The most important thing to know about this page, LARCHMONT Village, is the connection to my First job in High School in 1986, working as a Dental Assistant for a Dr. HAROLD KARP, in the RITZ Tower building in NYC. He lived in LARCHMONT Westchester NY.
This is WHY this LARCHMONT Medical building is here, and WHY they named this Dry Cleaners across the street “RITZ”. This Medical building, Ritz and Chan DARA are “Old Remnants” of what they’ve been building since early 1980’s in Los Angeles, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY.
They named this Dry Cleaners “RITZ”, FRENCH HAND Laundry.
All Dry Cleaning Businesses is connected to my childhood picture in 1980 with me wearing a White and Red shirt “14”, with a Black Girl in 1980, with a HANGER on the WALL. HANGER is about the word HANGAR, where you land and park your “AIR”Planes.
FRENCH is connected to My Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture in 1980 with My Mother and My DOG “FRENCHY”. This childhood picture of me with My MOTHER, is about Constance Maria Pecoraro that they’ve been building in Los Angeles to have meaning for her, as if My Identity is Sandra OH in this picture. The childhood picture of me with MY FATHER and Hawaiian BARREL on top of the Liquor Cabinet, is about JOSH MICCHA WOLF. The CHRISTmas picture with my Mother has the number “3” tree trimming shape and “OO” ornament balls. This is WHY Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie is on PAGE “3” with “OO” eyes. THREE in Korean is “SAM” in the word CHRIST “MAS”. This is why SANDRA OH is “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, which is to complete the meaning of PEPSI PUSSY 1999 and “GRAYSON” connection to my childhood pictures in 1979, as if it’s SANDRA OH.
They’ve been building for 3 decades for MY Parents names to be and have meaning for JOSH WOLF Libra and CONSTANCE PECORARO VIRGO in their “212” MORNING STAR Astrology Vibe. This is WHY the Professional Office building on the corner has the SUITE Numbers of “200” and “201”, the TOP First picture. See the corresponding links below it and what it all means.
HAND Laundry. The word HAND is about meaning of My First name SIGNature as in my John “HAN”COCK on my drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981. HAND in Spanish is MAN”OS”, and through this Spanish word, they’ve been building “MEANING” Going Backwards in a ASS Conspiracy, as if Sandra OH “SO” is My Name SIGNature on this drawing. My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing from 1981, has “OO” made with letter ‘S’ of my name signed SIDEWAYS, this is WHY Constance MARIA Pecoraro’s Jesus CH”RIS”T has “OO” Rings around his Eyes. It’s why Sandra Oh was in the movie “SIDEWAYS”, and it’s why she is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. All connected to creating meaning GOING BACKwards, as if My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO, is FORM of ASS, through Jesus CH “RIS” T, connected to Sandra OH school of “SIR” SUR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. What does School names have anything to do with MY Art or My Identity? Nothing, they made it up, to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ART for this Borderline Psychotic sick ACTRESS.
It’s WHY MY HANDS have been HANDCUFFED and WHY I’ve been wrongfully Arrested and Jailed. All PREMEDITATED or DONE through WHITE COLLAR CRIMES, connected to SANDRA OH. Reason why this sick bitch MUST have a TAYSTEE of EVERYTHING I’ve been put through and THOUSAND TIMES WORSE.
LARCHMONT “VILLAGE”. Why is this street called “VILLAGE”? it’s on LARCHMONT BOULEVARD.
LV, this is about LIBRA JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO VIRGO Astrology Sign VIBE Number. It’s why everything else “FITS PERFECTLY”.
It’s connected to creating meaning as if SANDRA OH is My Identity in 1992, of me working as a “GO”, at Club Med “VILLAGE” in Florida through and connected to VIR”GO” Constance Maria Pecoraro. It’s connected to the picture of me and a guy name ED who is from Mexico and he is wearing a Club Med shirt with FLAGS from ALL AROUND THE WORD in “O”, as if this picture of me is SANDRA “OH”. Sandra OH thinks through Colors of “Olive Green” OG, she is My Identity working as a GO in 1992. See My Pictures in 1992, then see SANDRA OH pictures in 1992, there is no way this delusional sick actress is My Identity.
All Club Med villages worldwide are called “VILLAGE”, which gives it a more cozy feeling of friendliness through this “word”. It’s why WESTWOOD “VILLAGE” was named this also.
VILLAGE is connected to NEW YORK CITY “GREEN” WICH VILLAGE, a neighborhood of many GAY Men and women, connected to T”HO” MAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES GAY male DENTIST who has the same LEO Birthday as me, Bridges and “ROBS” MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY for MATHemathics of making MONEY. As if SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School on “GREEENBANK” Road in Canada, DREW My drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981.
It’s connected to LONDON, as in 1982 movie “American Were WOLF in LONDON”, with JOSH WOLF, and GREEN WICH “MEAN TIME”, as in C”LOCK” tells TIME, like a WATCH goes on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T. CENT SCENT “SENT”ENCED to LIFE IN PRISON.
NOAHS NEW YORK BAGEL. NOAHS ARC is a biblical story about a BOAT and TWO of everything animals. This is WHY this block has PATTERN of several businesses with “TWO SIGNS” for 1 same business.
TWO is connected to ROBBING of MY Name SIGNature, as in my JOHN HANCOCK, on my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981. In this drawing, My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” is signed with letter “S” of my name signed SIDEWAYS, making a horizontal “OO” incomplete S. This drawing has Robert Guillaume who was BENSON DUBOIS, the BUTLER to the Governor, HOLDIng a magnifying glass with an “E”ye in a “O”. This is why Sandra “OH” think she drew my drawing, because a circle of “O” sounds like her name of “OH”.
