Eva Longoria and Tony Parker
BLACK, WE Be “LONG” TogethER, Rhimes with Nigger and Vedder


KATe BecKINsale
Connie Maria Pecoraro
and her KAT holic Theme
KAT ie HOL mes big supporter



JACK, connected to meaning of MY FAC from 1981 and 1982, which I drew while growing up in JACKSON HEIGHTS NY and very important connection of ZIP CODE NUMBERS of “113 72”.

EVERYTHING about EVA “LONGORIA” is about CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO who is “OM” with my Catholic School classmate GLORIA “LEE” who’s birthday numbers are very important connected to ZIP CODE of SAUSALITO where Constance Pecoraro lives. This is why it’s a PUSSY CHOCHA LI”Q”ing GAME.

What does Eva Longoria Mexican CHOCHA and Constance Pecoraro have in common? Nothing, except they are far away lookalikes of each other. MEXICAN Pussy, connected to Constance Pecoraro who is a VIR”GO” and thinks that ME Working at French Club Med as a “GO” in 1992 has meaning for her, through her astrology sign of Vir”GO”, like this sick Psycho CUNT Pecoraro Virgo Mai”DEN” who thinks MY PROFESSION of “DEN”tistry also has meaning for her. It’s about the picture of me and a GOLF “GO” name ED who is was MEXICAN. ED played GOLF, which RHIMES with “WOLF”, and this is their connection. And the Spanish word CHO”CHA”, which means Pussy in Spanish, like CHICA means GIRL, connected to Constance Pecoraro’s reason why Pecoraro titled her Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find “OO”, who is JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, who went to SCHOOL in TEXAS, Eva Longoria’s “Home State”.

CHO “CHA” is PUSSY is a Spanish/Mexican word. Like NIN”A” and NIN”O”, the TAO of making Money through sick OIL ART of Constance Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST, with ‘OO’ Rings around his eyes, created to ROB MY Name SIGNature on MY Drawing from 1981. CHICA which means GIRL in Spanish is connected to the City of CHICA”GO”, ILLINOIS, where everything has been BUILT going BACKwards for Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’ in the word IlliNOiS. “OO” () over LAP ping LAF fing area is “FISH is PUSSY”, FP Fits Perfectly, FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and RHYMES with CH “RIS” T.

Eva Longoria was married to TYLER CHRISTOPHER from 2002 -2004. Then she was in a relationship with N SYNC’s JC CHAsez. For JC Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlies Find, Constance Maria Pecoraro's OIL Artwork. All about Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges JC, Jesus CHRIST with his Psycho Mother Con Artist Constance MARIA Pecoraro who modeled for a MUSTANG “CAR” madel, for her Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies find, Josh MIC”CHA” Wolf. CHA in Korean means CAR and TEA, and it's equivalent to the numbers CHA = 381, 8/13 is MY LEO Birthday, same birthday Tom Bridges, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. CHArlies Find Jesus CHRIST, the REASON why SANDRA OH is "CRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's anatomy".

It’s the same for Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, a faraway lookalike of Connie Pecoraro, who married on a specific DATE, and the reason why Ashton Kutcher is on “2 ½ men” after “CHARLIE” left. It’s connected to Josh Wolf LIBRA and Connie Pecoraro VIRGO Astrology Vibe Number, for MY FATHER’S Identity and his Music Band from the 50’s “MORNING STARS” to have meaning for her and Josh Wolf, connected to meaning of MY FAC from 1982 which I did because of the move BEN with “RATS”.

EVA LONGORIA was married to TONY PARKER of SAN ANTONIO TEXAS "SPURS". DIRECTLY connected to JOSH WOLF who studied Communications at TRINITY UNIVERSITY in SAN ANTONOI. "TON" connections, built in Left to Right.

A far away lookalike of Connie MARIA Pecoraro, EVA LONGORIA’S life is built based on Tom Bridges Jesus CHRIST with his Mother Connie MARIA Pecoraro and my CATHOLIC High School ASS GIRLS Classmates name, especially GLORIA CATHERINE LEE. LONGORIA, GLORIA, Rhymes with MARIA, Mother MARY Psycho Pecoraro. GLORIA LEE is a PH"ARM" acist and her identity is VERY CLOSELY connected to Pecoraro, JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY and the meaning of MY FAC from1981, to have meaning for them in CATHOLIC MAThemathics of making MONEY.

Constance Pecoraro is a TWIN of CASEY ANTHONY in FLORIDA. Psycho MOTHER in the SHOWER.

Tom Bridges all STARS and Celebrities on BRIDGEWAY Sausalito, connected to meaning of the movie BEN, which is about RATS and Mice, the reason why I did my First Artwork Collection and wrote my Writings in 1981 and 1982, connected to Lee Montgomery who was in this movie. Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ is based on MY FAC from 1982, based on MY Name SIGNature on the drawing of Black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME, AS IF Connie Pecoraro drew my drawings.

