FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and RHIMES with CH “RIS” T fits them perfectly because it came from them and everything they built to ROB MY IDENTITY and ART for SANDRA OH, twisted and synchronized to RAPE and MURDER MY LIFE, FITS THEM PERFECTLY. Like a nice “ROLEX WATCH”, and Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF talent agency in the “ROL”ex Building go on W “RIS” T and R.H.I.M.E.S with Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”RLIES FIND. Like “KEN” QUEST, “NEK” is MOK AGE in Korean, connected tv show “Greys ANATOMY” and Body Part words, GA MOK in Korean is Jail or Prison. NEK, Anatomy part which has no meaning in my life, it's connected to meaning of TAU”RUS” Sign rules the THR”OAT” R.H.I.M.E.S with CapriCORN the G”OAT” Sign, Pear B”OAT” and LAB C”OAT”, for TAO is the WAY Backwards built through OIL ART by Pecoraro in a BLUBBER OIL ASS FORM Conspiracy. It fits them connected to Korean word “BO SUC” is a Diamond, to have meaning for a JEWel H”EIR” LIBRA Josh WOLF Stone of DIAMOND, as in “SUC” Stand UP Comedian, meant to have meaning for DEEP THROAT “SUCK through the NEK”.
This is a a PSYCHOTIC DERANGED MEANING that FITS THEM, because it came from them, like the word “CUS” …...”TO”....”DY”, “Y”vette “D”anielle “MARQ”uis nigger pussy who thinks My Trade”MARQ” at the USP”TO” in cricle of “O”, has meaning for Sandra 'OH” in a Group Conspiracy.
Form of HANDcuffs go on W “RIS” T and RHIMES with CH “RIS” T, and you get Ta'KEN” into CUS”TO”DY.
EVERYTHING THEY BUILT, to rape my life, to rob my Identity and My Art for Sandra OH, MY Name SIGNature as in My John Hancock for Sandra OH, built through OIL ART of JESUS CH “RIS” T, “FITS THEM PERFECTLY” because it came from them.
Water and Oil don't mix, like these deranged psychopaths and I don't mix.
It's MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY FEDERALLY REGISTERED TRADE “MAR..........Q” in circle of “O”, that FITS MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. This is a GROUP CONSPIRACY of IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT, disguised as a Ass Conspiracy of “ANATOMY” connected to SANDRA OH on “Grey's Anatomy” tv show.
YV”ETTE” DANIELLE MARQUIS needs to lose her Dental License to practice and she MUST BE LOCKED IN JAIL. This SICK BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGER PUSSY is DIRECTLY connected to ROBBERY of MY IDENTITY, MY “RAV”4L CAR, MY DOG JACK and MY PRICELESS ARTWORK in 2009. When I worked for her in 2006 for a few months, she had a HIN”DU” Dentist name “ME RAV” in the office and I never personally worked with her. His NAME is connected to WHY MY “RAV”4L was STOLEN in 2009 through White Collar C”RIMES”, all connected to Robbing of MY LIFE for SANDRA OH Psycho Actress on “GREYS ANATOMY” tv show created by SICK NIGGER PUSSY SHONDA “LYNN” RHIMES, reason why I was FRAMED and then WRONGFULLY LOCKED IN LA County Jail in 2009, in “LYNN” WOOD.
When I worked in this sick bitch’s dental office, I worked as a DENTAL HYGIENIST and I got paid a Dental Hygienist’s wage. There isn’t anything else, but in these sick NIGGERS MINDS, they were creating MEANING through people’s NAMES, to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY ART, something that is STILL GOING ON IN 2014, in a IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT situation with SANDRA OH. MY ART isn’t for SALE and neither is MY IDENTITY SICK FUCKING BABY MURDERING “Cradle Robbing” NIGGERS.
LORI HUI a Chinese dental assistant at this office who I met in 2006, is connected to CHO SEUNG “HUI” SCHOOL Shooting in Virginia Tech in 2007.
The Dental Petition filed in Sept 2012, is the “CAUSE” BEHIND WHY “SANDY HOOK SCHOOL” Shooting happened in December 2012.
IT’S TIME TO THROW NEGROS OUT OF US GOVERNMENT, because it’s something they’ve been slowly planning for THREE FUCKING DECADES, at least in the state of CALIFORNIA, where they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME BLACK MALE actor in 1981. Are you getting this, they are RAPING and ROBBING MY LIFE in the PRESENT, so that everything about MY PAST can be SANDRA OH in 2013.
PREMEDITATIONS and “CONSPIRACY of TWO” was all BUILT INTO this sick Corrupt SYSTEM, all connected to BARACKET”EEERING” OBAMA and all BLACK COLOR S”KIN” Negros in Politics.
In Case if I ever came to Los Angeles and began DISCOVERING all of this, they were going to make me look like as if I had “MENTAL PROBLEMS” when it’s these sick CRADLE ROBBING, IDENTITY and ART RAPING FUCKING BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGERS, all connected to creating meaning as if SANDRA OH is My name SIGNature on MY ART of “SANDY”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name GOING BACKWARDS in a disturbing P”EAR” B”OAT” ASS CONSPIRACY connected to ROBBING of MY Parents Names for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. All of this Evi”DEN”ce is on the documents of BARACK OBAMA’S FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate, which is about robbing MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
It is important to know what certain Subjects mean, like meaning of Carl Jung and the Korean word for NEGRO, to get the bigger picture of who Y.Dani”ELLE” MARQuis is, and WHY I met this disturbed lying BLACK CO”LOR” S”KIN” Dentist in 2006, who’s name is about robbing the meaning of my first name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on my pencil drawing of Black male actor Robert Guillaume from 1981, for SANDRA OH, who’s been claiming she DREW my drawing through her SCHOOL name of SIR ROBERT Borden High School.
It is important to know how this is all connected to NEGROS in United States Gov’t, “OH” Obama and Holder, two negros, who’s “real JOBS” are about ROBBING MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ART for SANDRA OH as if she is the ARTIST.
None of these REAL and TRUE connections, in any way, EXEMPT DANIELLE MARQUIS from being SEVERELY PUNISHED, from having HER DENTAL LICENSE REVOKED and also FACE JAIL TIME.
Danielle Marquis and another dentist name “ME RAV” in 2006, reason why in 2009 My Toyota “RAV”4L was STOLEN, connected to G “RAV”Y Thic”KEN”er is “ARGO” rimes with Yellow Virgo.
What’s left? “ME”, EDWARD MORETON Judge name in “AIRPORT” COURT, in Conspiracy of TWO, of Sandra OH Feeding the METER, rimes with ELECTRIC METER “EM”. As if SANDRA OH is My “PORT”rait Drawing, while they PLAN and PREMEDITATE to LOCK ME IN JAIL in “MENTAL HEALTH” Dept, as if I had MENTAL PROBLEMS, while they continue making MONEY off of MY PRICELESS ART STOLEN in 2009, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
Danielle Marquis, like Tom Bridges, went to DENTAL SCHOOL, because I’ve been in the FIELD of DENTistry since mid 1980’s, when my first job in high school was working as a Dental Assistant for a Dentist on Park Ave in NYC, a few blocks from my high school. They’ve been building for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, connected to HER HIGH SCHOOL Name of SIR ROBERT BOR”DEN” High School on “113 GREEN BANK” Road CAN”ADA”. Danielle Marquis, has been a part of this “DEN TAL” GROUP CONSPIRACY for DECADES. I haven’t even begun digging into this sick black skin psychobitch in a Group Conspiracy to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
“Y.D”anielle MARQuis in “SAN” Francisco on “113 ST EU ART” street. Through this Black S”KIN” Negro’s Name and her DENTal Office address, they want MY “ART” to have meaning for SANDRA OH, through VirGO Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian sick psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro. For My Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, on MY ART, to be Sandra OH, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name, as if MY Federally Registered Trade “MAR Q” in circle of “O”, was done by Sandra ‘OH’ because it sounds like her name OH.
MARQuis, sound of “MAR” KEY, as if MY LION BODY Painting connected to MY REAL LIFE DOG “JACK”, as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, as if MY LOCK, My “Vagina” was her sick rotten PUSSY, and as if MY “KEY to My SOUL” has meaning for her and was WRITTEN BY HER.
Yvette Danielle Marquis. YV “ette”. Yel “LOW” Vagina, as if through this sick nigger’s Black S”KIN” Color ASS, SANDRA OH is My Name SIGNature of “Sandy”, as if it’s “NIK” of her name, Going BACKwards. It’s PEPSI PUSSY “GRAYSONS” connections, that they RAPED MY LIFE in APRIL 1999 for, reason why they RAPED MY LIFE EXACTLY “TEN” Years later, APRIL 2009, so that they can CHANGE the meaning of SANDRA OH is “PUSSY” as in CHO”CHA” connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus “CHRIST” “CHA”rlie’s Find, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “GREYS Anatomy”. Connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF.
