Where should you separate the syllables of her name JULIA and what does her NAME mean? JU sound of JEW, LIA, RIA Engrish with Accent? JAIL “U” ? or is that Upper Left “UL” is BU “JA”, as in Korean word for Rich I sounds like Eye, and it’s Sandy Wang’s Pencil drawing of ROBERT Guillaume with “E”ye in O of the Magnifying Glass and and it’s MY Portrait Drawing
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Julia ROBERTS, is connected to my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME drawing from my FAC in 1982. And what they've been building through BUSINESS Names on ROBERTSON Blvd for 3 decades, for TOM BRIDGES my FAC from 1982 with Connie Pecoraro's Catholic Theme, connected to SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN high school, and has been claiming she DREW my drawing of Robert Guillaume.
"Flat Liners". There is an after life and a realm beyond physical form.
"Mystic Pizza". Pizza is ITALIAN and made of DOUGH as in GRAIN, connected to the "STICK" TREE at 20360 Callon Drive Topanga.
"Sleeping with the Enemy" of DICKS pimped in my life by Tom Cruise, so that THROUGH their names, Connie Pecoraro and Sandra Oh can have meaning in my Identity and MY LIFE.
"Conspiracy Theory". It isn't a THEORY, I have OVERWHELMING concrete evidence.
"Pelican Brief". OIL and Crooked Businessmen, connected to MY LIFE IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro's OIL Artwork. PELICAN is a BIRD, and Tom BRIDges all birds. This is a very important movie, because it’s also about “LAWS” connected to MY Writings of “I WAL Y” from 1982.
"Mona Lisa Smile" connected to GRACE NAVAS my All Girls Catholic High School classmate, who went to Wellesley, who is "OM" with Sandra Oh. The picture of me as Mona Lisa's Face with a "BEARD".
"Pretty Woman", Glorifying Connie Pecoraro, Street Walking Prostitute from East Bay. FLOSS in the bathroom, for Tom Bridges Virgo Mai"DEN" with the Field of DENtistry, with Ja"SON" ALEXANDER, for Alexander Ave to Bridgeway in Sausalito. Love the BROWN PolKA "DOT" Dress.
"CHARLIE Wilson's War" with TOM HANKS, for meaning of MY CHARLIE Brown Snoopy dog BANK, in Mathemathics of Making Money for HERN"DON" Virginia, Connie Pecoraro's Dead and Abandoned Mark.
JU lia, JU sounds like JEW, for JOSH WOLF and Connie Pecoraro supporting Julia Roberts. For Josh Wolf and his "WIFEY" on his Myspace, a book title by "JU"DY BLUME.
Julia Roberts was making out in front of the CARLYLE HOTEL in the mid 90's with ETHAN HAWKE, next to Arnold Cotchins' dental office where I had worked for a short time. Hawk is a Bird.
Married to Danny MO"DER" for meaning of UN"DER"score "Going Backwards". She actually STOLE her husband a CAMERAMAN from another woman.
JU Lia who was married to Lyle Lovett for a short time, because he looks like ABRAHAM LINCOLN, connected to meaning of FIVE Dollar Bill and Josh Wolf with a BEARD. WOLFramite Scheelite, LINCOLN sounds like LICKON, lick with TONGUE for TUNGSTEN.
Julia Roberts who has SPECIFIC TATTOOS on SPECIFIC LOCATIONS of her BODY, connected to where MY TATTOOS are on MY Body, and she named her "KIDS" specific names. For Josh Wolf Air LIBRA sign of Justice Scales, rules the KIDneY'S.
JU lia Roberts, the reason why there are Specific JU JU JUDGES Names in COURTS connected to MY FAC from 1982 to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro's Catholic Theme of Mother and Jesus Christ the Son, JOSH WOLF JUSTICE SCALES, STONE of DIAMOND, AS IF he had meaning in my Artwork and MY Parents Names, through Tom Bridges all Stars and Celebrities on BRIDGEWAY SAUSALITO.
There is way too much "stuff" on Julia Roberts.
3AR sound of JEW, as in Jesus Christ was Jew, for JewiSH JoSH Wolf.
March 2012, “MIRROR MIRROR”, a remake of “SNOW WHITE and 7 DWARFS”. I haven’t seen it, but it was made because of MY Korean Name connected to Beverly Hills Police Chief name David S “NOW” DEN.
JU LIA ROBERTS, why is she who she is today?
TOM BRIDGES meaning of MY ART My Pencil Drawing of “ROBERT” Guillaume from 1981, connected to Korean Word “G” which is RATS, “STAR” Backwards. AS IF SANDRA OH “DREW” My drawing of ROBERT Guillaume, connected to “STARS NAMES”.
