"ART"i "Q" ue Road, KELLER Road, TIGER TRAIL, Cheney Dr, Callon Drive, PENNY road + SYLVANia Lane = PENNSYLVANIA Ave of White House address in WASHINGTON “DC”
"MERMAID" for Mai"DEN" Virgo Constance MARIA Pecoraro
Q meaning of Letter “Q” on Upper Left of Computer KEYS
? Question "?" Upper Left letter "Q", SIN't That Life "?", Carl Jung's SYN chronicity
Silence of the LAM bs , “EWE” PECORINA, Belong Together LIFE IN THE S”LAM” MER MER
BLACK “BURN” and F”AIR” Fax OG”DEN” COLEgate raping connections
PENN SYLVANIA Ave of WH White House address of BLACK NIGGERS in WHITE HOUSE makes GRAYS Gay Anatomy
CRIMINAL LIAR FRAUD with a Frau”DU”lent Birth Certificate born in KEN”YA” Psychotic NIGGER OBAMA
COP ....PER EAR sound of PUR PIR, PENNY is a CENT, COIN, name initials of CP CO.nstance PeCO.rina EARth Virgo MaiDEN psycho EAR sound of CENT, SCENT of ODOR in "AIR" RHIMES with raping SIN "CL" AIR CENT SCENT SENTENCING of C”RIMES” = CAP ital Punishment
Sandy Wang's Writings in 1982, DOOR in Korean is MOON
Sandy Wang's HAIR in 19"84" and in 2006
AIR is "O DOR" as in SCENT
EAR sound of AIR in word HAIR is HARE is a RABBIT
Gov’t Agency “CIA”
CHICA go ILLINOIS Barack Obama
CHICAgo ILLINOIS Michelle Obama
CHICAgo ILLINOIS Eddie Vedder "RHIMES" with Nigger
CHICAgo ILLINOIS Oprah Winfrey
they all intersect and meet through CS CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL in Robbing of My Identity, Art, My LIFE for SANDRA OH
and in WH West Hollywood
Robbery of Sandy Wang's Identity, Name, Art, Life for Sandra Oh psycho Korean Actress
"NOIS" = Eyes of "SON" jesus CHRIST Oil Art by Constance Pecoraro
Vir"GO" Constance Pecoraro's NO Name "GIRL" = CHICA
aud "RY", RHIMES with LAW nd "RY", and LIFE in PENI"10"IA"RY", Sandra OH don't C........"RY" pepC puC
EAR sound Copper Penny "CP" sound of PUSSY Backwards
COLOR PURPLE by Alice "WAL".......ker = PRISON TIME for Groups of People
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COIN, Q U “ART”ers, in MATHemathics of making Money connected to HEAD “Q”ARTers of Company LOCations Jesus CHRIST, built in by default, through CJ CARL JUNG “COIN ed” SYNchronicity in this context, the word “COIN” is more im”PORT”ant in value, than the word itself
COPper Penny “CP” is a COIN, for California P.i.Z.Z.A. Kitchen and Constance Maria Pecoraro connected to METAL of AIR Libra Josh Mic”CHA” Wolf is “COP PER” PER I WIN kle is a COLOR PC BORDEN in PERsian “TONGUE” means “TO WIN” PER “KIN S” “COL”E, nik isn’t my name, in a PURPLE NIT3M”AIR” Raping Game
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The word "SYN CHRO NICITY" was COINED by a Psychoanalyst name CARL JUNG, who at one point worked with FREUD, then they separated and went their own ways. Carl Jung was a genius. Freud was a Sexaholic drug addict.
The word "COIN"ED has been linked to the Monetary system of COINS, as in Copper Penny, Nickel, Dime and "Q" U "ART" ers. They all have specific meanings. CP Coppe Penny meaning has been given to CP Constance Pecoraro, connected to Copper is the metal of AIR libra sign of Josh Mic"CHA" Wolf, her very pious Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie. Nickel is 5 CENT, and the number 5 in Korean is "O", EAR sound of Sandra OH. Dime is "TEN" and this word is too long to expand on this page, see link below.
TEN exact years in Raping of My Life and Art for SANDRA OH PALM of HANDS "5 5"
Q U "ART" er, is 25 cents. Letter "Q" is the Upper Left most letter on Computer Keys and almost everything they've been building is built on where specific numbers and letters are on the KEY "BOARD".
Computer Keys and Q letter on Upper Left
Q U ART er, as if SANDRA OH is the "ART"ist of my ARTwork. HEAD Q U “ART”er, as if she is my HEAD PORTRAIT Drawing.
NICKEL, as if she is My Name SIGNature on my ART of "SANDY", as if it's the "NIK" of her name. 5 is “O” in Korean, name of Sandra “OH”, as if she is the owner of MY TRADEMARK in circle of “O”.
Sandy Wang’s IDENTITY and Korean Name built to be Sandra Oh in Making MONEY, “WE” WORK, SYN “KROW” Death R.O.W
WE, Either Way, of BORDAN and BAKTAN is built in for Color PIR PUR PER PLE Pussy that SANDRA OH Drew. BORDAN Sir Robert BORDEN, “AE” Ass is Eyes of Jesus CHRIST in “AE”SCUL.APIUS of Mathemathics of making Money and WORKING connected to SCHOOL names.
WE WORK, Either Way, “EWE” belong together Life in the Slammer, of SHEEP Nitemairs in Silence of the Lambs
HANA in Korean means ONE. “IL” also means number 1. “IL” in Korean also has another meaning, “WORK”.
WORK, the word, has been linked to SYN “CHRO” NICITY, EAR SOUND “KROW” nicty, in robbing of my Korean name of “SIN WON”, built through “O..IL” is “ONE”, YR YEAR of birth of SANDRA OH 1971 “ONE”, connected to DAVID “SIN”CLAIR, fraudulent delivery doctor of Barack Obama.
This means that all “JOBS”, as in people at “TRA”BAJO, WORK, is going to work, built in for Licking “MAT”hemathics of making Money through “PI”ous JESUS oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro connected to CH”RIS”Tina YANG psycho actress SANDRA OH on “grey’s ANATOMY” created by SHONDA LYNN RHIMES. Yes, “OUI”, “WE”, WORK, for SYN CHRO, Death K..ROW
When it’s really TOM BRIDGES Fag in Fog, the “TAO” of A is for Ass and O is a Hole, RECTUM HOLE, of SHONDA LYNN RHIMES “D” ART MOUTH to ASS, SHIT EATING. Let’s move up on the BODY ANATOMY of “OO” is FORM of TITS, of Jesus Christ was born in BETH LE HEM SIR HAM HEM, BETHANY ASHTON WOLF’S BIG HUMONGOUS TIT FORM, CHARLIES FIND “OO”. Whore Eyez on TAL MAN Ave “Grey’s ANATOMY” pimping, that is making this UGLY FUCKING NIGGER SHONDA RHIMES really really RICH…ARD.T in FEE “DT” US, as if Sandra OH is my identity and artist of my ARTWORK.
SYNCHRONICITY is a word COINED by a psychoanalyst name “CJ” CAR..L JUNG, and the word JUNG has been linked to Korean word of JUNG DUNG YEE which means “ASS”, and the RINGS around Eyes of “JC” Jesus Christ the “SON”, in STATE of CALIFORNIA, everywhere you go, in naming of streets, roads, cities, etc, is about “OO” FORM of ASS built through JESUS CHRIST OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, reason why SANDRA OH was Doctor “CHRIST”ina YANG on “Grey’s ANATOMY”. LOS An”GEL”es, LEG, DARI BELOIT ASS PUSSY is SOL Mates, LOS OLIVOS, LOS GATOS, LOS ..OSSOS, etc. Korean words is about robbing and recreating meaning as if SANDRA OH is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK and MY Korean IDENTITY, My Name SIGNATURE on my art from 1980. This meaning of HAND is MAN”OS” in Spanish in creating of Sandra OH is My J”OH”N HAN….cock has been built EVERYWHERE you go in State of TOM BRIDG…ES..”SE” CAL I 4 NIA. 4M of “OO” of Rings around Jesus Christ is SANDRA OH ASS PUSSY FORM”OSA” built going BACKwards, like her name initials of “SO” is “WES”T Backwards. Reap and Sow, like TRA g DY and SO rr OW.
JC Jesus Christ “CAR…L” JUNG. CAR is “CHA”, linked to word C”HO”CHA is PUSSY, “CP” Constance Pecoraro’s Oil Art of JC Jesus Christ. What’s Left, SIN “CL” AIR, SEE “EL.LE” HER SHE CHochacolate Nigger Spic White Pussy Ass Licking Games of the GROIN, CROTCH group conspiracy. Constance Pecoraro, CON”GO” VIR”GO” NIGERIA MARIA, OIL and GLASS ART is linked to CP Color Purple by “AW” Alice Walker in NIGGER JEW SPIC Games of the “SW” Sex Words in a “SW” STRANG”L”E WORLD of vermins and cockroaches feeding off my life and art, twisted and rebuilt as if it’s Sandra Oh, is the S”HO” W of “Grey’s Anatomy”.
CJ Carl Jung, CAR is C”HO” CHA is Pussy, is BUILT IN for “CJ” JESUS CHRIST Oil Art by CP Constance Pecoraro in a “JUNG DUNG YEE”, ASS CONSPIRACY, through RINGS around “OO” Eyes of CHARLIES FIND. It’s about “FORM”…..O.S.A. Christina Bern”ARD.O” 5/4 Taurus ASS FORM.
CAR “L”, is about SIN “CL” AIR, SEE “EL.LE” Her She Chochacolate Ass Pussy Licking games of disturbed NIGGERS who’s lives are built on SANDRA OH Drew Dra Dru ry Robert Land, DREW DRO, CU”ORD”U”ROY”, Color Purple, Constance Pecoraro’s LARD ASS FORM on CONIFER TREE. “SW” Strang”L”E World of CANNIBAL HANNIBAL.
All of the above are just another set of Numbers in MATHemathics of making Money through RAPING and ROBBING MY ARTWORK and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH as if she is the artist of my Artwork. It's about robbing My Korean Name of "SIN WON", which sounds like SHIN WON, spelled "SIN", looks like "SYN".
SYN "KROW" nicity. "IL" in Korean is WORK, and it means the number ONE. I've been WORKING in the Dental Field for many years, my first job in High School in 1985 was working for a Dentist on PARK Ave in NYC, a blocks from my school. I graduated DENTAL Hygiene School in 1990 and have been working in this field for 2 decades. They've been building as if Virgo Mai"DEN" I"TAL"ian Psycho Constance Pecoraro "CP" has meaning in My FIELD, like Copper Penny is for "CP".
The ADA American Dental Association is in CHICA go "ILLI NOIS". IL LI. Either Way in BORDAN and BAKTAN of Raping my LIFE through the FIELD of "DENT"istry and people' I've met in Dentistry, connected to why and how CHICAGo ILLINOIS raping nigger BARACK OBAMA became the Presi"DENT" in Jan 2009. It was brought in and ushered through CHICAGO ILLI"NOIS" Nigger SHonda LYNN RHIMES who created "Grey's Anatomy" in 2005 with Sandra OH as CHRISTINA YANG, connected to Jesus CHRIST OIL ART by Constance Pecoraro.
CHICA go ILLI"NOIS", is DIRECTLY connected to Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST the "SON" OIL Painting, and her Imaginary "NO Name Girl" sketches created to rob my childhood pictures for Sandra Oh. CHICA is "GIRL". THESE ARE PEDOPHILE RAPISTS IN A GROUP CONSPIRACY. I say and write this, because they've raped and robbed my ADULT LIFE, so that everything about MY PAST, My CHILDHOOD Pictures in 1979 and 1980 can BE SANDRA OH.
SYN "KROW" nicity, the ROBBING of MY ART, MY IDENTITY, MY NAME, EVERYTHING about ME, including meaning of MY FAMILY JEWEL and MY Father's ROYAL Korean Name for SANDRA OH, through YEARS of PREMEDITATED C"RIMES" to sabotage my life in WHITE COLLAR "CRIMES", THROUGH MY "DENTAL HYGIENE HEARING" in JUNE 2013. Raping and Robbing of MY "ART" and MY LIFE, I "DENT"ity for Sandra OH, during BARACK OBAMAS Presidency, BLACK in WHITE House makes GRAYS Anatomy, GROUP CONSPIRACY.
Sandy Wang's Korean name of "SIN WON" sounds like SHIN WON
connected to George WA "SHIN"gt"ON" First presi"DENT"
Sandy Wang graduated from Dental Hygiene school in 1990
DEN connections
SANDRA OH celebrating raping and robbery of MY LIFE and ART
connected to her SCHOOL name of SIR ROB.....ert BOR.....DEN
meaning of EAR TAO, DAO "DOW" Jones of making Money through SCHOOL names
Below is the CODE, THE FORMULA, created to rape my life, and rob my identity, my artwork for SANDRA OH, built through CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART BY CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO in a group conspiracy. It's how the word SYN 'KROW' niCITY is connected in robbing of my Korean name of "SIN WON" for Sandra OH, that's been linked to My Profession of DENTIstry, as in My "WORK", my job as a Dental Hygienist for almost 2 decades. My License was illegally revoked in 2013, through White Collar C"RIMES" all connected to this deranged actress Sandra OH and SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who went to "D.ART MOUTH" college, raping and robbing my ART, and My "WORK" and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a group conspiracy.
"YR" is abbreviated YEAR, ear sound of Sandra "O" name, korean psycho actress born in 197"1" YEAR sound ONE, in Otta 'WA'
in robbing of MY Korean name Sin "WON", and "ROY.....AL" name of WANG, MY ARTWORK AND MY IDENTITY
NA is "ME" in Korean.
NAME in Korean is EROOM.
EROOM rhimes with GHEE ROOM, which is "O"IL in Korean
NA 'IL'. rhimes with O."IL", thomas bridges his gay 'LIO and OIL' art of jesus christ, with sandra O, as chRIStina Yang on Greys anatomy, tv show created to ROB MY IDENTITY, ART, MY LIFE for this DERANGED KOREAN ACTRESS
WORK in Korean is "IL"
Number ONE in Korean is "IL".
O is ear sound of Sandra OH NAME.
Sandra OH born in Can"ADA", who went to SIR Robert BOR"DEN" high school
has been linked to my profession and FIELD of DENTistry, MY "WORK",
connected to ADA American DENTAL Association is in CHICAgo "ILLI NOIS"
Reason why and how BARACK OBAMA sick politician from CHICAgo ILLI NOIS became the presi'DENT'. 100% THROUGH RAPING MY LIFE, MY ART, AND TERRORIZING ME, TORTURING ME, to the point of wanting to COMMIT SUICIDE. So when I say and write things like this deranged PEDO BAL FETUS RAPING NIGGER should be ARRESTED AND LOCKED IN PRISON, I AM DEAD SERIOUS.
All of the above was built connected to and through VIRGO MAI"DEN" I'TAL"IAN CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO and her OIL ART CATHOLIC THEME, Lord Lard, AO, the TAO of CP Chinese Philosophhy is built in TOM BRIDGES FAG IN FOG, AO, LIO OIL, gays anatomy. IF THOMAS RIMES WITH CHRISTMAS BRIDGES BIRTH YR, YEAR, IS 1972, THEY'RE ALL GOING TO PRISON.
WORK, has been linked to the word SYN 'KROW'nicity, in robbing my Korean name of "SIN" WON, built to be about 'SYN' krow, and licking eating of CJ, JC, JUNG DUNG of NIGGERS BOWELS, ASS PUSSY GROIN AREA. THE 'BUT ....TER, BUT...LER".
GHEE is CLARIFIED 'BUTTER', in robbing of my Identity my childhood picture STANDING ON THE MOUNTAIN in Korea, wearing BUTTERFLY HALTER "TOP" SHIRT AND RED SHOES, RED SHORTS IN circa 1974, that they've linked it to "TOP"ANGA address of where I lived in 2007, a very important address. They built as if all my childhood pictures, is Sandra Oh. This picture of me is very important because all BANKS WORLDWIDE is connected to this, because BUTTERFLY in Korean is 'NABi". They built it all connected to O.IL IS LARD, GREASE, BUTTER, DEEP FRIED DUNKIN DONUT "OO", in OIL LARD ART OF JESUS CHRIST by Constance MARIA Pecoraro. Reason why Sandra Oh was CHRISTINA Yang on Greys Anatomy, is going to be eating my SHIT in LIFE BEHIND BARS.
“WE” WORK connections, of BROOK “LYN” WORKS in Conspiracy of T”OO” Times to LYNNN WOOD LA County Jail
in MATHemathics of making Money in REAL ESTATE and everything in Life, is huge
WE WORK and Fine Arts building 19”26”, I”RISH” CELTIC WEAVE symbol? "WE" belong together, song lyrics of "BLACK" from 1991 album "TEN" by PEARL JAM
WE Belong Together song lyrics of 1991 "BLACK" and IRISH Model Wife Jill KRISTEN McKORMICK birthday of “11/11”
birthday of “11/11” of LEONARDO DICAPRIO, ever wonder why he’s always with “models”? maybe WILHELMINA Models
Exact "TEN" years in RAPING of MY LIFE and ART for SANDRA OH
LH "WE WORK" on LAB rea x Hollywood
Eddie Vedder "RHIMES" with NIGGER, Shonda RHIMES both from CHICA go ILLI"NOIS", her address of "11 45"
A.L.C address of "11 O 45" on PIC"O" “STAR” ving? GRUNGE Pearl Jam Rock STAR, SINCLAIR “RHIMES” with WELLFAIR
Sandra OH and meaning of Aud "RY" RHIMES with LAW nd "RY", Life in Penitenia"RY"
SHERYL, WA”SHER”, SHER “BOURNE”, Raping Niggers and Deranged Sick KOREANS for SANDRA OH
CL Coin LAW nd "RY", WA "SHER" BOURNE Street CUTS through CS Hospital
meaning of "WORK" in the word SYN "KROW" Nicity
in EAR sound
HL meaning of "BOARD" HL Heath Ledger born in PA Perth Australia, his movie in 2003 "The Order"
LH and the Dental "BOARD" Sandy Wang's "WORK" as Dental Hygienist and "LH" LORI HUBBLE who needs to be locked in prison
see names on BANKS NUMBER connections on HOPE x BUNKER Hill, "6/4" HEARing, NUMBERS DON"T LIE, people lie
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CENT U. "RY" CITY Rhimes with SYN KROW NI "CITY" LAW nd "RY" and AUDI, AUD"RY", Life in PENI"TEN"IA"RY"
CENT "U" RY CITY, Rhimes with SYN KRO ni "CITY SKY Scraper LINE",
CENTU"RY" is One Hundred "100" Years, and RHIMES with AUD "RY" GREEN BER"G"
GO THERE CENT U "RY" CITY next to Beverly Hills in Los Angeles CA
audi sound ear, AUD”RY”, RHIMES with LIBRA”RY”, LAW nd..”RY” and LIFE IN PENITENIA”RY” Sand…..RA OH. HORA it’s TIME
YR, YEAR, "EAR" EAR sound
aud"RY" Rhimes with LAW nd "RY", Sand 'RA O', life in peni TEN ia "RY" is a GUarenteeee
AUD"RY" GREENBERG at UCLA "LAW" and Sandy Wang's SSN "codes"
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meaning of WHITE and RED in Sandy Wang’s Childhood Pictures
Sandy Wang in White and RED
BERT FIELDS has his office in Century City
All SAINTS SPITAL "FIELDS" Jacks of Lon DON on Robertson Blvd
What's Missnig? "HO" spital down the same street
what they are important connected to Lee Montgomery
connected to WR Warren Roche previous owner of 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA
meaning of FOUR TEN, for what for who? for Exact "TEN" Years of RAPING MY LIFE for SANDRA OH
Raping and Robbing of Sandy Wang's Life, Identity, ART, for Sandra OH, connected to her SCHOOL Name SIR ROBERT c "LIP" BORD en on GREEN BANK Road, NEGRO BUTT is ASS licking
Why is the word Syn “CHRON” icity important?
It's about EAR sound of SYN "CHRO"NICITY, "KROW", backwards of "WORK". It's about WE WORK to Rob and Rape Sandy Wang's NAME, IDENTITY, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, BIRTHDAY NUMBERS, in MATHemathics of making Money as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY from "Birth to Present" and as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
It's connected to my Korean name of "SIN WON", and robbing of my name for Sandra OH. SIN in my name is sound of "SHIN", connected to the word "SYN" CHRONICITY.
It's about robbing my IDENTITY in my pictures with my mother and my First Boyfriend of 5.5 years Stephen Garrison, in front of the BROOK"LYN" BRIDGE with the words written "BROOK LYN WORKS". SYN "KROW" NI "CITY" SKY LINE.
It's about the word "COIN" is a CENT, and the word CENT as in CP Copper Penny has been linked to my Catholic High School name of ST. VIN"CENT" FERRER from 1980's, that they've built as if MY IDENTITY in 1980's is Sandra Oh, all along West Hollywood on "SAN VINCENTE Blvd". THIS is is why many of my Catholic School classmates from 1980's are LYING BETRAYING SICK SPIC BITCHES who need to be LOCKED IN JAIL, their lives are built to ROB MY IDENTITY from 1980's as if it's Sandra Oh.
It's about robbing these things from me, as if it's Sandra OH, twisted and built through CJ Carl Jung = JC Jesus CHRIST, and meaning of Carl Jung "COIN ed" the term SYN CHRO NICITY. And because "CAR" in Korean is "CHA", they've built it to be about CHARLIES FIND Oil Art by Constance Pecoraro in a OIL LARD ASS CONSPIRACY because "Jung Dung" in Korean mean ASS.
What they built in robbing my Identity for Sandra OH, built through "CP" Constance Pecoaro's Oil Art in TAO is a "CP" Chinese Philosophy, has turned out to be TOM CHANDLER BRIDGES two deranged psychobitches "Mother Daughter" PECORARO an SANDRA OH ASS PUSSY LICKING in MATHemathics of making Money that go in BANKS, reason why specific "MATH" Numbers are important. Catho"LIC" theme, LICK or TASTE in Korean is "MAT" , and these sick bitches have been licking each other's Ass Pussies for decades, it's how they built as if Sandra Oh is my identity since Birth, and the Artist of my Artwork.
Sandy Wang's IDENTITY, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, in "WE WORK" for MATHemathics of making Money
While RAPING MY LIFE through White Collar C"RIMES", Fraud Documents
CHRONO, is a root word having to do with “TIME”, as in CHRONO logy of Events.
TIME is important, because it's about Tom C”HAND”Ler BRIDGES and Robs my John “HAN”COCK, my name SIGNature on my Art from 1981, through Jesus CHRIST Oil art by Constance Pecoraro, John HANCOCK, RHIMES with C”LOCK”, and BIRDS in F”LOCK”, and the PEA”COCK”, like “ROL”ex WATCH go on W “RIS” T and RHIMES with CH “RIS” T.
My John HANCOCK in shape of “OO” made with letter S of my name “SANDY” on my ART from 1981, rebuilt, recreated, through RINGS around Jesus CHRIST the Son, built to be about CARL “JUNG DUNG” is ASS in KOREAN for psycho KOREAN Actress SANDRA OH who got Plastic Ass Implants because she wants and thinks My Name SIGNature on MY ART is the FORM of her ASS PUSSY. = PSY “C” HO. Rhimes with Pecoraro and it's about SE”KAL” BE.HIND the CURTAIN of ( San Jose ) in Shoe Shaw SHOW ER Psycho MOTHER, FATHER, DAUGHTER RAPING GAME.
It's about the 19”84” picture of me, with a Clear Swatch “WATCH”, that they built as if and Sandra OH thinks she is my Identity in all my pictures from 1980's, like all my childhood pictures. It's called Identity Theft, Art Theft and Life theft, through Premeditated Organized “CRIMES”.
Sandy Wang's picture in 1984, with WATCH and HEAD BAND
Sandy Wang 8/13/69
Constance Maria Pecoraro's F.R.A.M.E.D Paintings GREEN WICH Mean “TIME” in Greenwich LONDON and EIFFEL TOWER Mama Maria’s gonna make all your Nite MAIRS come true LIFE IN PRISON ASAP “707” BRIDGEWAY, Raid and Lock this CUNT in PRISON
GO THERE Constance Maria Pecoraro's FRAMED ART of Eiffel Tower in PA”RIS” and “LONDON”
psycho Constance Pecoraro's sick Jesus CHRIST “CHARLIES FIND” Oil Art
Virgo Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian Constance Pecoraro is Deluded PSYCHO and why “9/11” happened
Constance Maria Pecoraro and Why “METRO” CHA tsworth TRAIN Crash happened in 2008
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Sandy Wang's Name SIGNature, as in JOHN HANCOCK on my Art from 1981
Sandy Wang's apt in 1997 "407 E.87" Gold CLOCK “OO” GREENwich Mean “TIME”
“407” connections
Tom BIRD ges, F”LOCKS” of BIRDS, and Pea”COCK” with John HAN COCK
TARGET “LON DON” Berry 1982 “American Were WOLF in LONDON”
Constance Pecoraro's new address on BRIDGE WAY, 7 “O” 7
meaning of “PI” MAThemathical symbol in the Business of HOSPITALS and HOSPITALITY
go hand in hand with
BAL connections
Shonda Rhimes creator of Grey's ANATOMY, in Ass Pussy Cllito "RIS" connections
Pa "RIS" attacks in 2015
Constance Maria Pecoraro VIRGO Mai"DEN" I"TAL"ian Psycho, MRx symbol of Virgo sign
The symbol of PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION is "RX". The symbol for the astrological Sign of Virgo Maiden is MRx and looks similar. This is why they've linked this deranged sick bitch Constance MARIA Pecoraro in the FIELD of MEDICINE, of PHAR "MAC" Y, and it's DIRECTLY connected to DELIVERY DOCTOR on Barack Obama's FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate in robbing my Korean Name of SIN WON for SANDRA OH. The delivery D"OCTO"R name of David "SIN" CL AIR was a handpicked name when they created this Fraudulent Document, a very serious Crime of FRAUDULENT "IDENTITY".
The way it's linked is through the Korean word "CAM Dung Yee" which means NEGRO in Korean, connected to my Catholic School classmate from 1980's name GLORIA LEE "AIR" Gemini who went to St. JOHNS UNIVERSITY, and became a P HAR "MAC" ist. Her life is built to ROB MY IDENTITY and meaning of My "JOHN" Hancock as in my name SIGNature on my art pencil drawing of BLACK male actor of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, for Sandra "OH", as if she drew this drawing through her school name of "SIR" ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. AE.SCUL.APIUS in MATHemathics of making Money through ROBBING MY Name SIGNature on MY "ART" and MY I"DENT"ity through SCHOOL NAMES. D ART MOUTH College of Shonda LYNN RHIMES being the biggest one, this sick nigger from CHICAgo ILLI"NOIS" must be locked in prison, Sandra Oh for life.
