
MICA circle, the middle name JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, MI”KA”, who is Constance Maria Pecoraro’s “PY”ous Je”SUS”, CHA rlie. Cho”CHA” in Spanish means PUSSY. His agency is in the “RB” Rolex Building in Beverly Hills.
CALCITE and PYRITE drives, “CP”, Constance Maria Pecoraro. PYRITE is a “MIN”eral, an IRON, commonly known as “Fools Gold”. Calcite is also a MINeral.
CIRCLE CIRCLE and DRIVE DRIVE. Usually when a street is named CIRCLE, the area is in the shape of Circle. Circle is a “O”, the sound of SANDRA OH. CD CD is about CALLON DRIVE TOPANGA where I lived in 2007, across the street from “MH” MERMAID HOUSE. This is WHY there is also a RED ROCK Road, because in TOPANGA, there is a Mountain called RED ROCK with lots of hiking trails.
JOSH WOLF has a Dog name “ROCKY”.
MINerals that you MINE from the “EARTH”. Any word or name with “MIN”, like CUM MIN NGS, connected to meaning of My Mother’s MAIDEN Name of “MIN” that EARTH Sign VIRGO “MAIDEN” Constance Pecoraro thinks has meaning for her. “IRON MAIDEN” is the name of a Music Rock Band.
My Father’s name of “WANG” has been dissected to WA and NG, connected to Korean Word “WA” which means to COME, “CUM”, like in Orgasm. My Father Cum “MIN” in My Mother’s name of “MIN” when they had sex, gave birth to 3 children, my two brothers and me. THIS IS WHY the name CUMMINGS is extremely important.
GAR NET is a type of a “STONE”, which is similar to the RED RUBY. I had a GARNET STONE Ring I wore in 1980’s. RED RUBY is the STONE of My SIGN of “LEO”. Astrology SIGNS, and all the descriptives that goes with each sign is very important in ROBBING of My Parents Names and My Identity in a Group Conspiracy. Like “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf STONE of “DIAMOND”, BO SUC in Korean means Diamond, and this meaning is important to all “AIR” connections they built, and in ROBBING of MY Father’s MUSICIAN Identity connected to ASTROLOGY.
My Father’s Music band name from 1950’s was “MORNING STARS” where he is BLOWING “AIR” into a CL “ARI” NET. NET, is “TEN” Backwards, which is the number “10” as in month of OCTOBER of “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF. This syllable is important because it’s about the word “CL ARI NET”, connected to WHY Barack Obama “HAND PICKED” the name of Delivery Doctor name “DAVID SIN CL AIR” on his Fraudulent Birth Certificate from HONOLULU HAWAII. SIN Won is My Korean Name, and HONOlulu ZIP CODE has my full birthday numbers of 8/13/69.
If you read Linda Goodmans Astrology book LOVE SIGNS, it has Astrology “VIBE NUMBERS”. NUMBERS are always important in MATHemathics of making MONEY, especially through their “PY”ous Je”SUS” CHA rlie, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, who’s agency is in the CROWN of ROLEX Building in Beverly Hills, with address of “9420”, NUMBERS that has TERRORIZED ME FOR MANY YEARS, while they Rob My Father’s Korean “ROYAL” NAME, WANG in Korean means KING because my father’s family lineage is of Korean Royalty, and “CROWN” goes on the Head of a KING. Through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, with “CROWN” of T WHORNEY ROSE Thorns, they’ve built for My father’s Identity to have meaning for JOSH WOLF.
Josh Wolf LIBRA and Contance Pecoraro VIRGO VIBE Number is “212”, the description of their Astrology Vibe has “MORNING STARS”, the NAME of MY Father’s Music Band. This is why PETER MAXWELL HASON who lives in NYC area code of “212” in the MUSIC Business is very important, HE BUILT IT, HE ROBBED MY PARENTS FOR WOLF and PECORARO through the MUSIC INDUSTRY.
Because this astrology book published in 1978 had these WORDS, they began building for My Father’s Music Band name to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO, as if they were my parents, and as if SANDRA OH was My Identity. Wolf and Pecoraro were born in the same year as me of 69, Sandra Oh was born in year 71, which means that Wolf and Pecoraro were TWO years old when they had Sandra OH, and Korean Actress Sandra OH looks a lot like her Jewish Father and Italian Mother, doesn’t she. JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO with TOM BRIDGES, are the THIRD PARTY CONTACTS TO ME, in Robbing MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY.
LINE HAN. This is about meaning of My JOHN “HAN”COCK, as in MY Name SIGNature which is a LINE formed into a shape. My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my pencil drawing of Black Male actor from 1981 of Robert Guillaume, has “OO” made with letter “S” of my name and the letter “Y” has a Asterisk key *. This is WHY Constance Maria Pecoraro says she went to “SAN” Jose State and has a CAT name DudleY, has been claiming she DREW My drawing and is My John HANcock through her Jesus CHRIST who has “OO” Horizontal Rings around his Eyes. What does Pecoraro’s SCHOOLS name have anything to do with MY Name SIGNature of “SAN DY”, and WHY would you SIGN your SCHOOLS NAME on a piece of Artwork you did. Constance Pecoraro is a CON ARTIST FRAUD CRIMINAL IDENTITY THIEF. It’s why my name SIGNature has been twisted into a “ASSS”terisK Conspiracy connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, sound of MI “KA”, ASSterisK going BACKwards. Through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, “OO” has been built to be about TITS and ASS. It’s about John HAN”COCK”, as in DICK PENIS SIZE.
