Katie Noelle Holmes
from Toledo OHIO

This is a new “Photoshopped” image I found on the internet in 2011, Freaking News.com
“You Complete Me”

HALF FACE, sound of HAFIZ connected to Daniel Ladinsky SOUL RAPIST

it’s about meaning of “TO TO” as in “O O” Half is “O” sound of Sandra OH
Sandy Wang’s Legal Pad sketch in 1997
Sandy Wang’s abstract page created in 2006

Left Eye + Right Eye = You COMPLETE ME of Artwork Sculpture in Century City

IDES of March 2011
Knight and Day was originally titled “WICHITA” as in Kansas and the DOG “TO TO”
Sandra “OH” who thinks she is my Name of WANG through “OT TO WA” Canada

“The GIFT” published in 1999, is about Tom CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST OIL Artwork, through HAFIZ Poems
Monster "SKY" connections

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s OIL and GLASS Artwork
connected to SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and she DREW MY FAC from 1982

meaning of FOUR TEN and Exact Dates
my Dog JACKS Identity is very important connected to “113 72” ZIP “CODE” of JACKSON Heights NY

HOLMES CRUISE Divorce July 2012 See Katie's LAWyers names
Chel “SEA” GULL connections
which is about JOSH WOLF sociopath connected to SANDRA OH
all ultimately supporting Delusional SANDRA OH is My Identity

because it' about EAR sound of ASSTERISK * on my Name SIGNature of "SANDY" with OO to be about Form of ASS
in CathoLICK MAThemathics theme, it's Licking ASS HOLES
reason for Constance Pecoraro's new "SUNNY" in 2010, 3AR sound of "ANUS" BACKwards is nicer than ASS"HO"le

Sandy Wang’s Childhood picture, MAT HE Mat Hics of “PI” connections of making Money
Sandy Wang’s GOLD CLOCK "OO" in 1990's

Sandy Wang's LOCK Broken, is TODD CUMMINGS of TOPANGA related to Tom CRUISE as in Family?

Jumping on the Couch for “JC” Jesus Christ
Stand Up CumDIANE J J J Josh Wolf aka Jesus Christ
and his Mother Virgo MAIDEN Connie Pecoraro on Brid GE way Sausalito CAT HOLic Theme
Scientology Sound of SIGNtolo GY “rhimes” with Astrolo GY
Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges
“Charlies Find” + UK = Diana
for Psycho Pecoraro who lived on Princess street
ARCHitecture like the MONARCH butterfly
through KEY HOLE connections
SIGNtology is a PYramID Scheme
ROB CORN MARK GORDON, all names on “Grey’s Anatomy” connected to meaning of MY ARTWORK to have been done by SANDRA OH
PSYCHO Constance Maria Pecoraro's MARICON "SUNNY"
LAF Dammit !
Tom and Katie December 2010

Katie Holmes Movies in 2005 and 2008

HOLMESANDYANG.com what's missing? W

TOPA building in Century City, connected to TOPA"NGA" what's missing? W
“W” hotel


Tom Cruise Katie Holmes in FLORIDA in June 2011
Rock of Ages and WOLFramite Scheelite TONGUE connections
LICK connections

Katie NOELLE Holmes, from “OHIO”, and has a “Fashion Business” with a Chink Pussy name YANG. Connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA “OH” is My Identity, My Name SIGNature on MY ART, all my baby and childhood pictures, MY REAL LIFE IDENTITY and NAME, through her Acting Roles, like DOCTOR “CHRIST”ina “YANG” on “Grey’s Anatomy”. EVERYTHING about SANDRA OH to be My Identity as if she is the Artist of MY ARTWORK, EVERYTHING about ME, through “Names, words, colors, numbers, codes” has been built through T HO MAS CHRISTopher BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthdate as me, connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL Art, and her “No Name Girl” sketches, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY. “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, Jesus CHRIST oil painting by Pecoraro, DIRECTLY connected to Cedars Sinai Hospital logo of “OO” over LAPping creates (), connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and the Spanish word CHO”CHA” which means PUSSY. Sandra OH in 1999 PEPSI PUSSY g “RAY” GUN pictures.

EAR sound of “SIGN” TOLOGY, connected to Cedars “SIGN” Eye HOSPITAL, reason why Sandra Oh is on HOSPITAL TV Show “Greys Anatomy”. THE “ODOR” CUMMINGS name on the building at CSH, connected to is TODD CUMMINGS the owner of property of 20360 Callon Drive “TOP”ANGA “related” to TOM CRUISE MA “POT” HER through his cousin William Mapother?

TOP GUN is a US Military movie, and Cruise feels the need for “S” peed. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TREEE” SHA? All Four Questions MUST be Answered.

These connections are the “ENGINES” that DRIVE the MATHemathics of making MONEY of “RAPING OF MY LIFE GAME” going.

Katie Holmes asn’t Felt MY “RAW BITCHINESS” towards her, when the time is right in the appropriate situation, I will FREELY EXPRESS MY FEELINGS FOR THIS SICK FUCKING PSYCHOBITCH who’s LIFE is BUILT connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CAT HOL ic Theme OIL Artwork, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY JOHN HAN”COCK”, MY GOLD CLOCK, through very PI ous JeSUS “CHA”rlie, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. It’s why her first “love” boyfriend was JOSHOE”WA” JACKSON. It’s why she hired divorce lawyer name Jonathan WOLF, and moved to “CHELSEA” neighborhood in downtown NYC. JOSH WOLF on “CHELSEA” HANDLer Show, Tom BRIDges, Bird Pea”COCK” with meaning of My John HANCOCK through Pecoraro’s jesus CHRIST Horizontal Rings around his Eyes “OO”.

It’s a “GROUP CONSPIRACY” to ROB the meaning of My First name SIGNature of “SANDY” on My Art from 1981, that has continued through 3 decades, to my Second Artwork Collection and Portrait Drawing in 2006.

Understand meaning of “O HI O” H is the 8th letter of alphabet, I sounds like Eye, what’s left “OO”, Horizontal Rings around “CHA”rile Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST OIL Art, reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina “YANG” on “Greys Anatomy”,

KAT ie HOL mes, biggest supporter of Constance Maria Pecoraro's CAT HOL ic theme of OIL and Glass ARTWORK, created to ROB the meaning of MY First Artwork Collection from 1981, specifically the meaning of My First Name SIGNature of "SANDY" on the drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME, to have meaning for SANDRA OH, through the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro's OIL Artwork and her "No Name Girl" Sketches.

KATie HOL mes from O HI O, "OO" Jesus CHRIST Eyes, must be Form of TITS in MAThemathics of making MONEY through PI symbol in Math "TT", Eye sounds like I and I is for ITALIAN Constance Maria Pecoraro and her TITS, same for SANDRA OH who is a CANCER SIGN that rules the TITS.

O HI O, it's about HIGH SCH"OO"L names, in MAThemathics of making MONEY, AE"SCUL" PIUS.

The reason for SICK RAPING TOXIC NOISE of LOW FLYING AIRPLANE, constant sick raping noise that follows me everywhere I go. LOW F lying "AIR"plane, for SICK RAPING JEW JOSH WOLF "AIR" LIBRA horny for his Mother MA"RIA" Pecoraro BACKWARDS, when in reality it's PECORARO and OH in "HER SHE" PUSSEA Licking Game. SICK RAPING NOISE of LOW LOW LOW LOW Flying AIRPLANE.

LFA, is connected to meaning of over "LAP"ping meaning of OO creating form of (l). LAF, for Stand Up Comedian Josh Wolf, who loves fucking Over LAP ping Pussy, through Constance Pecoraro's "PF" Fish Pole, Fish is Pussy, Fuck Pussy PYous JeSUS.

