This is a movie, connected to Real Life events and “meaning”. Where do you think they got the ideas from?
It’s about MY “ONE” Line Drawing of My Federally Registered Trademark in circle of “O”. It’s about MY Korean middle name of “WON”. It’s about ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH, as if she is me, from ‘Birth to Present’ and everything in between. Get this, as if delusional psycho actress Sandra OH is the one who is creating my “whats the connection” pages.
I did most of my Watercolor ART in circles of “O” in 2004 and 2005. Then I registered one of them to be my “TRADEMARK”, which FITS my “TAO” Saying I created.
I made the circles of “O” on the ART PAPER, with a PLATE I had because I didn’t have a compass with a pencil holder to make a perfect circle.
See MICHELLE OBAMAS “FOOD” Nutrition program MY PLATE “O” FOOD in 2011, these raping sick niggers are robbing and raping MY ART, MY IDENTITY, from BIRTH to PRESENT, for SANDRA “OH”, sound of “O” as if she is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. “AG” American NE”GROWN”, AG”O” for “GA” Greys Anatomy, tv show created by CHICA”GO” born SHONDA LYNN RHIMES, who went to D “ART MOUTH” College, OBAMAS are from CHICA”GO” ILLINOISE.
HUNGER Games, why is it called this? It’s about “FOOD”, to be and have meaning in SEX. HUNG, it “Enters” the Body, trying to change meaning of what I wrote about ROGER HOUSDEN’s Poems, which is GLORIA MARIA PATRICIA SANDRA OH, Ass Pussy licking through Leonardo Da Vinci Codes in FOOD.
FOOD and SEX are two completely different systems in the body that have nothing to do with each other. But it is THROUGH FOOD WORDS, that they are creating meaning. Perfect example is “ORAnges”, which is a CIT”RUS” FRUIT, connected to Sand RA O, who went to “SIR” SUR Robert Borden High School drew my drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 and is My Name SIGNature on this drawing through “CF” Charlie’s Find, Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Oil painting of Jesus CH “RIS” T, reason why Sandra Oh is C “RIS” Tina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. “CF” Charlies Find “OO” is Form of ASS and TITS, CITRUS is about “SIT” and TH “RUS” T, TH is a “TONGUE” sound connected to “TUNG”sten in WOLFramite ScheeLITE, connected to OIL Cellu”LIGHT” ASS Form “OO”. JOSH WOLF loves Willie JU”LIO”.
Eat more I”TAL”ian Food with lots of PasTA in MARIAnara sauce, for Two Sick Bitches Constance MARIA PECORARO and SANDRA “PAT”ricia? OH on “TAL” man Avenue on GAYS ANATOMY EATING Ass Pussy Tits.
It’s a “RAPING GAME”. See “Read First” page.
“OK” PECK Sandy Wang’s Colorado pictures on Royal Gorge Bridge in 1998, Engineer name of “OK” PECK and “WILLOW LAMB” connections
PECK Sandy Wang S”NOW” BOARDING in Lake Tahoe 2002-2005 Dave “PECK”
PECK Discovery of PECK Street name in Beverly Hills 2008
“CL” PECK Discovery in 2012 of “CL” PECK on Westwood Gateway
“C” LOCK meaning of Constance PEC PEC PECORARO’S Address of “707” Bridgeway Sausalito where it’s a beautiful place to Die
LOCK “O” in Spanish means CRAZY as in PSYCHO “CP” “BO” and ARROW, “TARGET” the “O” on West”KNOLL” and ROSEwood
“C”LOCK in circle of “O”.
75th Hunger Games, in the THIRD “QUELL”, with Presi”DENT” SNOW.
When you take a ONE Dollar Bill 1.00 and subtract “75”, you get “25”. “Q” U “ART” ER.
THIRD “Q”UELL, connected to Dani”ELL”E Mar”Q”uis Black Nigger Lying bitch Dentist in San Francisco and meaning of “ELLE” in Bone Words of “KNEE CAP BONE” connections. Like MICH “ELLE” Obama’s name.
T “HER” D, ELLE is is HER in Spanish, in HER SHE ys ChoCHAcolate game.
T “O” D. DOT is a Period is “RED” like BLOOD, sound of “O” for SANDRA “OH”, connected to meaning of MY Korean Flag “KF” in circle of “O”, to be about “FUCK” O, Sandra “OH”.
H “UNG” ER games, connected to meaning of CARL J “UNG”, and Korean word “J UNG D UNG” which means ASS, to be about HER “ASS” in HER SHE Ass Conspiracy.
QUELL, QUILL is a BIRD FEATHER, that they used to use it as a PEN to write with. PENNsylvania Avenue address of White House.
COPPER COIL invented by the Dorky Nigger with Glasses, that gets tied to the big “TREEEEE” in the DOME, and meaning of this “COPPER” is connected to COPPER is a COIN, and the word COIN has been associated to be about CARL J”UNG” COINED the term Synchronicity, connected to COPPER PENNY is a COIN for “CP” Constance Maria Pecoraro, and “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF Metal of “COPPER” and STONE of Diamond.
BO and ARROW, “BA” in Korean means SEE with VISION, your eyes “OO”.
Bo and Arrow, sound of Peco”ARROW”, hit the TARGET Bull’s Eye of “O”, sound of “OH”, connected to Presi”DENT” Baracket EERING OBAMA, who’s presidency is built as if SANDRA “OH” is the owner and artist of my Federally Registered Trade”MARQ” in circle of “O”.
Ba Ba Meher, is a Indian Guru with nappy hair and very dark skin, who Daniel Ladinsky studied with for many years. “BA”rack “O” “BA” Ma, married to Mi “SH”ell, in HER SHE ys ChoCHAcolate Ass Pussy pimping game.
BA BA Me HER SHE ys choCHAcolate game in MATHemathics of making MONEY through ROBBING and RAPING OF MY ART, IDENTITY, MY LIFE from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, connected to Daniel LADIN”SKY” and his book “The GIFT” which was published in 1999, as if SANDRA OH is My Identity and ARTIST of MY ART while United States CORRUPT Gov’t Agencies, connected to “GA” Greys Anatomy tv show with Sandra OH rape and rob my life through Premeditated Organized WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES”. SHOOT AIM AT THE “SKY”, CIELO sound of YEL”LOW” is the SKY in Spanish.