A MOUND is a “HILLSIDE”, like a Grassy Knoll is a HILL on Top of a Meadow. MOUND is about the word MOUNT, as in you MOUNT A HORSE and “RIDE”. “DT”. What’s missing? “O” a DOT is a PERIOD, connected to meaning of “RADI O”.
MH. Make it Happen on JOSH WOLF’s MySpace page.
MH. Making it Happen with CROW and the WOLF. Constance Pecoraro in MAY 2009.
MH. Mental Health, in PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED C”RIMES” of raping my life.
It’s the FORM of “HAND”cuffs that go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T.
SEE Constance Maria Pecoraro’s sketch of “SUNNY” and title of “FINISH LINE” monster connections. It’s so LONG OVERDUE for this PSYCHO CRIMINAL IDENTITY THIEFT to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, with her Partner in IDENTITY THEFT Crimes, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF.
See RABBIT HOLE of Sandra OH, her agency UTA next to PLAY BOY “BUNNY” is Rabbit. She is GOING TO PRISON FOR LIFE.
Do you know why FBi agent name CS CLARICE STARLING says to Doctor Hanni”BAL” Lecter in the movie “Silence of the LAM b”, “There are lots of TERNS on the Animal Sanctuary Island”, where he can spend out the rest of his imprisoned life.
A TERN is a type of a “SEA” GULL, a BIRD.
Her name “CS” is about meaning of COLOR S”KIN” connected to “CSH”. SEA SEE “CE”dars SINai HOSpital. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, which is about meaning of My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART pencil drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, with “OO” made with letter “S” of my name, to be SANDRA OH, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name, through the word S”KIN”. SEW “PAT” TERNS in Fashion, sound of “SO”, SANDRA OH, and creating meaning as if she is MY IDENTITY through “FASHION and COLORS”.
TERN is a “BIRD”. T “HO” MAS CHRISTo PHER BRID GES, all “BIRD”S and BRIDGES, because it’s in his name. Tom BRIDGES has the same LEO Birthday as me, and for 3 decades, through his name and “BRIDGES” WORLDWIDE, they’ve been building as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
THOMAS “HARRIS” wrote the book, which was then made into a movie. “HAR RIS” , “SIR” ROBERT Borden high school in CANADA, where Sandra OH went to school and through her school name, she’s been claiming she DREW my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume in 1981 and My Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, through Black Color S”KIN”, as in “D AR K” S “KIN”, as if Sand RA OH is My name going BACKwords connected to Attorney General “KA MAL A HARRIS”. They’ve been building for 3 decades as if Sandra Oh was My Identity and Artist of MY Artwork.
It’s about JOSH WOLF who studied COMMUNICATIONS at Trinity University in “SAN” Antonio in TEXAS, connected to “SEX” Ass Tit, “TU”, reason why they created “UTA” Sandra OH’s talent agency around the same time in early 1990’s, U Tits and Ass. Reason why Sandra OH is on “Greys ANATOMY”.
TERN is a “BIRD”, a type of a “SEA” GULL. JOSH WOLF used to live in SEA ttle W”ASH”ing”TON” and he says he is married to Bethany ASHTON and is a regular on Chel “SEA” HANDler show. None of this is random and it all “Fits Perfectly” because it’s TRUE. Josh Mic”CHA” Wolf is Directly connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, Catholic Theme OIL Paintings, created to ROB the meaning of My John HAN cock on my pencil drawing from 1981 of black male actor name ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.
Sea “GULL”. GUIL La U Me, the numbers 9 and 1 in Korean is “GU IL”. These numbers are in Constance Pecoraro’s VIRGO Birthday of “9/1” 1969. It’s in the birthday of “AIR” LIBRA Josh Wolf “10/19” 1969. “9/11”, what’s left? “O” sound of Sandra “OH”. AIRPLANE Crash into Twin Towers is DIRECTLY connected to these same sociopaths. SAME Themes and PAT “TERNS” still going on. What is Sadndra OH’s middle name? PA “TRI” CIA PA “T REE” SHA? TRI nity University in “SAN” antonio. Bethany “ASHTON”, W”ASH”ing “TON”. WING. Sand “DRA” WING, DREW my drawings.
SO sounds like “SEW” in the word “WES t” which is a monster connections of Thomas CHRISTopher BRIDGES “WEST” WOOD GATEWAY. “WOOD”, PA per is made from WOOD from “TREE”, what is SANDRA OH’s middle name? PA TREE SHA? You “SEW” PATTERNS in “FASHION”. Communication through Colors and styles in Fashion is HUGE, “WOLVES in SHEEP CLOTHING”. Fashion and Colors, like meaning of FOOT is “BAL” in Korean and Shin BAL is “SHO”es, is THE “WAY” of how they’ve been slowing ROBBING MY “IDENTITY” for Sandra OH slowly for decades. Hanni”BAL” DOCTOR LECTER.