YV ette name is about meaning of MY Childhood picture in 19”79” with a DOG on my Lap in Santa Monica with a “YELLOW VIRGO” SIGN in the picture. This is WHY MY DOG “JACK” was STOLEN IN 2009, because they’ve been building for 3 decades for ALL Pictures of ME with “DOGS” to have meaning for SANDRA OH. This is a disturbing SICK PATTERN, like creating meaning through words of COLORS of CLOTHING I am wearing in My pictures, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through COLORS of Clothes or OTHER PEOPLE”S NAMES. It’s DELUSIONAL.
This is WHY the SIGN of SHO SHO SHO nda Lynn Rhimes of "CAP"ri CORN is important, connected to CORN STARCH brand name of "ARGO" which RHIMES with "VIRGO". Michelle Obama is also a "CAP"ri CORN. All connected to BIRTH of JA"COB" WOLF in "SWE DISH" HOSPITAL? in Seattle WASHINGTON, same setting as tv show 'Grey's Anatomy".
Black S"KIN" NEEGRO "OO" Ass Pussy Licking Game Going BACKwards for SANDRA OH is My First name SIGNature of "SANDY" as if it's the "NIK" of her name through S"KIN". B "LAC" K, connected to My Childhood picture with a Black Girl in 1980, that Sandra Oh thinks is her and they built it. B "LAC" K, reason why Black "BK" Beyonce Knowles is who she is. NEEGRO BLACK COLOR S”KIN” ASS PUSSY LIQING GAME, All connected to creating MEANING as if SANDRA OH is MY Childhood picture with a Black Girl in 1980. Which they connected to BIG BLACK LIPS of MY Pencil Drawing of NEEGRO ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, reason why Baracket “EEER”ING OBAMA became the PresiDENT.
GOLD I LOCK of Blonde H”AIR” White Pussies are connected to this too, for SANDRA OH is My Identity with NANCY LYONS picture in 1985. LEO Sign, metal of GOLD, to have meaning for SANDRA OH through Gold I LOCK of H”AIR” connected to Barack Obama’s FRAUD Birth Certificate DELIVERY DOCTOR Name of David SIN CL”AIR”, in Tao Dao DOW “David” JONES of making MONEY through RAPING of MY LIFE. White Pussies are connected to Barack Obama’s WHITE MOTHER. Black and White makes “Gays anatomy” in CathoLIQ MAThemathics of making MONEY is TRUE, because everything they’ve been building has been built through T”HO” MAS CHRISToFUR Bridges GAY Male who has the same LEO Birthday as me, 8/13.
IS LORI HUBBLE at the Dental Hygiene Committee of CA a GOLD I LOCK of BLONDE H”AIR”? is she a LEO SIGN? does she have a big P3AR B”OAT” ASS? Perfect Match for OIL OIL OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF of “ROL”ex Building. LOR i. G”LORI”A LEE connections to sick sociopath JOSH WOLF.
CHINK PUSSIES are connected to this too, for P3AR B”OAT” ASS meaning Going BACKWards in “TAO” is the Way through the word B”OAT” connected to meaning of My Father’s Name that they have built to have meaning for JOSH WOLF in a sick disturbing ASS Conspiracy. This is WHY Danielle MARQUIS had a CHINESE DENTAL Assistant name “LORI HUI” which is connected to CHO Seung HUIS School Shooting at Virginia Tech in 2007.
EVERYTHING about Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile has been built connected to the Spanish word “CHO CHA” which means Pussy. PUSSIE “O”S for “PI”ous “PY”ous HORDICK JESUS JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF.
This number of 19”79” is very important, in MATHemathics of RAPING MY LIFE on specific DATES, to create MEANING. The childhood pictures of me in Santa Monica in 19 “79” to be SANDRA OH, reason why in 200”7”, I was LOCKED OUT of My TOPANGA Home Illegally and had my Rent Money robbed again. Then in 200”9”, I was FRAMED and then Wrongfully LOCKED in Jail for 5 months, while they ROBBED ALL MY ARTWORK, MY RAV4L and MY DOG “JACK”, connected to My “KEY”. LOCK and KEY LIO n KIN g RAPING GAME. And EVERY STEP and STAIR of the “WAY” of RAPING MY LIFE, is connected to JOSH WOLF Constance Pecoraro and SANDRA OH in a Group Conspiracy, which as this level is an extremely serious CRIMES PUNISHABLE TO LIFE IN PRISON.
This is WHY in 2007 I was being Followed/Stalked by a female name LAUREN STEWARD, she cut in front of me, and we got into an accident. She didn’t need to call the police, but she did, and a BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGER PUSSY wrote me a citation, with “Sending A Messages” through White Collar Crimes. MY TITANIUM which is similar to SILVER Metallic Color “SUV” TOYOTA RAV4L isn’t a “GRAY UT”. GRAY Utility Truck. She wrote this, connected to SANDRA OH on “GREYS Anatomy”, connected to her talent agency “UTA”. A BLACK S”KIN” NIGGER PUSSY Officer who wrote this ticket in 2007, reason why a BLACK S”KIN” NIGGER PUSSY became the CHIEF of SANTA MONICA POLICE in 2010 post Robbery of my Priceless ARTWORK all connected to NIGGERS IN US GOV’T and SHONDA LYNN RHIMES TV SHOW.
LAUREN Stew”ARD” and “GRAY” UT on ticket to the right
WHY was this incident important in SANTA MONICA on “OCEAN” Avenue?
PEPSI Chinese food here “GRAYSONS” in 1979
Sandy Wang’s childhood picture in 1979 in SANTA MONICA OCEAN ave See the sign “CHINESE” Food here, PEPSI and GRAYSONS
GREY 2005 “GREYS” Anatomy” created in 2005, “CHRIST”ina YANG is Sandra Oh
SON connected to JESUS “CHRIST” the “SON” OIL Art by Pecoraro, “CHA” is CAR in Korean
DANIELLE MARQUIS went to DENTAL SCHOOL for a reason, because she has known about this for THREE DECADES in how “NAMES FIT” in AE “SCUL”APIUS MATHemathics of making MONEY. The “ETTE” in her name YV”ETTE”, is about EighT, EighT, as in “88” th street of JACKSON HEIGHTS NY Address of where I grew up in the 1980’s. The HOUSE ADDRESS NUMBERS of “34-39 88” th Street of MY Parents House in 1980’s was USED TO RAPE MY LIFE in 2009, through ROBBERY of MY PRICLESS ART, MY CAR RAV4L and MY DOG “JACK”. Reason why ZIP CODE of JACKson Heights NY “113 72” is also a repeating number, in MATHemathics of making MONEY through raping my life. These numbers are the “CONSTANT VARIABLES” in MATHemathics of making MONEY, the reason why they are repetitive, like the syllable of “ETTE” in BUSINESS Names.
YV “ETTE”, EighT EighT, “8 8”, as if through RAPING MY LIFE and MY ART, connected to this sick black skin bitch, SANDRA OH is MY name SIGNature of “SAN DY” and MY PORTRAIT Drawing next to LEE MONTGOMERY, with “8 8” in our Portrait Drawing Eyes, because SANDRA OH wants the saying of “EYES are WINDOW to the SOUL” to have meaning for her. Like LEE MONTGOMERY wouldn’t know the fucking difference between this sick DELUSIONAL PSYCHOTIC ACTRESS and MY IDENTITY.
This is something they’ve been BUILDING for 3 DECADES, through STREET NAMES, MAPS, Business Names, NUMBERS, COLORS, Words, CODES, etc, for MATHemathics of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY and as if WOLF and PECORARO were My Parents Names. This is CLEARLY EVIDENT ON “KAMALA HARRIS” PAGE, in a sick disturbing BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGER ASS PUSSY CONSPIRACY, all connected to creating meaning, and ROBBING MY Name SIGNature on MY ART of “SAN DY” as if it’s the “NIK” name of SANDRA OH, through the word S”KIN”.
WHO IS THIS SICK FUCKING NEGRO BITCH, WHO THINKS SHE HAS MEANING IN MY ART, MY PARENTS NAMES, OR ANYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE. When I worked as a Dental Hygienist, I got paid for doing My Job, My chosen Profession of 2 decades, there isn’t anything else.
MARQUIS, sound of MARK and “KEY”, as if the number “8”, PENIS SIZE of My Father and Lee Montgomery, as if MY Writings of “KEY to MY SOUL” from 1981, was written by SANDRA OH through this sick nigger’s NAME. AS IF SANDRA OH is MY PORTRAIT Drawing “ART” EYES with “O 8”, through this sick NIGGER PUSSY’S ADDRESS of “113 ST EU ART” Street in “SAN” Francisco. EYES are WINDOW to the SOUL, and Sandra OH wants MY Writings of “KEY to MY SOUL” to have been WRITTEN BY HER, like as if she is also the ARTIST of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK. Changing meaning of number 8, when they RAPED MY LIFE in 2009, STOLE MY ART and MY DOG, connected to SICK RAPING ASS CONSPIRACY of “OO” is ASS GOING BACKWARDS, reason for hundreds of SICK CUNTS with “OO” HUGE ASSES STALKING ME RELENTLESSLY connected to SANDRA OH PSYCHO PUSSY on “GREYS ANATOMY”. Reason why I sent the “FOUR Ways to Fuck Rectum” and reason why they RAPED MY LIFE for “JESUS CHRIST BLOO EYES” OO is Form of ASS going BACKwards.
