Notebook brand names is originally connected to MY Writings in my Black and White composition notebook in 1982 and all my Writings I wrote for Lee Montgomery, and my SCROLL DESIGNS.
! an exclamation sign isn’t “copyrightable”.
They love the word CHOcolate, because with Connie Pecoraro’s “CHA”rlies Find PYous JeSUS Christ, it becomes “CHO CHA” which means PUSSY in Spanish. This is DIRECTLY connected to SANDRA OH in 1999 PEPSI PUSSY I Y, for PI MAThemathical symbol, and PYous JeSUS = PUSSY. This is connected to meaning of MY Childhood pictures in SANTA MONICA in 1979, and the SIGNS “Chinese Food Here and GRAYSONS”.
This Notebook with specific numbers, words, names, is about CELEBRATING the RAPING of MY LIFE from 2009, for MAThemathics of making MONEY. In a Huge Group Conspiracy. The people who are Directly connected to me is Constance Pecoraro Josh Wolf, with Tom Bridges. These are all SOCIOPATHS, who’s lives are built in making MONEY through supporting SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and she Drew all my drawings from 1982, and my Current Artwork on my Website, which were STOLEN in 2009 with my dog JACK. In “ORGANIZED CRIMES of GROUP CONSPIRACY”.
Sandy Wang’s Picture with Jack and !