This is why Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie has “OO” Horizontal Rings around his eyes, and it’s why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on ”Grey’s Anatomy” in a GROUP CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
This is why they also built “CONSPIRACY OF TWO”, to RAPE and HARM MY LIFE AGAIN, Conspiracy of RAPING MY LIFE “TWO” TIMES, so that My name SIGNature, MY John HANCOCK, with “OO” can be SANDRA OH. Conspiracy of TWO which has already been built and I have overwhelming Concrete Evidence of, DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON. Conspiracy of TWO means that the FIRST ‘WAS’ a Conspiracy, this is called DEDUCTIVE REASONING.
Let’s have a quick review again of what this about.
It’s about My Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, who was BENSON DUBOIS the “BUTLER” to the Governor on 1980 tv show, also known as My “John HANCOCK”, has “OO” created by the letter “S” of my name “SANDY” signed SIDEWAYS, and the letter “Y” has an Asterisk Key *. This has been TWISTED to be SANDRA OH, as if she DREW this drawing and is MY John HANCOCK, through Jesus CH “RIS” T OIL Painting by Constance Maria Pecoraro, CHARLIES FIND “OO” with big Horizontal Rings around his eyes, reason why she is CH “RIS” Tina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” tv show. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy “GRACE NAVAS”.
Specifically for “OO” to be the FORM of her ASS Going Backwards, through the CODED WORDS of “BLACK COLOR S KIN”, as if My John HANCOCK with “OO”, is the “NIK” of her name. EAR sound ASTERISK, “ASS”, connected to EAR sound of middle name of Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, Mi”KA”, begins and ends with A steris K, “Willie JU LIO”.
OIL Art of Jesus CH “RIS” T. LIO sound of LEO. T “HO” MAS CH “RIS” T O “FUR” BRIDGES who is a LEO Gay Male who has the same birthdate as me of 8/13, is very important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANRA OH in a “GROUP CONSPIRA C”, through the vehicle of OIL Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, CATHOLIC Theme Oil Art, as if Sandra Oh was My Identity attending My Catholic High School in the 1980’s. But they also built it as if she DREW my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume in 1981, through her High School name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. How can Sandra Oh who is only 2 years younger than me, attended two different high schools in 2 different countries, around the same time.
As if SANDRA OH “DREW” this drawing because the Magnifying Glass in this drawing with an Eyeball inside the “O”, SOUNDS like her name “OH”. This is why in 2007 when I registered my TradeMARK in circle of “O” at the USPTO which is a “Gov’t Agency”, they Examing Attorney was name Midge BUTLER. Circle of “O”, the sound of “OH”, as if Sandra “OH” is the Artist and owner of my Registered Trademark by linking and connecting the name Midge “BUTLER”, to Robert Guilluame who was the “BUTLER” to the Governor, because they’ve already been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA “O” Drew my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1981, through her SCHOOL name of “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN High School on “113 GREEN BANK” Road in Canada.
CATHOLIC “MATH”emathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ART, MY Name SIGNature, for TAO DAO DOW of “DAVID” JONES, connected to FRAUD Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA in “PAC”hyderm is a thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” like the GRAY Elephant. As if through this word S”KIN”, SANDRA OH is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawings, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
“GRAY” ELEphant, because the word “G RA Y”, is about meaning of my name SIGNature of sand Y wan G and the way how the letters YG turn around on my “AR” t. ELE phant, to confuse MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, as if Sandra OH is ME in 1985 in pictures with GLORIA “LEE”. LEE Is about “LEE” Montgomery that they’ve twisted to be about Gloria “LEE”.
“G” in Korean means RATS, which is “STAR” spelled backwards. “G” is about 1972 movie “BEN” with RATS in Pipes, starring LEE MONTGOMERY, reason why in 1981 I drew the drawing of Robert Guillaume who was BENSON Dubois on tv show BENSON and he was the BUTLER to the Governor. “G” is RATS, and SANDRA OH, Psychotic sick actress who thinks she is a “STAR” thinks and has been claiming she DREW My drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, through her SCHOOL name of SIR SER SUR ROBERT BORDEN high school on “113 GREEN BANK Road” in Can”ADA”.
G “RA Y”, “G” Sand “RA is Y” as in MY Name SIGNature of “Sand Y” on my ART, through the COLOR WORD.
ROB “BOR n I DEN tity”
ROB “DEN”tal HYgiene License through DH Committee “BOARD” Petition.
EAR sound of “O”, as if MY Federally Registered Trade “MARQ” in circle of “O” was done by SANDRA “OH”, like she’s My “JOHN HANCOCK”.
“OO”, John HANCOCK, EAR sound of FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T, for Sandra “OH” who thinks she is the OWNER of MY “John HANCOCK” and MY Federally Registered TradeMARK in circle of “O”.
CUT the “O” in HALF and Fill in the Spaces of incomplete “OO” of my John Hancock, through Constance Psycho Pecoraro’s “FINISH LINE”, OO, FORM of HANDCUFF go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T.
SANDRA OH isn’t MY IDENTITY, she isn’t the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, and she isn’t ANYTHING about ME, it’s the REASON for YEARS of TERROR and HORROR in my life, and she MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, especially if her middle name is PATRICIA PA”TREEE”SHA. SPO.