CEI “LIN”G, look up, at new WH LIBRA ry, as if MY Federally Registered Trademark WATERCOLOR ART in circle of “O”, with a 1 line drawing that can be seen UPSIDE DOWN in a “69”, as if it was DONE by SANDRA “OH”, because it sounds like her name.
CEI “LIN” G for WOLF AIR “LIBRA” ry VIBE with SANDRA OH 41”O” as if she is My childhood picture in 1980 with a BLACK GIRL with Janice Jop “LIN” image in this picture. CEILO is the SKY in Spanish, sound of YEL”LOW”, SHO es on Sandra Oh, that “WOLF” has been licking fucking through his Drin”KIN” “SHO”es for years. What’s the point of building it in REAL LIFE, if it isn’t going to happen in REAL LIFE?
SANDRA OH and “LEAF” Monster connections
It’s why it’s SANDRA OH born in 19”71”, CathoLICKING GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” BOGE “TAL” who were both born in “YR” 69, Sandra OH who thinks and wants MY UPSIDE DOWN “69” TradeMARK in circle of “O” to have been done by her because it YR EAR sounds like her name “OH”. EVERYTHING about MY IDENTITY and MY ART to have meaning for, as if it was DONE By SANDRA OH, has been built through T “HO” MAS CHRISTO”FUR” BRIDGES Gay Male DENTIST, and through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART, two sociopaths who I met in 2002 and 2005 who are the THIRD PARTY Contacts and CO CONSPIRATORS in ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
Look at the “O” and the “BIRD” inside it, it’s about MY Whats the Connection pages, specifically about my “PI” MATHemathics page with MY childhood picture in 1979, that they’ve been building as if it was Sandra OH. The United States “SEAL” with BIRD in circle of “O”, and picture of me in 1989 in “GRAY” Shirt with a Bird in a “O”, as if through FUCKING CLOTHING COLOR “GRAY”, connected to SANDRA OH on “GRAYS Anatomy”, SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY.
CO”LOR”, for meaning of MY IDENTITY to be SANDRA OH, THROUGH “COLOR WORDS”, like “WORDS of OBJECTS”, connected to JOSH WOLF of “ROL”ex building, and meaning of “CO” in Korean is “NOS E”, for Eyes of SON Jesus CH “RIS” T going backwards for “OO” is FORM of ASS, connected to my name SIGNature on my drawing from 1981 of “SANDY”, as if it’s Sandra OH, the “NIK” of her name. It’s how they’ve been building as if Delusional actress SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. Numbers, Words, Names, Colors, CODES, etc.
Did you get the BIG TEETHY GRIN on the guy contestant in the movie? This movie is directly connected to RAPING OF MY LIFE, through the DENTAL PETITION Hearing in June 2013. Raping of MY LIFE and MY ART, twisted to be about “GAMES”. It’s called the RAPING GAME. “Catching Fire”, as if MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK, MY Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, was done by SANDRA OH connected to tv show “Grey’s Anatomy” with Sandra OH as CH “RIS” Tina Yang connected to Constance Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST OIL OIL OIL OIL Painting, “CF” Charlies Find “OO”, FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T. WATER and OIL don’t mix, like sick delusional Psychocunts PECORARO and SANDRA OH, who in REAL LIFE are going to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE. 3 DECADES.
“DEN TAL Field”, and My Profession of 2 decades of DENTAL HYGiene, that they’ve been building through TOM BRIDGES Gay Male DENTist, with the word Presi”DENT”, connected to meaning of My Korean Name, My “BOURN IDENTITY”, as if My Korean name is Sandra Oh. This is connected to Barack Obama’s FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate and his FRAUDULENT Social Security Number, both connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY for Sandra OH as if she’s the Artist of my Artwork, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, reason for specific Repeating Numbers that are very important.
It’s 3 decades in the making, for MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about ME to BE SANDRA OH, connected to US Gov’t Agencies ROBBING MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about ME for this actress.
This is connected to the Trophy I won as the Best in Archery in 1980 at Summer camp. It was something that came very naturally to me, like my Artistic abilities.
The word “ARC” HER Y is the next new “CODE” in MATHemathics of making MONEY connected to “HER SHE YS” ChoCHAcolate Ass Pussy Pimping game. This is to keep the “RAPING GAME GOING” while at the same time “BRAIN WASHING”. Tom Cruise MAPOT “HER” JO “SH” WOLF, Mi”SHE”LL game. It’s the new CODE in creating meaning as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY from BIRTH to PRESENT, as if she is MY IDENTITY attending my catholic grammar school in 1983, ST. JOAN of “ARC” in Jackson Heights Queens NY where I grew up in the 1980’s. It was while attending this school I drew my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume in 1981 and I WON a PIN AWARD for it, and there are witnesses who know I drew this drawing, that PSYCHO ACTRESS SANDRA OH PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” has been claiming she drew for 3 decades connected to her School name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada.
As if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in 1980 winning my Trophy for Best in Archery. Built through TAURUS the “BULL” Sign of my Catholic School classmate CHRISTINA BERN “ARD O”, Bull’s Eye in “O” sound of Sandra “OH”, a sick disturbing pattern that’s been going on for 3 decades, for ALL CIRCLES of “O” from MY LIFE to have and be this delusional actress Sandra “OH” because it sounds like her name. Beginning with MY First Birthday Baby Picture holding a APPLE in shape of “O”, for 3 decades, as if Sandra “OH” is the owner and Artist of my Federally Registered Trade “MARQ” in circle of “O”.
They are using this new CODE of “ARC” as if SANDRA OH is My PORTrait Drawing H”AIR” in the shape of letter “C” going BACKwards as if it’s “RA”, C “RA” as in SAND “RA” OH, who thinks she is MY PORTRAIT, next to LEE MONTGOMERY. This is WHY My Catholic School classmate name GLORIA “LEE” is extremely important in robbing my identity and meaning of my ART for SANDRA OH, who wants to have meaning in MY ART for LEE Montgomery, when EVERYTHING about SANDRA OH has already been BUILT for JOSH MI”CHA” WOLF, connected to “CHA”rlie’s Find Jesus CHRIST OIL art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”.
C “RA” CHRIST SAM SARA rhymes with “Q”ARMA, EAR sound built in on Upper Left.
Why is it Presi”DENT” SNOW?