I believe JULIA ROBERTS isn’t America’s SWEETHEART, like Reese Wither “SPO” ON, isn’t Alabama’s SWEET HEART. All connected to SANDRA OH, as if she is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
CS, Committing Suicide of JULIA ROBERTS Sister in 2013
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I believe JULIA ROBERT'S complete selfishness lead and drove to her sister to commit suicide.
EVERYTHING about JULIA ROBERTS is about creating meaning as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of MY Pencil Drawing of “ROBERT” GUILLAUME from 1981. As if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, attending all my Catholic Schools in 1980's.
Every dollar in her bank account was made through ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, meaning of MY Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.
JULIA ROBERTS and her “SCHOOL” movies, like ROBIN WILLIAMS “Dead Poets Society” is connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY through SCHOOL NAMES in “AE.SCUL.APIUS” SCUL SKULL “SCHOOL”, as if SANDRA OH who went to SIR “ROBERT” BORDEN Drew my Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume in 1981. As if Sandra OH is My Name SIGNature on MY ART. While they RAPE MY LIFE, through “JU” dges names. What is SANDRA OH's Middle Name? MI”JU”??? or is it PA “TREEE” SHA? SPO? = LIFE IN PRISON
We have something in common, I know someone who was close to me, who “CS” committed suicide in 2012. But for different reasons.
Sandy Wang's Ex Boyfriend MARSHALL BROWN and his SCHOOL Names
JULIA ROBERTS Divorce with DANNY MODER October 2014
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Julia Roberts, deserves every bit of Pain that comes her way. It's called KARMA of ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE, for SANDRA OH built through Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find.
DANNY MODER. “CAM”era man. “CAM” or “KAM” DUNG YEE in Korean is NEEGRO. Connected to meaning of My Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981,
DANIEL, connected to “DANIEL” LADINSKY's Book “THE GIFT”, written connected to Catholic Theme Oil Art of JESUS CHRIST by Psycho PECORARO in MATHemathics of making Money through “PY”ous Je”SUS”, as if my name SIGNature on MY ART of “ROBERT” GUILLAUME from 1981 of “SANDY”, is SANDRA OH. Tom Bridges My Mother Father with Psycho WOLF and PECORARO and My Identity with SANDRA OH, and lots of “STARS and CELEBRITIES”.
MO”DER” R.I.M.E.S with UN”DER” Score. Color R“ED”, like CODE RED.
I'm not even going to go into the meaning of their CHILDRENS “NAMES”, I think this divorce is painful enough for them.
UN “DER” score meaning in EAR sound “NEW” Backawards
CAM era, KAM DUNG YEE in Korean means NEEGRO anagram of “GREEEN” COLOR
DANIEL Ladinsky
What is Sandra Oh's middle Name? MI “JU”??? or is it Pa”TREEE” SHA? SPO?
RESIGNATION of “DOJ” ERIC HOLDER Sept 2014, and “JULIA PIERSON” in October 2014
mi “JU”????
“JU” LIA ROBERTS and Danny MO”DER” getting Divorced July 2015 MO”DER” RHIMES with NIGGER VED”DER” “BLACK” Niggers and EWE belong together for Sandra OH Drew SIR ROBERT Guillaume in 1981
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Danny “MODER” Rhimes with NIGGER and EDDIE VEDDER. “CAM”era MAN”OS”.
CAM Dung Yee in Korean means NIGGER, and this is about robbing My Name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981 of BLACK Male actor name ROBERT GUILLAUME who was the BUTLER to the Governor on tv show. ROBBING of My name SIGNature of “SANDY” on this drawing, as if it’s SANDRA OH, as if she is My Identity and Artist of my Art, is what JULIA “ROBERTS” LIFE IS ABOUT.
Robbing of my Name SIGNature on my art from 1981, copied, twisted and rebuilt through “RINGS” around JESUS CH”RIS”T Eyes “OO”, oil painting by Constance Maria Pecoraro, reason why Sandra OH was “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
JULIA ROBERTS IS A SICK DISTURBED BITCH. Everything about her LIFE, is built to ROB MY IDENTITY and My ART for Sandra OH through her School name of “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN in Canada, as if through her school name Sandra OH drew my drawing of “ROBERT” Guillaume in 1981.
Sandra OH is a Borderline Psychotic Actress, a Real Life PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR”, what is her Middle Name? MI”JU” or is it PA”TRI”CIA? SPO? = LIFE IN PRISON without Parole.
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