Notice the repeating theme of "AIR" in Names, which is about meaning of ROBBING "HEIR" as in Heir to throne of Royalty, meaning of My Father's Korean ROYAL Name of "WANG" which means King and his Family Jewel, that they are robbing for Sandra OH who was born in Otta"WA" Canada. EAR is how they RAPE and ROB. They linked the KING meaning of My NAME with Jesus CHRIST the SON, the LORD, the "KING". And THIS Is why Constance Maria Pecoraro painted her OIL Painting of Jesus CHRIST and titled it 'CHA'rlies Find, her oil art Catholic Theme is the VEHICLE to ROB MY IDENTITY, MY Parents names, MY ART, for SANDRA OH. If you're going to rob a bank, you need bags "vehicle" to carry the Money, and a "vehicle" a "CAR" = "CHA" to escape.
All this AIR and EAR sound HEIR has been linked to SIN CL"AIR" delivery d "OCTO" r name on Obama's FRAUD birth certificate, linked to "AIR" LIBRA JOSH MIC"CHA" WOLF, Constance MA "RIA" Pecoraro's very pious Jesus CH "RIS" T the son, "CHA"rlies Find, linked to "SIR" ROB...ert BOR....den High School of Sandra OH in Canada. Pay attention, this meaning is HOW they built as if JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO were My Parents in their LIbra Virgo astrology Vibe of "212" MORNING STARS, connected to ROBBING My Father's Music band from 1950's MORNING STARS, of my father playing CL "ARI" NET.
So JEWISH WOLF and ITALIAN PECORARO who were born the same year as me of 1969, gave birth to KOREAN psycho Actress Sandra OH who was born in 1971, which means they were only 2 years old when they had "Sex". CRIMINALLY INSANE DERANGED PSYCHOTIC FUCKING NIGGER OBAMA. This gets better.
SIN CL AIR delivery DOCTOR name has been linked to "RHIMES" with WELL F "AIR". Again another repeating huge connection of "AIR". The entire United States GOVERNMENT, including the Social Services of "GA" Government Agency, has been built as if SANDRA OH is MY FIRST BIRTHDAY BABY PICTURE with FOOD and MONEY on the Table, connected to these DERANGEG MENTALLY INSANE RAPING MURDERING CHICAGO ILLINOIS PSYCHOTIC FUCKING NIGGERS. It was built through PEARL JAM MUSIC Band, in robbing of my Father's Identity as a Musician for Sandra OH, by EDDIE VEDDER "RHIMES" with NIGGER who is also from CHICA go ILLI"NOIS". He has two daugthers names "O.H" Olivia and Harper, and it isn't random SHonda RHIMES from Chicago Illinois also has a child name Harper. RAPE HR.
SIN CL"AIR" RHIMES with WELLF"AIR". This is where the Conspiracy of T"OO" is coming from. Ma"RIA" Ma"RIA" Constance Pecoraro Virgo Mai"DEN" I"TAL"ian who has been built as if she is My Mother's Identity, connected to "AIR" Josh MIC"CHA" WOLF. In Robbing the number "8" from MY LIFE, MY NAME, MY ART, as if it's Sandra OH. This is connected to the name of WANG and OH written in Korean Characters, and robbing the meaning of CIRCLES Of "O" from MY NAME and MY ART, for EAR sound of SANDRA "OH" name. P"EAR"L JAM Rhimes with HAM and PAM, these are PSYCHOTIC CHICago ILLI"NOIS" PEDOPHILE RAPIST WHO ALL BELONG BEHIND THE SLAMMER FOR LIFE.
There are many Social Services offices throughout every state and city in United States. EVERY LOCATION FITS EXACTLY WHAT I"M WRITING ABOUT because this has been BUILT INTO THE SYSTEM since more than 3 decades ago. So even if they try to change it, currently in 2015, it's difficult.
BELOIT street SEPUL veda Blvd in Westwood GATE WAY
TARGET DPSS office on PIC”O” Blvd and ANA”WAL”T 11 O 45 Raping BARRYS CAR…PET connections
SEP tember born EAR.th Virgo Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian Psycho Constance “MA RIA” Pecoraro
Black Color S”KIN” sick niggers EATING PECORARO Sandra OH, BOGE “TAL” Pussy FUR H”AIR” in Her She YS choCHAcolate games
Constance Pecoraro’s “CHA”rlies Find “OO”
Sandra OH Pu”CE” DARI “BELOIT” ASS meaning
11 45 FORM “OSA” address of SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who created HOS pital Show Grey’s Anatomy
DIRECTLY connected to pu”CE” DARS Sign Eye Hospital with “RAY CHA”rles Cafete”RIA” RHIMES with MA”RiA”
"SEP"ulveda Blvd in WESTWOOD is where one of the many DPSS office is in Los Angeles. SEP ulveda has been linked to "SEP"tember 1st, 1969 birthday of Constance Maria Pecoraro, but they built as if she was my mother, how the fuck can this sick bitch be the same age as me, and be "my mother"? This kind of inconsisteny is a repeating pattern in almost everything they built, because it's all built based on LIES and FRAUD.
SEP ulveda Blvd linked to SEPtember EARth Virgo birthday of Pecoraro, "LAB"or day weekend, as if she was My mother, "BAL" in Korean is FEET, in "FETUS" EAR sound of FEE"T"US, FEE"D"US, circle of D "O" T, is EAR sound of Sandra "OH", as if Sandra Oh is my Baby Pictures. WOMB RAPING games built by deranged sick niggers who were never "FED" enough, in EAR sound of raping My Identity for Sandra OH Psyc"HO" actress who thinks she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
September Virgo Birthday of CMP, 9/1/69, the numbers 9 and 1 in Korean is "GU IL". As if Constance Pecoraro is My name SIGNature on my pencil drawing of Robert GUILLAUME from 1981, copied, rebuilt and recreated through “RINGS” around “OO” Jesus CHRIST Eyes, and through her School name of “SAN” Jose State. Reason why she named her “CAT” DudleY, “DY”, in CAT”HO”LICK MATHemathics of making Money through Robbing MY IDENTITY, MY Art, and My Parents Names. GU IL “LA” U and WHO? sandra OH BOGE “TAL” FUR MAN”OS” Ass PU”CE” Licking on the “OS” Other Side of EVERYTHING THEY BUILT.
This is important and it's all TRUE, pay attention. In 1985, I met a guy name ROB NUNZIO at a local convenience store where I grew up in 1980's, in Jackson Heights, Queens New York. We had a "sexual relationship" for a little less than 2 months, and he didn't tell me he had GENITAL HER "PES", and I got pissed off at him for not telling me, for not using protection and I broke up with him. ROB was PIMPED, in robbing the meaning of my pencil drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME black male from 1981 pencil drawing, connected to SCHOOL name of SANDRA OH SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. Name Pimping of specific guys in my life has been going on for a long time and it's called HUMAN TRAFFICKING.
Robb Nunzio’s real name is Rober ORTIZ, which is connected to a SPIC CHOCHA name LIZ”ETTE” ORTIZ who also went to the same Catholic Schools as me in 1980’s. Lizette Ortiz is a SHO.rt, L.ARD filled Ass Spic connected to everything they’ve built based on “OIL BURNS”. Lizette Ortiz has a very similar body to JACKIE LAFUENTE, a huge sick spic in Boston Mass who must be LOCKED IN PRISON.
Robb Nunzio lived next to CHRISTINA “BERN” ARDO, who lived on “83”rd Street in Jackson Heights NY 113 72. These are SPIC CHOCHA Pussies, who’s lives are built connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of Mother MARY and SON Jesus CHRIST in “O.C” Oedipus Complex of Mother Son Sex games, Mother is MOM, and the word Mom in Korean is “BODY or ANATOMY”, and everything about what they built to rob my Name SIGNature on m pencil drawing from 1981 of ROBERT GUILLAUME which is about “BOYS HAVING SEX”, has been twisted and rebuilt to be about L”ARD” is “O”IL in a BLUBBER PEAR Ass Conspiracy built through OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST. L”ARD” is “O”IL is a CODE in EAR sound of San “DRA O” name, in the name of BERN”ARD O”. OIL BURNS with FIRE in Tom C”HAND”LER BIRDGES his Gay LIO OIL, Jesus CHRIST with “OO” rings around his eyes on Page “3”. 300 or “38”.
HER "PES". ALL MEDICATION FOR THIS DISEASE WHICH THERE IS NO CURE, IS CONNECTED TO CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO "SEP"tember VIRGO MaiDEN. ALL RX PRESCRIPTIONS, GIVEN BY A "DOCTOR", LINKED TO SIN CL AIR name of Delivery D”OCTO”R on FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA. Reason why HOSPITAL show “GREY”S Anatomy” was created by CHICAgo ILLI”NOIS” Shonda LYNN RHIMES, built in by default to have meaning in “NOSE” Eyes of SON Jesus CHRIST. YOU HAVE "HERPES FOR LIFE". When Genital Herpes flare up, you get Pus, Sup.PER.ation, oozing out of sores on your genitals. Like PIMPLES on the FACE that’s been built to be about the “NE GRO IN Area”.
Robb Nunzio later somehow met up with one of my classmates from my Catholic High School St. VINCENT FERRER name MICHELLE FIGUEROA in 1990 or 1991. THIS is why BARACK OBAMA married "MICHELLE" OBAMA. Figueroa is a big street name in Los Angeles, where EVERYTHING has been built as if Sandra OH drew my drawing of Robert GU IL "LA" UME in 1981. San”DRA O” DRU her Mother Mom BendingOVER.LAP.ping Ass PU”CE”, according to what they built.
All of the above, is connected to creating a NEW WORLD of "SYMBOLS" and SYMBOLISM, connected to the MEDICAL SYMOL with "SNAKE". OBAMACARE needs to DIE.
What they built has turned out to be: GU IL "LA" U ME, you and who? C"HO"CHA rlies Find, OO overLAPping creates () ASS and Pussy, Fish is Pussy, PES. CAD "O", MARISC"OS", of mother daughter Pe"COR"aro and Sandra OH C"HO"CHA Pussy BO"G" licking in Tom Bridges Bridgeway. This has manifested through Eddie Vedder and Jill KRISTEN Mc"KOR"micks two daughters names "O.H" in Seattle Washington.
“MH” Making it Happen with “KROW and WOLF” in May 2009
Constance Maria Pecoraro in San Francisco
Constance “MARIA” Pecoraro attended a “BEN”efit Event in San Francisco in MAY 2009, titled “MAKING It HAPPEN with CROW and WOLF”.
1 month earlier, in April 2009, someone was doing something to my RAV4L Car that was parked on Alden Drive in Beverly Hills/West Hollywood border.
I was FRAMED by MERCEDES “BEN”Z Car Dealership in APRIL 2009.
I was Arrested on specific date of “4/20” 2009, and I should’ve been released on my Own Recognizance the NEXT DAY, but instead, through White Collare CRIMES, Crooked Judges and SICK PUBLIC DEFENDERS, they LOCKED ME IN LA County Jail in LYNNWOOD in the “MH” Mental Health Dept through MH Court judge name “MARIA” Stratton, telling me I had “MENTAL PROBLEMS”.
Penal Code “PC” 1370, states one is “Mentally incompetent to Stand Trial, due to being Mentally Ill”. PC, Constance “MARIA” Pecoraro. This is the NUMBERS of JOSH WOLF’ SON JACOB WOLF birthday of “3/17”.
The QUESTION of What is Josh Wolf’s son JACOB WOLF’s MOTHER’S NAME in Seattle WASHINGTON? Is it TARA and is she a VIRGO? Because it’s DIRECTLY connected to YEARS of PREMEDITATED CRIMES in MY LIFE, YEARS of HOUSING TERROR, and connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, in a Group Conspiracy.
TARA VIRGO? What is the name of JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF son JACOB’s Birth Mother in Seattle WASHINGTON? LIFE IN PRISON
New Discoveries in 2015, to PROVE what I wrote above in 2012 is correct and true.
Consistency is important and my writings are extremely consistent with almost “EVERYTHING” else I’ve written.
CONCRETE EVIDENCE that Sandy Wang, I was FRAMED in April 2009 by “MERCE”des BENz, DIRECTLY connected to Robbing of MY IDENTITY and MY WATERCOLOR ART for SANDRA OH, psycho actress on tv HOSPITAL show “GREY”S ANATOMY”. They MURDERED MY LIFE, and continued to TERRORIZE ME for T “OO” TERMS of “BAR”RACKET”EEERING” DERANGED NIGGER OBAMA BLACK in WHITE makes GRAY presi”DEN”cy. 44th and 45th. NUMBERS don’t LIE, People LIE.
2003 movie “THE ORDER”, BEN “FURH MAN” FITS Perfectly like everything else about this movie
Enter the HORROR VAULT of Stephen KING, “MR. MERCEDES”
Constance Pecoraro’s GREEN EMAIL in Jan 2011 “CJ” Carl Jung for “JC” Jesus CHRIST “O”IL Art is L”ARD” EAR sound of CLARK Lookalike of C Pecoraro, JC JUDITH CLARK = LIFE IN PRISON
CLARK sounds like CLOCK, meaning of Tom Bridges My John “HANCOCK” My GOLD CLOCK, through F”LOCKS” of BIRDs for Psycho Constance Pecoraro on BRIDGEWAY and her “LARD” OIL ART
John HAN”COCK” Sandy Wang’s John HANCOCK as in My Name SIGNature on MY ART from 1981
Gold CLOCK on TV Sandy Wang’s GOLD C”LOCK on top of Tv in 1997 living at “407 E 87” street in NYC in 1990’s
Pea”COCK” is a BIRD Sandy Wang’s address in 2007, and PEA”COCK” is a BIRD and meaning of “4 C day B 4” in PREMEDITATED ORGANIZED CRIMES
TOM “BIRD” ges, what is his Middle Name? “C” HANDler? CHRISTOPHER? What is his YEAR of birth? He is going to PRISON
CLARK LARD OIL ART of PEA”COCK” and Mother MARY by Psycho Pecoraro
Vir’GO’ understand why VIR”GO” Constance Pecoraro moved to “707” BRIDGEWAY
TARA VIR”GO”? What is Josh Wolf’s son Mother’s Name “TARA VIRGO” “TV”?
“TV”, Tele “VISION”
Whisky a “GO GO” it’s a Group Conspiracy and WOLF and PECORARO MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON
Jackie LAF..U..ENTE in BO…STON MASS, is a lookalike of Judith CLARK
LAP, LAF, “PF” Fuck Pussy is CHOCHA, LAUGH, sometimes sound of LOCK in Names
Raping of MY LIFE and ART through this SPIC Bitches NAME and her Job working with “BRAND” names
Sandy Wang’s 1987 High School Yearbook, Jackie Lafuente opening DOOR with UM BRELLA
Jesus CHRIST OIL ART by Constance Pecoraro Psycho
CB RE, Boston College “Butt Crack” of this LARD ASS Sick Spic Bitch
Life in PRISON for Constance Maria Pecoraro, “PECORINA”, there isn’t any compromising of this.
Sandy Wang’s Father’s Korean ROYAL Name, scroll down to bottom of page, MARIA CHI street name, next to EVER GREEEN
Virgo Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian psycho cunt Constance Maria Pecoraro is the only person who has ever complained to my DENTAL “BOARD” in Sacramento, on “EVER GREEEEEN” street
Sandy Wang’s License was illegally revoked in 2013, this Hearing wasn’t about my ability to perform my duties and responsibilities as a Dental Hygienist, it was a GROUP CONSPIRACY of IDENTITY THEFT, MY “ART” THEFT and MY TRADE”MARQ” THEFT. Groups of People are going to PRISON including THOMAS CHANDLER BRIDGES and Y.D. Yvette Danielle MARQUIS in San Francisco.
Sandy Wang’s DENTAL HYGIENE License Ilegally revoked in 2013 through White Collar “CRIMES” = LORI HUBBLE and Nancy Gaytan “NG” are going to PRISON
all NUMBERS FIT “PER PUR PIRFECTLY” in raping of MY LIFE and ART for Mathemathics of making MONEY
They’ve been building for 3 decades for meaning of MY Parents Names, to have meaning for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO and MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH = IDENTITY THEFT in a massive Group Chain Conspiracy is a very serious CRIME.
Josh Mi”KA” Wolf who’s been building his life, for meaning of My Father’s Name to be about P3AR shaped asses in B”OAT” Tao is the Way BACKwards. It’s about “R” behind Rolex building. It’s about MY FATHERS Music Band “MORNING STARS”. AM is Morning + “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf is horny for constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro’s ASS FORM connected to meaning of MY Mother’s Maiden Name of JUNG JA “MIN”, JUNG Dung in Korean means ASS. = KA “R” MA in the Morning and NITEM”AIR” at Night of MA”RIA” GLO”RIA” Ass Pussy licking SANDRA OH on “Gays Anatomy”.
7 inch Hor Dik JOSH WOLF in P”3”AR B”OAT CRUISE SHIP ASSSSterisK BACKwards = 7/3/62 is TOM CRUISE Boat Ship Birthday. TOM BRIDGES is a Gay Male bridges “FAG in FOG”, A, O TAO. T is a Hard Dik, A is for ASS, and O is a HOLE.
See my CATHOLIC SCHOOL Classmate GRACE NAVAS High School picture in 1987. Her wearing COPPER LIPStick, her name of GRACE, and street name at CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL complex of “GRACIE ALLEN” Drive, with ART SCULPTURE of Pussy “LIPS” below the PL Plaza Lobby isn’t random. COPPER Metal of AIR LIBRA JOSH MICCHA WOLF.
They’ve been “SYN”crowizing and Creating “MEANING” connected to people’s NAMES for 3 decades, for SANDRA OH to be MY IDENTITY, AS IF she is all my baby and childhood pictures, AS IF she is the Artist of my Artwork.
This is why SANDRA OH on “GREYS’ ANATOMY” HOSpital TV show set in Seattle GRACE Mercy HOSpital is DIRECTLY connected to this Hospital, for meaning of MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on My Drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981 to be SANDRA OH, through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC theme Oil Artwork of Jesus CHRIST, the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
It’s been going on for THREE DECADES, the reason for 2 Decades of HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE.
METAL. N is for NORth in creating meaning Going BACKwards, connected to the word “HO”NOR.
COPPER PENNY, CP Constance Pecoraro connected to COPPER “MENTAL” of AIR LIBRA sign of JOSH WOLF.
METAL, LEO metal is GOLD, SANDRA OH who thinks all the GOLD from MY LIFE has meaning for her through TOM BRIDGES Gay LEO who has the same bithday as me. SANDRA OH is a Cancer Sign Metal of SILVER, rules the anatomy of TITS the Front of the Body. Charlies Find “OO”.
They’ve been building for 3 decades for meaning of MY FAC and Writings, MY Name SIGNature with “OO” on the drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1982, to have meaning for AS IF it was done by Constance Maria Pecoraro or Sandra Oh. They’ve been building for 3 decades, for Lee Montgomery’s Identity connected to MY FAC and Writings to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and Josh Wolf.
This is why everything goes back to Callon Drive TOPANGA, because Lee Montgomery lived there many decades ago and I lived there for a few months in 2007. The meaning of DOT is a Period is connected to the Garage Deck walls with “O” shaped holes, the reason why a person name TODD CUMMINGS bought this property in 2004, while I was living at 21 Circle Drive Tiburon, CD T, CD T, “SYNCHRONIZING”.
This is why everything they’ve been building is built in Left to Right, because it’s HORIZONTAL Rings of “OO” in their Catholic Theme in EAR sound of words, with Jesus CHRIST Eyes with “OO” Rings. If “OO” is EAR sound of ASSSSterisk, based on meaning of MY First name SIGNature on the drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1982, then it must be CATHOLICKing ASS terisk HOLES in MAThemathics of making Money.
In the last 3 decades, since I did my FAC in 1982, for 3 decades they’ve been naming SPECIFIC NAMES streets and roads in TOPANGA, and almost everywhere else.
This picture was taken in 2008, and I don’t think there are any phones left with these Copper Penny Coins. OO CP built in Left to Right for Jesus Christ OIL Artwork of “CHA”rlie is horny for Form of “OO” Tits.
A BUCK is a DOLLAR, and One Dollar bill is connected to the meaning of GEORGE WASHINGTON First President of the United States connected to my Korean Name of SIN WON that both Constance Pecoraro and Sandra Oh wants it to have meaning for them. The reason why Pecoraro created her ISN t that life? for her “No Name Girl”. No Name, so that she can STEAL MY NAME, through “WORDS”. PSYCHO PECORARO, Mother in the SHOWER for Sandra OH on “Greys Anatomy”.
I didn't create this. I am DECODING it and I am a MASTER DECODER, I know it because it's based on MY NAME, MY IDENTITY MY ARTWORK and meaning of MY Parents Names. Remember that it’s also KOREAN WORDS and it’s Wheel “O” Karma for Psycho I “TAL”IAN PECORARO.
It is extremely unhealthy for PEOPLES NAMES to have meaning for BODY PARTS, Mother MARY MARia, must be ARM and Upper Body is for Tits. Like Sandra OH, is SHO ulder attached to the NECK MOK AGE. It’s about 3AR sound of P3AR PAIR “RIMES” with HAIR and all AIR connections, ASSSSterisk “HO”le in Sandra “OH” Name. It’s SANDRA OH Licking GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” ASS and Pussy BOGE “TAL” down there in “GAYS ANATOMY” of T”OM” Bridges.
It’s the same with FOOD WORDS and Names. I don’t want to “EAT” other people’s NAMES. CHICKEN is “BIRD”, TOM BRIDges all BIRDS and BRIDges. For FISH is PUSSY, so if I eat “SUSHI” I must be eating Pussy. Like everyone who is eating SOUP, with SP"OO"N must be eating Sandra OH "PUS O" backwards. How about almost all ITALIAN FOODS with MARINARA Sauce and PAsTA, with lots of TOMatos and GARLICK, it must be Sandra PATricia? Oh and MA"RIA" AL DENtiste Her She Pussy licking game. It’s SICK.
The meaning of all of the above is why SANDRA OH HAS PLASTIC ASS IMPLANTS and why this show is called “ANATOMY”. She got them because of meaning of my First name SIGNature of “SANDY* “ with “OO” made with the letter “S” of my name and ASTERISK key, and through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of jesus CHRIST with “OO” to be about sound of ASSSS Terisk. Grain of Rice for Cancer rules her TITS for Jesus CHRIST “OIL” as in LARD Artwork by Constance Maria, for CRISTIna Yang on “Greys’ ANATOMY”. It’s about MATHemathics of making Money in “TT” Pious PYous Jesus connections, Eye sounds like I, therefore “OO” Must be form of TITS. OIL goes on Canvas as in PLASTIC as in FAKE, everything about this sick actress who thinks she’s a “Star” is Fake as in FRAUD, a disturbed PAT”HO”Logical LI”AR”.
SANDRA OH, who’s Mother’s name is “YOUNG NAM”, sound of CARL “JUNG”, to have meaning in MY ARTWORK titled “CARL JUNG”, why the fuck would I create MY ARTWORK, why the fuck would I want this sick delusional Gay Psychobitches’ MOTHER’S NAME, to have meaning in MY ART. Sandra OH’s Mother is VERY CLOSELY connected to “CP” Cvs PHARMACY, connected to MY Catholic school classmate name GLORIA LEE who is a PH”ARM”acist, and the word PH”ARM”CY is about “ARM”. Begins and ends with PharmacY, for PUSSY, which PILL do you want to take? RED or the BLUE inside the MATRIX?. RX is the symbol for Prescriptions, MAT in Korean means to Taste or LICK, in CATHOLICK MATHEmathics of making MONEY.
PAL in Korean means Number 8 and the word for “ARM”, which they’ve been building for 3 decades, for meaning of MY ARTWORK, Name SIGNature, to have meaning through Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Mother “MAR”Y and Jesus CHRIST, the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on ‘Grey’s Anatomy”. The REASON why Jesus CHRIST has Horizontal “PAL” Eight “OO” Rings around his eyes. Same reason why Constance Pecoraro is very good friends with MICHAEL “LAP”PERT in Sausalito. Josh “MICCHA” Wolf, “CHA”rlie’s Find.
CathoLICK, “MAT”, “OO” is form of ASS, therefore, it MUST be TOM BRIDGES who is a Gay Male DENtist in “MOUTHS” bridging CathoLICKING ASS “HO”LES for MONEY.
SANDRA OH’s Father JOHN OH, worked for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, I think this is how Sandra OH knows so much about MY LIFE, including MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER that she thinks is HERS, like MY KOREAN NAME. There are ROTTEN at the CORE people in our Government system. SANDRA OH’S PARENTS NAMES, are being USED to ROB the meaning of MY ARTWORK, “JOHN” OH for meaning of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” my first name SIGNature on MY ARTWORK, as if it’s Sandra OH. HANDCOCK, HAND in Spanish is MANOS, for CJ, Jesus CHRIST “OO” Eyes BACKwards is CARL JUNG, Form of ASS, Carl “YOUNG” NAM.
CARL JUNG was a Male. It’s about MY PARENTS NAMES, MY NAME SIGNATURE and MY ARTWORK. It’s about My Mother’s MAIDEN Name of “JUNG” JA MIN, which they’ve been building for 3 decades to have meaning for Virgo MAIDEN Constance Maria Pecoraro. Then at some point, it changed to have meaning for Sandra OH’s Mother’s name of YOUNG NAM.
This is WHY in Conspiracy of TWO, through meaning of CARL JUNG coined the term SYN “CROW” NICITY, KROW, SLOW SLOW SYN CROW in raping my life, it’s really TOM BRIDGES who is a Gay Male, Bridging TWO JOOS JOSH WOLF and BRETT BERN in RECTUM FUCKING through Raping MY LIFE through Repeating Numbers, of EXACT TEN YRS, down the “Rabbit Hole”. TOM BRIDGES “GL” Gays and Lesbians, SANDRA OH cathoLICKING GLO”RIA MA”RIA” Ass Pussy Going BACKwards. TOM BRIDGES at “360” Bridges YR of the “RABBIT” BRETT BERN 4/29 “63” Going BACKwards in TAO is the Way, through B”OAT” RHYMES with G”OAT”. BRETT BERN, who’s dentist is name MAR K “ROWE” in a big CITY of “MAN” Hattan. CARL JUNG 3AR SOUND OF KARL “YOUNG NAM”.
It’s the FORM of HANDCUFFS “OO” go on W “RIS” T rhymes with CH “RIS” T.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to know if JOSH WOLF's SON JACOB WOLF was born in the same Hospital as the setting of "Grey's Anatomy" in Seattle WASHINGTON where Jacob's THAI female Mother lives. SWEDISH HOSPITAL. DISH, in MATHemathics of making MONEY through FOOD for SANDRA OH is My Baby Picture on MY First Birthday with FOOD and MONEY on the table. If he was BORN in the SAME HOSPITAL JOSH WOLF is going to FOLLOW his Calf and Cow, PECORARO and OH into PRISON, because it's the REASON for YEARS of HORROR IN MY LIFE, especially through HOUSING TERROR.
SANDRA OH and CONSTANCE PECORARO are both “YOUNG”er than me. So they are creating meaning as if MY ARTWORK, which was titled “Carl JUNG”, and I changed it to “OLD KARMA”, which was done from PICTURES TAKEN OF ME IN 2006, to be SANDRA OH, who is “JUNG”ER than me. This meaning of CARL JUNG is very important connected to JUNG DUNG which means ASS in Korean in a disturbing sick ASS “OO” Conspiracy connected to SANDRA OH, who has PLASTIC ASS IMPLANT BAGS. “Eyes are window to the SOUL” , OO Eyes is ASS, Jesus MIC”CHA” WOLF, BIG EYES for BIG ASS, it’s his CHO”CHA”, SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY overlapping ASSS FORM, FORM “O SA”.