The name EVA or EVE is connected to the ARCHITYPES of CARL JUNG’S Anima and Animus development phases which are named EVE, HELEN, MARY and SOPHIE. Everything about Carl Jung is about the Korean word for Ass which is JUNG Dung. They’ve been building based on this connected to EAR sound of my First name SIGNature on BLACK MALE actor ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1982 “Sandy*” with an ASTERISK, ASSSSteRISK, “RISKY Business” TOM CRUISE’S EAR sound of SIGNtology Ass Conspiracy.

Long GORIA, what’s missing? L, for GLORIA Catherine Lee, my St. VINCENT FERRER CATHOLIC high school classmate. GLORIA “Rhimes” with MARIA and Gloria Lee AIR Gemini is connected to AIR Libra JOSH WOLF. Both CONNIE PECORARO and SANDRA OH are very closely connected to a sick Betraying Lying MICHINYUN GLORIA LEE, my CATHOLIC School classmate, who’s Korean name is YUN Kyung, because it sounds like AN KYUNG which means Eye GLASSSSSSSSes, the reason why Connie Pecoraro does OIL and “GL”ASS Artwork.

GOR, a repeating syllable connected to GOR “DON” and Virginia MacDONald building in UCLA Campus, the reason why Connie Pecoraro registered her website at HERN DON Virginia. DON in Korean means MONEY. GOR, for Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST’S En “GOR” ged DICK with is mother Mary in PI mathematical DEFINITION explained in terms of EUCLIDEAN AL “GOR” ITHM.

Eva Longoria was married to TONY PARKER. TON Y is about all the TON connections, T is for TAO and it’s the left letter so it must be the West Coast. He is a BLACK male which is connected to my Pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1982. PARKER is connected to PARKWay street and CANON Drive in Beverly Hills. PARKer for PARK a FORD MUSTang KAR MAdel Connie MAria Pecoraro. TONY for “T” ON “Y” built in Left to Right. T is for TAO and Y is about the meaning of my First name SIGNature of “Sand Y*” with an Asterisk, to have meaning for EARth Virgo Connie Maria Pecoraro sound of ASSSSterisk.

She had their WEDDING DATE TATTOOED on HER WRIST, for it “RHIMES” with CHRIST, Roman Numerals of 7/7/07. HER TATTOO Numbers are about the meaning of ZIP CODE of JACKSON Heights NY “113 72” and 1972 movie “BEN”. The reason why they named the road Topanga Canyon Blvd “27”. Thomas CHRISTopher BRIDGES 707 BRIDGEWAY Sausalito NEW Address of Constance Pecoraro in 2009, connected to “Making it Happen with CROW and the WOLF” in May 2009. ORGANIZED CRIMES.

Eva Longoria is a big supporter of Tom CHRISTOpher Bridges Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme on BRIDGEWay SausalitO, and has a restaurant business in Hollywood called BESSO. Interesting she would open a Restaurant. For VIRGO MAIDEN Connie Pecoraro rules the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.

Eva Longoria has SPECIFIC TATTOOS for a reason. She has the number “NINE” Tattooed on the BACK of her NECK. NECK is about SUC as in Deep Throat with NECK a Stand Up Comedian JOSH WOLF, Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the SON. Chic KEN is a BIRD and Tom BRIDges all BIRDS on BRIDgeway Sauasalito. NECK in Korean is MOK AGE, GA MOK In Korean means JAIL.

Number NINE in Korean is “GU” and this number is about MY PENCIL Drawing of ROBERT “GU”ILLAUME of BENSON DUBOIS from 1982. In case Eva Longoria got the wrong information, Connie Pecoraro isn’t the Artist who drew my drawing and neither is Sandra Oh. They TWO Mentally Disturbed SICK CUNTS connected to TWO SICK STALKING Disturbed JEWS JOSH WOLF BRETT BERN, the reason for YEARS of TERROR and HORROR in MY LIFE, because both PECORARO and OH want to be the ARTIST who drew this drawing and don’t want anyone knowing the TRUTH about it. The reason for YEARS of OPPRESSION and REPRESSION in MY LIFE and CLAUSTROPHOBIC CONTROLLING of MY LIFE.

Her other Tattoo is the number 7/7/07 on her RISTS which is her wedding date to Tony. 7/3 is Tom Cruise’s birthday numbers. For THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES birthday of 8/13/72, bridges Jesus CH RIST with his Mother Connie Maria Pecoraro on BRIDgeway Sausalito. HAND CUFFS go on WRISTS and Jesus CHRIST isn’t my fucking Artwork, it’s CONSTANCE PECORARO’S OIL Artwork. With Eva LONGORIA built in Left to Right “OO” Jesus Christ “CHArlies Find” must be looking for TITS as it is the Title. Eva LONGoria, ASS isn’t in the front.

Eva Longoria, built in LEFT to RIGHT from Birth. Born in CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS. JOSH MICCHA WOLF went to Trinity University in SAN ANTONIO TEXAS and everything they’ve been building in TEXAS is connected to THOMAS CHRISTopher Bridges Jesus CHRIST and his Mother MARIA PeCORaro in their OEDI PUS Complex Sex Game of are you “PY”ous and horny to make Money for horny JeSUS.