So many PUSSY connections, because TOM BRIDGES is a MARICON, a Fag Dentist, Bridging meaning of My IDENTITY MY ARTWORK and My Parents Names, to have meaning for WOLF PECORARO and OH.

Let me get this out of the way on this page, and you can read more about it on “Holmes YANG” FASHION page. YANG in Korean means SHEEP YANG “TAL” in Korean means SHEEP FUR, connected to SANDRA “OH” on “Grey’s Anatomy” as CHRISTina YANG, set in Seattle Washington on “TAL”man ave. What is this about? It’s about “SILENCE of the LAMb” is SHEEP, as in let’s not talk about how these sociopaths are RAPING and ROBBING MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY SACRED ART, as if it was all done by SANDRA OH, through the vehicle of Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART, connected to Robbing MY Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO and My Identity for SANDRA OH.

TAO DAO “DOW JONES” of making MONEY, through KAT ie HOL mes, connected to Constance Psycho Pecoraro’s CAT HOL ic theme OIL ART. TAO is a “CP” Chinese Philosophy.

The reason why Tom Cruise can't go "backwards" with Katie HOLMES is because of MAP of UCLA and Street names in and surrounding the UCLA Campus. West HOLME intersects with Hillg"ARD" and this would mean Sandra Oh and Katie Holmes would be Licking Pussies.

EVERYTHING about KATie HOlmes connected to Connie Pecoraro's CAT HOLic Crutch theme, is about supporting SANDRA OH as MY IDENTITY, AS IF she is all my baby and childhood pictures, AS IF she drew my drawings from 1981 and 1982. AS IF she is MY Self Portrait drawing.

SE in Korean means BIRD and T"HO"MAS CHRISTopher BRIDGES, HUBBARD BIRD LARD ASS, as in OIL, he bridges OIL Artwork of Connie Pecoraro CAT HOL ICK Theme of Jesus Christ, with his sign of LEO, BACKwards, because LEO rules the Heart and the BACK/Spine.

UCLA is kind of a "MICRO" of the "MACRO" of the United States MAP. Lower Right corner of "CHARLIES FIND" and CHARLES E. YOUNG Drive. Sandra Oh's Mother "MOM" name is YOUNG NAM. Charles Nam and Jesus Christ the SON = CHARLES MANSON, who was a SIGNtologist.

Westwood UCLA Campus WestHOLME and HillgARD Ave

I didn’t create this Photoshopped altered image, like all of Tom Cruise’s pictures. I only know Basic Photoshop. There are many people who know about MY FIRST Artwork collection and WRITINGS from 1982. TOM CRUISE has been attached to my life for 3 decades and HE has created a MONSTER, to ROB MY IDENTITY and the meaning of MY ARTWORK and EVERYTHING about me including MY Parents Names, THROUGH TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me of “8/13” and in the same profession of “DEN”tistry.

Katie Noelle Holmes dob: 12/18/78 born and raised in Toledo OHIO.

NOEL is another word for CHRIST MAS and has the word "LEO" in it BACKwards.

KAT ie HOLmes is very connected to Tom Bridges MY IDENTITY with Sandra Oh through the vehicle of Connie Pecoraro's CAT HOL ic church MAThemathics theme of are you "PI"ous and horney to make Money. It's why her "Fashion Line" is called HOLMES YANG, which is connected to the Fashion Model drawings I did in 1982.

Katie is a SagittariUS sign, and it's about recreating the meaning of MY FAC and WRITINGS from 1982 to have meaning for them through Jesus CHRIST Horney for P"USS"Y. Je SUS PI ous for PY. It's why her first date with Tom Cruise was having SUShi. Tom Cruise Mapot"HER" and Jo "SH" Wolf are both deeply connected through the meaning of MOTHER in their OEDIPUS COMPLEX Gaym of CHEL "SEA" is the OCEAN of Mother MARY, in HER SHE pussy licking gaym.

Katie is VERY CLOSELY connected to JOSH WOLF, I think his mother's name is KAThryn. It’s why Katie’s divorce lawyer to Tom CRUISE was name JONATHAN “WOLF”.

There is a street name WEST HOLME in Westwood on the East side of UCLA Campus, and this street intersects with HIG"ARD". This is one of the main reasons why Katie Holmes doesn't and cant' go BACKwards with Tom Cruise, because it's got San"DRA OH" name in it BACKWARDS. It would be Cat"HO"LICKing SanDRA OH's ASS "HO"le in 3AR sound of words. This area of UCLA campus is full of SORORITIES, in CATHOLICK HER SHE Pussy Licking Game. F”RA”ternity and “SO”rority, built in Left to Right for Sand”RA” OH” SO.

There is the neighborhood of HOLMby Hills just above UCLA Campus, where Michael Jackson lived in 2009, where he died. There is also a street called HOLMBY Ave, which runs parallel to PANDORA Ave in Westwood. KATie HOLMes, for ConnIE Pecoraro’s CAT HOL ic church theme, the reason why Tom Cruise was “Jumping on the Couch” for Jesus Christ.

UCLA has long history and connections to TOM CRUISE, who was married to NICOLE KIDMAN, who’s Father was a Doctor and I think a Professor at UCLA. It’s been built through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ARTWORK in “MATH”emathics of making MONEY through creating meaning, as if she is the ARTIST and My Name SIGnature on My Pencil drawing of Black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.

UCLA and street names of West HOLME x HILG ARD, San “DRA OH”, is connected to WH White House, with TWO NEEGRO’S in Office “OH” Obama and Holder. Who are who they are connected to MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, as if SANDRA OH DREW this drawing, and is MY Name SIGNature, through her school name of SIR “ROBERT” BORDEN High School in Canada.

HIL GARD, “HILL” is connected to “CAP”ital GRILL restaurants throughout United States, connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s imaginary sketches of her No Name “GRIL”. This meaning of HILL is originally from MY childhood picture in 1980 with a black girl and an image of WINSTON CHURCH “HILL” in this picture. GRILL “RIMES” with HILL is connected to SHONDA RHIMES who created “Grey’s Anatomy” with Sandra OH to ROB MY IDENTITY for this psycho actress. ALL “GRILL” restaurants, which have profusely proliferated everywhere, is all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, AS IF MY IDENTITY is SANDRA OH, ‘Through’ Constance Pecoraros’ IMAGINARY Sketches, created to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK.

HILL is connected to “CAP”itol HILL as in Pennsylvania Avenue in White House. PAC hyderm means thick S”KIN” mam”MAL”, like the GRAY ELEPant, connected to creating meaning through WORDS, as if SANDRA OH is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name Going BACKwards. PA chyderm, what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA TRI CIA? = Life in Prison and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.

HIL GARD, connected to street name of “HILL DALE in West Hollywood, which intersects with KEITH Avenue. “HK”.

3AR sound of words, it’s about my first name SIGNature of “Sandy*” with an “ASS”terisk symBOWEL, on the drawing of BENSON DUBOIS, of black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME. ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges Connie Pecoraro’s CAT HOLic Church theme with KATie HOLmes, for Jesus CHRIST and Sandra OH as “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” through HOLmes and Yang, and through 3AR sound of orange B “ASS”ke T, Bow Tie, BreakfasT, Bloo Tech, Etc. He bridges 3AR sound of “ASS” “HOLES” Going Backwards.

KatiE HOLmes is who she is today because of my WRITINGS which I wrote about Lee H. Montgomery in 1982 “KEY to my Soul”. If Key is Penis, then LOCK must be Vagina. Many stars today, born AFTER 1982, is about having my Artwork to have been Done by Sand “RA” Oh, AS IF she was my identity, it’s why there are so many stars with syllable of “RA” and “KAT”y.

