LIN"DA" Galiano


The name LINDA is a repeating name. It's because it's about L as in LEO in "DA". DA in Korean means "ALL", the reason why T"OM" Bridges is going to bridge Beverly "DA"vis with Connie Pecoraro, and Shon"DA" Rimes with Sandra Oh, so that THE PICTURE of me and the black girl can be them.

Linda is about Sandra Oh's Bible, Linda Goodman's astrology book "Love Signs", this book is her bible and the numbers 59 or 95 are her Bible Numbers.

Galiano rhymes with Galgano and has almost exact same letters. This is about the guy Patrick Galgano, who I asked "What's a 69?" when I was around 13 or 14 yrs old. The reason why Connie Pecoraro moved to 691 Bridgeway and why her dentist is PATRICK LEE.

Linda Galiano approached me before I moved into the apt and gave me her phone number. I never called her and never wanted anything to do with her. But her entire life was about making my life miserable. She sells AIR time for Radio Ads or something similar, and this was about Connie MARIA Pecoraro's middle name. Connie Pecoraro wants her middle name of MA"RIA" going backwards to have meaning for element of AIR. This has to do with a Comedian name Josh Wolf who is a AIR Libra sign and he lives in San Fernando Valley.

Linda Galiano would walk really LOUDLY up and down the ST"AIR"s with heavy SHOES, all day long up and down. She also would leave her garbage out on the stairwell on a regular basis. Having furniture or anything in the pathway of a stairwell in an apt complex is a FIRE HAZARD and against the law.

Linda Galiano is a very HEAVY LOWER Body Fat Female, and a perfect word to describe her would be “TACKY”. She drove a GREEN Maz"DA" Miata. Connie Pecoraro drives a GREEN Station Wagon. Josh Wolf drives a GREEN Mini Van. Green is the Color Connection for these people.

I am making these connections as I am discovering about the TRUTH of these people. When I lived at this address in Mill Valley, I had no idea about any of this, but Linda Galiano and the building Manager Bill Reed were two people who had really “sick” energy. Bill Reed went into my apt many times when I wasn’t home, he stole my ID from my jacket pocket, the one that says “SANDY” instead of Sandra, and he also moved things around.

Everything about these two people had “Pedophilish” kind of energy. Bill Reed would always “run” into me, when I was doing the Laudry and he’d be wearing a BaTHROBe. At the time I didn’t know this, but it’s about this Sex Game, and Throbbing Dk and LOAD and UnLoad of “WA” Cum “SHer” and Dryer. Bill Reed is the one who placed the little plastic Jesus and Mary icons around the complex. I threw them to the side once, and he picked them up and put it back. It was all about this CATHOLIC theme of Mother Mary, Connie Pecoraro and Jo”SH” Wolf. The reason why the “JU”dge’s name was ROY C HER aNUS, who allowed Gor”DON” rob my rent and deposit money.

The name LINDA is about LINDA GOODMAN’s Astrology signs. This female was about Connie “MARIA” Pecoraro and Josh MICCHA Wolf. The BLACK JESUS is “Charlie’s Find” minus BERN. B lacks. Linda GA LIA NO name is about ON “AIR” AG gie. This was about “OM”ing JACOB, Josh Wolf’s Son’s MOTHER’s Identity with Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro, in Engrish with Accent game. AIL AIR “AGGie” means BABY. This is why the next Address I moved to from here, was TOM CHRISTopher Bridges Birthday Number Address of 2087 31st Avenue on QUINTARA, set up, because I didn’t about this Conspiracy at the time. Connie Pecoraro had a painting titled “TARA” and also has a friend name TARA. I think JACOB”s Mother’s name is TARA.

Linda Galiano was all about CATHOLIC Theme of Connie MARIA Pecoraro for her SON Jesus Christ Josh Mic”CHA” Wolf.

CA Housing Terror

2087 31st Ave QUIN”TARA” Tom Bridges Birthday Numbers

20 Shelley Drive

LINDA Goodman’s Astrology “212 Vibe Numbers”

LINDA KING of Budget Car Rental July 2007

What's a 69 Patrick?

Connie Pecoraro's denist Patrick Lee

Air is an Element

GREEN the color of GRASS

Museum Square and Ma POT Her

Charlies' Find

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