Did you see how Katniss Everdeen looked at the SNOW in her HANDS? N”OO”N in Korean means EYES and it means SNOW. Why are KOREAN WORDS important? Because they are the SECRET CODES to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ART for KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH, who they have built in Los Angeles, as if she is MY IDENTITY from BIRTH to PRESENT. Los Angeles is a micro of the macro of United States, that they’ve built as if Sandra Oh is the Artist of my Artwork in MATHemathics of making Money. Understand meaning of “BAL” is “FOOT” in Korean, and how they’ve been secretly building for MY IDENTITY to be SANDRA OH connected to CEDARS “SIN”AI HOSPiTAL, reason why this borderline psychotic actress is on a tv HOSpital SHO w, “Grey’s Anatomy” that is directly connected to this real life hospital.
“NOON” in Korean means Eyes and SNOW, as if Sandra OH is “WON” My Korean middle Name, My “EYES with 08” in My PORTRAIT Drawing connected to Solar System new planet numbers of “8”. I thought the little gem stones in Jennifer’s Eyes in the movie was “TACKY”.
It’s about meaning of My Korean name of Wang SIN WON, which sounds like WA “SHIN”ngtON, connected to My Leo Birthday numbers which are important on the ONE Dollar Bill with GEORGE WASHINGTON the First Presi”DENT” of the United States and a General.
SNOW”DEN” has been a big name in the news since July 2013, when EDWARD SNOWDEN of “NSA” released his surveillance records of US Gov’t illegally spying on people and other countries. He came forward with his info, right after the HEARING Date of 6/4 2013 of MY DENTal Hygiene Petition, which was ORGANIZED CRIMES. It’s connected to FRAMING of ME in APRIL 2009 in Beverly Hills, and having me wrongfully locked in jail for 5 months. Beverly Hlils Police Dept Chief is name DAVID SNOWDEN. Are you getting all these “DENT” connections, which is connected to ROBBING of MY Identity, My Art, My Profession of 2 decades, through VIRGO MAI”DEN” I”TAL”ian Psychocunt Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL Art.
All of the above is connected to PresiDENT Barack Obama, who’s Presidency is about and BUILT ON, ROBBING MY IDENTITY and EVERYTHING about ME, for SANDRA OH, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY. This is why “DENT”ist name THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES is very important, because he has the same Leo birthday as me, in robbing my Identity for Sandra Oh, and My Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO in a GROUP Conspiracy.
Stars and Celebrities making MOVIES based on MY LIFE and MY ART, aren’t the ones INTENTIONALLY “HARMING” ME through Premeditated Organized CRIMES.
BLACK COLOR S “KIN” CONSPIRACY connected to “SCHOOL” Name of SANDRA OH, “SIR” Robert Borden High School in Canada on “GREEN BANK” road, GREEN, anagram of NEEGR “O”, as if SANDRA “OH” Drew my drawing of BLACK Male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 and as if she is My “John Hancock” Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name, through Jenni”FUR” “LAW”rence D “RES” S twirling around “Going BACKwards. It’s WHY it’s TOM BRIDGES Gay Ass in P”3”AR B”OAT” Conspiracy to ROB MY Father’s Identity, meaning of My Parents Names for JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, FAT “HER”. “AFT” is the BACK part of a B”OAT”. “ELLE”, in “HER” SHE Ass Pussy licking game.
Catching Fire. “CF” Charlies Find “OO”, FuCk.
Kat”NIS”s, EVER “DEEN”, R.I.M.E.S with EVER “GREEN”. FORM “OO” of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS”T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T.
EVER “GREEN” Street Sacramento “DENT” al mental raping petition of “Organized C RIMES” connected to Shonda RHIMES tv show “Grey’s Anatomy” with SANDRA OH and her SCHOOL name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN on “GREEEEEEENBANK Road” in Canada.
BO and ARROW, SHOOT and HIT Target at the DOME “ARC”Light, “3” THREE in Korean is “SAM” for Jesus CHRIST born on Christ “MAS” on PAGE “THREE” OIL painting by Constance Maria Pecoraro. Arc “LIGHT”, as in CELLU”LITE” of WOLFramite Scheelite “TUNG”sten, sound of TONGUE and JOSH WOLF and SANDRA “O” U, psycho actress “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”.
What is TOM BRIDGES YR of BIRTH? 1972? He is going to PRISON.
18278 is MY RDH License Number. 8/13/69 is MY LEO birthday, to have meaning for Sandra OH through “DENT” ist Tom Bridges LEO Birthday of “8/13” 19”72”?
Jennifer LAWrence. I “WAL” Y, who was born when I graduated college. She’s the new 21st century female version of Joey “LAW”rence, like MARK “WAhL” berg, JUde LAW, all connected to My Writings, “intellectual property” on MY ART from 1982 of “I WAL Y”. You aren’t the “LAW” sick bitch, you’re an ACTRESS who is good at “pretending”.
Did you get how many times the camera was on her FACE during this movie? See how Pretty Jennifer’s Face is. I didn’t know I was in a Beauty Contest with someone who is HALF MY AGE, but this is indicative and the same pattern as Non Stop PIMPING of HALF MY AGE pussies, connected to PIMPING of ASS TITS for PYous JeSUS “CHA”rlie JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, connected to SANDRA OH on “Grey’s ANATOMY”. This is about trying to change the subject of SANDRA OH is MY PORTRAIT Drawing, MY “FACE”. It isn’t about anyone else’s FACE, or anyone else’s ANATOMY, it’s about MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE “THEFT”, for Delusional actress SANDRA OH, who MUST be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
It’s all about SANDRA OH who thinks she is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, and everything that supports this, anything else is a distraction.
Jenni “FER” better be careful, FUR is TAL and through her D “RES” S going BACKwards, in a Ass Conspiracy, she’ll be D “ART MOUTH” TONGUE Licking ASS PUSSY with SANDRA OH and “SIR” SUR SER ROBERT BORDEN SCHOOL for Tom CH “RIS” T o “FUR” Bridges “BT” Boge TAL. Like San DRA O, CatHOlicking Ass Pussy through BERN “ARD O” and GLORIA “LEE” Birthday Numbers in ZIP CODE of 94965 Sausalito BACKwards.