Katie HOLmes’ first love was JOSHUA JACKSON. This is connected to JOSH WOLF who I met in 2007 but didn’t start talking to him until late 2008, at a dog park next of Mul”HOL”land Drive in Laurel Hills and I think his Mother’s name is KAThryn. Katie Holmes wants the Writings I wrote and my Artwork from 1982 done while I was growing up in JACKSON Heights to have meaning for her. The Address where I lived was 34-39 88th St, Jackson Heights NY 11372.

DAWSON’S CREEK, created by KEVIN “WILLIAM”SON, connected to meaning of My Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, WILLIAM is the American version of French name Guillaume. KAT ie HOL mes, CAT HOL ic theme OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST and Mother MARY Art of Constance Maria Pecoraro, reason why she married TOM CRUISE MAPOTHER. “Jumping on Couch” for JC, JESUS CHRIST on Oprah Winfrey show.

Through the Word “KH” Knitted Hat, they want Connie MARIA Pecoraro in her CATholic Church Theme with KATie Holmes, for MY BABY Picture to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and her middle name of MA”RIA” because I am sitting in a “CH”AIR”. AIR Ass Man backwards, as in AIR LIBRA Big OIL Blubber Ass Man JOSH WOLF aka sick Sociopath Hor dick Jesus CH RIST. The reason why Connie Pecoraro and Sandra Oh both love “FUR”niture words. Tom Cruise must be everyone’s CT, Coffee Table.

Go to any department or SPOrting goods store and look at the Name Brand of KNITTED HATS, like “SWANY”, What’s Missing? “G”, Korean word for RATS and MICE, and they all want My IDENTITY and NAME and Father’s Music band “Morning Stars” to have meaning for them because they are all “STARS”. They are sick SOCIOPATHS, SOUL RAPISTS. The reason why Rebecca Demornay made the movie “The Hand That ROCKS the Cradle”.

KATie Holmes, a PERFECT FIT in Name with what TOM CRUISE has been building with his life, for Connie Pecoraro’s “CAT”holic Church Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, to have meaning in MY FAC from 1982. The reason why he was JUMPING on the COUCH “JC” on Oprah Winfrey in 2006. So excited to continue building on MAThemathics of are you "PI"ous and horney to make MONEY. The reason why Katie Holmes made "MAD MONEY" which was a disaster.

O HI O, originally meant to be about Tom Cruise Ma"POT"HER smoke MARIA MARIJUANA and get HIGH for Horney Jesus Christ Eyes "OO".

OHIO, “OO” Left to Right must be mother Connie Maria Pecoraro’s TITS, Low is the Balls. HOrizONtal is built in Left to Right, like the US Flag and “MAP” O T Her.

KE HOLes. My Broken Gold LOCK at 20360 Callon Drive Topanga. Todd Cummings “TC” the owner of this property is RELATED TO TOM CRUISE as in Family, through William Mapother. PU blic Storage July 2008 LOCK Rape.

She is STILL wanting MY Artwork to have meaning for her, in 2007 and 2008 she made TWO movies which are based on my Watercolor Artwork “Untitled” on the TOP of my Abstract page. “MAD MONEY” because of the One Dollar Bill in the “7”th building, and “Thank you for SMOKING” because of what looks like Smoke Stacks on top of the buildings, which is really connected to CAPRI Cigarette Brand and their BOX Design infringing on my Portrait Drawing “EYE”, to be Connie Ma”RIA” Pecoraro. It’s about when you SMOKE, you SUCK in AIR, like Air Libra JOSH WOLF. Katie Holmes first love was JOSHUA JACKSON from “DawSON Creek”, because I think JOSH WOLF’s mother’s name is KATHRYN.

Oedipus Complex, which got started because of Lee Harcourt Montgomery’s movie “The Savage is Loose”, the reason why Tom Bridges Connie Pecoraro and her CAT holic Theme with Josh Wolf. MOTHER Ma POT HER “Green Connections”.

She also did ART HER MILLER’S “All My SONS”, which is about Connie Pecoraro Helen Kell”ER” HER, ART, of Jesus Christ the “SON”, connected to Mercedes BENz, owners are MILLER One Group and they have an employee name Aileen HOLMES in their Showroom. There is also an employee name TOM SWIRE in the Service Dept. In her “All My SONS” on Broadway, she starred with JOHN LithgOW, which is about the name WOL f going backwards.

MIMI is the name of a manager at the Mercedes BENz Service Center, which is the name of TOM Cruise’s first wife Mimi Rogers who first introduced him to Scientology. I was SET UP on “4/20/09” when I was arrested by police officer DU “FOUR”.

Like the pictures of Tom Cruise someone created at “Worth a Thousand Words”, someone created these images of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes because they knew about my Writings “Key to my Soul”, the meaning of my Gold Clock, and the number “OO” Eight, as in “PAL” which also means ARM in Korean. It’s connected to the Sound of my Name SIGNature with an Asterisk on the drawing of Benson from 1982. The reason why I was set up with Mercedes BENz, so that with Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Church theme, and Katie Holmes “ART” “HER” MILLERS “All My SONS”, they can have meaning in my Name Signature on Pencil Drawing I did of BENSON DUBOIS. Connie Pecoraro doesn’t know how to draw with a pencil.

Tom Cruise was “Jumping on the Couch” on Oprah Winfrey show because of the meaning of KATIE HOLMES, as in KE Holes, in CATholic Church theme of Connie Pecoraro, to have meaning in MY Artwork from 1982, and for MY Writings to have been written by her. Because she FIT what they’ve been building through ARCHITECTURE for many years, based on the picture of me and my first boyfriend Stephen Garri”SON”.

“JC” for “Jesus Christ” for “Carl Jung” and SYNCHRONICITY. He couldn’t make it happen with “VANilla SKY” Artist/DENtal ASSistant Penelope CRUZ CRUISE. Authentic Synchronicity occurs naturally, without thinking about it. Not by FORCING it.

KatiE HOLmes is an actress and her name is about the Writings I wrote in 1982, "KEy to my Soul". If Key is Penis, then Lock must be Vagina. Except I don't like to think of my vagina as a HOLE, but maybe Katie does. There is a street called WestHOLME in Westwood and the upscale neighborhood of HOLMby Hills where Michael Jackson last lived.

Almost everything about her acting career is based on this "Name, Word, Movie Title, Movie Character Name, ETC", which is based on my FAC from 1982, and my drawing of BENSON, Robert Guillaume. This is the reason why Tom Cruise was so happy, because he found the PERFECT MATE to “continue” his FRAUD of having Connie Pecoraro as the ARTIST who did the FAC in 1982 and wrote the writings, because KATIE HOLMES NAME FIT perfectly.

I think Josh Wolf’s MOTHER’S name is KATHRYN or Kathrine. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes wants SANDY WANG and LEE MONTGOMERY’S LIFE STORY, ARTWORK, WRITINGS and IDENTITIES to be and have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and Josh Wolf and their “Days of THUNDERBIRD” Linda King VIBE Number of “212”, the reason for many years of my HOUSING TERROR.

Connie Pecoraro's CATHOLIQ Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus CHRIST is DIRECTLY Supported by and connected to KATIE HOLMES, its is based on my Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture. Connie Pecoraro Virgo the Mai"DEN" thinks she has meaning in MY IDENTITY through a Sociopath fag name TOM CHRISToPHER BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me, and because she is a Virgo Mai"DEN" thinks she has meaning in my Mother's Maiden name of "MIN". Connie Pecoraro thinks she has meaning in this picture because it's connected to the word CONIFER, and the different meaning of "FER".

Connie Pecoraro wants my "FIR"st boyfriend STEPhen Garrison to have meaning for her. STEP is another word for ST"AIR"s and she wants her middle name of MA"RIA" to have meaning in the Element of AIR, my first boyfriend Stephen was a Air Gemini, like my Mother.