Therefore, it can only be summed up as “RAPING OF MY SOUL” for a SICK DISTURBED SOULLESS PSYCHO ACTRESS SANDRA OH, SO on the “UL” Upper Left state of “WASHINGTON” setting of “Gre YS ANATOMY”. “SO” sound of REAP and “SOW”, what’s missing? H=8. Ear sound of “Q” ARMA of Computer “Q”eys on the Upper Left.
WHY isn’t her “KEY” licking FUCKING HER Bent OVER LAPping “LOCK” OO is ASS PUSSY SANDRA OH? ROBBED in 2009, it’s 2013, the ENTIRE PLANET in circle of “O” is waiting for SANDRA OH is “LOCK” OO to be FUCKED and LICKED by her “KEY”, reason for ROBBERY of MY Registered Trade “MARQ”, My PORTrait Drawing and all my “ART”, and my DOG JACK in 2009, all pointing to and connected to supporting and creating meaning, THROUGH RAPING MY LIFE, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
GREEN is in the word NEGR”O”, and “O” sounds like name of Sandra “OH”, in a B”LAC”K S”KIN” CO”LOR” CONSPIRA “CE”, PUS”SEE” Ass Conspira”C”. PAC. hyderm.
The reason for this is because of the MAGNIFYING GLASS with an “E”ye in a “O” that ROBERT GUILLAUME is HOLDING in my pencil drawing of BLACK Male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME with BIG BLACK “LIPS” from 1981. The reason why Sandra OH went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High school in Canada and has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW this drawing through people name An”DREW”. This is WHY they’ve BUILT for 3 decades for this drawing to have been DONE by SANDRA OH connected to BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO FEMALES. REASON for the RAPING OF MY LIFE, MY SACRED ART, connected to BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO Pussies.
This is “WHY” it’s SANDRA OH, CatHOLICKING ASS and PUSSIES with Constance MARIA Pecoraro, G”LORI”A LEE and every BLACK SKIN BITCH who have done me WRONG, in MATHemathics of making MONEY. Because EVERYTHING they have BUILT is THROUGH Constance Pecoraro’s CathoLICK Theme OIL Artwork created to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY NAME SIGNature on MY ARTWORK, to have been DONE By SANDRA OH, and for MY IDENTITY to be this sick DELUSIONAL ACTRESS.
Connect it to T “HO” MASCHRISTopher BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, he “BRIDGES” MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH through DENTISTRY, as in MOUTH, it isn’t just IDENTITY THEFT, it TRULY IS Tom Bridging ASS PUSSY LICKING “GROUP CONSPIRACY” connected to BLACK SKIN PUSSIES. Get the Magnifying Glass Eye in “O”.
Repeating Numbers of “131” connected to JACKson Heights NY ZIP CODE of “113 72” and meaning of MY Pencil Drawing “ART” of Black male actor Robert Guillaume from 1981. B”LAC”K connected to the KB Korean Blanket in the childhood picture of and a black girl in 1980, for both meanings of BLACK to have meaning for and BE SANDRA OH as if she was MY IDENTITY, the ARTiST of MY ARTWORK and MY NAME SIGNature of “SANDY” on this drawing, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name, through the word S”KIN”. Sandra Oh who went to sir ROBERT Borden High School on “131 GREEN BANK Road” Can”ADA” Drew my drawings.
131 ST “E” U “ART”.
AS IF MY TAO Saying with “ST” letters on the left, MY Portrait Drawing “E”yes with “8”, U symbol of LEO Sign, ART, has meaning for SANDRA OH, who went to Sir ROBART Borden High School in CAN”ADA” on “131 GREEN BANK” road, AS IF SANDRA OH IS MY IDENTITY and MY PORTRAIT Drawing Artist and owner of MY Registered Trade “MARK”, and MY SIGN of “LEO” through Tom Bridges “DENT”ist who has the same LEO Birthday but different year. It’s called DENTAL MENTAL CONSPIRACY and this sick BLACK BITCH is connected to ROBBERY OF MY PRICELESS ART in 2009, through ORGANIZED C”RIMES”, in ROBBING MY IDENTITY and Name SIGNature of “SANDY” through her sick fucking Negro BLACK S”KIN” COLOR, as if SANDRA OH is the “NIK” of my name. “Y’D”anille MARQuis, in “SAN” Francisco.
See link below of TAO of “A,O C” and RH “EU” MATology Center in 2013, for creating NEW Meaning of TAO DAO “DOW” JONes of making MONEY through the horrific RAPING of MY LIFE from 2009. For MY RT and MY TAO Saying to have meaning for SANDRA OH, as an ACTRESS, playing CHINESE DOCTOR on Greys Anatomy. TAO of ROBBING MY IDENTITY for a BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC SICK ACTRESS.
ST "EU" ART, "E"ye U, as if Sandra OH is the CREATOR of MY "TAO" Saying on MY Website and the left letters of "ST", as if she is the OWNER of MY Federally Registered Trademark, as if SANDRA OH is MY First Name SIGNature as in MY JOHN "HAN"COCK of "SANDY" with OO made with letter S of my name on my Pencil Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, through Eyes of Jesus CHRIST CHARLIE "OO", as if Sandra OH is my Portrait Drawing with VERTICAL "8" in My Eyes connected to "Solar System" and the new "8" planets.
OO looks like "8" when you TILT YOUR HEAD to the SIDE. SANDRA OH in "Red () Dress" in 2012, with her HEAD TILTED, SAME PATTERN as her Pepsi Pussy pictures in 1999, as if she is MY CHILDHOOD Pictures, of me in SANTA MONICA in 1979 with MY HEAD TILTED, as if through BLACK S"KIN" NIGGER SICK DISTURBED BITCHES like "Y.D"anielle MARQUIS in "SAN" Francisco, as if SANDRA OH is MY First Name SIGNature of "SANDY" on MY ART.
OO FORM of HAND Cuffs "HC" go on "RIS"TS, BACKwards for SanDRA OH who went to "SIR" ROBERT BORDEN High School and has been claiming she is My name SIGNature on MY ART. Then the OO turns into "8" PRISON BARS which are VERTICAL and PARALLEL.
Danielle Marquis can go to PRISON for a LONG TIME with SHONDA LYNN RHIMES, two sick disturbed fucking BLACK S"KIN" NIGGER Bitches all CatHOLICKING over "LAP"ping Ass and Pussy "OO" going BACKwards.
Through the ADDRESS of this sick lying disturbed BLACK SKIN NIGGER DENTIST, this is about creating NEW Meanig of “TAO” is the WAY, through SANDRA OH and Constance Pecoraro in making MONEY.
This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and how they are creating NEW “TAO” is the WAY meaning, through SANDRA OH Psycho Actress and IDENTITY THIEF, as if she is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, as if she is the creator of MY “TAO” Saying that FITS Perfectly with MY Registered Trademark in circle of “O”, the sound of her name of “OH”, as if she is the OWNER OF MY TRADEMARK. The TAO is the WAY for SANDRA OH, through the RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY SACRED ART in a GROUP CONSPIRACY that have been supporting this for decades all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY. GLUTTONOUS GREEDY GREEN connections. These are all extremely SERIOUS C”RIMES”. This is WHY I write that SANDRA OH MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
Sand “RA OH”. A, O, TAO DAO “DOW” JONES of making MONEY. What’s Left? “RH”, Sandra OH in “RABBIT HOLE”. Rabbit is a “HARE” sound of “HAIR” as if SANDRA OH is MY PORTRAIT Drawing H”AiR”. EVERYTHING is about FUCKING ANATOMY, of RAPING MY ANATOMY, so that it can BE SANDRA OH.
AS IF, “HO”me and “AR”tist on the Upper Left of MY ART WEBSITE is SANDRA OH Going BACKwards, AS IF through the words “SLIDE SHOW” on MY Website, SANDRA OH is MY “Wet Vagina” the VIEW from the BACK in a X rated Video Recording secretly taped without my knowledge in 2001. It’s called “RAPE”.
RA OH, connected to TAO DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY connected to meaning of LIO”N” KIN”G”, with EARL JONES, what’s left? RH, SHOnda LYNN “RH”IMES Sick BLACK S”KIN” Bitch in a CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY, anything and everything SEXUAL about ME, for SANDRA OH.
RA OH, connected to JESUS CHRIST “CHA”rlie was a JEW, connected very Pious for a piece of MY PIE of “O”, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF JEW, and the T ORAH. TAO TORAH, “Religious Spiritual” Themes, AS IF SANDRA OH is the AUTHOR and CREATOR of MY Saying of “TAO” which is ON MY WEBSITE, and FITS Perfectly with MY REGISTERED TRADEMARK in “O”, sound of her name of “OH”. AR is in the word AR”T” and T is for TAO.
It’s about MY ROBERT GU ILLAUME pencil drawing from 1981, GU and IL in Korean means number 9 and 1, SANDRA OH “DREW” My drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, connected to Constance Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST who’s BIRTHDAY is “9/1”. T is for TAO, and these two mentally disturbed PSYCHOBITCHES are GU IL “T” in EAR sound of words. LIFE IN PRISON.
