HOME ALONE “inspired” by my childhood CHRISTMAS Picture.
His name MACaulay CARson Cul KIN is connected to CAM den drive in Beverly Hills, where Sandra Oh’s UTA agency is, connected to TOM BRIDGES Sandra OH, through Connie Maria Pecoraro VIRGO MAI “DEN” Catholic Church Theme, for my NICK name of “Sandy”” to have meaning for Sandra Oh, AS IF she DREW my DRAWings and she is My Identity. For my name Signature to have meaning for Jesus Christ Josh Mic"CHA" Wolf, Air Libra which rules the Kid ne "Y'S".
The reason why Tom Cruise and NIC Leo DIKman were married for "EXACTLY" TEN years and the sudden divorce "filing date deadline" from Tom Cruise was such a shock. TEN, the month of October, "SHIP", BOATS and Cruises.
There is a street called "KIN" ROSS in Westwood, and this street name is about Sand"RA" OH, to have meaning in my first "NIK" name of "SandY" SIGNature on the drawing of Benson Bubois from 1982.
He has the same DENtist as "NIC"Leo Richie's Mother, a very nice professional FRENCH DENtist name ERIC FUGIER on Sunset Blvd. My Childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me and my Mother and MY DOG FRENCHY, connected to my CHArlie Brown SNOOPY DOG BANK, to have meaning for Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY, for she has meaning in MY Mother, Josh Wolf has meaning in MY Father, and SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in this picture, through Thomas CHRIST O PHER BRIDGES all sounds of FUR FIR FER, like CONIFER TREE. Christmas Tree.