You must understand how EVERYTHING about CO CO CO Constance PeCO CO CO PECORARO’s Jesus CHRIST “JC” OIL Painting is built on meaning of “CJ” CARL JUNG, “OO” is JUNG DUNG, as in FORM of ASS connected to MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY *” on MY ART with an ASSTERISK key, to be about FORM of SANDRA OH’s ASS, as if she is MY name SIGNature “SANDY”, through the words CO”LOR” S”KIN”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
CO or sound of KO in Korean means NOS”E”, and through this Korean word, they’ve been building for many years GOING BACKWARDS, Eyes of the “SON” Jesus CHRIST OO is ASS, connected to EAR sound of “ASSSTERISK” and JOSH MI”CHA” WOLF, sound of MI”KA”, AssssterisK going BACKwards. This is WHY I’ve been stalked and terrorized by disturbed SICK WHITE BLACK YELLOW HINDU, all kinds of PUSSIES with HUGE “OO” ASS SHAPE, all connected to SANDRA OH, as if through ANATOMY of “ASS” she is MY Name SIGNtaure on MY ART, recreated through Constance Pecoraro’s jesus “CHRIST”, reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina YANG on “Grey’s Anatomy” set on “TAL”man Avenue. YANG TAL in Korean means “SHEEP FUR”, connected to Ant”HO”ny “HO”ps”KIN”s in “SILENCE of the LAMBS”.
CO in Korean means NOS”E”, Eyes of the SON Backwards OO, created to ROB MY John HANCOCK, My Leo Metal of GOLD CLOCK “OO” for Sandra OH. They are creating more sick meaning by differentiating between LOW PROFILE and HIGH PROFILE CO is “NOSE” people, connected to trying to have MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK “FIT” into what they built through OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST by Constance Pecoraro. Because everything they’ve been building on is about LO LO LOW LOW LOW OO is ASS, OO over LAP ing created () Fish is Pussy, for SANDRA OH is the “LOCK” for the “KEY”, as if she wrote My writings in 1982. LOCK LO LO LO LO “CO” LO is ASS and CO is NOS”E”. This is why all of a sudden HIGH PROFILE “CO” NOSE people are being “played”. Eyes of the SON, OO HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T BACKwards, for PsyKO LO”CO” CRAZY SANDRA OH. SHO SHO SHOulder is connected to the NECK, MOK AGE, GA MOK in Korean means Jail and Prison for SANDRA OH who thinks she is the ARTIST of MY ART, MY “LOCK and KEY”, who thinks she is MY IDENTITY. REASON why over 250 pieces of my Priceless Artwork was STOLEN in 2009 through White Collar CRIMES all connected to this DELUSIONAL PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” Actress SAND”RA OH”
This differentiating is connected very closely to “FASHION”, like FOOD, something we do and come into contact everyday of our lives. Daily BRAIN WASHING. Wear TIGHT “SHO”rts, for Sandra OH name is up the BUTT CRACK of Cat”HO”LIQ MATHemathics of making MONEY. Wear LONG DRESS so that Sandra OH won’t be LICKING GLO”RIA” MA”RIA” D”AIR”Y D”ARI” over “LAP”ping ASS PUSSY OO () going backwards through FOOD Words and Numbers on packages. PSYCHO CUNTS PUSSIES in specific COLOR FASHION, always stalking and following me, to attach and “CREATE” MEANING around me. This kind of SICK FUCKING SILENT STALKING that’s been going on for THREE DECADES is going to END with this SICK FUCKING MYCHINYUN SANDRA OH LOCKED BEHIND BARS FOR LIFE. IT’S A REAL LIFE DISEASED SICK PARASITE. PARA SITE. TAPeworm living through the DIGESTIVE TRACT of “VIRGO” Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian CO CO Constance MARIA PeCO CO CO RARO. THESE TWO SICK BITCHES ARE THE REASON FOR 2 DECADES OF HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE, CONNECTED TO THEIR SICK JESUS HORDICK JOSH MIC’CHA’ WOLF.
“CO” pper Penny, “CO” is NOS”E” in Korean for “E”yes of the SON “OO” going BACKwards is ASS Form, like MAN”OS” is HAND in Spanish, as if My John HAN COCK, My name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” is SANDRA OH, Going BACKwards through the word MAN”OS”.
It’s the WANG WAY, TAO is the WAY, the YIN YANG of “HO”t “COL”d, Light Dark, Water Fire, SHOrt LONG, High Low, of LOCKING SANDRA “OH” for LIFE IN PRISON.
EVERYTHING about MY ARTWORK, to have meaning through “ANATOMY” WORDS, for SANDRA OH on “GAYS ANATOMY” is a Sick Disturbing RAPING GAME that is behind YEARS of PSYCHOLOGICAL RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ART. It’s a RAPING GAME that can go on forever. RAPING from BIRTH to PRESENT GAME.
Cho “CHA”rles MAN “SON”.
“SYN” CHRO NICITY was coined by Carl Jung. “CO” is NOS”E”, “E”yes of the SON Backwards. This is connected to the word “CO U SIN” believe it or not. I have a Cousin name “VICTOR PAK” who was in the NAVY and he is also a Dental Oral Surgeon. CO U “SIN”. PAK is about the sound of PAChyderm which means Thick s”KIN” mammal, connected to creating meaning as if Sandra OH is My Korean Name of “SIN” WON, and My American Name SIGNature on MY ART as in My John HANcock of “SANDY”, that’ they’ve been building as if it’s the “NIK” name of SANDRA OH through the word thick S”KIN” mammal. Eyes of the SON jesus CHRIST “OO” reason why SANDRA OH is CHRISTIna Yang on “:Greys Anatomy”. See link below and understand why there are 5 MILITARY POSTS on Ocean Avenue in SANTA MONICA. The number 5 in Korean is “O”, sound of SANDRA “OH”, as if Sandra “OH” is My Childhood pictures in 1979 on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT ART THEFT LIFE THEFT.
Copper Penny, COPPER metal of "AIR" LIBRA Josh Mic"CHA" Wolf, connected to "CP" EARth Virgo MaiDEN Constance MA"RIA" Pecoraro and her Catholic Theme ARTWORK of MARY and Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie. For meaning of MY Parents Names to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO, through Astrology VIBE Numbers of "212" and MY Father's Music Band from 50's "MORNING STARS". Morning is AM, for "AIR" Libra and his Mother MARY MARIA Pecoraro.
For "OO" Eyes of Jesus CHRIST is MA"RIA"s ASS, as in CARL "JUNG", because JUNG Dung in Korean means ASS, for meaning of My First name SIGNature of "SANDY" on the drawing of Robert Guillaume of BENSON DUBOIS from 1981, signed with an ASTERISK and "OO" made with the Letter "S" of my first name, to be about FORM of ASS in EAR sound Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges who has the same LEO birthday as me, bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR sound of "OIL" BACKWARDS in CATHOLICK MAThemathics of LICKing ALOT as in MANY ASS "HO"Les for making MONEY.
3AR sound of CARL JUNG, for Mother MA RYIA Psycho Pecoraro, KAR "MA"ria built in AUTO MA tically "OT TO WA"tically by default.
Conspiracy of TWO, for meaning of "CARL JUNG" "CJ", for Jesus CHRIST "JC" horny for his Mother "MARIA" BACKwards, it's KAR "MA" Built in, MI"KA" MAR ia, sociopaths WOLF and PECORARO who think My Parents Names have meaning for their ANATOMY "BODY PARTS".
It’s isn’t just about ANATOMY PIMPING of BODY PARTS, this meaning of SYN “CHRO”NICITY is BEING USED to RAPE MY LIFE. SYN “KROW” NICITY, a term coined by CARL JUNG, being USED TO RAPE MY LIFE, so that ALL the Natural SYNCHRONISTIC Moments from MY LIFE, MY PICTURES, MY ART, can have meaning FOR and BE SANDRA OH through Constance Psycho Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork created to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. I wonder what Psychoanalysts WORLD WIDE think about this, USING an incredible man’s NAME from History, to RAPE MY LIFE and meaning of MY POWERFUL ARTWORK. CARL JUNG, to be about MA”RIA” ASS FORM, for sick RAPING JESUS “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MI”CHA” WOLF, Jesus CHRIST “JC”, “CJ”, Constance MARIA PSYCHO PECORARO, KAR MA built in. WOLF PECORARO and SANDRA OH MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
The RAPING OF MY LIFE, MY ART, is being SYN “CROW”NIZED, like synchronized Swimming, where everyone does the same thing. It’s the RHEUMATOLOGY CENTER “SYN CROW”, connected to JOSH WOLF and his Son Jacob and “CRAW” FISH in 2013, CRAW, CROW, ASH ton ASH “CRO”FT Street name.
"C" LOCK Gold CLOCK, Pea COCK is a BIRD, CLOCK like a WATCH tells "TIME", What Kind of TIME? The kind that CENT, "SCENT", SENTences U to LIFE IN PRISON.
3AR sound, HC go on W “RIS” T and rhimes with CH “RIS” T.
Jesus CHRIST OIL Artwork is Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Artwork, the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. Reason for 2 DECADES of HARDSHIP IN MY LIFE, and the REASON for Horrific RAPING OF MY LIFE MY ART and MY DOG JACK.
SYN “CROW” NICITY, the reason for YEARS of HOUSING TERROR in MY LIFE through and BECAUSE of Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the LORD of all LAND LORDS. This is connected to Specific name “ES CROW” Real Estate companies in MATHemathics of making MONEY through “NUMBERS” connected to WHERE I’VE LIVED. Whatever has been going on in MY LIFE, they’ve been BUILDING IT, SLOW “SYNCHRONIZING” IT, in LOS ANGELES for 3 DECADES, FOR MY IDENTITY TO BE SANDRA OH.
MATHemathically, they have it all figured out. The COST of Products and Foods, whatever you buy, the “SUM” will always END with SPECIFIC NUMBERS. I keep getting “45” “254” “529” numbers when I buy “FOOD”.
This is why it’s AUTOMATICALLY BUILT IN for “KARMA”, which isn’t in my name.
This is why BARACK OBAMA, in January 2013 mentioned that the COPPER PENNY CP isn’t useful to the US Currency anymore. Why? Don’t like CP Constance Pecoraro’s “OO” FORM of TITS left to right? For JOSH WOLF “AIR” LIBRA Chair Hair Stair SIN CL”AIR” Stone of Diamond and Metal of “COPPER”.
If they get rid of all the Pennies, that means that the ending sum will ALWAYS be a digit of 5 or O cents. 5 in Korean is “O”, the sound of SICK SANDRA “OH” Name. EVERYTHING about the RAPING OF MY LIFE and MY ARTWORK is connected to this BLACK S”KIN” NEGRO “GREEN” President Obama, connected to Borderline Psychotic actress SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN high school on “GREEN Bank road’ and has been claiming for 3 decades she DREW my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume of BENSON DU”BO”is from 1982. The REASON why Obama and Holder “OH” are in office today. H= 8, SANDRA OH is a Cancer, can we all see Sandra OH TIT ANATOMY? ANYTHING to AVOID this sick Delusional Actress’s FORM of TITS.
50 CENT, because I’ve been writing that SANDRA OH and JOSH WOLF should be CENT “SCENT” SENTenced to LIFE IN PRISON. They’ve been PIMPING SICK BLUBBER ASSED PUSSIES who STALK ME CONSTANTLY for “Greys ANATOMY” for SANDRA OH’s ASS is “OO” through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST Eyes of “OO”, created to ROB MY John Hancock My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with two “OO”. The STALKING BY SICK PUSSIES WITH HUGE OIL ASSES IS CONSTANT ALMOST NON STOP AND IT’S BEEN HAPPENING FOR YEARS. FOR CARL JUNG, “CJ” FOR “JC” BACKWARDS, because JUNG Dung in Korean means ASS. OO HC go on RIST and jesus CHRIST isn’t my OIL Artwork and ANATOMY isn’t my fucking TV SHOW, it’s the REASON for YEARS of HORROR and TERROR.
50 Cent just 1 “O”, when it’s Convenient for YOU, but CONSPIRACY of TWO to MA”RIA” MA”RIA” Stratton for “AIR” is SCENT LIBRA Sick Jew JESUS JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF to have meaning in MY First Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” on MY pencil drawing of Black negro ROBERT Guillaume from1981, the REASON why OBAMA is the President today.
SIN WON is MY Korean Name, connected to George WASHINGTON on the ONE Dollar Bill. It’s MY ARTWORK and Registered Trademark in circle of “O”. 1 Line Drawing.
Look out for “2” of “57” where ever you are, SIGNS, like Parking Signs, Business Addresses, in MATH MATH MATHemathics of making MONEY through the RAPING OF MY LIFE. CONSPIRACY of “TWO” connected to Brook”LYN” WORKS, in Sin “KROW”nicity of RAPING MY LIFE, so that SANDRA OH can pretend she is MY IDENTITY with MY First Boyfriend of 5.5 yrs, AS IF she is the ARTIST of MY ART, Name SIGNature with two “OO”, through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Artwork of Jesus CHRIST, the REASON why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “GREYS Anatomy”. SICK LYING PSYCHOCUNTS and I don’t Mix like WATER and OIL don’t mix.
Just 1 “O”, when it’s convenient for them. Like Robin Williams “ONE HOUR PHOTO” as “SY”. WHY? because it's about 4 who? 4 what? FOR EIGHT "OO", as in TWO PEOPLE who marry with Wedding Rings. JUST 1 "O", because JOSH WOLF isn't going to be ASSSKING SANDRA OH to marry him, REASON for HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE and ROBBERY of MY ART in 2009. Just 1 "O", as if Psycho Actress SANDRA "OH" is the OWNER and ARTIST of MY Federally Registered TRADe"MARQ", while it's "Conspiracy of TOO" for me.
Form of “OO” HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T, RHYMES with CH “RIS” T, and folds RICHARD BACH HOBAK wards into a “O”, sound of SANDRA “OH” Name. Sandra OH who went to “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN High School in Canada and for 3 decades has been claiming she DREW my drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, and is MY Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO on this drawing, through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CH “RIS” T OIL Painting, reason why she is CHRISTina Yang on “Gre YS Anatomy”.
What is SANDRA OH's Middle Name? PA TREEE SHA? = LIFE IN PRISON, and No one, not even BARACK OBAMA can do anything about it. If this doens't happen, BARACKET "EEER"ING OBAMA, as per Ted Cruz's Father SHOULD BE SENT BACK TO KENYA where he was born.
DO YOU HAVE A “JOB”, as in “WORK”? You Must be BO SUCKING, BLOW JOBBING “JW” JOSH WOLF’s JEWEL of "DIAMOND" STONE WHORE DICK in MAThemathics of making MONEY, because believe it or not, this is what it’s about. That and MATHemathics of “SECRETLY HARMING” MY LIFE, WHILE SECRETLY ROBBING MY IDENTITY and SSN, is the TOM BRIDGES BARACKET "EEEER"ING OBAMA in "TAO is the WAY".
This DISTURBED "HEINOUS" NIGGERS PRESIDENCY is all about ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH something they've been building for 3 decades
See all COPPER connections in pages below, the METAL of sign of “AIR” Libra JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. “N” is for Going BACKwards, ME “N” TAL. SOCIOPATH WHORE DICK who needs to get a TASTE of “DORIA MARIA”, and be LOCKED IN PENTI”TEN”IA”RY” FOR LIFE.
ALL of the above, as in ROBBING of MY PARENTS NAMES, through what they “MADE UP” and what they BUILT is all true, connected to meaning of P”3AR” B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy and meaning of MY NAME SIGNature on MY ART, to BE SANDRA OH on tv show “Greys ANATOMY”, as if she’s the Artist of MY ARTWORK, through meaning of BLACK YEL”LOW” COLOR S”KIN” Negr”OS” and KOREAN People in the country of KOREA. All built GOING BACKwards, as if My name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, is the “NIK” name of SANDRA OH and the FORM of her ASS “OO” through Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find.
SE “WOL” Capsizing and Sinking in April 2014.
SE WOL boat sinking in Korea in April 2014
BO connections
BO “SUC” in Korean means DIAMOND. Connected to a sick Whore Dick “JEW”el JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, AIR LIBRA “STONE” of DIAMOND and Metal of COPPER.
BO “SUC”, is about SYNCHRONICITY. SYN “KROW” NICITY. “WORK” at a “JOB”, and BO “SUC” “JW” JOSH WOLF’s SICK DICK, in MATHemathics of making Money, through ROBBING OF MY FEDERALLY REGISTERED TRADEMARK and MY SECOND ARTWORK COLLECTION, as if My “LION BODY” Painting and meaning of My Father’s Korean ROYAL Family JEWEL has meaning for this Sociopathic mother fucking RAPIST, WHORE DICK.
SYN “KROW” NICITY, for more than 2 decades, has been built to be about “CARL JUNG” and CAM DUNG YEE Rimes with JUNG DUNG YEE meaning, in a Black Color S”KIN” NIGGER ASS PUSSY Conspiracy of GOING BACKwards. And since the robbery of My Second Artwork Collection in 2009, EVERYTHING has been TRANSFORMED and CHANGED to “BO SUC” a SICK “JEW”EL WHORE DICK JOSH WOLF in ROBBING OF MY Father’s Identity and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH as if this Delusional actress is the Artist of My ARTWORK.
CHRONO = “TIME” in Spanish is “HORA”, “T”AO of TORAH, Nigger Jews raping MY LIFE for Sand “RA OH” in RA bbit HO le = LIFE IN PRISON > LONDON “BERRY” street “1300” = 8/13 My Leo Birthday and My Father's Name Rob”BERY” BERRY BARRY, BAR acket”EER”ing Raping NIGGE ROBAMA = CAPITAL PUNISHMENT
Sandy Wang in 1984 Watch picture and My H"AIR" in shape of "Letter C"
Raping of MY LIFE through “BAR” and Judges names in Court, during this RAPING FUCKING NIGGERS PRESIDENCY
1981 C"LOCK" in shape of "O" on top of TV in "American Were WOLF in LONDON"
meaning of CHRONO as in "TIME" Sandra "O" and WRIST WATCH
WRIST Shonda "RHIMES" with CH "RIS" T
Hanni"BAL" "RIS"ing and Watch Video of Sandy Wang, "TIME IS THE ECHO OF AN AXE WITHIN A WOOD"
Below is a very long description of why the Psychoanalyst name CARL JUNG is important, that they have built it to have meaning for “JC” Jesus CHRIST oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro. Reason why Sandra OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on tv Hospital show “GreYS Anatomy”.
If you get confused or lost at any time you read about this meaning and these Borderline Psychotic Connections they've linked it to, and built, ALWAYS REMEMBER that Carl “JUNG” was a male, and it's about the KOREAN WORDS “JUNG DUNG” which means ASS in a Ass Pussy Conspiracy connected to SANDRA OH psy”CHO”CHA KOREAN “AK”tress on a tv show called “ANATOMY”.
It will always go back to this original meaning and why it's all about KOREAN WORDS. You have to think about why Korean Words are so important, it links to almost everything they built, and this is because it’s about Robbing MY Korean name, MY ARTWORK, MY IDENTITY for PSYCHO KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH who wants to be the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK, reason why my life has been sabotaged during raping nigger Obama’s Presidency.
Sandy Wang’s Fathers name SUN”G” BAE Wang, “SUN is a morning STAR”
Sandy Wang and “OG”DEN” COLEgate connections and My H”AIR” in 1984 connections
Sandy Wang’s writings of I”WAL”Y and scroll down to “ANA…WAL…..T” PAChyderm built in for RHINO = SON JESUS
Sandy Wang’s DENTAL Hygiene HEARING in 2013, and Discovery of OG”DEN” and “COLE”gate, which are DEN.tal Products
FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W"RIS"T and RHIMES with CH "RIS" T, like HUBBLE and the BIBLE.
COP "PER", it's about LAST "SUP PER" of Licking and Eating "LARD" OIL BLUBBER ASS PUSSIES.
PER connections of Last SUP PER, PUS sy eating
Sandra OH W"RIS"T WATCH connections
Handcuffs go on W "RIS" T and RHIMES with CH "RIS" T
PEAR CHOCHA”BOT” ASS in AE.scul.apius?, What Dental Hygiene School did Lori Hubble go to, CHA”BOT” College in Sacramento? Jesus CHARLIE, go D”ART MOUTH” Catho”LICK” LORI HUBBLES PEAR ASS PUSSY, psycho cunt who needs to be and WILL BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR ILLEGALLY REVOKING MY DENTAL HYGIENE LICENSE in 2013 through White Collar C”RIMES”. Jesus CHRIST isn’t my fucking artwork, It’s VIRGO MAI”DEN” I”TAL”Ian psycho Cunt Constance Pecoraro’s Art.
the Raping of MY LIFE and Robbery of MY ART through My Dental Hygiene H"EAR"ing, NUMBERS all come together as a GROUP CONSPIRACY on Hope x Bunker Hill
JOSH WOLF robbing my Identity for Sandra OH through “TARA VIRGO”?? LIFE IN PRISON TIME
meaning of PEAR B”OAT” ASS in ANATOMY, built through PEARL JAM RHIMES with HAM and PAM
HAM is PORK and "DEGE" is Pig in Korean, as in Police
YEARS of WHITE COLLAR C”RIMES” during this raping nigger’s presidency
They built as if JOSH WOLF has meaning in MY FATHER’s IDENTITY, to ROB MY Father’s Korean ROYAL name of WANG for Sandra Oh who was born in Otta”WA” Canada. Look at how MY LIFE has been REPEATEDLY RAPED and ROBBED connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Sick Jew JESUS “CHA”rlies Find, Horny for “OO” FORM OF ASS AND TITS in MATHemathics of making MONEY THROUGH “RAPING MY LIFE”. Why the FUCK would I want this sick raping JEW to have meaning in MY Father’s Identity?.
Mentally Deranged sick fucking NIGGERS, all connected to SHONDA LYNN RHIMES creator of “GRAYS ANATOMY” in Robbing MY Parents Names twisted, and rebuilt to be about NEGROIN AREA of DICK ASS PUSSY, why would I want ONE of My Father’s Identity to have meaning for me, through MILLIONS OF SICK FAT FEMALES?
Why would I, as a grown woman in my 40’s, want MY Father’s IDENTITY to have meaning through ANATOMY of FAT FEMALES? This is all connected to PEDOPHILE RAPING SICK “CHICA”go “ILLI NOISE” NIGGER RHIMES with EDDIE VEDDER and the OBAMAS and how they got into the WHITE HOUSE makes “GRAYS ANATOMY”. EVERYTHING about these sociopaths is about ROBBING MY IDENTITY, MY ARTWORK, MY SOUL, for a Soulless, deranged PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR” SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK, MY PORTRAIT DRAWING, MY Korean Name, and MY IDENTITY, in a Group Conspiracy. EVERYTHING is about PROTECTING THIS SICK KOREAN PSYCHOBITCH ACTRESS, while they Bully me, Terrorize me, Rape and Rob my ARTWORK, connected to these DERANGED SICK NIGGERS IN US Government in “Power”. They got into the White House, and US Government, connected to ROBBING the meaning of my John Hancock on MY PENCIL DRAWING from 1981, my First Artwork Collection I did as a child, that they built as if it’s SANDRA OH.
This is all connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, MY Baby and “CHILDHOOD” Pictures from 1979 and 1980’s that they BUILT as if MY IDENTITY is SANDRA OH. These Sick Niggers are RAPING MY ADULT YEARS IN THE PRESENT, because they BUILT for MY PAST to be SANDRA OH. Like SAN”DRA” OH “DREW” My DRA WINGS, like Jesus CHRIST “ROSE” on MEL”ROSE” avenue in MATHemathics of making Money, PAST TENSE.
These Deranged Sick LYING CRIMINAL NIGGERS from CHICAGO ILLINOIS, The OBAMAS and SHONDA RHIMES with EDDIE VEDDER of PEARL JAM, are CLEARLY PEDOPHILES. The Robbery of My IDENTITY, MY ARTWORK from 1981, meaning of My Name SIGNature, and meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES, for Sandra Oh, was built through CATHOLIC THEME Oil Art by Constance Maria Pecoraro, of Mother “MARY” and SON JESUS CHRIST in “O.C” Oedipus Complex games of Mother and Son, Daughter and Father.
This is why in 2005, Grays Anatomy was created by CHICAGo ILLI”NOIS” Nigger SHONDA LYNN RHIMES, with Sandra OH as “CHINESE DOCTOR” CHRISTINA YANG, and it is HOW CHICAgo ILLINOIS raping Niggers OBAMAS went into the WHITE HOUSE makes GRAYS ANATOMY.
CHICA is “GIRL” in Spanish. ILLI”NOIS” is about “E”yes of “SON” Jesus CH “RIS” T going backwards, connected to Sandra OH’s school name of “SIR” R.O.B.ert B.O.R.den in Canada.
This is why Constance Maria Pecoraro created her No Name “GIRL” sketches, created to ROB MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES for Sandra Oh. No NG also has another meaning which is built going BACKwards in Robbing of MY FATHERS Korean ROYAL name of WANG which means KING, for SANDRA OH who was born in Otta “WA” Canada.
Sandy Wang’s Korean Name of WANG meaning
Sandra OH who was born in OTTA”WA” Canada and “EC” ELGIN CHARLES connections to Eddie Vedder
Constance Maria Pecoraro “CHICA” No name “GIRL” sketches
There are Hundreds of Evidence like this, to have Constance Maria Pecoraro prosecuted and LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE
and her Sick Jesus CH “RIS” T the SON CHARLIES FIND oil art
O.C “CO” is NOSE in Korean, Oedipus Complex is built in for Catholic Theme
WA in Korean means COME or Arrive, but they built it to be about Jesus CHRIST is “CUM”ming in “OO” CHOCHA Ass Pussy. Mixing of “OO” is FORM of ASS through jesus CH “RIS” T, CUMMING in C”HO”CHA is Pussy in Spanish, like “CHICA” is GIRL in Spanish, FUCKING WREAKS OF PEDOPHILE ENERGY. THEY ARE FORCING THIS SICK FUCKING PSYCHO CUNTS PEDOPHILE SKETCHES and her JESUS CHRIST CHARLIES FIND, INTO MY LIFE, by constantly creating meaning through SICK “FAT FEMALES” in FATHER raping games. JESUS CHRIST “CHICA CHOCHA” RAPING FUCKING ART by Constance Pecoraro in OIL BURNS. QUANTICO QUT O and FINISIH LINE for FORM OFHANDCUFFS.
QUEST for FIRE in 1981, and QUANTICO in 2015
OIL Is “LARD” is “FAT” HER in robbing my parents names, My Father’s name of SUNG BAE WANG, twisted and rebuilt to be about ANATOMY of “PEAR” Shaped OIL ASSES.
My Mother’s name is JUNG JA MIN. Twisted and rebuilt to be about JUNG DUNG in Korean means ASS and “JA”GE” in Korean means Penis or Dick. DICK is WA = “CUM”ming in ASS, BUILT through OIL ART of Jesus CHRIST.