Connie Pecoraro wants the picture of me and my boyfriend with my Mother wearing a "FUR" Coat to have meaning for her through Tom "CHRIST" O "PHER" Bridges the BROOKLYN BRIDGE.

Connie Pecoraro wants the Hawaiian Barrel picture of my Parents with my Mother wearing a PINK BELL DRESS to have meaning for her BIG BLUBBER OIL GL ASS.

Connie Pecoraro wants EVERYTHING about me, especially anything SEXUAL about me, to have meaning for and BE HER, the reason for the Repeated Raping of my life, so that this SICK PSYCHOBITCH can pretend she did the FAC from 1982, Wrote the Writings "Key to my Soul" and most recently this sick bitch wants MY PORTRAIT DRAWING TO BE HER.

IT'S ABOUT ARE YOU "PI"OUS AND RELIGIOUS? CATHOLIQ C HUR CHES and Businesses for Hern"DON" Virginia, Dead and AbanDONed Mark, Isn't that Life?

MAT HE MAT ical Symbol of "PI" is in MY KOREAN Name "WANG" with Two "OO". DEEP RAPING and THEFT OF IDENTITY that's been going on for many years.

O hi O has two O's, like the number 8, except it's horizontal. The horizontal "OO" is about my first name signature on Benson "Sandy*". The asterisk key is the number 8, month of my birth, size of my father's penis, and Korean character WANG has two O's. The same reason why Connie Pecoraro's oil painting of "Charlie's Find" has OO rings around his eyes.

The same reason why Sandra Oh who says she was born in "OTTAWA" Canada, thinks she has meaning in My name WANG written in Korean Characters, which looks like TO TO.

Her breakout role in "Dawson's Creek" is about "DA" as in the Korean Word for "ALL", and SON is about BENSON. "DA" is equivalent to numbers 41, which is about The Picture of me and the black girl, the White and Red shirt I am wearing has this number. I think she was with JOSHUA JACKSON during this time, her real "First Love". This is connected to MY FAC from 1982 which I did while growing up in JACKSON Heights NY. Connected to JOSH WOLF, who wants ThoMAS CHRISTOPHER Bridges to bridge the Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture of me with my Mother and my Dog FRENCHY, from the house where we lived, because DOG is a family of the WOLF. It's all about my Childhood pictures, and the picture of me and a black girl is a very important picture because it's the SOURCE of many things. Because it's a Powerful Synchronistic Picture, of Michael Jackson and Lee Montgomery. This picture was taken a few years before I saw the movie BEN, and then I wrote my writings and did my FAC in 1982.

Katie Holmes, like many Celebrities and Stars, wanted to go into Fashion Design. My FAC as a Collection in it's entirety not only tells a powerful story, but it's a Formula for Success in the Business of Entertainment. The same reason why J LO who is a dancer and singer, went into acting, fashion designing and Perfume lines.

When you take Tom Cruise's birthday numbers 7/3/62, their Birthday Numbers equal My birthday numbers of 8/13/69. And Tom Christopher Bridges Birthday numbers 8/13/72.

KATie also rhymes with Connie, IE. KATie sounds like CAT as in CATHOLIC Theme. Her name is a Perfect Fit for Connie Pecoraro's CAT HOL IC theme of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ the Son. The only problem is since it's O hi O, it's must be Tits and Charlie is starving for milk because Mother Mary Middle Name Maria not only has tiny sagging tits but also a Missing Nipple.

WestHOLME is a big street in Westwood where UCLA is, and HOLMBY Hills is the residential neighborhood next to UCLA. UCLA is the Core of "Charlie's Find", kind of the Training ground for Business MBA's, and Lawyers and Doctors, to go out after they graduate and BUILD. Build the World with Business Names on certain street names, so that my Identity and my FAC can seem like it was done by Connie Pecoraro.

West WOOD is connected to ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST with CRISTina YANG, Sandra Oh on “Grey’s Anatomy”, he bridges JOSH WOLF with the meaning of My Father’s Identity with the Hor Pussies he fucks. YANG is about Sandra OH who wants my last name of WANG to have meaning for her, who wants the Yin Yang Writings on my Website to have meaning for her because Tom Bridges the TAO is the “WAY” on BRIDGEWAY and BROADWAY with ART Her Miller’s “All My SONS”. It’s connected to RiTA “WU” “YANG”, YU “O” WANG. It’s why KATIE HOLMES has a Fashion line called HOLMES and YANG. It’s connected to me wanting to have been a Fashion Designer and my Fashion Model drawings from my FAC in 1982. They want MY FAC to have been DONE BY SANDRA OH, actress on “gre Y’S anatomy”.

It’s all connected to the “3AR” Sound of words, and DENial LadinSKY’s poem titled “The EAR That Was Sold to a Fish” from his book “The GIFt”. SCIENtology “SOUNDS” like SIGNtology, “Study of” SIGNature and SIGN of LEO. Cedars SINAI HOSpital is DIRECTLY connected to Sandra Oh on “Grey’s Anatomy” Hospital, and for my Artwork to have been Done by her, and for my name SIGNature to BE SANDRA OH. See D”AR”s SIGN “Eye” HO spital. The reason why Jerr Y’S and Mac Y’S is directly across the street from this Hospital, because it’s also connected to Comedian Jerry SIGNFeld, and Comedian JOSH WOLF. TOM Bridges all the “STARS and Celebrities” on Bridgeway with Jesus CHRIST the “JEW”ish Star and Mother MARY Connie Maria Pecoraro, and SOUND of LEO with “OIL” backwards.

Everything in UCLA like US as in United States of America is built going Left to Right. They've been building for almost 3 decades based on my FAC from 1982. I don't think they expected for me to do my Current Artwork which I started in 2003 and create and design a Website as an “ARTIST”. I’ve been a DENtal Hygienist for 20 years, they found a TOM BRIDGES a fag DENtist with the same birthday as me “8/13/72” to “bridge” and “Om” Connie Pecoraro Virgo the Mai”DEN” so that My Mother’s Name can have meaning for her and Josh Wolf can have meaning in my Father’s name and Identity.

This was why Tom Cruise was so ecstatic and Jumping on the Couch on Oprah Winfrey. Because Katie Holmes and everything about her including her name FIT so perfectly, and they were on their way to robbing Everything about my identity, through Connie Pecoraro, Tom's Puppet to the World as the artist who did the FAC in 1982.

I met Connie Pecoraro as a patient at Patrick Lee's dental office in 2005. A few months after the Tv show "Grey's Anatomy" aired. I visited her Art Studio on Bridgeway and she asked me to go to Union Street Art Festival with her and her friend Tara. Connie Pecoraro was the THIRD PARTY CONTACT to me, of Tom Cruise and Sandra Oh.

We went to the Union Street Art Festival and then to the COMET Club on Fillmore Street in San Francisco. C"OM" ET. Eiffel Tower "ET". EighT "ET". C "OM" 8, my first name signature of SANDY *, Asterisk.

We met a few people at this club, and after we had a few drinks, we went to eat SUSHI at NORTHbeach, on Columbus Avenue. NORTH is about Sandra Oh's tv show "Grey's Anatomy", which is filmed in NORTHridge Hospital in San Fernando Valley.

Tom and Katie's first date was eating SUSHI, and he proposed to her on the Eiffel Tower.

