Joshua KominarjevSKY 2007 Murder of Petit Family gets
Death Sentence


On July 22, 2007, Steven Hayes and Joshua Kominarjevsky entered the Chestshire New Haven Connecticut Home and brutally murdered the Petit Family, the Mother Jennifer Hawk Petit, and the Two Daughters Hayley 17 and Michaela 11. They were declared dead on 7/23/07. The father, Dr. WILLIAM PETIT Jr. was tied up and beaten with a Baseball Bat, but escaped.

SKY is a Repeating Term, which is connected to the name Daniel Ladin”SKY”. The reason why LadinSKY is connected is because he was BORN in ST. LOUIS MISSOURI, which is connected to the meaning of MY Pencil drawing from 1982 of Robert Guillaume who was also born in St. Louis Missouri, connected to ZIP Code of “11372”, and Lee H. Montgmery’s birthday numbers of 11/3.

The reason why this person’s name JOSHUA KOMISARJEV”SKY” is connected. It is connected to a MASSIVE Group Conspiracy, for the meaning of my Identity and My Artwork, to have been done by and BE SANDRA OH, connected to JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO. The author name Daniel LADINSKY and his book “The Gift”, the Vehicle to ROB the meaning of MY Identity and Artwork from 1982, THROUGH Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic theme in their MAThemathics of making Money. With JOSH Mic’CHA’ Wolf as her “CHA”rile Jesus CHRIST, connected to Spanish word “CHO CHA” which is PUSSY, connected to Sandra Oh in 1999 PEPSI PUSSY connections, to my childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979 and “GRAYSONS” SIGN. The reason why she is “CRIST”ina Yang on GREY’S Anatomy.

I don’t know what kind of a Dr WILLIAM Petit was, but it’s connected to the meaning of MY Drawing of ROBERT “GUILLAUME” from 1982, Guillaume is the French version of “William”. It’s connected to WILLAMAN Street name next to Cedars SINai Hospital where they’ve been building for 3 decades for MY Parents Names to have meaning for Pecoraro and Wolf, and for MY IDENTITY to BE Sandra Oh, through TOM CHRISTopher Bridges who has the SAME Birthday as me.

CHE “SHIRE”, WILLiam, = WIL “SHIRE” Blvd in Beverly Hills, where Josh Wolf’s agency and Sandra Oh’s agency is located. CHESHIRE is a “CAT”, connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making Money through PYous JeSUS “CHA”rlies Find, connected to Josh MICCHA WOlf connections.

Cheshire sounds like CHEST as in pe “TIT”. “CHA”rlies Find Jesus Christ Eyes built in left to right “OO” is a TITle and must be the form of TITs, OIL Artwork by Constance Pecoraro.

Jennifer Hawk Petit, HAWK is a BIRD, and Tom BIRD ges all types of Birds on BRIDge WAY, because the TAO is the WAY. Jenni”PHER” name is about the meaning of all the sounds of the syllable of FUR FIR FER, like Tom Christo PHER Bridges all the “FIR”sts from My Life with Sandra Oh, AS IF She was My Identity through the Korean Word TAL which means FUR, as in HAIR. He BRIDGES all “Bridges” and he bridges my Catholic High School classmates, Gloria Lee, GRACE NAVAS and CHRISTina Bernardo from St. VIN”CENT” “FER”rer with “SAN VICENT Blvd”, which is next to Willaman street.

Constance Pecoraro has her OIL and GLASS Artwork, and also her marker sketches of “No Name Girl”. The two daughters who were raped and then murdered are, 17 yr old Hayley and 11 yr old Michaela, “HM” or MH.

These initials of MH is about the Mermaid House, across the street from 20360 Callon Drive Topanga where I was living at the time this murder happened. The meaning of this address and Mermaid House goes back 3 decades. It’s why Josh Wolf has MH Make It Happen on his MySpace page. It’s why in May 2009, Constance Pecoraro was involved in an event with “Making it Happen with Crow and WOLF”.

There are lots of EVENTS which has been happening in CONNECTICUT which is very closely connected to everything I’ve been writing about.

ANNIE MARIE LE, at YALE School, who was suppose to marry a person name Jonathan Widow “SKY” was murdered. “JW”.