Danielle Marquis not only needs to lose her Dental License, she needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON for a VERY LONG TIME.
I did my Portrait Drawing in FEB 2006, while living at 20 Shelley Drive, building owned by Gor”DON” Mac”DON”ald who also happens to be a DENTist in GREEEN BRAE Marin County, a suburb North of San Francisco across the GOLDen GATE BRIDGE.
In SUMMER of 2006, I moved to SUNSET District Neighborhood of San Francisco at the address of 2087 31st Avenue x QUINTARA Ave. During this time in Spring of 2006 is when I worked at this Dental office. I DID MY “ABSTRACT” PAGE ARTWORK WHILE LIVING HERE, MY DOOR, LOCK AND KEY. Then in OCTOBER 2006, I moved to Los Angeles, spontaneously. During 2007 forwards, they RAPED and ROBBED MY LIFE, MY ART, MY CHILD BEARING YEARS, MY LOCK and KEY.
During the Summer of 2006, while I was living in the SUNSET neighborhood, they changed the number of PLANETS in the SOLAR SYSTEM, from 9 planets to “8” planets. SUN is the CENTER of the SS, and the SUN rules the SIGN of LEO. Tom Bridges has the same LEO Birthday as me of 8/13 but different year. My Birthday is 8/13/69.
What is TOM BRIDGES YEAR of Birth? 8/13 19 “72” ?Q he will be GOING TO PRISON with DANIELLE MARQUIS, Two DENTISTS involved in IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT, as Co Conspirators for SANDRA OH to BE MY IDENTITY. Vir”GO” Mai”DEN” Constance Pecoraro “SOONY” going to PRISON is a GIVEN. SANDRA OH is going for LIFE. “E” FIL more, HC go on RISTS. CHRISTIna YANG, YIN, Tao of HOT and KOLD in 3AR sound of Words of RICH”ARD” BACK, D”ARI” is BELOIT the ASSSTERISK.
It isn’t random that BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO SH onda Rimes birthday of “CAP”riCORN the G”OAT” 1/13, who wen to “D” ART MOUTH College is the creator and writer of “GREYS Anatomy”, and this BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO DANIELLE “MARQ”UIS is a “DENT”ist on ST E U “ART” Street with address of “131” Repeating Numbers, connected to SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBART Borden High school on “131 GREEN BANK” Road in CAN”ADA”. American Dental Association is in CHICA”GO” Illinois.
What is SUC Stand Up CUMedian JOSH MI”KA” WOLF’s son Jacob Wolf’s THAI female MOTHER’S Name in Seattle WASHINGTON? TARA? Is she a VIRGO like EARTH VIRGO Mai”DEN” I”TAL”Y Constance Maria Peocoraro? He is going to FOLLOW SANDRA OH.
Everything ‘FITS’ PERFECTLY because it’s the TRUTH. T”OO”TH HERTZ.
Sandy Wang’s Portrait Drawing done in 2006 while living at 20 Shelley Drive
Sandy Wang’s ABSTRACT Page Artwork done in JUNE 2006, except for “Wang Key” painting
SOLAR SYSTEM planet numbers changed Summer of 2006 while I was living in the “SUN”SET
why Repeating Numbers of 11/3 is important
Leland Har”COURT” MONTGOMERY birthday of 11/3
20 Shelley Drive, owner of building GorDON MacDONald
Dentist in “GREEN” Brae
Sandy Wang’s Abstract page done in June 2006, at 2087 31st Avenue x Q?uin”TARA” avenue in “SUNSET”
GREEN Connections
Color of MONEY” is GREEN
Sandra OH HIGH SCHOOL on Sir ROB”ART” Borden on “GREEN” Bank Road in Can”ADA”
ROSE Crans Ave see GOR”DON” MARQ”ART” “8/13” WOLF AIR connection on this 1 intersection in NORWALK
Amb”ROSE” church what are the chances of Ambrose Church x MARQUIS building 8/13 and across the street of 11/3? It isn’t random, see “TWO FINGERS”
Mel”ROSE” Ave PATRICIA Ei”C”Her on Mel”ROSE” Avenue, next to “GRAY” FURniture
See TWO FINGERS on Crown of THORNY head of Josh Mic’CHA’ WOLF
Constance Pecoraro’s Art Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie’s Find
Sandra OH and “SHAW” connection
Don’t ever call me a Racist, MY LIFE has been RAPED and ROBBED BY SICK FUCKING NIGGERS in WHITE HOUSE makes GRAYS anatomy. I say Niggers as a CURSE, like CURSON street name and CURSE the FUCK ON.
DISTURBED SICK NIGGERS who think and have BUILT, for MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, to be SANDRA OH, through B”LaC”K COLOR S”KIN”, as if it’s the NIK of her name “SANDRA OH”.
131 ST “E” U “ART”
1/13 birthday of CAP ri “CORN” G”OAT” Sign BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO Shonda RIMES who went to “D” ART MOUTH College
1/13 Josh Wolf and “E”ye of the Tiger
Is Tom Bridges the Gay Male “DENTIST” Birthday YEAR is it 19”72”? to complete this “113 72” CODE Meaning, reason why Constance Pecoraro moved to “707” Bridgeway in 2009. What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATRICIA? = LIFE IN PRISON
1/13 birthday of BLACK S”KIN” SHONDA RIMES
1/13 JOSH WOLF and Eye of the Tiger
“707” BRIDGEWAY new address of Constance Psycho Pecoraro in 2009
72? What is TOM BRIDGES YEAR of Birth?
What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PATRICIA and Fraud Birthday Numbers of “11/30”
Wrongful Arrest “WA” through “AW” Arrest Warrant on 2.11.11 See “BLACK RACE” Fraud Documenting
the ‘DEN’ TAL Connections, TOOTH HERTZ
“LOR”I Hubble on ever”GREEN” Street DENTAL Hygiene Petiton Hearing = Premeditated Organized CRIMES
“ROL” ex building, for “LOR”I Hubble’s ASS FORM
Summary Jan 2012 Robertson x Ashcroft Glas”SWIRE” “RHYMES” with Jerry Mc”GU”IRE is about “SPO”rts and FRAME connections
What happened to MY LIFE in 2009, is connected to what happened to
Black or White “SKIN” MI “CHA” EL “JACK”SON who died on “6/25”, same day as Farrah Fawcett who died of ANAL CANCER
The above meaning “131 STEU “ART” Connections of BLACK S”KIN” CO”LOR” conspiracy, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, of “ROL”ex building, who was born in Amherst MASSACHUSETTS. Everything in M”ASS” is built connected to Constance “M”ARIA Pecoraro’s ASS, for Horny jesus “CHA”RLIE, in a sick JACKIE “LAF”UENTE LOW FLYING AIRPLANE “LAP” “LAF” ASS CONSPIRACY.
FINISH LINE BOSTON MARATHON Bombing in April 15, 2013, STEUART street next to DARTMOUTH and “HANCOCK”
FINISH LINE Constance Pecoraro’s “FINISH LINE”
Danielle Marquis has ‘PH’ after her name, DDS is for Dentists, I don’t know what ‘PH’ is for. I think this is about the name initials of “PH” PETER HASON, who is connected in the MUSIC Business in NYC, connected to CREATING MEANING, AS iF JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF has meaning in MY FATHERS Name and IDENTITY in all the B”LOW” AIR into CL”ARI” NET connections. WOLF “D” ARI GORDON connectionss on MARQardt street in Norwalk, which is about specific BUSINESS Names on specific Street Names, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY through RAPING OF MY Parents names, MY name SIGNature on MY ART, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the “SON”.
“SON”, to have meaning in “SON Y” MUSIC Building on Wilshire Blvd x Lasky Drive, in “CONSPIRACY of TWO”, so that MY WATERCOLOR Painting titled “CARL JUNG”, can have meaning for SANDRA OH, as if she is MY IDENTITY, MY “BODY” MY ANATOMY, and ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK. Carl “JUNG” sounds like ‘YOUNG’, and because Sandra OH is 2 years “YOUNG”ER than me, for MY ARTWORK TITLE to have meaning for this DELUSIONAL ACTRES? It’s why retitled this Powerful Painting I did in 2006, based on PICTURES TAKEN OF ME, retitled it to “OLD KARMA” in October 2012, then in December 2012, “SAND Y” HOOK SCHOOL Massacre occurred.
What PETER MAXWELL HA”SON” has been doing with his LIFE since I met him 1985, he’s been building for MY Father’s Identity as a MUSICIAN and “TEA”CHER to BE and have meaning for JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, fucking P3AR B”OAT” OIL ASSES in CathoLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY.
EVERYTHING about the HORRIFIC RAPING of MY LIFE in Los Angeles in April 2009, is connected to this Sick BLACK BITCH in San Francisco who has a Hindu associate name ME”RAV”. B”LAC”K S”KIN” NEGRO CONSPIRACY.
