CHRISTopher GUY on Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills


CHRIST O PHER GUY is a high end FURniture Gallery on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills.

THOMAS CHRISTOPHER BRIDGES Jesus CHRIST, in Catholick MAThemathics of are you "PI"ous and horney to make Money. Businesses and Corporations with Specific people's names, to FIT Connie Pecoraro's CATHOLIC theme, the VEHICLE to ROB MY IDENTITY and the Powerful meaning of my First Artwork Collection from 1982 and my NAME SIGNature on a Pencil Drawing, for MY IDENTITY to BE SANDRA OH, AS IF she DREW my drawings.

"C" G, written BACKwards, for Jesus CHRIST on page "3" is letter "C". The reason why Sandra Oh is Doctor "CRIST"ina Yang on "Grey's Anatomy". HOS PI TAL, I TAL Y, JeSUS, what's missing? PY sounds like PI. TAL in Korean means FUR as in HAIR, and CHAIR, STAIRS, any word with AIR, for Tom Bridges My Mother with Connie MARY MARIA Pecoraro, my Father with AIR Libra Josh Wolf and MY IDENTITY with SANDRA OH.

Sandra Oh who wants MY PORTRAIT Drawing to BE HER, she is LICKING Connie MA"RIA" Pecoraro's P3AR B OAT ASS, through the Korean word MUHRI which means H"AIR".

Sandy Wang’s Childhood pictures

First Artwork Collection 1982 Pen Ink drawing of NEIL DIAMOND

Sandy Wang's childhood CHRISTMAS picture

Thomas CHRIST O PHER Bridges

Sandra Oh

Connie Maria Pecoraro's Catholic theme

Sandra Oh is UGLY


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