Sandy Wang’s Mother’s Maiden name of JUNG JA “MIN”
This is with CARL JUNG is important, “JC” = “CJ”
AFT on street name, AFT is a part of a B”OAT”
STERN, Lo Lo Lo U “E”ye Sex is ASS PUSSY on Mel”ROSE” Avenue
This is why “Greys Anatomy” is set in Pus”SEA”ttle WA.shington. “WA”. What is Eddie Vedder and Jill Mckormiks daugthers DELIVERY DOCTORS names? DAKTOR “NG”? Same reason why JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF son Jacob was born in Seattle WA, what is his biological mother’s name? TARA? VIRGO? LIFE IN PRISON. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT, for SANDRA OH in a Group Conspiracy.
meaning of PEAR B…”OAT” Ass built through Sick Musician EDDIE VEDDER CAPriCORN sign the G”OAT”
there are MILLIONS of SICK CHINK PUSSIES with P3AR Shape Asses in “TAO” Is the WAY BACKwards through G”OAT” = PSYCHO
WOLF of WALL Street in Downtown Los Angeles
EAR sound is how they RAPE and ROB, then they TWIST and BRAIN WASH
SUN “G”, SUN sounds like SON, as in Jesus CHRIST the ‘SON’. BAE in Korean means several things, it means PEAR as in the Fruit and it also means BOAT, and sometimes in a different context, it can also mean Stomach. P”EAR” and B”OAT” is what it’s built on. FAT is OIL as in LARD, and “AFT” is a PART of a BOAT like “STERN”. CAPriCORN sign the G”OAT” Shonda Lyn Rhimes, Michelle Obama and EDDIE VEDDER all from CHICA go ILLI”NOIS”, are built in for JESUS CHRIST the “SON”, in “TAO” is the WAY going BACKwards, in TOM BRIDGES his Gay “LIO” with OIL is L”ARD” PEAR ASS FORM conspiracy in robbing my parents names. ANATOMY WORDS being used to MASK and DISGUISE, IDENTITY THEFT in a Group Conspiracy of THESE PSYCHOTIC PEDOPHILE RAPISTS.
SON Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST the “SON”
SUN ny Constance Maria Pecoraro’s “SUNNY” sketches of “No name “GIRL” = LIFE IN PRISON TIME
= “O.U” in Korean characters of “YANG” Sandra Oh as Doctor CHRISTina YANG on Grey’s Anatomy set in Seattle WA, and YANG in Korean “O.U” sound
If none of what has happened to my life, if it didn’t happen, I may think a little differently. BUT MY LIFE HAS BEEN RAPED AND ROBBED, for SANDRA OH connected to these PSYCHOTIC SICK FUCKING NIGGERS, who’s lives are built around JESUS CHRIST the “SON” OIL ART and “NO NG” Sketches by Psycho CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO. THEY MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE THERE ISN’T ANY COMPROMISING.
What I’ve written below may seem repetitive, but sometimes the same words have different meaning in a different context, and it’s rewritten also as a reminder.
Meaning of CARL JUNG, is connected to C “L”, Letter “C” of MY H”AIR” picture in 1984, and Letter “C” of MY H”AIR” in my portrait drawing I drew in 2006, decades later. Connected to Fraud Birth Certificate of BARACK OBAMA and Delivery Doctor name of SIN “CL” AIR, RIMES with HAIR CHAIR and STAIR, hand picked name on a FRAUD DOCUMENT, to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
Sandy Wang’s HAIR in 19 “84” and in 2006
Deranged lying sick nigger Obama’s FRAUD Birthday of “8/4” and his FRAUD Birth Certificate and Delivery Doctor name
all connected to ROBBING MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE for Korean Actress PsycHO SANDRA OH
For the word “AIR” which has nothing to do with HAIR, to be connected to “AIR” Libra JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF and name of Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro in Robbing of My Parents names and Identities. MA “RIA”, AIR Libra is BLOWING a CL “ARI” NET, for “Morning Stars” in the “AM” as in Dawn = MA”RIA” + MI”CHA” = EAR sound of “KARMA” built in. These two SOCIOPATHS CRIMINALS IDENTITY THIEVES MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
Every BIG OIL ASS PUSSY Anatomy is connected to MARIA, and every BIG OILY FAT NIGGER is connected to AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF rules the “KID” KNEE YS, in EAR sound of “KNEE”GRO. Raping and Robbing My “Family JEWels”, by NIGGER “JEW” Teams.
“SIN” KROW NICITY, SYN CHRO NICITY was COINED by Carl Jung, in ROBBING of MY Korean Name of “SIN Won”, through spelling of “SYN”. . SIN “CL” AIR, is the delivery doctor's name on Barack Obama's PROVEN FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate. This Doctors name was handpicked to ROB MY IDENTITY and My Korean Name of “SIN” Won for Sandra OH. See my picture in 19”84”, reason why this Deranged sick nigger's FRAUD Birth Certificate has his LEO Birthday of “8/4”. 8/13/69 is MY LEO Birthday, and Obama's FRAUD HAWAIIAN Birth Certificate is from “HO”nolulu with ZIP CODE of My Full Date of Birth.
These deranged sick NIGGERS need to take Spelling and Proper English Grammar Lessons, D “FO” J. SIN KROW, CHRO NOLOGY, CHRONO, in “WATCH”, KEN “Q” UEST sound “WEST” TIME. This nigger needs the “ELE”ctric CH”AIR”.
Meaning of JUNG DUNG in Korean is ASS. Dept “OF” Justice, “JD” BACKwards of Sandra “OH” ASS FORM.
Tom Brid”GE”s BO”ge” on BRID “GE” Way, in CAT”HO”LICKING of Niggers Ass and Pus”SEA”,
for TAO is the WAY through PEPSEE PUSS”EA” SANDRA OH and “GRAYSON” connections that they've been building and “PLANNING” for decades, connected to Robbing the meaning of MY ARTWORK and My Childhood Pictures as if it's Sandra Oh.
“BO”TCH of the “CRO” TCH BLOW JOBbing, deranged NE GROS for Psyc”HO” Sandra “OH”.
Tom BRIDGES RIMES with CRUTCHES, for “DARI Be LOW it the ASS” in Cat”HO”Licking of NIGGERS BOWELS, A”NUS” is a nicer word.
Tom Bridges “BUT LERS” MAIDS, Cooks, Drivers, Gardeners, the HELP on BRIDGE WAY is the “Way” of Tao Dao “DOW Jones” in making Money. Deranged sick NIGGERS, connected to my pencil drawing of BLACK male actor Robert Guillaume from 1981, who was the “BUTLER” to the Governor on a tv show, that they've built it as if Sandra OH drew this drawing, through Constance Pecoraro's Catholic Theme oil art of Jesus CHRIST, in a Group Conspiracy of IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT. Connected to CHICA”GO” IL LI. NOISE Raping PSYCHOTIC CRIMINALLY INSANE NIGGERS.
If his YEAR of Birth is 19”72”, TOM BRIDGES is going to PRISON for a LONG TIME in a Group Conspiracy to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, of which I have overwhelming Concrete Evidence. Pursuant to Title 17 on my copyright page of 100 BILLION is REAL, as is CR Criminal Ramifications. Sandra OH isn't My Sign of “LION”, and she isn't my “B” cup Bra Size as in she isn't MY ANATOMY that they've built it as if she was. It's called RAPING.
As if she is MY Pictures in “GREEN” T SHIRT, connected to MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK titled “Old Karma” on my AP Abstract Page. Tom Bridges BIRD SHIT through F “OO” D Words on RichARD”SON” Bay, and he bridges, GE SE KE, Mi “CHIN” OM, through raping of my Dog JACK and Robbery of my Priceless Artwork.
C “L”. See “L”. Sea “Elle”.
Sin “CL” AIR
David SIN “CL” AiR, de”LIVER”y doctor name on Barack Obama's FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate from Hawaii, handpicked DOCTORS name to ROB My Korean Name of “SIN Won” for Sandra OH and meaning of My Parents Names, to have meaning for and be JOSH MIC”CHA' WOLF and Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, through Dissecting, Dismembering, Chopping My and My Parents names, RECREATED and REBUILT, through Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of Mother is “mom” MARY Jane “SHO”es and Jesus CHRIST the SON, reason why SANDRA OH was “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey's ANATOMY”.
ANATOMY, connected to Dissecting of my parents names, and rearranging it “FIT” a SICK FUCKING DERANGED NIGGERS BOWELS and ASS PUSSY, between the “NE”GRO IN Area that EVERYTHING is built on for TOM BRIDGES is a FAG Bridging Dick Ass Pussy Assholes. PSYC”HO”TIC Sandra “OH” Rotten at the Core BOGE Licking Sick NIGGERS in WHITE HOUSE makes GRAYS Anatomy.
All of the above has manifested through Delusional Sick Pussies, with P”3AR” shaped Asses wearing “SUNG”lasses, connected to Robbing of My Parents Names for JOSH MIC”CHA' WOLF, connected to “CHA”rlies Find, Jesus Christ. “JC”, is built based on “CJ” Carl Jung Backwards. “C”, SEE, CE, SEA, all sound of “C” has been built as if it's about the word “PUS SEE” connected to when you CE through the Eyes of sick JESUS, you “SEA” PUS”SEA” and ASS in “ANAL PARSONS” PROJECT” of raping and robbing the meaning of My Name SIGNature on my Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME black male actor from 1981.
The MOST IMPORTANT Connecting Link, as in EVIDENCE of the above, is My Father's Music Band picture from 1950s “Morning Stars” of my father B”LOW”ING “AIR” into a CL”ARI”NET to be about “AIR” Libra Josh Wolf born in “TEN” October. The C “L” is about My CATHOLIC High School picture in 1984 with my H”AIR” in the shape of Letter “C”. CL”AIR” Backwards.
Through Constance MARIA Pecoraro's sick Catholic Theme connected to a psychotic overLAPping Ass Pussy is “LOC” FORM meaning built Going Backwards, they've built as if she is My Mother, as if Josh Wolf was My Father and the connecting WORDS are “MORNING STARS”, a phrase used in the Astrology Book by Linda Goodman “Love Signs” in LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, Vibe with VIRGO CONSTANCE MA”RIA” PECORARO. So through “Morning Stars” phrase, they've been building for 3 decades as if JOSH WOLF was MY FATHER and as if SANDRA OH was My Identity.
MIC”CHA” + MA”RIA” = CH AiR. “CL”, CH “AIR” and L “AM” P at the PDC. PACific De”SIGN” CENTER on San VIN”CENT”e Blvd.
CENT SCENT SENTence. Copper Penny is a 'CENT”, in EAR sound of SCENT of “AIR” Libra THE “ODOR” is CUMMING, a name at Cedars “SIN”ai Hospital, also on SVB a few blocks down from PDC, where they've been building for 3 decades as if My Baby Pictures and My Identity is SANDRA OH. Reason why HOS PITAL Tv show “Grey's Anatomy” was created, to ROB MY KOREAN Name, My Identity attending My CATHOLIC High School St. VIN”CENT” FERRER in 1980's, as if MY IDENTITY is SANDRA OH, reason why she is “CHRIST”ina Yang connected to My catholic school classmate name CHRISTina Bern”ARD O” a sick lying spic CHOCHA who needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON. All built through words, names, colors, numbers, codes, etc on San VI”CENT”E blvd, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of My ARTWORK.
Not just the Overwhelming Concrete Evidence of this, but WHY and WHAT has happened to MY LIFE since I began “Discovering” all this in Los Angeles = Reason why MY LIFE has been SABOTAGED and RAPED, ROBBED = reason why it's LIFE IN PRISON for SANDRA OH.
CAR “L” Jung. MA”RIA”. EAR sound of “Q AR MA” built in.
MA”RIA” PECORARO going to PRISON is a GIVEN. JOSH WOLF is going to FOLLOW if it's “TV” TARA VIRGO in Seattle WASHINGTON.
SYN “CHRO” NICITY. EAR sound of “KROW”. WORK. “TRA”bajar. Tom Bridges Jesus CHRIST “JC” for “CARL JUNG” CJ, Going Backwards.
Tom Bridges and Robs meaning of my John “HAN”cock through Jesus Christ “CHA”rlie, and MAN”OS”, for C”HO”CHA, all built for EA.ting of Eye is over”LAP”ping Ass Pussy FORM of SANDRA “OH” going backwards.
Do you have a “JOB” and are you B”LOW” JOBBING or are you Cat”HO”LICKING Ass Pussy in “MAT”H emathics of making MONEY?
You “WORK” at a “JOB”. JW Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, connected to Catholic Theme in MATHemathics of making Money through “PY”ous Je”SUS”. “CHA”rlies Find “OO”. Work at a JOB and through words, numbers, colors, etc, create meaning of BO SUCKING a 7 inch DICK DUCK, U and I, “SUC” Stand Up Comedian. For TOM “BIRD”ges all DUCK is BIRD, like the MAYNARD DUCK.
E.A. ELE PantaSTIK. TRU “NK” of a Tree is number EIGHT “8”.
It's about meaning of My Name SIGNature on My Pencil Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 with “OO” circles made with letter “S” of my first name “SANDY” signed SIDEWAYS. GUILLAUME is the French version of American name WILLIAM. Nik name of WILLIAM is “BILL”, and BILL is about ONE Dollar Bill with George WASHINGTON, connected to meaning of My Korean Name that sounds like Washington. BILL as in MONEY made of PAPER. IL in Korean means the number ONE, sound of my Korean name of “WON”. IT'S SANDY WANG'S IDENTITY, KOREAN NAME, NAME SIGNATURE, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, REGISTERED TRADEMARK, WATERCOLOR ARTWORK ON PAPER.
Bills, as opposed to Me”N”Tal COINS, Nickels, Dimes, “Q” U “ART”ers. COPPER PENNIES. You'll notice a pattern of EVERYTHING “THEY” Built to RAPE and ROB MY IDENTITY, MY ART, MY LIFE for SANDRA OH, “FITS” them Perfectly. Not just “Mental or Emotional problems”, but BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC into CRIMINALLY INSANE.
G is “ROUND” as in circle of “O”, like Ground CUFFEE and Ground Beef of “HAM”burger, built as if it’s EAR sound of NAME of SANDRA OH.
PAPER is from WOOD, from TREE. What is SANDRA OH's Middle Name ? PATREEEE SHA? SPO? = LIFE IN PRISON.
TIME in Spanish is HORA, in name of Sand “RA OH”, connected to meaning of Raping MY LIFE through FRAMING ME, and forcing me down a stinking sick “RA’bbit Hole.
EAR sound of HAIR is HARE is a RABBIT
Deranged actress Sand “RA OH” in RA bbit HO le 2010 = Must be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE
Why are Spanish word important? Like “CHICA” is GIRL, connected to CHICA …go “ILLI” NOIS” Pedophiles in a Group Conspiracy of Robbing MY LIFE and MY ART, so that Sandra OH can pretends she is all my “CP” Childhood Pictures, built through IMAGINARY Sketches by a delusional sick Italian cunt Constance Pecoraro connected to “CHICA” go ILLI”NOIS” RAPISTS. P”EAR”L JAM, shoe shownda RHIMES with HAM and PAM, like NIGGER RHIMES with EDDIE VEDDER, who are all from CHICAgo ILLINOIS, same city as BARACK OBAMA. American Dental Association “ADA” is in CHICAgo ILLINOIS. Reason why My Dental Hygiene License was ILLEGALLY REVOKED through White Collar C”RIMES” during this raping psychotic MULATTO’S PRESIDENCY in WHITE HOUSE makes “GRAYS” Anatomy”.
CHICAgo ILLINOIS CAPriCORN sign the GOAT, Eddie Vedder RHIMES Nigger, and daughter name HARPER = Rape Her “RH” Rabbit Hole
CHICAgo ILLINOIS CAPriCORN sign the GOAT, SHONDA LYNN RHIMES and daughter name HARPER = Rape Her “RH” Rabbit Hole
Carl Jung COINED the term SYNChronicity. Copper Penny is a COIN.
It’s as if the word “COIN”ed is more important than the word itself that was coined. Why? Because it has the syllable of “CO” in the name of “CO” nstance MA”RIA” Pe”CO”raro, connected to Korean word “NOS E”, to create meaning going Backwards through “E”yes of “SON”, OO is ASS FORM.
COIN is a Copper Penny, connected to “CP” and JOSH WOLF AIR LIBRA metal is the “COPPER”.
This is WHY BARACK OBAMA transferred from Occidental College “OC” in California to “CO”Lumbia Univeristy in NY in 1980’s. No one knows for sure if Barack Obama ever got a Degree, because his School Transcripts were never released. This is also why he Handpicked the Delivery Doctor name of DAVID SIN CL “AIR” on his FRAUD Birth Certificate. “AIR”, LIBRA WOLF is horny and fucking MA”RIA” MA”RIA” Ass Form “OO” through Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Horizontal RINGS around his Eyes “OO”, for meaning of My John Hancock Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with “OO” on my drawing from 1981 of BLACK Male actor Robert Guillaume. And they had a baby name “SANDRA OH”, as if she is My Korean Name of “SIN WON” through David “SIN” CL “AIR”.
Penny is connected to PENNY Road next to Callon Drive in TOPANGA, a very important address where I lived in 2007, because I think Lee Montgomery lived at this same address many decades ago.
PENNY road is next to SYLVANIA lane in Topanga. PENN SYLVANIA ave is the address of White House, 1600 or 1 and “68” is connected to ROBBING of MY DOB and “SSN” for SANDRA OH, connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY as if this Delusional actress IS MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” connected to “GA” Gov’t Agencies ,and “GA” Greys Anatomy, in a PAC hyderm, BLACK COLOR S”KIN” GREENBANK NEEEGR “O” CONSPIRACY. OH, Obama Holder, for SANDRA OH, RAPING FUCKING DELUSIONAL NIGGERS, EATING SANDRA OH’S ASS PUSSY for MAT MAT MAThemathics of making MONEY as if Sandra Oh is ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
Copper Penny is a “COIN” a CENT, connected to EAR sound of SCENT as in AIR carries odor, for AIR LIBRA Josh Wolf. Connected to “TAL” in Korean is “FUR”, which is H”AIR”, connected to all H”AIR” Salons, “FUR” niture stores, and all “AIR” containing words like ST “AIR”S in Architectural De”SIGNS” in MATHemathics of making MONEY through Constance MARIA Peocraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART of “JC” Jesus CHRIST Eyes “OO” going backwards, in a ASS CONSPIRACY connected to Korean Word “JUNG Dung”, “CJ” Carl JUNG. The REASON why SANDRA OH is “CH RIS T”ina Yang on “Gre YS Anatomy”, who thinks she is my name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my drawing from 1981 of ROBERT Guillaume.
They’ve been building for 3 decades for Thomas CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES who has the same birthday as me, bridges My Mother’s Name with Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, My Father’s name with Josh MICCHA Wolf and MY Identity with Sandra Oh. SAN VI CENTE CENT “SCENT” Blvd, and in CENtury City. HAIR CHAIR STAIR, AIR connections for AIR Libra Josh Wolf.
T “HO” MAS CHRIST “O” FUR BRIDGES is a GAY Male DENTIST, who has the same LEO Birthday as me, and he is important in robbing my Identity for SANDRA OH, who wants MY Name “SIGN”ature to be her, and my “SIGN” of LEO to be her, through “LIO N KIN g” connections. SANDRA OH is a PAT”HO”logical LI”AR”, Identity Thief, a CRIMINAL who should be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE. A CANCER SIGN born in EAR sound of month of JU LIE.
T HO “MAS CHRIST” o FUR Bridges. Jesus CHRIST on PAGE “SAM” = 3 in Korean. FUR is TAL as in HAIR, connected to WHY SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” set on “TAL”man Avenue in Seattle WASHINGTON. It’s a “GROUP CONSPIRACY”, everything else “FITS PERFECTLY” just like this.
Believe it or not, they’ve been building as if AIR Libra Josh Wolf, Stone of Diamond, Symbol of Justice Scales, Metal of “COPPER” has meaning in “COP” as in the “POLICE”. Like “FUR” in Korean is “TAL”, as in Hair, that has nothing to do with “FUR”niture, but it has the common syllable of “FUR” in it, in the NAME of THOMAS CHRISTO”PHER” FUR BRIDGES who is very important in robbing my identity for Sandra Oh because he has the same LEO birthday as me, but different year. COP to be about POLICE, “CP” connected to Constance Pecoraro and “Chief of Police” names. This isn’t only PSYCHOTIC but it’s DANGEROUS, like Sandra OH to have meaning in “HO”Nor as in Judges Names, because these are SOCIOPATHS and CRIMINALS as in IDENTITY THIEVES. THEY BUILT THIS IN THE LAST 3 DECADES, AND IT’S THE REASON FOR THE HORRIFIC RAPING OF MY LIFE THROUGH ORGANIZED WHITE COLLAR CRIMES.
TOM BRIDGES JOSH WOLF CONSTANCE PECORARO and SANDRA OH, need to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, maybe even the “DEATH ROW”, R.I.M.E.S with SYN “KROW” Nicity. “Making it Happen with CROW and WOLF”. CROW is a ‘BIRD’ in the name of Tom “BIRD”ges.
BE VERY CLEAR, AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF, LIBRA sign is the symbol of JUSTICE SCALES. It doesn't mean JOSH WOLF is above the LAW, or that he is EXEMPT from the LAW. JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO both need to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
MH Josh Wolf on his Myspace page, “Make it Happen” Wifey 2009
MH Constance “MARIA” Pecoraro’s “Making it Happen with CROW and WOLF” MAY 2009
MH Sandy Wang wrongfully locked in Jail in APRIL 2009, in “MH” Mental Health Dept in Jail through Penal Code “PC” 1370 and “MARIA” Stratton judge
with BAIL of $3,430,000
PC 1370, Josh Wolf’s SON birthday of “3/17”, what’s left? “O” sound of SANDRA “OH”.
Josh Wolf son JACOB WOLF birthday of “3/17” is IRISH “St. PATRICKS” Day is “GREEN”
all of the above meanings is summarized through” GREEN” connections
SANDRA OH and her school in Canada on “GREEEN” BANK Street
Then the “Conspiracy of TWO” of Going BACKwards
PSYCHO Constance Pecoraro “LOCK”
Conspiracy of T”OO” to judge name “MARIA MARIA” Stratton, so that MY JOHN HANCOCK my name SIGNature on My ART from 1981 of Robert Guillaume, can have meaning for them through jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Eyes “OO”, Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF. For “OO” to be ANATOMY PART of TITS or ASS, in a deeply disturbing sick ASS Conspiracy, for SANDRA OH on “Greys ANATOMY”, reason why she is CHRISTina Yang. Conspiracy of “TOO” so that My Second Artwork Collection from 2003-2007 which was STOLEN during the conspiracy of One while I was locked Jail, can have meaning for Constance Maria Pecoraro psycho, as if it was DONE by SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY.
So that MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” and everything in between, can BE SANDRA OH, in a Group Conspiracy, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
So if I were a Judge, I’d say LOCK these SOCIOPATH CRIMINALS for LIFE IN PRISON, or get the “DEATH ROW”, R.I.M.E.S with SYN “KROW” Nicity.
This is connected to “MEANING” of MY Pencil Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, who was “BEN”SON DU”BO”Is the BUTLER to the GOVERNOR, reason why Politicians are involved, and it’s the reason why Barack Obama became the “FIR”ST BLACK Presi”DENT” of the United States, and his Presidency is DIRECTLY connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” for Psycho Actress SANDRA OH as if she is the ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
It’s the “ANAL PARSONS PROJECT” from 1982, connected to the words “SUN” sound of “SON” and the word “SUN RIS E”. SUN in YOUR EYES. Which is about the building and creating as in inventing and making up, of SANDRA OH high school “SIR” SUR ROBERT BORDEN high school in Canada, which was BUILT AFTER I drew my drawing of ROBERT Guillaiume in 1981, and for 3 decades through her SCHOOL Name this sick disturbed Gay Bitch SANDRA OH has been claiming she DREW my drawings from 1981 and 1982.
EAR sound of MI”KA” and MARia = KARMA built in.
Constance MA”RIA” MA”RIA” Pecoraro’s JESUS CH”RIS”T OIL ART, “CHA”rlies Find “OO”.
JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, his agency in the “ROL”ex Building. See ME”N”TAL ST”AIR”S.
Connie and Josh for “CJ” Carl Jung, COPPER PENNY is a “MENTAL” of “AIR” LIBRA SIGN. “N” is for GOING BACKWARDS.
Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “JC” for “Carl JUNG DUNG” is ASS BACkwards “OO”
JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF agency “ROL”ex Building, go find “MENTAL STAIRS” and Watch VIDEO
“N” is for “NORTH” and it’ for GOING BACKWARDS, “OO” HANDCUFFS go on First, then “LA J” olla “I” Is for “EYES” of Jesus “OO”
JOSH WOLF, “MAKE IT HAPPEN WIFEY” on his My Space page.
CONSTANCE PECORARO, “Making it Happen with CROW and WOLF” in MAY 2009, for SYN “KROW” NICITY.
PSYCHO PECORARO and “CROW and the WOLF” for Syn “KROW” Nicity in “MAY 2009”
WOLF and PECORARO are going to ben “CENT” SCENT SENT enced to LIFE IN PRISON.
The reason why "CENT" sound of SCENT is important, is connected to SCENT is "AIR", connected to Barack Obama's FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate and Delivery Doctor name DAVID "SIN CL "AIR". This Doctor's name was handpicked to ROB My Korean Name of "SIN WON" for SANDRA OH, connected to Cedars "SIN"ai Hospital, reason why this sick actress is on "Greys Anatomy" Hospital tv show.
CSH is bordered by Four different streets, Beverly Blvd, Third Street, Robertson Blvd, and SAN VI"CENT"e Blvd.
San "VI CENTE" blvd is connected to MY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL in NYC in 1980's ST. VIN"CENT" FERRER. Everything they built on this street is about ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH as if she is MY IDENTITY in all my pictures from high school in 1980s, attending ST. VIN"CENT" Ferrer. This is why you don't ever see any pictures of Sandra Oh from the 1980's, not even her own high school graduation picture.
There are several of my Catholic High School classmates from 1987, who are BETRAYERS and LIARS, CHRISTINA BERN "ARD O", GLORIA LEE, MICH"ELLE" FIGUEROA, these sick lying psychobitches need to be LOCKED IN PRISON, their lives, their OCCUPATIONS are about ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, MY ART and meaning of My Parents Names for SANDRA OH, connected to Constance Pecoraros' CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART.
It was built through CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART by Constance Maria Pecoraro, of Mother MARY and Son JESUS CHRIST "CHA"rlies Find. They have built at this hospital as if MY Parents names were JOSH MIC"CHA" WOLF and CONSTANCE MA"RIA" PECORARO, and as if SANDRA OH was MY Identity, as if she is the ARTIST of MY ART from 1981 and 1982. How can it be, when these sociopaths and I are all around the same age.
"CHA"RLIES FIND "OO", see Sandra OH PEPSI PUSSY pictures in 1999, and "GRAY" SON connections, reason why in 2005 GREYS Anatomy was created, connected to Josh MIC"CHA" WOLF's "SON"s Birth in SEATTLE WASHINGTON in 1997, reason why this show is set in the same city of SEA ttle WA SHIN gtON. Reason why JOSH WOLF is a regular on Chel"SEA" HANDler show and he says he's married to Bethany ASH TON.
