J “OH” n “TRA” volta is a SCIENTOLOGIST.

Sand “RA” “OH” is an Actress on “Grey’s Anatomy”.

The Angel movie “MICHAEL” he did wearing WINGS is based on my “Pewter Statues”. The movie “PHENOMENON” is about SUNGlasses my Father’s first name and “ENERGY”, because it’s about my ability to Channel Energy spiritually through MY ARTWORK. ETC. It isn’t “PULP FICTION” PF, and in France they do love Mc”ROYAL”ly Engorged BURgers. It isnt' FICTION, it's REAL.

SAMUEL JACKSON, Black male actor connected to my Pencil Drawing of black male actor Robert Guillaume BENSON DUBOIS, drawing I did while growing up in JACKSON Heights NY.

PRI"MARY" COLORS. Connected to meaning of MY KOREAN NAME WANG "SIN" Won, which sounds like WASHINGTON, connected to George WASHINGTON the First President of the United States who is one the ONE Dollar Bill, with Important Repeating Numbers of "13" which is MY Birthday. Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me, bridges Virgo Mai"DEN" Connie MARIA Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme with the Presi"DEN"t and her mark of "ISN"T That Life?, connected to MARY Statue on Ocean Avenue in Santa MONICA, the reason why Presi"DEN"t Bill Clinton did not have Sexual relations with THAT Woman MONICA LewinSKY. Same reason why in 2000 U2 released their CD “All THAT You can’t leave behind” in an AIRPORT.

“PHENOMENON” George O’MALLEY. MAL in Korean means to Talk and Horse. ANT sounds like AUNT, and Aunt in Korean is GOMO, “G” in Korean means Rats and Mice, “OM” is Sanskrit for “Oneness with All”, “O” sound of Sandra OH. The same reason why Sharon Stone was in the movie “ANTS”. Sandra Oh began as “OM”ing herself to my Identity and Artwork and then it just became a Full Blown TAKE OVER of MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING ABOUT ME.

In this movie, CHAIR is a big theme, because it’s about the CHAIR I am sitting on in my Baby Picture with the Knitted Hat, the reason why there is a CHAIR at PACIFIC DESIGN CENTER, all built for SANDRA OH to be MY IDENTITY. In the movie, there is a LIBRARY BOOK Sale, and during this book sale, George O’malley does a SUNGLASS Magic Trick, where “ENERGY” moves it. The LIBRAry and Books is about JOSH WOLF Air LIBRA Justice Scales, Stone of DIAMOND, connected to the meaning of my drawing of NEIL DIAMOND from 1982. This is why they’ve been building Libraries in California and probably throughout the US, for Josh Wolf LIBRA to have meaning in MY Father’s Identity, for Sandra OH is MY Baby Pictures. Because it’s about the meaning of MY FAC from 1982 which “Spiritually and Energetically Channeled” everything about LEE HARCOURT MONTGOMERY, connected to MY Parents Names, which IS TRULY A Phenomenon. The reason why Hollywood Stars and Celebrities, especially Tom Cruise and Sandra Oh have been Secretly attached to my life for more than 3 decades.

LIBRARIES, the same reason why Nicolas Cage in “City of Angels” hangs out at Libraries, they’ve been building Lake TA “HO”e for Sandra “OH” did my Drawings in 1982, for 3 decades.
This meaning of My Father’s First name of SUNG connected to SUNGlasses has been going on for many years. It’s why TOM CRUISE in “RISKY BUSINESS” is wearing SUNGlasses.

John Travolta marrying “KELLY” Preston, is about the meaning of the Writings I wrote in 1982, “KEY to my Soul”. LLY is about my Tattoo of a LILY on my back, to also have meaning for Connie Pecoraro who is Italian as in ITA”LY”. It’s about having Connie Pecoraro as the Artist who did MY Artwork I in 1982 of BENSON DuBOis, Robert Guillaume. PRE “STON”, PREsi”DEN”t for Mother Mary Connie Pecoraro Virgo the Mai”DEN”. They’ve been building it Left to Right for many years, because it’s Tom Bridges on BridgeWAY.