Like her Restaurant in HOLLYWOOD across the street from L RON HUBBARD SCIENTOLOGY Museum, called “BESSO”, EAR sound of BAE SO, as in meaning of MY Father’s middle name of BAE which means PEAR and B”OAT”, for SausalitO SO, Constance Pecoraro Psycho. I think this is one of the reasons why Eva and TONY Parker divorced, it’s built in Left to Right T “ON” Y. “SPO”rts.

PARK a CAR, KAR MA del Connie Maria Pecoraro, FORD MUSTang Car. “MUS” AniMUS and AniMA, what’s missing? AIR for MA “RIA”. AIR LIBRA JOSH MICCHA WOLF.

Her Divorce from Tony Parker I thought was a humiliating event, like Tiger Woods. Cheating on his wife with not one female but SCORES of them. They are all supporting Connie Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme of are you “PI”ous and horny to make MONEY. GLU TTONY.

Tattoos on NECK and WRIST, for SUC Stand Up Comedian JOSH WOLF as Jesus CH RIST for Mother MARY Connie MARIA Pecoraro Virgo Maiden. NECK in Korean means MOK AGE, GA MOK in Korean means JAIL. C H=OO RIST isn’t my Artwork.

Eva, I met her “partner” of Besso’s restaurant at “DR TEA’S”, next to PAC ific Design Center in May 2012. He’s a nice guy. TEA for meaning of MY FATHER’S Identity of having been a Gifted Musician and “TEA”Cher to have meaning for Pecoraro and JOSH WOLF, Josh Mi’CHA” Wolf. CHA in KOREAN means TEA and CAR.

“EAR”the Virgo MaiDEN Constance “MAR”ia Pecoraro and Josh MI”KA” Wolf, sound of KARMA built in. CHO “CHA” PUSSY in Spanish, for Pious PYous JeSUS in CathoLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY for meaning of MY Parents Names to be these two sociopaths. THE REASON for years of Terror and Abuse in MY LIFE.

Eva who is of Mexican decent, everything happening in MEXICO, with DE “CAP”itated bodies being piled up at specific locations, it’s connected to PSYCHO Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme oil Artwork, Eva Longoria’s LOOKALIKE, FRAUD and LIES to ROB the meaning of MY ARTWORK and my name SIGNature from 1981 and MY Parents Names.


Eva Longoria part owner of BESO restaurant in Hollywood
across the street from L Ron Hubbard SCIENTOLOGY Museum

F”OO” D in 2015

Leonardo Da Vinci Code in MATHemathics of making Money

Constance Maria Pecoraro's “PY”ous Je”SUS” CHARLIES FIND

Virgo Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro

BESO = EARth Vir”GO” MaiDEN “BAE” SO,Tom BIRDg”ES” BO “G” on Brid”GE” Way, Pear Ass Pussy

GO THERE L Ron HUBBARD’S Museum on the Corner to the left
Scientology and BIRD restaurant

TOM BIRD g ES “BO” GE on Brid GE Way
TOM CRUISE on Sin a We I “BO”


Morningside and AM O “EBA” on SUN Set blvd

monster KENQUEST and MARIAN building connections



address of 6350 number 5 in Korean is “O”, sound of Sandra “OH”
Tom BRIDGES Dental Office address of “360” Post Street, 360 degrees in Geometry is a Circle of “O”

P”os”t Office on “MAP”le Drive

SOUND of SANDRA “OH” Name and “SQUARE” Wood

Five in Korean is “O” sound of SANRA “OH” Name and Baracketeeering Obama
PER”KIN”S COLE, S”KIN” Purple COLOR connections
PRAY For PEACE, Gloria Gorillas Raping Robbing MY IDENTITY

EVA LONGORIA opened her restaurant with several other partners called “BESO” on Hollywood Blvd, across the street from L. RON HUBBARD of Scientology MUSEUM. This entire area in Hollywood like most of Los Angeles, is BUILT based on Tom BRIDGES My Mother with Constance Pecoraro and My Father with Josh Wolf.

BESO, is connected to My Fathers’ Middle name of “BAE” which means PEAR and BOAT. BAE “SO” for meaning of MY Fathers name and Identity, to have meaning for Constance PECORARO in SAUSALITO, which Rhymes with Sandra OH, and BES “O”. It’s built in Left to Right, in HER SHE Pussy Licking of SANDRA OH and CONSTANCE PECORARO in “ART Is a CONVERSATION with Lovers” of TWO PUSSIES Licking through TOM BRIDGES Gay Male “DEN”tist with SHONDA RIMES of “Grey’s Anatomy” who went to D ART MOUTH College.

Eva Longoria has a COOK BOOK also. I had no idea she was such a COOK enthusiast. It’s about MY Baby Picture on MY FIRST BIRTHDAY with all the Food on the Table, to BE SANDRA OH, through Mother MARY Constance MARIA Pecoraro’s Oil Artwork in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY. It’s about Constance Pecoraro is a VIRGO which rules the Digestive Sytem, for through FOOD they are creating meaning of “SEX”, because they both “ENTER” the body. I don’t know about anyone else but when I eat or have sex, it’s two completely different feelings.

It’s about meaning of MY Childhood Picture in 1979 YELLOW VIRGO and a Dog “EA ting MY HAIR”. VIRGO MaiDEN Constance MARIA Pecoraro, Virgo rules the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM for “FOOD”, CHARLIES FIND “OO”.