"EC" ELGIN CHA rles at KEN "Q"UEST building.
EAR sound of Pussy, PU"CE"
PEARL JAM Eddie Vedder born in December in COL...d in "EC" Evanston CHICAGO ILLI"NOIS" built in for Jesus CHRIST the SON
JESUS CHRIST the SON OIL ART by Constance MARIA Pecoraro
EC ELGIN CHAR les in MARIAn building
ELGIN street name in Ottawa City where SANDRA OH was born
OO () Sandra OH in 1999 Pepsi PUSSY overLAPping area "OO"
OO Gold Balls Sandra Oh and meaning of DARI SIGN EYE "BELOIT" ASS FORM 1998?
OO () OO overLAPping area, LOGO of "CE" DARI SIGN EYE Hospital
BARC "O" reason why in 2005 HOSPITAL show GREYS ANATOMY was created by Deranged nigger SHONDA RHIMES
CRAB "O" all NUMBERS come together on HOPE x BUNKER in Licking Sandra OH Pussy "BO G"
All of the above tells a long story through the links. This is the conclusion.
Hanni"BAL" RISing scroll down and watch Video of "O"
HIGHLAND x LEXINGTON in Hollywood CAM Dung Yee in Korean is "NEGRO", KAM era store
Summary in 2014 of HIGHLAND Avenue x SMB in HOLLYWOOD CA
Hundreds of streets in Los Angeles, have addresses with “68”00 or “86”00, which is about My Middle Number SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER digits
meaning of SANDY WANG’S SSN and Middle Digits of “68”
CAM DUNG Y, NEGRO Barck Obama’s FRAUDU DU DU LENT SSN with Same middle digits68, which was “HAND PICKED” like DELIVERY DOCTOR name
FUR is “TAL” in Korean, like H”AIR” R.I.M.E.S with SIN CL “AIR”
Raping fucking niggers
San Vi'CENT'e all leads to and is connected through Cedars “SIN”ai “HOS”pital and “DAVID” Saperstein building
TARGET “CENT”in ELA Obama's office on “CENT”ina “ELLA” street
TARGET FONTAN “ELLE” ELLE, Fontan”ELLE” HER SHE YS Ass Pussy Pimping CathoLICKING Tom Bridges “GAY me”
connected to WHY SHO SHO SHO nda LYNN Rhimes creatd “Greys Anatomy” “HOS”pital tv show with Sandra OH in robbing MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH
“Greys Anatomy” set on “TAL”man Avenue, in SEAttle WASHINGTON, “GA” = Gov’t Agencies
Gov’t Agency “FBI” and D “O” J
Gov’t Agency “CIA”
meaning of YANG “TAL” and Korean words SILENCE of the LAM LAM LAMb mamMAL connctions
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GO THERE HIGHLAND Avenue, CAL U MET Camera next to Lexington Avenue CAMERA
HIGHLAND x FOUNTAIN, Leland x Delongpre
SANDY WANG in 1979, Olive Green bed, Yellow Pillow, “YV” SIGN
Olive Green, CAMERA OBSCURA “CO” on OCEAN Avenue
Olive Green, SANDRA OH in Yel”LOW” SHOes and GOLD BALLS
SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY with “GRAYSONS” connectino in 1999
F”AIR”MONT Hotel on Ocean and BARRY “SHO” LEM connections
“SHO”nda Lynn Rhimes
BO new “BO” ND
Entire PLANET EARTH in “O”,
LE “LAND” HAR “COURT” MONTGO.ME.”RY” 3AR, YR, sound of “O” Sandra “OH”
If this doesn’t happen, RAPING NIGGER OBAMA should be HUNG by his MOK AGE, by his NECK “KEN”YA, Fraudulent Lying Baby Murdering Nigger.
GU ILLO TINE is a “WOODEN BAR” with a “O”.
CAM ERA. EAR sound of “CAM” or “KAM” DUNG YEE in Korean is NEGRO. CAMERA, Anagram of CARMA built in.
2013 into 2014. DISCOVERY and connection of Korean word “CAM DUNG YEE”, or sound of “KAM DUNG YEE”, which means NEGRO. Why are Korean words important? Because it’s the SECRET CODES to to ROB of MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ART and MY “John HANCOCK” on MY ART, as if My identity was KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artrist of My ARTWORK. Specifically meaning of My Pencil Drawing of BLACK NEGRO Male Actor name ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, who was Benson Du”BO”is, the BUTLER to the Governor on tv show in 1980. That Sandra Oh has been claiming for 3 decades she “DREW” connected to her SCHOOL name SIR ROBERT BORDEN high school in Canada.
Meaning of My pencil drawing of this BLACK male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 who BENSON DU”BO”IS, who was the BUTLER to the Governor on TV Show, meaning of MY Name SIGNature on this drawing, is the REASON WHY BARACK OBAMA became the Presi”DENT”, and everything about his PRESIDENCY is about and connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, MY ART, from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, and EVERYTHING in between, for PSYCHO ACTRESS SANDRA OH, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. This “IS” connected to and “WHY”, BARACK OBAMA has a FRAUDU DU DU DU LENT BIRTH CERTIFICATE and he’s been using a FRAUD DU DU DU DU LENT Social Security NUMBER with Same Middle Digit of “68” as MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Both are connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. So in essence, BARACK OBAMA IS A “IDENTITY THIEFT”.
This is WHY if SANDRA OH isn’t LOCKED IN PRISON for LIFE, with CONSTANCE PECORARO and JOSH WOLF, and everyone else punished accordingly, BARACK OBAMA MUST BE IMPEACHED. IN FACT, Barack Obama can should be LOCKED IN PRISON himself. If it was anyone else, he would be in prison by now. Whether I like it or not, whether you like it or not, whether anyone else likes it or not, doesn’t matter, this is a “BLACK COLOR S”KIN” CONSPIRACY”, all connected to creating MEANING GOING BACKWARDS, in a ASS CONSPIRACY, as if SANDRA OH is My “John Hancock” name SIGNature on MY My Drawing, as if “SANDY” is the “NIK” of her name, GOING BACKwards through the words Black Color S”KIN”.
T”HO”MAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES gay male DENTist who has the same LEO Birthday as me, bridges and “ROBS” My Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artist of my Artwork. This is what they’ve been building in the last 3 decades, and it’s the REASON why Barack Obama became the Presi”DENT”. IT’S A RAPING DELUSIONAL, BABY MURDERING, “CHICA”GO PEDOPHILE CHILD MOLESTING, PSYCHOLOGICAL RAPING AND ROBBING……………..”GAME”, all connected to BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGERS in US Gov’t.
MY LIFE has been RAPED just before, and all DURING this ENTIRE SICK RAPING NIGGER’S PRESIDENCY. MY LIFE has been completely SABOTAGED BECAUSE of this SICK RAPING FUCKING NIGGER, so that EVERYTHING about ME, CAN BE SANDRA OH, “O”. A Dental Hygienist of 20 years, Artist all my life, doesn’t all of a sudden become a “Car Thief” and has “MENTAL PROBLEMS”. This SICK RAPING FUCKING NIGGER is the reason for YEARS of HARM IN MY LIFE, and creating of “RECORDS” like this. I have “Mental Problems”, while MY ARTWORK DONE BY MY HANDS and BRAINS, was “Done” by SANDRA OH, as if this Borderline Psychotic Actress was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, as if PSYCHO CONSTANCE PECORARO was MY Mother and JOSH WOLF was My Father. That means that when WOLF and PECORARO, who are both same age as me, were “TWO YEARS OLD” when they conceived and gave birth to SANDRA OH, who is only 2 years younger than me. THIS IS WHAT THEY BUILT, IN THE PAST 3 DECADES, ALL LEADING UP TO, FRAUDULENT PRESIDENTY OF SICK RAPING DELUSIONAL CRIMINAL BARACKET’EEEERING’ OBAMA. This is WHY they created “RECORDS” in MY NAME as if I had “Mental Problems”, while they ROB MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” FOR SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
The words BLACK COLOR S”KIN” has specific meaning, and NEGROS WORLDWIDE are both connected to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH in a BLACK and “YEL LOW” COLOR S”KIN” Conspiracy, connected to Josh Wolf’s son’s THAI “Yellow” MOTHER in SEAttle WASHINGTON.
Its been BUILT through JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF’s NAME. MICHA sounds like “MIKA”. The way how my name “TURNS” Around, to be about “KAM” DUNG YEE, what’s left? I sounds like EYE, “OO” Rings around Jesus CH “RIS” T “CHA”rlie, Oil Art by CONSTANCE MA”RIA” PECORARO, for “AIR” Libra JOSH MI”KA” WOLF is horny for FORM OF MA”RIA” ASS, connected to meaning of MY PARENTS NAMES, as if they “WERE” MY PARENTS Names, and they had a CHILD name SANDRA “OH”, as if this delusional actress is ALL MY BABY and CHILDHOOD Pictures. But it’s CHRISTINA YANG, SANDRA OH on “Grey’s ANATOMY”, who wants her ASS to be LICKED and FUCKED by “WOLF”ramite JOSH WOLF, in Mother Father Child, OEDIPUS COMPLEX SEX GAME. This is why JOSH WOLF says on BOB RIVERS Radio Show in 2008, that MATHemathics of making MONEY, makes him HORNY for “CALF and COW”, = Mother Daughter.
It’s a B”L”ACK is for going BACK, C “L”, BLACK and YEL”LOW” CO”LOR” S”KIN” CONSPIRACY connected to JOSH WOLF and his talent agency in the “ROL”ex Building. “CO” in Korean means NOS”E”, for “E”yes of the “SON” Going BACKwards. “CO” in the name of CO nstance PeCO raro, Psy”KO”. And reason why KOREAN words are important, is all connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY and MY ART for KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH in a monster GROUP CONSPIRACY with SICK DELUSIONAL NIGGERS, who all think and have built their lives, as if SANDRA OH is MY Name SIGNaure on MY ART, through S”KIN”, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name. NIK isn’t my name, “SY” or “YS” isn’t my name, it isn’t what it says on my PENSYL Drawing from 1981, it says “SANDY”.
DOCTOR HANNI”BAL” LECTER in “SILENCE of the LAMb”, RUB that S”KIN” LOTION in the STONE of “O”, it’ll be used for PATTERNS of “SO”ING S”KIN”. “SH” SH in HER SHEEEP NIGHT “MAIR”.
“C”, sound of “SEE”, sound of “CE” DAR SINai HOSpital, where they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if My Korean name of “SIN WON” was Sandra OH, as if My American Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, is SANDRA OH, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name GOING BACKWARDS in a P3AR B”OAT” ASS Conspiracy, in robbing of MY John HANcock, through Spanish word MAN”OS”, in GOING BACKwards.
CS H, H=8 or “OO”, COLOR S”KIN”. Cedar SIGN Eye Hospital, on SAN VI”CENTE” Blvd, connected to meaning of Carl JUNG coined the term “SYN” CHRO NICITY, and COPPER PENNY is a COIN, connected to EAR sound of “CENT” to have meaning for “SCENT”, as in “ODOR” is carried in “AIR” connected to Barack Obama’s FRAUD Birth Certificate and DELIVERY DOCTOR name of DAVID “SIN” CL “AIR”, connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, and Constance MA”RIA” PECORARO, as if these sociopaths were My Parents and Sandra OH is MY IDENTITY, all MY BABY Pictures. THIS IS HOW IT’S CONNECTED AND HOW THEY BUILT IT.
This is why “BARRY SHO SHO SHO LEM” is the owner of F”AIR” MONT HOTEL on OCEAN Avenue, across the street from MOTHER MARY STATUE, connected to Constance Maria Pecoaro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, and SHO SHO SHO nda LYNN RHIMES who created “Grey’s Anatomy”; all created and connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, My Parents names, and meaning of MY John HANCOCK on MY pencil drawing from 1981.
BARACK OBAMA is essentially an IDENTITY THIEF. His “Business” as the PRESIDENT, is to figure out how to continue ROBBING MY IDENTITY and ART, as if it was done by Constance Pecoraro or Sandra OH, in MATHemathics of making MONEY, through “BRAIN WASHING” People.
KAM “DUNG” EE or CAM DUNG Y, in Korean means “NEGRO”.
JUNG DUNG in Korean means ASS.
“UN” is about the SOUND of “NEW” going BACKwards, like “O” sounds like OH.
If it’s about SOUND, it’s about “3”AR, or EER, in the word G “REE” N, which is an anagram of the word “NEGR O”. For Sandra “OH” Drew my drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981, and she is MY Identity in MY childhood picture in 1980 with a BLACK Girl, through her SCHOOL name of “SIR” ROBERT BORDEN on “GREEEN BANK” x BANNER in Canada.
“NE”w “GRO”wth of GREEN Sprout.
G “REE” N. NG. What’s missing? “WA”, SANDRA OH who was born in “OT TO WA” Canada, who thinks she is MY IDENTITY, My Name SIGNature, ARTIST of MY ART, everything about me, connected to “LIO n KIN g”. Sandra OH’s Ass isn’t “OIL”, it’s PLASTIC Implants, and My name SIGNature on MY ART doesn’t say “NIK” or “SY”, it says “Sandy”.
SC HO OL, LO Going BACKwards is “OH” ASS Form, “CS” COLOR S”KIN”.
It’s a BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NEGRO ASS PUSSY CONSPIRACY, connected to SANDRA OH. Everything they’ve built for meaning of My First name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO to be about FORM of ASS of SANDRA OH, as if she DREW my drawings and is MY Name SIGNature on MY ART, through the word S”KIN” as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
“AW” Alice Walker who wrote “Color Purple”. “NG” Niki Grimes who writes childrens books, both a BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NEGROS. “WA” + “NG”, it’s called IDENTITY THEFT in “CHAIN GROUP CONSPIRACY”. See KA”MAL”A HAR”RIS” page, and why she is who she is today. Where ever YOU are WORLDWIDE, if there is a BLACK COLOR S”KIN” Pussy near you, I am 99% positive, her IDENTITY, her Name, her JOB, her LIFE will be about creating MEANING connected to ROBIBNG of MY IDENTITY and My CHILDHOOD Picture with a Black Girl from1980, as if it’s SANDRA OH.
It’s about the words B LAC K CO”LOR” S”KIN”, and every broken syllable and letter in these 3 words, is about creating meaning through Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of Jesus CH”RIS”T with “OO” Eyes, as if SANDRA OH who went to “SIR” Robert Borden high school, is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY” with OO made with letter S of my name signed sideways, reason why she is C “RIS” Tina Yang on “Gre YS anatomy”, as if My Name SIGNature of “Sandy” is the “NIK” of her name San “DRA” OH on My “DRA”wings. This is WHY anyone playing this game GOING BACKwards as if Sandra Oh is My Identity and My name SIGNature in MATHemathics of making Money, is eating licking fucking BLACK COLOR S”KIN” Going BACKwards. Look at it, all the FOOD connections, I have overwhelming evidence of it.
This is connected to JOSH WOLF Son JACOB WOLF and the DELIVERY DOCTOR of Jacob Wolf who was born”ED” on St. PATRICKS Day is “GREEN” I “RIS” H Holiday, was the doctor a BLACK COLOR SKIN NEGRO Pussy? In a YEL”LOW” B “LAC” K CO”LOR” S”KIN” Conspiracy. What was the Delivery DOCTORS name? was it a Doctor name MA”RIA”?
When JACOB WOLF was born in 1997, I think in SWEDISH Hospital in “SEAttle W ASH ing TON”. Josh Wolf says he is married to Bethany “ASHTON” and he is a regular on Chel”SEA” HANDLer show. When he was born, MY Catholic School classmate name GLORIA LEE was working as a PHARMACIST at JACOB MEDICAL CENTER in New York. Around this time in late 1990’s, I also met a guy name DAN KROPAS who was also a Phar “MAC” ist.
Phar “MAC” ists, works with and counts PILLS. PIL, for this word to be about meaning of “LIP” going BACKwards, connected to when “OO” over LAPs, it creates () Pussy Form. BLACK COLOR S”KIN”, as in “CAM” DUNG Yee, and LIPS.
This is connected to my chlidhood picture with a big BLUE “PIL LOW”, with name of “WOL”f going BACKwards. For all my childhood pictures, to be SANDRA OH, through imaginary sketches by CP Constance Pecoraro of her “No Name Girl” who keeps getting a new name.
The reason why “LIPS” are important is about meaning of My Name SIGNature on my drawing from 1981, on ROBERT GUILLAUME, which has an “ASTERISK” Symbol *, and this looks like an ASSHOLE. LIPS are important, because everything has been built connected to T”HO” MAS CHRIST OPHER BRIDGES, who is a “GAY” MALE, bridges Constance Maria Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, connected to Spanish word CHO”CHA” which means PUSSY. LIPS of “OH” going BACKwards through C”HO”cha and through BLACK COLOR S”KIN”. As if Sandra OH is My Name SIGNature of “SANDY”, as if it’s the ‘NIK’ of her name.
Any word or name with “CAM” or “KAM” in it, in MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if SANDRA OH is My name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, through BLACK COLOR S”KIN” as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
All “CAM”era companies is connected to this.
All Phar “MAC” y “Biotech” companies is connected to this. This is a BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY connected to Psycho Actress SANDRA OH who plays a “DOCTOR” on “Greys’ Anatomy”, a tv show created to ROB MY IDENTITY and Meaning of MY ART, connected to BLACK COLOR S”KIN” RAPING NIGGERS.
This is connected to why a SOCIALITE name SANDRA D’AURIOL jumped to her Suicide Death on “CAM DEN” Drive in January 2014. It’s about CAM DUNG Yee, Presi”DENT”, raping Delusional Niggers the OBAMAS in the WHITE HOUSE makes “GRAYS Anatomy”, his entire PRESI”DEN”CY is about ROBBING of MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” for SANDRA OH in a BLACK and YELLOW COLOR S”KIN” Conspiracy of “GOING BACKWARDS”. Her son name “TEO” death is connected to this, and I have a feeling she recently “Connected the Dots”.
Look at it, it’s why NEW “SKIN Laundry” Business opened next to new “LEICA” CAMERA Store on “ROBERT”SON Blvd. As if SANDRA OH is My Identity growing up in 1980’s in Jack”SON” Heights NY and as if she is the ARTIST of MY PENCIL Drawing of “ROBERT” Guillaume from 1981, through Constance Pecoraro’s OIL Painting of Jesus CH”RIS”T the SON, reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, HOSPITAL SHOW, which is DIRECTLY connected to real life Hospital CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, 1 block away from ROBERT”SON” Blvd, “RB” connected to “RB” Rolex Building, where JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF agency is, Pecoraro’s Pyous Jesus “CHA”rile.
ROBERTSON BLVD, scroll down to new “SKIN” LAUNDRY”
next to LEICA “CAM” era
Why does “DOJ” have the “O” in the acronym Dept “OF” Justice? It’s about the word “FO” UN TAIN, street name in Los Angeles, DIRECTLY connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY and NAME SIGNature of SANDY, for SANDRA “OH”, sound of “O”, through Black Color S”KIN” NEGRO PUSSY Kam D”UN”g EE Jung Dung Going BACKwards, “Y.D” ANI ”ELLE” MARQUIS. They’ve been building on this for DECADES, PREMEDITATED.
KA “MAL” A HAR “RIS”. T “HO”MAS Bridges T”HO”MAS HARRIS book made into movie for a reason, “Silence of the LAM b” with Ant”HO”ny “HO”pi “KINS”.
COPPER DOOR and ST"AIR" Way at LIBRAry in Westwood
All LIBRARIES in United States is connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF metal of COPPER
COPPER COIL MENTAL, Nigger “MADE IT HIMSELF” in Hunger Games Dec 2013
If you watch the movie HUNGER Games, and the COPPER COIL METAL that is wrapped around the “TREE”, and read what I’ve been writing about COPPER PENNY connected to “CARL JUNG”, of course the nigger “MADE IT UP HIMSELF. See the Copper Metal COIL, connected to COPPER COIL “LIGHTbulbs” HAND MADE, hanging at PLATT’S Jewelry store on Robertson Blvd. COPPER METAL COIL connected to COIL ART Sculpture at Cedars SINai Hospital, where everything leads to, because it is the Korean word for “HOS”pi”TAL”, connected to Korean word “SHO”es, that is important in ROBBING of MY Identity, MY Korean Name of “SIN WON” for SANDRA OH. ROBBING of MY REAL LIFE Identity for a Pathological Liar Actress Sandra OH, through what “THEY MADE UP” and I’ve spent the last 3 years “DECODING” what they built in the past 3 decades, as if Sandra OH is My Identity and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK.
If you read about HOW they are ROBBING MY IDENTITY, MY KOREAN NAME, while creating meaning of “Conspiracy of TWO”, connected to SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who created “GREYS ANATOMY”, these NIGGERS should all be LOCKED IN PRISON.
SICK BLACK NIGGERS in “WHITE” House makes “GRAYS” Anatomy.
This meaning of CAM DUNG Y is REAL, it’s WHY STEVE JOBS of “APPLE” created the “MAC AIR book”. His “Disease” ATE HIM ALIVE from the INSIDE OUT.
STEVE JOBS of APPLE computers and “MAC”
Copper Metal “LIGHT”bulbs, connected to WOLFramite Scheelite in “TUNG”sten, which is what Lightbulbs are made of. The nigger MADE IT HIMSELF, HANDMADE Copper coil metal LIGHTbulbs, like “Made it Up himself”, but it doesn’t mean it’s doesn’t work, it does work, like meaning of “CARL JUNG” CJ for “JC” Jesus Christ Going BACKwards in “OO” is ASS connected to coded words of : BLACK CO”LOR” S”KIN”, actually works and fits perfectly with what they built through “LIO n KIN g”, in Going BACKwards.
TAO DAO “DOW of DAVID JONES” in MATHemathics of making MONEY, as if SANDRA OH IS MY IDENTITY, and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, built through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL OIL ART, and her “No Name GIRL GRILL CHICA” Sketches. Reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”, set on “TAL”man Avenue, in SEA ttle WASHINGTON, OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy “GRACE NAVAS”, tv “HOS”pital show, created connected to Robbing My Identity for Sandra OH, as if she is My Identity in 1980’s in pictures of me and Grace Navas attending St. VINCENT FERRER. THEY BUILT IT through CEDARS SINAI HOSPITAL, reason why this tv HOSPital SHOw was created by SHO SHO SHOnda Lynn Rhimes, connected to S.OH.
Grace Navas “GN” important letters to complete the meaning of My Last name of “WA NG”, as if Sandra OH who was born in OT TA “WA” Canada is My ROYAL Korean name, connected to “LIO N KIN G”, NG connections. Sandra OH isn’t my name of WANG which means KING, and she isn’t MY SIGN of LEO, and she isn’t My Name SIGNatures on MY ART. It was all MADE UP to make it ‘FIT’.
THOMAS CHRISTopher BRIDGES Gay male DENTist who has the same LEO Birthday as me, bridges TWO “HER SHE” Pussies in Ass Cho”CHA” Licking Game, Constance Maria Pecoraro and Sandra OH, especially through all new “FISH” SEAFood restaurants opening everywhere, like on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica, as if Sandra OH is the ARTIST of MY “WATER”COLOR ART and paintings with “FISH”.
It FITS and it WORKS, like meaning of MY John HAN COCK “OO”, Rhymes with My GOLD CLOCK “OO”, for TOM BIRDges all Bird names like PEACOCK, with F”LOCK”S of BIRDS, as if through Gay Dentist TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, Sandra OH is My Identity, LEO SIGN and MY Name SIGNature on MY ART. Sandra OH who thinks “My LOCK for My KEY” is her ChoCHA PEPSI PUSSY. It’s called IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT, in a Group Conspiracy which deserves LIFE IN PRISON. Raping of MY LIFE and MY ART, isn’t fucking entertainment.
“OO” FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T for Psycho Actress SANDRA OH, who thinks through her SCHOOL name of “SIR” Robert Borden high school in Canada, she DREW my drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981. Which is it? Did Sandra OH attend MY Catholic High School SVF in 1980’s, connected to EVERYTHING they built on San VICENTE blvd as if she was My Identity, or did she attend SIR ROBERT Borden in Canada and she DREW my drawings from 1981? Neither, both are LIES, and this disturbed actress is a PAT”HO”LOGICAL LI”AR”.
FINISH LINE. “OO” FORM of HANDCUFFS for Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro, who is the Third Party Contact to me, in a Group Conspiracy of Sociopaths, trying to ROB MY IDENTITY and MY LIFE for SANDRA OH, because it’s about MY “ART”, and Sandra OH really thinks and wants to be the Artist of MY ARTWORK. Both these sick bitches better know how to draw and paint, SIGN my Name SIGNature, My JOHN HANCOCK TEN Times in a row continuously, just like my Artwork on my Website. If they can’t they need to be LOCKED IN PRISON for LIFE. I can draw my portrait drawing again anytime.
Concrete Evidence, "CENT" is connected to EL "CENT"RO in "ELLE" Her She Y's Ass Pussy Licking Games connected to PEARL JAM Eddie Vedder in "PEAR BOAT" Ass Conspiracy
Santa Monica Blvd x EL CENTRO KAR.en "BLACK" from "BO" Burnt Offerings WE Belong Together, Life in the Slammer Psycho Constance Pecoraro and Edward "LOUIS" Vedder
Concrete Evidence, meaning of Copper PENNY, is a "CENT" a "COIN"
Connected to CP Constance Maria Pecoraro "PEAR" ASS FORM
connected to PEARL JAM Singer Eddie Vedder "RHIMES" with NIGGER
CHARLIES FIND, is a Black Nigger "SON" + White Sons = Tom Burgess Gray GAYS Anatomy
EL CENTRO a few blocks from VINE Street
"BO" BURNT Offering Movie in 1975 with Actress "KAREN BLACK"
Karen BLACK, a far away lookalike of Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro
SON..."g" BLACK by Pearl Jam is about NIGGER RHIMES with EDDIE VEDDER
IDENTITY THEFT through : fetus fee"T"us fee"D"us, D"O"T circle is "O" EAR sound of "OH"
BLACK "BURN" x LAC ienega Blvd
O.C Oedipus Complex, Mother daughter, Nigger Obama and his White Mother Pecoraro
CENT is about EAR sound of SCENT,
EAR sound of Robbing My Father's Korean Royal name in "AIR" in EAR is "HEIR"
CENT is about me attending Catholic School ST. VINCENT FERRER in 1980s that Sandra OH thinks is her
This meaning of Copper Penny is a COIN and SynKROWnicity was termed COINED by Carl JUNG, in JUNG DUNG is ASS in Korean
is connected to several of my Catholic School classmates from 1980's who are BETRAYING SPIC BITCHES
Connected to Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART in MAThemathics of making Money in a L"ARD" Ass Conspiracy
CENT is about San VI"CENTE" Blvd in West Hollywood, a City formed in 19"84"
CENT is about SAN Vi"CENTE" Blvd, EAR sound of 'SCENT' is "ODOR" in AIR
SIN CL "AIR" doctor name on Barack Obama's Fraud Birth Certificate of Fraud birthday of "8/4",
Directly connected to Cedars "SIN"ai Hospital on SAN ViCENTE Blvd
and name of THE"ODOR" is CUMMING on the building at CS
connected to owner of 20360 Callon Drive TOPanga Property, TODD CUMMINGS
En"DOW"ed CH"AIR", "EC", Charlies Find, Elgin Charles Nigger Rhimes with Eddie Vedder, Jesus Christ oil art by Constance Maria Pecoraro in their "O.C" Oedipus Complex Mother Mary and Son Jesus games.