The “STON” part of Kelly’s name is connected to many other “STON”s. Sandra Oh was dating a Musician name Andrew FeathSTON. Chelsea Handler is from Living STON New Jersey. It has to do with the GOLD CLOCK I had for many years and the Name Brand which was LIVINGSTON. It's connected to a JUDGE Name RICHARD STONE in Beverly Hills Court. RICHARD sounds like RICH ART, connected to my FAC from 1982. THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me of 8/13, "bridges" the meaning of MY FAC and Writings from 1982, THROUGH the Vehicle of Connie Pecoraro's CATHOLIC theme with Jesus CHRIST on page "Sam=3".

I don’t know all the details of John Travolta’s “Extortion Case” in the BAHAMAS, but I know it’s connected to this.

BA HA “MAS”. This is connected to meaning of My Pencil Drawing of BLACK Male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981. It’s connected to my childhood picture of me and MY FATHER with “HAWA”IIAN BARREL on the Upper Left in this picture, and the childhood CHRIST “MAS” picture of and my Mother. They’ve been building for Thomas CHRISTOPher BRIDGES My Father with JOSH MICCHA WOLF, MY Mother with Constance Maria Pecoraro and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. Their “VEHICLE” is through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK of Mother MARY and Jesus CHRIST the SON. The reason why SANDRA OH is “CRIST”Ina Yang on ”Grey’s Anatomy”.

PLEASANT BRIDGEWATER is about “PB”, or “BP”, the GREEN sign of British PET ROL EUM on the Upper Left in the picture of me with the big Tuna Fish. Anytime it’s about BRITISH, it’s about Princess DIANA and Blonde Hair Females, and they want the Writings I wrote about “Key to my Soul” if Key is Penis, the LOCK must be vagina, to have meaning for GOLD I LOCK of HAIR, and AIR Libra Josh Wolf, the Come”DIAN”. It’s about SUC as in Stand Up Comic and BLO Job as in BLO nde H air. Connie Pecoraro runs a Brothel on Bridgeway SUCking lots of Dick for Money.

This GREEN sign with my GREEN Prom Dress I designed in High School is connected to the movie “Midnight Hour” and Phil “GREN”Ville, the reason why they recreated this “Variations on a Theme” again with CATHOLIC Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ “CHARLIE’S FIND” because CHA is in Josh’s middle name and CHArleville Blvd rhymes with GRENVille. CHA is CAR and TEA in Korean, one of the many reasons why Connie Maria Pecoraro modeled for a Ford MUStang CAR. It’s based on the childhood CHRIST Mas picture of me and my dog Frenchy and my Mother. It’ s about my CHARLIE BROWN SNOOPY DOG BANK I had for many years with bills and coins from all over the world.

How would this SICK PSYCHOTIC PSYCHO know things like this about me? Who is feeding her all this information?

It’s the reason why Josh Wolf’s son Jacob was born on 3/17/97, same number as my LP 173 Training in 1997. 3/17, St. PATRICKS Day is GREEN, the reason why I met Connie Pecoraro at PATRICK Lee’s dental office on Cal”DON”ia Street, because “DON” in Korean means Money, and because the “COLOR of Money” is Green. The reason why Connie Pecoraro drives a GREEN Station Wagon with same License plate numbers of “173” and why Josh Wolf drives a GREEN MINi VAN with license plate “KCP”. The reason why she registered her “NO NAME GIRL” at HERN”DON” Virginia, because she doesn’t want anyone to know who ALL her Artwork is based on. MY LIFE, AND I’M NOT A LITTLE GIRL AND I DON’T DO ARTWORK OF LITTLE GIRLS. IT’S A CONSPIRACY WITH THESE PEOPLE BECAUSE OF MY FAC FROM 1982 AND MY NAME SIGNATURE.