EC, ELGIN CHARLES, connected to “CE” Dar Sinai Hospital.

C “OO” K like all the “F OO T” and “SCH OO L” and “F OO D” and “R OO F” connections, any word with Two “OO” for Horny Jesus CHRIST EYES of “OO” to have meaning in MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY*” on My Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, AS IF my Name SIGNature has meaning for Constance Pecoraro who says she got her Art Degree from “SAN” Jose State, connected to JOSH WOLF who went to college in “SAN” Antonio TEXAS where EVA LONGORIA is from. CORPUS CRISTI. CORP ations of MAThemathics of making MONEY CHRIST I Eye of “OO”.

Thomas CHRIST O “PHER” Bridges who has the SAME LEO Birthday as me, Bridges all the FUR FIR FER PHERS from MY LIFE, to have meaning for SANDRA OH, through Constance Mother PSYCHO Pecoraro in the SHOWER. Or is it more like REAL LIFE CHARLES MANSON, not a movie.

C”OO”K FOOD. Charlies Find, CF, built in Left to Right, it’ about meaning of MY FAC from 1981 and CALLON DRIVE TOPANGA, Stove fueled by PROPANE Gas. “TOP” must be Form of TITS “OO”.

EVA LONGORIA's COOK BOOK published in 2011

Hanni”BAL” Rhimes with Canni”BAL”

Yellow VIRGO MaIdeN, VIR MIN Constance Pecoraro, scroll down to Pus”SEA” FOOD eating

Connie and T “EDS” PUS...”TO”..... SEA Food

Robbing of Sandy Wang's Trademark in circle of “O”, and John Hancock

USP “TO” and Connie Teds Logo “TO” of SANDRA OH ASS PUSSY SLIT FORM signing her John Hancock in 2013

“CO” in “KO”rean means NOS”E”
CO in Korean means NOS”E” and MANOS connections
the “CHIN” of Sandy Wang’s WATERcolor Artwork titled “Carl Jung”

CHIN for Chinese TAO DAO DOW Jones of making MONEY





A LOT of MANY CORN is YELLOW connections in Mexican Food for “MF” Mother Father


Just “1” ARM of Mother MARIA, in CONSPIRACY of “TOO” to LA County Jail with Judge name MARIA Stratton,
AS IF CON ARTIST FRAUD Lying Psychobitch Constance MARIA Pecoraro is a “JUDGE” in the RAPING OF MY LIFE
Just ONE for T”OO” would be SANDRA OH Licking GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” ASS and PUSSY BACKwards in REAL LIFE through FOOD

MH Making it Happen with “CROW and the WOLF” in 2009
Sandy Wang Wrongfully Locked in Jail in LA County Jail in 2009 WHITE COLLAR C “RIMES”

LEONARDO DA VINCI CODE in MATHemathics of making MONEY through FOOD


Sandy Wang’s baby picture with FOOD and Money, My Mother in “FUR” Coat and “TAYSTEEEE” COIN SLOT



Eva LonGORIA, Rhimes with GLORIA and MARIA, for Constance MARIA Pecoraro to have meaning in MY First Artwork Collection from 1981, through her CATHOLIC Theme OIL and GLASS Artwork, connected to MY Catholic High School classmates names, especially GLORIA LEE, GRACE NAVAS and CHRISTINA BERNARDO.

LOOK AT CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO, they are LOOKALIKES of each other. PARKER POSEY is another Constance Pecoraro lookalike, which began decades ago with “INDECENT PROPOSAL” DEMI MOORE. They are all TOM CRUISE’S PUSSIES. Not an accident Eva Longoria has a restaurant called BESO across the street from L RON HUBBARD’S own personal Museum in Hollywood. LOOKALIKE PIMPING IN MY LIFE has been going on for many years. EVERYTHING about Eva Longoria’s Career is connected to TOM BRIDGES Gay male DENtist, Bridges MY Parents Names with VIRGO MAI”DEN” Constance Pecoraro and Josh Wolf.

Meaning of MY FAC from1981 is connected to 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA, because Lee Montgomery lived at this address many decades ago. DAN “BROWN” LEO NARDO DA Vinci Code of MATHemathics of making MONEY through “FOOD” connected to STOVE Brand name of BROWN at Callon Drive Topanga. This Stove is fueled by PROPANE GAS. EAR sound of EARTH VIRGO Constance MARIA Pecoraro. F “OO” D to have meaning in my Artwork and my Name SIGNature, through jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes horny for FORM of Left to Right must be TITS.

Constance Maria Pecoraro and her “MOTHER” MARY OIL Artwork, who thinks she has meaning in MY Mother’s Name, like Josh Wolf to have meaning in MY Father’s name and Identity, this is about supporting and creating meaning AS IF SANDRA OH is MY BABY Picture on my First Birthday with all the FOOD on the Table.

They’ve been building for decades for TOM BRIDGES my Parents Names with JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and Constance MARIA Pecoraro, through her CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork of Mother MARY and Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”.