Sushi is about FISH, and Fish is about Daniel Ladinsky's book "The Gift" and specifically about his poem titled "The Ear That Was Sold to a FISH". DanielladinskY is about “DY”, my first name SIGNature on BENSON “SANDY*”, what’s missing? “SAN”. The reason why Connie Pecoraro says she got her Art Degree which is a FRAUD, from “SAN” Jose University “JU”. So that with JEW Josh Wolf and his WIFEY, a book titled by JU”DY” Blume, they can pretend they own my Name SIGNature. JU is about the word MARI “JU” ANA tomy. Josh Wolf likes to smoke POT get HIGH and have Sex with Mother MARY’s BIG BLUBBER ASSES. This book and this poem is about my FAC, and the VEHICLE to rob my Identity and Everything about me. It’s why the book begins with “JESUS CHRIST” blowing AIR through FLUTE HOLES, so that the picture of my father and his music band “MORNING STARS” can have meaning for JO”SH” Wolf and all the HOR HOLES he fucks, THROUGH the REPEATED RAPING of my life. THEY ARE USING MY LIFE and MY PARENTS NAMES to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and Josh Wolf. THIS IS THE MEANING “THEY” CREATED, I AM “DECODING IT”, it has taken almost 3 decades to build what they built.

The name MARIA is connected to MARA ESCROW on Ventura Blvd in San Fernando Valley. The reason why Connie Maria Pecoraro did her “MAS”querade and BENefit with “CROW and WOLF”. So that CHRIST “MAS” childhood picture of me with my Mom and my Dog Frenchy and my Name SIGNature on BENSON drawing can have meaning for her and WOLF.

Katie Holmes father is a Divorce Lawyer in OHIO.

Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC CHURCH Theme with Jesus CHRIST the SON was born out of OIL and GLASS ARTWORK. I personally don’t like to think of Jesus Christ or any Religious Figure as a HORNEY Male. They have NO MEANING in MY FAC, my WRITINGS, WATERCOLOR Artwork or my Powerful Multifunctioning Registered MARK.

Katie Holmes, when she was on “Dawson’s Creek”, dated JOSHUA JACKSON. Katie “HO”lmes is about Sandra “OH” who wants to have meaning in KEY “HOLES”, because of the Writings I wrote in 1982 about Lee H. Montgomery. Joshua Jackson was or was going to be on “Grey’s Anatomy” with Sandra Oh, which is connected to the name JOSH Wolf.

Tom Bridges L Ron Hubbard LARD of “CAT”Holic C “HUR”ch theme of OIL paintings. ART Hir MILLER “All My SONS” + Mercedes BENz owner MILLER = BENSON. Premeditated and Set Up on “4/20/09”.

Who the Fuck does KATIE HOLMES thinks she is, thinking she has meaning in MY ARTWORK and WRITINGS. Its why she hasn’t had One successful movie since marrying Cruiser Loser. “MAD MONEY”, is an infringement of the TOP painting on my Abstract page with the “Dollar Bill”. “Thank you for Smoking”. CAPRI’s for Connie Pecoraro.



As of January 2011, KATie HOLmes is the New Face of ANN TAYLOR. AT. AbstracT, creating for Left to Right because Tom Bridges Rectum Fucking of 360 9420 NumBER going backwards in Connie Pecoraro’s CAT HOL ic Theme. AT is about an email that JOSH WOLF wrote me, saying “I hope things Turn Around for you”. TERN is a BERD.

KATie HOLmes is continuing the PATTERN of what TOM CRUISE has been creating through his movie career and through SIGNtology. He married NICLEO DIKMAN because it’s about MY “NIK” name of SANDY SIGNature on the drawing of BENSON DUBOIS in 1982 and I am a “LEO”. KAT ie HOLmes is about KEY HOLES in Architecture and about CAT HOL ic theme of Connie Pecoraro’s OIL paintings.

What happened to HOLMES and YANG, her “Fashion line”. Every MOVIE Katie Holmes has made since marrying TOM CRUISE has been a flop. Every Acting job she had previous to her marriage to Tom Cruise is ABOUT MY IDENTITY, MY ARTWORK and Writings of “KEY to my Soul”, about Lee Harcourt Montgomery.

Ann Taylor, SO at the Tailors, sound of “SOW” as in R3AP and Sow, sound of SEW, like SKIN in “Silence of the Lambs”.

SANDRA OH who thinks my Father’s Name of BAE which means PEAR and B”OAT” has meaning for “TAO” is the WAY Backwards of her P3AR shaped Low Hanging Ass Implant Bags. Get the Magnifying Glass Eye in “O”, and See the SCAR TISSUE. Everything about KATIE HOLMES is connected to supporting Tom Bridges Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme Oil Artwork in MAThemathics of making MONEY. For my Parents names to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO and for MY IDENTITY to be SANDRA OH.

Katie Holmes claim to fame through “DC” Dawson’s Creek
I’ve never watched this tv show

Dawsons’ Creek was created by KEVIN WILLIAMSON
William is the American version of the name GUILLAUME
it’s about Robbing of my John HANCOCK as in name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 with “OO”
through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’ Eyes “OO”

Sandy Wang’s drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from1981
meaning of Sandy Wang’s Name SIGNature on this drawing

Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF Jesus CHRIST with CROWN of Thorns, and his agency “Parallel Entertainment” owned by JP “WILLIAM”

Virgo Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro
SON Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the “SON” OIL ART

Sandy Wang’s Dental Hygiene HEARing June 4 2013, scroll down to “KATIE DAWSON” on Dental BOARD and “NG” Nancy Gaytan


JOSHUA WOLF who I met at a Dog Park in 2008
REASON why MY DOG “JACK” was Stolen in 2009

Michelle WILLIAMS with JONATHAN SAFRAN in 2015


Pieces of “APE” RIL 2003
hard to believe this was only a few years before marrying Tom Cruise

Pieces of April 2003
meaning of RADIO is a “DOT” a period
meaning of “PA”


Sandy Wang’s childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979, and meanig of “PI” symbol in MATHemathics, PIECE of MY PIE of “O”

“PA” chyderm means thick S”KIN” Mam”MAL”
What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATRICIA?

Article titled Katie “HO” lmes “GN” GOING NUTS behind “TREE”
= Sandy Wang’s Dental Hygiene H”EAR”ing and “NG” Nancy Gaytan at the Dental Committee “BOARD”
what is Sandra “OH” middle name? PA “TREE” SHA? SPO?

KH Katie HO.lmes, like “KH” Kamala Harris
are built in to ROB My Baby Pictures in “KH” Knitted Hat, as if it’s Sandra OH

Sandy Wang’s Baby Pictures in “KH” Knitted Hat

Sandy Wang’s Pictures on “TREEE” in TOPanga in 2007

If “H.A.L”ter TOP Butterfly Shirt has meaning, then so does “KH” Knitted Hats

H.A.L in 2003 movie “THE ORDER”

Going Nuts, this was published right AFTER My Dental Hygiene HEARING on “6/4” 2013
this “Going Nuts” is connected to A QUESTION ASKED TO ME BY GREGORY SALUTE Attorney General on 6/4,
he asked me, “Did you say YOUR DOG TOLD you to TAKE THE CAR”?
Katie Holmes who was in “ART HUR” MILLERS “All My Sons” on Broadway in 2010, connected to Celebrating of “MILLER ONE GROUP” owner of Beverly Hills MERCEDES BENZ who FRAMED ME IN APRIL 2009
SAME reason why TOM CRUISE was “ROY MILLER” in Knight and Day in 2010
TOM CRUISE and KATIE HOLMES DIVORCE is DIRECTLY connected to everything I’ve been writing about

SEPT 2012 GREEN and White SANDRA OH on “GT” in Sept 2012 wearing Green and White

APRIL 2009 Sandy Wang FRAMED by MERCEDES BENz owned by MILLER One Group in Beverly Hills


Alpha Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are both big supporter of PSYCHO CONSTANCE PECORARO
Omega Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes DIVORCE, “CHEL SEA” connections and Jonathan “WOLF”