Is PATricia LEARNED a BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO at the Animal Center in 2009? Her Letter written to me on specific date of “11/3”, connected to BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO Sick bitch SHONDA RIMES Birthday of “1/13”, connected to this sick BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO DENTIST with address of “113”, all connected to ROBBING the meaning of MY First name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on MY drawing of BLACK Negro male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, with very IMPORTANT NUMBER connections to ZIP “CODE” of JACKSON Heights NY 113 72, where I grew up in the 1980’s. All these new 113, + Constance Pecoraro’s new address of “707” Bridgeway = 113 72, what’s left? “O” the sound of SANDRA OH, as if this sick ACTRESS is the owner and Artist of MY Registered Trademark in circle of “O”.
Danielle “MARQ”uis name is about meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY Drawing, it’s about the word MARK as in TradeMARK, except it isn’t a TradeMARK, it’s a “TRADE SECRET” which is different than a copyright, trademark or a patent, it has it’s own set of LAWS. B”LAC”K S”KIN” NEGRO ASS CONSPIRACY connected to SANDRA OH who thinks she is My Name SIGNature, through “NIK” backwards.
Her Name DANIELLE is about “DANIEL” LADINSKY, Pedophile Rapist, the “GATEWAY” to the TAO is the WAY of RAPING MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ARTWORK, through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme OIL ARTWORK.
I get PAID to work as a DENTAL HYGIENIST, and this is the way how they’ve been USING meaning of “DOCTORS” NAMES, to create meaning connected T”OM” BRIDGES MY IDENTITY for Psycho Sandra OH, who is a Borderline Psychotic Actress, playing a “DOCTOR” role on “Grey’s anatomy” created to ROB MY IDENTITY.
I worked part time as a dental assistant during high school in 1985. This is the REASON why TOM BRIDGES went to Dental School. This is the reason why many people went to Dental School with Specific Names went to Dental School. It’s about the meaning of Virgo Mai”DEN” Connie Pecoraro, connected to MY Mother’s Mai”DEN” Name of MIN. Which is about MY First Artwork Collection from 1982, connected to LEE H. MONTGOMERY and the address of 20360 Callon Drive TOPanga, which is why TOM CRUISE made the movie “TOP Gun”. This has been going on for more than 3 decades.
DANIELLE MARQUIS is a black female DENtist in San Francisco. She writes her name as Y. Danielle Marquis, does she have evidence of this being her name since BIRTH? When was the letter ‘Y” added to her name? It’sa bout meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my pencil drawing of Black male actor Robert Guillaume, to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, through T”OM” BRIDGES Gay male DENTIST who has the same LEO Birthday as me, bridges Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork Catholic Theme of Mary and Jesus CHRIST, the reason why Pecoraro’s says she got her Art Degree from “SAN” Jose State, why would you sign your school’s name on a piece of Artwork you did?.
Danielle Marquis bought her Dental Practice on STEU”ART” street from a Dentist name “SAN”Ders, I know this because I had tempted for Sanders in this SAME OFFICE, long before she took over his practice.
It is through the words B”LAC”K S”KIN” that they’ve been building this meaning, AS if my Name SIGNature of “SANDY” is the ‘NIK’ name of SAND”RA” OH, going BACKwards in a ASS CONSPIRACY. Go SEE this black bitches BIG P3AR shaped Ass, and LORI HUI Chinese Dental ASSistant’s Big LOW P3AR ass and MICHELLE the Receptionist’s BIG LOW P3AR hanging Ass. SANDRA OH got PLASTIC ASS IMPLANTS, because of the meaning of MY First Name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK.
CO “LOR” S”KIN”. “LOR”I HUI. For Jesus Christ Josh MIC”CHA” Wolf, “CHA”rlie’s Find “OO” is Form of ASS.
EVERY Black female I have met in my life, looking back now, is about THE CHILDHOOD Picture of me and a BLACK Girl, TO BE SANDRA OH. I moved to San Francisco in December 1999 and lived in Marin County, a suburb North of SF for 7 yrs. I did a lot of Temp work in San Francisco. In 2002, I work a few Temporary days as a Dental Hygienist at 131 STEUART Place in Downtown SF for a dentist name SANDERS. He later sold this practice to Danielle Marquis and in 2006, for about 3 months I worked as a P/T hygienist in her office.
It’s a P3AR BOAT ASS Dental Office of Tom Bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR Sound of P3AR shaped ASSES with “OIL” Blubber, for Jesus CHRIST “OO” horny for LICKING ASS “HO”Le.
DANI “ELLE” Marquis, connected to the “KNEE CAP BONE” called the PAT “ELLA” Bone, connected to meaning of KID NE Y’S, ruled by the Astrology Sign of AiR LIBRA JOSH WOLF, KID KNEEEE Y’S, connected to gre Y’S ANATOMY, with Sandra OH, who I think her middle name is “PAT” ricia. For my childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979 wearing KNEE HIGH SOCKS to BE SANDRA OH.
This is why JOSH WOLF was busy having the TIME of his LIFE in Summer of 2009, FUCKING A LEO PUSSY born in the year of 19”79”. His year is 19”69”, for “69” meaning of MY Registered Trade “MARK” MARQ in a “O”, that looks like a DOT is a PERIOD to have meaning for him. DT. MARQAR “DT”. P3AR YR, LEO and LIBRA VIBE NUMBER is “113”, 113 STU “ART” Street address of this sick black bitch. MAY 2010, JOSH WOLF still on PEAR B”OAT” ASS, haven’t the the “DOT Sex” in a few days, SOCIOPATH. He’s been licking fucking SAME BODY TYPE of PEAR LOW HANGING BLUBBER ASS all his life, for meaning of MY Parents Names and MY FAC from 1981 to have meaning for him, basically licking Sandra OH’S ASS “HO”le BACKwards all his life, in supporting SANDRA OH is My Identity and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. Why shouldn’t he, he’s get BEAUTIFUL PUSSIES for FREEEEE. CATCHING, TAO DAO TE CHING, WOLF OF WALL STREET. THIS SICK MOTHER FUCKER NEEDS TO BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, Especially if his SON JACOB WOLF was born in the SAME HOSPITAL as the setting of “Grey’s Anatomy” in Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.
Since I worked at her dental office for a few months in beginning of 2006, they’ve been SYNCHRONIZING whatever I’m doing in MY LIFE since then, with this SICK BLACK FUCKING CUNT, licking SANDRA OH’s ROTTEN PUSSY. I’ve had my Toyota RAV4L since 2002, and this black sick fucking cunt found a HINDU Dentist name ME “RAV” to be in her dental office, for MY “OM” Symbols which I did in 2004, to also have meaning for her, supporting SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BOR”DEN” DEN DEN High school with Virgo Mai”DEN” DEN DEN Constance Pecoraro, in Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges the gay male DEN DEN DEN tist. Its why MY Toyota RAV4L was taken to Norwalk in 2009, near MARQUAR “DT” street next to GORDON and WOLF ARI Horsale. It’s a GROUP CONSPiRACY in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making MONEY, through the RAPING OF MY LIFE, so that everything about me can be SANDRA OH, AS iF SHE IS THE ARTIST OF ALL MY ARTWORK.
This is what a CHAIN GROUP CONSPIRACY means. The individual parties don’t need to personally know each other, but the GOAL is the same. What is the Goal? To create as much meaning as possible, through T”OM”ing my life, my jobs, my identity, whatever is going on in MY LIFE, with OTHER PEOPLES NAMES, to create as much meaning as possible through WORDS, NUMBERS, COLORS, Street Names, etc, for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, to CONFUSE IDENTITIES, AS IF She is My Identity and the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK. This is why “Sending A Message” is a very important Tool, from “DARK KNIGHT” with Heath Andrew Ledger. It’s their SECRET CODE way of communicating without being Caught or being found out. This has been going on for 3 decades. I know it because it’s MY ARTWORK, MY WRITINGS and MY PARENTS NAMES.
This bitch, like GORDON MacDONald in Greenbrae, and THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES needs to have their Dental Licenses Revoked and do JAIL TIME. Gordon MacDONald who robbed my Rent Money in 2006, Tom Bridges who lied on all the Police Reports he made about me in San Francisco in 2008 and 2009.
This address street name of STUART has the word “ART” in it. 11/3 is Lee MONTGOMERY’S birthday number. There is a MONTGOMERY Street in San Francisco in the Financial District close from this office. At the time, this name didn’t TRIGGER the memory of my First Artwork Collection from 1981 and the reason why I did it, for LEE HARCOURT MONTGOMERY. This number “113” has POWERFUL Number connections to the meaning of MY Drawing of Black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981.
MERAV was the name of a HINDU Male Dentist as her associate in her Dental Practice. This was about MY 2002 Toyota SUV RAV4L. They’ve been SYNCHRONIZING whatever’s been going on my Life through OTHER PEOPLE’S NAMES for many years. REAL LIFE PARASITES.