TERN EAR sound of TURN.
Everyone will get their “TURN” in Licking Fucking Sucking JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF connected to meaning of My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” made with letter “S” of my name, and the WAY how it TURNS AROUND “TA” to be about FORM of ASS and TITS “OO”.
This is WHY they KEPT the Liquor store called TERNERS LIQUOR across from new “IAC” building on SUNSET Blvd. “I hope things “TURN” around for you”, like FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS”T and RHYMES with CH “RIS” T Going BACKwards, and LOCKED in PENi”TEN”ia”RY”.
THIS is the reason why ever since I met Josh Wolf in 2008, I’ve had nothing but sick CUNTS and PUSSIES with huge “TITS and ASS” OO, stalking me, following me everywhere, almost EVERY DAY. It was all built through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s “PY”ous Je”SUS” CHA rlies’ Find “OO”, in MATHemathics of making MONEY in a GROUP CHAIN CONSPIRACY.
Definition of Group CONSPIRACY, when two or more gather together and PLAN in SECRECY to do HARM another.
Definition of CHAIN Group Conspiracy, none of the people need to personally know each other, but the GOAL is the SAME. WHAT is the GOAL? to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ART for SANDRA OH, through colors, names, words, numbers “CODES”, in MATHemathics of making MONEY as if Sandra Oh is the Artist of My Artwork. The reason why “Sending A Message” is very important in communicating “SECRETLY”.
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART and her pedophilish sketches of “No Name Girl”, is the GATEWAY of RAPING OF MY LIFE, MY ART, MY NAME, MY Parents Names, all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and Artist of My Artwork and My John HANCOCK. R.I.M.E.S with Leo Metal of “GOLD CLOCK”, and TOM BIRDges, FLOCKS of Birds. These IDENTITY THIEVES MUST BE LOCK LOCK LOCKED IN PRISON.
Constance Pecoraro at 707 BRIDGEWAY SAUSALITO is involved in some kind of Drug Trafficking or Prostitution Rings. I don’t know how she pays the Rent, selling $3 and $5 dollar cards and posters.
TERN, sound of TURN, the way how my Name SIGNature “TURNS” with letters “Y” and “G”, similar to my “Trade Secret” one of a kind name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing from 1981 of Robert Guillaume. And for “OO” in my name SIGNature to be FORM of TITS and ASS, for “PY”ous Je”SUS” CHA”rlie, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, horny for PUSSY.
See TERNER’S LIQUOR Corner, and “IA C” building made entirely of “METAL”. JOSH WOLF horny for “MAR” IA ass form in “C”=3 P3AR shape, Italian Ass. “IA C” mental building on Sunny SUNSET Blvd. Josh Wolf loves doing special things always in the month of “MAR”CH, for Constance “MAR”ia Italian Ass. Josh MIC”CHA” Wolf is directly connected to “RAPING and HARMING” of MY LIFE, in CONSPIRACY of TWO times to “MA RIA” “MA RIA” R.I.M.E.S. with GLO”RIA” and “DORIA”, connected to Robbing of MY JOHN HANCOCK, My name SIGNature on MY Art, with “OO” to have meaning for him.
OO FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T, like a “ROL”ex WATCH goes on WRIST and a C”LOCK” tells TIME. LO LOW LOW, it’s LONG OVERDUE.
TERNER’S LIQUOR and “IA” C building made of “M.E.T.A.L”
JOSH WOLF, MAR ‘ch’ your I”TAL”ian Ass “IA”, MAR”ia” for Jesus CHArlie on page “3” =C
WOLF PECORARO and Catholic Theme Oil Art, meaning of George “C” Page
Better understand meaning of “FORECEE Day BEFORE”, 4C day B4 meaning. FOR who? FOUR What? “FOR” in Spanish is = PARA, connected to “PARA”llel Entertainment, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF’s agency in the “ROL”ex Building, with specific address Repeating Number of “9420” that has terrorized my life for many years. PARA in Spanish is “FOR”, sound of FOUR, 4.
Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile and Mother MARY, her OIL Art of CATHOLIC THEME, connected to ROBBING MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK, for SANDRA OH psycho actress, reason why she is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” HOSpiTAL show. As if she is MY IDENTITY with MY “LEG” POSITION in the number “4”, in MY Childhood ”CHRIST MAS” picture in 1981. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. Everything about this Tv show, is DIRECTLY connected to CEDARS “SIN”AI HOSPITAL, where they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if Sandra OH was My Identity, Korean name of “SIN WON”, as if she was My American name “SIGN”ature of “SANDY” on MY ART.
“C” ALL ON Drive, TOPANGA, next to PENNy road x SYLVANIA lane = 1600 PENNSYVANIA AVE address of WHITE HOUSE. “4C day B4” Summary.
Sandy Wang LOCK Broken on “10/18/07”, and meaning of “4C day B4”
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