OO Hori”Z”ontal built in Left to Right, EighT “Z”. This was in the 80’s when they were building left to right, and then since the mid 90’s they realized “OO” left to right is “TITS” so through BUSINESS names on specific street names, they’ve been building for Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges his gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” BACKwards.
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes, Jesus was a JEW isn’t my Artwork.
The TORAH, like “JOHN Hancock”, Jesus CHRIST eyes of “OO”, built in Left to Right for SANDRA OH. The Jewish Religion and everything about it, is connected to SandRA OH, and JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. The number of books written in the last 3 decades, as if these two sociopaths were the “holiest beings” on the planet is unreal.
JOSH WOLF “ET” Z, Horizontal Humongous TITS of his “WIFE” BETHANY ASHTON, EIGHT “OO”, connected to robbing the meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my pencil drawing from 1981, My “JOHN HANCOCK” with OO made with letter “S”of my name, to have meaning for him, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY with Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme OIL ART of MARY and Jesus CH “RIS” T with OO Horizontal Rings around his eyes.
JOHN HANCOCK, it’s MY Name SIGNature, “B” lacks, next to huge Plastic IMPLANTS. FORM of HANDCUFFS.
ERE WH ON, is about robbing my Korean name of Wang SIN WON, which sounds like WASHINGTON, reason why JOSH WOLF says he’s married to Bethany W “ASH” ing “TON”, WINGS is Upper Body “OO”. Same reason why he has his “SON JAC”OB WOLF, who was born in Seattle WASHINGTON. The BIRTH of his SON is extremely important in ROBBING MY IDENTITY specifically my First Birthday Baby Pictures, as if it’s SANDRA OH. This is WHY “Greys Anatomy” set in Seattle WASHINGTON was created, and it was created to ROB MY IDENTITY and Meaning of MY ARTWORK and NAME SIGNature for SANDRA OH, as if she was my identity.
ERE WH ON, is about
------- SO ------------
WH, Black Color S”KIN” NEGROS in WHITE House makes “GRAYS Anatomy”. GA, Gov’t Agencies, connected to “GA” Greys Anatomy”, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” for Psycho Actress SANDRA OH who thinks she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
S “HO” W. SHAW, SHOE, SANDRA OH on “Grey’s Anatomy”. ANATOMY of BODY PARTS and meanings of “SEX” connected to MY ARTWORK, CHANGED through FOOD Words in MATHemathics of making MONEY, is what this FOOD GROCERY STORE is about.
SHOE SHOW SHAW the TAO DOW JONES of making MONEY. ERE C “SH”ION and E “JACK” U LA “SH”ION, of JO “SHOW” LF WHORE DICK, fucking his Pussies, through the RAPING OF MY ARTWORK. THE “ODOR” is CUMMING, name on the building of CE DAR SINAI HOSPITAL, which is directly connected to tv show “Greys Anatomy”, SEA D ARI “SIGN EYE” BELOWIT the ASSTERISK FORM “OO”.
If JOSH WOLF doesn’t have PROOF of long time marriage to his “wifey” Bethany ASHTON, he’s going to PRISON for a very long time. Espcially if his SON JACOB WOLF was born in SWE “DISH” HOSPITAL.
ETZ is about the number “EighT” and “Z” is for Hori”Z”ontal as in “OO” Horizontal Rings around Jesus Christ eyes, which is based on my name SIGNAture on the drawing of BENSON DUBOIS from 1982 and my childhood CHRISTMAS picture. JACOB is Josh Wolf’s Sons name who was born on 3/17/97. I don’t know when they built this Congregation or how long it’s been here. They want my Signature signed with an “ASS”terisk, to be about EAR Sound of "ASS"terisk, as in Horizontally WIDE and "BROAD" ASS, like Jacob Wolf’s Thai mother name TARA. Josh Wolf’s son JACOB’s Birth was INDUCED so that he can be born on St. PATRICKS Day is GREEN, like the color of “MONEY”, the reason why I met Connie Pecoraro at PATRICK Lee’s dental office. 3/17 is connected to my LP Leadership Training which they USED, so that what I experience in my life, THROUGH my life, it can have meaning for them. PARASITES.
It’s the reason why Connie Pecoraro’s first website had lots of Horiztonal Lines. It’s connected to Sandra Oh and her Agency “U” TA as in U “TARA”. They want my Name SIGNature to be about EAR Sound, Big Blubber OIL ASSes and symBOWELS and for it to have meaning for whoever Josh Wolf fucks, because he has been given the meaning of my Pen Ink drawing of Neil Diamond, and he wants MY FATHER”S Name and identity to have meaning for him, like Connie Pecoraro and Sandra Oh wants my Mother’s name to have meaning for them.
It’s the same reason why Sandra Oh who wants The Picture of me and a black girl to BE Her, took pictures of herself with Horizontal “OO” Earth wearing a Pepsi PUSSY T shirt.
ETZ JACOB belive it or not is about the meaning of CORN on the COB, as in a big Wide DICK. CONnie Pecoraro wants to create meaning for Sexual Organ Parts that sounds like her name, like COCK. This is why there are several “CORN”ell and KORN names at the UCLA ANDER”SON” Business Management School ARCHITECTURE Buildings. This is why the address of “1224” CORNing Street apt share in Los Angeles was SET UP with VictoRIA Rowe, across the street from Mary Magdalene Catholic School in 2007 when I first moved to Los Angeles. “212” is Josh Wolf and Connie Pecoraro Libra and Virgo “VIBE” Numbers in Astrology.
