BU JA in Korean means RICH. This is connected to MAL IBU in California and what they’ve been building there for 3 decades like the rest of California. MAL in Korean means Two things, to TALK and HORSE.
JU LIA ANGW in, her name initials of “JA” is about this. It’s about the X rated Video Recording of the “VIEW of MY GAP SPACE” from the back. Her name ANGW in is about “COMBINING NAMES” to CONFUSE IDENTITY. It’s about MY Korean name of WANG.
She is wearing a “PURPLE” Sweater because it’s about MY WATERcolor Artwork titled “PURLE MOON”. She is facing to the LEFT as in meaning of “Going Backwards”. SWEATER, 3AR sound of S “Wetter”, Tom Bridges TOO JOOS Brett Bern and Josh Wolf “GOING BACKWARDS” RectuM Fucking through “360” “9420”.
They like any words with PU in it, like RePUblicans, PUblic Storage, PUblic Defenders. UP “Going Backwards””. PUma. PUrple. The reason is because Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme based on MY FAC from 1982 is about Gay Male Sex, the reason why they found a Gay Male TOM BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me. They like this syllable because it’s about the word “PUSSY”. The reason why across the street from ROLEX building, there is the JeSSUP Cohen building. What’s Missing? Y, for PI ece of the PY.
This is why I had my VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY STOLEN through Mail Fraud in July 2008 from “PU”blic Storage in Canoga Park.
The reason why they like the word PUSSY is because it’s about MY FATHER”S Identity of him as a Gifted MUSician and Teacher. His Music Band from the 50’s was called “MORNING STARS”. The name on the Upper Left next to my father’s name says “CHOi YONG”. Sandra Oh’s Mother’s name is YOUNG Nam and Sandra Oh wants any name or word with “OH” in it to have meaning for her. Like all MY ARTWORK with “HO”rses. This is why she is “CY” “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. CHO”CHA” in Spanish is PUSSY, and it’s about Je”SUS” Christ “CHA”rlies Find”. Je”SUS”, what’s missing? PY, are you “PI”ous and Horney to make Money through CATHO”LICK” theme of MAThemathics.
They are USING the word MU si C, to have meaning “Going Backwards” for meaning of “CUM” as in Orgasm.
This is why JOSH WOLF says something about WILL JU “LIO”. It’s about MY DOG JACK’s PICTURES at LEO CARILLO Beach in MALI “BU”. JA. Ck. Taken on 1/13/ 2008, “11/3” is LEE MONTGOMERY’S birthday, but to them, they want this to be about the ZIP CODE of JACKSON Heights where I grew up and did my FAC from 1982. Anything to CONFUSE and “dilute” someone else’s Name. The reason why JOSH WOLF is very closely connected to GLORIA Catherine “LEE”, like SANDRA OH. The same reason why Connie Pecoraro’s DENtist is PATrick LEE. Tom Bridges 3AR sound of LEO with “OIL” Blubber Asses with Je SUS Christ on page “3”.
BU JA in Korean means RICH. JU lia ANGW in is connected to JU JU Judges Names in Beverly Hills Court, especially RICHARD STONE, because it’s sounds like RICH ART. It’s why Josh Wolf who is a Air Libra has “WIFEY” on his MySpace website, a book title by JU Dy BL”OO”me, ear sound of Blue Eyes of Jesus CHRIST, Connie Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork.
Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me, bridges the meaning of MY Powerful FAC and Writings from 1982, to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme, AS IF she is the Artist who did my Artwork. It’s really connected to having SANDRA OH as MY IDENTITY in All my Childhood pictures, in My KOREAN NAME of “BOURNE IDENTITY”.
BU JA, the reason why Angelina Jolie “AJ” is married to BRA d PITT, for MAThemathics of “PI” symbol which looks like “TT”. JA Da Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, connected to THE PICTURE from my childhood of me and a black girl, to be SANDRA OH.
It’s MY WATERcolor Artwork, “PURPLE MOON”. MY Middle Name is WON. My Last name has TWO “OO”. It’s Blue and Yellow, because “3” is a birthday number.
Yong Yang, Tom Bridges the A, O of the TAO is the Way. Like Connie Pecoraro and her painting titled “BRIDGE in FOG” Tom Bridges is a FAG, A, O. Like Sandra Oh’s Website Registration info EMAIL Address, SHAW, for her TV SHOW, A, O. TAO Te Ching, the “WAY” is on BRIDGEway through Tom Bridges LEO GOLDen GAYte Bridge to Bridgeway Saualito. Because it’s connected to Deep DENial LADINSKY and his poem titled “The EAR that was sold to a fish”, ART is a conversation between lovers. A, O what is the first letter of your Alphabet. Chinese language doesn’t have an alphabet. .
They’ve been building BACKWARDS so that MY Website Domain name www. sandYWA ng. NET can have meaning for “TEN” as in Josh Wolf October month, Ten in Korean is “SHIP”. Tom Bridges the meaning of my FATHER”S Middle Name of “BAE” which means P3AR and B OAT, with 3AR sound of LEO and OIL, of Horney Jesus Christ.
A, O = A is for Ass O is a HOLE = ASSHOLE Tom Bridges 360 9420 “Going Backwards” with TOO JOOS.
RO TTEN at the CORE PUSSIES dreaming of licking my Wet Vagina “Long Before I was Born”.
The name JULIA is about the sound of JEW, as in Tom Bridges Jesus CHRIST who was Jew, JOSH WOLF. Connected to JU JU Judges names, and Josh Wolf’s “WIFEY” on his Myspace page, it’s a book titled by “JU”DY Blume. It’s about the PU PU PU PUBLIC DEFENDERS Names in Beverly Hills Court and a BLONDE HAIR Public Defender name JULIA.
JULIA ANGWIN, connected to CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money, with Specific Businesses like JU elery Business AWN inG COLORS. The meaning of COLOR is Huge because SE KAL in Korean means COLOR, SE in Korean means BIRD and KAL means KNIFE is about CALlon Drive, the reason why Connie Pecoraro paints OIL with a PALETTE KNIFE and TOM BIRDges HUBBIRD BUR BERDS on BRIDgeway Sauasalito, for meaning of MY ARTWORK, MY IDENTITY MY PARENTS NAMES, through COLORS.
Tom Bridges “U” symbol of LEO, he bridges MY IDENTITY because he has the same birthday as me of “8/13”. JAIL isn’t in my name.
When I add LINKS to specific pages, it is to show the COMMON themes, if it happens once or twice maybe it’s true, but if it appears more than 3 4 5 at least a Dozen times all through different Sources and Venues, and there are PATTERNS, then there is something going on.