IT’S THE REASON WHY MY TOYOTA RAV 4 L WAS STOLEN AND TAKEN TO SPECIFIC LOCATIONS/ADDRESSES IN LOS ANGELES. IN NORWALK on ROSECRANS Avenue. There is a street called MARQUAR “DT”, which runs into ROSECRANS Ave, and on this corner are the businesses GORDON Inc, WOLF “ARI” Wholesale, etc. GOR “DON” is connected to Korean Word “DON” which means MONEY, in their very disturbing CATHOLICK MAThemathics of making Money through Pious PYOus JeSUS, AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF, horny for WHORE SALE ASS and PUSSY. IT’S A GROUP CONSPIRACY in MAThemathics of making MONEY through HOR DICK JESUS JOSH WOLF licking fucking WHORE PUSSIES.
HOR DICKS and PUSSIES don’t have Locks and Keys.
IT’S CONNECTED TO THIS BLACK BITCH, AND ALL HER EMPLOYEES, ESPECIALLY A HINDU ASSOCIATE DENTIST NAME ME’RAV’, a Receptionist name MI”CHELLE” with a HUGE PEAR shaped ASS, and A CHINESE DENTAL ASSSSS ISTANT NAME “LOR”I HUI. LORi HUI, I sounds like Eye “OO” ROL ex building JOSH WOLF, H=8 or OO, Tom CHRISTopher Bridges on UNION SQUARE bridges U and I, for meaning of MY KOREAN FATHERS Name of SUNG “BAE” to have meaning for JOSH WOLF licking fucking P”EAR” B”OAT” ASSES. To create meaning BACKwards, in P3AR B”OAT” ASS is the WAY, through a Fag name Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges his gay LEO and 3AR sound of “OIL” Backwards, OIL and GLASS artwork by Constance Maria Pecoraro, with “CRIST”ina Yang on “GREY’S ANATOMY’ Gre “Y’S”. what’s missing? BIG BLACK BITCH SHO “NDA” Rhimes, who created this TV Show to ROB the meaning of MY ARTWORK from 1981, MY FIRST NAME SIGNature of “SANDY”, AS IF SANDRA OH is my “NIK” Name of SANDY, AS IF she DREW my drawings.
CHINK and a HINDU in her Dental Office, so that MY “OM” Symbols and TAO writings can have meaning for SANDRA OH. This kind of SICK “SYNCHRONIZING” with DENTISTS names has been going for more than 20 years of ME Working as a DENTAL HYGIENIST, for MY Profession and MY ARTWORK, to have meaning for DELUSIONAL SICK ACTRESS SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BOR”DEN” High School, who has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawings from 1981. Psycho Actress who thinks she is the CREATOR of MY ARTWORK and Writings on MY WEBSITE, by T “OM” ing names to my life.
My TOYOTA “RAV” 4L, which I’ve worked hard for 5 years to make my payments were STOLEN by TOYOTA FINANCIAL COMPANY, through Fraud Documents to “Repossess” my vehicle. EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN on specific date of “3/11” 2011 STU ART “113” DEEP KARMA, for Robbing and Raping of MY ARTWORK, MY DOG JACK, and MY PRICELESS ARTWORK.
My dog JACK has been RAPED. The SICK PSYCHOBITCH who has my dog is RAPING MY DOG JACK, connected to the meaning of MY ARTWORK. I adopted and named my dog Jack Wang, and did all my Artwork in 2007, BEFORE I met JOSH WOLF “JW” at a dog park. My Dog JACK’s Identity is important because it’s connected to MY Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, and the ZIP CODE NUMBERS of JACKSON Heights NY “113 72” where I grew up in the 80’s when I did this drawing. It’s why Constance Pecoraro moved to “707” Bridgeway Sausalito in 2009. 113 707. What’s left? “O” as if Sandra “OH” is the Artist and Creator of MY REGISTERED TRADE “MARK” through people name MARK or MARQUIS.
This is why PATRICIA L”EAR”NED wrote to me on specific date of “11/3” in 2009 when I contacted Animal Control people to find and get MY DOG JACK. If PATRICIA LEARNED is a BLACK BITCH, she needs to be Arrrested and Locked in Jail. If SANDRA OH’s Middle Name is PATRICIA, she needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
They’ve known who this BLACK BITCH is for many years, she’s been changing where she places her Middle Name INITIAL in her name, so that through ME having had worked in her Dental Office, MY IDENTITY is suppose to have meaning for Tom Bridges all “DEN”tists with SANDRA OH, who went to SIR ROBERT BOR “DEN” High School DREW my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1982, through Virgo Mai”DEN” Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST with “OO” Eyes, the reason why Sandra OH is “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
Y Danielle Marquis, “YD”, connected to Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges Constance Maria Pecoraro who says she got her Art Degree from “SAN” Jose State, SAN + DY = SANDY, why would you SIGN your School’s name on a piece of Artwork you did. The same reason why Josh Wolf went to Trinity University in “SAN” Antonio Texass. “DY” is about the beginning and end of the name “Daniel ladinskY” who wrote his book “THE GIFT” which was published in 1999. This B “LAC”K Bitches name being “pimped” in MY LIFE, is about creating meaning BACKWARDS, in Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges his gay LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” for Horny Jesus CHRIST in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of licking ASS HOLES through MOUTHS in DENtistry.
They realized everything they’ve been building has been LEFT to RIGHT, through T “OM” Bridges and T”OM” Cruise, connected to meaning of EAR sound of my First Name SIGNature of “SANDY * “ with an Asterisk on the drawing of Robert Guillaume, to be about ASSSSSTERISK. Then they realized ASS isn’t in the Front, it’s in the BACK, and through Other People’s names, through Words, Businesses like QUIZ “NOS”, they’ve been building meaning going BACKWARDS, for meaning of MY First Name SIGNature of “Sandy”, with “OO” made with the letter S of my name signed Sideways, the reason why Jesus CHRIST the “SON” has Horizontal Rings around his Eyes of “OO”. The MEANING OF THIS, is the REASON WHY MY LIFE was RAPED in 2009, I was SET UP by Mercedes BENz of Beverly Hills and Wrongfully Detained in LA COUNTY Jail, while JOSH WOLF having the TIME of his LIFE, licking fucking a BIG OIL BLUBBER P3AR ASS LEO PUSSY. During this time, was when they ROBBED ALL MY PRICELESS ARTWORK and my dog JACK. Organized Crimes. “OC” CO or KO In Korean means NOS”E”.
Robbing the meaning of my First Name SIGNature of “Sandy*” with “OO” to have meaning for Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’, JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, “CHA”rlies Find horny for Licking Fucking “OO” Is FORM OF OIL BLUBBER ASS, while they Wrongfully HAND CUFF ME. Hand Cuffs go on CH “RIS”Ts, for Sandra OH as “CRIST”Ina Yang on “Gre Y’S anatomy” thinks and has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME In 1981, because she went to “SIR” ROBERT Borden High School.
Then in 2012, they are creating meaning Left to Right again. They’ve been doing this for 3 decades connected to POWERFUL MEANING of MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK. They’ve been going back and forth, back and forth, creating meaning through WORDS, NUMBERS, Other People’s Names, Street Names, for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, AS IF She DREW my drawings from 1981. They are back to “OO” is form of TITS again. This can go on forever, it’s been going on for 3 decades.
SANDERS was the Dentist who sold his practice, and Danielle Marquis moved into his office. The name SANDERS is connected to COLONEL SANDERS of KFC, KEN tucky Fried ChicKEN has a lot of OIL and NEK is about SUC as in deep Throat a SUC Stand Up Comedian JOSH WOLF who TALKS for a Living, Voice Box is in the NECK region. OIL is about Connie Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Jesus Christ “Charlies Find”. KFC. FUCK. ChicKEN is a BIRD, and Tom BIRD ges all BIRDS on BRIDgeway SausalitO with Connie PecorarO and Sandra Oh in LEOnardO DA Vinci Code of making Money.
Her WEBSITE COLOR is “GREEN”, the same shade of GREEN as the background color of Connie Pecoraro’s First Website. It’s the GREEN Connections. This is DIRECTLY connected to supporting SANDRA OH is the Artist of my Artwork of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, because she went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School. What does SCHOOL have anything to do with MY ARTWORK? NOTHING, they made it up, to make it ‘FIT’. It’s why SIR ROBERT BORDEN high school in Canada, changed their school address to “113” GREEN BANK ROAD.
It’s about the word DRAwings and ART, RA RA and DT, the reason why they named the street MARQU”ARDT”. The name of streets in Los Angeles to “FIT” MY ARTWORK, so that Sandra Oh can BE MY IDENTITY has been going on for 3 decades. Remember that it’s Gov’t Agencies responsible for naming streets, and Sandra Oh’s father worked for the FEDERAL GOV’T, and her entire family are CROOKS in the BUSINESS of ROBBING MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY Powerful Artwork.
Her name of MARQuis is about the letter “Q” on the Upper Left of the computer keys. Because everything about MY FAC from 1982 and Pictures from my life is about the Upper Left, and the Upper Left computer keys has the letters of my name S WA. What’s Missing? “NG”, the reason why Sandra OH is “OM” with my Catholic high school classmate GN Grace Navas, so that “Grey’s Anatomy” Set in Seattle “WA”shington, she can have meaning in My Name WANG. It’s the reason why Connie Pecoraro created her “NO Name Girl” to have meaning “Going Backwards” on the Upper Left.
