Mara Escrow 15821. "1158" is a Repeating Number.
MARA, what’s missing? Built in Left to Right, I for Mother MARIA Psycho Pecoraro, for I TAL Y, PI PY, I sounds like EYE of Jesus Christ the Son “OO” MUST be form of TITS “OO”, Your Son is SUFFERING because Constipated Connie MARIA Middle Name has a Missing Nipple.
Built in Left to Right, on VentuRA Blvd, like everything in Venice Beach for meaning of VIBE “VB” IE Numbers. 212 Virgo Pecoraro and Libra Wolf Vibe Numbers.
ESC is the Uppermost Left computer key, ROW is about Museum ROW on Wilshire Blvd, it's about ED Eric Draven of "The CROW".
MARA, what’s missing? “I” sounds like EYE, of Horizontal Rings around Jesus Christ “OO” in her CATHOLIC Church Theme of “MOTHER” and Son, recreated based on My childhood CHRIST MAS picture of me and my mom and my dog Frenchy. Gay “3” Ass and “OO” Hanging Balls below. Connie Pecoraro wants the letter “I’ to have meaning for her because she’s Italian. The letter “I” has a DOT, and she wants the meaning of my PERIOD, of me placing a DOT on a Calendar every month I get my period to have meaning for her because PERIOD is BLOOD and Red Blood Cells fill a Hard Dick.
“ESC” is the Uppermost Left Computer Key. Connie Pecoraro wants the Upper Left to have meaning for her because of the Upper Left of EVERYTHING about MY LIFE and MY FAC from 1982, and all my Childhood pictures, especially of the HAWAIIAN BARREL statue on top of the Liquor Cabinet in a picture of me and my Father. She wants the letters of “SW” on the Upper Left, my name initials of “SW” to have meaning for her as a “White Supremist”. Connie Pecoraro is White Trash from East Bay OAKland. This is connected to the Upper Left of WASHINGTON STATE, which is connected to Josh Wolf who used to live in Washington State, and Sandra Oh TV Show “Grey’s Anatomy” is based on Seattle GRACE Hospital.
“O” is about the Magnifying Glass with the EYEball inside the “O” in my BENSON drawing from 1982. They want this to have been done by Connie MARIA Pecoraro. She is TOM CRUISES Puppet to the World as the ARTIST who did the FAC in 1982, and they’ve been building this through street names and actual Buildings and Businesses for almost 3 decades, for all my Artwork and my IDENTITY and VIDEO RECORDING to BE HER. This is why my Connected Buildings Painting on the Top of my Abstract Page is important, it’s me “Spiritually Channelling” what they Built, a perfect example being this one block between GLORIA and DENSMORE in San Fernando Valley with Connected Buildings.
Tom BRIDges all GE’s, Stars and Celebrites on BRIDGEWay because the Tao is the Way.
This Escrow company is the reason why I was SET UP with a roommate name TAMARA NACE. "TA" "MARA". She is a "FAT" female who is connected to "TARA" Connie Pecoraro's FAT Friend we went out with in May 2005. Every HOUSING TERROR in California for the past 10 years is connected to this SICK DISTURBED PSYCHOBITCH and HER SICK JOOISH WHORE COCK SON JOSH WOLF and their "212" V i B e numbers.
A few blocks from this Escrow is ALLAN ERDY ESCROW. ALAN is Brett Bern's middle name, MARIA is Connie Pecoraro's middle name, these two EARth Virgo and EARth Taurus PecorarO and beRN = PORN Perfect Match who wants the Porn Film at 20360 Callon Drive to have meaning for them.
ESCROW is about the EAR Sound of syllable of CHRO in the word SYN CHRO NICITY, because CARL JUNG "COINED" the term, and a Copper Penny is a "coin" CONnie Pecoraro wants the Korean Word for Ass, "JUNG Dung" to have meaning for her. It's the only reason, she knows nothing about the kind of work he did. Through her CAtholic theme of MOTHER Mary and Son Jesus Christ, "JC", she wants the Korean word "MOM" which means BODY to have meaning for her, and for MY MOM'S Name of JUNG Ja to have meaning for her. It's connected to her "ISN" T that life? saying, SIN is MY Korean first name but it's pronounced as SHIN, and through her sketches of "No Name Girl" based on MY childhood pictures, she wants EVERYTHING about me to have meaning for her. Because she's a Disturbed Psychobitch.
