COntra COsta Scandal May 2011


Sandy Wang's FAC from 1982 and pencil drawing of BENSON DUBOIS, the BUTLER to the GOVERNOR
Sandy Wang's Registered Trademark and Midge BUTLER the Examining Attorny

Connie Pecoraro's BROTHEL connections on Bridgeway Sausalito new address in 2009
for "CRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy" SANDRA OH

NIK connections
KIN ARA Skin Care
OrgaNIC CO smetics on Western Ave in 2011
SonYa DAKAR Skin Clinic
Sandy Wang working in FLORida in 1992 and MATT SKINNER of IDA "HO"
Connie Pecoraro runs a BROTHEL on BRIDGEWAY
LIE RA "C" SKIN 2011


This article was written by JUSTIN BERTON, connected to LEOnardo DA Vinci Code of CHRISTina and JEANNIE BERNARDO sisters from my Catholic High School ST. VINCENT FERRER, connected to Connie Maria Pecoraro's CATHOLIC Theme of are you "PI"ous and horny to make Money. For TOM CHRISTHOPER BRIDGES all BIRDS and sounds of BUR BIR BLUBBER as in OIL.

Beverly Hills court on BUR TON Way. BERt Fields, entertainment lawyer to very big STARS like Tom Cruise in RAPING MY LIFE, for MY IDENTITY and ARTWORK to have meaning for Connie Pecoraro and Sandra OH, AS IF SANDRA OH drew all my drawings.

This is just an extension and another very disturbing SYMPTOM of CORRUPT Government Agencies connected to CO nnie Pe CO raro who was born and raised in the East Bay in Oakland. Pecoraro needs to be LOCKED in PRISON for LIFE, this sick bitch is behind every HORROR and TRAUMA intentionally CAUSED to MY LIFE, connected to SANDRA OH and TOM CRUISE, so that EVERYTHING about MY LIFE can have meaning for them.

Their NAMES and their BUSINESSES of CATHOLIC MAThemathics theme is connected to EVERYTHING I've been writing about.

"RICHMOND" Connection, connected to the name of RICHARD which RHIMES with LARD as in OIL, and sounds like RICH ART. Conected to Beverly Hills Court JUDGES RICHARD STONE, who allowed to me to be Wrongfully Detained in LA COUNTY JAIL in Summer of 2009, during this time, ALL MY ARTWORK, MY TOYOTA SUV, and MY DOG JACK were all STOLEN.

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