Going Nuts “GN” meaning

LIO n KIN g “NG”

GRACE NAVAS and “FASHION” in SOHO Sandy Wang and “GN” Grace Navas in 1980’s

Constance Maria Pecoraro’s “No NG” created to ROB MY Identity
for SANDRA OH, who thinks she is all my childhood pictures and MY IDENTITY

OIL on CANVAS “R.I.M.E.S” GRACE NAVAS Sandra Oh as “CHRIST’ina YANG on “Grey’s Anatomy”, OIL goes on CANVAS and “RHYMES” with GRACE NAVAS at Seattle “GRACE” Mercy West Hospital
GRACIE Allen Way Cedars Sinai Hospital “GRACIE” Allen and “FASHION Guild”

BELOIT street name GREYS Anatomy filmed at SEPulveda VA Hospital next to Westwood Gateway
BELT Snake S”KIN” Sandra OH’s Yellow Shoes, GOLD BALLS and Snake S”KIN” BELT meaning

KB HOME, FBI building, next to SEPulveda Blvd in WESTWOOD

MATHemathics of making $$ for a “PIECE” of Wang’s PIE “WA” music next to “NG” on “KG” KINross x Glendon
Napa Valley “GRILL” on LYNNBROOK
SQU irrel, SQU are of SANDRA OH

What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATRICIA? SPO? Life in Prison

Fashion and “SOHO” = naked and limp dead body


May 21 = “215”
215 ELM Drive Beverly Hills was My address in 2010 and it’s a NIGHTMAIR on ELM Street

SANDY Name Erased Digitally Sandy Wang’s address in 2010 “215” ELM Drive Beverly Hills

1. Sandy Wang’s X rated pictures in 2010, “215” ELM Drive Beverly Hills Apt
3. Katie Holmes COPY of MY Pictures from April May 2010 through ELLE spread in Feb 2011

THIS IS WHY KATIE IS FREAKING, because she can actually GO TO PRISON when I present the Evidence
connected to “ELM” HURST where ERIC HOLDER is from
connected to JOSH WOLF who was born in “AM” HURST Massachusetts

Katie HOLMESANDYANG, what’s missing? “W”


KAT ie HOL mes, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK, has been building her acting career, based on meaning of MY ART and MY Name SIGNature, My Writings, to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, twisted and recreated “THROUGH” the vehicle of Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork and her “No Name Girl” sketches, created to ROB MY BABY and CHILDHOOD Pictures for SANDRA OH.

KH, is about MY Baby Pictures, of me wearing a “KH” Knitted Hat sitting on a Papasan WICKer CHAIR, it’s about my “FB” First Birthday Baby Picture with FOOD and MONEY on the Table.

See “KB” Home next to FBI building in WESTWOOD page.

This article is titled at GOING NUTS, “NG”, connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. Why is KATIE HOLMES an ‘Actress’ doing Fashion Designs? It’s about the WRITINGS My Catholic School classmate GRACE NAVAS wrote to me in 1987, because I wanted to be a Fashion Designer. Grace NAVAS name is connected to “OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy “GRACE” NAVAS. Reason why SHOnda Lynn Rhimes created the tv show “Greys Anatomy” with SANDRA OH as “CHRIST”ina YANG, and the HOSpital is called Seattle Mercy West “GRACE”. It’s directly connected to “OIL” ART by Constance Pecoraro of Jesus CH “RIS” T.

Grace Navas, “GN” important in ROBBING of MY Father’s Korean ROYAL NAME, for SANDRA OH who was born in “OTTA WA” Canada, reason why the “NG” is important. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT, in a Massive GROUP CONSPIRACY. This is why meaning of LIO n KIN g is important, all created in GOING BACKwards for “OO” Jesus Christ “CHA”rile, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF is horny for FORM of SANDRA OH’s ASS Going BACKwards and meaning of “FORE CEE Day BEFORE” in 2007. It’s 2014, why isn’t it fucking happening, why isn’t JOSH WOLF licking fucking his CALF and COW PECORARO and OH? The REASON for ROBBERY OF MY DOG JACK, MY RAV4L and all my Priceless ART in 2009. REASON why these sick sociopathic FUCKING CRIMINALS all MUST BE LOCKED IN CF CORRECTIONAL FAC FACE FACILITY.

January 2014, rumors of KATIE HOLMES dating BLACK COLOR SKIN NIGGER JAMIE FOXX. Jamie Foxx, who was “RAY CHARLES”, connected to RAY CHARLES Cafeteria at CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, all connected to SANDRA OH and HOSPITAL show “Grey’s Anatomy”, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK, as if this sick actress is the ARTIST of MY ART and my name SIGNature.

KATIE HOLMES wants a piece of the action too, like Tom Cruise was married to NIC OLE Kidman, in meaning of COLOR S”KIN”. BLACK and WHITE S”KIN” makes “GRAY”s Anatomy”. KATIE HOLMES is still at it. This sick fucking bitch thinks she is “FREE”, because there are writings of “OG” Overthrowing the Government on my website. KAT ie HOL mes, CAT HOL Ic theme OIL ART of Constance Maria Pecoraro for SANDRA OH, have you read and understood why KATIE HOLMES has a Fashion line with a chink name YANG? HOLMES and YANG, for SANDRA OH who is CHRISTina YANG on “Grey’s Anatomy”.

TAO is a Chinese Philosophy “CP” connected to TOM BRIDGES Constance Pecoraro on BRIDGEWAY.

SURI is a PERSIAN Name, connected to “BORDEN” word in PERSIAN which means “TO WIN”, connected to “WIN NICK” building at CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if SANDRA OH was my Korean Name of “SIN” WON.

To “WIN” through Bullying Terrorizing, through WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES” isn’t really “Winning”.

Why a PERSIAN Name? for DANIEL LADINSKY and his book “THE GIFT” published in 1999, because this book is a collection of translated POEMS by PERSIAN POET name HAFIZ, written FOR and connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of MARY and JESUS, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” for SANDRA OH in the name of “HO”lmes GOING BACKWARDS. BLACK COLOR S”KIN”, for 410 WOLF OH Astrology VIBE.

Why is KATIE HOLMES dating and fucking JAMIE FOXX? BLACK COLOR S”KIN”, for SANDRA “OH” is “NIK” name SIGNature of MY Name of “SANDY” on MY ART. JAMIE “GUMM” from “SILENCE OF THE LAMB”, SO S”KIN” like FASHION “PAT”TERNS, Sandra OH as CHRISTINA “YANG” on “Grey’s Anatomy” on “TAL”man avenue, YANG TAL in Korean means SHEEP FUR.


Do you know why it’s a SHEEP NIGHTM”AIR”? PECORINA, Constance PECORARO, who’s ancestors changed the name at ELLIS ISLAND, because they are from LONG LINE of SHEEP FUCKERS, Psycho Constance Pecoraro and JOSH WOLF, who are both IDENTITY THIEVES in ROBBING of MY PARENTS NAMES, MY Father’s KOREAN ROYAL NAME of “WANG” which means “KING” because my father’s family line is of Korean Royalty.


What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TREEEE” SHA? = LIFE IN PRISON and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.

Is TOM CRUISE MAPOTHER related to TODD CUMMINGS of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA? It’s connected to the name of THEODOR CUMMINGS at CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL.

If Tom Cruise is related to Todd Cummings, he can go to PRISON. Look at the Dental Petition, SUBPOENAS were sent out.


