MATT DAMON and BEN AFFLECK are both from MASSACHUSETTS. There is so much I can write about them, how their ACTING Careers and the movies they’ve made are connected to Everything I’ve been writing about it isn’t funny. JOSH WOLF was born in MASSACHUSETTS.
EVERY Movie they have made is about everything I’ve been writing about. “Good Will HUNT ing”. “BOURNE IDENTITY”. HUNTley Street next to WEST BOURNE street names in Los Angeles. PROJECT GREEN LIGHT. For GREEN connections of SANDRA OH is MY BORN IDENTITY.
PG, IPG at Pacific Design Center. PG, connected to MATT hemathics of are you Pious and horny to make Money. PYRAMID is in E GYP T and it’s also on the ONE DOLLAR BILL.
MATThew, MAT in Korean means LICK. The name MATT is connected to pictures of me from when I worked at Club Med and all the guys name MATT I knew, to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money. Her Catholic Theme of Mother MARY and Jesus CHRIST is based on MY Catholic schooling and MY FAC and Writings from 1981 and 1982.
MATT = “TT” is the MATThemathical symbol for Pi, what’s left? MA, what’s missing? AIR, for AIR LIBRA JOSH MICCHA WOLF horny for his MOTHER MA “RIA” in the CATHOLIC Theme of are you “PY”ous and horny for Je SUS, for PUSSY. Based on OEDI “PUS” Complex Sex game based ON MY PARENTS NAMES and LEE MONTGOMERY”S childhood movie “Savage is Loose” to have meaning for their Catholic Theme. This is why Connie Pecoraro has the words MATTed ART on her No Name Girl website so many times.
This meaning of Korean word for MAT, connected to Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK MAThematics theme is why there are so many STARS today with the name of MATT. MATThew MaConaughey, MATT Damon, MATT LeBlac, etc. It’s about having KOREAN Psycho Actress SANDRA OH to be MY IDENTITY in all my childhood pictures especially the ones on Santa MONICA in 1979. AS IF she was MY IDENTITY through Tom Bridges who has the SAME birthday as me, AS IF she DREW all my drawings from 1981 and 1982.
DA in Korean means ALL. MON is about Santa MONICA. They’ve been building for SANDRA OH to be My Childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979, through the VEHICLE of Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me, bridges Connie MA RIA Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money. He Bridges My Mother with Psycho Pecoraro and My Father with Sociopath Wolf. The TRUTH is, there is no Mother Father, it’s a SICK GAME created based on MY Parents Names to have meaning for SEXUAL BODY PARTS, which is FUCKING SICKENING.
BEN Affleck is about the movie BEN, with Lee MON tomgery, the reason why I did First Artwork Collection and wrote my Writings in 1982. The reason why I drew Black Male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME BENSON DUBOIS in 1982, connected to why Barack Obama BLACK male is the President. BENSON DUBOIS was the “BUTLER to the Governor”, the reason why Politicians are involved, the reason why BEN AFFLECK wanted to go into Politics. The meaning of my “OO” First name SIGNature on my drawing of BENSON to be about EAR sound of ASSSSterisk is why Jennifer Lopez wanted to marry BEN.
The movie BEN is about RATS and MICE. RATS spelled backwards is STAR, connected to STAR BUCKS on the Upper Left State of WASHINGTON. Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges all STARS and Celebrities on BRidgeway Sausalito with her Jesus CHRIST the “SON” so she can have meaning in BENSON, AS IF Connie Pecoraro or SANDRA OH wrote my writings and DREW my drawings from 1982. Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme is the VEHICLE to ROB the meaning of MY FAC and Writings and MY IDENTITY FOR SANDRA OH Psycho Actress.
AFFLECK, FLICK, like you Flick your TONGUE, EAR sound of TUNGSTEN, as in WOLFramite Scheelite, like you MAT as in LICK with Tongue. There is actually a street called FLICKER street in Beverly Hills, near the entrance up to TROUSDALE Estates. IE, I sounds like Eye, and I is for ITALIAN Psycho Pecoraro.
MASSAchusetts is connected to the EAR sound of my FIRST Name SIGNature with an ASTERISK to be about form of ASSSSSterisk, the reason why Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme JESUS CHRIST has Horizontal Rings around his EYES “OO”. Eyes are Window to the Soul, Windows are made of GLASS. CATHOLICK MASS. Lick Mother MARIA’S BIG OIL ASS. Sit on a CH”AIR” and MARIA will lick your ASS Clean like GLASS.
MATT DAMON is a very politically active actor. Like BEN Affleck who was going to go into Politics connected to my Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME, “BEN”SON the BUTLER to the GOVERNOR, the reason why Politicians are connected.