Above meaning of BAHA “MAS” for it ‘RHIMES’ with CHRIST “MAS”, for Shonda RIMES who created “Grey’s Anatomy” in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH and meaning of MY Parents Names. Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes on page “3”, “CHA”Rlies Find, Horny HOR DIK JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, who VACATIONED in the BAHA”MAS” with CHEL”SEA” HANDLER and I think likes to have Sex ORGies with is Hawaiian Barrel Baseball BAT DICK. 3 is “SAM” in Korean. SAM SARA in Sanskrit means SUPHERRING. See BOB RIVERS RADIO SHOW Link below.


Pleasant BRIDGE “WATER” is about T”OM” CHRISTopher BRIDGES, “OM”ing and “bridging” MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK and the WATER aka “Vaginal Fluid” of me in the VIDEO RECORDING. BAHAMAS is about BA as in Korean word to “SEE” but I think in their meaning it’s about the HAWAIIAN “BA”RREL Statue in the picture of me and my father. MAS is about the CHRIST MAS picture of me and my dog FRENCHY and my Mother. SAM in Korean means the number “3”. PET “ROL” E UM is about my “PET” dog FRENCHY in this picture, ROL is “ROL”ex Building with a CROWN as it’s logo, where Josh Wolf’s agency Parallel Entertainment is. E is for Eye, and UM is about CUM. PC, Connie Pecoraro name initials backwards.

It’s about T”OM” CHRISTopher Bridging the BLACK JESUS at 20 Shelley Drive, Mill Valley.

It’s about T”OM” CHRISTopher Bridging the VIDEO RECORDING.

It’s the same pattern as T”OM” Bridges the BROOKLYN BRIDGE which takes you to Brooklyn and the college I went to, NYC TECH College , where Black Female BEVERLY DAVIS went to the same school, to study Dental Hygiene. Tom Christopher Bridges, a Gay male dentist bridges OLAFUR ELIASON WATERFALL on Brooklyn BRIDGE. Black Females and BLACK people are about my BENSON Dubois drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1982 and THE PICTURE of me and the black girl. Everyone wants this POWERFULLY SPIRITUALLY SYNCHRONISTIC PICTURE to have meaning for them.

T”OM” Bridges “BRIDGES” Worldwide, the INFRINGING of my VIDEO RECORDING and MY POWERFUL WATERCOLOR ARTWORK because it has DEEP SPIRITUAL MEANING. Everything they’ve been for Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme is based on MY FAC from 1982, which is about Gay Male Sex. Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me is a Gay Male. He Bridges it because they all LACK in any kind of Spiritual meaning in their own lives, because they LACK in kind of CREATIVITY.

Infringing is one thing, TERRORIZING MY LIFE and ROBBING MY PROPERTY as a way of ROBBING MY IDENTITY is not only PSYCHOTIC, as many of these FRAUD DOCUMENTS PROVE, it’s CRMINAL.

On May 13, 2010, I was writing on my computer and doing research on the Internet. I found out a few days later John Travolta and his family were in BANGOR MAINE International Airport, where his TWO DOGS were Killed.

MAINE is where Josh Wolf’s Parents live. BANGKOK Thailand is where his son Jacob’s THAI Mother is from. And AIRPORT and AIRPLANES is about Psychotic Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro who wants the AIRport Picture of me and my Mother and Brothers to have meaning for her. My life has been REPEATEDLY ABUSED and TERRORIZED through FRAUD DOCUMENTS because of these people who want MY PARENTS Identities and Everything about me to have meaning for them.


John Travolta and Kelly Preston are both SCIENTOLOGISTS.

John Travolta made the movie “FACE OFF” with NIColas Cage. This is about the name NIC NICK or NICHOLAS, a name that SANDRA OH attaches herself to, because she wants my name of “SANDY” the nick name of SANDRA, to BE HER, because of my Name SIGNature on the drawing of BENSON Dubois from 1982. This combining of names, so that SANDRA OH can be my Identity by “OM”ing with other people’s names has been going on for many years.

I THINK A PERSON BY THE NAME OF DIMI”TRA” HAS MY DOG JACK IN LONG BEACH. I don’t know where all my ARTWORK over 250 pieces that were STOLEN in 2009 is, but it’s connected to people who want MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to be SAND “RA” OH, a sick disturbed Psychobitch Actress.