KATIE HOLMES moves back to CALIFORNIA in 2016
Wedding Plans with JAMIE FOX
Pearl “JAM” Rhimes with HAM and PAM, Like Nigger Rhimes with Eddie Vedder


Sandy Wang’s Mother in 1985 with “FOXX” FUR COAT

“FUR” is TAL in Korean
Go hand in hand with

BAL is “FOOT” in Korean


“BLACK SON” is about “BURNT OFFERING”, mother “Karen BLACK”

connected to Jesus CHRIST the “SON” OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro


Tom Cruise and his BLACK SON


Makes me sound like a Nigger Hating Racist, and Katie Holmes is such a big hearted loving person to marry a Gorilla Ugly Monkey JAMIE FOXX.

Not really, it’s called Raping Robbing Deranged Criminally Insane Pedophile Rapists and Identity Thieves, it just so happens, almost all of them I’m writing about happen to be Black Color S”KIN” Niggers, and most of them from CHICAgo ILLI”NOIS”.

Changing of Meaning of My STOLEN Watercolor ARTWORK connected to my Stolen DOG JACK and meaning of My Family Jewel in 2009,. In CHRYSALIS of CHANGE, of changing meaning of My Lion Body’s ART, a clearly white males dick, and changing to be about Black nigger dicks, through Black dicks fucking White pussies like Katie Holmes. Continuation of “O.C” Oedipus Complex of Barack Obama and his White Mother.

Eddie Vedder of PEARL JAM “ROCK STAR”, who has daugthers name “O.H” Olivia and Harper, in the name of “HO”lmes and Sandra “OH”, EW, Either Way of Bordan/Baktan in creating meaning, of “WE” Belong Together, Life in the Slammer. Sandra OH isn’t my Identity or Artist of my Artwork, and “THIS” is what FUCKING EVERYTHING is about.

Katie Holmes, “KH” as if Sandra OH is My Baby picture wearing “KH” Knitted Hat, like name of KH Kamala Harris, in MATHemathics of making Money connected to Robbing My identity and Art for Sandra “OH” through “O”IL is a CODE, as if she is the artist of my Artwork and Identity, that was built through Constance Maria Pecoaro’s Catholic Theme “OIL” ART.

FETUS, Fee”T”us, Fee”D”us, a D”O”T is a circle of “O”, built to be NAME of SANDRA “OH”, as if she is me from Birth to Present.

Reason for horrific terrorizing of my life, raping of my life, robbery of everything in my life including my Dog Jack and my Priceless ARTWORK in 2009, through Organized C”RIMES”.

Reason why Sandra OH must be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE and Shonda LYNN RHIMES is going to Follow her, and if Kamala Harris has anything to say, she herself needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON, which is a definite possibility. HIN”DU” BOIS, “G” Raping Fucking Niggers.

JAMie GUMb, “Silence of the Lambs”.

CHA rlies Find, “RAY CHARLES” Cafeteria at CEDARS SINAI Hospital.

Sandra OH “DRU” RY her Mother Mom Ma”RIA” and Ch “RIS”tina BERN “ARD O”, Jackie “LAF”uente Over”LAP”ping “O”IL L”ARD” Ass Pussy FORM. Built in by default for Pachyderm RHINO Raping Niggers who are all BLACK “SON”S, Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the SON “CHA”Rlies Find with RINGS around his Eyes “OO”, connected to Logo of CS Hospital, and “Grey’s Anatomy” Hospital tv show with Sandra “OH”, in the name of Katie “HO”Lmes.

KATIE HOLMES IS CONNECTED TO JACKIE LAFUENTE IN BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. My Catholic School classmate from 1980’s, they are far away lookalikes of each other, except Jackie LAF.uente is a Short SPIC CHOCHA. JACKIE “LAF”UENTE name is BUILT in by default to be about OVER”LAP”ping FORM of “OO” creates () is Pussy, is FISH, PES “CAD O”. My name SIGNature that they are trying to rob is about “Boys having Sex”, that they’re twisting it to be about C”HO”CHA is Pussy with Sandra OH name in it Backwards like the word “HO”NOR. “HO”NOR, Sandra “OH” must be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.

Jackie LAF uente is a SICK SPIC CHOCHA who MUST BE ARRESTED in “BO”ston M”ASS” in a sick disturbing LOW FLYING AIRPLANE, “LFA” TOXIC MENTAL NOISE, of BOge ASS Licking Games. CU”BAN” bitch in Business of MAThemathics of making Money that go in “BAN”Ks, through RAPING MY LIFE and ART connected to “BRAND” NAMES of Product making, and through Licking SANDRA “OH” and mother Maria Pecoraro psycho CHOCHA Ass Pussy.

KATIE HOLMES is a mentally not all there actress.

THIS, is what Katie Holmes is “continuing” to build, with her Marriage to Jamie FOX, because it’s about “FOX” FUR is “TAL” COAT. Their marriage is built on creating meaning for “CONSPIRACY of TWO”, in robbing of my Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of BLACK nigger ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981. As if my name of “Sandy” on this drawing is SANDRA OH, built through Jesus CHRIST OIL ART by Constance MARIA Pecoraro.

Sandy Wang’s Catholic School classmate from 1980’s, JACKIE “LAF”uente in “BO”ston M”ASS”, Sick SPIC who MUST BE ARRESTED and LOCKED IN PRISON J”AI”L is in her NAME

GU IL LA UME, is EAR sound of GHEE “OM”. GHEE is Clarified Butter, as in “O”IL, built in to have meaning for OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST by Constance Maria Pecoraro.

“O”IL, in Korean is GHEE ROOM.

E ROOM in Korean is NAME.

GU “MUNG” in Korean is a “HOLE”, and THIS is the NEXT thing on their agenda in continuing of this “RAPING GAME” in Premeditating and Preplanning for Conspiracy of T “OO”, They are continuing to build as if Sandra OH is MY IDENTITY since “BIRTH”, as if she is My PORTRAIT Drawing and Artist of my Watercolor Art, as if she is my name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981, as if JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO were My Parents, all connected to RAPING ROBBING BARACKET”EER”ING OBAMA and SHONDA LYNN RHIMES from CHICAgo “ILLI”NOIS”. But what they’re building is turning out to be Constance MARIA Pecoraro and SANDRA OH Ass Pussy Licking, because Josh Wolf is married to Bethany Ashton, and everything they’ve built has huge inconsistencies and discrepancies, everything they’ve built in robbing my identity for Sandra Oh in a group conspiracy is PSYCHOTIC and MENTALLY ILL.

NIGGER RHIMES with VEDDER and “MUNGER” YMCA, “CAM” Dung Yee is “Negro” in Korean, GU MUNG is a HOL


EVERYTHING about KAT ie HOL mes is built based on CATHOLIC Theme Oil Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro and her "No Name Girl" sketches, both created to rob my Identity for SANDRA "OH", in the name of "HO"lmes. HOL "ME" letter "S" meaning of my Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981 of Robert "GU IL LA U ME", BLACK male actor on tv show BENSON who played the BUTLER to the Governor. GU MONG in Korean is a "HOL", in the name of HO lmes and OH. Katie Holmes ACTING CAREER, like SANDRA OH, is built to rob my IDENTITY, MY ART, meaning of My Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981 of BLACK Robert Guillaume, which is about BOYS having Sex, copied and twisted, recreated to be about Ass Pussy built through Eyes of SON Jesus CH"RIS"T. Reason why Sandra OH was CHRISTIna Yang on "Grey's Anatomy".

Jamie FOX, connected to meaning of my Mother's Identity in 1985 wearing a FOX FUR COAT, and "TAL" is "FUR" in Korean, so they've built as if I"TAL"ian Constance Maria Pecoraro is My "mother" and as if Sandra OH is My Identity, since birth as if she is My "FB" First Birthday Baby picture. This is why TOM BRIDGES is extremely important, who has the same LEO birthday as me but different year, if his YEAR of Birth is "1972", it's about COMBINING to CONFUSE MY IDENTITY with Sandra OH who was born on "7/20" Cancer sign, if Tom Bridges YR is 72, he is going to PRISON. SANDRA OH MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.