DON ald “SOUTH” HER LAND. LAND is “3AR”th in a P3AR B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy of ROBBING MY “FAT” Her’s name, connected to JOSH WOLF, connected to words like the “AFT” and “STERN” of a BOAT. DON in Korean is MONEY. DON”G” in Korean is SHIT. “G” in Korean is “RATS”, STAR backward. EAT MY SHIT in “HUNGER” GAMES. I don’t play or participate in the “RAPING of MY ART MY LIFE MY IDENTITY” GAME.
SH it in HER “SHE” YS game, SHIT comes out of an ASS HOLE, but through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s “SUNNY”, 3AR sound of “A NUS” is a nicer word than Asshole. T “HO” MAS CHRISTopher BRIDGES Gay male DENTist bridges “ANAL PARSONS PROJECT” of the “SUN IN YOU “RISE”. “SIR” Robert Borden SCHOOL of SANDRA OH, Going BACKwards for Jesus CHRIST 3AR sound of SON SUN, “OU” WOLFramite Scheelite “TUNG”Sten, “TONGUE” of D ART MOUTH.
Did you see Jennifer Lawrences’s Fugly dress at the Golden Globes? = PARA llel Lines, for PARAllel Entertainment JOSH WOLF agency, along the “HIPS” for SHIP in KOREAN is number “10” TEN, OCTOBER Born raping sick JEW JESUS JOSH WOLF who thinks MY ART and MY Website Domain name has meaning for him and his “WIFEY” Bethany ASHTON and Constance MARIA Psycho PECORARO. SHIP like BOAT and CRUISE, in P3AR B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy with big WIDE HIPS, connected to meaning of My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” to be ASS through Jesus CHRIST CHArlie’s Find “OO”, for Sandra OH as “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Gays ANATOMY”.
JenniFUR LAWrence is suddenly ENGAGED to NIC”HO”LAS “HO”ULT as of January 2014. Was it the BO”G” TAL Licking paragraph above? T “HO” MAS “CHRIST” O “FUR” BRIDGES Jesus CHRIST “CHA”RLIE OIL Painting with JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and SANDRA “OH”, through their names and through “FOUR” EVER “GREEEN” connections. LIFE in PRISON.
BIRD in “O” = BO “G” is PUSSY in KOREAN, PEPSI PUSSY Korean Actress SANDRA OH 1999, C”HO” CHA rlies Find “OO”, BO “G” “TAL” CathoLICKING for MAThemathics of making MONEY. BLUESUSHI. “J”.
NH, as if through their names, SANDRA OH is MY Korean Flag “KF” in circle of “O” Going BACKwards, FUCK “O” Sandra OH, for “HEAVEN” HN is on the UPPER LEFT. HO “UL” T, as if the Upper Left Links of MY ART Website “HO”me “AR”tist is SAND “RA OH” Name Going BACKwards.
All connected to ROBBING of MY Korean Name “SIN WON” for SANDRA OH, and MY JOHN HANCOCK Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART. HO HO HO “S” Pi “TAL”. FUR in Korean is “TAL”, sound in the name of Jenni”FER”, Hospital Tv show “Greys Anatomy” set on “TAL”man Ave in WASHINGTON, DIRECTLY connected to real life HO s PI tal CEDARS “SIGN EYE” in West Hollywood, where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
Jenni”FUR” needs to be careful in the roles she plays in the acting job. One of these days, I may SLAP her with a LAW suit and she may LOSE EVERYTHING.
The Dorky Nigger says he invented his own LIGHTENING CONDUCTOR and it looks like COPPER METAL COIL. This copper coil is attached to a BIG “TREEE” in this movie. It’s about the “S” Shaped “TREE” of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA in 2007.
COPPER METAL, “Heavy MENTAL” in CONSPIRACY of TWO, MH Mental Health Court “95”, through Penal Code of “1370”, JACOB WOLF birthday of “3/17”.
“THE NIGGER MADE IT UP ALL BY HIMSELF”. It’s a REAL LIFE HORRIFYING RAPING STORY, making it seem “innocent”, like through “NUT JOBS” animated movie released in Jan 2014.
COPPER PENNY and CARL JUNG retarded connections
COPPER PENNY and why it’s important.
CALLON Drive is next to “PENN”y road and “SYLVANIA” lane. PENNSYLVANIA Avenue is the address of the White House where US Presi”DENT” Barack Obama lives. SYLVANIA is a LIGHT BULB company, and “LIGHT” Bulb is about meaning of CELLU “LITE” as in “FAT” IS OIL L”ARD”, connected to CATHOLIC THEME OIL OIL OIL ART of Constance Pecoraro and jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, going BACKwards is LEO “OIL” ASS FORM. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy “GRACE NAVAS”. SANDRA OH’s ASS isn’t OIL or TISSUE, it’s made of PLASTIC IMPLANTS, which she got because of the meaning of my Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO made with letter “S” of my name and letter “Y” has an ASTERISK symbol attached to it.
If you read REAL Estate connections page below, you will understand why this address in TOPANGA is extremely important, and why meaning of White House address PENNY SYLVANIA Avenue is important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
COPPER Metal, the metal for AIR LIBRA SIGN JOSH WOLF, connected to “CARL JUNG” COINED the term SYNCHRONICITY, and meaning of COPPER PENNY “CP” is a COIN, therefore, “CP” Constance Pecoraro must have meaning in “Carl Jung”, through her “JC” Jesus CHRIST. THE “NIGGER” MADE IT UP HIMSELF, like NIGGERS IN US GOV’T MADE UP EVERYTHING, to ROB MY REAL LIFE IDENTITY and MY ART, for SANDRA OH. B “LAC” K CO”LOR” S”KIN”, all built going BACKwards as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and My Name SIGNature, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name, “CAL”lon Drive TOPanga. TOP, what is Sandra Oh’s middle name? PAT reee sha? TOP TAP, the T”AO” of making MONEY through RAPING MY LIFE.
If SANDRA OH’s middle name is PATRICIA, “SPO”, she is going to PRISON for LIFE. Because it’s about this delusional psychobitch actress, who not only thinks she is the ARTIST of my Art, but MY IDENTITY doing any and all “SPO” rts. Like me SNOW BO”ARD”ING in Lake Ta”HO”e must be her name Going BACKwards, like the upper left two links of my website “HO”me “AR”tist is her name Going BACKwards. Snowboard is made of WOOD CORE, as if the X rated Video Recording of ME from the “BACK VIEW” is SANDRA OH. PA per is made from T “REE”, SHA? = LIFE In PRISON and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.