MARA ESCROW logo design of “STEPS” is about her wanting the word ST”AIR” to have meaning for her middle name of MARIA, it’s why it’s built on GLO”RIA” Avenue and “DEN”smore because Connie MARIA Pecoraro wants her middle name to have meaning for Element of AIR because Josh MICCHA Wolf is a AIR LIBRA, in their CATHOLICE CHURCH Theme of Mother Mary and Christ the Son. GLORIA is about her “OM”ing with my HIGH SCHOOL Classmate Gloria Catherine Lee, so that Element of AIR can have meaning for her, so that Gloria Lee who is a Pharmacist RX can have meaning for her on REX FORD Drive and FORD Mustang Car modeling pictures. Connie Pecoraro who is a Virgo the MAI”DEN” wants my Mom’s Maiden name to have meaning for her. It’s why there is a street name LA MAIDA.
STEP is also about my first boyfriend STEP hen Garrison who is a AIR Gemini and Connie Pecoraro wants my 5.5 years of Relationship with MY BOYFRIEND to have meaning for her because she’s a SICK DELUSIONAL PSYCHOBITCH IDENTITY THIEF.
The Steps is a Design connection with “KEY HOLE” Architecture theme at the Beverly Hills LIBRA ry. It’s why there are Three Keys. It’s based on MY WRITINGS I wrote in 1982 about Lee Montgomery “KEY TO MY SOUL”. If Penis is Key, Lock must be Vagina. This Design “code” is also connected to MERCEDES BENZ of ENCINO a few blocks from this Escrow company on Ventura Blvd.
Ventura Blvd is about ViBe Numbers in Astrology. Connie Pecoraro is a Virgo and Josh Wolf is a Libra, their Linda Goodman Vibe Number is “212”, the reason for the HOUSING TERROR, it’s all about THEIR Vibe Numbers, like PARASITES living off of and THROUGH My life.
There is a Jewish Center because it’s about Jesus Christ who was a Jew, Josh Miccha Wolf, and next to this center is “CALIFORNIA UNIFIED BANK” which is across the street from WELLS FARGO bank, it’s behind the trees in the picture. BANKS are connected to my CHARLIE Brown clear glass SNOOPY DOG BANK, one of the reasons why Connie Pecoraro titled her Jesus Christ “CHARLIE”, because it’s also a syllable in Mic”CHA”. This is connected to my father’s Musical Band picture with “Morning Stars” and the name “CHO” Yong on the Upper Left which is connected to Sandra “OH”, the Korean word for CHOT BULL which means “CF” Candle Fire, and “WA” CHO Via Bank. Candle rhymes with and sounds like CHANDLER, which is about Chandler Blvd, the reason why Connie Pecoraro has Chandelier paintings. “CHA” in Korean means Car and Tea and my Father was a Gifted MUSician and TEAcher, the reason why Connie Pecoraro modeled for a Ford MUStang Car.
California Unified Bank is about “Charleville Blvd” in Beverly Hills. Christina Bernardo and Butt Crack, with Leo symBOWEL of “U”.
A few blocks East of Mara Escrow is the MARRIOTT Courtyard Hotel. There is a ITALY Furniture company directly across the street. There are Two Benches in front of the hotel and one of them says LOU WOLF. “It pays to have a Wolf at your Door”. I think this is about having Josh Wolf to have meaning in MY ARTWORK, my Photography of “DOORway to Heaven”, my drawing of Jim Morrison of the DOORS. MOON in Korean means DOOR and any words that contain double “O”, they want it to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus Christ the SON with Horizontal Rings “OO”, like COOK FOOD SCHOOL BROOKLYN BROOM, ETC. Like they want my GOLD CLOCK to have meaning for Gold I LOCK of Hair Blonde Hair females because Josh Wolf is a AIR Libra. Meanwhile, there was a sticker on the DOOR when I lived at 20360 Callon Drive Topanga, and my LOCK was Ripped and Raped, the same one on my Abstract Page that they want to have meaning for them.
Jesus Christ “RR” Repeatedly ROSE and CAME, while my life was being “RR” Repeatedly RAPED.
A few blocks on HASKELL Avenue, is Allan ER”DY” ESCROW. This is about my first name SIGNature on BENSON Drawing I did in 1982. ER is about ear sound of ERth sign Connie Pecoraro, who says she got her Art Degree from SAN Jose University which is a Fraud Degree. This is about connecting her “SAN” with the “DY” with this company for my name SIGNature of “SANDY*”. Why would you sign your Schools name on a piece of Artwork you did. Connie PeCORaro wants my KORean name to have meaning for her. “SIN” won wang, the reason why she created her “ISN” t that life? because SIN sounds like SYN as in Syn CHRO nicity, which CARL JUNG COINED the Term.