Katie Holmes is following in Sandra Oh's "FOOT STEPS and STAIRS" of CathoLICKING mother MARIA Pecoraro's Ass Pussy, through KAR en BLACK in WE WORK and Belong Together in MATHemathics of making Money through Raping and Robbing MY IDENTITY and MY ART, "THROUGH" the vehicle of Psycho Pecoraro's No Name Girl sketches and her OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST CHARLIES FIND, which is really a BLACK NIGGER "SON", BARACK OBAMA horny for his WHITE MOTHER in "O.C" Oedipus Complex games.

Sandra OH very popular with NA "ACP" and was married to "CAP"


what is Sandra Oh's middle name? SPO? PA "TREEE" SHA?

CEDAR is a "TREE". CHA rlies Find, "RAY" CHARLES, DeLong P"RAY" RHIMES with Paynes "GRAY". CHARLES BLAK on Cren "SHAW" SHOW, T "AO".

So SURI to Burst your Bubble KAT ie HOL mes,
built in by default for Constance Maria Pecoraro's CAT HOLic Theme, of Mother MARY and her BLACK Nigger SON


like CP is the TAO, and CP California Prison is calling Constance Pecoraro's name

GU IL LA UME, 9/1 virgo maiden i"tal"ian cunt CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO on BRIDGEWAY

CHO "CHA"rlies Find "OO"

GU Mong is a HOLE in Korean for Korean Actress Sandra "OH" in name of "HO"lmes

CH 'RIS' TINA YANG, 'Holmes and Yang'

KATie HOL "ME" S, SagittariUS P 'USS' Y Hole in CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making Money

when it's really the ASSHOLE of 'MJ', A "NUS" IS A NICER WORD, SUNNY

O.C mother son built in for CATHOLIC THEME of Oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro

directly connected to BARACK OBAMA'S FRAUDULENT IDENTITY, his white mother cunt, and Law Firm PER KINS COIE

SIN CL 'AIR', reason why MA'RIA' was PIMPED many years ago,
in robbing my father's Identity through is Music Band name and the word CL ARI NET

connected to child 'STAR', LEE H. MONTGOMERY, and meaning of MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982

this same kind of HUMAN TRAFFICKING in MY LIFE has been going on for 3 decades


and "6" inch dicks with specific names, being PIMPED in My LIFE, built in for Sandra Oh's father's dik size

the CHA nging, METAMORPHOSIS, of coccoon into BUTTERFLY, of Michael Jackson's asshole
into BLACK NIGGER PUSSY, is called the AP PROJECT, that began in 1982



Katie Holmes has a lot to Learn,
SURI, is she going to have to bear the burden of you and Tom's SORRY'S to the World?
"don't think sorry's easily said......."

Katie Holmes needs to get a NEW DOG for SURI, it's too much of a lookalike of my STOLEN JACK

in GOLD BERG Variations of "O.C"

Lee Harcourt Montgomery 1970's "Savage is Loose" and "BO" Burnt Offerings
GOLD is the metal of LEO SIGN in Tom BURGESS, BLACK "SON" DAY

Constance 'MARIA' Pecoraro thinks, MARIA with LARD OIL ASS, has meaning for her, and NAME
Constance Pecoraro's ISN' that LIFE? Eye FILL more, life in Prison T...I....M....E

PA 'RIS' meaning

H.A.L ter TOP = Heath Andrew Ledger, and "TOP"anga address in 2007
nigger ved DER, licking MARIA OH Ass Pussy

Sandy Wang's childhood picture in 1975 Standing on Mountains, RED SHOES SHORTS "H.A.Lter TOP BUTTERFLY"
Sandy Wang's CATHOLIC SCHOOLS in 1980's and HIGH SCHOOL SVF Yearbook 1987

slow murdering of Sandy Wang's life began as soon as I moved into TOPANGA, ALL PREMEDITATED SINCE DECADES AGO
meaning of H.A.L birthday of "4/4" and '4 C DAY B4' the BREAKING OF MY LOCK in TOPANGA

connected to FICTIONAL MOVIES that tells this PREMEDITATE CRIMES STORIES, H.A.L movies



Wang's FAC and WRITINGS from 1982

Sandy Wang’s Abstract page and “CARL JUNG” painted in June 2006

Sandy Wang's childhood CHRISTMAS Picture

Katie Holmes “FASHION” Line HOLMES and YANG

YANG TAL meaning

THOmas CHRISTopher Bridges

who should be Locked in Prison for Life


SURI Cruise’s Birth Certificate

Yes SURI Cruise was born on “4/18” Address of SCIENTOLOGY Center in Hollywood

ART “HUR” MILLER “All My Sons”

Constance Pecoraros’ JESUS CHRIST “CHA”RLIES FIND “OO”


extremely important page, HILGARD x WESTHOLME at UCLA

Mother Mary Connie Maria Pecoraro

Constance Psycho Pecoraro's No Name Girl Sketches, See with UMBRELLA

Pecoraro’s S “KAT”E Board connections

Constance Pecoraro’s “No Name GIRL” and meaning of “GRILL” Restaurants

FORD Mustang Car Model Connie MARIA Pecoraro

Michelle WILLIAMS who was on Dawson Creek with KATie HOLmes, see above UMBRELLA Dress in Pecoraor’s sketch

meaning of JUDGES NAMES


Key Hole Connections


Beverly Hills “LIBRA”ry on RexFORD Drive

Tom Cruise’s “friend” at Beverly Hills Library on EXACT DATE “4/20/08”

Mother MARY and Fairmont Miramar Hotel on OSHEON Ave Santa Monica

Mercedes BENz employees names Aileen “HOLMES” and MILLER One Group owner of MB

Mercedes BENz ENCINO


FacebooK FUCK KEY HOLES is an Oxymoron like a “Beautiful Broad”


Ci GARRETT is why PATRICK LEE named his SON Garrett

William MORRIS PHILP Morris Cigarettes


Sandra OH as “CRIST”ina YANG on “Grey’s Anatomy”

Cedars SINAI Hospital


WEST HOLME and HILGARD street name

KINross and GlenDON in WESTWOOD

Still ON the BOAT licking fucking HOR HOLES in May 2010

Ventura County Park Plaza and MARY’S Secret Garden


Eiffel Tower

Kat IE Conn IE “I” sounds like Eye

EAR Sound of Words

CUP cakes on Fridays for FRYman OIL Canyon on mul “HOL”land Drive

MA “POT” HER Mari”JU”ana Maria

JOSH WOLF AIR LIBRA as “Jesus Christ” Blowing AIR through HOR HOLES on Mul “HOL”land Drive

Linda GoodMAN 212 Vibe Numbers and HOUSING TERROR

HV Hawaiian Village on C”HUR”CH Street

HV HernDON Virginia

Dead and AbanDONed Mark Isn’t That Life


Katie Holmes LONG Red Dress

TOM and KATIE December 2010

Katie Holmes Birthday 2010

Katie Holmes and Scientology "E Meter"

SURI CRUISE and Penis Candy March 2011

Broken Gold LOCK “10.18.07”

Todd “CUMMINGS” of 20360 Callon Drive Topanga

COMING S”OO”N Dudley-Kitty

KATIE HOLMES in ELLE magazine Feb 2011

KATIE HOLMES Marie Claire Nov 2011

Terry THOMPSON Lions and Tigers in OHIO October 2011

CRUISE HOLMES DIVORCE in July 2012; Jonathan “WOLF” and living in “CHELSEA” NYC connections

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Copyright © Sandy Wang 2004-Forever All Rights Reserved