This is connected to REAL LIFE book written by DAVID LIMBAUGH, “CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY”, “CAL”. It’s in the word B “LAC” K backwards, connected to “CAL” LON Drive TOPANGA next to PENNy road and SYLVANIA lane, connected to SICK DISTURBED NEGROS in US GOV’T Agencies, all RAPING and ROBBING MY LIFE for SANDRA OH on “GA” Grey’s Anatomy, created by a sick NIGGER PUSSY SHONDA “LYNN” RHIMES, as if the childhood pictutre of me in 1980 with a BLACK GIRL is SANDRA OH connected to almost all Black Color S”KIN” Nigger Pussies. All about the words B “LAC” K CO “LOR” S”KIN”.
Everything about meaning of MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE, MY Parents Names, everything “SEXUAL” about ME, has been built to be SANDRA OH, through what they MADE UP. THEY “RAPED” MY LIFE and “ROBBED” EVERYTHING FROM ME, THROUGH WHAT THEY “MADE UP”, KILLING of MY “REAL LIFE”, so that Sandra OH can pretend she is the Artist of my Second Artwork Collection, reason WHY SICK RAPING DELUSIONAL NIGGER BARACKET” EEERING” OBAMA was re elected a SECOND TERM.
D “ART MOUTH” College of SHO SHO SHONDA RHIMES, who is from same city as BARACK CHICA”GO” ILLINOIS, AE SCUL APIUS, MATHemathics of making MONEY through SCHOOL names, in ROBBING of MY ART and MY Profession of “DENTAL Hygiene” through WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES”.
If you see the page of PLATT’S Jewelry store on ROBERTSON Blvd, you will see HAND MADE “COPPER COIL” Lights. This is DIRECTLY connected to DISTURBED SICK NEEGROS MICHELLE and BARACK OBAMA in the “WHITE” HOUSE makes “GRAYS Anatomy”, connected to the word “PAC”hyderm is a thick S”KIN” mam”MAL”, connected to Nigger “QAR MALA HARRIS” “AG” Attorney General of CA. Black Color S”KIN” Conspiracy. MY “PLATTTT O” FOOD, new food group introduced by Michelle Obama in 2011, as if MY ART IN Circles of “O” was done by SANDRA “OH”, because it sounds like her name.
This is WHY it is extremely important to have all QUESTIONS about JOSH WOLF and BIRTH of his son JACOB WOLF answered, was he born in SWE “DISH” Hospi”TAL” in SEATTLE WASHINGTON, same city as the setting of made up tv show “Greys Anatomy”, created to ROB My IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. IS TOM CRUISE related as in cousins, to TODD CUMMINGS, the owner of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA”TREEE”SHA? They have BUILT as if SANDRA OH is My X RATED PRIVATE PICTURES taken on the “TREE” at TOPANGA in 2007, all connected to Businesses in MATHemathics of making MONEY.
SEE extremely important connection to “WEYBURN x GAYLEY” PLAT “O” Thai House connections.
“S” shaped TREE in Topanga, what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TREEE” SHA? = LIFE IN PRISON and there isn’t anything anyone else can do about it.
When I say and write, many movies made in Hollywood is based on REAL LIFE TRUTHS, this is a perfect example of it. Like MY REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES, where do you they get all their “IDEAS”? ROBBING FROM ME FOR 3 DECADES.
This is a MOVIE, based on “REAL LIFE TRUTHS”, twisted through script scenes and actors names in this movie. Jenni”FER” LAW rence is a LEO born on “8/15” 1990, the year I graduated from college. She was NAMED this for a reason, connected to MY Writings and MY ARTWORK from 1981 and 1982. DONald SOUTH “HER” LAND, Ass is I + JL = don’t mix well.
T”HIR”D “Q”U ELLE. R.I.M.E.S with MICH”ELLE” and DANI”ELLE”. ELLE In Spanish is “HER” in HER SHE YS ChoCHAcolate Ass Pussy pimping game.
SHONDA LYNN “RHIMES”, disturbed sick Black Color S”KIN” nigger pussy, creator of “GA” Greys Anatomy” set in Seattle WASHINGTON, connected to “GA” Gov’t Agencies in CAPITOL HILL in WASHINGTON DC. This sick bitch needs to be SEVERELY PUNISHED, because this tv SHOW was created by her, TO ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ART for SANDRA OH, and this show is DIRECTLY connected to the FRAMING OF ME and then the RAPING OF MY LIFE in APRIL 2009.
ANATOMY, “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF rules the Anatomy of “KID” KNEEEE “YS”, in the “LOW LOW BACK”. KNEEEEE “CAP” Bone is called the “PAT” ELLA, what is Sandra OH’s middle name, PAT reeee SHA? Reason why JOSH WOLF went to college at “TREEE”Nity University in “SAN” Antonio TEXAS and is supposedly married to Bethany “ASH” TON. %*&(?!?!
What’s the connection between SHONDA RHIMES and US GOV’T AGENCIES with FUR FER FIRST BLACK Attorney General and PresiDENT ever in history?, NIKKI GRIMES. “NG” connected to “LIO n KIN g”, the “NG” is the important part of robbing of my last name of WANG, for SANDRA OH who was born in “OT TO WA” Canada.
See important page of “NAPA GRILL” NG, next to “WA” Music in Westwood.
“NG” next to “WA” Music
connected to Robbing My ROYAL Name for Psycho SANDRA OH who was born in OTTO “WA” Canada
This is really important, so pay attention.
The NSA, National Security Agency, is who EDWARD SNOWDEN worked for, before releasing Surveillance Records by the US Gov’t in July 2013, which goes against the Privacy of US Citizens and US Constitutional Rights. The ADDRESS of “NSA” is “9812”, which is MY CATHOLIC High School classmate name “MICH ELLE” FIGueroa LEO Birthday of 8/12/6 “9”. The number “9” in Korean is “GU”, connected to MY Pencil Drawing of Robert “GU”illaume from 1981, that they’ve twisted to have meaning through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL Art of Mary and JESUS CH “RIS”T, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. This is all connected to meaning of “LIO n KIN g” movie from 1993, which is connected to ROBBING MY LEO SIGN Identity and My Name SIGNature on MY ART, for SANDRA OH, who is really a CANCER SIGN born in EAR sound of month of JU LIE.