Jesus CHRIST isn't my artwork, CHO"CHA" isn't in my name, it's Sandra "OH" on Grey's Anatomy, as CHRISTina YANG, needs to be LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
Sandy Wang's Father's Korean Royal Name WANG meaning
Sandy Wang's Catholic High School St. VINCENT FERRER in 1980's and lying spic classmates
Sandy Wang's H"AIR" in 19"84", WATCH, and CL Hair in 2006 Portrait, CENT SCENT SENTENCING of C"RIMES"
owner of TOP anga House, TODD CUMMINGS in 2007
EAR sound of HAIR is HARE, is a RABBIT
EAR sound G "RABBIT" HARE by the EAR
AIR in EAR sound of "HEIR"
Sand "RA OH" in RA bbit HO le smoking "POT" in 2010 connected to "TOP"anga = LIFE IN PRISON
Barack Obama's FRAUD birth certificate David SIN CL AIR
David Saperstein building at Cedars "SIN"ai Hospital on SAN VI"CENT"e Blvd
THE "O"DOR is CUMMING name on building
STONER, NIGGER, BARRY, Rhimes with LAW nd"RY" and Aud"RY", RABBIT HOLE rapists murderers who MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON
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“COP” PER & “CAP”, the T “AO”, D”AO” DOW Jones of making Money
T “AO”, D “AO” EAR sound of “DOW” Jones of making Money
EAR sound of “G” RABBIT by the EAR
TOM BRIDGES F”A”g in F”O”g, “CP” Chinese Philosophy with Constance Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST
Constance Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST CHArlies Find “OO”
of Ass Pussy Clito”RIS” Licking of PAL…m of John HAN…cock SANDRA OH and CHO”CHA”NDRA
PUS “SEA” FOOD of Connie Pecoraro’s GL”ASS” and Connie and T”EDS”
Jesus CH “RIS” T, Rhimes with PA “RIS” and Clito “RIS”
COP.....PER ME "N" TAL MAN Josh Miccha Wolf, who's probably about 6'1"
AIR LIBRA rules the Kidneys, STONE of DIAMOND is "BO SUC" in Korean, and COPPER METAL
Symbol of JUSTICE SCALES, as in the "LAW"
Sandy Wang’s Writings of I "WAL" Y on my architectural drawing from 1982 of my Parents Garage "DOOR"
Josh Wolf who studied COM "MUN" ications in College in TEXAS = SEX with Tits and Ass
DAD "DODD" the T"AO" of raping and robbing UCLA "LAW" SCHOOL
Los Feliz NAVI "DAD" SHONDA LYNN RHIMES tv show is about robbing MY IDENTITY and MY ART for Sandra OH, Pecoraro and WOLF, LOS FELIZ NAVI"DAD" 11 "45" address
creator of Greys Anatomy set on "TAL MAN" ave
TAL "MAN" , COPPER PENNY is a COIN, a METAL, "N" is for "NOR"th Going Backwards in "HO"NOR connections
HO "NOR" as in Judges Names raping my life for WOLF PECORARO ASHTON OH
"LONDON" Has FALLEN, get ready for Bloody Hell
SUC “M”aria Constance Maria Pecoraro
Sandy Wang’s childhood picture “14” What’s missing?
Sandy Wang’s Registered Trademark in Circle of “O”
MH MERMAIDen House in Topanga 2007
HOW “LIN” G WOLF meaning in 2007 and meaning of “4 C day B 4” Josh Wolf birthday
Josh Wolf Twin Lookalike “BEN” FURHMAN in 2003 movie “THE ORDER” and birthday of real life actor “4/4” Heath Ledger
AIR LIBRA symbol of “JUSTICE SCALES” to have meaning in LAW
AIR LIBRA Metal of “COP PER”, COP is Police
meaning of COPPER ME”N”TAL
Yellow Purple = Puss Y = TARA? YELLOW VIRGO? Nigger Pussy BLACK “DOCTOR”? PRISON TIME
aud “RY”, RHIMES with LAW nd “RY” and LIFE IN PENITENIA “RY”
AIR, like HAIR, is EAR sound of HEIR, and “HARE” is a RABBIT
EAR sound RABBIT by the EARS
| |
CHA rlies Find “OO” Josh MIC”CHA” WOLF, Jesus was born in between “BETH”any ASH”TON”S Humongous TITS implants BETH LE “HEM” HAM, AE.SCUL.APIUS in “PI” symbol of MAThemathics of making MONEY
raping and robbing of SANDY WANG’s Name SIGNature on my Pencil Drawing from 1981, aka JOHN “HAN”COCK
Copied, recreated and rebuilt to be “OO” Tits and Ass CHA rlies Find OIL ART by Constance Pecoraro “OO” Rings around Eyes
Thomas C “HAND”LER Bridges and robs my John HANCOCK, and my IDENTITY for SANDRA OH
“TON” connections
This is all I need to know to have these Sociopaths PROSECUTED and LOCKED IN PRISON
Constantine Alexander Payne “CAP” DIRECTOR
Married “SIDEWAYS” Korean Actress SANDRA OH in 2002 then divorced
Director’s Guild of America 7920 Sunset Blvd COPPER TINTED Building of D “A” G, and D “O” G the T “AO”
This is just one example out of HUNDREDS
How through movies, titles of movies, Actors/Actress NAMES, they are creating MEANING
Sandy Wang’s childhood picture with “DOG” on My LAP in 1979 in Santa Monica YELLOW VIRGO SIGN
Sandy Wang’s childhood CHRIST…MAS picture in 1982 with My DOG FRENCHY
Sandy Wang’s pictures in 2007, CALLON DRIVE in TOPANGA very important address next to “PENNY” road and “SYLVANIA” Lane
Sandy Wang’s LOCK BROKEN on “4 C Day B 4” JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF birthday
Sandy Wang’s DOG JACK in TOPANGA in 2007
Sandy Wang’s DOG JACK STOLEN in 2009, is he with a Nigger Pussy?
DGA bordered by Hayworth Laurel and F”AIR”fax, “HL” AIRies, HL Heath Ledger born in 19”79” in P.A next to SWANN RIVER
HL “JOKER” of DK, and School Bus “300” meaning connected to BROOK”LYN” NIGGERS
HL and JOKER as “POLICE” and meaning of Niggers and T “SEW”
CORN is YELLOW and CORN “STAR” ch brand name “ARGO” RIMES with VIR”GO”
“ARGO” with BEN Affleck
This a Group Conspiracy of IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT.
EVERYTHING is about robbing MY Name, Art, Identity for SANDRA OH, Aud”RY” RHIMES with LAW nd “RY”, LIFE IN PENITENIA”RY”, don’t C…….”RY” pepC puC
J “UN” G D “UN” G Yee in Korean is ASS. “UN” connections.
In what they built, the word “COIN” ED is more important than what this person did while he was alive.
COP.PER PENNY is a COIN, “CP” connected Constance Pecoraro, and METAL of COPPER of AIR Libra Sign of JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF. COP is another word for POLICE, as in PIG. DE”GE” in KOREAN is the POLICE. Josh WOLF is a AIR Libra sign and the symbol for this sign is the “JUSTICE SCALES”. CP Virgo MAIDEN, I”TAL”ian psycho Constance Pecoraro who thinks My Mother's Maiden name of “JUNG” Ja MIN has meaning for her connected to this “Ass” conspiracy. BE VERY CLEAR, just because Josh Wolf's is a AIR Libra Sign doesn't mean he has meaning in the “LAW”, when EVERYTHING about these two deranged Real Life CRIMINALS SOCIOPATHS is built on ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, meaning of My Parents Names and My John HANCOCK as in my Name SIGNature on my art, in MAThemathics of making Money. Reason for YEARS of REAL LIFE TERRORIZING of me, and ROBBING OF MY PROPERTY and MY PRICELESS ART, through PREMEDITATED Organized “CRIMES”. The important word is PREMEDITATED, it's the difference between a TEN year Prison Sentence and LIFE IN PRISON without Parole.
meaning of “UN” in the word DUNG and JUNG
meaning of JOSH WOLF “CAP” BLACK “SKIN” connections
meaning of “PAC”hyderm means thick S”KIN” mammal like “GRAY” Elephant
WEST”KNOLL”, “CAM” Motel next to “LA P”remier and Cvs Phar “MAC” y on LACIENIGGA “Nigger” Blvd
WESTKNOLL, Scroll down and see “OO” GATES and SANDRA OH Gold Balls picture connections
“CAM” on Almont
“CAM” Massage on HANCOCK Avenue
“CAM”era, NICK CANON black male married to MARIA KAREY
“CAM” “DEN” Drive in Beverly Hills
LeiCA “CAM” era new in 2013 on Robertson Blvd
next to new in 2013 “GREEN” S”KIN” La”UN”dry
DORKY NIGGER Made it up himself
CARL “JUNG” COINED SYN chronicity, Copper Penny is a COIN, a “CENT”
2 perfect examples that “Fits Perfectly”
Cre”SCENT” Drive and FICTIONAL Book by JD SAL inger, and HOLDEN DEN Caulfiend connections
like DAVID SIN CL”AIR” and Cedars “SIN”ai “DAVID” Saperstein building on SAN VI”CENTE” blvd
This is why Barack Obama’s office in Los Angeles is on CENT in “ELA” street? THIS MEANING THIS SICK FUCKING NIGGER “MADE UP” and CREATED to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH and My Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO in a Disturbing sick P3AR B”OAT” ASS Conspiracy of GOING BACKwards “OO” is form of ASS, connected to KOREAN WORDS and MY Parents KOREAN Names…………………..IS REAL. Copper Penny “COIN” is a “CENT”, 3Arthe Virgo sign of Constance Pecoraro, CENT “EAR” sound of “SCENT” as in ODOR in AIR, connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF. This is WHY this sick nigger HAND Picked the Delivery DOCTOR name of David “SIN CL AIR” on his FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate. To ROB MY Parents, MY Father’s Music Band from 1950’s “MORNING STARS”, of him B”LOW”ing “AIR” into a CL”ARI” NET”, NET “TEN” is OCTOBER AIR LIBRA JOSH WOLF birth month.
Why would anyone want to trash his office? Like this sick raping nigger TRASHED and RAPED MY LIFE. It’s something that they’ve been building on for many YEARS, LONG BEFORE HE BECAME THE PRESIDENT. CENT in “ELA”, ELLA as in KNEEE “CAP” BONE is called the “PAT”ELLA, what is Sandra OH’s Middle Name? PAT REEE CIA? As if Sandra OH is My Identity in my 1979 childhood pictures in SANTA MONICA wearing KNEE SOCKS sitting on a BIG BLACK CANON. It’s called PEDOPHILE ENERGY and IDENTITY THEFT, connected to creating meaning as if SANDRA OH . is all MY Childhood pictures in 1979 and 1980 through Constance Maria Pecoraro’s pedophilish sketches of her “No Name GIRL”, R.I.M.E.S with CAPITAL GRILL and CAPI”TOL” HILL.
CHICA is GIRL in Spanish, Vir”GO” Mai”DEN” I”TAL”ian Constance Maria Pecoraro, CHICA”GO” is where BARACK OBAMA and SHONDA LYN RHIMES are from.
Barack Obama’s Office on “CENT”IN “ELLA” street in Los Angeles
CENT is a Copper Penny “CP”, connected to MY Catholic High School name St. VIN”CENT” FERRER in NYC, and SAN VI”CENT”E Blvd in Los Angeles, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY attending My Catholic School in 1980’s, through Psycho “CP” Constance Maria Pecoraro’s JESUS CHRIST CATHOLIC Theme OIL ART, reason why Sandra OH is CHRISTina Yang on “Grey’s Anaotmy”. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy GRACE NAVAS.
SAN VI”CENT”e Blvd is a very important street, with two major ARCHITECTURAL Structures, PACific De”SIGN” Center, and Cedars SINai Hospital. Both are built connected to Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY attending MY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS.
“JC” Jesus CHRIST, for “CJ” Carl JUNG, JUNG DUNG in Korean is ASS, connected to CHRISTina “BERN ARD O” Pear shaped big ass, that SANDRA OH wants it be about her ASS through Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST, reason why she is CHRISTina Yang on Gre YS anatomy. Bern “ARD O”, San”DRA O” name BACKwards, as if she is MY name SIGNature on MY Drawing from 1981 of “SANDY”.
Seattle Mercy “GRACE” West Hospital the setting of “Grey’s Anatomy”, a FAKE MADE UP TV SHOW, DIRECTLY connected to ROBBING of MY REAL LIFE and IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. It’s DIRECTLY connected to Cedars SINai HOSpital where they’ve been building for 3 decades as if Sandra OH was MY Identity, it’s why there is a street name “GRACIE Allen”. As if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in all my pictures from St. VIN”CENT” FERRER, connected to SAN “VICENTE” Blvd. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with “GRACE NAVAS”. It’s called monster IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT and LIFE THEFT.
EVERYTHING leads to this “HOS”pi “TAL”, and the word HOSPITAL itself is a “MORSE CODE” in communicating, connected to SIN CL “AIR” name of Delivery Doctor on BARACK OBAMAs FRAUDUDULENT Birth Certificate, created to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
Everything about Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART of Mary and Jesus CHRIST is connected to Robbing of MY IDENTITY and MY Name SIGNature on MY ART from 1981, as if it's Sandra OH this is why she is “CHRIST”ina yang on “Grey's Anatomy”, created specifically to do just that, ROB MY REAL LIFE IDENTITY MY ARTWORK, through tv show with Psycho Actress SANDRA OH. It's connected to my betraying lying CATHOLIC SCHOOL CLASSMATES from ST. VIN”CENT” FERRER. If you read below, it explains further this meaning of sound of “CENT” is a Coin, sound of SCENT as in Odor carried in AIR. Many of my ALL GIRLS classmates from SVF are connected to MATHemathics of making Money in secretly ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is the artist of my Artwork. CHRISTINA BERN”ARDO” and her mentally disturbed LEO SISTER JEANNIER BERNARDO is connected to Robbing MY IDENTITY and My name SIGNature for SANDRA OH, built through Constance Pecoaro's Catholic Theme Oil Art, in a ASS PUSSY “CHOCHA” conspiracy, because they are Spanish CUNTS.
Pay attention. It has to do with what Christina Bernardo wrote to me in her graduation yearbook. She tells me to always stay “SWEET”, and she says we've had many “GOOD TIMES” and many more will come. These are all SECRET CODES, this sick bitch isn't writing this to me, for me, she is “SENDING A MESSAGE”.
I am writing about “COPPER PENNY”, and it has to do with JANET JACKSON, Michael Jackson's little sister who was PENNY on a Tv show “GOOD TIMES” in 1979. MICHAEL JACKSON is the “KING of Pop”, because My Father's Name is WANG which means KING and he was a Musician and TEA cher, reason why Christina Bern”ARD O” became a School “TEA”CHER and everything about this DERANGED PSYCHOBITCH is about ROBBING MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if Sandra Oh is me growing up in JACKSON HEIGHTS in 1980's, and ARTIST of My Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor ROBERT GUILLLAUME, and My name SIGNature of “SANDY”. BERN “ARD O”, has San”DRA O” name in it BACKwards and these sick chochas have been Ea.ting and Catholicking Ass Pussy with Constance Pecoraro's Catholic Theme on Tom BRIDGES “BRIDGEWAY” SAUSALITO ZIP CODE of 94965, Christina Bern”ARD O” Tau”RUS” the BULL Birthday. CHRISTINA BERNARDO and SANDRA OH's LIVES are extremely closely connected and it's connected to ROBBING OF MY PARENTS NAMES for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO.
Christina Bern”ARD O” 5/4/69, “GOOD TIMES” and Be “SWEET” psychobitch
Christina Bern”ARD O” and Dun “KIN” Donut directly connected to Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME
COPPER Trimmings and Waterfall by the STAIRS at Via Alloro, C “LOCK” and ELE vator connections
The above “SICK TWISTED” MEANING of COPPER PENNY is a COIN a “CENT”, SCENT connected to CARL JUNG and “JC” Jesus CHRIST, that they have BUILT the United States MAP with in MATHemathics of making MONEY, is connected to “FOOD” also. For people’s Identities and NAMES, BODY PARTS and SEXUAL MEANING to be about FOOD Words. Like “FISH” is PUSSY, in SUSHI in HER “SHE” ChoCHAcolate Ass Pussy game. If I want to eat “FISH” why do I have to have it related to a Female Genital, it’s psychotic. Like “SOUP” is about “PUS sy O” Sandra “OH” PUS sy going BACKwards, that you eat with a SPO ON. This is borderline CANNABALISM, and it’s truly DISTURBING. FOOD to be about PEOPLE and BODY PARTS = Canni”BAL”ism, Hanni”BAL” Lecter of “Silence of the LAMB”, likes to eat FAVA Beans with some PATe (LIVER).
Reason why new West Hollywood LIBRA ry built in 2010, the ARCHITECT was name J”OH”N “FAVA” ro.
“CAR” L. C “L”. CL PECK at Westwood.
CL. what’s left? “AR”. For my “AR T”, to have been done by Sand “RA” OH, in the name of “B ARA CK”, in ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY through his FRAUD Birth Certificate and Delivery DOCTOR name of “DAVID SIN CL AIR”. SIN. CL. AIR.
C “L”. Reason why MY DOG JACK was STOLEN in 2009, connected to MY LION BODY on “L” shaped TREE, Robbery of meaning of MY ART, and FAMILY JEWEL. Because all of the above was something they already built in the span of the last 3 decades, for CL to be about C”LOCK”, OO is Form of Ass in a Ass Conspiracy.
BA “L” RAC. K. BACKwards as in word B “L” ACK.
BLACK CO”LOR” S”KIN” conspiracy, as if Sandra OH is My John HANCOCK on MY Drawing, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name, for T “HO”MAS CH”RIS”TOPHER BRIDGES My HANCOCK, R.I.M.E.S with My GOLD CLOCK, he Bridges it through F”LOCKS” of BIRD names, like the Pea”COCK”.
OO FORM of HANDCUFFS go on W”RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS”T, in “LIO n KIN g” connections of Going BACKwards, for Psycho Sandra OH.
Baracket”EEERING” OBAMA must be thrown out of the US GOVERNMENT.
QAR MA isn’t in my name.
This is tied into the meaning of "OEDIPUS COMPLEX" Game. Mother Son and Father Daughter relationship which is what Constance Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART is all about, Mother MARY and Son Jesus CHRIST. They say that we "Subconsiously Marry Our Parents", that Daughters want to marry their Fathers and Sons can have sexual feelings towards their Mother. This meaning and connection came out of LEE MONTGOMERY's childhood movie from 1970's called "SAVAGE IS LOOSE". The reason why his Identity and this movie is connected is because he is connected to meaning of MY FIRST ARTWORK COLLECTION from 1981 and 1982, which is what Constance Pecoraro's Catholic Theme Oil art is about, about ROBBING the "MEANING" of MY FAC and My John HANCOCK as in my NAME SIGNature on MY Pencil Drawing of Black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981 on MY ART, twisted and recreated through her Jesus Christ Oil Art.
They have built it as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY, as if My Mother was Constance Pecoraro and as if My Father was JOSH MI"CHA" WOLF.
Josh Wolf is a "SUC" Stand Up Comedian. Constance Pecoraro is a psychotic sick disturbed bitch and criminal who must be locked in prison for life. My Father was a Musician and Teacher.
It is extremely important to understand that this concept of mother son and father daughter is outdated, at least to me and many other "experts" in the field of psychology. IT'S THE PSYCHOLOGY OF A 5 YEAR OLD GIRL, WHO "LOVES HER DADDY" SO MUCH, SHE WANTS TO MARRY HIM.
We all grow up and personally I love my father, but I don't want to have sex with him. Love for my family, my parents, is DIFFERENT than love for my Dog, or love for my Sexual Partner/Husband.
This is why Constance Pecoraro's No NAME GIRL sketches, wreaks of "PEDOPHILE ENERGY", and meaning of her sketches, is connected to Worldwide pedophiles, and to many child molesting cases with "TEACHERS".
Why are Korean words important? Because it’s the SECRET CODES to to ROB of MY IDENTITY and meaning of MY ART and MY “John HANCOCK” on MY ART, as if My identity was KOREAN ACTRESS SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artrist of My ARTWORK. Specifically meaning of My Pencil Drawing of BLACK NEGRO Male Actor name ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, who was Benson Du”BO”is, the BUTLER to the Governor on tv show in 1980. That Sandra Oh has been claiming for 3 decades she “DREW” connected to her SCHOOL name SIR ROBERT BORDEN high school in Canada.
Meaning of My pencil drawing of this BLACK male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 who BENSON DU”BO”IS, who was the BUTLER to the Governor on TV Show, meaning of MY Name SIGNature on this drawing, is the REASON WHY BARACK OBAMA became the Presi”DENT”, and everything about his PRESIDENCY is about and connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, MY ART, from “BIRTH to PRESENT”, and EVERYTHING in between, for PSYCHO ACTRESS SANDRA OH, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. This “IS” connected to and “WHY”, BARACK OBAMA has a FRAUDU DU DU DU LENT BIRTH CERTIFICATE and he’s been using a FRAUD DU DU DU DU LENT Social Security NUMBER with Same Middle Digit of “68” as MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Both are connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH. So in essence, BARACK OBAMA IS A “IDENTITY THIEFT”.
This is WHY if SANDRA OH isn’t LOCKED IN PRISON for LIFE, with CONSTANCE PECORARO and JOSH WOLF, and everyone else punished accordingly, BARACK OBAMA MUST BE IMPEACHED. IN FACT, Barack Obama can should be LOCKED IN PRISON himself. If it was anyone else, he would be in prison by now. Whether I like it or not, whether you like it or not, whether anyone else likes it or not, doesn’t matter, this is a “BLACK COLOR S”KIN” CONSPIRACY”, all connected to creating MEANING GOING BACKWARDS, in a ASS CONSPIRACY, as if SANDRA OH is My “John Hancock” name SIGNature on MY My Drawing, as if “SANDY” is the “NIK” of her name, GOING BACKwards through the words Black Color S”KIN”.
T”HO”MAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES gay male DENTist who has the same LEO Birthday as me, bridges and “ROBS” My Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, as if she is the Artist of my Artwork. This is what they’ve been building in the last 3 decades, and it’s the REASON why Barack Obama became the Presi”DENT”. IT’S A RAPING DELUSIONAL, BABY MURDERING, “CHICA”GO PEDOPHILE CHILD MOLESTING, PSYCHOLOGICAL RAPING AND ROBBING……………..”GAME”, all connected to BLACK COLOR S”KIN” NIGGERS in US Gov’t.
MY LIFE has been RAPED just before, and all DURING this ENTIRE SICK RAPING NIGGER’S PRESIDENCY. MY LIFE has been completely SABOTAGED BECAUSE of this SICK RAPING FUCKING NIGGER, so that EVERYTHING about ME, CAN BE SANDRA OH, “O”. A Dental Hygienist of 20 years, Artist all my life, doesn’t all of a sudden become a “Car Thief” and has “MENTAL PROBLEMS”. This SICK RAPING FUCKING NIGGER is the reason for YEARS of HARM IN MY LIFE, and creating of “RECORDS” like this. I have “Mental Problems”, while MY ARTWORK DONE BY MY HANDS and BRAINS, was “Done” by SANDRA OH, as if this Borderline Psychotic Actress was MY IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, as if PSYCHO CONSTANCE PECORARO was MY Mother and JOSH WOLF was My Father. That means that when WOLF and PECORARO, who are both same age as me, were “TWO YEARS OLD” when they conceived and gave birth to SANDRA OH, who is only 2 years younger than me. THIS IS WHAT THEY BUILT, IN THE PAST 3 DECADES, ALL LEADING UP TO, FRAUDULENT PRESIDENTY OF SICK RAPING DELUSIONAL CRIMINAL BARACKET’EEEERING’ OBAMA. This is WHY they created “RECORDS” in MY NAME as if I had “Mental Problems”, while they ROB MY IDENTITY from “BIRTH to PRESENT” FOR SANDRA OH, as if she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
The words BLACK COLOR S”KIN” has specific meaning, and NEGROS WORLDWIDE are both connected to JOSH WOLF and SANDRA OH in a BLACK and “YEL LOW” COLOR S”KIN” Conspiracy, connected to Josh Wolf’s son’s THAI “Yellow” MOTHER in SEAttle WASHINGTON.
“C”, sound of “SEE”, sound of “CE” DAR SINai HOSpital, where they’ve been building for 3 decades, as if My Korean name of “SIN WON” was Sandra OH, as if My American Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY ART, is SANDRA OH, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name GOING BACKWARDS in a P3AR B”OAT” ASS Conspiracy, in robbing of MY
Cedar SIGN Eye Hospital, on SAN VI”CENTE” Blvd, connected to meaning of Carl JUNG coined the term “SYN” CHRO NICITY, and COPPER PENNY is a COIN, connected to EAR sound of “CENT” to have meaning for “SCENT”, as in “ODOR” is carried in “AIR” connected to Barack Obama’s FRAUD Birth Certificate and DELIVERY DOCTOR name of DAVID “SIN” CL “AIR”, connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, and Constance MA”RIA” PECORARO, as if these sociopaths were My Parents and Sandra OH is MY IDENTITY, all MY BABY Pictures. THIS IS HOW IT’S CONNECTED AND HOW THEY BUILT IT.
This is why “BARRY SHO SHO SHO LEM” is the owner of F”AIR” MONT HOTEL on OCEAN Avenue, across the street from MOTHER MARY STATUE, connected to Constance Maria Pecoaro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, and SHO SHO SHO nda LYNN RHIMES who created “Grey’s Anatomy”; all created and connected to ROBBING OF MY IDENTITY, My Parents names, and meaning of MY John HANCOCK on MY pencil drawing from 1981.
“MAC” make up products that go on S “KIN” CAM Dung Yee in Korean is BLACK NEGRO
Watch Video of "CAM" Dung Yee Ass Pussy Licking in MATHemathics of making Money on Robert"SON" Blvd
Oil Art by Constance Pecoraro, Charlies Find Jesus CHRIST the "SON"
connected to "SIR" ROBERT BORDEN School of Sandra OH
CARL GUSTAV “JUNG”s birthday is “7/26”, HE was a male, and he was a LEO SIGN.
JUNG Ja Min is My Mother name, her birthday is “6/2” AIR Gemini.
JUNG DUNG in Korean is ASS.
Number 6 and 9 are interchangable, same upside down.
Through these “NUMBERS” they’ve been building for many years, on the theme of CARL JUNG, “CJ”, for “JC” Jesus CHRIST BACKWARDS, Eyes “OO” is Form of ASSSS, connected to JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF middle name of MI”KA”, so that My First name SIGNature of “SANDY*” on my pencil drawing of black male actor ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, with an “ASTERISK” key, can have meaning for EAR sound of his name MI”KA” going backwards. AsterisK. “AK”. It’s why TOM CRUISE’S movie to stardom was “RISKY Business”. Same reason why in mid 1980’s Lee Montgomery was in “PRIME RISK”.