THIS IS WHY IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF JOSH WOLF’S SON JA”COB” CORN on the COB, WAS BORN IN “SWEDISH” HOSPITAL IN SEATTLE WASHINGTON. Swe “DISH” as in PLATE “O” FOOD. Same city as the setting of “Grey’s Anatomy”, which isn’t by chance or random. SHONDA RIMES “CAPRI” CORN the G’OAT’ RHYMES with B”OAT”, in Going BACKWARDS of a SICK FUCKING ASS CONSPIRACY of Two Mentally Disturbed sick Psychobitches SANDRA OH and CONSTANCE PECORARO.

It’s doubly important to know if JaCOB’s THAI Mother’s name is TARA and if she is a VIR”GO” like Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro. This goes back to 1979 and MY childhood picture of me in Santa Monica with a black puppy and the YELLOW SIGN on the WALL “VIRGO”. BOTH WOLF and PECORARO can get LIFE IN PRISON, REASON for HORRIFIC C”RIMES” INTENTIONALLY CAUSED TO MY LIFE, ROBBING OF MY PRICELESS ARTWORK and MY DOG JACK in 2009.

MAR”Q” SAN chez dating Eva Longoria in 2013
“Y”vette “D”anielle Nigger Pussy Licking EVA

EVA's been very busy B”ED” HO ppin, to rob meaning of My Trade”MARQ” through Names of people

SANDY Sandy Wang's name SIGNature on my pencil drawing from 1981, with circle of “O”

Sandy Wang's TradeMARK in circle of “O” registerd at USP “TO” in 2007

O EAR sound of OH

EV Eddie Vedder who has two daughters name “O.H” Olivia Harper with Jill “KRISTEN”, built in for Jesus CHRIST OIL Art

Yellow VIRGO MaIdeN, VIR MIN Constance Pecoraro, scroll down to Pus”SEA” FOOD eating

Connie and T “EDS” PUS...”TO”..... SEA Food across from MARC”O”
MARCO RHIMES with BARCO and Shonda LYNN RHIMES sick Nigger from Chicago ILLI”NOIS”

“Y.D” MARQ uis in “SAN” francisco PUS “SEA” Food, like YV Ette Rhimes with OYSTETTE

Robbing of Sandy Wang's Trademark in circle of “O”, and John Hancock

USP “TO” and Connie Teds Logo “TO” of SANDRA OH ASS PUSSY SLIT FORM signing her John Hancock in 2013

Eva’s picture at “Between the SHeets”


Eva Longoria has been doing quite a bit of Bed Hopping since her Divorce from TONY PARKER of the “SAN” Antonio Texas Spurs. Last I heard she was dating Penelope Cruz’s younger brother “EDWARDO”.


This guy’s name is MARK SANCHEZ. First of all, My First Name SIGNature on MY Pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 isn’t a “MARK” as in a TradeMARK, it’s called a “TRADE SECRET”. SANchez, connected to Constance Pecoraro who went to “SAN” Jose State, who thinks MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ARTWORK is HER, through her School name, like SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School. WHY WOULD YOU SIGN YOUR SCHOOL’S NAME ON A PIECE OF ARTWORK YOU DID? Constance Pecoraro is a Con Artist, a liar and a CF Complete Fraud.

It’s the same reason why JOSH WOLF studied Communications at Trinity University in “SAN” Antonio TEXAS. The REASON why EVA was married to TONY Parker of SAN Antonio Spurs. She’s from Texas.

SAN CHEZ, this is about my First Name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on my PENCIL Drawing from 1981 of Robert Guillaume. “OO” is made with the letter “S” of my Name and it has an AsterisK. The reason why Constance Pecoraro Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rie has “OO” Eyes. They’ve been building this to be about Form of ASSSS backwards, through Tom Bridges his gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” Backwards. 3AR sound of ASSSTerisk, with CatHOLic theme, it must be ASSS HO “LE”.

Building Left to Right, SAN C “HE” Z for meaning of my name SIGNature of “Sandy” to be about “HE”, Z is for HoriZontally WIDE DIK of JOSH WOLF. To avoid L”OOK”ing at Eva and Constance Mother Maria Pecoraro’s GRAIN of RICE for TITS in are you “PI”ous and Horny to Fuck “Pi”ous Jesus.

EVA needs to Wake UP because CONSTANCE PECORARO may be going to PRISON for LIFE. JOSH WOLF is going to FOLLOW his sick Cunt Co Conspirator PECORARO into PRISON if he doesn’t ASSSSSSTERISK his Mother MARIA to PARA “SUC” His DIK and MERRY MARY Jesus CHRISTMAS him. Because it’s the REASON For YEARS of RAPING MY LIFE. 2012. “212” VIBE, for their Daughter “O”, SANDRA “OH”.

SICK RAPING FUCKING NOISE OF LOW LOW LOW LOW FLYING AIRPLANE. AIR AIR AIR CHAIR STAIR HAIR, MA”RIA” show the WAY BACKwards for your AIR LIBRA “LOS”ing H”AIR”, in 3AR sound of SOL MATES. SHOW THE WAY to HAIR CLUB for MEN. I hope WOLF PECORARO are planning to FUCK and MARRY each other, then they can get a Criminal Lawyer.