The street name of HASKELL is connected to Connie Pecoraro who says Helen KELLer is her Childhood Hero. HAS is about the 3AR sound of the name PATRI "SHA", which I think is SANDRA OH's Middle name. HA is about the childhood picture of me and my Father with the "HA" WAiian Barrel on the Upper Left, they've been building on ALL MY Childhood pictures, with COLORS, WORDS of Ojects like Orange BASSSKET, for Everything about me and MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, for 3 decades in Los Angeles. EVERY STREET NAME IN SAN FERNANDO VALLEY IS CONNECTED TO SANDRA OH IS MY IDENTITY THROUGH THOMAS CHRIST O PHER BRIDGES MOTHER MARY CONNIE MARIA PECORARO AND HER CATHOLIC THEME. This is why JOSH WOLF lives in SAN PHERnandO Valley.
HASKELL has another meaning which is connected to TOM CRUISE as PETE MIT"CHELL" in "TOP GUN", connected to TOPANGA Canyon address and meaning of MY FAC from 1981 and 1982. The name MITCHELL is connected to a Chinese Language Translator, especially of LAO TSU'S "Tao Te Ching" name STEPHEN MITCHELL. Steven Mitchell's version of the Tao Te Ching is one of my favorites and like DANIEL LADINSKY who went to India to study with BABA MEHER before translating PERSIAN Mystic Poet HAFIZ Poems, they've been building through people's names, Words, Numbers, Titles of books, etc for 3 decades, for MY FAC from 1982 to have been DONE BY SANDRA OH AS IF SHE IS MY IDENTITY.
This is why Connie Pecoraro says her favorite childhood hero is HELen KELLer. HK. KATie HOLmes and CATHOLic church theme. HK Supermarket on Western Avenue. For MY BABY Picture of me wearing a KH Knitte Hat to be SANDRA OH.
It's connected to the street name in Santa Monica C"HEL"SEA street. SEA is the OCEAN of Mother MARY, connected to Connie Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC CHURCH Theme. The reason why Josh Wolf is a regular on CHEL"SEA" Handler TV Show, connected to CHANDLER Blvd in San Fernando Valley. EVERY STREET NAME in LOS ANGELES has meaning and a Connection to everything I've been writing about. SEA ORGS of SIGNTology and TOM CRUISE who is very good friends with STEVEN SPIELBERG.
Like the word WHOR Eye Z ontal built in Left to Right, with 3ARth Virgo MaiDEN Connie Maria Pecoraro, Mitc"HELL" doesn't mix well in EAR sound of words.
A few blocks from these buildings is the MARRIOTT Courtyard Hotel. There is a Bench in front of the building with an ad “WOOLF”.
The Street names around this area in ENCINO is connected to many Hollywood movies. Bran”DEN” F”RA”SER made the movie “Encino Man”. There is a street called DICKENS, Charles Dickens “Great Expectations” was one of my Favorite childhood books like Judy Blume. GWYNETH PALTROW ESC”ROW” and all of her movies are connected to my life and my life story based on my FAC in 1982. PAL in Korean means ARM and number 8, one of the reasons why Connie Pecoraro wants Korean Words to have meaning for her and her middle name of MARia ARM is Upper Body “Sex”. The reason why her Jesus Christ has Horizontal EighT “OO”, and why she is good friends with Michael “LAP”Pert.
GWYNETH PALTROW made the film “GREAT EXPECTATIONS” “GE” Tom Brid”GE”s Connie MARIA Pecoraro on BRID”GE”Way. GE means RATS and MICE in Korean and Rats is about the movie BEN, and my FAC from 1982 and drawing of BENSON. Connie Pecoraro wants my first boyfriend Stephen Garri”SON” and my FAC done when I was growing up in JACK “SON” Heights NY, and any meaning of “SON” in MY LIFE, to have meaning for her SICK JESUS CHRIST THE SON.
