Many magazines have been printing UPSIDE on one side
Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark in Circle of “O” which can be seen 4 different ways and Upside Down

POPLI “TEAL” color meaning


S “TAP” Les
What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PAT ricia? = LIFE IN PRISON

Dob: 8/3/41. LEO

Place of Birth: Jersey City, New Jersey.

MAR T HA STEW “ART”. Through Virgo Maiden Constance MARia Pecoraro and her Catholic Theme OIL and GLASS Artwork, SANDRA OH is “SW” in TAO “TE” Ching, the WAY, as in she is MY IDENTITY and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.

T is for TAO, DAO “DOW” Jones of making MONEY. The reason why Martha did PRISON TIME.

Her BIRTHDAY Numbers are very significant in creating meaning for THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES the childhood CHRISTMAS Picture of me with my dog Frenchy and My Mother. The TREE Trimming numbers with “3” and “OO”, the reason why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes is on page “3”. 300 or “38”. What’s Missing? 1, 8/13 is MY LEO Birthday, WON is My Middle Name.

They've been creating meaning for Jesus CHRIST "SON" going BACKWARDS for many years, through the word "NOS"E", connected to a Nose Drawing I drew in my notebook in 1982. "E"yes of the SON is Horny for Form of Ass "OO" to be Bridged by a Ass "HO"le fucking Thomas CHRISTOPHER Bridges Jesus CHRIST in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making Money. CathoLICKING ASS "HO"les.

"KO"styra for "CO"nstance Maria Pe"CO"raro's OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST the "SON".

CO is "NOS"E in Korean, for meaning of MA"NOS" and HAND connections. See link below.

HEL en, is connected to Constance Pecoraro's "HELEN" KELLER, which is about the FOUR different phases in the ARCHETYPES of CARL JUNGS "ANIMA and ANIMUS". Helen, Eve, MARY and Sophia.

Jesus Christ 'JC', for 'CJ', BACKWARDS, in Tom Bridges his gay LEO with 3AR sound of "OIL". CH "RIS" T, for SANDRA OH who is "C RIS T" ina Yang on "GRE Y'S Anatomy", who went to SIR SIR SUR SER ROBERT BORDEN High School has been claiming for 3 decades she "DREW" my drawing of Robert Guillaume, and is MY FIrst Name SIGNature of "SANDY*" with an ASSTERISK Key and "OO" made with the letter "S" of my Name signed Sideways. The reason why her ACTING role on tv is "CRIST"Ina Yang, connected to Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST the SON. For meaning of MY JOHN HANCOCK, through MA"NOS" connections.

Her YEAR of 19”41” is about the childhood picture of me and a Black girl of me wearing White and Red with number “14”, a very important childhood picture of me that is Powerfully SYNCHRONISTIC with Lee Montgomery and Michael Jackson connected to meaning of MY FIRST ARTWORK COLLECTION and Writings from 1981 and 1982.

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