T “HO” MAS “CHRIST”oFUR BRIDGES who has the SAME LEO Birthday as me of “8/13” but different year, Bridges and “ROBS” meaning of My IDENTITY, MY Name SIGNature, MY ART, for SANDRA OH, as if she is My IDENTITY attending My Catholic Schools in 1980’s, THROUGH the Vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of JESUS CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find. AS IF SANDRA OH is MY SIGN of LEO and My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, connected to “LIO n KIN g” meaning. Reason why she is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
DANI”EL” LADINSKY’s book of translated poems titled “THE GIFT” is about this, about ROBBING MY IDENTITY from BIRTH to PRESENT, FOR SANDRA OH, “THROUGH” the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART and her “NO NAME GIRL” Sketches. The “GIF” T is about “FIG”ueroa name, and the letter “T” is for “T” AO, DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, through all these other people’s names and their birthday numbers.
The beginning of this book has a sentence, “JESUS CHRIST BLOWS AIR INTO FLUTE HOLES”, or something similar, which is connected to OIL OIL OIL ART of JESUS CHRIST by Constance Pecoraro, titled “CHA”rlies Find, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. OIL and WATER don’t mix, like psychobitches and I don’t mix.
BLOW “AIR”, connected to all “AIR” connections, ultimately connected to Presi”DENT” Barack Obama and his FRAUD Birth Certificate with Delivery DOCTOR name of DAVID “SIN” CL “’AIR”, which was handpicked to ROB MY Korean name of “SIN WON” for SANDRA OH, and meaning of my Father’s Music Band from 1950’s “Morning Stars”, where he is BLOWING “AIR” into a CL “ARI” NET”, in Robbing My Father’s Identity for “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF born in month of “TEN” October.
This book was published in 1999, and it’s connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME MARY and Jesus CHRIST OIL Painting, connected to MOTHER MARY Statue on OCEAN Avenue in SANTA MONICA, and JOHN “P” JONES statue next to it, in TAO DAO DOW of DAVID JONES in Mathemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through Psycho Pecoraro’s OIL Paintings and titles.
This “ELLE” meaning of HER SHE YS choCHAcolate Ass Pussy game is the REASON why I met a Black Nigger Pussy DENTIST name “Y.D” anielle MARQUIS in 2006. She had a receptionist name MICHELLE also working in the office and they both have HUGE P3AR shaped ASSES. “Y.D”ani”ELLE” MARQUIS. This name initials of “Y.D” completes the “NSA” = for “SAN DY”, my name SIGNature on MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, that they’ve been building for 3 decades as if SANDRA OH DREW MY DRAWING and is MY John Hancock, GOING BACKwards, in a disturbing sick P3AR B”OAT” ASS CONSPIRACY. SANDRA OH’s FATHER worked for the FEDERAL GOV’T and this entire FAMILY ARE CRIMINALS, robbing MY IDENTITY for their DELUSIONAL SICK ACTRESS Daughter, as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
Mich”ELLE” “FIG”ueroa, is a LEO. Tom Bridges is a LEO. IF “Y.D”ani”ELLE” MARQUIS is a LEO, she is GOING TO PRISON.
Pay Attention
THE “DOME” of ARC Light
Why was this Historic Building renovated into a movie theatre named “ARC LIGHT” in 2002 or 2003? LIGHT is about the meaning of “CELLU LITE” as in OIL as in Blubber. It’s connected to EAR sound of WOLFramite SCHEE”LITE” which is the stuff that “LIGHT” BULBS are made of. LIGHT “BULB” to be about Cellu”LITE” BLUBBER ASS FORM, conneced to “OIL” Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro of Mother MARY and Jesus CHRIST.
The ‘DOME’, was renovated, because it’s connected to MY Pictures in YOSEMITE at “HALF DOME”, as if these pictures of me in 1998 is Sandra OH.
The “DOME” looks like a GOLF BALL.
GO “LF” R.I.M.E.S with WO “LF”.
Go “LF” LEFT, on Ocean Avenue, where they have built for My CHILDHOOD PICTURES in 1979 in SANTA MONICA, as if it was SANDRA OH. All built through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme oil Art.
GO “LF”, LEFT, for T”AO”, D “AO” DOW Jones of making Money. Through Robbing of MY IDENTITY, Robbing of MY ARTWORK, as if SANDRA OH is MY PORTRAIT and the Artist of MY WATERCOLOR ART, when everything has already been built through “OIL OIL OIL OIL” ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro of Mary and Jesus CHRIST. Reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
COPPER is a “METAL”. It’s the METAL of Astrology Sign of “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF.
“N” is for NORTH in “going BACKwards” for “ON”. ME “N” TAL. Reason why Shonda “LYNN” Rhimes tv show “Grey’s Anatomy” is set on “TAL MAN” Avenue. Ficticious Made up TV SHOW, made up and created to ROB MY “REAL LIFE” IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH. This is why I was FRAMED and was Wrongfully locked in LA County Jail in the MH Mental Health Dept in “LYNN” WOOD. SHO SHO SHO TV SHOnda ‘LYNN’ C SEE “RIMES”, the RAPING OF MY LIFE MY ART, tv show.
1985 Sandy Wang’s First boyfriend in 1985, ROBB “NOONZIO” FUCKING My Catholic High School classmate “MICH ELLE” FIG FIG FIG UEROA
meaning of “ELLE” in HER SHE ass pussy pimping game
KA MAL A “HAR RIS” and study Map of “Llo YD” street in West Hollywood
“ELLE” in Mich “ELLE” name
“Y.D” like Y.Dani”ELLE” MARQUIS name
“NSA” 9812 “NSA” Address and EDWARD SNOWDEN
= “SANDY” HOOK SCHOOL Massacre Dec 2012 SANDY HOOK SCHOOL Massacre
meaning of KNEEE “CAP” Bone of “PAT” ELLA
what is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PAT REEE SHA?
“CAP”ri CORN Sign of G”OAT” and meaning of CORN is YEL”LOW” sound of “CIELO” the SKY in Spanish
The “GIF” T by Dani”ELLE” Ladin”SKY”
“FIG” Olive on LA C ieNIGGA Blvd
“FIG” restaurant in Fairmont Hotel
“T” is for TAO
Died on “6/25” MI”CHA” EL “JACK”SON died on “6/25”, leaving behind his Neverland Ranch “NR”
“625” Target BULL’S EYE in “O” like CHECK MATE, CIELO is the SKY in Spanish, CEI “LIN” G
behind the WH LIBRARY is new “O” Pachyderm “Bird Elephant” wall mural
T “HIR” D Q u “ELLE”. ELLE is HER in Spanish in “HER SHE YS” Chochacolate ASS PUSSY Game.