Eva Longoria's Make Up Contract, in “Robbing My Portrait” Drawing Eyes “ 88 “


They say EYES are WINDOW to the SOUL

WANG MONTGOMERY Portrait drawing Eyes with “8 8”

Sandy Wang's FACE and Portrait Drawing H”AIR” Number meanings

AIR CHAIR “HAIR” STAIR connections
Making it Happen with CROW and the WOLF

Ash “CRO” ft and Robertson “8 8”

IM 'PORT”ant “FAN cy BO x' connectionis of Psycho Pecoraro's New Website



Eva Longoria's Tattoo Removal
she got these Tattoos for Specific reasons

NECK connections
NiCK connections

GREEEN connections
Constance Pecoraro and “GREEN GRASS”


W”RIS”T Rhymes with CH “RIS”T

Eva had a Tattoo with the Numbers “7/7/7” in ROMAN Numerals, VII VII MMVII, Wedding Date to TONY PARKER
which was about “V”is for Virgo Constance “M”ARIA Pecoraro, and “MM” is about Josh “M”iccha Wolf
“RO” man, Pecora”RO” and meaning of “MAN”OS in Spanish
Pe”COR”aro is going to a COR rectional FACility


Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CH “RIS” T CHARLIES FIND “OO”
JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and “WW” RY, Year of “69 Wolf Pecoraro “Maria Miccha” upside down
MAN OS connections

I've been nice about EVA LONGORIA so far, because I met her Business partner and friend DENNIS at DOCTOR TEAS Garden behind the PDC, and he is a nice guy. Doctor TEAS has C LOSE D as of October 2012.

“DEN”NIS, for meaning of My Korean name of “SIN” Won. The REASON why VirGO Mai”DEN” Constance Pecoraro created her dead and abandoned Trademark of “ISN”t that Life?, and because she is a Virgo Mai”DEN”, as if she has meaning in My Profession of “DEN”tistry, as if Pecoraro has meaning in My Mother’s “MAIDEN” Name of “MIN”, a repeating syllable connected to Organized C”RIMES”.

EVA LONGORIA, a much younger prettier version of Constance Maria Pecoraro.

Her new HAIR Ad, has "8 8" in her Eyes. AS IF to create meaning for WANG MONTGOMERY Portrait drawing Eyes, to have meaning for Psycho Constance Pecoraro.

34 39 "88" street, JACKSON Heights NY 113 72 is where I grew up, where I did my FAC First Artwork Collection in 1981 and 1982, that Psycho CONSTANCE PECORARO thinks she "DREW" and is My Name SIGNature of "SAN DY", the reason why Pecoraro says she got her Art Degree from "SAN" Jose State, why would you sign your schools name on a piece of Artwork? Same reason why Josh Wolf went to school in 'SAN' Antonio Texas. The REASON why Eva Longoria was married to TONY PARKER of “SAN” Antonio Spurs.

EVA NEEDS TO OPEN HER EYES, supporting a mentally disturbed sick Psychbitch isn't going to get her far. Constance Pecoraro isn't My Portrait drawing, and she Isn't my Mother's identity or name. If I SUE EVA LONGORIA, she can LOSE EVERYTHING.

EVA, better see Sandy Wang's Mother's picture in 1980's "TAYSTEE", Constance Pecoraro, who thinks she has meaning in my Mother, is going to PRISON, regardless whether Eva gets her Tattoo on her "MOK AGE" removed. Got it on the NECK, for meaning of "SUC" Stand Up Comedian Josh Miccha Wolf, Deep ThrOAT through Neck. “KEN and BARBIE”.

EVA, It’s LONG LINE OF SH SH SH SHEEEP FUCKERS from ITALY, as in Psycho PECORARO and JOSH WOLF who think My Father’s “ROYAL” Name has meaning for them. Sheep Fuckers = PECORINA. QUE SO? Have some SHEEEP and GOAT CHEESE, Q? 3ARTH VIRGO Sound of QARMA built in.


EVA'S FAT Face and without Makeup Face


Lookalike of Constance Pecoraro when she was Young
like Lookalike of CASEY ANTHONY


Eva Longoria and “EC” Eduardo Cruz

Constance MARIA Pecoraro lookalike SPIC CHOCHA EV..a LONG ORIA

what's the connection?

CHA rlies Find “OO” Jesus CHRIST Oil Art

CHO”CHA” is PUSSY in Spanish, CP Constance Maria Pecoraro on Bridgeway



“DE” EV a “LONGORIA” Rhimes with MARIA GLORIA, PRAY Hail MARY Full of Gra”CE”
a fews down is LA MAIDA and “MH” Mental Health
LONG ORIA MARIA GLORIA “5/29” Conspiracy of TWO deserves LIFE IN PRISON

DE and “ED” connections

Charlies Find “OO”
EC in Marian building
across the street from PMC “PAL” EY media center

EV Eddie Vedder born I EVA nston CHICA go

ELGIN Street name in Otta”WA” Canada where Sandra OH was born



TON connections

EDWARD “MORETON” Judge name at AIR PORT Court

in “PORT”ant “FAN cy BO x” connections of Conspiracy of T “OO” = LIFE IN PRISON


Conspiracy of T”OO” through GLOR”IA” LEE Birthday 5/29


Eva and ED u ARD o Cruz, who is Penelope Cruz's brother.

