GRACE Cathedral on Jones Street Nob Hill, San Francisco


they have a outdoor and indoor LABrynth
BAL in Korean means FOOT, SHIN BAL in Korean means SHOes
meaning of SHIN BAL and Byung WON on “Grey’s Anatomy” set in Seattle GRACE Hospital
LABrea and Santa Monica Blvd in Los Angeles
Tom Cruise and his LAB COAT


GRACE CAT he DRA l in Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PY”ous and horny to make Money through JESUS CHRIST. The reason why SanDRA Oh is CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, connected to MY Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture of me and my Mother and my dog Frenchy, and connected to MY All Girls CATHOLIC HIGH School ST. VINCENT FERRER classmates Names.

GRACE NAVAS is connected to GRACIE ALLEN Drives in Cedars SINai Hospital DIRECTLY connected to “Grey’s Anatomy” set in Seattle GRACE Mercy West Hospital. G”RA”CE for Sand”RA” Oh DREW my DRAwings from 1982 of ROBERT GUILLAUME BENSON DUBOIS, holding a magnifying glass with an OPEN EYE inside an “O”, CE, sound of SEE, through the VEHICLE of Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST and Catholic CHURCH Religion themes in MAThemathics of making MONEY.

NAVAS “RHIMES” with CANVAS, and OIL Artwork goes on Canvas, for SHONDA “RHIMES” who created “Grey’s Anatomy” as the VEHICLE in a huge CHAIN GROUP CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY and the meaning of MY FIRST ARTWORK Collection from 1982, FOR SANDRA OH who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.

It’s about the SOUND of the word TAO, which sounds like DAO, sound of DOW, as in Dow JONES. DAO TAO DT, what’s missing? “O” the sound of Sand RA “OH” and MY Meaning of RA DI “O” from 1980’s. Grace Cathedral is on Nob Hill in San Francisco on California street between JONES Street and TAYLOR. This is connected to JACK TAYLOR’s of Beverly Hills. The FAIRMONT Hotel is at this same location in Huntingston Square Park, which is connected to MARY Statue on Ocean avenue in Santa MONICA Los Angeles, in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of are you “PI”ous and horny to make Money.

This is connected to Cedars SINai HospiTAL in West Hollywood which is built DIRECTLY connected to Sandra Oh as CRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” the VEHICLE to ROB MY IDENTITY, meaning of MY ARTWORK, which they’ve been building for 3 decades in Los Angeles and I have overwhelming concrete evidence of it, the reason why they’ve been slowing sabotaging my life.

It’s connected to Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme, connected to MY CATHOLIC High School St. Vin”CENT” Ferrer and my classmates names, like GLORIA LEE and GRACE NAVAS, “RHIMES” with OIL goes on CANVAS. Jesus CHRIST, ina Yang, Sandra Oh who went to SIR Robert Bor”DEN” high school, through the VEHICLE of Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic theme, IS MY IDENTITY, through Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me, AS IF she DREW my drawings from 1982. AS IF she IS MY IDENTITY in all my baby and childhood pictures, through TEENAGE YEARS with my first boyfriend Stephen Garrison, through my Career as a DENTAL Hygienist, etc, to have meaning for her through VirGO Mai”DEN” Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro.

It’s about the meaning of MY First NAME SIGNature on the Pencil Drawing of Robert Guillaume with “OO” Horizontal Eight made with the letter “S” of my name, and an asterisk key attached to the letter Y of my name of “Sand Y*”. This is a TRADE SECRET, unlike a Trademark, or Patent or Copyright.

Sandra Oh wants to be the ARTIST who DREW this drawing, AS IF MY Name SIGNature of “Sandy” is her, as if MY SIGN of LEO the LION had meaning for her through Tom Bridges who has the same birthday as me. EAR sound of Cedars “SIN”ai SIGN EYE Hospital, connected to meaning of my name SIGNature, my astrology SIGN and my Korean Name “SIN WON”. SANDRA OH IS AN IDENTITY THIEF, A SOCIOPATH WHO SHOULD BE SEVERLY PUNISHED FOR ALL THE HARM CAUSED TO ME AND MY LIFE, IF SHE CAN’T SIGN MY NAME SIGNATURES TEN TIMES IN A ROW CONTINUOUSLY, SHE NEEDS TO BE LOCKED IN JAIL.

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