GT Sandra Oh has “TG” The FIGT on “GEORGE TONIGHT” in Sept 2012
Synchronized with DENTAL Petition filed in Sept 2012, STU “ART” H. WAXMAN = SH “O” W of RAPING MY LIFE from “Birth to Present”
LORI HUBBLE Dental Petition, scroll down to TWO NIGGER PUSSIES name “YV”ETTE CHAP”ELLE” and “YV”ETTE Dani”ELLE” MARQUIS connections. Leading to Nigger Pussy MICH “ELLE” OBAMA, in BLACK COLOR S”KIN” raping Nigger Games.
“Q “ “ “ “”” “” UOTATION “MARQQQ” connections on DO heny x “DOR” RING TON
LIFE IN PRISON JOSH WOLF and “DOR”IA r.i.m.e.s with GLO”RIA” and MA”RIA” connection to MENTAL Building “IA C” on Sunset blvd
MENTAL ST”AIR”s at Sid”DOOR” gate of “ROL”ex building in 2014
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s New Website in 2014, LIBRARies and “FAN CY BOX” meaning of her Html Codes = LIFE IN PRISON
ELLE is HER in Spanish, in “HER SHE YS” CHOCHACOLATE “CAM DUNG YEE” Ass Pussy game that got started connected to MY Childhood picture in 1980 with a Black Girl, that they’ve been building through Nigger Pussies for 3 decades, as if MY Identity was SANDRA OH.
Sandy Wang’s ST. JOAN of “ARC” CATHOLIC School in 1980’s.
“ARC”, going backwards, sound of “SEE” RA, as in SAND”RA” OH.
As if SANDRA OH is My IDENTITY, MY Childhood pictures attending MY CATHOLIC School St. “Joan of “ARC” in 1980’s, and attending my Catholic High School, St. VIN”CENT” FERRER in NYC in 1985 with MY H”AIR” in the shape of letter “S”, all built THROUGH CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro. As if she is the ARTIST of MY “ARCHITECTURAL” Drawing of MY Parents House in 1980’s “GARGE DOOR” and My Writings of “IWALY”, as if she is the Artist of My FAC from 1981 and 1982. This is one of the main reasons why you never see any pictures of SANDRA OH from the 1980’s, they BUILT IT as if she is MY IDENTITY. They built it as if My Parents are JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO, when these sociopaths are the same age as me. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT and ART THEFT in a Group Conspiracy.
C the shape of “L” going BACKwards in the ARChitecture of ROLEX BUILDING.
As if SANDRA OH wrote MY Writings of “I WAL Y” on MY ARCHitectural Drawing of MY PARENTS GARAGE “DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR” in 1982. See SIDE DOOR? Metal ST”AIR”S as if Sandra OH is My Im”PORT”ant PORTrait Drawing H”AIR” Shape in “C”, while they Premeditate and Conspire for Conspiracy of TWO Times to MA”RIA” MA”RIA” Stratton in MENTAL Health in LA County Jail, as if I had MENTAL Problems.
NOAH’S “ARC” is a story from the Bible, which is a B”OAT”, in a P3AR B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy of Going BACKwards through Jesus CHRIST Eyes is “OO” form of Ass, in robbing of My Parents Names meaning for Wolf Pecoraro and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH as CHRISTina Yang on “Greys ANATOMY” THROUGH the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME ART of Mary and Jesus CHRIST the SON.
ELLE is about JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and his talent agency in the ROLEX BUILDING, his Talent agency is “PARA LLEL Entertainment”. PARA “L” ELLE. PARA in Spanish means “HER”, in FOR “HER and SHE YS” ChoCHAcolate ASS PUSSY LICKING GAME. Go “SEE” C ”L”, Sin “CL” ARI NET, SICK RAPING NIGGER JOO TEAM in RAPING and ROBBING OF MY LIFE, the “L” at ROLEX BUILDING ARCHITECTURE.
PARA in Spanish means the word “FOR”, sound of “FOUR”, 4, D, as if SANDRA OH is My Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture in 1980 with MY LEG in PURPLE PANTS in the shape of number 4. This is one of the main reasons why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Gre YS Anatomy” in a HER SHE “YS” ChoCHAcolate ASS PUSSY “ANATOMY” PIMPING Game for PYous JeSUS JOSH WOLF, who’s talent agency is in this building. PARA L”ELLE”. PARUH in Korean means “SUCK”, for “SUC” Stand Up Comedian JOSH WOLF.
JeSSUP, for “PY”ous Je”SUS”, C HO.”CHA”rlies Find “OO” Jesus CHRIST Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, SANDRA “OH” C”HO” CHA, “OO” Ass Over LAP ping Pussy in 1999 Pictures.
OVER LAP ping LAF fing, connected to P”ASS” OVER Holiday of JEWS, connected to CHURCH of Jesus CHRIST of LATTER DAY Saints, connected to “LAF”fing Comedian JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, who is Constance Maria Pecoraro’s OIL Painting of “CHA”rlies Find Jesus CHRIST, all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, in robbing the meaning of My JOHN HANCOCK, My Name SIGNature on my “DRA”wing from 1981, through Spanish word “HAND” = MAN”OS” in creating meaning of Going BACKwards for “SO” Sandra OH. Same reason why T”HO” MAS CH”RIS”T O FUR BRIDG”ES” opened his Dental Office at “360” P OS T street in SAN FrancisCO. All built going BACKwards as if SANDRA OH is My Name “SIGN”ature, as if she is MY SIGN of LEO, through “OIL” ART by Constance Pecoraro in a CHAIN GROUP CONSPIRACY.
C “L”, reason why JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF wife Bethany “ASH TON” directed a movie titled “LC” Little Chenier, in “NO” New Orleans. Connected to FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA and the DELIVERY DOCTOR name “DAVID SIN CL AIR”. “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF, metal of “COPPER” STONE of DIAMOND, symbol of Justice Scales, built to ROB MY FATHERS NAME and IDENTITY in a Group Conspiracy with Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART Theme, created to also ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is all my Childhood Pictures and MY IDENTITY growing up in JACKSON HEIGHTS NY “11372” in 1980’s, reason why you never see any pictures of what Sandra OH looked like in the 1980’s, she’s only 2 years younger than me so we grew up within the same “Genre”.