In the movie “GE”, Gywneth Paltrow is wearing a GREEN Skirt and drinking from the Water Fountain. This is why Connie Pecoraro drives a GREEN Station Wagon “ScreW” and has a painting titled “GRASS”. This is why Josh Wolf drives GREEN Mini Van, and has “Wi F EY” on his Myspace page, with Make it Happen, which is a SONg Title by MARIAH CAR”EY”. This is why on DENsmore across the street from Mara Escrow is Wells Fargo bank and on the other side is a JEWISH Center called “Vall”EY” of BETH. When I met Josh Wolf he told me he was married to BETHany.
Gwyneth Paltrow’s movies are based on my Life Story. GU sounds like Gwyneth and it’s the number 9 in Korean. PAL means 8 and the word for “ARM”. 8 “13” 6 9 is my birthday numbers. The connection to Gwyneth is through HARVEY WEINSTEIN, who used to or still owns MIRAMAX, which has made many of Paltrow’s movies. Harvey Weinstein is a patient at FRED KASTENBAUM’s dental office in NYC on Park Ave. He has a PHILipino associate name MARLA KING. When I worked there, it was about TOM BRIDGES bridging all the Stars and Celebrities on Bridgeway. This Name Word Number Game in the PHILIPINES is Huge, because it’s connected to PHIL “GREN”ville of “Midnight Hour”, and I think Connie Pecoraro’s father’s name is PHIL. FILL LIPS, not Anus.
Gwyneth Paltrow married CHRIS MARTIN of “COLD Play”. She named her daughter Apple and her son MOSES. APPLE is about the baby picture of me holding a Apple, which is why they named APPLE Computer. IBM I think bought out WANG Computer many years ago. Moses is a BIBLICAL name, for CATHOLIC C “HUR”CH Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ. She married CHRIS after I did my LP 173 Training in 1997 and the Trainor was name CHRIS.
Like FOOD, HOMES, BUSINESSES, naming of STREET NAMES in the last 3 decades to have meaning for People’s Names is EVERYWHERE throughout Los Angeles. They kept what “FIT”, changed and built new since 1980, for MY IDENTITY for MY ARTWORK and EVERYTHING about ME to be SANDRA OH, through the Vehicle of Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme and her “No Name Girl” Sketches.
INFRINGEMENT of MY Copyrighted Material is one thing, TERRORIZING of MY LIFE, Repeatedly Robbing and PSYCHOLOGICAL RAPING through FRAUD DOCUMENTS is something else. I have OVERWHELMING CONCRETE EVIDENCE of “GROUP CONSPIRACY” which is considered CRIMINAL, of SANDRA OH is MY Identity and she Drew my drawings.
MARA ESCROW, for CAT HOlick MAThemathics theme of Mother MARA, what’s missing? I sounds like Eye, I is for I “TAL”ian Psycho Pecoraro, for Jesus Christ the SON Eyes “OO” Built in Left to Right. Based on MY All Girls CATHOLIC HIGH School, connected to KATie HOLmes from O HI O, “OO”, HI must be TITS, for CANCER Sandra Oh rules the Tits, as “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. Cyk disturbing sound of LOW Flying Airplane, any word or name with LO LO LO, anything to avoid looking at Mother Maria and Sandra Oh’s TITS.
Sandy Wang’s Father’s Music band from 50’s Morning Stars
Sandy Wang’s CHARLIE Brown SNOOPY Dog Bank
Sandy Wang’s Xrated Video Recording
Sandy Wang’s LP173 Leadership Training
Wang's Registered Mark at USPTO "1158" Repeating Number
“Indecent Proposal” DEmi MOOREpark
"TAMARA" Nace at "CP" Cypress Place on BRIDGEWAY
2087 31 Ave and "QuinTARA"
CATHOLIC Theme of Mother MARY and Jesus Christ
Katie Holmes "MARA" Thon
Stuart Browne Mortgage Business
Crescent Real Estate on Crescent Drive
Connie MARIA Pecoraro
GREEN Connections
212 ViBe "Ventura Blvd" Numbers
IE I sounds like Eye of WHORiZontal "OO"
Tom Katie and Connie Pecoraro’s EIFFEL Tower painting
HERNDON Virginia
Fairmont Miramar Hotel
REX FORD Drive and CHARLEville Blvd
NESSA H = OO Synagogue
EAR Sound of Words
Josh Wolf AIR Libra who loves fucking HOLes
Gloria Catherine Lee AIR Gemini “5/29”
ViBe Numbers in ASTROLOGY Book by Lindagoodman, this is THEIR “SOURCE”, THEIR BIBLE
EYE “C” Identity Thieves
Real Estate Connections
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