TEA in Korean is “CHA”, which also means CAR depending on the context it is used it. CHA is about meaning of MY Father who was a Gifted Musician and TEA Cher. They’ve been building meaning through CHINKS for MY Father’s Name and Identity to have meaning for JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF in Los Angeles for 3 decades. Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges My Mother with Psycho Connie Maria Pecoraro, My Father with Josh Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH. Which means that Pecoraro and Wolf were 2 years old when they had baby Sandra OH, and she looks a lot like Italian Pecoraro and Jewish Wolf doesn’t she.
They’ve been building on My Childhood CHRISTMAS picture with my Mother and my dog Frenchy to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro for many years, through her Catholic Theme of Jesus CHRIST on page “SAM”. Sam in Korean means 3. This childhood picture of me has the plant POINTSETTIA, like the childhood picture of me and my Father and picture of my Parents has FERN in it, the reason why the CATHOLIC MAThemathics of BUSINESS of HORTICULTURE is HUGE.
This corner next to SA HA RA motel, has a COIN LaundroMAT, which is about the meaning of WASHer and DRYer, connected to Korean word “WA” which means to COME or Arrive, but in their sex game, it means to CUM as in Orgasm, in Catholic MAT hemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money. Through PUSSIES NAMES that Jesus CHRIST JOSH WOLF licks and fucks. JOSH WOLF says it, on Bob Rivers Radio Show in March 2008, MAThemathics makes him very HORNY for CALF and COW, aka WOLF who wants the Numbers of 313 or CAC, the GAP Space numbers to have meaning for him. JOSH WOLF is a very sick HOR DICK licking fucking HOR PUSSIES for his Mother MARIA on Bridgweay Sausalito in Making MONEY. 3/13 is WANG MONTGOMERY’S Birthday numbers.
It’s next to SHALOM, which means PEACE in Hebrew. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATREE “SHA”?
GREEN TEA House, in STEPS and STAIRS Architectural Design, connected to Big REAL ESTATE connections in Catholic MAThemathics of making MONEY, based on MY WRITINGS and MY ARTWORK to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, AS IF this sick actress was MY IDENTITY and she DREW my drawings from 1982, THROUGH the Vehicle of Psycho Connie Mother MARia Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme, based on and connected to MY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, All Girls ST. VINCENT FERRER HIGH SCHOOL.
This is why there is the Business “BUTTERFLY” across the street next to RALPHS Supermarket in OLIVE GREEN. Butterfly in Korean is NABi, and Sandra Oh thinks that MY Childhood pictures of me wearing Butterfly Halter T shirt is HER, for Catholic MAThemathics of making MONEY that goes in BAN ks. The reason why she is wearing a T shir with “HANG” man, because UN HANG in Korean means BANK.
COLOR of MONEY is “GREEN”, and they’ve been building in Los Angeles for 3 decades AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY in PICTURES of ME, from MY LIFE, through the COLOR GREEN. Whatever picture from my childhood that has the color GREEN, recreated to FIT SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY.
COLOR is a big part of this, because of my childhood COLORADO pictures, SE KAL in Korean means Color, SE in Korean means BIRD, KAL means KNIFE, the reason why Connie Pecoraro’s Artwork was done with a PALETTE KNIFE. It’s connected to Tom Bridges the GREEN Garage Studio on CAL lon drive Topanga, in EAR sound of Tom BIRD ges COLOR.
This corner businesses aren’t that important compared to the multimillion billion dollar Corporations that are INFRINGING on MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK to BE SANDRA OH, WORLDWIDE, through THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me, bridges Psycho Connie MOTHER MARY Pecoraro and Jesus CHRIST, for “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. But I added this corner because the street name POINSETTIA is connected to MY Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture, which is what Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme is based on, for MY IDENTITY in ALL MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES to BE SANDRA OH, a sickeningly Repeating Pattern. And also because there is a HUGE CONNECTION of CHINESE FEMALES and PEOPLE who are all supporting CHINESE DOCTOR “CRIST”ina Yang SANDRA OH, is MY IDENTITY AS IF She is MY PORTRAIT drawing and AS IF SHE CREATED MY “TAO” Saying and MY ARTWORK on MY “OM” Page.
GREEN TEA HOUSE address of 7226 is connected to meaning of MY MOTHER’S BIRTHDAY of 6/2 AIR Gemini. They’ve been building on these numbers in Los Angeles for 3 decades, for My MOTHER’S IDENTITY and her NAME to be Bridged by TOM BRIDGES with Connie Maria Pecoraro.
It’s next to a LAUNDRO MAT because WASHERS and DRYERS is about SEX, as in WA in Korean means to COME or ARRIVE, but in this Sex game it’s Cum as in Orgasm. Connected to Upper Left State of WASHington, where Josh Wolf used to live, and where “Grey’s Anatomy” is SET is located. CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI” ous and horny to make Money.
I don’t know when they opened this restaurant, but after the HORRIFIC PREMEDITATED ARREST of me in APRIL 2009 when I was SET UP, they’ve opened many new BUSINESSES, CELEBRATING the RAPING of MY LIFE in 2009. Green Tea house, “GT” for SANDRA OH is the ARTIST connected to DANIEL LADINSKY’s Book “THE GIFT”, because I was FRAMED and made to look like a “Grand Theft” of Auto of MERCEDES BENZ, SO THAT SANDRA OH CAN HAVE MEANING IN MY ARTWORK, AS IF SHE WAS THE ARTIST.
Connie MA”RIA” Pecoraro wants the Korean word for MURHI which means HAIR, and sounds like MARIA to have meaning for her, and the Element of MY Mother’s GEMINI Sign of AIR to have meaning for her Middle Name because in the Childhood CHRISTMAS picture MY HAIR is parted in the MIDDLE. This is why “GOING BACKWORDS” with any syllable containing AIR, and the COLOR of GREEN to be about Sandra OH’s YEAR BACKwards, it’s SANDRA OH licking GLORIA MARIA’s BOGE TAL BACKwards, their PUSSIES and PU Bic HAIR.