“EC” Charlies Find, “OO”, ELGIN CHARLES “EC” in the MARIAN Building.

Connected to EVA …..NSTON CHICAGO born Eddie Vedder of PEARL JAM music band.


CE”DARI” SIGN EYE Hospital where they've been building for 3 decades, as if My Korean Name and My Identity is SANDRA OH, as if PECORARO and WOLF were My Parents. The SAME Exact Pattern, DUPLICATED through Jill “KRISTEN” McKORMICK and Eddie Vedder's lives in Seattle WASHINGTON, where they have two daughters name “O.H.” Olivia and Harper.

Eva Longoria and Ernesto Arguello



Sandy Wang’s Pencil Drawing of Robert “GU”illuame from 1981
meaning of Sandy Wang’s Name SIGNature on this drawing “SANDY”
NICK connections
NIC ara “GU” A and S.C.O.P.E connection to TOM BRIDGES

Sandy Wang’s Portrait Drawing ‘8’ in Eyes
New Solar System planet number “8” ARTIST EYE


Why is EVA LONGORIA who she is? It’s about LOOKALIKES of people, as if because you are a lookalike, you are THAT PERSON. She is who she is, because she looks like CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO, a “prettier” version. All connected to My Catholic School classmate name “GLORIA LEE” who’s identity is extremely important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY First Artwork Collection from 1981, for SANDRA OH, THROUGH the vehicle of Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ARTWORK. GROUP CONSPIRACY is a “CRIME”.

Eva Longoria, grew up in TEXAS, where JOSH WOLF went to College, and this is their CORPus CRISTI Texas, “GLUTTONY GLUTTONOUS” connection.

Mexican Eva Longoria, CathoLICKING CHO “CHA”, through ViR”GO” Mai”DEN” Constance Pecoraro’s CHICA “GO”, her sick imaginary no name “GIRL” Sketches, created to ROB MY IDENTITY, my childhood pictures for SANDRA OH.

Eva Longoria has PROVEN what a real CHOCHA SHE IS, in fact a real sick fucking pussy. Ernesto Ar “GU” ello, who is from “NIC”ARA”GU”A. ARGUELLO is a Street name in SAN FRANCISCO. It RHYMES with “YELLOW”, like CORN on the COB is YELLOW, all connected to ROBBING MY childhood pictures in 1979 in Santa Monica, through VIRGO Constance PecorarO, for SANDRA OH. They’ve been building for 3 decades for My Parents Names to have meaning for and BE WOLF and PECORARO and for MY Identity to BE SANDRA OH. Josh WOLF born in “GU” year “9” in Korean, Constance PECORARO Born in years “GU” is “9” in Korean. WHY ISN’T IT HAPPENING? WHY ISN’T WOLF LICKING FUCKING CONSTANCE PSYCHO PECORARO? REASON FOR YEARS OF TERROR IN MY LIFE, AND YEARS OF HOUSING TERROR? Reason for RAPING OF MY LIFE in 2009, and ROBBERY of all my Watercolor Artwork through Organized Crimes, that Pecoraro “THINKS” she is the ARTIST OF.

Eva Longoria with Ernesto Arguello from “NIC”ara”GU”A, is about meaning of MY PORTrait Drawing with “08” in MY Eyes, connected to new Solar System planet numbers of “8”, AS IF PECORARO is MY PORTRAIT Drawing EYES and H”AIR” through sick “CODE NUMBERS”. C = 3, 8 in my eye, 8/13 is MY BIRTHDAY and “WON” is MY Middle Name. The connection is to THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me “8/13”, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. Tom Bridges helped build “S.C.O.P.E” education in “NIC”ARA “GU” A. This is STILL about creating MEANING as if Constance Pecoraro is MY First Name SIGNature on MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT “GU”illaume from 1981, “SANDY”, through Pecoraro’s SCHOOL Name of “SAN” Jose State, as if this sick bitch DREW my drawings from 1981, WHY would you sign your school’s name on a piece of Artwork you did? Pecoraro is a CON ARTIST and FRAUD. PECORARO doesn’t know how to DRAW with a PENCIL, a sick DELUSIONAL PSYCHO who THINKS SHE IS MY PORTRAIT Drawing through “CODES”.

NIC AR “AGUA”. AGUA in Spanish means ‘WATER’, but this meaning of TWISTING through words and names, is more sinister and deeply psychotic. It’s about MY FIRST Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO on my pencil drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, AR sounds like ART, for not only MY WATERcolor ARTWORK to have meaning for Constance Maria Pecoraro, uglier far away lookalike of Eva Longoria, but for MY “WET VAGINA” in a secretly Dubbed VIDEO RECORDING to BE Constance Maria Pecoraro, CRACKED and DRY SICK ITALIAN PSYCHO PUSSY. WATERcolor Artwork goes on PAPER, and PAPER is made from “WOOD”, connected to this X Rated VR from 2001, which they’ve been making connections to the Square WOOD DECK at 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA GARAGE STUDIO DECK from 2007. ONE LONG SICK FUCKING CONTINOUS RAPING OF MY LIFE for a DELUSIONAL SICK ITALIAN PSYCHOCUNT and sick “ACTRESS STARS” like this creating meaning by LICKING HER ASS and PUSSY “Energetically” through NAMES and Countries.

