Josh “HO”dges Equinox Gym Santa Monica



I visited the Equinox Gym in Santa Monica and met with a membership manager name Josh Hodges. This was in March or April of 2008. I did not join this gym. But through the next 6 months or so, he kept sending me emails, and this was about Tom Bridges Sandra “OH” who is a “GE” a Star and Celebrity, and Connie Pecoraro on Brid”GE”way, with JOSH Wolf. Just like JOSH at Budget in Santa Monica and Leiluni “HO”ltz from Linda King’s office in San Diego.

Hodges, like Bridge, Midge, Ledge, Budge, all are similar sounding with similar “DGE” letters. It’s about having my TRADEMARK have meaning for Sandra “OH” and Josh Wolf, through OTHER People’s names that come into contact with me.

Equinox Gym is “EG”, this is “GE” spelled backwards, GE in Korean is RATS and MICE, rats is “Star” spelled backwards, and Sandra Oh who is “GE” wants to have meaning in my ARTWORK and JOSH WOLF through people’s names like this. This is the SAME reason why she wants “EG” Eric Garrison, my first boyfriend Stephen Garrison’s older brother to have meaning for her. Eric was a Gay Male who died of AIDS and Sandra Oh wants to own the meaning of Gay male sex because it’s why my FAC from 1982 is about.

The meaning of the word “GE” Rats and Mice is about BEN, and my drawing of BENSON, of ROBERT GUillaume, the reason why Sandra Oh went to Sir ROBERT BordEN high school and why is a a “Ge” a Star and Celebrity. She wants people to think she is the artist who this artwork. The SAME reason why she is sitting on EGG shapes in the TV “GU”ide picture of her. “EG”. The SAME NAME initials as the person who was driving the vehicle that HIT ME on 11/26/09.

GYMS are huge in this Sex Game, because I used to work out a lot at Gyms when I was younger. All gyms are connected to this, but Especially the LA SPORTS CLUB, on 1835 SEPULVEDA Blvd and 9601 CAMDEN DRIVE in Beverly Hills. 8/13/69 is MY BIRTHDAY NUMBERS. What’s left? “15” is the Letter “O” in the Alphabet, and “OO” is about “Charlie’s Find” Eyes based on my Name Signature on BENSON and the CHRIST “mas” childhood picture of me and my dog Frenchy and my mother. Tom Bridges GAYS and LESBIANS.