January 2009, John and Kelly's Son JETT died. They said it was caused by SEIZURES which he frequently had, and he had hit his head in the bathtub in the BAHAMAS. J EighTT, like Airplanes, Concords. John Travolta and Tom Cruise are both big fans of having their own private AIRPLANES, connected to the childhood picture of me and my Mother and my Brothers at the Airport in Korea. To have meaning for Mother MA”RIA” Pecoraro, Italian Psycho 3ARth Virgo, EAR sound of HELL en KELL er is her childhood Hero.

October 2010. Kelly Preston is expecting a baby. John Travolta is facing HOMOSEXUALITY and MARITAL AFFAIR problems. He is being sued by a Gay Artist name Michael PATTISON. Tom Bridges all the “GE”s, Stars and Celebrities on BRIDGEway with Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Church theme of OIL Paintings.

January 2011, Kelly Preston has a SON and they name him BENJAMIN. Connected to the meaning of MY Pencil Drawing of black male actor Robert Guillaume BENSON DU"BO"IS from 1982, the reason why we have a black male PRESi DENt Barack Obama. Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me of "8/13", bridges Virgo Mai"DEN" Connie Pecoraro, with Sandra "OH" through their NAMES, AS IF SANDRA OH, drew my drawings. AS IF Connie Pecoraro drew my drawing, Pecoraro doesn't know how to draw in Pencil and Sandra Oh is a Psycho Actress.

BEN JA MIN. JUNG JA MIN is MY MOTHER'S MAIDEN Name, to have meaning for PSYCHO PECORARO Virgo MAIDEN. The same reason why Princess Diana died on "8/31" my birthday numbers BACKWards, connected to SPENCER Ave in Sausalito, and PRINCESS Street where Connie Pecoraro was living in 1997. ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges LEO with Connie Pecoraro, connected to MY WRITIGS and FAC from 1982 to have meaning for her, he Bridges Jesus CHRIST Eyes "OO" to be about form of ASS BACKwards, because LEO rules the HEART and the BACK/Spine. He Bridges my Black Male drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME, with LEO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA.

Connie PECORARO is a PSYCHO, and this sick disturbed FRAUD Con Artist, should be LOCKED in PRISON for LIFE, the CAUSE of so many Killing Sprees, connected to SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through her Oil Artwork.

Sandy WanG “HA”waiian “BA”rrel Statue on Upper Left

Sandy Wang’s BABY Pictures THE PICTURE of me and BLACK girl “Tom Bridges Black female Beverly Davis”

Korean Words

Sandy Wang’s LT 173 Leadership Training

Sandy Wang’s Pewter Statues

Sandy Wang’s X rated VIDEO RECORDING My Space and CHRIS DE WOLF


Tom Cruise and Scientology

PAUL HAGGIS of “Million Dollar BABY”



Tom CRUISE and Scientology


who should be Locked in Prison for Life

BLACK Female BEVERLY Angela “DA”vis

BEVERLY Hills “LIBRA” Ry and kell”Y’S” Fudge Factory

OLA “FUR” Elias SON Brooklyn BRIDGE

STUDY STUDI “O”, Pepsi Pussy SANDRA OH and NIC Rosenthal in 1999

Combining Names

Sandra OH’s Father is JOHN OH, Andrew FeATHER “STON”


Josh WOLF and his “WIFEY” BETHANY vacationing in BAHAMAS with CHEL “SEA”

ROBERT SON Blvd and CHEL “SEA”S “FLOW”ERS for “WOLF” Backwards

“BOB” RIVERS is the “NICK” Name of ROBERT and JOSH WOLF in March 2008

20 Shelley Drive Mill Valley GOR”DON” Connections and BLACK JESUS CHRIST 2005


Beverly Hills Judge name RICHARD STONE


“MICHA”el Lappert

Connie Pecoraro’s hero HELL en KELL er



The Crow

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