With Address of 1300 which can be written at 13/8, 8/13 is MY Birthday, across the street from GOOGLE headquarters in Santa Monica on 6th street. GU or GOO in Korean means number 9, on 6th street, and 69 is MY Year of birth. 8/13/69 is MY Birthday, that they want it to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH, Delusional Actress through TOM CHRISTOPHER Bridges birthday of “8/13” /72, and CONSTANCE PECORARO 9/1/ “69”. THEY ALL NEED TO BE ARRESTED AND JAILED.
GAS company is about SAG “Screen Actors Guild” Backwards. The address is 1300, which is about 13 and Horizontal Eight which is “8” = 8/13 my birthday numbers.
ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same birthday as me of Leo “8/13”, bridges all “Stars and Celebrities” who are members of SAG, with GOWER and PARAMOUNT Studios in Hollywood. Through Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Church Theme, in are you “PI”ous Horney to make Money, for Horney Hor Dik Jesus CHRIST JOSH WOLF lic KING suc KING fuc KING, CROWN of THORNS on a KING’S Head.