MA SONIC. MA, what’s missing? AIR Libra Jewish JOSH WOLF for his Mother MARIA Connie Maria Pecoraro, and her Catholic Theme of Mother and SON Jesus Christ.
THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges My Mother with Connie Pecoraro, my Father with Josh Wolf and my IDENTITY and Name with SANDRA OH. Through Mother MA “RIA” Sandra Oh, SO is “NIC” as in my Name SiGNature of “SANDY * ” on the drawing of black male actor Robert Guillaume of BENSON DUBOIS from 1982.
The reason why MERCE des BENz in Santa Monica a few blocks away “New” owner is SONIC group. Connected to Sandra Oh as “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” set in Seattle Grace MERCYMERCY MERCY WEST Hospital. AS IF she is My First name SIGNature on the Pencil Drawing of BENSON Dubois, THROUGH the VEHICLE of Jesus CHRIST the “SON”. The reason why I was set up by MERCE des BENz of Beverly Hills in 2009, arrested and then Wrongfully Detained in LA County Jail for 5 months, when I should’ve been released the next day.
It’s on 10th street because it’s connected to the birth month of JOSH WOLF born in OCTOBER. BER, Tom CHRISTopher BRID ges all BUR BIR HUBBARD BIRDS with Virgo MAI “DEN” CO nnie Maria Pe CO raro. CO LO FT.
Connie Pecoraro described her Art Studio as a Artist LOFT, and it’s a Two story Victorian building in Sausalito. The reason why she says it was a LOFT is because it’s connected to any word with Double “OO” for F”OO”T, for her Jesus Christ “OO” Eyes, connected to my first name SIGNature with Horizontal Eight “OO” on the Pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume with an Asterisk, to be about EAR sound of “ASS”terisk. It’s about the Korean word for FOOT which is BAL, connected to the Colorado childhood picture of me holding a FOOT BALL. The reason why JOSH WOLF has a FOOTBALL.
It’s about recreating meaning for Form of Eyes “OO” to be about LO as in LOWER Body. ASS isn’t in the front, it’s in the Back. So through NEW BUSINESS names, they started building meaning “Going Backwards”. It’s the SAME theme, just repackaged and recycled over and over. The TRUTH is, it’s MY IDENTITY, it’s MY Childhood pictures, it’s MY Parents Names, and it’s MY ARTWORK. Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me, is a lying sociopath, like this GROUP Conspiracy to ROB MY IDENTITY.
It’s about the meaning of My Korean name WANG written in Korean Characters which looks like “TO TO”. The Mathemathical symbol for “PI” is “TT”, and with Jesus Christ Eyes of “OO” they want my name to have meaning for SANDRA OH, because the name OH written in Korean is exactly Half of my name, “TO”. O in Korean means the number 5.
The MASONS is a “Secret Society”, comprised mostly of “White Supremists”. They are the same people who over many centuries, created the Secret CODE meanings behind certain symbolic objects, like the ONE DOLLAR BILL. This is why Connie Pecoraro, a low life white Trash from East Bay in Oakland thinks she is a “White Supremist” and so does Sandra Oh. It’s about MY Name Initials of “SW”, it’s about the sound of MY Korean name "Wang Sin Won" which sounds like WASHINGTON and meaning of My Birthday numbers of ‘13’ that FITS the meaning of FIRST President of United States George WASHINGTON on the ONE Dollar Bill.
This is why they started creating meaning of the FIVE dollar bill with Abraham LINCOLN, sounds like LICK connected to EAR sound of words because it’s about the CONE Hat in my Halloween childhood picture, to be about LICK CONNIE Pecoraro, because CONE sounds like and has the same letters as her name. You LICK with TONGUE connected to EAR sound of TUNGsten in WOLFramite and Scheelite. “WS”. The reason why she is good friends with a MICHAel Lappert, of Lappert’s ICE CREAM, Lick with Tongue. EVERYTHING about Connie Pecoraro and Josh Wolf is about SUPPORTING SANDRA OH as MY IDENTITY, of my KOREAN NAME, AS IF it was her who drew my drawings from 1982, with my first name SIGNature of “Sandy*”.
All for CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horney to make Money through sociopath JOSH WOLF as Jesus CHRIST, the reason why Sandra OH is “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. ALL OF IT BASED ON MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES, MY FAC AND WRITINGS FROM 1982, AND MEANING OF MY PARENTS NAMES.
White Supremist, to have meaning in MY Name initials of "SW" connected to the Upper Left letters of Computer KEYS "SWA", connected to MY Writings in 1982 about Lee Montgomery "KEY to my Soul". What happened to Tom Bridges TAO is the WAY on BridgeWAY Sausalito connected to meaning of my Father's Middle Name of BAE which means PEAR and B"OAT", the reason why Sandra Oh is a Chinese Doctor on "Grey's Anatomy". Tom Bridges is a Gay Male bridging GL Gloria Lee with Gays and Lesbians, for SANDRA OH licking MA"RIA"S P EARth Virgo PUssy and Ass BACKwards.
This building is Surrounded by CAR Dealerships on Santa Monica blvd who are all INFRINGING on MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to have been done by SANDRA OH AS IF she was my Identity. MARia MIKA EAR sound of Deep KARMA.