This is why PETER HA”SON” in NYC, same birthday as my Mother of “6/2” AIR Gemini, connected to “MUSIC” Business is very closely connected to ROBBING MY Parents Names for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO through his MUSIC Connections which is Huge.
The same reason why GLO “RIA” Catherine LEE “AIR” Gemini, my Catholic School classmate is also very important, for through all the “AIR” connections, SANDRA OH is MY “HAIR”, Sandra Oh is MY IDENTITY, through “AIR” LIBRA Josh Wolf and Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, through their Catholic Theme OIL Artwork. AIR GEMINI, in all HAIR CHAIR HAIR STAIR, sick RAPING “AIR” connections, “AG”, Greys Anatomy, going BACKwards connected to meaning of Korean word “TAL” which is “FUR”, I “TAL”Y Constance Maria Pecoraro and her CATHOLIC Theme CREATED to ROB MY IDENTITY, connected to tv show “GREYS ANATOMY”. AGgy in Korean means Baby, as if through Virgo Maiden Constance MARIA Pecoraro born on LABOR Day weekend on “9/1”, SANDRA OH is My BABY Pictures, in MATHemathics of making MONEY.
Where ever these numbers are “7/26”, they’ve created for “7” inch Dick “AIR” Libra JOSH WOLF to be fucking Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro, going BACKwards, as if she had meaning in My Mother’s name and her Birthday number of “6/2”, connected to meaning of carl “JUNG” and JUNG Dung is ASS in KOREAN. For “KOR”ean words and My Identity with My Mother, to be confused with Pe”COR”aro and Sandra OH sick KORean Actress. This is why WOLFGang Pucks restaurant at PACific DeSIGN Center with “Giant CHAIR” is called the “RED 7”.
Carl Jungs Birthday Numbers of LEO 7/26 is IN THE LAST FOUR DIGITS of MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, 6756. 7/26 can be 7 and 66, 67-6, what’s missing? “5”, in Korean is “O”, the sound of Sandra OH. This is a sick PATTERN that’s been going on for 3 decades, for all circles of “O” shape from MY LIFE, MY Pictures, MY ARTWORK, to be about and to have meaning for this Borderline Psychotic sick actress SANDRA OH, who MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
The ADDRESS NUMBER of PDC, and the NEW WH LIBRARY, both on SAN VICENTE Blvd, have MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IN IT, except for 2 digits, and it’s 7 and O. WOLFgang Puck Red “7” and “O” sounds like Sandra “OH”. This is why they BUILT MY ABSTRACT Page painting, the TOP Painting with building number “7” with a “O”, on this street connected to the NEW Architecture of the WH LIBRARY DESIGN. TAO DAO DOW JONES of MATHemathics of making MONEY, AS IF SANDRA OH was MY IDENTITY, while they RAPE MY LIFE. This is why ALL MY PRICELESS ARTWORK was STOLEN in 2009 through Organized CRIMES, they began BUILDING for MY Second Artwork Collection to have been DONE by SANDRA OH AS IF she was My Identity.
This is why there is WOLFgang PUCK’s restaurant “RED 7” at PDC, next to the Waterfall with “O” and a TRIangle. MY TOP Painting building number “7” with O and TRIangle was an ESP of what they BUILT on SAN VICENTE BLVD, which I painted in June 2006 while still living in SAN FRANCISCO. They they ADDED the NEW WH LIBRARY to COMPLETE the meaning of MY SSN, through “CODES”, and GLORIA LEE’s BIRTHDAY NUMBERS “BACKWARDS”. THIS IS WHY THEY BEGAN CREATING “MEANING” TO RAPE MY LIFE THROUGH “LYN’WOOD LA COUNTY JAIL IN 2004, LONG BEFORE I MOVED TO LA IN OCT 2006. 4C day B4. “OCT”ober, Month of JOSH WOLF’s Birthday AIR LIBRA.
EVERYTHING They’ve been building for the last 3 decades is connected to this name of CARL JUNG who “COINED” the term SYN CHRONICITY, and a Copper Penny is a “COIN” to be about “CP” Constance Maria Pecoraro, connected to JOSH WOLF, Air Libra sign symbol of Justice Scales, and Metal of COPPER. The reason why they’ve been buildng on this NAME, is connected to KOREAN word “JUNG DUNG” which means ASS, and it’s a Black S”KIN” ASS CONSPIRACY, as if SANDRA OH is the “NIK” name of MY name SIGNature of “SANDY” on my pencil drawing of Black male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981.
It’s connected to my Mother’s name of JUNG JA, but the “JUNG” in her name is pronouced differently. Carl JUNG sounds like YOUNG, my mother’s name sound is JUNG with “G” sound, like “G”eorge. It’s about the word “MOTHER” in the name of M apOTHER, Tom Cruise’s last name. MOTHER is MOM, and MOM in Korean means “BODY or ANATOMY”. This is why they’ve been building for Carl JUNG to have meaning for 3AR sound of SANDRA OH’s Mother’s name of “YOUNG NAM” going BACKWARDS. This is why the syllable of “UN” is very important, the 3AR sound of “NEW” BACKwards. New ASS for Horny Jesus CHRIST HOR DIK JOSH WOLF in Catholic MAThemathics of making MONEY. JOSH WOLF is a sick SOCIOPATH. See SAN ANTONIO TEXAS connections.
EVERYTHING has been built based on CARL JUNG, connected to MY CHILDHOOD PICTURES and MY ARTWORK, which are all NATURALLY AUTHENTICALLY “SYNCHRONISTIC” with LEE MONTGOMERY. EVERYTHING about what THEY BUILT, is about meaning of KOREAN WORD JUNG Dung which means ASS in a sick disturbing ASS CONSPIRACY, where EVERYTHING is about BODY PARTS and ANATOMY, Because MOM is Mother, and MOM in KOREAN means “BODY”.
SYNCHRONISTIC events are events that happen Naturally, NOT MADE MADE or Built, which is Manipulation and Fraud, which is EVERYTHING THEY “BUILT”, for meaning of AUTHENTIC SYNCHRONICITY in MY LIFE, to BE and have meaning for SANDRA OH.
Here is Concrete Evi”DEN”ce of Robbing of My Parents Names WANG and MIN, for WOLF and PECORARO, like My Name and IDENTITY for SANDRA OH.
WANG is My Father’s ROYAL Korean Name to have meaning for JOSH WOLF who is a regular on CHELSEA Handler show.
MIN is My Mother’s Mai”DEN” name, to have meaning for Virgo Mai”DEN” psycho Constance MARIA Pecoraro.
Father WA “NG” LIO N KIN G
Mother “MIN” MIN connections
“NG” next to “WA” music, “DEN”nys, next to PAL O “MIN” O
PAL O “MAR” Hotel and robbery of My Parents names through CODES on Billionaire row
JOSH WOLF and “ROSS” and “DOR”ia Bathtime in IA “CCCC” connections
JOSH WOLF who is a regular on CHELSEA HANDLER Show
JOSH WOLF performing in “BAL” TI “MORE” in JULY 2013 and “4C day B4” meaning
this sick lying delusional fucking RAPING SICK JEW, JOSH WOLF, has nothing to do with “raping of my life” for 2 decades
Everything they built through CARL JUNG’s Name and Identity is connected to the word “COIN”, this word is more important to “THEM”, than what this man did in his lifetime. COiN, as in COPPER PENNY, “CP” Constance Pecoraro, to have meaning with JOSH WOLF “AIR” Libra METAL of “COPPER”, like his sign Libra STONE of “DIAMOND”, connected to “BO SUC” in Korean means DIAMOND. ‘BO’, connected to my pencil drawing from 1981 of Robert Guillaume who was Benson DU “BO” IS, the BUTLER to the Governor on tv show and meaning of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” Name SIGNature on this drawing of “SANDY” to be Constance Maria Pecoraro through her SCHOOL name of “SAN” Jose State, connected to Black CO”LOR” S”KIN” Dentist “Y.D”anielle Marquis in San Francisco in a “GROUP CONSPIRACY”.
COPPER METAL, meaning of “N” is for “NO RTH” Going BACKwards, and the word “ME N TAL”. When they BUILT through Street names, Business Names, through Numbers, Letters, Colors, CODES, etc, for meaning of MY First Artwork Collection from 1981 and 1982, meaning of My Pencil Drawing of ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 and My Name SIGNature to have meaning for Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ARTWORK, of MARY and JESUS CHRIST, it was built in also a “CONSPIRACY of MENTAL PROBLEMS”, for ME. This was in case if I ever came to Los Ageles, or “FIGURE OUT” HOW they’ve been slowly and secretly ROBBING from MY LIFE and MY ART, that this is what they would do, and they did it, and I figured it out. They did set up a TRAP for me, they FRAMED me, and WRONGFULLY LOCKED me in Jail telling me I had “Mental Problems”, when it’s really THEM who have SERIOUS SICK PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES.
North is the Face.
Penal Code 1370, states a person is MENTALLY INCOMPETENT to stand trial, which was their EXCUSE to keep me locked in Jail in 2009, with a bail amount of $3,430,000, telling me I had “Mental Problems”. 3/17 1997 is JACOB WOLF’s Birthday, as if by keeping me locked in jail, and CREATING RECORDS IN MY NAME with these sick numbers attached to it, as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in MY Leadership Training in 1997 LP “173”. JACOB WOLF’s BIRTH INFORMATION is extremely important, because his BIRTH is DIRECTLY connected to ROBBING of MY IDENTITY, MY Baby Pictures for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY. HE was “BORN ED” on this specific date in 1997, WHILE I WAS DOING THIS TRAINING, through INDUCED LABOR. 3/17 ST. PATRICKS Day is “GREEN” and it’s a I”RIS”H Holiday.
A person who’s lived a “normal” life for almost 40 yrs, doesn’t all of a sudden become a Car Thief, and becomes Mentally Ill, this is BECAUSE I began figuring out what they’ve been doing for 3 decades, and it’s the ONLY EXCUSE, the ONLY “SCAPE GOAT” for them, the ONLY thing they can think of, to “Escape” from the REALITY of TRUTH. THE TRUTH: TWO MENTALLY DISTURBED SICK PSYCHOCUNTS CONSTANCE MARIA PECORARO isn’t My Mother’s Identity, SANDRA OH isn’t MY IDENTITY and ARTSIT of MY ARTWORK, and JOSH WOLF isn’t MY Father’s Identity. EVERYTHING about FRAMING ME, RAPING MY LIFE and ROBBING OF MY PROPERTY, DOG JACK, RAV4L CAR, and my PRICELESS ARTWORK in 2009, is all DIRECTLY connected to these sociopaths in a GROUP CONSPIRACY, of Repeating CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES to Sabotage MY LIFE.
Reason why THEY MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE, because this is something that’s been going on for 3 decades, reason for MANY YEARS of HOUSING TERROR, all connected to LANDLORDS, in MATHemathics of making MONEY in supporting Psycho Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Art of Jesus CHRIST the “LORD”, sounds like L”ARD”, as in OIL, for “AO”, the TAO, sound of DOW Jones of making MONEY.
LORd LARd, OIL ART of Jesus CH “RIS” T with Horizontal RINGS around his Eyes “OO”, reason why Sandra Oh is CH “RIS” tina Yang on tv HOS pi TAL show “Greys Anatomy”, connected to ROBBING of MY John Hancock as in my Name SIGNature on my drawing of Black male actor ROBERT Guillaume from 1981 that Sandra OH has been claiming she DREW through her SCHOOL name of SIR SUR ROBERT BOR”DEN” high school in Canada for 3 decades.
“T”AO DAO of “DAVID” DOW JONES in MATHemathics of making MONEY as if Sandra OH was My Identity from BIRTH to PRESENT and everything in between, as if she is the Artist of my Artwork, done by MY “HANDS”, while they PREMEDITATE, PLAN, to HARM and Psychologically Abuse and RAPE MY LIFE, so that SANDRA OH can continue pretending, as if she is the Artist of my SECOND WATERCOLOR ARTWORK Collection, when everything has already been built through OIL Art of Jesus CHRIST by Constance Maria Pecoraro in a Group Conspiracy.
Pay attention this is important.
My Korean name is SIN WON. SIN “SYN”. The sound of my Korean name, said in Korean way of Last Name First, of Wang Sin Won, sounds like WASHINGTON. The SIN has a “SH” sound. My name is connected to First President George WASHINGTON, and meaning of My Birthday numbers 13 is a very important Repeating Number on the ONE Dollar Bill with George Washington.
Carl Jung coined the term SYNCHRONICITY, based on his experiences with his Patients. He was seeing a patient who was talking to him about BUTTERFLIES in her DREAMS, as she was talking to Carl Jung about this, A BUTTERFLY FLEW to the window where they were sitting. It was a SYNCHRONISTIC event.
This is WHY the meaning of MY Childhood pictures in 1970’s in Seoul Korea, of me wearing a BUTTERFLY HALTER TOP SHIRT with Red Shoes and Red Shorts is very important. I am standing in front of a Mountain in Korea. “SAN” in Korean means Mountain. This is connected to Lee Montgomery who lived at 20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA many decades ago, deep in the SANta Monica Mountains. I lived at this address for a few months in 2007. There are many NATURAL Synchronicities of me and Lee Montgomery, that they’ve “ROBBED” to have meaning for and BE SANDRA OH and JOSH WOLF through Constance Pecoraro’s Catholic Theme Oil Artwork.
BUTTERFLY in KOREAN is “NABi”. ALL BANKS are about creating meaning AS IF this childhood picture of me is SANDRA OH, for “BAN”ks. This is why SANDRA OH is sitting on a TOILET BOWL, a picture that was publically published, because EL “BANO” in Spanish means BATHROOM. Sandra “O” sound of OH is the NABi, Butterfly, My Childhood pictures.
COLOR of MONEY is “GREEN”. And the word GREEN is an anagram of the word NEGRO, AS IF SANDRA OH who went to SIR ROBERT BORDEN High School in Canada, “131 GREEN BANK” road, DREW my drawing of BLACK NEGRO ROBERT Guillaume in 1981. This SCHOOL CHANGED their SCHOOL ADDRESS to make “NUMBERS” FIT connected to JACKSON HEIGHTS NY ZIP CODE of “113 72”, where I grew up in the 1980’s when I drew this drawing.
This is what BANKING is about, it’s about creating meaning through words, numbers, images, colors, etc, AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in ALL My baby and childhood pictures, through Psycho “MOTHER” Constance MARIA Pecoraro and her Catholic theme OIL Artwork of MARY and JESUS.
Shirt is the “TOP”. Through words of CLOTHES I am wearing in this picture, Red “SHO”rts, Red “SHO”es, like the word “HOS”pital, they’ve been building meaning GOING BACKwards, for SANDRA OH, “SOH” as if she is MY IDENTITY in this childhood picture. For SANDRA OH’s ASS going BACKwards. Jung Dung in Korean means ASS, UN is the sound of “NEW” Backwards, a syllable in both my parents names, that they’ve been building to have meaning for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO. It is through Constance Pecoraro’s JC Jesus CHRIST eyes of “OO”, going BACKwards is Form of ASS, “JC” for “CJ”. The MAP of State of CALIFORNIA is BUILT GOING BACKwards through WORDS and NUMBERS all connected to CARL JUNG.
TOM BRIDGES who has the same LEO Birthday as me, Bridges My Parents with Pecoraro and Wolf, and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, because it’s about ASTROLOGY and it is the LEO SIGN that rules the Heart and “BACK”/Spine. This is why CANCER SIGN SANDRA OH, which rules the TITS the front of the body, NEEDS TOM BRIDGES, in their ASS CONSPIRACY of GOING BACKwards. He bridges his GAY LEO with 3AR sound of “OIL” Artwork of Jesus CHRIST.
CARL JUNG was a MALE. TOM BRIDGES is a GAY MALE. MARI CON in Spanish means FAG as in Gay. CONstance MARia Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK of a “GAY JESUS” with OO eyes, created to ROB the meaning of MY Name SIGNature, of MY “JOHN HANCOCK” on MY ARTWORK to have meaning for her. This is why Constance Pecoraro says she got her Art Degree from “SAN” JOSE State, why would you sign your school’s name on a piece of artwork you did. It’s the SAME reason why JOSH WOLF went to Trinity University in “SAN” Antonio Texas. TREEEE Nity.
EARTH Virgo MAI”DEN” I “TAL” Y Constance “MA” ria Pecoraro, sick disturbed White Cunt from East Bay, who thinks MY Mother’s Name of JUNG JA MIN has meaning for her, connected to all this “CARL JUNG” connections, it’s KAR “MA” ria BUILT IN. This is WHY MY LIFE was RAPED through “CARS”, where I was set up and framed, to AVOID THEIR OWN FUCKING “QAR”MA.
Tom Bridges BUTLERS, MAIDS, GARDENERS, Nannies, Cooks, etc, on BRIDGE”WAY”, “BOT TOM” Feeding sociopaths in a Carl Jung Dung Yee, ASS Conspiracy on Bridgeway Sausalito with Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro, who going to PRISON is a GIVEN.
Both my Parents Names have the letters of “UN” in it. UN HANG in Korean means BANK. They've built a P”EAR” B”OAT” Ass Conspiracy connected to KOREAN Word “JUNG Dung” which means Ass, and meaning of My Parents Names. So the meaning of UN HANG has become MATHemathics of making Money through P3AR shape HANGing ASS FORM, built through Jesus CHRIST on page “SAM” which is THR33 in Korean. EEARTH Virgo Mai”DEN” Constance MARIA Pecoraro, or EAR sound of P”3AR” Ass Form of Sandra “O”, because KOREAN Words are about Robbing the meaning of My Korean Name, My Parents Names, etec, for KOREAN Actress Psyc”HO” Sandra “OH”
CH “RIS” T “MAS”, Sam in Korean is number 3, to be about shape of ASS, in Tom Bridges “BT” Body Types of OIL Asses, connected to “LIO n KIN g”, built going backwards.
SAM, “MAS”CU.LINE, or FeMINine. CARL JUNG was a MAL.e. “THEIR” Subconscious is being brought FORTH “GLO BALLY”, as in MICH”ELLE” OBAMA P”EAR” Ass Form is a MALE with a DICK from the Front.
So this “LEAVES” a big KEN “Q”UESTion “UN”answered, which is who are MALIA and SASHA's Real Parents? Do the OBAMAS, who are “CF” Charlies Find, CLOSET FAGS in the WHITE House makes GRAYS Anatomy, have LEGAL ADOPTION PAPERS for their daugthers? PATTERNS of FRAUD DOCUMENTS such as Barack Obama's Fraud Birth Certificate, and his using of FRAUDULENT Social Security Number that belongs to a dead man in Connecticut. All connectec to Robbing of My IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH.
BANk has the syllable of “NAB” in it, and NABi in Korean means Butterfly. This is about Robbing of My Identity in my childhood pictures in Seoul Korea, Standing on the MOUNTAINS wearing RED SHORTS and a “BUTTERFLY HALTER TOP SHIRT” with RED SHOes. They’ve been building for decades, as if this picture of me growing up in South Korea is SANDRA OH, connected to the word “BAN”k and for MY Parents Identities to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO.
The word KARMA is neutral, it is nature’s balancing of ENERGY. So there is Good Karma and BAD KARMA. Theirs is BEVERLY ANGELA DAVIS “BAD” BIG BLACK SKIN PUSSY KARMA in “BEVERLY CONNECTIONS” of RAPING MY LIFE and ROBBING MY ART and PROPERTY.
This is why BRANDON LEE was in the movie ‘THE CROW’ in 1993, where he “accidentally” died. I personally think he was murdered because he knew too much. SYN “CHRO” NICITY. For TOM “BRID”ges, all BIRDS, with meaning of SE”KAL” which means COLOR in Korean, SE In Korean is BIRD, and KAL or CAL in Korean is KNIFE. What COLOR? GREEEEEN NEGRO Color connected to Psycho SANDRA OH and CONSTANCE PECORARO.
This meaning of Carl JUNG coined SYN CHRONICITY, is connected to why the MUSIC BAND “THE POLICE” who released their album “Synchronicity” in 1983, the year I graduated from St. Joan of Art Grammar School in Jackson Heights NY 11372 and WON a Pin Award for my pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume.
The singer became “STING”, Gor”DON” MATthew Thomas SUMner. See link below.
Copper Penny meaning connected to CARL JUNG is connected to ALL “Cvs Phar MACy”, “CP” with “MAC” as in “CAM DUNG Y” in it. Like all Y “MCA” across the nation. There is also a pattern, where ever you see CP in Businesses, you will see a pattern of a “CAM” nearby, maybe a “CAM”era store. These are all CODES in MATHemathis of making MONEY, connected to ROBBING of MY Parents Names for WOLF and PECORARO and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a “GROUP CONSPiRACY” spanning 3 decades, connected to the coded words of “BLACK COLOR SKIN” in Going BACKwards, as if SANDRA OH is My name SIGNature on MY ART, as if it’s the “NIK” of her name.
SYN “KROW” nicity.
WORK for MONEY to LIVE and Enjoy LIFE.
This is really important so pay attention. Look at the picture of me in “OLIVE GREEN” Coat in 1989 with my mother and my first boyfriend Stephen Garrison. SANDRA OH thinks she is MY IDENTITY IN ALL MY PICTURES especially these pictures next to the BROOK”LYN” BRIDGE and writings of Brooklyn “WORKS! OCT “5 7”. The syllable of “LYN” is very important, because it’s about the childhood picture of me and a black girl with an image of Janice Jop”LIN” in the picture. In the picture of me in 1989 next to BrookLYN Bridge, and through the word WORKS they’ve been building meaning of Syn “CHRO”Nicity sound of “CROW”, BACKwards for many years, Carl Jung “CJ” for Jesus CHRIST “JC”, OO form of ASS BACKwards, connected to MEANING of MY First Name SIGNature and MY PARENTS NAMES. This is called IDENTITY THEFT and “ART” THEFT. FORM of “OO” HC goes on RISTS.
This is the reason why they set up the very important address of “20360 Callon Drive TOPANGA” for me to move in April 2007. In May 2007, “5/07”, I had pictures taken of me on the TREE growing out on the Deck, Nude X Rated pictures. These pictures were all STOLEN from me, that was in MY LAPTOP stolen from Public Storage in July 2008, connected to Sandra OH on “GREY”S anatomy” and Psycho Mother Constance Pecoraro. Then they BUILT ARCHITECTURE DESIGN BUILDINGS Based on these X rated Nude Pictures of me, to BE SANDRA OH. The New West Hollywood New LIBRAY address of “625” San Vicente Blvd, which opened in “OCT”ober 2011, the old library was a building away on the same block at “715”. This is how PRECISE and Important “NUMBERS” are in MATHemathics of making MONEY through RAPING MY LIFE, like EXACT “TEN” Years of RAPING MY LIFE, April 1999 and April 2009. This is why “FRAUD IS IN THE DETAILS”, like GOLD DUST, two simple but very heavily loaded words that is going to “C” LOCK SANDRA OH LIFE IN PRISON.
See SHERYL “CROW” personally designed BAG of “TREE” and she Loves her “HOME”. SHERYL in “HER SHE Y’S” ChoCHAcoLATe Ass Pussy licking game, of RAPING MY LIFE for PECORARO “HER” and Sandra OH “SHE”, on gre Y’S anatomy of Ass Pussy Licking.
This is really important so pay attention. The PDC address is connected to MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. Directly across the street from PDC is the new WH LIBRA RY with new address number of “625”. The last 4 digits of my SSN is “6756”. 625 is “665”, what’s missing? “7”. Carl Jung’s birthday is 7/26 or 766, what’s missing? “5” in Korean is “O”, the sound of Sandra “OH” name. The TWO digits that are missing from Address of PDC and New WH LIBRAry is “7” and “O”, read above paragraph about this connected to MY ABSTRACT page ARTWORK. It’s connected to GLORIA LEE’S Birthday Number of “5/29” Going BACKwards and Upside down, so that through her Birthday numbers, SANDRA OH can have meaning in MY SOCIAl SECURITY NUMBER.
Not to be repetitive, but basically PDC address and WH Library address = MY SSN, except for 2 digits, of “7” and “O” which is IN MY ARTWORK in the connected building art of my Abstract page, building 7 with “O” and TRIangle, which they BUILT through the new WH Library structure “DESIGN” in 2011, since the ROBBERY of MY PRICELESS ARTWORK in 2009, so that SANDRA OH can be MY IDENTITY, AS IF she is the ARTIST OF MY ARTWORK.
See the "Brooklyn "WORKS" OCT "5 to 7" sign in my pictures next to Brooklyn Bridge with My Mother and My First boyfriends STEPHEN GARRISON. His Birthday is "5/27" AIR Gemini, his Year of Birth is "66", and My Mother's birthday is "6/2", AIR Gemini. Syn "KROW" Nicity, for meaning of CARL JUNG, meaning of MY Powerful Childhood pictures, My Powerful ARTWORK, My Korean Name, everything about ME, to be SANDRA OH, while they create "CONSPIRACY of TWO", through these Numbers of "5 to 7", same numbers as my Dog JACK'S Birthday of "5/27", to Premeditate to RAPE MY LIFE through Two Times to LA County Jail, "MH" Mental Health with Judge name "MA RIA" MA"RIA" Stratton, so that MY FIRST name of "SANDY*" on My Pencil drawing of Robert Guillaume from 1981, with "OO", to be SANDRA OH, through Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST the Son "CHA"rlie, the REASON why SANDRA OH is "CHRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy".
5/27 Stephen Garrison "AIR" Gemini. 5/29, GLORIA LEE AIR Gemini, what's the difference? "79", for MY Childhood pictures in SANTA MONICA in 1979, to BE SANDRA OH. Studi Study 'O" PEP "C" PUSSY SANDRA OH in 1999 and "GRAY SONS" Connections. This is why SANDRA OH MUST BE LOCKED IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
MY LIFE has been ROBBED, My LIFE was "RAPED" for this sick borderline Psychotic Actress SANDRA OH, so that she can be My Identity and ARTIST of MY SACRED ARTWORK done by MY HANDS.
It’s a SICK RAPING “NUMBER” GAME that has continued through creating meaning AS IF SANDRA OH is MY PORTRAIT Drawing through the “DATE”. FUCKING NUMBERS, literally. 2/06 is really 2 number 6’s, making 66, “O” in Korean is “5” = 665, what’s missing, WOLFgang Red “7”, for SYN FUCKING “KROW”nicity NUMBER IN MY PICTURE from 1989 next to Brook”LYN” BRIDGE, and OCT “5 to7”.
AS IF SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY in this 1989 picture next to BROOKLYN BRIDGE, while through Tom "BRIDGES" who has the same LEO Birthday as me, they've been building for 3 decades for Sandra Oh to be My Identity. SYN "KROW" nicity, "WORK", as in Spanish word "TRA BA JO".