C “L”, connected to BLOW “AIR” in CL”ARI” NET, in MY Father’s Music Band picture from 1950’s, reason why this Delivery Doctors names was “HAND PICKED” to make it “FIT”. Like all the overwhelming concrete evi”DEN”ce I have of Disturbing WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES” that “FITS PERFECTLY” to Repeating Numbers, connected to DELUSIONAL BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGERS in US GOV’T, OBAMAS in WHITE House makes “GRAYS Anatomy”, like “PAC”hyderm is a thick S”KIN” mam”MAL”, like the “GRAY” Elephant. While these sick DELUSIONAL NIGGERS PREMEDITATE and PLAN to “LOCK” ME IN JAIL in “MENTAL HEALTH” Dept as if I had “MENTAL PROBLEMS”, finding ways to “FRAME” ME again like they did in April 2009, when “THEY” are CLEARLY the DISTURBED SOCIOPATHIC CRIMINALS, IDENTITY THIEVES, who are in the Business of ROBBING of MY LIFE, MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, MY PRICELESS ARTWORK, for BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC ACTRESS SANDRA OH.
C “L”, SEE “ELLE”, MICH”ELLE” Obama’s huge P3AR B”OAT” Ass in a Over LAP ping ASS PUSSY “CHOCHA CO LATE” Conspiracy of ROBBING the meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES for WOLF and PECORARO, MY ART of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, and MY CHILDHOOD picture with a BLACK GIRL in 1980, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and The ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK. MY JOHN HANCOCK, as if Sandra Oh is My Name SIGNature on MY ART done by MY HANDS and MY BRAIN, while these sick niggers premeditate to HANDCUFF MY HANDS. DELUSIONAL RAPING FUCKING NIGGERS, these “words” are mild compared to how I feel inside.
C “ELLE”, “Y.D”ani “ELLE” MARQUIS, Nigger Pussy in “CARL JUNG” COPPER PENNY “CAM” DUNG YEE JUNG DUNG Ass Conspiracy through coded words “BLACK YELLOW COLOR S”KIN”, as if SANDRA OH is MY Name SIGNature on MY ART of “SANDY” , as if it’s the “NIK” of her name. I hope San”DRA” OH, who’s been claiming she DREW my DRAWings, knows how to DRAW and PAINT.
C “ELLE”, YVETTE CHAP “ELLE” another NIGGER PUSSY in DENTistry, connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY MY Childhood Pictures in 1979 with “YV” YELLOW VIRGO SIGN, as if it’s SANDRA OH, through the Dental Mental Raping Hearing in June 2013.
“LOR”I HUBBLE at the DENTal Committee in Sacramento, connected to “ROL”ex Building and JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find in robbing of MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. Robbing of MY “FAMILY JEWEL”.
Spanish words are very important because the number of Spanish speaking people in California. Original settlers of CA were Spaniards, reason why so many city names have “SAN”. The number of MEXICAN people in CA is astounding, all connected to creating meaning as if Sandra OH is My Identity in 1992 PICTURES OF ME WORKING IN FLORIDA, with a guy name “ED” who is from MEXICO. All of the “ED” names are about “ED”DIE V “ED DE” R who is the singer for PEARL JAM Music Band, see his link below, his Identity in ROBBING MY ART MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH is HUGE and the meaning of “FOOD” is DIRECTLY connected to this JEW from CHICAGO “IL LI” NOISE. JAM Rhimes with PAM and HAM, HAM is PIG as in Pork, twisted to be about PIG as in POLICE, and JAM and JILLY JELLY go on BREAD like TOAST. The SPANISH PEOPLE'S “Secret Underground” Leader is Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam, who's concerts in South American countries are very frequent.
MEXI”CO”, CO in Korean is “NOS”E”, for “E”yes of Jesus CHRIST the SON oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro is horny for “C HO CHA” in Ass Pussy of “GOING BACKwards” built for “PY”ous Je”SUS” CHARLIE, connected to Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, in Catho”LICK” Suck Fuck MATHemathics RAPING GAME, all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY as if “SAN”DRA OH is the Artist of MY ARTWORK, and “DREW” My DRAWings from 1981 and 1982, the same pattern happening with my Second Artwork Colleciton from 2003-2007 which Sandra Oh thinks she is MY Portrait Drawing. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT in a group Conspiracy.
“TRA” BA JO = WORK in Spanish. DINERO in Spanish = MONEY.
What's for “DINER” O? Sandra “OH”, FEET US, FEED US, “FETUS”. Millions of SPICS JOBS and LIVLIHOODS are BUILT ON RAPING and ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH” as if Sandra “OH” is My Baby Pictures, My First Birthday baby picture with FOOD and MONEY on the TABLE, as if she is all my CHILDHOOD PICTURES, “CP” built directly connected to CP Constance Maria Pecoaro's “No Name GIRL” sketches, connected to Spanish word CHICA which means GIRL, like C”HO”CHA means Pussy “CP”, with Sandra “OH” name in it backwards. Sandra OH who thinks My Name SIGNature on my art of “S …. and …. Y”, is the FORM of her Ass Pus “SY”, reason why she is CHOCHA rlies Find “CHRIST”ina Yang on 'Gre YS Anatomy”. ANATOMY, in TOM BRIDGES “BT” Body Types of P”EAR” OIL LEO Blubber Asses, as if Sandra OH is My SIGN of LEO, and MY Name SIGNature is her ASS FORM, built through “OIL” Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro.
Tom Bridges MARI CON. CON stance MARia Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, for “TAO” is the WAY through these sociopaths and Identity Thieves on “BRIDGE WAY” Sausalito. Mi”CHA”, 3ARth Virgo sign rules the Digestive System for “FOOD”. MI”KA” ASSSSterisK. TV? TARA VIRGO? SWE”DISH” Hospital? JOHN HAN”COCK”, R.i.m.e.s with GOLD C”LOCK” and Tom Birdges F”LOCK” O BIRD SHIT on “STONE” on RICHARDT “SON” BAY. RB.