20360 Callon Drive Topanga. In July 2007, I was dealing with having been mysteriously “fired” from a job I thought was going fine, and then the owner of the property at Callon Drive, name TODD CUM “MIN” GS decided he wanted me to move out. We went back and forth about the last month’s rent payment, and then he filed an “Unlawful Detainer” to Evict me on July 30, 2007. The week after this, the “MIN”nesota BRIDGE collapsed.

On 10. 18. 07, I was LOCKED out from this Garage Studio at “203” 60 Callon Drive Topanga. Next to the LOCK on the DOOR was a WOLF in JOSHUA National Park Sticker, it was there since I moved in several months earlier. I first met JOSH WOLF in the first weeks of October 2007 after I adopted my dog JACK and started going to Dog Parks, before being locked out, and didn’t find out his name until later in 2008.

This Garage Studio doesn’t have any legal permits, it shouldn’t have been rented out at all, so the Unlawful Detainer Case really doesn’t and shouldn’t even exist. This Garage Studio has been documented at the Building and Safety dept, as DESTROYED since 1995. Which means that I was WRONGFULLY LOCKED OUT. And Todd Cummings not only Robbed my Rent Money, but should’ve paid me Relocation Payment.

Cum “MIN” gs, “JK” Joshua KO “MIN” AR Jev SKY. KO or CO in Korean means NOS”E”, and the meaning of this is connected to CO nnie PeCO raro’s Jesus Christ the SON “E” yes. ‘OO’ is form of Ass, and CUM as in Orgasm.

Josh U “WA” KOMINAR jevSKY SOUNDS like CUM IN “ART” Jev SKY for meaning of Daniel Ladin”SKY” and “ART is a conversation between LOVERS”. “WA” in Korean means to COME or Arrive. MIN is My Mother’s MAIDEN Name, that they want Constance Pecoraro VIRGO the MAIDEN to have meaning in. The reason why Sandra Oh is on “Grey’s Anatomy” GA, as CRISTina Yang, set in Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in “WA” shington, where JOSH WOLF used to live, which is connected to Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST oil painting.

GA is about the Spanish word PIN”GA”, which means DICK, connected to words that RHYME, as in SHONDA RHIMES the big black bitch who created “Grey’s Anatomy”. PIN “GA” RHimes with Topan”GA”, TujunGA and CahuenGA. CathoLICK MAThemathics of making Money through PYous JeSUS JOSH MICCHA Wolf, for CHO”CHA” and PIN “GA”. PEPSI PUSSY and DICK.

The name HALEY and STEVEN HAYES, is connected to meaning of MY website Links, HO me and AR tist on the Upper Left, that Sand”RA” “OH” thinks has meaning for HER NAME BACKwards. It’s connected to My First boyfriend STEPHEN GARRISON who is a AIR Gemini, to have meaning for AIR Libra JOSH WOLF, through a person name Peter HA”SON” who is a AIR GEMINI, Musician who has the SAME Birthday as MY MOTHER AIR Gemini, and lives in New York City.

I was LOCKED out on specific date of 10.18.07, begins and ends with “17”, which is about SANDRA OH who wants her YEAR of 19 “71” to have meaning in MY ARTWORK, and the name LEE Montgome”RY”, YR is abbreviated form of YeaR, to be LOOKING AT HER, AS IF she was MY PORTrait Drawing EYES with “08”. I

My Artwork “Shadows in NOVEMBER” = 11, was done actually in month of June and July 2007, but I titled it this, because it’s connected to Lee H. Montgomery who was born in the month of November.

What was happening to my life during the Summer of 2007, the ENERGY is the SAME as this Family having been murdered. It isn’t by random, that the same meanings of Specific SYLLABLES are in Specific Names like “MIN”.

Like me having been FRAMED by MUR MIR MERcedes BENz on specific date of APRIL 20, 2009, and then being Wrongfully Detained in LA County Jail for the entire, while they STOLE My Car “CHA”, My Dog JACK, and all my PRICELESS ARTWORK in 2009. The reason for MI “CHA” EL JACKSON’S Death.

MICHA “ELA”, connected to AIR LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, which rules the KID NEY’S, sound of “KID” KNEE, connected to KNEE BONE of PAT “ELLA”, connected to Connie Pecoraros’ CUMBR”ELLA” sketch of her little Girl, and BIG POPLI TEAL Space behind the Knee Bone connections. For PYous JeSUS JOSH WOLF hor dick licking fucking for CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY, while MY LIFE was being RAPED, Repeatedly.

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