Her name MARquis is connected to MARK GORDON, executive producer of “Grey’s Anatomy” with creator and writer SHONDA RIMES. GORDON is connected to the GORDON MACDONALD and “GONDA” buildings at UCLA, and GONDA “RIMES” with SHONDA. The reason why the address of 20 Shelley Drive Mill Valley was set up and whey GORDON MACDONALD ROBBED MY RENT and DEPOSIT MONEY in 2006.
GORDON MacDonald, the landlord at 20 Shelley Drive Mill Valley, has a Dental Practice in GREENbrae address of 1331 S. Eliseo drive. 11/3 connections.
Her name Danielle is about DANIEL LADINSKY and his book “The GIFT” Published in 1999, the VEHICLE to ROB the meaning of MY FAC from 1982, through Connie Pecoraro’s Catholic Church Theme of Mother Mary and Jesus CHRIST, connected to SANDRA OH, Dr. “CRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. I didn’t start doing my Second Artwork Collection until 2002 into 2003 and created and designed my website in April 2004.
Daniel Ladinsky begins and ends with “DY”. The reason why JOSH WOLF went to Trinity University in “SAN” Antonio TX. The same reason why Connie Pecoraro say she got her Art Degree from “SAN” Jose State. Why would you sign your school’s name on a piece of artwork you did.
The reason why Josh Wolf says on the BOB RIVER RADIO Show in March 2008, about CALF and COW as in D”AIR”Y, for his sign of AIR Libra to have meaning for his Mother MARIA Pecoraro. It’s why Exactly a year later PSYCHOLOGY Today Magazine in March 2009 had a special about this, connected to Stand Up Comedians “SUC”.
The Name MARQUIS is about the meaning of My First name SIGNature on the drawing of black male Robert Guillaume BENSON DUBOIS. This Name SIGNature isn’t a “MARK”, it’s known as a “TRADE SECRET”. This is why they’ve been building on the name MARK for many years. This is why Connie Pecoraro does MARKER Sketches of her “No Name Girl”. This is connected to any word with MARK in it, like FARMERS MARKET. This is why they named the street in Norwalk called MARQUARDT.
I remember once when Danielle Marquis asked me to go with her to the BANK to get CASH, because she didn’t have any Checks to write me a Paycheck. She had me wait for her by the “ATM” Machine which is about Catholic “MAT”hemathics of Making Money. She then stood in front of me, with a bottle of CRANBERRY JUICE on her SHOULDER as we were talking, and I thought in my mind, why is she doing that and I thought it was Bizarre.
I had the RFID Bug inserted in my body, without my knowledge by a SICK DOCTOR name ALAN RUBIN at 490 Post Street, the same building as Beverly Davis Dental Agency. SHE KNEW WHAT I SAW, IT WAS BEING TRANSMITTED, THROUGH MY EYES AND THE RFID BUG. IT WAS ABOUT “SENDING A MESSAGE”.
Her putting a bottle of CRANBERRY JUICE on her SHOULDER is about The childhood CHRISTMAS Picture of me and my mother and my dog Frenchy, with MY MOTHER’S HAND on MY SHOULDER, which is what Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Church theme is based on. It’s why the color of My Mother’s Shirt, the color between Green and Blue, a color called “Turn Bull” is everywhere and connected to Connie Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST.
T HO MAS CHRISTopher Bridges My Father with Josh Wolf, My Mother with Connie Pecoraro, and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH, AS IF she drew my drawings.
The word SHOULDER is about the meaning of MY FAC, where BENSON DUBOIS is “HOLDING” a Magnifying Glass, it’s about my Pen INK Drawing of NEIL DIAMOND “HOLDING” a Mike on the Upper Left from the movie “Jazz Singer”. I THINK THIS IS WHY ERIC HOLDER IS THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TODAY. LIKE BARACK OBAMA IS THE PRESIDENT BECAUSE OF MY ROBERT GUILLAUME “Black Male” PENCIL DRAWING.
They gave the meaning of NEIL DIAMOND drawing to JOSH WOLF because they are both Jewish and because Josh Wolf is a AIR LIBRA STONE of DIAMOND, symbol of JUSTICE SCALES. The REASON why all JUDGES Names were SET UP, to ROB My MONEY, for Connie Pecoraro’s CATHOLICK Church MAThemathics theme of are you “PI”ous and Horney to make Money.
This is why SH onda Rimes created her TV show “Grey’s Anatomy” and created the role of “CRIST”ina Yang for SANDRA OH, as the VEHICLE to go along with Connie Pecoraro’s OIL painting of Jesus CHRIST, with JOSH WOLF as the Hor dick fucking Hor Pussies.
Danielle Marquis has a BIG OIL BLUBBER ASS like all her Dental “ASS”isstants. She had a CHINESE Dental Assistant name LORI HUI, who also had a BIG OIL BLUBBER ASS. Her NAME was about creating meaning BACKWARDS, for “ROL”ex building and I sounds like EYE of Jesus Christ, H=OO U and I of TOM BRIDGES UNION SQUARE at 360 Post Street. For CHINESE DOCTOR SANDRA OH on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
Whatever this Chink Dental assistant was doing in her life, is connected to SANDRA OH and CHO SEUNG HUI, massacre of 32 people at VIRGINIA TECH, in MONTGOMERY County. Virginia Tech is about Connie Pecoraro’s Website domain name which was registered in HERN”DON” VIRGINIA, DON in KOREAN means Money, the reason why I met this Psycho at her Dentist office PATRICK LEE on Cale”DON”ia street in Sausalito.
CATHO”LICK” MAThemathics of Tom Bridges 3AR sound of his gay LEO with “OIL” Backwards, because LEO sign rules the Heart and the Back. Any name or word, with “OH”, like “HO”rse, S”HO”es, S”HO”ulder, pigs “HO”cks, etc, to be about SANDRA “OH”. SHOULDER is attached to the ARM of Mother MARIA, and everything they’ve built is about LICKING ASS, Sandra OH licking MARIA”S pEARth Virgo Ass and Pussy, BACKWARDS.
Danielle Marquis had a bottle of CRAN “BERRY” JUICE “CJ” on “SHOULDER”, ( as if SANDRA OH is My Childhood CHRISTMAS Picture in 1982 with My Mother’s HAND on MY Shoulder. ) This was a “Strange Physical Behavior” by Danielle MARQUIS, one time we went to the BANK together a few blocks from the dental office in the YEAR 2006. I remember clearly because it was Strange. It was “SENDING A MESSAGE” through “RFID” BUG INSIDE ME that can SEE and HEAR EVERYTHING. THIS IS HOW I WAS ABLE TO BE “FRAMED” IN APRIL 2009. These are DELUSIONAL SOUL RAPING, BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC FUCKING NIGGERS WHO SHOULD ALL BE LOCKED IN PRISON. INCLUDING SHONDA LYNN RHIMES.
Danielle Marquis knew about this street name MARQUARDT in Norwalk, she knew about the Business names on this intersection, GORDON INC, and WOLF ARI wholesale, next to SIERRA Mortgage business with MY BIRTHDAY Numbers of “8/13” and the numbers “40”. 40 is about the childhood CHRISTMAS picture of me with my LEG Position in the number “4” with a shirt with a “O”. The REASON why I was SET UP with MERCE MERCE MERCE des BENz in April 2009, Arrested and then Wrongfully Detained in LA County Jail for 5 months and spent my “40” birthday in Jail. So that SANDRA OH on “Grey’s Anatomy” set in Seattle Grace MERCY MERCY MERCY West Hospital CAN Have meaning in MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK.
It’s WHY I Met this sick Nigger Pussy in 2006 and I worked with a HIN”DU” Dentist name “ME RAV”, and I was driving my 2002 RAV4L to work. I discovered meaning and connection of “G RAV Y THICKENER” brand name of ARGO, connected to robbing of my Identity and Childhood pictures for Sandra OH, which this sick nigger pussy new about LONG BEFORE I found out in 2013. It’s the “YV” YELLOW VIRGO sign in my 1979 childhood picture that they’ve been building as if my identity was Sandra OH, through this Nigger’s Name “YV” ETTE. YV ette R.i.m.es with OYSTERETTE on Ocean Avenue, as if all my childhood pictures in Santa Monica in 1979 is SANDRA OH connected to DELUSIONAL SICK NIGGER PUSSIES. This is WHY MY “RAV” was STOLEN in 2009 through Fraud Documents of “Illegal Repossession”, and WHY they said it was in “Storage” in “MAL”ibu, which was a LIE, what it really meant was meaning of “Silence of the LAM b”, Silence, don’t talk about it. Did you get the PAChyderm is a thick S”KIN” mam”MAL” like the GRAY Elephant, connectecd to Shonda “LYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNNNN” RHIMES who created "GR“YS Anatomy” tv show, like Ka”MAL”a HARRIS, HALF BLACK HALF HINDU SICK BITCH. THIS IS WHY KAMALA HARRIS was elected FIRST BLACK “AG” Attorney General of CALIFORNIA in 2009, while I was WRONGFULLY LOCKED IN “LYNN WOOOD” LA County Jail.