TRA BA "JO", sound of "HO", TRA BA JO in Spanish means “WORK” or JOB, with the word “ART” in it BACKwards, all connected to Spanish word C “HO” CHA which means PUSSY in Spanish, connected to Constance Pecoraro's “ART” of “CHA”rlies Find, in ASS PUSSY Conspiracy going backwards, with Sandra “OH” name in it, like MAN”OS” is HAND in Spanish, in robbing of my John HANCOCK as in my name SIGNature on MY ART for Sandra OH, connected to COUNTLESS SICK SPICS in Los Angeles, from MexiCO, who's LIVES are BUILT on ROBBING of MY IDENTITY and MY ART for Psycho SANDRA OH. THEIR “JOBS” are all about creating meaning through Spanish words, as if SANDRA OH is My IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK, through Jesus CHRIST Art by Psycho Constance Pecoraro. And Sketches of her “No Name GIRL”, GIRL is “CHICA” in Spanish, connected to CHICA”GO ILLINOIS.
CHICA”GO” ILLINOISE, is directly connected to SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who is from CHICAGO, like CLOSET FAGGOTS The OBAMAS in the WHITE House makes “GRAYS Anatomy”, Gays Anatomy.
T “OM” Bridges “MO” Michelle Obama's BARREL DICK, in JOBS, for “BLOW LOW JOBBING”, connected to CHICAGO Sick Nigger SHONDA RHIMES who went to “D ART MOUTH” College.
Street name MATILI "JA" Ave, sound of "HA". Does Josh Wolf live at “4458” MATILIJA Avenue in San Fernando Valley? "JH" and "JH", for meaning of MY "JH" JOHN HANCOCK, as in My first name SIGNature on My ARTWORK, to have meaning for SANDRA "OH" and JOsH WOLF, in MATHemathics of making MONEY. The reason why PETER "HA" SON in NYC is very important, in the Business, "TRA BA JO" of MUSIC, everything about Peter HA SON and his connections to Music Industry is about creating MEANING for MY Parents Names, to have meaning for JOSH WOLF and CONSTANCE PECORARO, through their Astrology VIBE Number of "212", area code for NYC MAN HATTAN.
"BO SUC" in Korean means DIAMOND, connected to MY Drawing of NEIL DIAMOND from 1982, from the movie "Jazz Singer" to have meaning for JOSH WOLF AIR LIBRA, who's STONE is the "DIAMOND". SUC, as in Stand Up Comedian Josh Wolf. They have BUILT for Meaning of My First Artwork Collection from 1981 and 1982, to have meaning for JOSH WOLF through Constance Pecoraro's CATHOLIC THeme OIL ARTWORK, through her Jesus CHRIST OIL ARTWORK. They are FRAUDS and CON ARTISTS, Jesus CHRIST isn't My Artwork, Anatomy isn't my tv show. "OO" FORM of HC go on RIST.
OCCUPY AMERICA. "A, O" the TAO DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY, as if JOSH WOLF had meaning in MY Father's Occupation of having been a Musician and TEA CHER. "TEA" in Korean is "CHA" and it also means "CAR". For meaning of MY Father's Music Band from 50s "MORNING STARS" to have meaning for WOLF and PECORARO. AM is Morning, "CHA" means TEA and "KAR", KARMA Built in by default.
SYN "KROW" Nicity. WORK as in JOBS. “TRA” BA JO, like BA”NO” is the BATHROOM in Spanish, “WORK” in creating meaning going “BACKwards” for meaning of MY “ART” to be about “TH”robbing for SANDRA OH’s Plastic ASSSSterisK Implants BACKwards in RICHARD “BACH” connections, WORK in MATHemathics of making MONEY through creating “MEANING” for MY SACRED ARTWORK, to have been DONE by SANDRA OH, AS IF she was MY IDENTITY, while Premeditating for “Conspiracy of Two”.
TRA BA JO means WORK in Spanish. What is the name of Josh Wolf’s son JACOB WOLF’s Mother? Is it “TARA”? is she a VIR”GO” Like CONstance “MARI”a Pecoraro? TOM BRIDGES is a Gay male, he bridges “MARI CON”.
Same thing for Psycho VIRGO MAI"DEN" I "TAL" Y Constance Pecoraro, to have meaning in MY Profession of "DEN TAL" Hygiene, through Dentist Tom Bridges who has the same Leo Birthday as me. DENTAL, work in "MOUTHS", Tom Bridges B"LOW" JOB JOB JOB JOBBING JOBS, with "SUC" Stand Up Comedian JOSH WOLF, getting his DICK "SUC"KED in MATHemathics of making Money through are you "PI"ous "PY"ous and Horny for a Piece of the "PY", through Fucking Sucking JESUS CHRIST "CHA"rlie, JOSH MIC"CHA" WOLF, who loves CHO "CHA" which means Pussy in Spanish. Connected to CAP ri "CORN" the G"OAT" Sign of Black S"KIN" SHONDA RIMES, creator of "GREYS Anatomy", who went to "D" ART MOUTH College. It's about 3AR sound of ASSSTERISK, 3AR sound of "CORN" on the COB, and Tom Bridges "MOUTH", through Pecoraro's CATHO"LICK" OIL Artwork.
In order for MY IDENTITY, MY BIRTHDAY, MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER to have meaning for SANDRA OH, Psychotic Actress, they NEED ALL THESE PEOPLE, Licking her Sick ROTTEN AT THE CORE ASS Implant BAGS and her Rotten Pussy. As if Sandra OH was My baby pictures, my childhood pictures, my adult pictures, my identity, Artist of my Artwork, through Business Names on specific streets with specific address "NUMBERS" in "MATH"emathics of making MONEY through the RAPING OF MY LIFE and SACRED ART.
It’s about 3AR sound of words, of SANDRA OH who thinks the meaning of Carl JUNG has meaning for her, because her Mother’s name is YOUNG NAM, and JUNG and YOUNG sound almost identical. 3AR sound of CARL JUNG born in month of JU “LIE”, like SANDRA OH who was born in the Month of JU “LIE” CANCER Sign and metal of SILVER, who thinks MY BIRTHDAY of LEO born in AUGUST has meaning for her, through TOM BRIDGES Gay male Dentist who the same LEO Birthday as me of “8/13”. THEY BUILT IT. Like they built for MY Korean name, and for MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER to have meaning for SANDRA OH, dissected and then rearranged to “FIT” Sandra OH, as if she is MY IDENTITY.
625. 7/26. The numbers “62” and “26” are both the same with 6 is upside down of 9. What’s left? The numbers “5 and 7”. CONSPIRACY of TWO at this level of NUMBERS GAME, DESERVES LIFE IN PRISON FOR JOSH WOLF, CONSTANCE PECORARO and SANDRA OH.
This is why I retitled My Watercolor painting of “CARL JUNG”, in October 2012 to “OLD KARMA”. I didn’t realize how deeply they’ve been building on this meaning, created to RAPE MY LIFE, which they did.
CAR L Jung, connected to Callon Drive Topanga address, DRIVE a CAR ,reason why Constance “MA”ria Pecoraro modeled for a “FORD” MustANG CAR, connected to “MA” RIA and all “AIR” connections for “AIR” LIBRA Josh MI”KA” Wolf, EAR sound of Q ? KARMA built in.
This is 100% TRUE, this is why they are finding old texts, quotes, writings by CARL JUNG with specific NUMBER attached to it, and Republishing Books with new meaning. New book published in 2009, the “RED BOOK” on Carl Jung and his quote in 19 “57”. For he Coined the term SYN CHRONICITY, to have meaning for Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro and Sandra OH through the word Brook LYN “WORKS” OCT “57”, S “KROW” Backwards, writings in a picture of me in 1989 with My Mother and my first boyfriend.
Sandy Wang in 1989, BrookLYN “WORKS” OCT “5 to 7”
CARL JUNGS quote from 19 “57” republished in 2012
AN “DREW” connections
Sandra OH and “ANDREW” FEATHER”STON” weird connections
The “CROW” 1993
What I wrote above, connected to BrookLYN Works! OCT “5 to 7”, my first boyfriend Stephen Garrrison’s birthday of “AIR Gemini” 5/27, and meaning of SYN CHROnicity, is 100% TRUE. It is the REASON why the NEW RED BUILDING at PAC ific DeSIGN Center was given new address number of “750” written 2 times in front of the building. CHARLES “CO”HEN, owner of PACIFIC DESIGN CENTER, who has built his LIFE, connected to and supporting Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST Oil Painting of “CHA”rlie aka JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF.
new RED Building new address of “750” in 2013
See ARCHITECTURE and Street of SAN VICENTE Blvd meaning and meaning of Going BACKwards
AIR raping connections
All “AIR” connections they have built, is connected to “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rile, who is Horny for CHO”CHA” Going BACKwards and OO is Form of Ass. Going BACKwards of Jesus CHRIST, “JC”, was BUILT connected to “CJ” Carl JUNG, all and ONLY because JUNG JA in My Mother’s Name, and because “JUNG” in Korean means ASS in a Ass Conspiracy for meaning of My Name SIGNature of “Sandy” with OO made with letter “S” of my name.
CARL JUNG “COINED” the term SYN CHRONICITY, and in their sick game, it’s about ROBBING the meaning of MY Korean Name of “SIN” WON, through this word, created and set up to “PSYCHOLOGICALLY RAPE MY LIFE”, which they “DID DO”, Repeatedly.
Copper PENNY is important because CP Constance “MA”RIA” Pecoraro wants to have meaning in Carl JUNG connected to meaning of Korean Word JUNG Dung which means Ass. Which is connected to “PENNY” Road in TOPANGA, 20360 Callon Drive Topanga address where I lived in 2007 which is an very important address. CARL Jung, CARL “MA” built in.
Through “COPS” COPPER PENNY, the M.E.T.A.L. of SIGN of “AIR” LIBRA JOSH WOLF, they have built the “COP” Police Depts connected to this. “DE”GE in Korean means PIG, and Pigs are also known as the Police, it’s why Josh Wolf’s agent’s name is MATT Van”DE” WATER. WATER in this context is about an X rated Video Recording that was dubbed with a BIG OIL ASS, which is another form of Psychological RAPE. Then they DID ROB MY WATERCOLOR ARTWORK, for “MATT” MATHemathics of making MONEY through the RAPING OF MY LIFE and SACRED ART, connected to My Dog JACK, which began 3 decades ago, connected to MY ART which I did while growing up in JACKSON Heights NY in 1980’s. The entire United States GOV’T POLICE FORCE is built on Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC THEME OIL ART, created to ROB MY Parents Names, meaning of MY Name SIGNature on MY ART, and MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH in a GROUP CONSPIRACY, including the PRESI”DENT” of the US, Barack Obama, who MUST BE IMPEACHED and taken out of office in 2013.
They’ve been building on the number of “26” for many years connected to My Mother’s Birthday and her MAIDEN name of “MIN”. Like they’ve been building on the numbers 300 for many years connected to My DENTAL Hygiene school address in Brook”LYN” 300 JAY Street, to have meaning for Virgo Mai”DEN” I “TAL”Y sick psychobitch Constance Maria Pecoraro. This is WHY after I drew my Portrait Drawing in 2006, they’ve been building for MY PORTRAIT Drawing to have meaning for PECORARO or SANDRA OH, through NUMBER CONNECTIONS connected to SPECIFIC Peoples NAMES and BUSINESSES in MATHemathics of making MONEY . They’ve already built on the NUMBERS “26” and “300”, so they just continued building on it, for MY Portrait Drawing to be SANDRA OH.
The DATE on my PD is “2/06”, 26, what’s left? “O”, this is about the number “5” in Korean is “O”, the sound of Sandra “OH”, as if she is My Portrait Drawing through T”OM” Bridges My Mother’s name and birthday with Virgo MAIDEN Constance Pecoraro. “O” a circle, for all the circles from MY ART and MY LIFE Pictures, to have meaning for SANDRA “OH” because it sounds like her NAME, a sick disturbing IDENTITY THEFT PATTERNS GOING ON FOR 3 DECADES, reason for 2 Decades of HARDSHIP in MY LIFE.
What does CENT a Copper Penny have anything to do with “SCENT” as in Odor in AIR? Nothing, like FUR in Korean is “TAL” as in Hair, but has nothing to do with “FUR”niture Businesses. But this is about LINKING of NUMBERS and SYLLABLES in MATHemathics of making MONEY. Like what does the meaning of My First name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY Pencil Drawing of Robert Guillaume in 1981, have anything to do with “SCHOOL NAMES”? NOTHING, it was created to make it ‘FIT”. Because the POWERFUL meaning of NUMBER Connections in MY ARTWORK of Robert Guillaume from 1981.
CENT, the sound of MY CATHOLIC High School St. VIN”CENT” Ferrer to have meaning for SANDRA OH, AS IF she was My Identity through Constance Psycho Mother Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL Artwork, the reason why Sandra Oh is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. CENT, the sound of “SCENT” is “ODOR” carried by “AIR”, for all the “AIR” meaning from MY LIFE, to have meaning for SANDRA OH, through T ‘OM’ing with GLO”RIA” LEE “AiR” Gemini my catholic School classmate, betraying sick bitch, who’s entire purpose in life is to help ROB MY IDENTITIY and meaning of MY ARTWORK, My name SIGNature as in my “JOHN” Hancock for SANDRA OH. CENT, for everything they’ve been building on all STREETS Names in Los Angeles with the word “CENT” in it, like CRE”SCENT” Drive, CRe”SCENT” Heights, SAN VI”CENTE” Blvd.
All connected to SCENT is ODOR as in “AIR” LIBRA JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, LIBRA metal of “COPPER” connected to COPPER PENNY, Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlie, who is someone very closely connected to NAMES of MY Catholic High School classmates.
What does Syn CHRO sound of KROW, have anything to do with “WORK”? Nothing. You WORK for MONEY, built in Left to Right, and by default, you WORK at a JOB, and this must meaning Tom Bridges “D ART MOUTH” with BLOW JOBBING.
SIN WON is My Korean name, “SIN” sound is “SHIN”, but they've built for my SYNchronicity to also have meaning in my Korean name of SIN “WON”, sound of “ONE”, as in 1 Circle of “O” of my pencil drawing from 1981 of the Magnifying Glass with an Eye inside the 'O'. And for my Korean name to be and have meaning for SANDRA OH, built through Cedars SINai Hospital, where they've been building for 3 decades, as if this delusional psychotic actress is My IDENTITY and ARTIST of MY ARTWORK from 1981.
CARL JUNG’s Birthday is “7/26”. JULY LEO. EAR sound of JU “LIE”, for Sandra OH who was born in the month of JULY, but they've built it as if she was MY IDENTITY for LEO, through Tom Bridges gay male dentist who has the same LEO Birthday as me of 8/13, but different year. Everything is about the number 8, whether it's horizontal or vertical, NUMBER of MY MONTH of Birth of August 8, in My Korean Name of WANG written in Korean Characters, in MY American Name SIGNature of “SANDY” on MY Art from 1981. Sandra OH has no number EIGHT meaning, except for what they built through EYES of Jesus CHRIST “CHA”Rlies Find, reason why she is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey's Anatomy”.
They BUILT the meaning of CARL JUNG “Coined” the term SYN CHRONICITY connected to “JC” Jesus CHRIST OIL ART of Constance Pecoraro, in Going BACKwards “OO” is ASS. This is WHY they want MY WATERCOLOR painting I did in 2006, with “GREEN V”, and CHIN is “ASS” to be SANDRA OH or CONSTANCE PECORARO, because they’ve been building on this Carl Jung theme for decades, connected to MY Mothers name of “JUNG” JA MIN.
If you click on “ETZ JACOB CONGREGATION”, it is PROOF that CARL JUNG Birthday of “7/26” is connected to “JC” Jesus CHRIST and all Churches SYNagogues and Congregations.
THROUGH Constance Pecoraro’s CATHOLIC Theme OIL ARTWORK, they have BUILT as if SANDRA OH is MY IDENTITY through my classmates names, GLORIA LEE, GRACE NAVAS and CHRISTINA BERN ARDO. It’s why SANDRA OH is a disturbed sick gay psychobitch, who’s been Catholicking with GLORIA MARIA in Ass Pussy Her She Y’S choCHA game for 3 decades.
It’s why SANDRA OH was in the movie “RABBIT HOLE” in 2010, Rabbit is a HARE the sound of “H AiR”. SEE, SEA, “C”, LIE RA “C”, SANDRA OH IS GOING TO PRISON FOR LIFE.
Sandy Wang’s H”AIR” in form of “C” in 1985
Sandy Wang’s Portrait Drawing in 2006 “C” HAIR
Sandy Wang in OLIVE Green Coat in 1989 “C” Picture with Brook”LYN” WORKS! Oct “5 x 7”
LYN connections
MIN connections
SANDRA OH in OLIVE Green “14” finger pose and LYN connection
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s new “SUNNY” in 2011 and “5 X 7” connection of HAND “FRAMED”
with sick JOSH WOLF and SUNNY SUNGLASS “We Will ROCK YOU” “SWWC” Raping connections
CARL JUNG "COINED" the term “SYN”Chronicity. My Korean name is SIN WON, and sounds like SHIN Won. SYN SIN, letters I and Y sound the same in most words. PIous PYous JeSUS. When I was about 10 or 11, one of my favorite Piano Songs was from the movie “DOCTO ZHIVAGO” and my father used to play it for me on the Piano, it’s called “LARA’S THEME”.
They’ve been building on Carl Jung’s SYNchronicity because the meaning of all My Childhood pictures, MY KOREAN Name, My Parents Names, connected to MY FAC from 1981, of MY Drawing of Robert Guillaume, which were “SYN”chronistic with LEE MONTGOMERY, who was in the 1972 movie “BEN”, the reason why I drew the drawing of Robert Guillaume of “BEN”SON DU”BO”IS in 1981.
SIN WON. SIN CLAIR is the name of the “DOCTOR” on Barack Obama’s very controversial Birth Certificate. They’ve been building for meaning of all of the above, about MY LIFE, MY ART and MY “BOURNE IDENTITY’ to BE SANDRA OH. It’s why she is a “DOCTOR” “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy”. CL”AIR”. CH”AIR”, ST”AIR”, H”AIR”, “AIR”planes, for Sandra OH is MY Identity, all my baby and childhood pictures, connected to TOM BRIDGES My Parents Names with “AIR” Libra JOSH MIC”CHA” WOLF, and Constance MA”RIA” Pecoraro.
This is WHY JOSH WOLF says he is married to Bethany “ASH TON”, in the word W “ASH” ing “TON”. They’ve linked her NAME, to a Street name “ASH CROFT” in Los Angeles, sound of “KROW” FT. Her name is about, What is SANDRA OH’s Middle Name? PA “TREEE” SHA?? SHA, ASH ton.
DOCTOR ZHIVA”GO”. Constance Pecoraro’s No Name “GIRL”, Girl in Spanish is CHICA. CHICA”GO” is where Barack Obama’s Political career was built. Spanish words are very important in this, because of the number of Spanish speaking people living in Los Angeles, they have to make a "living" too, and know how to create "MEANING" through Spanish words. The MOST important Spanish word is "CHO CHA" which means PUSSY, which is connected to Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST "CHA"rlie, "OO" Rings around his eyes, connected to meaning of over LAP LAF ing "PF" Fuck Pussy, through Constance Pecoraro's FISH POLE little girl sketches.
SANDRA OH most certainly definitely isn’t my Identity, the Artist of My Artwork, and MY Korean Name.
Barack Obama’s Political Career was built based on the Powerful meaning of MY Pencil Drawing of BLACK male actor Robert Guillaume from1981, that Sandra Oh has been claiming she DREW, because she went to Sir ROBERT Borden high school. It’s the “GIRL” is CHICA in Spanish CHICA”GO” ILLINOIS connections of BLACK COLOR S”KIN” Conspiracy connected to SHO SHO SHONDA LYNN RHIMES who is from CHICA”GO” and went to D”ART MOUTH” College, connected to Vir”GO” Mai”DEN” I”TAL”Ian Psycho Constance Maria Pecoraro, in a GROUP CONSPIRACY to ROB MY IDENTITY for SANDRA OH, all connected to MATHemathics of making MONEY, while they Bully Terrorize and PSYCHOLOGICALLY REPEATEDLY RAPE MY LIFE and MY ART.
It’s a PEDOPHILE “RAPING GAME” of “No name GIRL” GIRL is CHICA, “SUNNY”, by Vir”GO” Constance PSYCHO SOCIOPATH PECORARO, that these Black Color S”KIN” Niggers are connected to through “CAP”ITAL GRILL R.I.M.E.S with CAPI”TOL” HILL, in TAO DAO DOW JONES of making MONEY through ROBBING MY IDENTITY and MY ART for SANDRA OH.
TARGET “CENT”in ELA Obama's office on “CENT”ina “ELLA” street
TARGET FONTAN “ELLE” ELLE, Fontan”ELLE” HER SHE YS Ass Pussy Pimping CathoLICKING Tom Bridges “GAY me”
SIN “CL” AIR Obama's FRAUDULENT Birth Certificate and Delivery DOCTOR name of DAVID “SIN” CL “AIR”
SIN CENT “AIR” is Odor like “SCENT”, on San Vi”CENT”e Blvd, DAVID Saperstein at Cedars “SIN”ai
JUNG Dung in Korean means ASS, My Mother's name is JUNG Ja Min. His birthday is 7/26 LEO. Carl Jung. CJ for JC Jesus CHRIST "OO" Eyes BACKwards in Thomas CHRISTopher Bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR sound of "OIL" Artwork by Constance MARYIA Pecoraro who thinks MY Mother's Name has meaning for her, like JOSH WOLF thinks my Father's name has meaning for him. JESUS CHRIST on page "3", 7 inch dik in P3AR B”OAT” Ass in PEAR rhimes with HAIR STAIR and CHAIR = 7/3/62 is THOMAS CRUISE MAPOTHER'S Birthday.
M "AP" OTHER. MOTHER, is MOM, and MOM in Korean means BODY, the REASON why Sandra Oh is on "Gre Y'S ANATOMY" and EVERYTHING is about BODY PARTS and ANATOMY. People's NAMES to have meaning for BODY PARTS, "SHO"ulder is attached to the ARM of MARia, Sandra OH and Constance MARIA Pecoraro in HER SHE CHOCHA CO LATE Pussy Licking GAME. Like People’s Identities and Names to have meaning THROUGH FOOD, as in CANNI “BAL” ISM. RAPING OF MY LIFE GAME in GREEN GREED GLUTTONOUS connections of MATHEmathics of making MONEY.
It’s 3AR sound of Jesus CHRISTina MAS, CATHOLICKing D”AIR”Y AIR, DERRIERE which means ASS in FRENCH. Tom BRIDGES meaning of My First name SIGNature of "SANDY*" with "OO" made with letter "S" of my name signed Sideways, and the letter "Y" has the "ASTERISK Key" attached to it, and through Constance Pecoraro's Jesus CHRIST Eyes of "OO", to be about FORM of ASS, going BACKwards, in Tom Bridges his Gay LEO with 3AR sound of "OIL". Cath LICK "MAT"hemathics of making MONEY, Lick or TASTE in Korean is "MAT". Korean Words is Wheel of Karma for Psycho Constance Pecoraro.
This is WHY MY DOG “FRENCHY” in my childhood CHRSTMAS picture from 1980 is important, French word for ASS is DERRIERE, sound of D”AIR”Y “AIR”, DARI “AIR” be”LOW”it the ASSTERISK, in a “3” P3AR B”OAT” Hanging Ass Conspiracy of GOING BACKwards connected to meaning of “LIO n KIN g”.
My childhood CHRISTmas picture from 1980, is the basis of why Constance Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST is on page “3”, THREE, in Korean is “SAM” in the word CH “RIS” T MAS. All connected to creating meaning GOING BACKWARDS, as if through Jesus CH “RIS” T OIL painting, Sandra OH is MY IDENTITY in my CHRISTMAS Picture with MY DOG FRENCHY. As if she is My John HANCOCK name SIGNature of “SANDY” going BACKwards on MY Drawing of ROBERT GUILLAUME from 1981, through her School name of SIR ROBERT BORDEN in Canada. This is WHY Sandra Oh is CHRISTina Yang on “GreYS Anatomy”. OIL goes on CANVAS and R.I.M.E.S with Seattle Mercy GRACE “NAVAS”, in IDENTITY THEFT, ART THEFT, LIFE THEFT by Sandra OH psycho actress.
YESHUA in Hebrew means JOSHUA, or “JESUS”. Sound of YES “SHOE” WA. Constance Maria Pecoraro’s jesus CHRIST “CHA”rlies Find JOSHUA MIC”CHA” WOLF. JOSH WOLF who is a “PY”ous Je”SUS”, is the “SHOE”, SHOW SHAW, the T”AO” Dao DOW JONES of making MONEY connected to Sandra OH on “Grey’s ANATOMY”.
CARL JUNG Coined the term Synchronicity. “CJ”. “JC” Jesus CH “RIS” T.
OO Form of HANDCUFFS go on W “RIS” T and R.I.M.E.S with CH “RIS” T. “SUR” SIR ROB”ART” and BORN IDENTITY. SANDRA OH High School name, being USED to “RAPE MY ART and MY LIFE REPEATEDLY”.
CHROME HEARTS “CH” EAR sound of SYN "KROW" NICITY, "COIN"ed by Carl Jung, like Copper Penny is a CENT, a Coin
EAR sound is how they RAPE, ROB, and then TWIST and Brain wash
CHROME HEARTS Business is on the corner hidden building diagonal from John VAR VATOS, “CH”, Jesus CHRIST with “OO” eyes on page “3” = 300 “38”
Top address of “870” MadiSON Ave is about MY SSN Numbers of “078”
Sandy Wang’s Catholic High School SVF in NYC, 159 E. 64th street is next to ST. VINCENT FERRER
HONOLULU Hawaii is about the childhood picture of me and MY Father with HAWAIIAN BARREL on the Upper Left
Sandy Wang’s drawing of “ROBERT” GUILLAUME from 1981, twisted through Business Names on “ROBERT” SON Blvd to have meaning for Jesus CHRIST the “SON” OIL ART by Constance Pecoraro
Reason why SANDRA OH is “CHRIST”ina Yang on “Grey’s Anatomy” in a Group Conspiracy
Reason why BARACKet”EEEEERING” OBAMA became the presi”DENT”, through FRAUDULENCE
SIN CL “AIR”, r.i.m.e.s with CH”AIR”, H”AIR” ST”AIR”
“AIR” connections
MAL ibu and LAS Vegas is about JOSH WOLF who “TALKS” for a Living at Las Vegas Clubs “MAL” in Korean means TALK
he’s a regular on CHELSEA HANDLDER Show
Thomas “C” HANDLER Bridges LEO who has the SAME Birthday as me
Bridges Constance Maria Pecoraro’s OIL and GLASS CATHOLIC Theme Artwork on “BRIDGE”WAY
Constance Maria Pecoraro’s OIL Art of MOTHER MARY and JESUS CHRIST
Chrome HEART “CH” Constance Pecoraro’s No Name Girl CAT and HORSE “CH” and “FISH POLE”
Constance Pecoraro’s Pedophilish New ‘SUNNY’ in 2011 Fishing Pole with HEART, Fuck Pussy PYous JeSUS
for MOTHER MARY on Ocean is the C HEL “SEA” with HEART foundation
Pecoraro’s Jesus CHRIST on PAGE 3 with “OO” Eyes = 300 or “38” or “CH”, meaning of “CH” O “CH”A is PUSSY in Spanish
summary of meaning of “CH” in the word “CH” O “CH” A, for T “AO” D “AO” of making Money
“CH”ICA in Spanish is GIRL, “CH”OCHA is PUSSY in Spanish, SANDRA OH PEPSI PUSSY in 1999
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