It’s the SAME thing as SANDRA OH who thinks she is MY IDENTITY in MY Pictures, especially with GLORIA LEE in 1985, fast forward 3 decades, and she thinks she is MY Portrait Drawing next to “LEE” Montgomery through T”OM”ing with GLORIA “LEE”, which in essence, it’s SANDRA OH Licking GLO”RIA” LEE AIR Gemini BOGE “TAL” Pubic H”AIR” ass and pussy.

“THEIR” Creating of MEANING through words, names, countries, numbers, etc. for MY IDENTITY and ARTWORK to either have meaning for PECORARO or OH, through THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the SAME LEO Birthday as me, is BUILT IN BY DEFAULT to be “CO DEPENDENT” on each other, a very DYSFUNCTIONAL DYNAMIC.

ER “NEST” O. REO LEO. TOM “BIRD”ges “BIRDS NEST”. EVERYTHING about Constance Maria Pecoraro is DIRECTLY connected to THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES, it’s BUILT IN BY DEFAULT, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY meaning of MY ARTWORK, because Tom Bridges has the same LEO Birthday as me. This is TRUE for SANDRA OH, who thinks she is MY LEO IDENTITY BIRTHDATE, and it’s all ultimately about this sick fucking DELUSIONAL ACTRESS on “GREYS Anatomy”, Constance Pecoraro’s “ROLE” is the role of having MY MOTHER’S NAME to have meaning for her through her MOTHER MARY Oil Painting in Catholic Theme, because My mother’s name is JUNG JA and “JUNG Dung” in Korean means ASS in a sick ASS Conspiracy. It’s called extremely dysfunctional CO DEPENDENCY. THEY NEED A LYING FAGGOT DENTIST TOM BRIDGES IN ORDER FOR MY IDENTITY OR ANYTHING ABOUT ME TO HAVE MEANING FOR PECORARO OR SANDRA OH.


EVA “LONG”ORIA, PSYCHO CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO “Pecorina” who is from a LONG LINE OF SHEEP FUCKERS from ITALY, who thinks MY Father’s Korean ROYAL name has meaning for her and Josh Wolf, who is going to PRISON for a VERY LONG TIME.

I have a LAWSUIT against this SICK FUCKING MEXICAN CHOCHA, and EVA LONGORIA of “DH” Desperate Housewives can LOSE EVERYTHING.

Since me writing about her new boyfriend, Eva Longoria and Ernesto have broken up in July 2013.

Then in Sept 2013, “DRINK UP” SICK CHOCHA, NIKKI “H2O”.

Sandy Wang’s FAC from 1982 and very important ZIP Code connections of JACK SON Heights

Sandy Wang’s Childhood CHRISTMAS picture with my mother

Sandy Wang’s childhood Santa Monica pictures in 1979, VIRGO “ARGO” is YELLOW CORN, and meaning of PI symbol in Mathemathics

Reason why Eva LONGORIA is who she is today Sandy Wang in 1985 GREEN Dress with “G LORIA LEE”

YELLOW CORN connections and real meaning behind it, GLORI GLORI GLORI ANN CORN Brand name isn’t random

BEN AFFLECK in “ARGO” 2013 oscar winner


TON connections

DEN connections

Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges


Tom Cruise Mapother LEADER of Puppet Pecoraro Lookalike Pimping

Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART meaning

EVA LONGORIA Lookalike of CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO FACE and her sick disturbed “No Name Girl”


Connie Pecoraro MAY 2009 Making it Happen with CROW and WOLF Organized CRIMES

NEW address of “707” Bridgeway Sausalito in 2009 and meaning of JACK son Heights ZIP CODE of “113 72”

FORD MUSTang Car Model

Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme of OIL paintings of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find

SEA is the OCEAN of Mother Mary


Josh Wolf who went to school in SAN Antonio TEXAS

“CP” CANON and PARKER street in Beverly Hills

meaning of FEET US FEED US “FETUS”

“METER” ROOM next to ELE vator at MARIAN building


EVA LONGORIA owns BESSO restaurant in Hollywood

across the street from SCIENTOLOGY L RON HUBBARD’S Museum

meaning of VIBE NUMBERS in Astrology

FOOD and meaning of SEX


FOOD 2014

EVA LONGORIA in In Touch Magazine Nov 2011 SLIPUP

DIRECTLY connected to Connie Pecoraro’s EMAIL with me in Oct 2011 IT’S GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN AND LONG

Constance Pecorao “AL ICE In Wonderland” and LOC...

Constance Pecoraro's New Year email to me and GREEEN connections of “OS” Other Side

Fraud Documents to RAPE my LIFE

EVA LONGORIA’S Face on Window Display at “Between the Sheets” in April 2012

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Copyright © Sandy Wang 2004-Forever All Rights Reserved