It began with SICK “NIGGER JESUS” Taped to the CARPORT RAIL when I lived at 20 Shelley Drive Mill Valley CA 94941 in 2005. “CHA” rlies Find, “CHA” in Korean means TEA and “CAR”, the RAPING OF MY LIFE and the NON STOP TERRORIZING OF MY LIFE connected to “CARS”, built in “QARM”A for DELUSIONAL SICK NIGGERS.
The beginning of the creating and Paving the WAY for DELUSIONAL RAPING NIGGER BARACK OBAMA’S PRESIDENCY, was built and paved through the TERRORIZING and the RAPING OF MY LIFE. With the kind of Evidence I have, Barack OBAMA should be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE. WHY? Because it is 2014 and they are STILL FUCKING TERRORIZING MY LIFE, and this SICK FUCKING NIGGER is PROTECTING ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE CONNECTED TO TERRORIZING OF MY LIFE. KILL 1 of ME, so that MILLIONS can PROSPER is turning out to be MILLIONS “SU SU SUFPHER RING”, all connected to this sick raping niggers in White House makes “GRAYS” Anatomy”, in a disturbing P3AR B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy of Robbing MY Parents Names through PIMPING of DANIELLE MARQUIS’S BIG OILY “CAM DUNG YEE” NIGGERS ASS PUSSY in “HER SHE YS” chochacolate game. GO LOOK AT HER ASS and every Pussy at DANI “ELLE” MARQUIS DENTAL Office, all same PEAR ASS as MICH “ELLE” OBAMA. Like YV ETTE Chap”ELLE” Nigger Pussy on the DENTAL BOARD and the sick Dental Mental Raping Petition of WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES” in 2013 that revoked MY Dental Hygiene License through Premeditated C”RIMES”.
= “GA” Government Agencies in WASHINGTON connections.
The raping of my ART, robbery of My ART, robbery of MY Parents Names, MY Korean Name, for SANDRA OH, is all connected to lots of people, white people, chinese people, korean people, but especially NIGGERS in meaning of coded words of : “BLACK and YELLOW COLOR S”KIN” connection to JOSH WOLF and the BIRTH of his SON JACOB WOLF.
So when I say that it’s a Big GROUP CONSPIRACY through Peoples NAMES, this is exactly what I’m talking about. CHAIN CONSPIRACY, the individual parties don’t need to know each other Personally, but the GOAL is the SAME. The GOAL is to have SANDRA OH be MY IDENTITY, AS IF she is the ARTIST who Drew my Drawings. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY.
I haven’t even begun to “DIG” into this sick BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO BITCH’S LIFE. Like TOM CHRISTopher BRIDGES, this sick bitch went into “DEN”tistry because I’ve been in the Business of Dentistry since 1985, and graduated from Dental Hygiene school in 1990. DENTist, connected to MY Korean Name of WANG SIN WON and First Presi”DENT” George WASHINGTON meaning, it’s all about ROBBING MY Korean Name, My Name SIGNature on MY ART, to be SANDRA OH. “DEN”tist is always the “Boss” of DENTAL Hygienist. It’s about MY IDENTITY and MY ARTWORK and I AM THE BOSS OF MY LIFE and this sick BLACK SKIN BITCH MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON.
I think they’ve been building on Danielle MARQuis for many years, connected to MY First name SIGNature of “SANDY”, which isn’t a Trade”MARK”, but rather known as a “Trade Secret”, connected to “DANIEL” LADINSKY. Why do I think this, because of the meaning and MONSTER PERFECT FITTING Connections, like MARQUIS condo building on Fairfax street with TWO CHURCHES, and Repeating Numbers of WANG and MONTGOMERY Birthday of “8/13” and “11/3”.
“113” and “318” addresses on corner of FAIRFAX avenue, MARQUIS building
“Y. D” e LORme business next to “JACQ”ues MOUW in Beverly Hills Brighton Way
Let’s get all the FAIR “FACTS”, when exactly did Danielle MARQuis, place her “Y” in front of her name Danielle, is this her TRUE FULL NAME GIVEN AT BIRTH? “Y.D”anielle, in “SAN” francisco.
Steve Jobs once said “You can ONLY connect the DOTS in retrospect, in hindsight, looking BACK”.
This is WHY I asked in the subpoena, Proof of a Chinese female Dental Assistant name “LORI HUI”, who I worked with in 2006, because her name is connected to CHO SEUNG “HUI” who massacred 32 people at VIRGINIA TECH in April 2007. All connected to SANDRA OH. Fast Forward, to “LORI HUBBLE” Dental Mental RAPING Petition in a GROUP CONSPIRACY to SABOTAGE MY LIFE.
IS YV’ette’ Danielle MARQUIS married to someone in the MILITARY or does she have family members/relatives in the MILITARY connections? See NA “VY” Yard Shooting in Sept 2013 by AARON ALEXIS that killed 12 people.
MARQ uis, EAR sound of MARKEY, MY Family Jewel, MY Lion Body Painting, My Dog JACK, isn’t a Niggers Dik. QARM a built it her name by default. Ba “RAC” K Oba”MA” KARMA. MARia MI”KA” KARMA. Beverly Angela Davis “BAD KARMA”.
“ST” EU ART. “SAN” Francisco address of nigger dentist name Y.Danielle MARQUIS. To ROB MY Intellectual property, My Trade”MARQ”, My Portrait Drawing “E”ye of MY “ART” through her Business Address.
Sound of Ta “O”. Da”O” “DOW Jones’ of making Money as if SANDRA OH is the Owner and Artist of MY ARTWORK and TRADEMARK in circle of “O”.
As if SANDRA “OH” is the ARTIST and OWNER of My TAO Saying that fits My Federally Registered Trade”MARQ” in circle of “O”, through Danielle “MARQ”uis name. Connected to “Greys Anatomy” set on Upper Left state of Seattle WASHINGTON. Upper Left Computer Keys “Q”, EAR sound of “Q”ARMA built in.
When you mix or try to combine this Pathological Liar, Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH name and Identity with MINE, you get T RA ge DY. SO rr OW.
ST. As if the Left Letters of My “TAO” Saying on MY ART Website was created by Sandra “O”.
“Q”, on Upper Left corner, next to letters “S.WA”, reason why meaning of LIO n KIN g is important, in robbing of MY LEO SIGN, my name SIGNature on MY ART, MY Korean ROYAL Name of “WA….NG” for psycho actress SANDRA OH. Sandra “OH” who thinks she is My Portrait Drawing, who thinks she is the Artist and owner of My Registered TRADEMARK in circle of “O”, because it sounds like her name.
O sounds like Sandra “OH”.
Q looks like “O”, EAR sound of QARMA built in.
CUT the “O” and FINISH the LINE. FORM OF HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and Rimes with CH “RIS” T.
Everything they BUILT to RAPE and ROB MY LIFE through PRE PLANNED, PREMEDITATED Organized C”RIMES”, “FITS THEM” PERFECTLY, including “KEN” is “NEK” and in Korean is Nek is MOK AGE. GA MOK in Korean is Jail or Prison.
PRI”SON”. Purple Red color of my childhood CHRISTMAS picture in 1981 is Sandra Oh, through Jesus Christ the “SON” oil art by Constance Pecoraro, reason why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Greys Anatomy”. SON or SOHN in Korean means HAND.
Tom “C”HAND ler Bridges who? With what? My JOHN “HAN”COCK, through Spanish word MAN”OS”, going backwards. Psyc”HO” C”HO”CHA PEPSI PUSSY SANDRA OH who’s been claiming she’s my first name SIGNature, My John HANCOCK on my Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME in 1981, through her SCHOOL name of “SIR ROBERT BORDEN” in Canada. FORM of OO HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and Rimes with CH “RIS” T.
For My Trade “MARQ” in Circle of “O”, to have been done by SANDRA “OH” because it sounds like her name, through the name of a Nigger Pussy Dani”ELLE” MARQuis. ROBBING of MY TRADEMARK in “O” and MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of “TAO” Saying, has SERIOUS CRIMINAL RAMIFICATIONS.
MAR”Q”, looks like an “O”, EAR sound of “Q”ARMA built in.
WATER and OIL don’t mix, and Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” built based on Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART, Oil goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy “GRACE” NAVAS. Which was created to ROB MY IDENTITY, not only my Art.
CUT the “O” and FINISH the LINE, “OO” FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T. Sick secret codes they built and created to “RAPE MY LIFE” is TURNING AROUND ON THEM and FITS THEM PERFECTLY.
Like “SUC” Culents in BO SUC is a Diamond in Korean for Korean Actress SANDRA OH, as if she is My Name SIGNature of “SAN DY” on MY ART, through this Nigger Pussy’s name of “Y”vette “D”anielle, “YD” + SUC culent cactus names = CUS TO “DY”. “TO” in Korean Characters looks like Sandra “OH” name. FITS THEM PERFECTLY.
“T” IS FOR TAO DAO “DOW” JONES of making MONEY as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” and ARTIST of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK. Artist of my Pencil Drawing of Robert “GU IL” LAUME, GU IL “T” sick bitch = LIFE IN PRISON