It isn’t just this JEWISH Center/ Synagogue, they’re all over Los Angeles, they’ve been building of MY Drawing of Neil Diamond holding a Mike on the Upper Left from the “Jazz Singer” to have meaning for Josh Wolf. They want my name Signature to have meaning for them, for Connie Pecoraro Mother Mary and Jesus Christ who was a “JEW”. Jewish Synagogues on PICO Blvd in Beverly Hills is connected to this.
The reason why it’s connected to SYNagogues has to do with the meaning of Carl JUNG who coined the term SYNchronicity, and the Korean word for ASS is “JUNG Dung”. Connie Pecoraro’s “JC” Jesus Christ is about having Carl Jung’s name initials going backwards, so that he is “OO” Horney for Big OIL ASS backwards. GO GUY “Gee” in Korean also means “MEAT”.
ThoMAS CHRISTopher Bridges has been bridging a lot of BIG OIL ASS MEAT for Horney Jesus Christ JOSH WOLF, courtesy of his Mother Maria Connie Pecoraro on BRIDGEWAY. For CATHOLIC theme of MAT HE MAT HICS of are you “PI”ous Religious and Horney to make Money.
For SANDRA OH and her TV Show “Greys Anatomy”, which is very closely to tied to Josh Wolf, and the State of “WA”shington, Seattle GRACE Hospital on the Upper Left.
EREWHON is a “NEW” health food store across the street. The Color GREEN is about my watercolor Artwork titled “CARL JUNG”, his birthday is “7/26”. 766 “O”, O sounds like OH, as in Sandra OH. They want my Carl Jung watercolor painting because JUNG Dung in Korean means Ass, and Sandra Oh is 2 yrs YOUNGER than me.
GREEN is about the GREEN Connections and everything they’ve been building based on Pictures of me wearing GREEN Color, from my childhood picture of me and my Father at Statue of Liberty, to my GREEN Dress in a picture with Gloria Lee to BE SANDRA OH.
This BUSINESS Name is about my portrait drawing, my Korean middle name of “WON”, my “watercolor” artwork to have meaning for SANDRA OH and her TV Show ”Grey’s Anatomy” Set in Seattle Grace “WA”ShingTON Hospital, on the Upper Left. Its about the meaning of UPPER LEFT in My Artwork, in Pictures of my Parents and my Father, the reason why Josh Wolf lived in WAShington and his son Jacob’s mother TARA still lives there. It’s about the Eye “R” of Wang and Montgomery Portrait drawings. It’s about the meaning of “GW” George WASHINGTON, the One Dollar Bill and the Sound of MY Korean name, which sounds like Washington, and meaning of my birthday number “13” which is repeated many times on the One Dollar Bill.
Building Businesses based on MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK has been going on for many years, since my FAC 1982, and in recent years, many new Businesses have opened in Los Angeles like this, in their “G” RIDDLE Games. While my life has been repeatedly raped.
The new healthfood store is inside a NEWLY built Apt Complex called “BROADCAST CENTER” Apts, the Letter “B” of their Logo design looks like the number “3”, because it’s about the “BC” Butt Crack, shape of Hanging OIL Ass, a very similar Logo design to C”ENTER” BANK on “WA” Western Avenue in Korean Town. This is connected to Connie Pecoraro’s Jesus Christ on Page “3” based on my childhood CHRIST “SAM” picture of me my Mother and my dog Frenchy. Sam in Korean means number “3”.
The ORANGE Building is connected to the ORANGE Business Card of THOMAS CHRISTOpher Bridges, connected to a Business name “NTR” on Allot Avenue and Ventura Blvd, connected to the “PI” lgrim TV company on CHANDLER Blvd. “CB”. “Butt Crack”. The original meaning of this is connected to the ORANGE Basket on the table in the childhood picture of me and my FATHER, with the HA “WA”iian Barrel statue on Top of the Liquor Cabinet. This picture is connected to Connie Pecoraro’s Art of Jesus Christ on PAGE “3” connected to GEORGE “C” PAGE “C”=3 “TAR” PITTS Museum. Meaning of symbol of “PI” “TT”. The reason why Sandra Oh is wearing “ORANGE” in her Vibe picture, because she wants MY Father’s Penis Size to have meaning for her.
This congregation center is connected to GLORIA LEE who worked at JACOB Medical Center in NY, it’s connected to Dan KROPAS who’s HOUSE Address is Tom Bridges birthday numbers of “8/13” on JACOB MANOR in Westchester NY.
The building numbers is 7660 because it’s about “7/26” “O”, CARL JUNG’S Birthday and it sounds like J U LIE, TWO six “O”.
If JACOB is the SON, as in Jesus Christ the SON with “OO” EighThoriZontal eyes, why would a little boy be thinking of being HORNEY for “OO” oil ass to make Money. It’s Pedophile Energy, because it’s based on my Childhood pictures and because of the meaning of my FAC from 1982, they have taken my CHILDHOOD PICTURES to have SEXUAL MEANINGS, and for this to have meaning for someone else, SANDRA OH, PEPSI PUSSEE GRAYSON, see my childhood Santa Monica pictures.