The name HOWARD has San”DRA OH” in it BACKwards.
LIBRA RY, “rhimes” with MONTGOME”RY”, and through AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF, Sandra Oh wants the EAR Sound of My First Name SIGNature on the drawing I did of ROBERT Guillaume in 1982 to have been DONE by her, and for my name SIGNature to BE HER.
RY, is about the word YEAR Abbreviated “YR” BACKwards. AR is about the sound of the word AR T Backwards, and BIL is about the meaning of the ONE DOLLAR “BILL” connected to my Korean name of Wang SIN Won, which is pronounced as Wang SHIN Won, similar to the name of George WaSHINgtON.
BILL is the “NICK” name of WILLIAM. WILLIAM is connected to “WIL”Shire Blvd and everything they’ve been building on this street in Los Angeles, connected to WILLAMAN Drive with Cedars SINai Hospital, and ROLEX building on WILshire Blvd where Josh Wolf’s agency is.
This is why the Upper Left State of WASHINGTON is a big connection. BILL GATES house address has my birthday numbers of 8/13, Repeating Numbers connected to Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me, bridges Connie Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST on Bridgeway Sausalito, over the Golden “GATE” BRIDGE.
The reason why Josh Wolf used to live in WASHINGTON the Upper Left State where the THAI Mother of his son Jacob still lives there.
It’s the same reason why SANDRA OH is “DOC”tor CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” set in Seattle Grace MERCY WEST HOSPITAL in WASHINGTON. It’s all about supporting CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money, for SANDRA OH to have meaning in MY IDENTITY, AS IF she did all my Artwork.
Which are all LIES, FRAUD and CONSPIRACY.